Computers Windows Internet

How to make wifi at home from wired internet. How to make your Wi-Fi network open? Removing the password from the wireless network

I have already written more than once about how to protect your wireless network, how to set a password, and even gave some tips on how to strengthen the protection of Wi-Fi networks, which you can read. But, about how to remove the password altogether and make a howl Wi-Fi network open, I never wrote.

Now we will completely disable protection wireless network in the router settings. Why do this, and who can benefit from it? Yes, there are different cases, for example, you are throwing a party, and you want your guests to use your Wi-Fi without any problems. Why should everyone enter a password, and all sorts of troubles there. If you can just make the network public for a while. Or, you are a very kind person, and you want to share Internet access with neighbors who have not yet installed a router and everyone is trying 🙂

Or you have, for example, a cafe, and you save on the wizard and want to make a public Wi-Fi network for the visitors of your establishment. You can do it yourself. You just need to set up the Internet, buy a good router, and set it up. And during the configuration process, simply do not install protection. As you can see, there are many options.

Before you open access to your home network, you should know about some of the nuances:

  • Everyone who will be in the coverage area of ​​your network will be able to connect to it and use the Internet without any problems. This means that there will be an increased load on your router. If a lot of devices connect, and everyone, for example, starts watching online video, then your router (if not very powerful), may simply not withstand the load and the Internet will disappear all the time.
  • The speed of the Internet will be much lower after other devices connect to your router and use the Internet.
  • Anyone who connects to your network will be able to access the router settings page. Be sure to change the username and password that you need to enter to access the router settings. Also, I advise (on Tp-Link routers).
  • The security of your files. If it was in your network, then it is possible that devices that connect to this network will be able to access files on your devices where this access was open. I advise you to set the status for your network "Public network". How to do this is written in the article. (read after the heading "File security when connecting to someone else's Wi-Fi").

With this I think sorted out. Let's get down to customization.

Making our Wi-Fi network open

First, I will demonstrate how to do this on a router from the Tp-Link company.

Go to your router settings. If you do not know how to do this, then read it.

In the settings go to the tab WirelessWireless security... If your settings are in Russian, these are the items Wireless Mode - Wireless Security.

Check the box next to Disable Security (Disable protection), and at the bottom click on the button Save(save) . This means that you have completely disabled the protection of your network and saved the settings.

After that, it will be possible to connect to your network without entering any password.

On routers by Asus, it's just as simple:

In the settings, right on the main screen, just select Open system, and press the button Apply.

If you have some other router, you can disable the password most likely in the settings, on the page where the password for the network is set, and other wireless network settings are set. Just search for similar items there.

When you want to close your network back, then, and restart the router. Then, you can look to be sure that only your devices are there.

I think you succeeded. If you have any questions, then leave them in the comments.

B lag-prudent users usually strive to protect their private Wi-Fi network as much as possible, for which, in addition to a strong password for the connection, they also set a password for the settings of the router itself and enable filtering by MAC addresses. And this is absolutely correct, but it may happen that the opposite will be required, that is, remove the protection from the network and make it publicly available.

Only for what, you ask, may it be needed? Why expose your network and connected devices to potential threats? The reasons may vary. For example, you are the owner of a cafe or other institution, and you want your customers to be able to connect to Wi-Fi freely without asking for help from employees or administration. Or maybe you decided to throw a party and make Wi-Fi temporarily public, thereby saving your guests the hassle.

So, if you have such an idea, before starting to implement it, if you please take some useful advice.

Remember that if you share your network, everyone who connects to it will be able to access the settings of the router, and this is already dangerous. Therefore, be sure to install a reliable username and password on the router itself. In addition, we strongly recommend that you deny access to the router's settings at the physical level, that is, make sure that you can enter its settings only from your computer.

If your computer is configured home network , change its status to "Public"... Otherwise, there is a risk that users connected to the public Wi-Fi network will gain access to your open personal files and directories.

Also consider what internet speed is open network will be an order of magnitude lower. If there are too many devices connected to it, communication may "Slow down", and in some cases, even temporarily disappear. However, it all depends on the power of your router.

