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How to remove your entry from public services. Problems when deleting an account. Deleting a public service account

The portal of public services gives its users a large number of opportunities to save their time and nerves when receiving a particular service. But there are always those who electronic views services are incomprehensible or do not like at all. In the comments to our instructions, we often read negative reviews. In this article, we will look at how to delete your account on public services.

Deleting a public service account

Since you want to know how to delete your account, then you already have. Enter your username and password on the site After that, in the upper right corner you will see your last name and initials.

Click on it and in the menu that appears, select the item "personal account"

On the page that opens, you will see your contact information, and below it there will be a button "Show all personal data". Click on it.

All information about your account will open in a new tab. At the top of the page, the "my data" tab is active, but we are interested in the second tab - "account settings". Click on it.

So we got to the right place. In the left column, find the item "Delete account" and click on it. Better think again, as you will lose all the site's capabilities.

The system will ask for your password as confirmation to delete your account. Enter it into your email you will receive a letter notifying you of the deletion of your account on the site.

Recovering a public service account

In the first part of the article, we looked at how to delete your account on the public services portal. Many users, under the influence of negative emotions, do this, and then try to restore access to electronic services... But we want to disappoint you, since it is impossible to restore your account. You can only recover your password (if you have forgotten it). To do this, go to the login page of your personal account and find the line "restore password". Click on it.

Welcome to site... In this article, we will talk about deleting an account on State Services. Every time a person registers on a certain site, he does not always think about the subsequent possibility of deleting the profile. The same goes for the public services portal. Many users do not know if it is possible to delete an account on

Despite the fact that the portal has high data security protection, if the account will no longer be used, then it should be deleted, but before deleting it, you need to find out how it will be done and whether it is required to delete the account from the state portal.

There are times when users who have forgotten access to their account begin to think about how to restore their account in Public Services. To do this, you need to take several important steps:

  1. To restore your personal account, you need to open home page of the portal, where you enter your login and password for authorization, and click on the "Forgot your password" link.
  2. After that, select the method by which the recovery will take place, that is, a phone number or email.
  3. After that, enter the SNILS number, the code from the picture in the appropriate field and answer the security question.
  4. After that, in the appropriate field, enter a special code that will be sent to your phone or mail, then set a new password.

How to delete an account in State Services

When a profile on the portal is no longer needed, users begin to think about how to delete an account in State Services. This operation requires some steps:

  • Go to the site and go through authorization.
  • Log in to your personal account, for this in the corner where the name and surname are indicated, click and in the issued window click on the link "Personal account".
  • After that, go to the "Personal information" page, most often the transition is carried out in automatic mode, but sometimes a manual login is required.
  • At the end of all information there is a tab "Show all personal data", you need to click on it to see full list the specified information about the user.

  • On this page, you must click on the link "Account Settings", it is located in the upper corner.
  • Then go to the link "Security", it contains the button "Delete", the deletion of the account for the State Services is done through this button. In the same section, you can change your password, security question, enable two-step verification.

  • After the user clicks on the "Delete" link, he will be taken to a page where you need to enter a username and password, and click on the "Delete" link located at the bottom of this page. After that, a window will appear in which it will be indicated that the user was able to delete an account on the State Services portal.

After deletion, the user will receive an email informing about the successful deletion of the account. It will also contain instructions on what to do if the record was deleted by another person or intruders, then you need to send a letter to the support service with a request to restore the record.

After deletion, the user will no longer be able to enter his personal account using his username and password. But re-registration is possible, with which it will also be possible to use all the services that the portal provides. In this case, the confirmation of the profile will have to be repeated after registration on the site.

Removing an account on the old version of the portal

Some users continue to use the old version of the site, and when they want to switch to new version do not know how to delete the old account on the State Services. This requires:

  • Go to your personal account, in the upper corner, click on the panel in which the name and surname are indicated.
  • After that, the user will be redirected to the page where the user data is specified, after which he will need to click on the "General data" tab.
  • Next, you need to click on the link "General data", this page almost always opens in automatic mode, but there are times when a manual transition is required.
  • The user then selects and clicks on the "Go to edit" link.

