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Wi-Fi does not turn on on the tablet. Wifi won't turn on on Android phone or tablet: Tips from WifiGid. How to access a peer-to-peer or hidden network

How many articles have I already written about solving various problems with a Wi-Fi network in Windows 10, and a few days ago I myself faced such a problem. Now I'll tell you everything in detail. Perhaps my information will be useful to someone. Or maybe we will be able to collect new and working solutions in the comments.

I had a problem when I simply cannot turn on the Wi-Fi network. The driver is installed, everything seems to be working, and the wireless network is disabled. How to turn it on is unclear. But I solved the problem. How specifically, I myself did not understand. In any case, I have a story to tell you.

I bought inexpensive laptop Lenovo for work. I installed Windows 10 on it. As usual, I went into the device manager and saw that there were a lot of unknown devices. The drivers were not installed automatically, including for the Wi-Fi module. It's kind of normal.

I went to the official site, found a page with drivers for my laptop model. I downloaded the basic drivers and started installing. Installed the driver on the WLAN (Wireless LAN, aka Wi-Fi)... Everything was installed without problems. Intel® Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165 is now in Device Manager. Great. I rebooted my laptop and realized that Wi-Fi was not working.

The problem is the following: the icon on the notification panel in the form wireless network with a red cross. I click on it, there is an inscription "Wireless network - Disabled". The "Wi-Fi" button is active. I click on it - nothing happens.

I press it a few more times - the button becomes inactive.

Okay. I went into the parameters, in the "Network and Internet" section. There is a Wi-Fi tab. There the network is disconnected. I press the switch - it comes back! I press a couple more times - it freezes (as if it turns on)... But nothing happens.

I open the folder " Network connections", there near the adapter" Wireless network "the status" No connection ".

I go to the device manager, but everything is in order there. There is a wireless adapter, and the properties say that it works fine.

Running diagnostics Windows networks (by clicking right click mouse on the connection icon in the notification bar) and I see a message: "Turn on wireless." With a description:

To turn on wireless communication on the computer, use the switch on the front or side of the computer, or function keys.

I click "Check if the problem is fixed" and get the following result: Wireless connection disabled - Not fixed (see the article for details).

Well, that's all. Wi-Fi won't turn on, laptop doesn't see available networks and nothing works.

Why can't I turn on Wi-Fi on my laptop and how do I fix the problem?

It turns out that the problem is that Windows 10 for some reason "thinks" that the Wi-Fi module is disabled. This is reported after completing the troubleshooting. But it's on and working fine.

How the problem was solved for me: poked the F7 button. On the Lenovo laptop she is responsible for turning on the "Airplane" mode. But this did not work. Restart the driver installation Wi-Fi adapter a, replaced the driver from the list of already installed ones. I ended up with three suitable drivers. Then I downloaded and installed some additional utility for my laptop model. Also installed the power management driver. All from the official website of the laptop manufacturer.

But Wi-Fi never worked. I decided to reboot my laptop and after rebooting everything worked. The laptop saw available Wi-Fi networks and connected to my home network without any problems. Therefore, it's hard for me to say what exactly solved the problem. I think the installation of the utility, which seems to be responsible for the function keys, helped. But I may be wrong.

A few tips:

  • Reboot your laptop.
  • Check if the WLAN autoconfiguration service is running according to the instructions.
  • Try to restart the installation wifi driver adapter and reboot after installation.
  • See if your laptop has a separate Wi-Fi switch. On newer models, function keys are used for this task. For example, FN + F2, F7, etc. It all depends on the laptop. The function key should have an image of a wireless network, or an airplane (Airplane mode).
  • Install all drivers for your laptop model from the official website. Also check out the utilities. Especially the utility that is responsible for the function keys. Something like Utility for Windows 10, System Interface Foundation for Windows 10, Energy Management, Hotkey Features Integration, ATKPackage.
  • Try to replace the driver according to the instructions.
  • Remove Wi-Fi adapter from Device Manager and restart laptop.

Articles with solutions to similar problems:

  • ... At the same time, there are no problems with turning on the wireless network.

