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Where to return an iPhone under warranty. How the Apple warranty works in Russia when replacing an iPhone. Apple confirms compliance with Russian laws

The warranty period is assigned for all technically complex goods. This time is especially relevant for those products that are expensive, such as Iphone mobile phones.

Apple, of course, values ​​its name, therefore, it is concerned not only with the release of quality products, but also with its timely warranty service. The purchased iPhone comes with a one year warranty.

To contact service centers, you need to know not only the repair period, but also the rules that allow you to do it for free. The manufacturer sets a number of requirements for consumers, which must be followed.

The day of sale of the goods is considered the beginning of the warranty period. If the date of acquisition cannot be proved, then it starts from the moment of production of the product. With iPhones, the situation is radically different. Each Apple gadget has its own unique number, and upon initial activation, it is registered on the network. Therefore, the warranty starts from the moment the phone is activated. This is extremely convenient, since later the date of registration can be viewed online and this does not require supporting documents.

Please note that the warranty for iPhones has a territorial limitation. The service life of devices purchased in the Russian Federation is two years, because this is the minimum service period for technically complex goods under the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" No. 2300-1 of 02/07/1992. And in the USA and other countries, only 12 months are guaranteed, as their legislation allows it. Although when buying a gadget, a standard year will be written in the documents, the right to service from the Russians is extended for the same period.

The warranty only covers damage caused by improper factory assembly or transportation. With careless operation of the phone, the owner will not be able to count on free service.

Buying a defective phone

Apple advertises its products as ultra-reliable, able to provide trouble-free operation for several years. The popularity of the gadgets of this company really speaks of mass recognition of quality. Despite the high prices for iPhones, they are purchased by different segments of the population. But one should not think that this type of equipment cannot have a factory defect. As practice shows, in recent years the number of factory breakdowns has increased, this is probably due to increasing production.

Buying a phone with a defect is not uncommon. Many models have recurring issues that most buyers address. iPhone 6 Plus owners often complain about the lack of focus, and the iPhone 5s RFB often has no network. The front camera that has moved out and the backlash of the display can be registered in many models. Buyers should be aware that any error found can only be repaired at service centers. Even minor repairs should not be carried out on your own. iPhone manufacturers are also jealous of any system interference. The owner is recommended to use updates of the certified version of IOS, otherwise the phone may simply be denied service.

Warranty service

Apple warranty service is provided only in the country where it was purchased. This condition is not a whim, but has serious reasons. Each country introduces its own quality standards, the application of which is mandatory for goods sold in its territory. Service centers located in Russia allow servicing exactly those models of devices that are sold here. You can only repair an American gadget in the USA.

Speaking about the guarantee, do not forget that it only applies to devices that are officially imported into Russia and certified in the prescribed manner. On such gadgets there is a PCT sign, which means the following - the iPhone has passed RosTest and in all respects complies with quality standards.

Turning to the service with a problem in the operation of the phone, the consumer can count on:

  1. Complete replacement of the device with a new one.
  2. Fault repair.
  3. Partial or full refund of the cost of the phone.

The choice of warranty service terms is supposed to fall on the buyer, but the end result depends more on the causes of the breakdown than on the desire of the owner himself.

Replacement with a new gadget

The policy of the Apple manufacturer is aimed at reducing conflict situations, and therefore, most often, when a manufacturing defect is detected, the iPhone changes to a new device without any problems. The old phone is sent to the factory, where all the shortcomings are eliminated and it goes on sale in an already updated form.

You can return the gadget if, after checking it in the service center, it was found out that the reason for the unsatisfactory work was a manufacturing defect, and not poor care of the product. To return an item, please contact the place of purchase. After submitting claims to the store, the iPhone will be handed over to the service, where the specialist will inspect and make a conclusion.

You can exchange the phone even if it was broken due to the fault of the owner. Such an exchange is made when two mandatory conditions are met:

  1. The old phone is for rent.
  2. An additional charge is made for a new device, usually it is 50% of its cost or a little more.

Therefore, if an iPhone breaks down, do not rush to take it in for paid repairs, weigh the pros and cons, it may be more profitable to change it than to repair it.

Device repair

Free repair of a broken iPhone in service centers is carried out only if:

  1. The warranty is still valid. If the owner does not know exactly the operating time of the device, then he can check this by going to the "Settings" option and selecting the "General" tab - "About this device".
  2. It shows no obvious signs of mistreatment by the owner.
  3. The phone system corresponds to the factory - IOS.

You can contact any service center that is geographically convenient for visiting. If one of them refused to repair, then you can contact the next. Having bypassed several services, it is quite possible to find one that will undertake to fix the problem.

Before sending the device for repair, you should copy all personal data from there, because all information is usually erased when the system is rebooted, and it is not always possible to restore it.

Receiving the money

It is not possible to demand money back from the seller for a previously purchased mobile phone in all cases.