We open the network

Well, let's get started. Since the internal location of the panels and setting tools for each router model is different, the given example given by us may not be enough to create a complete picture. In general, you need to find the section "Fi-Wi" or "Wireless", and in it find the security subsection. Here it will contain all the settings you need.

You can get into the settings of most routers by going in the browser to the address or 192.168.1 and then entering the default username and password. Usually this admin and admin, but it could be different, so you better get to know them yourself. Settings access address, as well as login and password usually located on the bottom of the router.

Some models of routers have a button to disable protection Disable Security, in other models, protection can be removed by changing the parameter value. All you need is to select from the list "Open".

And then apply the setting.

To close the network again, select the previously set value from the list.

This is almost all. It remains only to find the section with the administrator password and change it so that none of the users can enter the router settings.

Also in the main Wi-Fi settings you can change the network name (SSID), but after that you will definitely need to delete the existing connections on your computer and reconnect to the wireless network, otherwise the Internet on your PC may become inaccessible.

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Instructions for connecting a computer via Wi-Fi to another with shared Internet access (Windows 7)

In some situations, it becomes necessary to connect a mobile device to the Internet via a laptop or computer. But what if you can only connect to the Internet using a cable? Is it possible to make a laptop a wi-fi access point without using a router? If you are the owner of a candy bar, computer or netbook with an OS of the Windows family, then the instructions are detailed below.

This article will focus on software designed to create a wi-fi access point. There are many similar programs, but we will dwell on only one of them in more detail.

First of all, check if your Personal Computer or laptop wifi router. With laptops, as a rule, everything is much simpler: most modern models have a built-in wi-fi adapter. The situation is more complicated with stationary computers... In order for your computer to work with wi-fi networks, an adapter must be installed in it. The easiest way is to use an adapter with USB connectivity.

If there are no drivers included with this device, then you can simply try to connect it to your computer. Required drivers are likely to be installed automatically. As a last resort, you can go to the official website of the manufacturer of the wi-fi adapter and install the appropriate driver. After the wi-fi module is connected and configured, you can start configuring your computer.

For this we need Connectify - special program, which can be downloaded from the official website. To do this, you just need to home page site click "Download". Install the downloaded program and run it. Installation process software does not require any additional skills: just agree to the terms of the license agreement, and the installation will start automatically.

Perhaps, during the installation of the program, buttons will appear that will need to be pressed to continue the installation. After installing the program, a restart is required. If you refuse to reboot, then you will not be able to open the program. To start configuring the program, you will have to restart your computer.

flfgnth Configure Connectify
How do you make a laptop a wi-fi access point? The Connectify icon should appear in the system tray after restarting. If you click on it, then the program settings window will open in front of us.

Enter the name of the wi-fi access point in the Hotspot Name field. You cannot delete the Connectify name, you just need to add your name to know the name of the network you created. The password is specified in the "Password" field. From the Internet to Share list, select the device from which the laptop or computer will access the Internet.

This concludes the setup process. Now yours for mobile devices. Let's see how it works in reality. To create a connection, you just need to click the Start Hotspot button. After 5-10 seconds, you can connect to the created wi-fi network.

In order to test the operation of the program, you can try to connect the phone through the newly created network.
This method has one significant drawback: you can use the program for free for only two days. After that, the number of functions will be significantly reduced. The main thing here is not to get confused, because you can find anything on the Internet. For example, you can find older versions of the program. They work great in free mode.

Now you just need to take a mobile device and connect it to an access point. To do this, in the list of available networks, you must select the network you just created. After that, a connection window will appear. A password must be entered in the dialog box. Now it is enough to enter the password you have invented, and the connection will be established. Mobile device got access to the network.

This article discussed the issue of creating a wi-fi access point using a laptop. The presence of a router, of course, greatly simplifies the task. It is better not to use the method described above all the time. When installing a router, you will not need to constantly turn on your personal computer to connect a phone to the Internet.

Also, when installing the specified program, certain glitches may appear. So, for example, when installing this application, wi-fi may become unstable. If such an error appears, you must turn off the program.