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Skype logins. How to find out skype login after registration or if you accidentally forgot

Greetings, my dear readers.

Have you thought about what to do if you can't remember under what name you logged into Skype? Where to run? Who to call? Hush, hush, no need to run anywhere. Today I will be a kind of guide to this terrible world of "lost data". I will tell you how to find out the skype login and where to look for it if you forgot.

What it is?

It's probably worth starting with this one. First of all, this is the name under which you enter the program. Other users will also see it. It is created during registration in the system and, unfortunately, it cannot be changed in any way.

What is it needed for?

It is primarily used for logging in. Without it - knock - don't knock, but you won't go into your office!

In addition, you will need to specify it to log into your account on the developer's site. Through the account, you can restore and change passwords, change your data, perform any actions with the system, for example, pay for your calls to mobile numbers.

So where to look for the "lost"?

The first thing you must check in this case is your mail. After registration, the data you provide will be sent by e-mail. Save them so that in case you forget something, you can simply check them on your inbox.

An easier option is to find your login in the program itself. For example, click on your name in the upper left corner.

After that, a window will appear on the right with a complete set of information that you entered during registration. There you will find what you are looking for.

That's all, my dears. I am sure that now you can easily solve any problem with the loss of information from Skype.

Oh, and one more thing: create simple and readable names and strong passwords.

And for today I say goodbye.
See you!

Skype login is an individual name to which your account in the program is linked. It can contain Latin characters as well as numbers. Picking one is not easy, because the Skype application is used by more than 250 million people and everyone has a unique nickname, so many options may already be taken. When coming up with something extraordinary, it should be borne in mind that the name must begin with a letter, not a number, and have at least 6 characters.

Create Skype login in new version the program is much simpler, because when you enter the mechanism automatically checks all registered users and if the selected name already belongs to someone, the system will immediately notify you. In this case, you can come up with a radically different word or add certain characters to the existing one (for example, a serial number).

This question is limited purely by your imagination, but the destination can affect the choice. account. So, if you plan to communicate with potential customers using a messenger, the nicknames “kisa” or “superman” are unlikely to be appropriate. There are several recommendations that you can use:

  1. Should not be confused Skype login with a first and last name (this data can be entered in Russian letters and separate fields are intended for them).
  2. It is not necessary to use your real data (it can be any word or phrase).
  3. If you choose to use real information, you can separate it with a hyphen, period, or underscore for convenience. In addition to full variations, you can also use abbreviated ones (initials and surname, first name and patronymic, etc.).
  4. Choosing a nickname, you should not express creativity: the result should be not only original, but also easy to remember.
  5. Remember that the login cannot be changed - this is the information by which other users can find you on the Skype network.

If you lose this information, you will not be able to log into your account, but the information is recoverable, so you should not worry too much if you encounter such a problem.

In order to recover your Skype password or login, you need to enter the address of your Email. This is the one mailbox that you specified during registration.

  • In the main window of the program, find the blue inscription "Can't sign in to Skype" and click on it.
  • Enter the registered e-mail, after which a message with a temporary code will be sent to the mail (note that the password is only valid for 3 hours). If there is nothing in your inbox, check for spam or junk mail.
  • In the message, click on the link or copy and open it in the browser.
  • After entering the code, you will see all the accounts associated with this mail. Select the one you need and restore access to it.

Login - a unique alphanumeric combination that is used to authorize a specific user. You cannot change it, unlike the nickname (contact name). How to find out your Skype username if you forgot it - further.

What to do if you forgot your login

What Skype username do you use to enter the program? The one you enter in the authorization form (the field above the password). Do not confuse login and nickname - nickname is a name, and login is an account. If the program starts on boot operating system, you can see the login by going to the "Personal user data" tab. So if you forgot it - it's not scary, because this information is not confidential - for the account owner and people from his contact list.

How to find your skype without leaving it

How to find out your skype if the program is already running? It's easy and simple - and you don't need to log out of your account for this - after all, the login is indicated in the upper right corner near the Skype sign. We circled it in red in the picture to make it easier for you to understand.

What else can be done:

  1. Click on the name to view complete list information available to other users about your profile.
  2. Change nickname - click on the name, make changes, click on the checkmark on the right.