Based on the STD Act, many shoppers have assured themselves that any purchase can be returned to the store within the first 14 days if the size, color, or other appearance doesn't fit. This is only partially true, there are indeed a number of products that are subject to such replacement, but mobile phones are not included in this list. This gadget is a technically sophisticated product that cannot be replaced on the basis that the buyer simply changed his mind.

Receipt of paid funds is possible for the following reasons:

  1. The serial number of the product on the device and the box is different. This means that the phone has been spoofed and is possibly counterfeit.
  2. Found a factory defect.
  3. The seller concealed material information about the product, such as the fact that it was being repaired.

You can get a refund only if the phone is returned to the store within the first two weeks. In case of a later appeal, you can only count on repair and replacement. But if the service keeps the iPhone for more than 45 days, then by law the owner can insist on receiving the money spent.

Return policy

When buying an Apple phone, few people think about the possibility of a return, but such a possibility exists. In order to further exercise your consumer and warranty rights, you must:

  1. Keep purchase receipts. In most countries, this document is not needed to return iPhones, but in Russia it is still an essential requirement. The check, first of all, proves the purchase of the gadget in a particular store, because another distributor will not accept a broken phone. When applying to the court, it is this receipt that allows you to substantiate the claims, indicating how much the device cost.
  2. Do not throw away the box until the end of the warranty period. It will be needed when exchanging a product for a new one or receiving a refund.

Any problems with the functioning of the gadget must be expressed in writing.

This paper is drawn up by the buyer in duplicate and submitted to the store. One statement remains with the seller, and the seller's mark is put on the second that the buyer's claims have been accepted for consideration.

The application form must clearly state the complaints that have arisen and the problems found, and indicate the way to solve it, which will suit the applicant. The claim is considered for 20 days, along with its acceptance, the iPhone is sent for examination to obtain an authoritative opinion about its condition.

For the consumer, it is most profitable to buy a phone on the official Apple website. This online store gives its extended return guarantees. Within 14 days, gadgets purchased through can be returned without explanation. It will not be necessary to prove the existence of a marriage or other nuances, in this case even a changed opinion can become the basis.

The procedure and term for the return of money

The easiest way to return money is available to those who used the services of the official website. After the courier picks up the unwanted device and delivers it to the warehouse, the funds will be returned to the buyer within 3-10 days. They are credited to the same account from which they were debited. When returning an iPhone to the store, you will also have to wait up to 10 days, which is exactly how long the seller is given by law for the reverse operation of crediting money.

The most difficult case is buying a gadget on credit. You can act with this design in different ways, but it all depends on whether the first payments have already been made. If the cost is partially paid, then it will be necessary to divide it into two components - the one that will be transferred to the buyer, and the one that needs to be returned to the bank. The seller is obliged to return all the money paid, including those that were taken to process the loan itself and insurance. If you refuse to voluntarily resolve the problem, you can apply to the court.

Refusal of warranty service

Service centers do not accept phones for service from all Iphone owners. Apple sets quite stringent requirements for users, and violation of them threatens to refuse free repairs. One of the pitfalls for buyers is the installed jailbreak. Not everyone knows that unauthorized intervention in the gadget's systems is regarded as a hack, and therefore warranty service will be denied. The positive point is the fact that removing installation traces is quite easy, you just need to reinstall the system to the “native” one. It is worth doing this before making a claim, because after the correction they will not be allowed to restore the warranty.

Warranty repairs are also not carried out for those devices that have been damaged due to poor handling. If the phone has chips, dents, cracks, glass is broken, then there can be no talk of free service. And, conversely, with careful handling of the iPhone, the identified problems can be classified as a manufacturing defect even after a long time of operation.

Possible reasons

When contacting a service center, be prepared for the fact that you may be denied repair and maintenance for the following reasons:

  1. The phone was purchased outside the Russian Federation.
  2. The device is not certified by RosTest, which means it does not fall under the standard protection scheme.
  3. There are obvious impact marks on the outer sides of the gadget.
  4. The product has leaks, from the external or internal sides, which indicates the ingress of moisture into it.
  5. System updates were made using non-certified programs.

It should be remembered that the absence of a receipt or box cannot in any way affect the decision to repair and service, since you can check the warranty period in other ways.

Regional features of service

There is an opinion among consumers that iPhones sold in the United States are better in terms of equipment, and therefore higher quality. This is a common fake that is absolutely not true. Any device can break, regardless of where it was purchased. But it will not work in Russia to exchange, repair or return an iPhone that was bought abroad. There are serious justifications for this, which have nothing to do with the desire to deceive the buyer.

Servicing such complex gadgets as the iPhone is quite difficult. Not only that, you should recruit specialists who are clearly versed in the configuration of these models. Service centers should be provided with sufficient software and replacement parts. Accordingly, on the territory of the Russian Federation, services allow you to repair only those models and the configuration that is certified in the country. Therefore, when purchasing a phone, think about where and how you can service it.

