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What to click on. What happens if you press ctrl w on the keyboard? Where to click to close the browser window. Other ways to restart


If you are a novice user and you are a little scared by the abundance of buttons on the computer keyboard, you don’t know which buttons to press in order to trigger the desired action and see the result on the monitor screen after that, then it’s time to get to know the additional functions of the keyboard closer.

While it may not look all that different from its predecessor, there are some pretty significant changes to be aware of. But new feature causing some problems for people is the new home button. Although it looks and feels like a button, it is not the moving button it used to be.

Benefits of the Status Button

The illusion is pretty convincing, but you can notice a few things about the new home button. This is a method that many have adopted for "slowing down" how fast fingerprint unlocking was on previous models, which would often take you behind the lock screen before you can read any notifications. Likewise, using the home button doesn't work with most gloves - even some capacitive gloves specifically designed for smartphone use - or inside cases that cover the button. Some capacitive gloves seem to work, but not all. you need new headphones or an adapter choice, you may also need to upgrade your gloves this winter.

Pressing the new home button is easier than before. . Being a software simulator instead Hardware has its own advantages.

Carefully . In addition to the numbers and letters familiar to you from childhood, you will see a large number of additional buttons. As you probably guessed, all of them are needed to enter the necessary data into the computer and to call certain functions of programs and utilities. Let's figure out which button or key combination to press to speed up the process of working at the computer. Of course, it will be difficult for a beginner to remember all the useful key combinations for working at a computer, but it is advisable to remember the most basic commands with which you can quickly display information on a monitor than with a mouse.

For starters, that means fewer moving parts. Along with cracked screens, the home button was one of the first things to fail on previous models, as it's usually used a lot more than the volume or power buttons. When creating a button with a solid state, it should be less likely to fail.

Also, this means you can change how the button feels or acts. You can use the mouse or keyboard. The necessary keys and key combinations are explained. For various actions, one or more specific objects must be selected. One speaks of labeling or selection.

All these numerous buttons and keys help to enter information into the computer. To carry out a variety of computer management operations, you will definitely need a keyboard.

Let's deal with the most common - the classic keyboard. Stock up on a notepad to write down the functions of the keys we need the most (or bookmark this page with a list of all key functions and keyboard shortcut combinations). In addition to classic keyboards, you can find keyboards with various additional keys. They help to carry out auxiliary functions while working at a computer. Manufacturers of office equipment do not stop there, and come up with more and more diverse types of keyboards. At the same time, many "claves" have an unusual shape.

Other ways to restart

You select an object by clicking it once with the left mouse button. The object is then usually colored blue. Note that two or more objects can be selected. For example, in the illustration above, the folder structure to the left of the My Pictures folder is selected but not active.

The active object is usually the one you last clicked with the mouse. If a command is invoked that must refer to a specific object, that command is always applied to the active element. This context also says that the element has focus. The text field thus needs focus in order to display the text entered from the keyboard. If the text field has focus, you can see it in the blinking insertion point. If you don't see the insertion point, you must first click on the text field with your mouse.

Find the Esc key. This is the English word Escape in abbreviation. Its translation is to run away, escape, escape. This key is used to undo the last action. This key can be used to cancel a menu that you have changed your mind about using.

Now we will move along the topmost row of the keyboard to the right.

The following keys are functional. They are signed with the letters F1 and F12. I must say that they are almost never used. But since we decided to figure it out completely - remember. They don't have a permanent value. In certain programs, they perform the functions assigned to them. The F1 button is needed to call up help or help. Basically, these keys can perform actions like a mouse: open and close files and folders, change their names, copy, etc.

Select multiple objects with the mouse

When clicked, the text becomes the active element, so it has input focus. If you select an object and click on another object with the mouse, the marking for the first object will be lost. Of course, you can combine the described methods.

Select multiple consecutive objects

This method selects all objects that are between the two clicked objects.

Select multiple non-consecutive objects

This method allows you to select any file or folder from the collection.

Selecting multiple objects by dragging

You can also select multiple objects with the mouse by dragging a kind of frame. All objects that touch this frame are automatically selected.

To the right is a group of three keys:

The first key is Print Screen. If translated from English, then Print is a print, and Screen is a screen. This button allows you to take a screenshot. It is needed when developing any tutorials, if you need to show what the program window looks like. A screenshot is called a screenshot. Now you know which button to press if you need to take a screenshot.

