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Search and rescue operations in the zone of collapse of the blockage. Carrying out rescue operations in damaged (destroyed) buildings and structures. Causes of blockages

Report to Vasily Valeryevich - teacher of the Federal State Institution "All-Russian Research Institute of Labor Protection and Economics", class 1 rescuer, participant in the conference of heads of emergency rescue services and units serving hazardous production facilities, on the topic "Emergency and rescue operations in case of collapse of buildings and structures."

Rescue operations in case of collapse of buildings and structures

Before Vasily Valerievich - 1st class lifeguard. Experience since 1998. Participated in many rescue operations in the collapse of buildings. Participated in the development of effective methods of penetration of barriers. Teacher and instructor (for Russian and foreign groups).

   Search and rescue operations in case of collapse of buildings
Building collapse search and rescue is the process of safely extracting trapped victims from under collapsed buildings or structures. These works are carried out in the course of responding to emergencies associated with the collapse of buildings and structures: in case of accidents, earthquakes, cyclones, or as a result of terrorist attacks. Emergencies of this kind are considered as suddenly occurring.
The United Nations International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) has developed the most comprehensive and effective guidelines for collapse rescue ( .
The main unit of search and rescue operations (hereinafter referred to as RPS) is the Search and Rescue Squad - a specially trained ESF intended for RPS in case of collapse of buildings (in international terminology - Search and rescue operations in the city, USAR - urban search and rescue).

   Types of rescue units
INSARAG divides the rescue units for work during the collapse of buildings according to their functionality into light, medium and heavy search and rescue units. Non-standard and object rescue formations in terms of rescue capabilities during a collapse, as a rule, correspond to the PSO of a light or medium class.
The UN Recommendations (INSARAG) state:
“In order for the PSO to be effective in any situation, it is necessary that it be constantly involved in its region in response to local emergencies. This will ensure continued readiness to respond, improve and test the readiness of the USAR team to respond, and will also maintain a high level of professionalism of the USAR team.”
On-duty rescue teams, including voluntary ESF, usually significantly outperform emergency rescue teams due to better staff skills in organizing rescue operations, working with rescue equipment, first aid to victims, and higher psychological readiness for extreme conditions.
Conducting exercises, especially with a situation unknown to the participants in advance, using realistic make-up, simulating injuries to extras, participation in rescue competitions increases the degree of readiness and efficiency of emergency rescue teams. Competitions allow you to get a high level at low cost by spreading the costs among many teams.

   Modern approach to RPS during collapses
A quick rescue is important, but layer-by-layer analysis of the blockage from top to bottom is very long. Therefore, it is important to quickly locate the victim in the rubble. Then the rescuers penetrate to the victim, using the voids, trying to make fewer breaches in the barriers, provide fastening of dangerous areas, if necessary, lifting or moving the parts of the blockage. The place of penetration into the blockage is chosen from above, from the side, from below, or from several sides in order to quickly penetrate to the victim.
At the first opportunity, rescuers begin to ensure the life of the victim: they establish contact with him, direct warm air, serve drink, protect him from dust, water, cold, harmful factors, and the danger of collapse. Having reached the victim, the rescuers, if necessary, begin to treat him on the spot (assistance with prolonged compression up to amputation, bleeding control, immobilization, anesthesia, infusion therapy, gentle transportation).

Tasks of the RPS in case of building collapses:
- Search for victims: the use of search dogs, instrumental reconnaissance, interviews, accounting for documents.
- Slinging, work with lifting equipment, emergency fastening and lifting of "plates", making galleries.
- Moving "plates" with improvised means, winches, manual analysis of debris.
- Penetration of solid barriers (opening doors, making holes in walls and ceilings).
- Work in confined spaces, voids, wells.
- First aid, extraction, gentle handling and carrying of victims.
- Removal of dangerous and overhanging structures, strengthening of buildings.
- Protection against hazardous factors, RHBZ.
- Working at height using ropes.

Search for victims: the use of search dogs, instrumental reconnaissance, interrogation, accounting according to documents.

Slinging, work with lifting equipment, emergency fastening and lifting of "plates", making galleries.

Moving "plates" with improvised means, winches, manual analysis of debris.

A lot of work on moving the "plates" can be done with crowbars, light cutting tools (petrol cutter, bolt cutter), sledgehammer and cable winch. Such work is within the power of PSO light class.

Penetration of solid barriers (opening doors, making holes in walls and ceilings).

Working in confined spaces, voids, wells requires prudence, engineering thinking, and patience in the use of lining.

First aid, retrieval, gentle handling and carrying of casualties requires good preparation and teamwork.

Removal of dangerous and overhanging structures, strengthening of buildings

Protection against hazardous factors, RKhBZ

Working at height with ropes

Components of the search and rescue squad:
- Proper leadership (awareness of goals and objectives).
- The right people (the best result is from voluntary ASF, alp clubs, tourist clubs, active doctors are also needed).
- Education, training, development.
- Equipment and its maintenance (preferably professional maintenance by one's own forces).
- Equipment, transport, warehouse, logistics, rear.
- Regular practice (real rescue work).