  • Then the user will be on new page, where you want to select first "Account Settings", and then the "Delete" tab.

Users will not be able to use the old version of the site to the maximum extent, so a transition to the new site will still be required. After the user learns how to delete an account on the State Services portal, he will not have any problems with this. But before deleting, it is worth considering many nuances.

Every user before , how to delete an account in State Services, I must learn a few important points:

  1. Once deleted, the account cannot be restored. Creation re-account to the previous phone or mail number is possible, but all data will have to be re-entered.
  2. When a user logs in, all data is entered into Unified system identification. But after deleting a profile, the record data is also deleted from this system, only a corresponding record is made about the deletion. If the user has deleted and registered new profiles for one phone or mail several times, then the user may be denied the next registration. It may happen that you successfully register, but soon the system will block your account and will not allow another registration.
  3. An account can still come in handy, even if you do not log into your personal account for a very long time or for several years, it remains with you, it is not blocked and deleted automatically. Therefore, it may not be worth deleting it at all.

There are times when the deletion is not done the first time for technical reasons. Then you can repeat the process after a while. Therefore, when a person learns how to delete a simplified account in Public Services or a confirmed one, you must first think about whether it is worth doing.

If the account cannot be deleted in the standard way

Binding personal account on the State Services portal is made to the phone number or e-mail, which is indicated during registration. But there may be times when the use of the phone is impossible, for example, it was lost or stolen.

In this case, the user will start attempting to re-register by entering the data already specified on another profile. In this case, the system will refuse registration, since this information already listed, but in a different account.

Then the question arises of how to delete an account on the State Service portal and create a new one, since the user cannot enter the old page. Then you will need to contact support. It is required to do detailed explanation situation and specify all the necessary information about the old profile to which the user does not have access. After that, the service specialists will help you restore the profile to old page, after that you will need to delete the State Service account from your phone or computer and create a new one.

To avoid such problems, it is not advisable to create several pages at the same time. Registration must be done once and the login details are stored in a safe place. Then you will be able to log into your page at any convenient time, even if you have a question about how to delete a profile in Public Services. That's all, we hope our article is useful to you.

V certain time users of the network and government services refuse the options provided. There may be several reasons for this - departure to another country or preference standard ways receiving government services. To prevent personal information from falling into the hands of fraudsters, users automatically need to decide how to delete an account in State Services. How to properly deactivate in all cases, how to restore it if necessary, is described in this article.

To close your account, you will need to make certain simple actions... If you follow these steps, the operation will not take much time:

  1. You need to go to the official website.
  2. Standard authorization is carried out in a previously registered personal account. This can be done by using a code and login.
  3. In the upper part on the right, you need to click on the last name and in the window that is highlighted, select a command, with the display of all personal information.
  4. On the part of the site that opens up, you will need to go to the special Settings tab.
  5. In the section with security, the desired option is selected.
  6. The code is entered and the previously registered section is eliminated to the end.

After carrying out all the above actions regarding how to delete an account on the State Services, it will no longer be possible to log into the account under the previously issued login and code. A notification is sent to the mail that everything is erased.

Deleting an account on the old version of the portal

To quickly and efficiently remove from the old site, you will need to perform the following simple steps:

  • You also need to go to the main section of the government services website;
  • Authorization is carried out in the personal section by entering the code and login set during registration;
  • You need to click on your name, which is in the upper right;
  • The General information tab is selected in the window;
  • A similar subsection is selected;
  • The button leading to editing is pressed;
  • Erasing is in progress.

If there are difficulties associated with the loss of the password from the entrance, you will need to recover it and only then decide how to delete the State Service account.