Remove individual objects

Hold down the mouse button and drag the frame with the mouse, e.g. with the mouse. move down to the right.

  • Click next to an object.
  • Release the mouse when the desired objects have been selected.
You can use this procedure if you tagged an object by mistake. Sometimes, however, it is also faster to first select all the listed objects and then deselect the objects that are not needed.

Selecting multiple objects from the keyboard

To select an object using the keyboard, that object must have focus. If the object has input focus, you can recognize folders and files with a blue border. Other controls are highlighted. If an object has focus, you can mark it with a space. Within a collection, you can move focus between the listed objects using the arrow keys.

The second key is Scroll Lock. This button activates the scroll bar in certain programs. This key is rarely used because the mouse performs the up and down scrolling function - just turn the wheel located in the center of the mouse to move the image on the screen. The Windows operating system has a scroll bar. It is needed if the text does not fit on the screen. Among other things, this key is an indicator. Look at the top right corner of the keyboard. There are three indicators. If you press this key, the indicator corresponding to it will light up. This means you have enabled scroll mode. To disable this mode, press the key again. The indicator will turn off - the mode is disabled.

Possible sources of errors and crashes

Fixed the order in which controls receive focus. Then the input elements are crossed back. To select multiple folders with the keyboard.

Of course, you can not only apply the described procedure to folders. If you have already selected an object and double click on it and click directly on the name, a text box will automatically appear where you can change the name of the object. double click has the same effect as calling the rename command.

The third key - Pause Break is also almost never used. With its help, you can pause the program. Most often it is used in toys. Now you know which button to press to pause the game - for example, to take a breath when moving to a new level. To continue the game, just press any key.

Of those who use it, it is considered extremely important. And all those who use it know that there is a big transition from mouse click to keyboard to switch. It is faster to press a key than to move the mouse and click the key. We're talking about 30 class abilities in combat.

These 30 skills you need need a lot of space. This location and the distance from the keys make it hard for a fight to click the whole thing. If you are using the mouse to press buttons, you will have problems when you want to select targets. Since you can't just click on a target, you need a mouse key for keys.

Consider the left edge of the keyboard. We move from top to bottom.

The Tab key is a tabulation. With its help, the indent from the left edge is set. It is used to create a new paragraph - a "red line". Tabulation is the movement of the cursor (the cursor is a blinking line on the screen indicating the position of text input) by a certain constant distance. V Windows documents this distance is 1.25 cm.

Second advantage: movement. Mouse rotation is infinitely much faster than keyboard rotation. Infinite because the speed of rotation with the mouse is limited by how fast you can move the mouse and how fast the reflect. Easy test: go to one of the target layouts in the capital. Stand with your back to him. Then try to quickly turn around and turn back. Then do the same as with the mouse. Mouse rotation is very fast.

For re-testing the rear pedal. This means many keyboard users as they turn back and forth. Talk to the keyboard and run back. This works well. But what about a boss that moves fast. Today there are fights like Omnithorn. It's possible as a mouse click, but much harder to do. As a rule, you just lose weight. What keys should be put on the keyboard?

Key cap lock. If you press this key, the indicator corresponding to it will light up. The mode of writing all letters in capitals (uppercase, large) is turned on. Pressing the key again will disable this function and the indicator will turn off. All letters will be entered in small lowercase.

The Shift key is needed to enter (write) characters of upper and lower case letters. What keys do you need to press to enter a capital letter? In order to enter a capital letter (translate the keyboard to uppercase), you need to simultaneously press Shift key and an alphabetic button. This is done as follows: with the finger of one hand, press Shift, and with the finger of the other hand, the desired letter. Then release both keys.

Anything you want to use in normal combat. Everything you need should be related to the keyboard. This is much more than 40 keys. When a healed hybrid creates this, it creates each class. What keys should you borrow now? These buttons are suitable for use.

So, you can see that the buttons are bright. The character does not turn, which does the mouse! Green These are the most important skills and the easiest achievements. There should be main attacks and breaks here. Things that you often use, but you can't always lie down here.