Training of management and rescuers is the foundation, practice is the walls (and the founder is the roof).
All RPS tasks require highly technical group actions.
To train the team to solve these problems, it is necessary to:
- The right teachers and instructors and training programs.
- Equipment, teaching aids, consumables.
- Polygon, simulators.
- Training scenarios, extras, realistic imitation of wounds and the behavior of the "victims".

USAR rescue training

Quite often, RPS has to be carried out in the conditions of blockages. Blockage is a chaotic heap of building materials and structures, fragments of technological equipment, sanitary devices, furniture, household utensils, stones.

The reason for the formation of blockages can be natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, storms, landslides, landslides, mudflows), the effects of natural factors leading to aging and corrosion of materials (atmospheric moisture, groundwater, subsiding soils, sudden changes in temperature air), errors at the design and construction stage, violations of the rules for the operation of the facility, military operations. The degree of damage to buildings depends on the strength of the destructive factor, the duration of its impact, the seismic resistance of structures, the quality of construction, and the degree of wear (aging) of buildings.

According to the degree of destruction of buildings, the blockages are divided into five types.

  • 1. Light damage: thin cracks appear on the walls of buildings, plaster is sprinkled, small pieces break off, glass in windows is damaged.
  • 2. Weak destruction: small cracks in the walls, quite large pieces of plaster break off, cracks appear in the chimneys, some of them collapse, the roof is partially damaged, glass in the windows is completely broken.
  • 3. Medium destruction: large cracks in the walls of buildings, collapse of chimneys, partial fall of the roof.
  • 4. Strong destruction: collapse of internal partitions and walls, gaps in the walls, collapse of parts of buildings, destruction of connections between parts of buildings, collapse of the roof.
  • 5. Complete destruction.

Blockages are continuous and separate (local). The volume of blockages in the destruction of residential buildings is 35-50%, industrial - 15-20% of the construction volume. The height of the blockages of residential buildings is 1/5-1/7, industrial - 1/4-1/10 of their original height. The average slope angle of blockages is 30°. The volume of voids in the rubble is 40-60%.

Blockages are conditionally divided into reinforced concrete and brick. Reinforced concrete blockages consist of fragments of reinforced concrete, concrete, metal and wooden structures, fragments of brickwork, elements of technological equipment. They are characterized by the presence of a large number of large elements, often interconnected, voids and unstable elements.

Brick blockages consist of brick blocks, broken bricks, plaster, fragments of reinforced concrete, metal, and wooden structures. They are characterized by high density, the absence of large, as a rule, elements and voids.

The formation of blockages is accompanied by damage to electrical, thermal, gas, plumbing and other systems. This creates a risk of fires, explosions, floods, electric shocks. Particularly dangerous are the blockages of industrial buildings in which hazardous substances are produced or stored.

The destruction of buildings and the formation of blockages are usually accompanied by death, blocking, and injury to people. Of all the victims in the rubble, approximately 40% receive minor injuries, 20% receive moderate injuries, and the same percentage receive severe and extremely severe injuries and injuries.

Fig.3. The degree of destruction of buildings: a - light damage; b - weak; c - average; g - strong; d - complete destruction.

Victims can be in the upper, middle, lower parts of the blockage, in littered basements and underground protective structures, in the technological underground and in the premises of the first floors. In some cases, they can remain on different floors of partially destroyed premises, in niches and voids, on roofs.


1 - cordon by the traffic police of the emergency area, posts on the roads; 2 - cordon by law enforcement agencies of the emergency zone and the object of the RPS; 3 - headquarters of the leadership (OG EMERCOM of the Russian Federation); 4 - point of medical care for lightly injured; 5 - point of medical care for seriously injured; 6 - platform for identification of victims; 7 - first-aid post for sorting the victims; 8 - path for through traffic of ambulances; 9 - path for through traffic of fire service vehicles and construction equipment; 10 - entry and exit coordination point; 11 - rest point for rescuers; 12 - point of heating of rescuers; 13 - food service for rescuers; 14 - reserve forces; 15 - point of reception of found documents and valuables; 16 - reserve equipment; 17 - platform for refueling fuel and lubricants equipment; 18 - forces and means of the necessary emergency services; 19 - areas of work; 20 - object of emergency.

Practically in all the blockages there are people, some of them die immediately, some are injured. On the first day after the emergency, in the absence of first aid, approximately 40% of the victims die in the rubble. After 3-4 days after the formation of the blockage, the living people in it begin to die from thirst, cold, and injuries. After 7-10 days, there are practically no living people left in the rubble.