You will be interested

Recently, there has been talk on the Web about two years of official Apple warranty in Russia. It is a myth. As always, someone heard something, did not understand, but blew false information to the whole world. It's time to figure out how long the warranty lasts for the iPhone in the Russian Federation and for other devices of the company.

Let's jump ahead a bit.

The warranty for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch in Russia is exactly one year from the date of purchase. It's official.

Journalists and bloggers who talk about just two years are mistaken. The only device with a two-year warranty is the Apple Watch Edition, the very expensive ones made of gold and released already in 2015.

Now more.

Three types of guarantee in Russia

First of all, let's figure out what kind of warranty applies to Apple equipment in Russia and what it means.

First, Apple shares the Consumer Protection Act warranty, its own one-year limited warranty, and the AppleCare Protection Plan.

Divides, but does not limit the effect of the laws of the Russian Federation. At least that's what the company claims.

Roughly speaking, we have 100% rights under the law, 120% under the Limited Warranty, and 300% with AppleCare. You will have to pay for the latter.

As part of the Apple One-Year Limited Warranty, we have all the rights provided for by Russian law, but with nuances from the corporation itself.

For example, by law, the consumer has the right to choose what to do with a low-quality product: demand a refund, demand repairs, or replace the defective product.

In the case of a claim for a low-quality iPhone directly to Apple, the latter will decide for itself what to do: repair the faulty device, replace it, or return the money paid.

Personally, I don’t quite understand how Apple thinks in this way that it does not limit the current legislation. Anyway.

In any case, most often the company or service centers simply change the broken device for a new one. This is much better anyway than having your old device gutted, replaced with a defective part, and given back to you. Agree.

There is also a third type of warranty - AppleCare, which must be purchased separately, and which costs quite a lot of money. We will not talk about him today, we will limit ourselves to “free” service options.

Disadvantages and significant disadvantages

This is a small but important digression. It is not directly related to our topic, but it will not be superfluous to understand this.

By law, any smartphone is a technically complex product (it has a touch screen, satellite communications, and so on). Accordingly, it is possible to exchange it or return money for it only within the first 15 days after purchase, but only on condition that any defect has been identified. It can be, for example, a broken speaker, a stuck button, or something like that.

After 15 days after the purchase, we have two options: either agree to the repair, or wait for a significant defect to be identified. The latter implies a newly identified defect after its elimination, the presence of various defects (two or more) or a marriage that cannot be eliminated without losses incommensurable with the cost of the device. For example, a smartphone costs 50 thousand rubles. If you have to change the motherboard, which costs 26 thousand rubles, then I congratulate you - this is a significant drawback. It can be expressed not only in money, but also in time. For example, it takes more than 45 days to eliminate such a defect for one reason or another. After that, we can demand a refund. The only way.

In Russia, the guarantee is 1 year

We figured out that in Russia there are several types of guarantees. At least two are free: Consumer Protection Law and Apple's One-Year Limited Warranty. The last one is one year period. There is nothing more to discuss here.

But according to the law, we have a slightly different situation. Now I will explain.

During the one year warranty, we can contact:

  • Apple
  • directly to the salon where we bought the device in white
  • to an authorized service center

During the first year of the warranty, the warranty from the seller or the manufacturer will always apply - there is not much difference.

But what if the marriage manifested itself after a year and a half?

That's when the second year of the guarantee will be in effect, provided only by the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights". In order for the “second year warranty by law” to take effect, three important components must be present simultaneously.

First- the product should have been guaranteed by the manufacturer or the seller. If, for example, the iPhone was bought in Russia, in white, then no problem - the warranty will always be a year, which means that the first condition is met.

Second- if the gadget breaks down during the second year of use, the first warranty period should expire by this time. Logically, but, believe me, situations can be different. For example, the second year of use has already begun, and the seller's warranty has not yet ended, since the device was being repaired, respectively, the warranty period is extended for the duration of the repair.

Third and most important- you will prove that a marriage is revealed in the product. Quality control, examination - if you are deployed in an authorized service center (they really can), you will be required to carry out all these charms on your own and at your own expense. And only with an official piece of paper that the smartphone has a manufacturing defect, you can contact the SC, and the latter will be obliged to accept your goods.

If the organization balks, you can always go to court and punish the negligent service with compensation for moral harm, a fine, a forfeit, and so on.

Why is everyone talking about 2 years?

Firstly, Apple itself caused confusion by not very correctly posting such a wording on its website.

Moreover, it is not clear what kind of "delivery" it is talking about. The law has a clear concept - the transfer of goods to the consumer, which in reality implies the date of purchase. And yes, sometimes the goods can be delivered to the consumer. Perhaps this was meant.

Secondly, knowing everything that I talked about above, authorized service centers go to meet the consumer and accept defective goods without any delay within the second year from the date of purchase. And this is where the myth began that in Russia Apple equipment has a two-year warranty.

But one more time. Any service center has the right to accept the device for repair for the second year after the expiration of the main warranty, but is never obliged to do so. It's up to him.