One comes, however, with a thumb. But everyone must decide for themselves! Pink Modifier buttons. The screen pulls to the next thing in front of you, Leertest jumps. If you still don't have anything on your keyboard, don't make 40 keys on your keyboard. Step 3: Take the yellow areas and use the keys there until you have everything on the keyboard.

If you look closely, you will see that there are two of these keys - on the right and on the left. Their action is the same, so you can use any of them to switch case.

Control keys Ctrl and Alt - combined with other keys and perform certain actions and functions in different programs. These keys are also duplicated. They are on the left and right. Almost always the action of the left and right key Ctrl matches. But the Alt key can have different meanings.

Modifier buttons. You don't have so many keys to get you fast. This means that you can get all your spells on it. Depending on how many keys you need and how many you have on your mouse, individual and important keys need to be occupied more and more often. But everyone should try it for themselves. It's so easy to make it clear. And optimizes it when you notice that one clicks something more often than something else. And just take the keys where one goes with one hand. B. comes only with the act of balancing the fingers, which should be avoided.

The keys, unfortunately, are so good that you can push them well. So go right or use a modifier. Smart in relation to opponents, he is alone and does something else with the players. Of course you have to practice, but then it's fun. One button, 2 completely different spells.

Windows keys and Context are only used on the Windows operating system. To call the main Windows menu, you need to press the key of the same name. pressing Windows buttons also replaces clicking the left mouse button on the syck button on the Windows taskbar. These keys are duplicated - they are on the right and left. Pressing the Context key brings up the context menu of the selected element on the desktop. This key also replaces pressing right click mouse on this element.

How do you simplify the whole game? To do this, you can use three additions. The big addon shows you the keyboard layout in the game, like in the picture. When you pass through a button, it shows what is on the buttons. Support is still in the works for these additions.

Combined with two addons, you can do it very quickly and also get feedback, which is still free and where now. I wonder when you have done everything new, is it possible to remember it all. To do this, you react faster to everything. Breaking and moving at the same time is not easy when you do it on the keyboard.

Go to the left side of the keyboard.

The largest key - Enter - serves as a confirmation of the input command. Until you press it, the command will not be executed. If you are working with controls - for example, with OSD menu items - this key is responsible for executing a command related to the highlighted item. If you are entering text, you must press the Enter key to move to the bottom line. Below - full list functions of certain keys on the keyboard:

The Backspace key is used to delete any character to the left of the cursor. Very often, this key has a designation in the form of an arrow pointing to the left. In Russian slang, the key is called "backlash".

Using a mouse, this can become nearly impossible. Keep in mind that you don't have to do everything at once. But who still plays with mouse clicks, just give it a try. It improves your game, promised. The most common form is the physical external keyboard that you connect to your computer. You don't need touch screen for on-screen keyboard. The screen displays a visual keyboard with all default buttons.

You can use a mouse or other pointing device to select buttons, or you can use one or a group of physical buttons to move between buttons on the screen. The screen displays a keyboard that can be used to navigate the screen and enter text. The keyboard remains on the screen until you close it.


Let's now figure out what the buttons between the numeric and alphabetic keyboard are for, and then figure out where to press to use the "hot keys" to paste the copied text, repeat or undo the last command, quickly select or delete text and other options. Familiarity with these key combinations "on the clave" will also be useful for a novice user.

So, the buttons are signed like this: Home, Delete, Insert, Page Up, Page Down, End and arrow buttons. All these buttons are used to work with text without using the mouse.

By clicking on the arrows, you can move the cursor (flashing dash) through the text.

The Delete button is intended for deleting characters or selected text. There is one nuance. It deletes characters not before the blinking cursor, like the Backspace key, but after it.

With the Home button you can move the cursor to the beginning of the line. The End button has the opposite effect. It moves the cursor to the end of the line.

Now let's figure out where to click to be at the top of the page. This is what the Page Up button is for. You can move to the bottom of the page using the Page Down button. Sometimes it is signed in abbreviation - Pg Dn.

The Insert button has a very interesting function. With it, you can print text on top of what has already been typed. By pressing this key, new text will be printed, erasing the old one. To cancel this function, press the Insert button again.

All of these keys are optional. Most people don't use them at all.

Taking a closer look at the keyboard, you'll find a few more keys: Scroll Lock, Print Screen, and Pause Break.

