Computers Windows Internet

Remote administration. Remote Access Methods Local Users and Groups Editor

There are three methods for connecting a remote user or company branch to a company LAN (Figure 9.4). Terminal emulation is a method in which a remote terminal user, using special software, connects over a wide area network to another computer, as a local node. This method is often used on mainframes and minicomputers, but is not common on a LAN. Remote control is a method that allows a remote user to take control of local PCs on a corporation's LAN (i.e. control one of the PCs on the LAN). The speed of the session and its capabilities depend on the characteristics of the managed PC, since it is on it that all network commands are processed. Key codes pressed on the remote PC are sent to the controlled PC, and all changes on the screen of the controlled PC are displayed on the screen of the remote PC (Fig. 9.5.). The files and applications used are not downloaded to the remote PC. Transmission via modem at a speed of 2400 - 57600 bps. Disadvantage of the method: two PCs are involved to perform one job. The remote node method is based on the use of a remote access server, which serves as a kind of "regulator" and allows a single remote PC or LAN to communicate with the central LAN. Remote PC software, which implements the functions of a remote node, allows it to function as a full-fledged user of the LAN. Such software can be Windows 98, NT WorkStation. Once the connection is established, the telephone lines become "transparent" and the user can work with all network resources as if he were sitting at a PC directly connected to the LAN. The remote access server can be implemented: - in the form of a modem with built-in special software; -or be a LAN server on which the programs of the remote host are executed (Fig. 9.6). It is desirable that, in addition to the network system software, the remote PC contains all the application software required for the communication session: all executable (*.exe) files; required Windows applications. Otherwise, they will need to be transferred from the network server to the communication channel. Since they usually have large amounts of data, this will require a significant investment of time. Like every full-fledged LAN user, a remote node has its own network address. The network operating system converts network packets to be transmitted via the modem from the IP or IPX protocol format to a format compatible with the serial transfer standard. With the advent of more and more programs that support the "client-server" architecture, the trend towards software for remote sites is increasing, since such programs allow you to process large data files on LAN servers, and only transfer the results of processing to a remote PC.

Work processes in a modern office do not stop for a minute. Requirements for data processing and output force local networks to work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. And of course, not a single person can withstand such a schedule. The tasks that modern computer systems and networks solve are enough to dismiss failures and breakdowns. Therefore, developers back in the early 90s of the last century came up with tools for remote control of processes on a local network and on specific computers. The administrator does not have to be in the office day and night, in order to diagnose and monitor the network, it is enough to have access to it from a home computer. This is how the term remote administration appeared, which is now widely used by our company in ensuring the operation of customer networks.

Remote administration tools are divided into two categories - hardware and software. Already based on the name, it becomes clear that the first remote administration tools are equipment with which you can manage a remote server or computer. These devices include the most common KVM switches that have Internet controllers and allow the administrator to remotely enter the local network via the Internet. Or combined external remote control boards, with the help of which full system administration is carried out with the ability to control via the same Internet or via FTP protocol. The meaning of hardware management is physical intervention in regulating failed processes, up to reinstalling operating systems on a computer or server. The second group, which allows remote administration of computers, includes specialized software, with its help, remote diagnostics and network management are carried out.

We have already noted that remote administration via the Internet is most often used, such opportunities are already provided in the server operating systems themselves, such as, for example, windows server and the like. In fact, today there is a huge variety of software that allows you to perform the functions of remote administration of local networks. As a specific job, remote administration performed by our company is included in the package of subscriber services for office local area networks.

How does the remote administration system work? Our specialist, having launched a special software environment, goes to the server of the client's company and tests the equipment of the local network. Noticing the presence of errors or failed processes in the reports, he immediately, using hardware control, corrects the situation or reports information about the error to the duty team for immediate departure and fixing the problem directly at the client's office. Thus, it is possible to prevent a failure or even shutdown of the system at an early stage, which undoubtedly saves running processes from destruction and saves the "life" of the local network.