Search and rescue operations in the conditions of blockages begin with reconnaissance, for which you should:

  • - establish the emergency zone and its nature;
  • - to determine the location and condition of the victims;
  • - assess the state of objects in the emergency zone (buildings, communications, engineering systems);
  • - determine the presence of fires, radioactive, chemical, bacteriological contamination, toxic and explosive substances, prevent their negative impact on people, eliminate or localize;
  • - determine the places for laying access roads, installing equipment, evacuation routes for victims;
  • - Establish permanent control over the state of the blockage.

Before starting the RPS in the rubble, you must:

  • - turn off the power supply, gas supply, water supply;
  • - check the condition of the remaining structures, overhanging elements, walls;
  • - inspect the interior;
  • - make sure that there is no danger, create safe working conditions;
  • - Determine escape routes in case of danger.

The technology of conducting RPS in the blockage includes the following main stages.

Stage No. 1. Study and analysis of the situation, assessment of the degree of destruction, establishment of the destruction zone, marking. Assessment of the stability of buildings and structures. Organization of safe working conditions for rescuers.

Stage number 2. Providing prompt assistance to the victims, located on the surface of the blockage.

Stage number 3. Thorough search for victims using all available search tools and methods.

Stage No. 4. Partial dismantling of the blockage using heavy equipment to provide assistance to the victims.

Stage No. 5. General dismantling (clearing) of the blockage after removing all the victims.

Marking is an important element of RPS organization in the blockage. The main markings are shown below.

The building has access and is safe for RPS. The damage is minor. The probability of further destruction is low;

The building has significant damage, some areas are safe, others require strengthening or destruction;

The building is dangerous for the RPS;

the arrow next to the square indicates the direction to the safe entrance to the building.

The search for victims in the rubble is carried out in the following main ways: visually, according to eyewitnesses, with the help of search dogs, with the help of special devices.

After conducting reconnaissance and ensuring safe working conditions, rescuers begin to dismantle the rubble to provide assistance to the victims. First of all, RPS are carried out in those places where living people are found. In this case, two main methods are used: dismantling the blockage from top to bottom; manhole device in the rubble.

When conducting RPS in the rubble, the following tools, devices, machines and mechanisms are most often used.

Hydraulic tools: jaw spreaders, reamers, jacks, hydraulic cylinders.

Electric tools: chain and circular electric saws, angle grinders.

Trench tools: crowbars, shovels, picks, saws.

Machinery and mechanisms: truck cranes of various carrying capacity, excavators, loaders, bulldozers, trucks.

To obtain sound information during the RPS in the rubble, it is necessary to arrange the so-called "HOUR OF SILENCE". At the command of the head in the emergency zone, all work is stopped, traffic is stopped, all working machines and mechanisms are turned off. Only rescuers with devices to search for victims, cynologists with dogs, and “hearers” remain on the blockage. The duration of the "hour of silence" is 15-20 minutes. During the day, the "hour of silence" can be announced several times.

The demolition of the blockage from above is carried out to provide assistance to the victims, who are located in the upper part of the blockage and have free access to them. The blockage is disassembled manually using crowbars, shovels, shovels. Lifting equipment (jacks, winches, cranes) is used to lift and move large and heavy elements of the obstruction. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of a sudden movement of elements of the blockage, which can cause additional suffering to the victims. After the victims are released, they are given assistance and transported to a safe place.

Often the victims are in the depths of the blockage. To extract them, rescuers make a special narrow passage (manhole), taking into account the shortest distance to people, in the most easily overcome sections of the blockage. It is not recommended to arrange a hole in the immediate vicinity of large boulders, as they can settle and make work difficult. Laz is done in horizontal, inclined and vertical directions. The optimal width of the manhole is 0.8-0.9 m, height is 0.9-1.0 m. Work on the device of the manhole is carried out by several groups (3-4 people each) manually or using a tool. Their task includes dismantling the blockage, making a manhole, preparing and installing fasteners, removing the wreckage, releasing the victims, and transporting them. The movement of rescuers during the construction of a manhole is carried out on all fours, crawling lying on their backs, on their stomachs, on their sides. If the movement of rescuers is hindered by large reinforced concrete, metal, wood, brick products, then they must be bypassed, if this is not possible, then destroyed, in some cases a hole can be made in them.

When constructing a manhole, special attention should be paid to its reliable fastening in order to prevent the collapse of the walls. For this, a special, pre-prepared fastening material is used - racks, struts, boards, beams, shields, crossbars, struts.

When constructing a manhole, the movement of rescuers and equipment along the upper part of the blockage is not allowed.

After completing work on the device of the manhole and fixing the passage, rescuers begin to free people. First of all, the condition of the victim and the degree of his injury are determined. Then the pressed or pinched parts of the body are released with the simultaneous application of tourniquets and compressive bandages, the mouth and nose are cleaned, small fragments, debris, rubble are removed from the victim by hand. Depending on the physical condition of the victim, the method of its extraction and transportation is selected.