Solution via Windows 10 Mobility Center

Update: in the comments suggested another solution. When I wrote about the solution a similar problem in Windows 7, he described there the way in which you could start wireless communication through the Windows Mobility Center. To be honest, I thought Windows 10 removed this mobility center. But no. As it turned out, it can be found and launched through a search.

We launch. There should be a "Wireless" setting. And the message: "Wireless disabled." Just click on the "Enable ..." button.

Everything should work. I checked everything on my computer. I have a mobility center, but no Wi-Fi setting. I don't know, maybe it depends on the update. In any case, this information will not be superfluous. Maybe someone will come in handy.

Be sure to write in the comments if you managed to turn on Wi-Fi. What helped and how we solved this problem. You can also describe your case if it is somehow different from what I had.

Owners of mobile devices based on Android operating systems sometimes, infrequently, however, face the problem that in some cases wi-fi does not work. What is the reason and how to get rid of such a problem, now it will be shown.

Wi-Fi does not turn on on Android: possible reasons

As for the manifestation of such failures, their causes can be counted in abundance. However, among all their diversity, several basic situations can be distinguished that are more common than others.

If you make a rough list possible reasons, which, for example, does not turn on wi-fi on a smartphone ("Android" on board), it will look like this:

  • incorrect login password;
  • wrong date and time;
  • malfunctions of the device software;
  • problems with settings;
  • exposure to viruses;
  • unsuitable firmware;
  • incorrect router settings.

Based on this list, let's try to consider the methodology for eliminating each problem. In most cases, the suggested solutions below fix the problem, as they say, one hundred percent.

checking the password

One of the most common reasons is an incorrectly entered password that was set when connecting to a virtual network.

As it is already clear, if suddenly the wi-fi on the Android tablet does not turn on, and the password was automatically saved during the previous connection, it may very well be that it was simply changed. To solve the problem, go to the settings of the wireless module itself, delete Old Password and introduce a new one. As a last resort - just check the correctness of the input (maybe the keyboard layout has been switched).

Date and time settings

Another reason (although quite rare) is incorrect date and time settings on the gadget itself. This, in some, so to speak, abnormal cases can lead to such problems.

The method of correcting when wi-fi on "Android" does not turn on in relation to such a situation is to go to the date and time settings and, in addition to manual settings, use the date, time and time zone of the network.

Failures of the software part

It also happens that the problem is "buried" much deeper. So, for example, there are cases when the wi-fi button on Android does not turn on. What does this mean? Yes, only that there was a critical failure in the software responsible for the functioning of this module in the system.

As practice shows, it is not always possible to automatically correct this state of affairs. Therefore, many experts recommend installing special utility called Wi-Fi Fixer. It is notable for the fact that nothing needs to be changed in its settings and parameters. The program is simply installed on the device, launched, and in the process of scanning for possible problems fixes errors automatically. True, this does not always work.

Settings glitches and master reset

If the previous methods did not help and wi-fi still does not turn on on Android, it is very likely that there is a disruption in the operation of the system itself or in its settings. Correcting the situation, and at the same time the medicine can be full reset parameters to the factory state.

At the same time, in the recovery and reset section, you should first put a checkmark in front of the auto-recovery line (after a reset, when the system is rebooted, all personal data and files, including applications, can be restored without problems). Then a hard reset is simply selected, followed by a system reboot. By the way, note that in this case you won't need a hard reset, everything is perfectly restored anyway (provided, of course, that the system is not infected with viruses and has the original firmware).


Exposure to viruses can also cause Wi-Fi not to turn on on Android. Today you can find a fairly large number of owners mobile gadgets who prefer not to use standard anti-virus applications, believing that they are very heavy on system resources. This is partly true. However, modern mobile antiviruses are able not only to prevent viruses from entering the system, but also to block access to the device if it is lost or stolen.

If there is a problem with viruses, you should install the appropriate application. But what if the wi-fi doesn't work? It's very simple. Firstly, the program can be downloaded as an APK file from a computer, then transferred to a removable memory card and installed, and then fully check the system. Secondly, the installation can be done directly from a computer terminal or laptop if you have a control application like PC Companion or something else, of course, using a gadget connection using a regular USB cable.

What to install is a personal matter. However, among all the variety of such applications, we can recommend 360 Security, which today is recognized as one of the most powerful, the same Dr. Web or McAffee. However, as it is already clear, it is very difficult to advise something specific.

Problems with firmware

Another reason that wi-fi does not turn on on Android may be an incorrectly installed unofficial

Here the situation is such that the firmware can be installed without problems, but it was originally designed for a different gadget model or has software flaws. Here you will have to remove it and restore the factory shell. This is done differently for different devices. The only common thing is that one cannot do without specialized software installed on the computer. In the simplest case, you can do it using the same universal utility PC Companion.

Router settings

Finally, it may well happen that the access settings "fly off" on the router. In this case, we consider the situation when the owner of both the router and the mobile device is one user, and the connection to an extraneous private network is not made.

Please note that in the wireless mode settings on the router in the channel selection field, the parameter ("Auto") should be set automatically, in the mode line - "Mixed" (11 b / g / n), and filtering should also be disabled MAC addresses (OFF).

If all else fails

It remains to add that if none of the above methods gave a positive result and still does not turn on the Wi-Fi, most likely the problem lies in the Wi-Fi module itself. The device will have to be taken to some service center to perform a complete hardware test. If the problem is here, the module will have to be replaced.

Tablets have long entered our life, becoming an integral part of it. Although there are more and more functions on them, still most owners use their devices mainly for surfing the Internet. Of course, it's very convenient. You can go to sites of interest or to social networks from anywhere using Wi-Fi.
However, it is with the Wi-Fi connection on tablets running operating system Android and there are problems, for example, Wi-Fi does not turn on on Android tablet... This article describes the main difficulties in connecting your tablet to wireless networks and how to resolve these problems.
If Wi-Fi does not turn on on an Android tablet, then firstly you need the correct Wi-Fi setup on android tablet:
1.First, you need to activate Wi-Fi through the menu interface or using the shortcut buttons.
2.After turning on the Wi-Fi module, a list of available wireless networks that do not have a password will appear in the notification panel.
3.If required network locked with a password, you need to go to the network settings and enter the required data. After that, the network will appear in the list of active ones.
4.When choosing open network the connection occurs automatically when you select a password-protected network - after entering the desired combination with a symbol in the window that appears.
5. If the password is entered correctly, and the access point is configured correctly, then there should be no connection problems.

If Wi-Fi is turned on on an Android tablet, but the tablet itself does not want to connect to Wi-Fi, then the problem is quite common. To solve it, you must follow the following recommendations:
1.Check if enabled.
2.Check if the transmission is active. You also need to make sure that the router does not filter connected devices by MAC address.
3.Try to disconnect secured networks and try to connect to open networks.
If you have problems connecting your tablet and home Wi-Fi networks
1.Check if it is possible to connect to another network. If possible, how stable the connection is.
2. If the connection to another network is active and stable, therefore, the problem is with the home access point.
3.Change home network security settings.
4. The solution may be to update the firmware of the tablet.
5.Try connecting to a different Wi-Fi network.
6.If you access the Internet via Wi-Fi with the power connected, you must turn off the power and try to connect to Wi-Fi again.
If the above tips didn't help and Wi-Fi won't turn on on your Android tablet, then it's best to contact a PC repair technician.

Android is the most used, multifunctional and powerful operating system, on the basis of which an unlimited number of high-quality, interesting and affordable applications have been created. Due to its versatility and great demand, it is successfully used for the software of smartphones, tablets, netbooks, "smart" watches, smartbooks, TVs. But, even with the most proven shells, there are small difficulties from which even this system is not insured during use. Therefore, we will consider what to do when problems arise with Wi-Fi connection on your Android device... Today we will find the answer to the question why Wi-Fi does not turn on on Android?

Reasons and solution

Wi-Fi on an Android phone or tablet may not work for several reasons. It should be noted that not only the owners may face this tablet computers but also people using mobile phones, based on this popular system. How to be users if wifi does not turn on samsung device, we will look for the cause and eliminate the root of the problems.

  1. One of the root causes if Wi-Fi stopped working on Android, which is extremely rare, is the incorrectly set date and time. To fix it, just go to "Settings", set the correct date and time, taking into account the time zone.
  2. The second and the most frequent problem- password change when automatically connecting to the network. That is, the password was changed by the user, but Android system yet "does not know" about it. To fix this problem, using the interface or hot keys, go to the Wi-Fi network connection settings, delete the profile with which the connection was previously established and create the connection again, select from the list available connections our own, enter the necessary characters in the window that appears. Further, the connection to the password-protected network will occur automatically.
  3. Failures in the software (Software) is the third possible reason when Wi-Fi on Android stops connecting. To do this, use the Wi-Fi Fixer utility, created specifically to solve this problem. Without making any changes in the program settings, download and install this application. After installing the utility, information about the current status of the device will appear, and all devices that have ever been connected will be displayed in the "Known" tab. Then we reboot the smartphone or computer tablet, try to reconnect.
  4. The fourth problem, if wi-fi does not work on android, is a failure in the settings. To bypass it, you can reset the settings to the factory settings, with a further restoration. Go to "Settings" select "Restore and reset", click "Reset settings". Or we do a full " Hard reset”, But then all data is deleted, that is, the device will be as after purchase.

Sometimes users install inappropriate Android firmware, as a result of which correct work radio modules, including the wifi module on Samsung phones or tablets. The way out in this situation is to install or update the basic firmware on the Samsung.

Again these viruses!

One of the most unpleasant reasons when Wi-Fi does not turn on is the impact malware, the so-called virus programs, to work the radio modules of the device. To eliminate viruses in your phone, you need to do a deep scan with the built-in antivirus.

Setting up a router

The venerable seventh place is occupied by a pop-up error when connecting to wi-fi - failure or not correct setting router. Elimination of this error is carried out in the settings of the router. How to do this can be found in the instructions for the device. This is especially true if used home network... In the control menu, select "Wireless network settings". Change the parameter to "Auto", in the "Channel" line, and the "Mode" line to the "11 bgn mixed" parameter. Disable filtering of MAC addresses to make sure that the router does not filter addresses of connected devices. We are trying to connect.

And now it's definitely time to see the master

If none of the above methods helped, then the problem is in the radio module itself, wifi will not work until the microcircuit is re-soldered. In this situation, the best solution, there will be an appeal under warranty to a service center (for example, Samsumg) or to a competent and proven computer wizard.

It must be remembered that any intervention of incompetent persons in the operation of the system, even when solving the problem when the wi-fi does not connect, creates a huge risk, turning your favorite gadget into a useless piece of plastic, for the reanimation of which significant financial costs and your nerves will go.

By unspoken tradition, I will leave a video instruction, perhaps it will help you restore wifi to work on a Samsung tablet or phone.

Video instruction

Connecting a laptop to a wireless, wi-fi, network does not always go smoothly. If you have problems, check out step by step instructions to help you troubleshoot.

Diagnosing the source of the problem

If your device, a laptop, is not successfully connected to the Wi-Fi network, the problem may be hiding in wrong settings The first step is to find the source of the malfunction that leads to the connection error. It is on this that further "treatment" depends.

To determine the source, connect your iPad, smartphone, computer (any other device) to the Wi-Fi network. If the connection on any of the devices is successful, the conclusions are obvious - the problem lies in the laptop. And if you did not learn how to connect via a wireless network, as in the first option, then the router is not configured properly. We will consider both the one and the other case separately. So what if your laptop is the problem?

Hardware enable Wi-Fi of the laptop module

The diagnostics carried out earlier (see step one) revealed the following: if it was possible to connect, for example, a tablet or smartphone to a wireless network, then everything is in order with Wi-Fi, and the problem lies in the laptop.