Remote system administration is widely used by us to perform specific tasks set by the client, such as, for example, monitoring production discipline and compliance with the work schedule at the enterprise and, which is very important, to ensure the information security of partners. Timely detection of malicious processes caused by outside interference, or omissions of anti-virus software, is also possible in the process of remote administration of the local network.

A separate option of the services provided by our company is the administration of the web server.

Thus, thanks to the possibility of remote administration of the local network, we manage to influence a number of negative factors that can cause damage to the client's enterprise. By concluding an agreement with our company for remote administration of the office local network, you thereby secure your IT park from sudden failures and other unpleasant problems. The terms and price of the issue are reflected on our website, in addition, you can clarify the nuances you are interested in with the customer service manager by calling the contact number provided there. Remote administration is a modern and complete scheme for monitoring the quality of your local network and the equipment installed in it.

In combination with scheduled routine maintenance of the computer park, you will receive a very effective tool for influencing the situation on the network, close to 100%. We provide support for networks running on a wide variety of hardware and operating systems. The specialists of our company are competent in all matters related to remote administration and protection of networks. In addition, we will help you select and install equipment and software, if necessary, for example, when expanding the technopark, develop options for arranging several remote workplaces. An integrated approach to working in the IT field allows us to offer our clients a full cycle of IT services - from installing equipment and organizing local networks to painstakingly monitoring the continuity of their work. Importantly, we use a very flexible pricing system and a large list of discounts and bonuses for our customers. An individual approach allows us to analyze your needs and offer the most effective scheme of interaction and provision of our services.

At the present time building a local grid in the office or at the enterprise - a necessary event that allows the team to function as a single organism.

Our experts in multitasking will perfectly cope with any emerging problems. They will timely and reliably, without interfering with the work of the office, carry out a set of measures to maintain the technopark in a normal working condition. Quality assurance is our business card in the world of IT technologies. And we achieve success only thanks to the successful work and prosperity of our clients.

Remote administration programs

At the moment, a large variety of software has been created in the IT space for the remote administration of local networks and computers. Such programs are provided by developers of service software for server stations, for example, the well-known Remote Desktop (remote desktop control) program for remote administration of computers from Microsoft. The most popular among specialists are such programs as: Anyplace Control, VNC Personal Edition, Radmin, Hamachi - a free program for remote administration. It is unlikely that any of the system administrators will undertake to argue that this or that program is the best remote administration program. This would be unfair to other developers. All of them strive to make the most effective product. The solution for obtaining remote access via the Internet, in our opinion, lies in a combination of a virtual network (VPN) and remote administration utilities. A virtual network, for example, is very easy to create using the free Hamachi program. Wireless Internet has opened up additional opportunities for remote administration and control over the local network as a whole. Powerful wireless controllers can create up to 100 network access points. For such schemes, special software applications are also being prepared today.

Remote administration in a WINDOWS environment

The lion's share of server software in Russia is occupied by Microsoft with the windows server product. Windows Remote Administration will allow IT administrators to manage roles and features from a remote computer, monitor and update the operating system, and test hardware. It is necessary to set up remote administration of Windows 7 already at the stage of including a computer unit in a local network managed by the Windows server package. On Windows Server 2008, remote administration is performed using Server Manager. It allows you to support three main scenarios: server-server, server-server core, client-server. Server Manager's remote management capabilities are provided by Windows PowerShell technology. With the help of the manager, administrators get the ability to configure the server and manage system information, receive information about the current state of the server, detect failures in configuring server roles, and maintain the system in real time. In addition, security features are traditionally enhanced in Windows server, which allows you to pay special attention to information protection.