It is not difficult to do this, it is enough to use a special form. After clicking on the appropriate button, the system will send a special recovery code to the mail or mobile. As soon as a person clicks on the link sent, he has the opportunity to create a new access code.

If a decision is made to restore access to a page that was previously deleted intentionally, the closure will not work. It will be possible to carry out only a new design of the personal section with the designation of relevant information.

The process of deleting an account in Public Services

On mailbox, which was specified during registration, you will receive a notification that the section has been completely removed. This can be not only a confirmation of the operation, but also a warning if the operation was carried out by fraudsters. The sent message indicates what should be done in a situation if the section is deleted not by the owner, but by hackers. In this case, you will need to act through the support service and administration staff, who will restore access to your account.

After the operation, you will not be able to enter the site using the previous data. It will only be possible to register new account and continue to use the functionality of the section.

If during the previous use of the site the user did not go through a complex identity confirmation, the operation will be carried out more easily, since it will not have to be done again.

If the operation was carried out, the whole long-term and not simple operation will have to be repeated. For this very reason, many users refuse to migrate to the new version and remain on the old one, since there is no desire to go through verification again.

How to leave the State Services and re-register?

This is necessary when a person decides to go to the updated site. To gain access to the updated and more functional interface, you will need to decide how to delete your personal account in State Services. To carry out such an operation, you must perform the following manipulations:

  • Go to the official resource and go through standard authorization;
  • Log in and activate the link leading to the personal section;
  • The transition to the section with personal information is carried out. Very often the transition is carried out in a convenient automatic mode, but in some cases the operation is carried out manually;
  • At the very end of such information, there is a complete list of personal ones regarding the user;
  • Here you need to activate the link with the settings, which is in the upper corner;
  • You are taken to a safe link containing the ideal button. Here it is possible to completely change the password, close and set again a control request, or enable two-step verification;
  • As soon as the link is activated, it automatically goes to the section where the code and login are entered. The desired button is pressed.

After carrying out this manipulation, the client of the site is sent a message stating that his profile will be completely deleted. As soon as the question of how to delete an account on the portal is resolved, you can start creating a new one.

How to delete an account to which there is no access in Public Services?

Quite often, situations arise when users who have lost access are wondering how to quickly create their profile. If you need to restore access for its subsequent closure, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. To restore, you need to start the main section, where the code is entered during authorization. After that, the button Forgot your password from your personal account is pressed.
  2. The method by which the restoration is carried out is selected. This is usually mobile or mail.
  3. In the field, enter the number of the pension insurance certificate and the code from the picture at the bottom of the form.

After the performed procedure, the system will send an access and recovery code to the contact. After closing, the section acquires the status of a page to which there is no access.

How to delete an account in Public Services in the mobile application?

Answering the question of how to delete an account on State Services in mobile application, it can be noted that it will not work to deactivate an account on a resource in a special mobile application. All that can be done using a regular smartphone is to log into full version site on the phone and carry out the operation according to the above scheme. This cannot be done directly in the mobile application.

Deleting an individual's account

Before as individual sends a request, he should study some important points and warnings.

It is necessary to understand that it will be impossible to restore an account that was previously deleted.

It will be possible to carry out an updated registration using the previously used mobile and mail, but all other information personal data will have to be registered again.

At the same time, you need to know that during the registration process on the portal, information about the user is entered into a specialized authentication and identification system. As soon as the section is deleted, the corresponding entry appears on the page. If a large number of such records accumulate, the user will be refused subsequent registration.

It is worth weighing everything well before closing the profile. Even if a person leaves the country and does not plan to use it for many years, it is not at all necessary to delete the section. Nothing negative will happen to it - it will not be blocked or closed without the knowledge of the owner.

Summing up

There are a lot of options for resolving the issue of how to delete the personal account of the State Service. Each user and citizen of the Russian Federation has the opportunity to choose the best option for themselves, based on personal preferences, on what seems convenient to him, as well as on the state of the account at the time of the operation. Regardless of the method chosen, the process will not take long.

The decision to register on the State Services portal and delete an account is individually made by each user. The mechanism of these procedures is quite simple. This allows you to carry out operations on your own, without outside help. On the State Services website, tools are available that allow you to customize the resource to fit your needs, provide an increased level of security, edit personal data, or completely remove your page from the portal. To do this, you only need your desire and access to the State Services website via the Internet.

Deleting an account on the State Service portal

When starting to delete your data from the site, you should consider whether this is necessary. The possibilities of the portal are expanding every day. Today, many operations can be performed without leaving home. However, there may be objective reasons why you decide to delete your account. If you suddenly change your mind and decide to restore your page, you will have to register again and enter all the data, which will take some time.

Possible reasons for deleting an account on the State Service portal

In fact, you can have any reason for this and you have the right to independently decide whether to save or erase your data.

How to delete an account on the State Services portal: step-by-step instructions

What should I do if I could not delete my account the first time?

During the process of deleting your page, some kind of failure may occur: the connection to the Internet was lost, the site became unavailable, something just went wrong. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the procedure from the very beginning, when the connection is restored.

What happens to the account and personal data of the user of the State Service portal when the account is deleted?

By deleting your account from the State Services, you completely erase all information about yourself. The account cannot be restored. But you can register again.

The possibility and methods of creating a new account on the State Service portal

You will need to go through the usual registration procedure on the portal, re-enter all information about yourself and go through the confirmation procedure. After that, you can fully use the services. Multiple re-registrations can lead to account blocking.

The "Gosuslugi" portal is regularly improved, adding functionality and ease of use to the site. Thanks to simple interface and rich functionality, the resource is very popular. Undoubtedly, a public services portal can be very useful. However, there are those who, after some time using the resource, find it useless and think about how to delete an account in public services. Of course, you can delete if you want.

On the one hand, I can advise you to simply forget about your account and not use it. However, this is not the right approach, and if you definitely do not plan to use the "Gosuslugi" portal anymore, the account should be deleted. This is especially true if you have already done it. By deleting your account, you exclude the possibility that your personal data will fall into the possession of fraudsters.

  • Important
  • To delete an account, you must have access to your personal account. If it is not possible to enter your profile, please contact support.

Deleting an account on the "Gosuslugi" portal

Before deleting an account in public services, think again if this is really necessary. You must understand that you will not be able to restore your account.... Of course, if necessary, you can create a new account using the same phone number and email address, but all personal data saved in your previous account will not be restored. In addition, if you repeatedly delete and restore your account at a certain moment, you may simply be denied registration.... If the issue of deleting your account has not already been resolved, then use the instructions below.

To delete an account in public services, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the personal account of the "Gosuslugi" portal;
  2. Go to the "Account Settings" tab;
  3. Click on the link "Delete account";
  4. Enter your password and click Remove.

After completing the above steps, a notification about successful account deletion will appear on the screen and an automatic logout will occur. That's all, the account has been permanently deleted. Also, a notification about the deletion of the profile will be sent to your e-mail, which was specified during registration.

As you have noticed, the deletion of an account is carried out directly from your personal account. Meanwhile, there are situations when a user does not have access to his account. You can easily if you have at your disposal the phone number that was indicated during registration. If you do not have access to this phone number, then to delete your account, call the support service and explain the situation. You can also personally contact the nearest service center and ask to delete your account in public services.

In conclusion, I would like to add that a user cannot have two or more confirmed accounts at the same time on the "Gosuslugi" portal. If you once registered on the website of public services, indicated your personal data and SNILS, then you will not be able to confirm the new account. After verification, you will be informed that the SNILS number you specified is already being used in another account. This problem is relevant for those who changed their number and for this very reason created a new account on the "Gosuslugi" portal. Of course, due to the lack of the old phone number, you will not be able to delete the account, which means that you will not be able to confirm the new one. The only solution in this case is to contact the nearest service center (MFC) or call the support service.