Therefore, do not be surprised if some, even if it is three times authorized SC, suddenly refuses you a warranty repair on the 15th month of using your smartphone. In this case, it will be you who will prove the existence of a marriage. Accordingly, you cannot demand examinations, quality checks - this is only at your own request and at your own expense.

Third year warranty. It happens?

Yes, this is not a mistake. In case of marriage, you can demand a refund even for the third year from the date of purchase.

You can file a claim for a defect in the device even within 3 years!

Few people know about this, but it is true.

Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", namely, part 6 of Art. 19 gives us such an opportunity. But here, of course, not without additional conditions.

First- the disadvantage must be 100% significant. We have already discussed above what this implies. Second- you will have to prove the existence of a significant deficiency yourself. Third- you can apply outside of two years from the date of purchase, but during the entire service life of the goods. With Apple, it's always 3 years. Hence the deadline for applying. For example, if you bought a sofa, and the service life is indicated in the passport for it - 10 years, then you can apply for its marriage two years after use, but within these same 10 years.

According to the logic of the law, at the end of the product's service life, it must be thrown away. In fact, it is clear that it is not.

Personally, I have not had any practice regarding the handling of a defect beyond two years. Making a claim at the end of the warranty, but within two years - yes, but I did not check the three-year period in my own skin. Share famous cases in the comments, it's interesting.

When does the warranty start?

Another common misconception. Many believe that the warranty starts to run from the moment of activation. This is true, but only partly.

Activating the device (first turning on and entering Apple ID data) is a call from the company itself that the device has started to be used. For one reason or another, Apple may not have information about the sale of the device. In this case, the warranty will begin either from the date of activation, or from the date of shipment of the device to the partner.

In fact, the official warranty for an iPhone, iPad or other gadget begins to flow from the date of sale of the device and only if the product was purchased from an authorized partner of the company or directly from the Apple Store online store (there are no physical ones in Russia).

If the site indicates a date that is different from the date of purchase from the officials, then the site has a special form through which you can contact the support service. You will need to show a copy of the receipt. Subsequently, the warranty start date will change to the current one. Read more.

Checks are different

On its website, Apple always refers to a sales receipt (not a cash receipt). In general, it is not of fundamental importance - to contact the service center with a cash or sales receipt. However, in order to avoid problems and misunderstandings in the future, when buying an "apple" device, it is better to ask the seller to issue a sales receipt in addition to the cash register. It won't be redundant.

By the way, there is another pitfall here.

If the seller did not give you a cash receipt, but immediately gave you a sales receipt, then most likely this device has not been officially sold, and the money you transferred for it will not go to the cashier, but to the specific seller in the pocket. This is fraud, a criminal offense and all that, so you always need to demand a cashier's check, that is, breaking through the cashier. The tovarnik is just an addition to the cash receipt.

First, by tradition, here is a list of iPhone models that are subject to an official warranty in Russia (only such models are sold on

* only officially refurbished iPhones that have recently been sold in Russia.

And so, the country for which the iPhone was originally intended is not important, but only its model number is important. Accordingly, all iPhones from Europe, and in the case of iPhone 6s from America and Asia, can be returned under warranty in Russia, as they have a supported model number.

We check the right to warranty service.

All iPhones are covered by a one-year warranty from the date the device was first activated (turned on). Accordingly, if you bought the phone on July 10 and activated it on July 15, the Apple warranty, unlike the store warranty, will be valid until July 15 of the next year, and not until July 10.

This date can be checked by entering the serial number or IMEI on the Apple website here at this link.

After entering the number, we will see information on our iPhone:

The date indicated is the end of the warranty period.

Where to take the iPhone: to the store or to the official service center?

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By law, the store has the right to conduct an examination up to 20 days, but in any case, the store will take your iPhone to the same service center, but it may not do this on the day of your request, but later, depending on the employment of the staff. Thus, you can lose 5-7 days of precious time.

And so, it is much easier and faster to take your iPhone to the official service center on your own.

Addresses in Yekaterinburg:

Alster-Service - Krylova, 27, office 104, tel.

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What to take with you and how is the process of returning the iPhone under warranty?

All you need to take with you is the phone itself, the box and the check are optional, as the service representative will check the warranty period by the serial number in the Apple database.

You will be asked in writing, in your own words, to describe the problems that arise in the operation of the iPhone, and they will draw up an act of accepting the phone for diagnostics.

Usually diagnostics takes a little time - within 7-10 days, and in case of a positive decision, the service will give you a new phone.

Yes, yes, Apple does not repair your phones, but simply issues a new device. This is a huge plus of the official Apple warranty.

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In our practice, the record time was the replacement of a defective phone with a new one in 4 days. It's impressive.

How the Apple warranty works in Russia when replacing an iPhone

Since Apple does not repair, but exchanges for new iPhones certified for Russia under warranty, there are quite a few cases of replacing the device when the camera or other components break down. And as a rule, after that, most owners have a question: does the warranty now cover the replaced iPhone?

In this case, it would seem logical to go to a special section on the Apple website dedicated to the right to service and support. Here, using the iPhone serial number or other identification data, you can find out how much time is left before the end of the device warranty. But only after replacing the iPhone with a new one, you may encounter this message:

One of the readers, who officially changed the iPhone to a new one in the service center, drew our attention to this situation. He was embarrassed that before the replacement before the end of the warranty period, there were only a couple of days left. We contacted Apple and clarified the issue specifically for this device.

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In a conversation, Apple representatives said that since the iPhone was certified for the Russian market, the service exchanged the smartphone for a new one, while the guarantee for the new device is one year from the date the phone was issued in the service. In other words, if the smartphone was given to you on October 23, then the warranty for it will end in a year.

As for the information from the site that we talked about above, it may not be displayed correctly, so you should not blindly trust it. If in doubt about your eligibility for warranty service, contact Apple Support.

The only thing that will be required when applying for a warranty again is documents from the service center stating that the iPhone was replaced with a new one.

Read also iOS 11 iPhone X Issues


Wow, how do you write to them online? (sent from the app)

Pheon, Go to and go to "Support", there you will understand everything (sent from the application)

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Abu_hurayra, If your phone was changed under warranty - this phone is not new, but ref (usually they get the phone out of a small cardboard box, the phone is like new, that is, with films, etc.) and the kit, the box remains from the previous phone. If you were given a sealed box from an iPhone, then yes, a new one, but they don’t do that. I myself changed my iPhone 6 in the official Apple Store on 5th Avenue in NU, due to clicks when you click on the right side of the display and shift the front camera. There were 3 days left before the warranty expired, I managed) they changed it without any problems (only the device itself, that is, it was refurbished). In general, the iPhone 6 is the worst Apple device in terms of build quality, every second has a screen crunch or the front camera has moved ... (sent from the application)

strawhat, Don't talk nonsense if you don't know! Apple is changing warranty devices to NEW and not refurbished. This follows from the warranty obligations of the company, in which it is said.

Boris, An employee of the New York apple store personally told me this. (sent from the app)

Boris, I don’t know where it is, but today in Kiev they gave me a restored one, although my phone died on the second day of purchase

Boris, and how do you think you can distinguish a refurbished iPad from an unrepaired one, if we imagine that under warranty they give it to you without a box?

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strawhat, but how quickly did they change? they bought me a device in Washington, it broke (display) after 30 minutes. in Russia, a1660 is not serviced in services. A friend flies there for a day, I want to give her a replacement. make it, what do you think?

And who knows how to make sure that a fully working phone is accepted under warranty and a new one is issued. (there is a micro scratch on the screen, I want to change it for a new one and sell it 😉 and buy 7+))) now 6s) (sent from app)

GSMag, If there is a friend there, then he will arrange a replacement for a new one, they changed me like that, but now I don’t have such acquaintances ... (sent from the application)

Isvara, Maybe that's why not :))) (sent from app)

GSMag, Why they don’t want to change the new 6s, I’ve been using it for 3 weeks, NOT A SINGLE protective glass is suitable, I’ve tried more than 10 glasses, 2-3 mm peel off all over the CIRCLE, it becomes ugly, what should I do?

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Write an article about how 10.1 came out now, go (sent from the application)

iOS 10.1 is out (sent from the app)

7+ plus change due to cpu hiss issue?

villain_bart, no, because this is not a problem 6+ also hisses

DmitryA, 6+ is much quieter, I think after 11 months to try to change, the attempt is not torture. because even under the glass of the camera there is dust, this is no longer a healthy topic with a dust-moisture-proof body on the day of purchase, a point has already appeared.

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Recently, I also changed my iPhone 6s phone to a new one due to the fact that I flooded the old one while jogging (through the silent mode switch) (got caught in the rain). They measured it for a new one, as a result, with my surcharge, since the case was not entirely under warranty, the warranty went from scratch, as described above in the article .... (sent from the app)

Ivanchmcsa, it's good for you, they replaced me with a surcharge for a new one but with a 3-month warranty. I called Apple and they said that everything is as it should be, that I do not have a guarantee for a year.

Ivanchmcsa, Tell me the address where they changed? You are welcome.

natalya-76, SC Prestige, Kaluga, Gertsena st., 16B (sent from the application)

And why is the term of telephone service only 3 months. Then only for a fee I can contact those support. Who knows why? (sent from the app)

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By the way, I also had a similar experience, they replaced it with a new one under warranty, but the warranty was not displayed on the official website, but the warranty was restored according to the paperwork from the service center about the warranty replacement of the device ...

So this is the way it is (sent from the app)

Isvara, What needs to be done so that the iPhone stops working well within a year. And change to a new one. That's why Apple stopped developing cars. In a year I dashed off 100 thousand km, arrived, you say that your headlight bulb has burned out, and they roll out a new car for you. (sent from the app)

Isvara, There was a marriage of the front camera on 6-ke. They changed it to a new one, but they convincingly said the type of guarantee is 3 months, not a year. And how is this to be understood? iport store in St. Petersburg. The site about warranty service has the same picture as in the article. On the second phone, the one that changed the same marriage of the front camera. If you count the year, then there are three or four days left. What to do? Maybe you should run and change again? But since they were convinced that there was no guarantee, I threw away the document for the second one, but the check for the first one with the box was kept. (sent from the app)

panterochka2282, Exactly the same situation about the iport and about the first six and about the second, except that the second phone with the camera that had moved out, I coked, and alas, the guarantee was terminated. So, don’t listen to them about 3 months, you have a full-fledged warranty for a year or a little less (I sort of got 358 days), the warranty for the second device, according to the law, is confirmed by a receipt for the purchase of the first phone, paper from the iport is not needed , in the internal database of authorized services there is a mark on the replacement under warranty. As I did, after some time after receiving the second phone, I called Amos (another authorized SC in St. Petersburg) and calling them emey asked me to name the date of the end of the warranty.

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belione Thank you. I'll try to call tomorrow to start with the SC and the store, then unsubscribe 😘 (sent from the application)

beliyone, I called the service. Today is the last day (the second year from the first) when I can hand over the warranty. Those. bought a 6-ku on October 31, 2014. Then on the next. year October 24, 2015 has already taken the second. As it turns out, a year has already passed. But two years from the first will expire today. In general, they said to come and change to a new one. I am very pleased. And all thanks to you. Huge thank you very much. A million hot 💋💋💋💋💋 (sent from the app)

Panterochka2282, Not at all, I'm glad that everything worked out for you!

panterochka2282, Yes, a year warranty, foolish people mold a hat ... feel free to go under the guarantee to hand over

Isvara, Thank you for the info and support, I would really like to change it, because the crescent moon is a little pissed off 😉 (sent from the app)

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Isvara, Thank you very much. I called the service. center, they said to come and change to a new one. I have written more in detail above. Thank you very much and a million hot 💋💋💋💃 (sent from the app)

Isvara, ☺️😊🤗Eh, it's a pity that I'm married 😇😄 (sent from the app)

Isvara, Very jealous 🌚 (sent from the app)

Someone can give a definitive answer. Do they always replace it with a new one under warranty or can they also replace a separate part? (sent from the app)

V.I., change. Bring with the SC do not ssy. Then your device will be repaired wrapped in film, put on display and sold for 5 tr cheaper, “as the new one will be called” (sent from the application)

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xphone, I already wore it. The first time they changed it to a new one (the Home button creaked). The second time I carried the already issued new one and replaced the camera (broken pixel) without changing the iPhone. I would like to understand, in some cases they measure the spare part, as in my case, or should they always change to a new iPhone? (sent from the app)

V.I., I have the same crap with Se, the year has not ended, all the buttons except Home have backlashed. I bought in the C-store, I'm waiting for a response from them. What will happen next

When I changed my Air 2, there was a problem with the home button on it, the guarantee remained for 3 days, they changed it to a new one, I asked how much was the guarantee on it? The answer was 90 days, but in my case, because of this, my device did not have a warranty period at all. If you have more than 3 months before the end of the warranty, the new device will inherit the warranty of the old one. That's all. (sent from the app)

Kutsenko, Yes, right now)) did the liaison tell you something))? (sent from the app)

Ramazan1975, Well, judging by the article, iport sellers also hang noodles on their ears. I personally fell for the obvious marriage of the front camera. (sent from the app)

Free legal advice:

Three times in a row I changed 5 s and always the guarantee started anew. Changed because of the backlash of the screen by the way. I can’t find anything in 6s, tell me someone cant it, otherwise the warranty flies away))) (sent from the application)

Ramazan1975, You will not. They gave you such an apparatus that will never break. For already zadolbal change, some losses with you. Sincerely, Apple. :))?) (sent from the app)

And if the phone is not rst, bought in an online store, is the warranty valid for it?

And the new one is returned in a box sealed with a seal? (sent from the app)

villain_bart, The new one is just a pure device in the factory film, the box and your old accessories remain.

Free legal advice:

I changed in August in an authorized SC iPhone 6S + with a broken screen, paid 25,000 rubles. I came home and punched the serial number on the apple website, the guarantee is until December 14th. The broken one had a guarantee until December 27th. In the SC they told me that apple manages the guarantees. I called apple and they said that the replaced devices have a 90-day warranty, period.

Now the question is: fuck me .. or what? and what should I do now? I kind of also counted on a one-year warranty for 25k and am still very upset because of this.

I bought a European 6s in April, a strip appeared across the entire screen a month ago, took it to the ASC in the Central Department Store, they said the warranty case and gave out a new phone. they also clarified that if there was a PCT, then the guarantee would be reset to zero and go on a new one, and since the EU is a continuation of the current one - that is, until April. (sent from the app)

It is better to change it under warranty through a store, for example, in MVideo, even if Apple repairs the device, you can always refuse - return the money and buy a new iPhone. (sent from the app)

villain_bart, apple does not repair phones in Russia (sent from the app)

Free legal advice:

yuraus, you have irrelevant information. In my device, the battery was replaced with a new one (the problem is the spontaneous shutdown of the device) at the ASC (TsUM, Moscow) under warranty. At the same time, my device does not fall under the Apple battery replacement program (because my device is from a different, “normal” batch of devices). Model MKQN2RU/A

After replacing the phone, go to Settings to see Phone model it will start with a letter

M - (Normal retail) Normal retail model

P - (Personalized) Gift Model / Signature Engraving

F - (Refurbished) Refurbished / Refurbished Models

Free legal advice:

N - device for replacement under warranty

If you were given something not for Bulls N

Then sue, but this is absurd, I changed 5 tubes and everything is fine!

Not to be confused with the serial number, since all serial numbers begin with the letter F (sent from the application)

Mihael, Well, that's good, because it's for a replaceable warranty (sent from the application)

Free legal advice:

Denis_moscow, But a guarantee of only 90 days is given for this device, is this normal?

Mihael, Here I am not strong, because I changed the iPhone 6 times 3, the warranty was constantly updated there, from the day the phone was turned on, 6 s changed a month ago, they also said that the warranty is 3 months, but with all this, according to the law, a new phone, a new warranty , and we have it for 2 years, although they write that it is a year. (sent from the app)

And how can a guarantee be extended for a PCT device purchased, say, in Svyaznoy, if the receipt is lost? As I understand it, there is nowhere in Russia without a check? ((So you can forget about the guarantee? Or maybe our nearby stores will be able to break through the phone by IMEI?

skywind, No check needed. (sent from the app)

V.I., needed! if you want a two year warranty. as expected

Free legal advice:

skywind, The check is no longer required. (sent from the app)

And what about those who have something happen to the 7th American? Will it be replaced with a new one or not? If yes! Will they issue an American or a Russian version? (sent from the app)

niko9628, I have 7 (1660) with a defective screen, now I have a cookie (((in Europe I'll try to change

the warranty probably does not apply to American ones, there was an article somewhere, which models are covered by the warranty

2 times I changed my wife 6 under warranty, each time the warranty was extended for 1 year, from the moment a new phone was received.

The second time until the end of the validity period remained 3 months. They didn’t even ask for a check at the service center, they said they have all the information about repairs / replacements in the database (sent from the application)

Good day! I glue the protective glass on the iphone 6s, but it doesn’t stick around the edge of the entire circle, what to do and whether it is possible to change the device

Does it work on 5.A1428 LTE? (sent from the app)

6s quickly runs out of power and turns off! warranty ends tomorrow! can I exchange it? (sent from the app)

marina, The other day I received my iphone 6s at the TSUM service center, Moscow. The service center replaced the battery with a new one, while my device does not fall under the battery replacement program from Apple. I called Apple, they said replacing the device with a new one or repairing it is at the discretion of the ASC. Model MKQN2RU/A

Guys, tell me - a couple of questions

The speaker wheezed after three months of use - the one that is colloquial ...

At first I didn’t pay attention - but now it’s getting worse and worse - it’s impossible to talk ...

There were no mechanical effects on the device and it also did not come into contact with water ...

Can I, by contacting a liaison officer, with a check and a box, in a liaison officer, count on replacing the iPhone under warranty ...

And another question - I bought the phone in another city - but we have a liaison branch - can they accept my phone?

Thanks in advance to everyone who replies...

And yes - the conclusion suggests itself - iPhones are no longer the same (((alas (((

Guys, tell me, is it normal if I handed over a 5s model a1457 under warranty, and they gave me a new model a1530, and with the wording in the act “repaired. Change of imei due to the replacement of parts. Did the store ( have the right to give me a phone that is intended for Asia? The situation is extremely strange, I did not find anything about such cases on the Internet.

I will be very grateful for the answer.

I have an iPhone 7, the top speaker stopped working well, it wheezes and the interlocutor is heard badly, as if he is in the distance. The phone is under official warranty. Will I change it to a new one in the SC? Or will it be repaired?

Good evening. Please tell me, I handed over the old iPhone under warranty, carried out diagnostics and said that they would replace it with a new one. How long will it take? Without a phone, like without hands.

Hello, I have backlash all the buttons except Home, I handed over to the place where I bought it (C-store) I'm waiting for an answer from them. What are the chances that the defect will still be confirmed? But seriously, the buttons play very strongly, the volume generally fails strongly, I feel how it happens like pressing, but it's not like that. There is a button on / off the sound, to the sides. At the end, Power began to walk (visually visible) when pressed or when simply held over the surface of the button. This defect is very annoying (Iphone Se)

I have a gray bar on top of the screen for 6+. In this case, under warranty, will they replace it with a new one or repair this one?

Cracked display, replace with original display?