We remind you that you cannot change your login - you can only create a new account. But in this case, you will have to transfer all contacts to it. See what phone numbers are listed on your profile - you might want to add new information or delete one that is no longer relevant.

Skype is disabled, and you forgot your login - what to do?

How to find out your Skype username if the program is turned off? The easiest way is to ask one of your friends to look and send it to you. Any person from the contact list can be viewed this information. This is done as follows:

  1. It selects your contact and clicks on it.
  2. The other user then goes to the "View Personal Details" menu.
  3. Your username will be displayed in the window that appears.

Important! If you registered in the program through Facebook or Microsoft, then the login will have the corresponding prefixes (live:, facebook:).

Everything on Skype is convenient and simple. If you have forgotten your login, then it will not take you much time to restore this information. The main thing is that you yourself can go to your profile, or have the opportunity to ask someone from the contact list to provide you with the relevant data. See for yourself!

Often users of this popular utility forget their login details. In order to restore access, you need to know either a phone number, or mail, or login. Let's figure out what it is and how to find out your Skype username.

Understanding the terms

In order to start a conversation about what a Skype login is and how to recognize it, let's first understand the terminology. Perhaps you are confusing login with nickname or login with email.

  1. Login - this is what you specify when you go to your Skype. Therefore, if you are wondering how to recognize your Skype, then you really need to find the word to enter.
  2. A nickname is what your contacts usually see. You can change it at your discretion at least every day. In order to find out your nickname, just look at the inscription below your avatar.
  3. An avatar is a picture or photo that you set for your contact. Available for viewing by your contacts.
  4. Contacts are all other users whose nicknames you have in your contact list.

The login is unique and usually consists of a combination of numbers, letters, and signs such as hyphens, dots, and so on. You can create your own word to enter, or use your email as it. For those who do not want to remember a lot of passwords and other attributes for logging into Skype, it is recommended to use the email address as the login word. Precisely because it often contains numbers, some users try to find out their Skype number, not their login.

The uniqueness of the word for entering the utility provides entry for only one user, but the nickname and contacts can be absolutely any and non-unique in relation to the nicknames of other users of the utility. Avatar can be set to your liking.

If you are on Skype

If your Skype does not start in automatic mode, then it is quite possible that you can forget your secret word if you do not use the utility every day.

If you need to learn it without leaving the utility, then just look at the sign of the utility itself - your secret word will be next to it.

The inscription that burns next to your avatar is a nickname that you can set at your discretion as many times as you wish. You can click on your name and a tab will open in front of you, which displays what other information is available for viewing by your contacts about you.

You can change your nickname in the information. To do this, stand on it and make changes by correcting it to the desired word. If you want to change the login word, then you will have to create a new account for this, you will not be able to do this in an existing one.

The phone of a person in the information about him is a priori available for viewing by any user of the utility from the contact list. You can delete it if you don't want any of your contacts to know it. You can also add your additional phone numbers.

Click on the "Show Full Profile" tab to make changes to the display of information about you.

If you can't sign in to Skype

If you don’t remember your authorization data and you urgently need to log into Skype, then this is a more serious problem. In order to find out the word to enter, you can ask your friends to go to your profile and see it in your personal data.

If you registered with Skype through a Microsoft account or, for example, Facebook, then the word for entering the program will most likely begin with the name of the service with which you registered: Facebook or Microsoft.

If you are a little versed in codes and programming in general, then you can try to find out your Skype in the following way:
1.Press Win+R and go to the "Run" window.

2.Enter "%AppData%" in the open field.

3. The “AppData/Roaming” directory should open, click on the “AppData” folder in it.

4.In the “Roaming” folder there should be a “Skype” folder - go into it and in the list of folders you will see a folder with the name of your login (we hope you recognize it).

If you are unable to find out your Skype username, then we advise you to contact the utility support service. The service responds within 24 hours from the date of the request. In your appeal, be sure to indicate the data you know about you (for example, phone, e-mail and other contacts that you indicated during registration). If the support service does not help, then you will have to create new account or write an angry letter to the official email address utilities.