To solve it, the first step is to check the status of the wireless adapter of the "problem" device. It can be disabled, respectively, and the Wi-Fi network on this device does not work. The adapter is connected with a certain set of buttons and shows the operation with the help of a light indicator.

It is important! If the light is on, the wireless module is enabled on the device. And if the light is off, the wi-fi adapter is disabled.

The indicator light is traditionally located on the front or side of the laptop. But there are some models laptop computers, differing in the location of the indicator. For example, it can be located on the monitor (its body) or touch pad... And there is a third group of laptops. They have a light indicator that shows whether the wireless network module is working or not working, located on the power button (that is, built-in).

A specific keyboard shortcut is required to connect the wireless LAN module. Any combination begins with the Fn modifier key, to which one of the functional ones is added - F1-F12. If you take a close look at the function keys, you will see a wireless, wi-fi, network icon.

Laptops from the manufacturer Acer differ from more modern models in that they include a wireless network module using a special two-position switch. If you have a laptop from this brand, you will most likely find this switch on the side. In the screenshots below, we showed how the Wi-Fi adapter turns on or off on laptops from different manufacturers.

Acer: Fn + F3

Asus: Fn + F3

Dell: Fn + F2

Fujitsu: Fn + F5

Gigabyte: Fn + F2

HP: Fn + F12

If the wireless module is working, connect via Wi-Fi network. Do you still have problems? So, follow the third step.

Software enable Wi-Fi of the laptop module

The second step we tried to fix the problem was to enable the wireless adapter in hardware. Now we will try to do this programmatically. This means that our next steps will be performed in the OS itself, the software that is installed on our laptop.

If you have an operating room Windows system seventh version, follow these steps:

Action one

To enable the Wi-Fi module, go to the "Network and Sharing Center" section (where the time is shown).

Second action

On the left, click on "Change network module parameters".

Act three

Here you will see a list of connections. When connected via a wireless network, the indicator should be on, if not, the module is disabled. Click on it and turn it on.

If the icon lights up, the wi-fi adapter is on.

Act four

Go to the taskbar (where the clock and other icons are). As you remember, in the second step, the problem was that the wireless module worked fine, but there was no network to connect, which means that the router was not configured correctly. The picture shows 2 connection states in the task area of ​​the desktop: the first - there are no available networks and the second is.

In the third step, you have enabled the wifi adapter, now you need to find your network and just connect.

The module was successfully enabled programmatic methods, now try connecting to a Wi-Fi network. Is the problem still there? Follow the next, fourth, step.

Installing / reinstalling drivers for Wi-Fi module

Now you need to check if the driver is in the system. In "My Computer" click on "Properties" and from there go to "Device Manager".

A menu window will open. This is where you need the "Network Modules". You need to find the name of your wireless module. In this name you will come across the word Adapter (if the operating system on the laptop is English language) or " Wireless adapter networks "(if it is in Russian). For example, the name of the module would be: Qualcomm Wireless Network Adapter. Click on the name of the adapter and in "Properties" see how the device works. It should work fine.

Important information! If in "Network adapters" you did not find the name of the wireless module installed on the laptop, then there are no drivers. Download them from disk or find them on the manufacturer's official page.

Fixing connection problems in the router

What if the problem lies in the settings of the router? We cannot consider each individual case, since both the routers and the ones installed on them software(firmware) a sufficient number. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to only general tips that will help you, we hope, solve the problem with connecting a wireless, Wi-Fi, network.

  1. Place the router next to your computer.
  2. Check if the wireless adapter is turned on (if there is a light on the indicator).

Check the following in your router settings:

  • Is the wireless module turned on;
  • Whether the broadcast channel is included in the Service Set Identifier;
  • Check if it is blacklisted unique identifier your laptop (its MAC address).

Here's a list of problems that prevent us from connecting to a wireless network normally. For each case, we wrote detailed manual, the observance of which should solve the problem with the connection. If something did not work out for you, believe carefully whether you correctly identified the cause of the malfunction and followed the sequence of actions.

After completing the diagnostics of the operating system described in this article, you should solve the problem of connecting the Wi-Fi on the laptop.