At least two rescuers must free the victim from the rubble. If there is such an opportunity, then it is pulled out by the hands or the upper shoulder girdle. If this is not possible, then the rescuers bring their hands under his shoulder girdle and lower back, and only then carefully release the victim. Sometimes it is advisable to use a dense fabric for laying the victim or a stretcher.

If the victim is under large and heavy elements of the blockage, then he is released with the help of spreaders, jacks, lifting equipment. In cases where the victim is pinned to the ground, he can be released by digging.

Injuries characteristic of people trapped in rubble are fractures, bruises, concussion. A specific injury is considered to be prolonged squeezing of muscles and internal organs - prolonged squeezing syndrome.

This type of injury is characterized by the cessation of blood flow and metabolism in compressed areas of the body, which leads to the intensive formation and accumulation of toxic decay products, tissue destruction, and the formation of under-oxidized metabolic products. When the compressed area of ​​the body is released and blood circulation is restored, a huge amount of toxins enter the body. It directly depends on the area of ​​the affected areas and the time of compression. Along with the outflow of toxins from the affected areas, a large amount of blood plasma rushes to these places (sometimes 3-4 liters). The limbs sharply increase in volume, the contours of the muscles are disturbed, the edema acquires a maximum density, which causes pain. The described redistribution of toxins and blood plasma leads to inhibition of the activity of all body systems and is the cause of death of the victim in the first minutes after being released from the rubble.

Simultaneously with the formation of toxic substances in the affected muscles, myoglobin molecules are formed. Together with the blood, they enter the kidneys, damaging their tubules, which can cause death from kidney failure.

In order to save the life of the victim during prolonged tissue compression, it is necessary to inject plasma-containing solutions into the blood before release, give plenty of warm drink, and apply cold to the damaged areas. Immediately after release, the compressed surface should be bandaged tightly to reduce swelling and limit the amount of redistributed plasma. Regardless of the presence or absence of damaged bones, splints are applied, cold, painkillers are applied, the issue of delivering the victim to a medical institution, which must have an “artificial kidney” device, is promptly resolved.

It is very important for the rescuer to know the exact time of the onset of compression, since during the first two hours the consequences of this injury are reversible and not dangerous to humans. During this time, rescuers must release as many people as possible.

1. Introduction

15 minutes.

Construction of the personnel of the guard, checking the uniform, checking the personnel according to the list of the educational journal, check the availability of notes, knowledge

Instruction on labor protection rules:
When rescuing people and property in a fire, operational officials are required to determine the procedure and methods for rescuing people, depending on the situation and the condition of people who need help, to take measures to protect those being rescued from fire hazards.

Rescue operations are carried out quickly, but with precautions so that damage and injury to the people being rescued are not caused.

In all cases when rescue operations are carried out, officials simultaneously with the deployment of forces and means organize the call for an ambulance, even if it is not needed at the moment.

Prior to the arrival of medical personnel at the fire, first aid to the victims, in accordance with the established procedure, is provided by the personnel of the State Fire Service units.

To rescue people and property from a height, tested stationary and manual fire escapes, fire ladders and car lifts, rescue ropes, rescue hoses, pneumatic jumping rescue devices and other devices that have the appropriate certificates and have passed the tests are used.

Rescue and self-rescue can only be started after making sure that the length of the rescue rope ensures a complete descent to the ground (balcony, etc.), the rescue loop is securely fastened to the rescued person, the rescue rope is attached to the structure of the building and is correctly wound around the fireman's belt carabiner.

It is forbidden to use wet or highly damp rescue ropes for rescue and self-rescue, as well as rescue ropes that are not part of the combat crew, and ropes intended for other purposes.

In cases where it is not possible to immediately remove the victims who are in forced isolation, first of all, to ensure the survival of the victims, by all available means, the supply of clean air, drinking water, food, medicines and personal protective equipment is organized.

Main part

60 min.

Search for victims and their extraction from damaged and burning buildings, gassed, smoky and flooded premises or blockages

Opening destroyed, damaged or littered premises and rescuing people in them

Supplying air to cluttered premises to ensure the life of the people there

Providing first aid to victims of a fire

Organization of the evacuation of material assets from the danger zone

Strengthening and collapse of structures of buildings and structures that threaten to collapse and impede the safe conduct of work

Elimination of the consequences of destruction.

As a result of the destruction of urban and industrial buildings, the victims need medical assistance and cannot independently get out of the destroyed buildings and structures without outside help. People in crowded areas may need an urgent supply of fresh air.

When carrying out rescue work, it is necessary

Conduct site reconnaissance and assess the situation

Prepare work sites for the installation of machines and mechanisms

Disconnect utilities from the building, primarily gas and electricity

Conduct search and rescue of people located on the preserved parts of the building, in voids and on the surface of the blockage

Lay channels or punch tunnels to supply oxygen to people buried under the rubble

Dismantle blockages in front of the entrance (floor or wall) of the building

Punch holes in a wall or ceiling.