This guide will cover two things related to the Skype login: if you forgot your login, and also if you need to find a person's login using the data you know (name, etc.). I will tell you some little things that will help you understand how to find out your Skype username.

In this article I will tell you how from the easiest to the most difficult and therefore you should start reading the articles first so that you don't take too much time to read this information.

If you sign in to Skype automatically

If you need to know the login from Skype when it loads automatically when you turn on your computer, then it will not take you long to find out your login.

So, Skype has loaded, open it and click on the area on the left, where you indicate your status. Your account information will appear on the right and in the top line your login will be shown.

If Skype does not download automatically, for example, on home computer, you can use another computer where it turns on automatically. This is, of course, provided that you use several devices where Skype is installed.

Finding a login on a computer

This method is suitable for those users who have already logged into their Skype from a computer or laptop. So, if you have a device through which you have already accessed Skype, then open your computer and go to C:\Users\Alexander\AppData\Roaming\Skype. In this folder you will find a folder whose name is your login.

This folder can also be opened in another way: "Start" - "Run" - enter %APPDATA%\Skype and press Enter.

In a situation where you reinstalled Windows or there is no access to this computer, then this method will be of no use to you, so move on to the next one.

The login is written in the email when you reset your password.

If software skype has not yet been downloaded and installed on your computer, you will have to go to the official skype website. . I talked about how to install Skype in the article: "". To find out your own, but previously forgotten Skype login, you need to click "Login" (located at the top right on the official website), then click the left mouse button once on the link called "Forgot your Skype login".

You can also use your Facebook accounts and Microsoft account to sign in to your account.

Next, enter your mail, which was indicated when registering a Skype account and click the "Submit" button. An email will automatically be sent to the email address attached to your Skype login (i.e. e-mail) containing all further instructions necessary to restore earlier forgotten login.

To successfully complete the recovery of a forgotten Skype login, you need to go to your mailbox and continue password recovery. After clicking on the link, a page will open in the browser, on which the Skype login you previously forgot will be indicated. This procedure is usually used to recover a password, but as you can see, you can also use it to find out your Skype username.

Email filter

If you use, for example, the Mozilla Thunderbird program or a service in which you can filter messages, then you can try to find letters that came from Skype support.

If you are not yet using client programs for working with mail, then I recommend that you follow the link and familiarize yourself with the settings and advantages of such programs: "". Now I will give an example of how you can filter by words. For example, we need to find letters in which there is the word Skype, thereby we will find old letters in which maybe your login is written.

So, select your mail on the left (if there are several), then enter “skype” at the top right. In the image below, you can see that the program has filtered emails and found several emails that contain the word Skype.

Now you need to go into these letters and see their contents. Below I showed you a screenshot in which my Skype login is written. When I did a password recovery, this message was sent after the whole procedure.

Conclusion: if you did a password recovery, then perhaps there is a message in your mail in which you can see the login from Skype.

I talked about password recovery in the article: "".

Skype support to find out your username

It was described above how to find out your login on Skype, as well as find a user in the Skype system. But if this does not help you, then use this section of the article. The official website has a list of resources that you can refer to to clarify any problem. It is important to understand that this is not a magic wand and it may take time to get help.

There is one unpleasant moment - the site interface will be on English language. But if you need old login, which you cannot remember, then I think that this problem will not be a wall for you in solving it.

Search for the login of the right person

To complete the article, I will briefly tell you how to find out the Skype login of a person by search. You can also use this method when you forgot your own Skype login! First of all, download the program and install it on your computer. Link to article about skype installation is a little higher.

After installing the program, go to Skype by entering your password and login. On the left you will see a window with contacts (all available contacts are divided into 2 groups: contacts and recent). Just above the columns with contacts, you can find a search bar with a small magnifying glass and the name "Search". This is where you have to enter known information about the person you are going to find in the Skype system.

Before starting the search, click on the little man button with a plus and type in the name and / or email address of the person you are looking for in the search bar.

Once you have found the Skype username of the person you need, click on it with the left mouse button and on the right click "Add to contact list". I talked in more detail about searching for contacts in the Skype system in: "".

If you get an error when signing in to Skype: