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“Promised payment” on Velcom: the procedure for providing the service. Why it is impossible to enter the promised payment on velcom and what analogues of trust payment does the operator have How to take the promised payment on velcom

Mobile operators in Belarus, Russia and other CIS countries provide their subscribers with a huge number of services that are designed to make life easier for the latter. The range of services is mostly standard. But there are also some differences. And this is right, because each operator must come up with something that will interest the subscriber. And this "chip" should not be in competitors. As for the Belarusian operator Velcom, it does not have much of what alternative communication providers have. In this regard, Velcom loses to many competitors. But nevertheless, quite a lot of people "sit" on it. And over time, everyone has a question about the "Promised Payment" service. How to get the promised payment on Velcom? This is the question we have to deal with today.

A little about the company

At one time, Velcom was the only company that provided communication services on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. In many ways, this explains the popularity of this operator. Many use Velcom out of habit, so to speak, "in memory of former merits." Although at the beginning of its journey, the company was distinguished by cannibalistic prices for its services. But then there was simply no alternative. At that time, users could only be content with calls and SMS messages. A little later, MMS and full-fledged mobile Internet appeared.

Now the company provides many different services, including mobile TV. But such a service that many people need, like the "Promised Payment", is still not there. This reflects the entire policy of the company "Velcom". People do not need the promised payment, because otherwise they will stop regularly replenishing the purses of important cones from Velcom. For the same reason, there is no such service as "Balance Transfer" (by the way, almost every operator has it). It is possible that specialists from Velcom imagine themselves to be partners of the subscriber and believe that he does not need to ask for money "from someone there." Still would. After all, this will reduce the flow of money pumped out of the wallets of respectable subscribers.

Alternative service

The mobile operator "Velcom" has some alternative to the promised payment, which, although not completely replacing the service, can somewhat speed up the process of replenishing the balance. Its essence is as follows. If the subscriber put money into the account, but for some reason it takes a very long time, then the user can ask the company to transfer the amount due to the account instantly. Without any delay. Naturally, real money then goes to the operator's wallet. Of course, Velcom does not provide the promised payment as such, but simply speeds up the delivery of funds to the subscriber. But thanks for that too.

You can't count on anything more from this mobile operator. As an official representative of the company once stated, the management does not even plan to introduce such a service in the future. This only says one thing: the company treats its customers only as a means to make a profit. Their needs are largely ignored. It is also not necessary to talk about comfort for an ordinary subscriber. The promised payment will never appear in Velcom-Belarus. Just deal with it.

How to enable payment registration?

There are several ways to activate the "Payment Registration" service (an alternative to the "Promised Payment" service in Velcom). The first option is to use a USSD request. You need to dial *141*1# and press the "Call" button. The message "Enter the due date in the format ddmmyy" will appear. Enter the date indicated on the check. Then you will need to enter the payment amount (also written on the receipt). The place of payment is the place where the money was deposited from (1 - bank, 2 - plastic card, 3 - post office, 4 - Velcom branch). That's all.

The second way is to call the operator. You can simply dictate to him all of the above. Of course, this is not a full-fledged alternative, but for Velcom this is already progress. Here is such a promised payment by Velcom, the maximum amount of which should not exceed the amount just deposited into the account. However, the company does not provide this service to everyone. It is available only to subscribers with postpaid communication services. It is not available to other users.

What happens if the money never comes?

There are situations when the money was sent to the wrong address and the account never arrived. At the same time, the subscriber used the "Registration of payment" service. If the money has not been credited to the account, the operator has the right to deduct the registered amount from the subscriber's balance, driving it into a minus. But that's not all. Velcom blocks the possibility of using the service for this subscriber for half a year. Regardless of whose fault the money was not credited to the account.

So, before sending USSD requests to Velcom for the promised payment, it is better to think several times. It is unlikely that you need similar problems in the future. In most cases, everything ends happily. The operator somehow tries to save his face. For which he is honored and praised. "Velcom" hopelessly lags behind other mobile operators in Belarus (exactly in this respect). Even MTS offers its subscribers the Promised Payment service. And Life has this option included in the standard package. So the gentlemen from Velcom would need to "pull up" a bit.

How to get the promised payment on Velcom???? and got the best answer

Answer from God of war[guru]
There is only payment registration.
Dial *141*1# and the call key - the text will appear on the screen: "Enter the payment date in the format ddmmyy". Click "OK" and enter the date, for example, 23062006. You will be prompted to enter the payment amount - press "OK" again and enter the amount, for example, 50000. After that, you will be prompted to enter the place of payment: 1 - bank, 2 - credit card, 3 - Belpochta, 4 - Beltelecom, 5 - velcom - select the required item and click "ok". This opportunity is provided to all subscribers - individuals who are citizens of the Republic of Belarus.
The ability to register information about completed payments is an initiative of the company aimed at creating more comfortable conditions for using communication services. FE "Velcom", meeting the needs of its customers, grants subscribers - individuals working under the velcom TP, the right to register the payment made and use communication services if there is a debt before the receipt of funds to the personal account.
FE "Velcom" reserves the right to independently establish the criteria by which customers will be determined who have the opportunity to register information about payments made, as well as set the amount of payment available for registration.
At the same time, in order to avoid abuse of this opportunity, the company provides for a restriction on registering only two payments that are not confirmed by actually made payments.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to take the promised payment on Velcom ????

Given the huge competition among cellular providers, each of the service providers is trying to offer its subscribers the largest possible package of profitable options. And Velcom is no exception, although the list of available features is somewhat limited compared to other mobile companies. In particular, this applies to loyalty offers, and there are still disputes around the question of how to take the promised payment on Velcom. Is it even possible to use this service?

Cellular operator Velcom can rightly be considered one of the most popular providers in Belarus, which is due to the long period of activity of the operator in the domestic communications market. But it is fair to say that the cost of the services provided leaves much to be desired. Many of the same Belarusian providers offer more loyal conditions, but either out of habit, or referring to the experience and reliability of the provider, people continue to use Velcom services.

Highlighting the range of possible profitable offers offered by this operator, one cannot but pay attention that along with the overdeveloped section of virtual entertainment, the minimum opportunities are presented in the section of financial support for subscribers. For example, this concerns the possibility of exchanging money between subscribers of the same network. That is, it will not work to borrow money from another Velcom client.

There is also no trust payment function, so mobile users from this provider can use all the functions only after replenishing their account. . This is strange, given that such an option allows to increase the company's profits, along with facilitating mobile services for subscribers. What is the reason for the reluctance to make such an option available to its subscribers is not clear, but, given the cost of mobile services and the importance of a cell phone in everyday life, it will not be superfluous to enter the promised payment to Velcom's mobile number.

During an interview with journalists, the provider's management said that in the near future no one is going to put into operation the Trust payment, that is, only the full advance payment for all services will become the basis for using cellular communications. It is hard to understand what the reasons are for this, but Velcom is not going to promise mountains of gold to its subscribers.

Instead, there is an alternative option to instantly top up your mobile balance, called “payment registration”. This function implies that the subscriber ordered the replenishment of the mobile balance, but, for various reasons, the money has not yet been credited to the account, and it is urgent to resume the use of all services. In this case, the company provides its finances for use, but after the receipt of the previously ordered payment, the money is debited to the provider's account. In fact, this is the use of your own money, so you can’t take the promised payment to your mobile number.

To be able to speed up the receipt of funds, you must enter the combination *141*1# from your mobile number. A set of numbers opens access to the main menu of the operator, which allows you to top up your phone balance in just a few minutes.

Important! Not all clients of the operator can use this service. The function is available only to those users who have been subscribers of the Velcom provider for a long time, namely at least 3 months.

The next algorithm of actions involves the following steps:

    after entering the above combination, the text on the screen will request the display of the date of replenishment of the account and it will be necessary to display the day of replenishment of the balance: day, month, year (for example, 01012001, without separators);

    after that, a request will appear on the screen, how much was sent to the account, but never received there (only the number is displayed, and the amount should be displayed in rubles);

    the last item is the choice of the service that was used for replenishment.

After entering all the required information, the system processes the request and sends the specified amount of finance to the mobile balance. Subsequently, when the money is credited to the account, they will be automatically debited in favor of the mobile operator. This service is free and does not charge any additional money. But, if false information is provided by the subscriber in order to receive money to the account, then this possibility will be completely blocked.

Based on the foregoing, at the moment it is impossible to borrow money from a mobile operator, but registering a payment is a good alternative for those who continue to use Velcom tariff plans.

USSD requests are a simple and fast way to get the necessary information from the mobile operator. All you have to do is enter the required request on your phone. However, it is simply impossible to remember all of them. So save and use the HF directory with all USSD requests for velcom subscribers.

General information:

Information about the state of the balance at the time of the request

Information about the remaining minutes, SMS, MMS and Internet traffic included in the subscription fee

Information about the amount of the monthly payment, the balance of the amount for paying for the goods in installments and the date of completion of the write-off of contributions

Remaining included minutes of velcom service international 100/250, remnant of Internet traffic of “ITV velcom” service package

Information about the amount payable on the last issued invoice, for clients working without prepayment

Information about the number of minutes of outgoing calls made within the Closed Subscriber Group (CAG)

The total number of minutes used when calling the "favorite" number (tariff plans "Pair", "It's time for couples")

Ability to quickly disconnect communication services in case of debt

Registration of an unconfirmed payment

Checking the balance of a subscriber of the "Privetik" tariff plan (available to velcom subscribers whose number is assigned as "favorite" by the subscriber of the "Privetik" tariff plan)

*101*Subscriber number Hello#

“Waiting for a call”: the subscriber whose number was specified will receive an SMS notification asking them to call you back with your number.

*131*Company subscriber number#

Replenishment of the account with an express payment card

Change the postal address for delivery of invoices to e-mail

Repeat invoice for the closed period by e-mail

Refusal to receive invoices

Information and service management:


USSD request

Information about subscriber's connected services

Information about the list of services available for connection

Phone number and plan information

Tariff plan change

Information about your number in international format

Setting / canceling the ban on listening to ACCA news

Receiving USSD messages in transliteration

Receiving USSD messages in Russian

Setting/cancelling the ban on the use of conditional forwarding in roaming

Connecting minute packages to all networks

"Connected again": all velcom subscribers who called you when you were unavailable or your phone was busy will receive an SMS notification when you are connected again

Providing the opportunity to work without prepayment

Switching to prepaid work

Activation / deactivation of the service "Stopitsot" (available to subscribers of tariff plans "Kedy", "Polukedy")

Activation / deactivation of the service "Anti-detector"

Activation/deactivation of the Melofon service

Connection/change of "favorite" number (not available on the tariff plans "Own network", "BUSINESS.PRO", "BUSINESS.PRO.WEB")

Activation/deactivation of the "Pause" service

Connecting / disconnecting CCIS

Obtaining an ISSA password

Connection/disconnection/change of the package within the framework of the "Director's package" service for the tariff plan Manager+

USSD help.

Mobile Internet and MMS:


USSD request

Obtaining settings for the Mobile Internet service, MMS, streaming video ("Mobile TV"), all available

Receiving test MMS

Activating/deactivating the Mobile Internet service, changing the Mobile Internet service package, changing/deleting an application for changing the Mobile Internet service package

Enable/Disable MMS

Information about the connected "Mobile Internet" service package and access point

Information about the activated package of the Mobile Internet service, the cost of the package and the date of the next debit of the package cost

Information about the provided static IP address

Enabling/disabling the Anti-Virus service

Enable/disable Firewall service

Activation/deactivation of the "Children's Internet" service

Connecting additional traffic to WEB Start, WEB 4, WEB 8, WEB 16

Activation of "Roaming.Vacation", "Roaming.Business" services

Deactivation of "Roaming.Vacation", "Roaming.Business" services

Information about roaming partners

Validity period of Roaming.Vacation, Roaming.Business services

Cellular companies in Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries provide a lot of opportunities designed to simplify the lives of their customers. Sets of options, as a rule, are standard. But there are also a number of differences. And this is logical, because any operator should create something that will be interesting to its consumers. And this "chip" should be absent from competitors.