When conducting combat operations,

The place and method of work should be determined in each case according to intelligence data, depending on the type of building, its condition, the nature of the blockage and the available mechanization

Assess the situation, establish the type of building, its design features, dimensions and area. When assessing the situation, take into account the season of the year, time of day, weather conditions and other factors that may have a significant impact on the conduct of PAR

Simultaneously with reconnaissance, lay hose lines with hand-held fire monitors to protect people working on the rubble from fire. Can be used on car ladders and lifts

Personnel involved in reconnaissance and search for people should pay attention to the smell of gas and if they are seen working in RPE, move extremely carefully so as not to cause an explosion from sharp contact with metal and stone surfaces

Shut off emergency utilities and energy networks near the destroyed building (structure), pump out or divert water, localize or eliminate existing fires

Strengthen or destroy building structures that threaten to collapse using available technical means

Constantly monitor the air composition at the accident site using environmental monitoring devices (oxygen content, toxic and explosive components, heat flux density), etc.

With small blockages, consisting mainly of small debris, it is possible to carry out work manually using the simplest tools and small-scale mechanization.

Personnel working on the demolition of rubble must be equipped with manual and mechanized tools. There should be one metal cutting device for every 2-3 links. Links must be equipped with fire extinguishers, sets of protective clothing, PPE, dosimeters.

When working, it is necessary to strictly observe labor protection measures.

Personnel working on the demolition of rubble must be in protective helmets and gloves. When working at height, must have safety belts and rescue ropes

Constantly monitor the surviving structures

Forbidden collapse structures on the existing blockage, as this can lead to the death of people remaining in the blockage, cause an explosion or fire

Dangerous areas should be fenced off or marked with signs

Minimize walking on the rubble, move carefully along the pile of rubble, avoiding stepping on the rubble, occupying an unstable position

Remove debris from the rubble and pass the necessary tool along the chain of motionless rescuers

You can not move and put cars on the floors of structures near walls and structures that threaten to collapse

Monitor the roll of the machine and, if there is a threat of loss of stability, immediately stop work

Put wheeled excavators and cranes when working on outriggers

Forbidden pull apart structures with cables during mechanical disassembly. They should be lifted carefully, starting from the top and inspecting the place after each lift, so as not to worsen the condition of people under the rubble

It is forbidden to stand under the lifted load in the area of ​​movement of the excavator bucket, near the tensioned cables when pulling the blockage elements with the direct traction of the machine.

When working in gassed rooms, you must not use a tool that causes sparking, be sure to de-energize electrical lines, use only rechargeable lanterns for lighting.

All groups working on the rubble must be under continuous supervision of specially designated persons responsible for their safety and maintaining contact with the post for monitoring the condition of the surviving building structures.

Work areas must be illuminated at night. Trench pits, pits, etc. Dangerous places must be fenced off and marked with light signals.

In winter, for heating personnel, it is necessary to equip heating points, and during protracted work, food points.

Rescue victims from the rubble and partially destroyed buildings.

The search and rescue of the victims who find themselves under the rubble of destroyed buildings begins immediately upon the arrival of the units.

It is advisable to search for victims by the method of continuous examination of the destroyed building (structure), moving from each other at a distance that provides constant visual and auditory communication

It is necessary to examine in detail all the places where people can be found, using dog handlers with dogs and special devices.

Give loud sound signals at short intervals with your voice or blows to the elements of the blockage and the preserved parts of the building, listen carefully to all sounds, as they may be the response signals of the victims

If there are people under the blockage, it is necessary, if possible, to establish contact with them through negotiations or tapping, to find out their number and condition. At the same time, it is necessary to choose a method for clearing the blockage and immediately begin work.

The blockage should be dismantled from above only if the victims are close to the surface of the blockage, as well as in cases where the blockage has a dense structure and the passage of the gallery is time-consuming

It is necessary to dismantle the blockage above the victims strictly observing the precautionary measures, since if the blockage is unstable and the connection between the fragments is broken, spontaneous movement of individual elements and sediment of the entire mass of the blockage is possible

Avoid sudden jerks when removing large elements from the blockage, their swinging and strong impacts at the work site

Inspect engineering communications passing near the place of work and, if damage is found on them, accompanied by water leakage or gas release, immediately turn off the damaged area

Burning and smoldering objects must be removed from the rubble and extinguished.

When tunneling the gallery in the thickness of the blockage, in order to extract the victims, it is necessary to fasten the walls of the gallery with supports made from improvised materials. The structures of the gallery mounts should extend beyond the blockage by 1-2 m

To reduce the amount of work, it is necessary to choose the correct direction of penetration along the shortest distance using voids and areas consisting mainly of fragments of wooden structures or small stone fragments.