The Scroll Lock button is almost always completely useless. Simply put, it simply doesn't work. Although its direct function is to scroll the text up and down, as is done with the wheel on a computer mouse.

The Pause Break button is just as useless - that is, it does not work. Its purpose is to stop an ongoing computer process.

But the Print Screen button is very useful to you. With its help, you can take a picture of the screen, which has the name screenshot. This picture can then be inserted into Word programs or paint.

Now we will figure out in what combinations you can use the keyboard keys.

Surely you have heard that the Windows operating system and its special application programs use certain combinations of keyboard keys or their combinations with mouse keys. They duplicate and expand the capabilities of the standard menu of all programs.

Such combinations, or as they are also called - "hot keys", can be easily found in one of the search engines. For example, Google or Yandex. V address bar type: key combinations ... (program name), and the search engine will give you a lot useful information. Materials, lists and tips on this topic in world wide web enough.

Let's analyze the keyboard shortcut for the software:

Hot key (English - keyboard shortcut);

Quick access key (English - quick key);

Shortcut key (eng. - access key);

Keyboard accelerator (English - hot key).

A variation of the interface for interacting with a computer is the use of a button or a combination of buttons on computer keyboard, to which operations (commands) are programmed (assigned).

Basically, the interface of the menu or keys is duplicated. By using various key combinations, you can significantly speed up your work and increase the number of expected actions that you perform on the keyboard.

For a significant increase in productivity, you are offered a list of keyboard shortcuts that are most commonly used for quick access. All these "hot" shortcut keys are for applications operating system Windows. You can find the most detailed list of keyboard shortcuts on the Microsoft website.

Full-fledged work with a computer is quite possible without a mouse - the keyboard will be enough. In addition, productivity will be much higher. Most operations can be performed much faster with a keyboard than with a mouse. What keys should be pressed in combination with the Ctrl button on the keyboard to quickly and easily work with text?

Hot key combinations:

- press Ctrl and rotate the mouse wheel - so you can zoom in or out of the document;

Ctrl + C combination - copy the selected fragment;

Ctrl + V combination - paste the copied object;

The combination Ctrl + X - cut the selected fragment;

The combination Ctrl + Z - cancel the last command;

Ctrl + Y combination - repeats the last command;

The combination Ctrl + 0 - open a dialog box, allows you to select desired file to open;

Ctrl + P combination - displaying a dialog box for print settings;

Ctrl + N combination - create a new document;

Combination Ctrl + A - selection of all text on the page or individual elements;

The combination Ctrl + S - save the file;

The combination Ctrl + F - opens the "find and replace" window;

The combination Ctrl + B - the text becomes bold;

The combination Ctrl + I - the font is italic;

The combination Ctrl + U - underline text.

What hotkeys should be pressed on the "keyboard" to make it more convenient to use the popular browser Internet Explorer to navigate the World Wide Web of the Internet?

- keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F - displays a search dialog, allowing you to find the necessary content of the page that is currently being viewed in the browser. This feature is useful when you need to find specific information on a page;

The key combination Ctrl + N - will help open a new window in Internet Explorer;

The key combination Ctrl + W - closes the current Internet Explorer window;

Backspace button - will return you to the previous page;

Shift button + mouse click - clicking on a hyperlink on a web page will open that link in a new browser window;

Space key - the page scrolls down;

Spacebar + Shift - page scrolls up. For the same function, you can use the buttons Page Down - page down, or Page Up - page up;

End button - move to the end of the page;

Home button - move to the top of the page;

Combinations with the Syck key:

Syck + F combination - helps to open the "find files and folders" dialog box;

The combination Syck + E - will open the explorer in the center of the "my computer" window;

The combination Syck + Ctrl + F - will open the "find a computer" window;

Combination Syck + M - Minimizes all open windows*

The combination Syck + Shift + M - reopens windows, canceling the "minimize" command.


Certain commands can be set using hotkeys or various key combinations. The following are keyboard shortcuts(Ctrl + W and Shift) to help you speed up your work and improve your productivity.

Keyboard shortcuts are most often used in computer games, when every second counts and a quick reaction is needed.

Remembering all the keys, of which there are many, is not worth it. It is also difficult to remember all their combinations. But it is necessary to remember the combinations of some keys, which in many programs perform active functions and are quite popular.