Remote administration over LAN

Carrying out remote network administration on the Windows server platform, today it allows you to control the local networks of remote offices. In the implementation of this model, scenarios are thought out in advance with the possibility of the least use of Internet communication channels due to their weak bandwidth. Particular attention is paid to the security of branch servers. The system provides IT professionals with the ability to perform remote administration on the local network, using more flexible options to meet the specific needs of organizations. The developers have implemented a number of tools that have simplified the process of remote administration. Changes have affected the Active Directory directory service, which implements read-only domain controller mode, BitLocker encryption, role differentiation, and installation of server core components.

The main benefits for branch offices implemented in Windows Server 2008 are due to the increase in the efficiency of server administration in remote offices, reducing their vulnerability, fine-tuning the channel bandwidth for Internet connections.

Remote administration of servers

Windows Server 2008 gives IT professionals the tools they need to remotely administer a server or group of servers from a central location. It introduces a new version of the Server Manager Console that greatly simplifies the management and security of many server roles. The console allows you to configure the server and manage system information, obtain information about the current state of the server, detect problems in configuring server roles, and manage all the roles installed on the server. The Server Manager Wizard greatly simplifies server deployment tasks while reducing the overall process time compared to previous versions of the Windows Server OS. Most common configuration tasks, such as configuring or removing server roles, defining multiple roles and their services, are completed in a single session using the Manage Server Wizard. Remote Server Administration Tools make extensive use of the Windows PowerShel environment.l Administrators automate frequently performed tasks, which greatly reduces the process of analyzing and processing information.

Remote administration of Linux and Ubuntu

Remote administration functions are also implemented in other operating systems. So we carry out remote administration of Linux using OpenSSH tools. This is a whole set of programs that allows you to implement remote administration. To further configure the network and system services in this operating environment, a number of programs are used, such as YaST or Nomad, which provides access to the remote desktop (analogous to Remote Desktop). Remote administration of Ubuntu is carried out thanks to a specially developed set of Ubuntu Server. It uses the popular OpenSSH applications, as well as the cross-platform framework Puppet, a small business Linux server called Zentyal, which can be configured as a communication server, just like Linux.

In addition to the above models of remote maintenance of servers and local networks, we use multi-system solutions in our work. Due to the fact that most remote administration software solutions are also designed to work in different environments, we can choose an individual and relevant administration scheme for your office.

Windows-based network administrators are more familiar with the shortcomings of the operating system's built-in remote management tools. Despite some progress in their development in terms of improving command-line utilities and providing remote access to servers through a graphical interface (Windows 2000 Server Terminal Services), the limited functionality and degree of security they provide leave a wide scope for the activities of independent developers.

In turn, remote management packages such as Netopia's Timbuktu or Symantec's pcAnywhere place relatively high demands on the hardware to maintain the required level of performance. It is known that in the process of exchanging information with a remote machine, the lion's share of the channel bandwidth is spent on the transmission of traffic associated with the operation of the Windows graphical shell. In addition, such programs are quite expensive, and with an increase in the number of jobs, the price increases. Under these conditions, Famatech's Remote Administrator (RAdmin) is a real find.

Beginning of work

The program is surprisingly undemanding to hardware - computers based on the Intel 386 processor, equipped with 8 MB of RAM, with Windows 95 installed are declared as the minimum configuration. The TCP / IP protocol must function on the network. If you are using Windows NT 4.0, you must install SP4 or a later fix pack. To install, the user must have administrator rights (Windows NT/2000).

The program consists of two components - a server part on each managed computer and a management module on the administrator's machine. The program is designed to work in Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows 9x service mode. To install, you need to unpack the archive, run the Setup.exe file and follow the instructions. When the installation is complete, a group will appear in the menu of the Start button (Start) with elements for starting the server and client parts, accessing the settings and the help file.

It should be borne in mind that simultaneous access to the video capture driver from several programs can lead to the destruction of the system during the boot process. Therefore, Windows NT users who want to use the RAdmin server with a video capture driver should disable other remote access programs that use this technology (NetMeeting 3.0+, SMS, Timbuktu). An alternative solution could be to disable the driver from the command line using the key, namely: r_server.exe /uninstalldrv.

Remote installation of RAdmin

The administrator of a large network, of course, needs to be able to install the server part of the program over the network. This process is easy to automate with a script (see Listing 1 for an example). The script creates a temporary network drive, copies the RAdmin server files to the Windows system folder, installs RAdmin as a service, saves settings in the registry, and deletes the network drive.

Listing 1. Script to install RAdmin over the network.
net use z: serverd copy "z:install admin _server.exe" "c:winntsystem32 _server.exe" copy "z:install admin addrv.dll" "c:winntsystem32 addrv.dll" copy "z:install adminadmdll.dll" "c:winntsystem32admdll.dll" c:winntsystem32 _server.exe /install /silence regedit.exe /sz:installsettings.reg net use z: /delete

For a specific application, it is enough to substitute the real values ​​​​of the paths to the files. When running this script under Windows NT, the user must have administrator rights. The settings.reg file contains the necessary settings. To generate such a file, you need to do the following: set the necessary settings on one of the computers (more on the settings will be described below), using the "RAdmin server settings" item of the Start menu, and then export them using regedit.exe to the settings file .reg for future reference. The settings are located in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMRAdminv2.1Server section, and their exact purpose is described in the program documentation.

Connection options

If the TCP/IP protocol is used, it does not matter whether the computers are connected by a high-speed local area network, connected to a local area network via a modem, or via the Internet. In the second case, RAdmin does not work with a modem, but with a TCP/IP connection, which is configured through the "Remote Access" module. On the server side, a remote access server is installed, and on the client side, a network connection is established through a remote connection configured to work using the TCP / IP protocol. When the connection is established, the IP address of the remote server from the connection properties (or from the "Connection Monitor" in the "Control Panel") is used for the RAdmin client. To establish a connection over the Internet, it is enough to know the IP address of a remote computer. If the provider has allocated a static address, you can use it. If the address is assigned dynamically, then there are two options: inconvenient - to determine the address after connecting to the Internet (you should use ipcofig.exe or the tooltip of the RAdmin icon) and transfer it to the client computer, and convenient - to resort to using dynamic DNS services (for example, dns2go .com). The principle of operation of these services is to bind a changing ip to a fixed dns name allocated by the service.

Establishing a connection

Establishing a connection is not difficult. You need to run the RAdmin server on the remote computer; an icon will appear in the system area of ​​the taskbar (if you want to hide it, you must select the appropriate mode in the settings, as shown in Screen 1). In addition to letting you know if RAdmin is loaded, double-clicking on it opens a list of current connections, and a tooltip shows the computer's IP address.

Finally, the moment for which the previous part of the article was written has come: from a local computer, you can control a remote machine. What opportunities are open before us?

You can view the screen of a remote computer in a window (see Screen 3) or expand it to full screen. The window is resizable, which allows you to arrange multiple windows on the screen so that they do not overlap, and control multiple computers almost simultaneously. I admit, the greatest surprise at this moment is the speed of work. Even without any tricks, with default settings, working with the program in full-screen mode can be misleading, because it gives the full feeling of working at a local computer (when using video interception technology under Windows NT, the screen refresh rate can reach several hundred frames per second) . High speed of work is certainly not an end in itself, but it undoubtedly increases labor productivity.

A certain convenience lies in the ability to switch the output mode between full screen and windowed modes right on the go. The F12 key is used to cycle through normal, scaled, and full screen modes. Obviously, when the screen of the remote computer is larger than the local one, the normal view mode (in 1:1 scale) is not suitable - one should use output to a window or full screen of the local computer. In the event that the modes set in the screen settings of the local and remote machines are the same, the thumbnail image in the window looks worse than the full-screen "picture". In addition, the absence of the need to scale the image has a positive effect on the speed of work. The influence of other factors on which speed depends is described in the sidebar "Caught by speed".

RAdmin allows you to share files with a remote computer using an interface similar to Windows Explorer (see below). Screen 4). The file transfer window supports drag and drop and all basic file manipulation. You can rename or delete a file, create a folder, view the properties of an object. Users who frequently receive and transfer files will appreciate the automatic resume transfer feature (introduced in version 2.1). The process of transferring large amounts of data is conveniently monitored by a progress bar. The choice of habitual modes of sorting and a kind is provided.

If you configure a local printer to be shared on a Microsoft network and install it on a remote computer, you can send print jobs there from the remote computer from applications launched with RAdmin.

It provides for remote reboot and shutdown of the computer, end and start of a new session (the last two options are possible if the RAdmin server is running as a service).

Another advantage of the RAdmin client is that it can be used to transfer hot keys to a remote computer without problems, including system keys. For example, if you want to send a Ctrl-Alt-Del sequence to a remote computer, you should use the menu item of the connection window "Send Ctrl-Alt-Del". Just keep in mind that this feature will work only when connected in full control mode and when the RAdmin server is running in system service mode under Windows NT.

In addition to file operations, there is another procedure that can be useful while working with a remote computer - this is the exchange of data between applications on the local and remote machines through the clipboard. To perform such an operation, you need to select the fragment of interest in the window of the local or remote computer and copy its contents to the clipboard in the usual way (for example, press Ctrl + C or use the corresponding edit menu item). Then, depending on the direction in which you want to transfer data, you should select the command "Set buffer" (transfer data to a remote computer) or "Get buffer" (receive data from a remote computer). The contents of the clipboard have been transferred. Now you can use it as usual, i.e. go to the desired application and paste (for example, using the Ctrl + V command).

If used on a Windows NT or 2000 server, telnet access is possible (unfortunately, due to the limitations of the system itself, it is not possible to telnet access to a computer running Windows 95/98).

Other connection cases

If it is not possible to directly connect to the desired computer, you can resort to the "Connect via ..." mode in the same connection window (see Figure 2). You need to enable the mode and select from the list the address of a host that has a TCP / IP connection with the desired computer. Of course, the RAdmin server must be installed and running on the intermediate computer. The described technique can be used if the connection to the network is carried out through one computer, and another machine is to be administered. Another example is a local area network where only one computer has direct access to the Internet. It is enough to install the RAdmin server on this computer and you can connect via the Internet to other computers on the local network. If you work through a proxy server or a firewall, you should open the port for RAdmin requests (port 4899 by default). If for some reason it cannot be opened, you should try to select a different port number for the connection that is open on the proxy server. The addresses, port numbers, and modes that can be specified as command line options are described in the sidebar "Some Command Line Options."

Safety is the theme of the day

The best remote control software will not touch the heart of an experienced administrator if its use breaks a hole in the network security system. How is the case with RAdmin? The developers were aware that a program that provides ample opportunities for working with a remote computer can automatically make the system more vulnerable. That's why RAdmin 2.1 supports Windows NT/2000 security. You can explicitly assign remote access rights to only one user or group of users. To enable Windows NT/2000 security, you must enable Use NT Security in the Remote Administrator Server Setup window, and then click the Permissions button. In the "User Permissions" window, access rights are set

to the RAdmin connection. You can allow or deny connections of various types based on NT's security policy. There are five access options to choose from: "Redirect", telnet, "Census of files", "Full control" and "Browse" (only viewing is allowed).

If Windows NT security support is disabled, then access to the remote computer is protected by a password. Authentication is based on a confirmation challenge scheme (the same method is used in Windows NT, but the key length used in RAdmin is longer). All data transmitted between computers (screen images, mouse movement, keystrokes) is encrypted with a randomly generated key. Due to the high speed of this algorithm, the reduction in transmission speed is almost imperceptible (developers estimate it at 5%). If you enable logging, all user actions will be logged to a log file. To restrict access from the outside, the RAdmin server uses a table of IP addresses. In this table, you need to specify only those addresses of hosts or subnets for which you want to allow access. And, finally, the final touch - RAdmin software modules are equipped with protection against modification (infection), based on code self-testing.

Parallel course

While this article was still underway, a new, improved version of Remote Administrator 3.0 was in the final stages of development. According to the developers' plans, it will include a video capture driver for Windows 2000/XP and other novelties: for example, the keyboard lock and screen mute function, as well as audio chat. Registered users of previous versions will be able to upgrade their copies of the program for free.

Georgy Filyagin is a software developer who writes articles and reviews for computer magazines. He can be contacted at: [email protected].

Captured by speed

The speed of the remote administration program is one of the objective indicators that reflect the convenience of its daily use. Obviously, a program that introduces a minimum delay between actions on the local machine and their implementation on a remote computer is perceived as faster. This is why using command-line utilities for administration is preferred over GUI tools familiar in other areas. I want to give some advice in case someone is dissatisfied with the speed of RAdmin in specific conditions.

The fastest speed is achieved if the remote computer is running Windows NT with the video capture driver installed. As an additional benefit, in this case, we can note a significant reduction in the processor load of the remote machine. If the video capture driver is not used for any reason, optimization should be performed. First you need to set the value of updates per minute, say 30-40 (for a modem connection - 10). Then you should remove the wallpaper from the desktop of the remote machine, set the minimum number of colors - 16 for the window in which the remote desktop is displayed. Lowering the resolution selected on the remote machine will help. You should switch (at least for the period of intensive work) to a reduced mode, say 800x600x16. Keep in mind that many modern video adapters run faster at 16-bit color than at 8-bit, so 800x600x16 will probably give better results than 800x600x8.

Some command line switches

/copyphonebook- converting the address book of the old version

/connect:xxxxx:nnnn- connect to xxxxx server, port nnnn

/through:xxxxx:nnnn- connect via intermediate server xxxxx, port nnnn

By default, the connection mode is "Full control" (see the remote screen, control the mouse and keyboard).

To set other connection modes, use the commands:

/noinput- view mode

/shutdown- remote computer shutdown mode

/file- file transfer mode

/telnet- telnet mode

In the "Full control" and "View" modes, the following keys matter:

/fullscreen- select full screen view mode;

/hicolor- select 16-bit color mode;

/locolor- select 4-bit color mode;

/updates:nn- set the maximum number of updates per minute.

/unregister- delete all previously entered RAdmin keys;

/? - show the help window.

In addition to those listed, there are keys for managing the RAdmin server from the command line, which can be found in the program documentation.

Official name:

Remote Administrator

Version: 2.1

Manufacturing company: LLC "Famatech"

Price: 750 rub. on two computers (for citizens of the CIS).

1.6.2 Remote administration tools

Previously, remote administration programs were needed only in enterprises where one person has to service dozens or even hundreds of computers located in different rooms and on different floors. Today, their scope is much wider.

Firstly, in many apartments there is more than one computer, and a network is stretched between them for faster information transfer. If the computers are in different rooms, then the remote administration program makes it possible to work on two PCs simultaneously.

Secondly, as a rule, people constantly work with two computers - home and work. Remote administration programs allow you to monitor what is happening on another computer over the Internet.

Most remote administration programs consist of two parts - a server and a client (also called a viewer or viewer). The first is installed on a remote machine, that is, on the one that needs to be controlled. The client part is installed on the computer from which you plan to control another PC. In order for the client to work, the server part must be running on the remote PC, therefore, when installing on a remote PC, it is better to immediately place the program in "Startup".

In addition, if a firewall is used on computers, it is imperative to create an application that allows remote administration applications, otherwise the firewall may decide that the connection to the PC is an outside attack and prevent the connection.

Remote Administrator (Radmin) is one of the most popular programs for monitoring a remote computer among Russian-speaking users. There are several reasons for this: firstly, the program was developed by a Russian company and therefore has a full-fledged Russian interface. Secondly, Radmin has only the most necessary tools for managing a remote PC and is very easy to set up. Thirdly, the program has a small distribution package that can be easily sent by mail.

Radmin works in several modes: file transfer, full control, view only, telnet, and shutdown. There is a built-in file manager with which files are transferred from one PC to another. The program keeps statistics of the traffic used and can encrypt data.

With the help of Radmin, you can manage both one remote computer and several at once. Moreover, for each you can set your own password. If you want to provide an increased level of security, you can take additional precautions: enable password protection and create a list of banned IP addresses.

Symantec pcAnywhere is a system administrator's dream. The range of features that this program offers is simply huge. This is not just a tool for "spying" on the actions of users on remote PCs, but a powerful tool for managing all computer functions. Everything that administrators would normally need to do when moving from one computer to another in a building can be done remotely with pcAnywhere.

The program has a tool for managing operating system services, an editor for working with the registry, a tool for working with the command line, the ability to remove or suspend applications, and even a chat with the user. Another useful feature is access to the event log. By looking at the log, you can immediately see all the actions of the user and, having figured out the cause of the problem, solve it.

File manager. Working with pcAnywhere, you can not only copy files from one PC to another and delete them, but also perform many other operations. For example, determine the order of copying, interrupt it and resume it later from the same place, compare folders, synchronize, etc.

Symantec pcAnywhere does not have a trial version, and on the official website you can only get acquainted with its capabilities.

UltraVNC 1.02. The main advantage of this program over other applications is its free status. It is in no way inferior to many commercial products, and in some cases even surpasses them.

One of the interesting features of the program is the fine tuning of the server part. If for some reason you need to hide the presence of a server program on a remote computer, you can open the program settings window by clicking the icon in the notification area and restrict user rights. For example, you can prevent the program from closing and changing its settings from the server, as well as hide the icon in the system tray so that the curious have fewer questions.

The remote administration tools that are implemented in UltraVNC suggest that the program was created with recalcitrant users in mind. In addition to the options described above, there is also a useful ability to block the mouse and keyboard on a remote PC during a connection session to it. If you enable it, the user will not pull the mouse, preventing you from working. By the way, there is also an opportunity that is reversed by purpose - the View Only mode. If you activate it, then you can only monitor the remote computer without performing any actions on it. This is handy if you don't want to reveal your presence and accidentally impersonate yourself by touching the mouse.

All the main tools for managing a remote computer are collected at the top of the viewer window. Using these buttons, you can, for example, execute the CTRL + ALT + DEL command on the PC, open the Start menu, switch from windowed viewing mode to full screen, refresh the screen if the picture is frozen, call a chat window or file manager. In general, the management tools are very convenient.

Figure 1.10 - The working window of the UltraVNC 1.02 program

RemotelyAnywhere is not your typical administration program. Unlike other similar utilities, it consists of only one part - the server, and the role of the client is performed by the browser. In other words, you need to install the program only on the computer to which you want to connect. This is very convenient if you need to perform remote administration from a computer on which no programs can be installed, for example, if this computer is in an educational institution, in an Internet cafe, or at work.

To work, the program uses a special ActiveX-component of the browser and uses its own data exchange protocol. When the server is installed and running, the computer can be accessed by entering the address https://your_IP:2000 (if you want to work with the program via the Internet) or https://computer_name:2000 (if you intend to connect via a local network) in the browser. After that, you must specify the username and password that are used to log into Windows on the remote computer. Connection security is provided by NTLM authentication, protected by a 1024-bit key.

After connecting, detailed information about the remote PC will be displayed in the browser window, including its configuration, hard disk usage, CPU usage, network activity, etc.

All commands available for execution are moved to the left side of the window and presented as a tree of links. Their set is quite large: chat, file manager, managing Windows services, viewing the event log and a list of users who connected to the computer. RemotelyAnywhere also has a task scheduler that allows you to run different tasks on a remote PC on a schedule. A list of scheduled tasks is displayed in the main window for convenience, and you can also configure RemotelyAnywhere to send reports on their completion by e-mail.

Despite the fact that all programs perform the same function, it is hardly possible to say unequivocally which is better and which is worse. The rich features of Symantec pcAnywhere will be appreciated by administrators serving large corporate networks, Remote Administrator and UltraVNC are perfect for home use on several computers, and RemotelyAnywhere will be indispensable for those who lead a mobile lifestyle and do not know from which computer they will access the Internet in next time. But the most logical way to do this job is to use Symantec pcAnywhere.

A comparative analysis of network software is presented in Appendix B, Appendix O.

PSTN users to Internet services using analog modems. With the PPPoE method, in principle, one permanent virtual channel PVC is sufficient to organize simultaneous broadband access of several users of an Ethernet local network. It is obvious that the necessary changes in the access network are limited in the transition from traditional access to broadband access...

Broadband access technologies - over power grids. First and second generation PLC equipment was developed. The achieved maximum data transfer rate did not exceed 10-14 Mb/s. The actual data transfer rate in PLC test networks using this equipment differed by an order of magnitude and amounted to 1-2 Mb/s. In addition, PLC subscriber equipment had a relatively high...

Many who have encountered the problem of the impossibility of managing (or administering) their computer remotely and in real time do not even assume the existence of remote administration. Frankly, until recently, I also did not know about the existence of such. Let's shed some light on some of the subtleties regarding this issue.

Remote administration

So, as mentioned above, remote administration allows you to get remote access to a specific computer (for example, via the Internet or LAN) and gives you the ability to manage your personal computer from a distance.

In fact, remote administration is a new opportunity to make your work as comfortable and high-quality as possible, all the time being "online" to distribute the work schedule, consult with colleagues and give effective corrections at work.

Remote administration gives the user almost complete control over a remote computer, in fact, for this purpose, remote administration programs are created that make it possible to manage the desktop, copy and delete files, run applications, etc., while being at a distance.

Remote administration programs

Programs for remote administration are currently the most popular. Due to their accessibility to the average user, they are mostly free, support all popular operating systems, for smartphones, and in general have been "saving" all advanced users for a long time. Forgot to download/move a file on a working computer - remote administration will help you. Other actions are required, up to changing pictures from the desktop - no problem. The interface is easy to understand for most users, whether they are experienced PC users or not. There are two types of interface: visual and console, so there can be no problems with it. Each of the two types will be discussed in more detail below.

The visual interface gives more options in terms of graphics; the use of high-quality pictures allows you to find a particular folder, template or photo much faster. The visual interface is ideal for people who consider themselves not the most experienced PC or smartphone users. Quite often, the visual interface is simplified to the maximum.

The console interface has more features available to the user. According to experienced users, it is more productive and has text lines that allow you to set a fairly wide range of commands in the shortest possible time. The console interface is ideal for embedded system applications, less expensive, and even more so does not require special software.

There are many programs for remote administration, the most famous are:

  • Radmin
  • AnyDesk
  • TeamViewer
  • Windows RDP
But of course it's best to work with a team of specialists who help with the correct settings for remote administration and software configuration in general.

Remote administration linux

Let's turn our attention to Linux remote administration. Linux is the general name for Unix-like operating systems based on the kernel of the same name. Currently, Linux is leading the market in smartphones, Internet servers, data centers and enterprises, etc. Linux does not require a lot of system or other software and has an excellent set of features that speak for themselves.

The editors hope that the above information will allow you to more easily handle remote administration programs. After all, they were invented for our convenience. We wish you good luck, for all questions regarding the purchase of remote administration programs, you can find answers to the links provided in the text.
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