Gallery tunneling works are carried out by a team of 6-7 people. The link is divided into two crews of 3 people. The flight commander is responsible for the performance of work and compliance with security measures. Calculations work for 20-30 minutes. As part of the calculation, one disassembles the blockage, the other two remove the debris and install fasteners. A free shift at this time prepares fastening elements. Of the means of mechanization, when tunneling the gallery, winches, jacks, jackhammers, and concrete breakers can be used. The personnel of the units are equipped with tools that are convenient for working in cramped conditions - crowbars, fire axes, small sapper shovels, chisels, hammers, hacksaws for metal and wood, etc. Clothing should be comfortable for working in the rubble. Rescuers must wear protective helmets and mandatory safety belts with a strong rope attached to them, one end of which must be outside the blockage.

When rescuing victims from the upper floors of buildings with destroyed or damaged staircases, it is necessary

Use helicopters, car lifts, car ladders, manual ladders and special rescue equipment from a height (ropes, cloths, air bags, etc.)

Manufacture and install suspended or attached ladders, ladders, transitions to neighboring apartments or sections in which stairwells have been preserved.

Looking for people in the premises, you need to call them. Adults should be looked for at windows, doors, in the corridors, i.e., on the paths leading to the exits from the premises, where they may be in an unconscious state. Children should be looked for on beds, in closets, behind stoves, in closets, bathrooms, under tables, etc., where they often hide during fires.

In smoky rooms, one must listen for groans, as they can be used to find the victims. If there is information about the location of people, but firefighters do not find them there, it is necessary to carefully inspect and check all premises. It is forbidden to limit oneself to statements of citizens about the absence of people. Checking the premises is carried out in all cases, and only after a thorough inspection, making sure that there are no people, they stop this work.

If there are threats to people on the fire, then all the attention of intelligence is focused on finding the sources of combustion. Open fires are usually easy to spot. To identify the boundaries of open combustion, the place of fire should be examined from all sides. It is much more difficult to determine the hidden sources of combustion inside structures, where the fire spreads through the voids of walls, partitions, insulated coatings, ventilation ducts, etc. It is even more difficult in these cases to determine the boundaries of the fire.

Hidden foci of combustion in voids are identified by their surface temperature, burnouts, discoloration of plaster or paint, by ear, by the exit of smoke through leaks or cracks and its temperature. But it is not always possible to accurately determine the source of combustion from the place where the smoke exits from the cracks, since sometimes the smoke, spreading through the voids, exits at a considerable distance from the place of combustion. Before specifying the place of combustion, a control disassembly of the structures is carried out. The boundaries of combustion inside the structures and the ways of its propagation are determined by control openings. Opening structures to find the source of fire is carried out after the preparation of extinguishing agents.

In some cases, the location of a fire can be identified by the smell and color of the smoke.

When reconnaissance of a fire in buildings with coverings of large areas, where it is necessary to overcome distances of 200-300 m, it is advisable to divide the room in which the fire occurred into sections and send a reconnaissance group of 4-5 people to each. In this case, it is necessary to first develop a route for their movement, choosing the shortest distance. Before the start of reconnaissance, security posts are required to be set up, which maintain constant communication with reconnaissance groups.

In case of fires - in basements, the possibility of spreading combustion to the higher floors, which can be used to release smoke and introduce trunks, the layout and design features of the basement, is determined. Exploration is carried out in the burning compartments of the basement and in those adjacent to it. This is necessary not only to determine the possibility of the spread of fire in them, but also to find approaches to the source of combustion.

If the building is separated by a fire wall, then reconnaissance is carried out on both sides of it.

In case of fires in warehouses, during reconnaissance, substances with unknown properties can be detected, to find out which it is necessary to contact the Specialists located at the fire facilities. If there are none, then the RTP finds out the properties of substances according to documents or business designations on packages and containers, as well as on other grounds. This is necessary for the choice of extinguishing agent and the observance of safety precautions.

In smoky rooms, the place of combustion is determined by the reflections of the flame, the noise of combustion (crackling), the degree of heating of the smoke. By the smell of smoke, you can roughly determine what is burning.

In the attic, if it is difficult in terms of layout and heavily smoky, the boundaries of combustion are determined by probing the roof from above,

along the escaping flames, the places of the most intense exit of smoke from under the eaves and dormer windows; in winter - in places where snow melts. In the course of reconnaissance, they find out the design features of the attic, the location of the ventilation chambers, the degree of threat of fire spreading to the floors through the ceilings and fire walls.