In many programs, it will be very inconvenient to work without them. And then - performance will be lower. Many button combinations are simply necessary and easy to use.

Press the Ctrl key - with its help you can select multiple files or folders. By pressing Shift, you can select several folders or files in a row.

When dragging a file from one folder to another, press Ctrl. In this case, it will not be moved, but copied. If you press Shift, the file will move. If you want to permanently delete the file, press Shift.

What happens if you press Ctrl + W ? With this command, you can close the window in the browser, while the browser itself will not close if you have several windows open. Using this combination is convenient when you need to close all unnecessary tabs, except for the active one.

What happens if you press Ctrl + W in other programs? This can be found out by experience. Experiment and you will find out what function this combination performs in other programs.

Different key combinations in different programs perform certain commands. There are programs that allow you to assign keyboard shortcuts yourself. As for the combination Ctrl + W, in various programs such a command helps to close the current window. This will ask you if you want to save the change. An analogue of such a command is Alt + F4.

The combination Ctrl + W in some applications most often returns one level of the menu above. Or one level back.
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Minor laptop glitches can often be fixed by rebooting. But what if it freezes up and the usual methods of restarting the system do not work, or the touchpad does not respond to your requests? You can try to reboot using the keyboard. The main thing is to know which buttons to press to restart the laptop.

Standard reboot

First you need to make sure that the laptop is frozen and restart it in a standard way fail. A standard reboot is done through the Start menu or the Charms bar if you have Windows 8.

  1. Open the start menu.
  2. Click on the arrow next to the "Shut down" button and select "Restart".

On Windows 8, the order is:

If the laptop does not respond to the actions of the mouse or touchpad, then most likely it is frozen. Although there is another option: you may have accidentally turned off the touchpad by pressing a key combination on the keyboard (for example, Fn + F7 on ASUS laptop). If Touchpad does not work or the laptop really freezes, try restarting it using the keyboard.

If the laptop is not responding, then it really is frozen. Wait a bit, the computer can start working again on its own. If it continues to "hang", try other methods of rebooting the system.

Other ways to restart

You can call the "Shut down" window not only through the "Start" menu. If you press Alt + F4, then the active windows will be closed first, and then a list of completion options will appear Windows work. You need to use the arrows to highlight the "Reboot" item and press Enter. The laptop will restart if, of course, it still responds to requests from the keyboard, and does not freeze completely.

Another combination that will help restart the laptop if it works with errors is Ctrl + Alt + Delete. If you press these buttons at the same time, a blue screen will appear with available options further behavior of the laptop. What can be done here:

  1. Blocking the computer is not suitable, it is already frozen.
  2. Change user - may help if there is another Account with administrator rights.
  3. Logging out is an effective way to correct small errors in your work.
  4. Change the password and start the task manager - in this case, almost meaningless options, although through the manager you can see which process loaded the laptop so much that it hung.

If you want to restart the system with blue screen, then use the arrows or the Tab key to highlight the shutdown button in the lower corner. You can just turn off the laptop, and then turn it on again. If you don't want to, highlight the arrow next to the shutdown button: there is a "Reboot" option in the drop-down menu.

If the keyboard works, you can restart the system via command line. To do this is simple:

There may be other ways to restart the system from the keyboard, but if the methods listed do not help you, then there is no point in using other keyboard shortcuts.

Emergency stop

If the laptop freezes and you cannot restart the system using the keyboard, you can perform an emergency shutdown. You can do it in two ways: by long pressing the power button or complete shutdown laptop from all power sources. Both methods should be used only as a last resort, when other methods have been tried and found to be unsuitable for solving the problem.

To perform an emergency reset, press and hold the power button for about 5 seconds. You should keep it until the laptop screen turns off and its coolers stop making noise.

When you are sure that the laptop has shut down, press the power button again to turn it on (press once, as usual, you do not need to hold anything). Reboot through a long hold of the power button is implemented at the hardware level, so even if the laptop freezes tightly, in this way you will be able to turn it off.

Another method of emergency shutdown is to deprive the laptop of power. To do this, disconnect it from the mains and pull out the battery (turn the lid down and move the latches). After removing the battery, the laptop will turn off. To turn it on, replace the battery and press the power button. If the restart does not fix the problems in the computer, you need to look for a specific reason for the freeze or contact the service center.