Regarding the communication provider Velcom from Belarus, it does not have much of what alternative operators provide. In terms of a variety of opportunities, he loses to his rivals. But at the same time, many consumers "sit" on it. Over time, they have a question about a service called "Promised Payment". Is it possible to take such a payment on Velcom? We'll talk about this today.

“Trust payment” (Promised) is an extremely useful service that makes it possible to replenish your subscriber account “in debt”, at the expense of the operator. The ability to pay for communication or Internet access "on credit" allows you to use mobile communications even with a negative balance.

If for some reason the subscriber does not have financial resources or simply does not have an ATM or payment terminal nearby, then he will be able to activate the "Promised Payment" using a mobile gadget or his "Personal Account". "Loan" finance will be issued only for a specific period of time and only in a fixed amount sufficient to resume communication services.

Is there a "Promised Payment" on Velcom? Alternative service option: how to use

Today Velcom provides consumers with a lot of different options, including mobile TV. But such a service, necessary for many subscribers, as the “Promised Payment”, is still missing.

Perhaps this is a reflection of the policy of the cellular company - people do not need "Trust" funds, because then they will stop systematically replenishing the pockets of Velcom's management. For a similar reason, the operator does not have such a useful option as "Transfer of funds" between subscribers. Although it is provided by 98% of all cellular companies.

Alternative service option

Cellular company Velcom offers its customers to use the alternative option of "Promised payment". Although this offer cannot completely replace the opportunity, it can slightly speed up the procedure for replenishing a subscriber's account.

An alternative from Velcom is Payment registration. Its essence is as follows: if the consumer put funds on his balance, but for unknown reasons they still have not arrived, then the subscriber can ask the operator to transfer the amount he deposited to the balance instantly.

Of course, real finances then go into the pocket of the cellular company. Velcom does not have a "trust payment" as such. The service called “Payment Registration” simply speeds up the delivery of money to consumers. Well, thanks for that.

It is not necessary to hope for something better and more from this cellular company. As stated once by an official representative of the operator, the management does not even have plans to develop such a service in the near future. This leads to only one thought: the operator treats its own consumers solely as a tool for generating income. Their needs are not considered. It is also not necessary to talk about convenience for an ordinary client. Welcom will never enforce the Promised Payment. You just need to come to terms with this.

How to use "Payment Registration"

There are two methods for activating the service called "Payment Registration", both of them are simple and available to every subscriber:

1. Via USSD command- the consumer needs to dial the command on his gadget *141*1# , and after that make a call. The display will show the notification "Enter the due date in the format dd/mm/yy". We write down the date stamped on the check. Next, we indicate the amount of payment (also indicated on the check) and the place of its implementation - the structure through which the funds were deposited (1 - bank branch; 2 - credit card; 3 - post office; 4 - branch of the Velcom operator). That's the whole process.

2. By calling customer service- the subscriber needs to call the service number 410 or 411 and ask a company specialist to activate the service. The operator will also need to dictate all the data on the payment made, which are indicated in the receipt.

Note! The service called "Payment Registration" is not available to every subscriber. Only those customers who use tariff plans with a prepaid system have the right to use it. It is not available to other subscribers.

New service from Velcom: V-wallet or +100 rubles for expenses

Since the middle of summer, the cellular company Velcom has launched a new financial service called "V-wallet", which was previously presented at the TIBO-2017 exhibition. Now the company's customers have the right to receive an amount with a limit of 100 rubles. to pay for services and purchase goods using a smartphone.

You can receive funds through an application called V-banking. Money can actually pay for services through ERIP- starting with utility bills and ending with the payment for changing your passport. Finances can also be spent on the purchase of any product in the online stores provided in the ERIP.

The received financial limit must be used before the 20th day of the next month. After that, you need to complete its repayment, similar to cellular services. Depending on the date on which the financial limit was used up, the installment period may be 21-50 days. Interest for the use of "credit" funds under the terms of the service is not charged.

But you still have to pay a monthly fee for using the “V-purse” itself. It is equal to 3 rubles. There is no subscription fee for the first month of use.

At the moment, "V-wallet" can be used only by those Velcom clients who are individuals. At the same time, it does not matter at all which banking institution the subscriber uses, and whether he uses it in principle.

Video review from the user of the mobile operator "Velcom and how to deal with it":