Fires in buildings must be reached by the shortest and most convenient ways: through doors, stairwells, corridors. If these paths are cut off by fire or smoky, use window openings, fire escapes, articulated lifts. In some cases, the premises can be accessed through specially made openings in the walls and partitions. In smoky rooms, you should move along the walls closer to the windows - to your full height if the smoke comes from below, and crouching or crawling if the smoke is at the top. It is imperative to remember the route of movement for characteristic objects, the number of turns, the layout of the premises, equipment, etc. The twine or rescue rope is passed through the carbine of each fireman who is part of the reconnaissance group. Firefighters in a smoky room or in the dark move in a column one at a time. If at least one scout is not feeling well, the group immediately stops work and helps him get out into the fresh air, where he provides assistance. If reconnaissance was conducted by the GDZS department, then one link provides assistance to the victim, and the other continues to carry out the combat mission.

When working in RPE, the reconnaissance group must have an intercom, group and individual electric lights. A security post is set up in front of the entrance to the smoky room. The sentry is obliged to maintain constant communication with the reconnaissance group and immediately transmit the information received to the RTP, the chief of staff or combat area. The guard has no right to leave his post.

Sometimes a lot of time is spent on reconnaissance, so everyone working in RPE must monitor the flow of air (oxygen).

To correctly calculate the oxygen supply, the following order should be followed:
upon arrival at the place of work, the fireman again checks the pressure in the cylinder, determines the oxygen consumption and reports it to the squad (link) commander; the commander calculates the supply of oxygen for the firefighter, whose consumption is maximum, and announces the minimum oxygen pressure in the cylinder, at which the link (department) stops working and begins to enter clean air.

While working in an unbreathable environment, each flight commander must maintain constant communication with the security post and the reconnaissance team using communications equipment (radio, telephone), intercom wire, track twine, lighting devices, voice, installed signals, and in dense smoke , air-mechanical foam - safety devices from ropes. When carrying out reconnaissance in the subway, multi-storey basements, the holds of ships, the oxygen supply on the way back is doubled.

The path of movement is carefully examined by touch with a foot, tapping with a crowbar or other object. On stairwells, adhere to the walls, as the enclosing railings may be faulty. To avoid burns, the doors to the premises are opened carefully, remaining under the protection of the door leaf. Entering the room where the burning takes place, they keep the barrel ready and check if there are automatic locks on the doors, leave the door open. The rays of light from flashlights are directed not into the depths of the room, but down, under the feet, in order to see the path of movement. cannot independently leave the area where there is a possibility of exposure to fire hazards (fire, smoke, high temperature).

Evacuation of people is a forced process of independent movement of people accompanied by firefighters from the zone of fire hazards.

The procedure and methods of rescue are determined by the RTP and the persons conducting rescue operations, depending on the situation and the condition of people. The presence of a poisoned atmosphere is most likely during fires at facilities associated with the use, production, processing and storage of harmful gases and liquids, as well as substances that can form them when heated or burned. It is possible to find out in the process of reconnaissance of a fire their presence in the air by a specific smell, color, taste, effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and respiratory tract.

Final part

15 minutes.

analysis of classes, a short survey on the topic; self-study task.


posters in the classroom


Features of the development and extinguishing of fires in high-rise buildings. Fire reconnaissance. Evacuation and rescue work..

Blockage is a chaotic heap of building materials and structures, fragments of technological equipment, sanitary devices, furniture, household utensils, stones.

The sudden collapse of buildings and structures can be caused by design errors, deviations from the project during construction work, and violations of the rules for erecting structures.

There is a poor quality of construction work and the use of substandard building materials. Significant influence is exerted by underground karst voids formed underground under the influence of water flows. Inconsistent housing redevelopments can have disastrous consequences for a building.

In some cases, the cause of the collapse may be the lack of reliable ventilation in the room where gas is used. The collapse is facilitated by explosions due to gas leakage, improper operation of household gas appliances, careless handling of fire, storage of flammable liquids and explosives indoors.

In addition, the collapse of the structure is possible due to man-made emergencies, as well as during natural disasters, and, first of all, during an earthquake. Destruction can be the result of not only the forces of the elements, but also the poor quality of buildings or their technical wear and tear.

It is also impossible to exclude a terrorist act and local military operations with the use of various types of weapons.

The degree of damage to buildings depends on the strength of the destructive factor, the duration of its impact, the seismic resistance of structures, the quality of construction, and the degree of wear (aging) of buildings.

According to the degree of destruction of buildings, the blockages are divided into five types.

1. Light damage: thin cracks appear on the walls of buildings, plaster is sprinkled, small pieces break off, glass in windows is damaged.

2. Weak destruction: small cracks in the walls, quite large pieces of plaster break off, cracks appear in the chimneys, some of them collapse, the roof is partially damaged, glass in the windows is completely broken.

3. Medium destruction: large cracks in the walls of buildings, collapse of chimneys, partial fall of the roof.

4. Strong destruction: collapse of internal partitions and walls, gaps in the walls, collapse of parts of buildings, destruction of connections between parts of buildings, collapse of the roof.

5. Complete destruction.

Blockages are continuous and separate (local).

Blockages are conditionally divided into reinforced concrete and brick.

Reinforced concrete blockages consist of fragments of reinforced concrete, concrete, metal and wooden structures, fragments of brickwork, elements of technological equipment. They are characterized by the presence of a large number of large elements, often interconnected, voids and unstable elements.

Brick blockages consist of brick blocks, broken bricks, plaster, fragments of reinforced concrete, metal, and wooden structures. They are characterized by high density, the absence of large, as a rule, elements and voids.

The formation of blockages is accompanied by damage to electrical, thermal, gas, plumbing and other systems. This creates a risk of fires, explosions, floods, electric shocks. Particularly dangerous are the blockages of industrial buildings in which hazardous substances are produced or stored.

The destruction of buildings and the formation of blockages are usually accompanied by death, blocking, and injury to people. Of all the victims in the rubble, approximately 40% receive minor injuries, 20% receive moderate injuries, and the same percentage receive severe and extremely severe injuries and injuries.

Practically in all the blockages there are people, some of them die immediately, some are injured. On the first day after the emergency, in the absence of first aid, approximately 40% of the victims die in the rubble. After 3-4 days after the formation of the blockage, the living people in it begin to die from thirst, cold, and injuries. After 7-10 days, there are practically no living people left in the rubble.

More on the topic Causes of blockages:

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  2. Law and morality are very close concepts Interview with the Chairman of the Association of Russian Lawyers Yakovlev Veniamin Fedorovich

Blockage is a chaotic heap of materials, structures, equipment, furniture, stones, technical devices, etc. How to protect people in case of blockages and how to organize? This will be discussed in this article.
The content of search and rescue operations in the conditions of blockages

Causes of blockages

The main reasons for the formation of blockages are natural, such as floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, hurricanes, storms, landslides, the impact of natural factors on the aging and corrosion of materials, errors in construction or during the operation of the facility, military operations. The degree of destruction is influenced by the strength of the destructive factor, exposure time, duration, seismic resistance of structures, quality of construction, construction time of the structure.

The main types of blockages

Blockages are divided into two types: continuous and separate (local). Blockages in the ratio of the total construction volume are up to 50% (residential buildings - 35-50%, industrial -15-20%). Blockages can be reinforced concrete and brick. The first ones consist of fragments of concrete, reinforced concrete, wooden and metal structures, fragments of equipment. Their feature is the presence of connected large elements, voids, unstable parts. Brick blockages mainly consist of large blocks and broken bricks, fragments of structures, and plaster. Often, during such collapses, there are no large elements and voids, they have a high density.

Blockages damage electrical, thermal, gas, plumbing and other systems, which can lead to fire, explosion or flooding. The most dangerous blockages are in industrial buildings where hazardous substances are produced or stored.

During the destruction of buildings and blockages, people are blocked, injured and killed. The victims fall into the upper or lower part of the blockage, find themselves in the basements or on the first floors.

Search and rescue operations in the rubble

How to start search and rescue work? First, you need to conduct reconnaissance, which includes:

  • setting the zone and nature of the emergency;

  • determination of the location of the victims and their condition;

  • assessment of the state of objects located in the emergency zone;

  • determination of the presence of fires, chemically hazardous and explosive substances;

  • laying of access roads and installation of equipment to ensure the evacuation of people from the rubble.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with during an emergency.

Assistance to victims, evacuation of people

To help the victims, you need to dismantle the blockage from above or arrange a hole in the blockage.

Debris demolition

The blockage is dismantled from above, so that it is possible to get the victims located in the upper part of the blockage and provide access to them. Small elements are lifted manually, and lifting equipment is used to move large and heavy elements: winches, jacks, cranes. It will take. After the release of the victims, they must be given first aid and transported to a safer place.

Manhole devicein the rubble

Often, during a blockage, the victims are in depth. To extract them from there, rescuers make a special hole - a narrow passage. The hole is not made near large boulders, so that they do not settle and hinder the work of rescuers. The manhole can be made in three directions: horizontal, vertical and inclined. Optimal dimensions: width - 0.8-0.9 m, height - 0.9-1.0 m.
For the device of the manhole, several groups of rescuers of 3-4 people are involved. They dismantle the blockage, free the passage, install fasteners, remove the debris, take out the victims, transport them to the place of assistance.

Rescuers move along the aisle on all fours or lying down. If large reinforced concrete, wooden, metal, brick elements come across on the way, they must be bypassed or destroyed. When making a manhole, it is necessary to pay the main attention to its reliable fastening in order to prevent the collapse of the walls. For this, a special tool is used: spacers, racks, beams, boards, shields, crossbars, struts.

Before removing the victim from the blockage, it is necessary to assess his condition and the degree of injury. If necessary, tourniquets and compression bandages are applied to the pressed or pinched parts. The method of extracting and transporting the victim depends on his physical condition. If the victim is crushed by large elements, you need to release him using spreaders, jacks or lifting equipment.