I had one case - one iphone client handed over the warranty, he received a new device (carcass) without a complete set, which means with a different IMEI. Having issued him an act on the replacement of equipment, he turned to the trading company (the store where he bought it) and asked to make a replacement for a new one in a box, and handed over the replaced one to the store. No one knows this article by which you can justify the traders that it is so necessary.

Hello! I have an iPhone 7 for a month, I have never dropped it in water either! I found a broken pixel almost in the middle of the screen, took it to the store where I bought it (DNS) and took it for examination. Now I’m sitting and worrying if they’ll repair the roofing felts or return it back with this broken pixel, I just heard that with one broken pixel they shouldn’t repair there should be three or more! I don’t know what to do now (((please tell me who can also have it, calm my nerves)))

And why did they give me a new phone 5s for Israel under warranty. Model ne432hb/a

The same trouble, yesterday I received a phone under warranty, and its assembly for Israel. Who knows what to do in this case

Tell me if I want to buy an iphone 6s (1688) but it is not a PCT, but I can replace it with an international guarantee?

Good day! Can you tell me, I bought a phone on 07/17/17, inserted a “no network” SIM card in the store where I bought it, sent it to the service under warranty. The service said they would remove the problem, or exchange it ... Do you always need to pay extra for an exchange? And if the financial situation does not allow. They said they will exchange it for free, users write ... they paid extra. Now I'm suffering

I have iphone 7 jet black. Phone bought 2 months ago. A week later, flickering stripes suddenly appeared on the screen and the sensor began to not work. I called the official service center, dictated imai, they said that the phone is under warranty. Now I want to understand, will I change it to a new one? If so, what address should I take it to? Thanks!

Do I have to pay extra to replace with a new one?

No, you won't have to pay anything! Only if the phone is given a new one, then it will most likely be restored and the box and headset will remain from the old phone.

I handed over 5S under warranty, as the home button crunched, but sometimes it wasn’t pressed at all. They sent a new phone, well, as I now understood, it was restored. On the same day, I discovered that when talking on the phone, the interlocutor is very hard to hear. Now this one will also have to be handed over and wait for the same 45 days? Or can I demand that they pay in cash? Your phone's warranty should have ended in October.

I took 6s in Mvideo, I noticed a white pixel on the screen after 3 days, I thought let it not interfere)) On September 9, the warranty and insurance ends) what to do?)

And I took it for 62 pieces)) I want to return the money

ramin1712, 1. Warranty for equipment in the Russian Federation PCT 2 years under the ZOZPP.

2. During this period, carry it with an application for the identification of a factory defect. set a deadline of 10 days.

3. Wait and insist on a refund. Refunds are always possible if there is a factory defect.

ramin1712, Bring it to the store right away! DO NOT do it like I'm in the service

Bel179, Understand the articles correctly, do not mislead people. There is no such thing in the law.

IPhone 8+ button (HOME) does not work correctly, there is no vibro, can they change the phone under warranty? there is a crack in the camera. the camera is working fine.

I ask for advice, suddenly someone faced a similar problem.

I handed over the iPad to a service center under a warranty for diagnostics (the home button crunched). This manufacturer's warranty period ends tomorrow. Today the iPad has been replaced with a "new device". The service under the warranty of the new device did not say anything. I came home, I check the activation of the device on the site, but there is no guarantee for this “new” from Apple, the iPad was activated 1 year and 3 months ago. Please tell me is this normal? If I had known, I would have made a refund and it was better to take a NEW one from the store!

Hello. I bought an iPhone 5s in May 2017, in December of this year, I found that the screen began to peel off when pressed, it crunches and there is a slight backlash, and it also began to badly keep the phone's battery running out quickly. May 2018

It is logical that there will be a guarantee for the new device, because during the exchange, another check is issued. In many checks and have written

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How do I take my iPhone in for repair?

Apple offers many ways to get support and service for iPhone. Choose the best option for you. You can find answers to questions in our support articles.

Contact us

Contact us for advice from an Apple support specialist. We will help you solve the problem or arrange a repair. Before contacting us, have your iPhone serial number, Apple ID, and password ready.

Identifying iPhone Models

Bring your device

For in-person assistance, bring your product to an Apple Authorized Service Provider or your carrier. Before doing this, make sure you know your Apple ID and password.

How much is it?

If the problem is covered by warranty or consumer protection law, no fee will be charged. If the problem is not covered under warranty, the cost of service depends on the type of repair.

How long will it take?

Depending on the service location, you may be able to check the repair status online.

Checking the Apple Limited Warranty

The Apple Limited Warranty covers iPhone and Apple accessories against manufacturing defects for one year from the date of purchase. Our warranty is in addition to the rights provided by consumer protection law.

Our warranty does not cover accidental damage or damage resulting from unauthorized modifications. See warranty for full details. You can check your warranty status online and update your proof of purchase if there is an error in our records.

Apple Limited Warranty Terms

Non-warranty service

Repairs are considered non-warranty in the following cases.

  • The iPhone was purchased over a year ago.
  • Your iPhone has encountered a problem that is not covered under warranty or consumer law, such as accidental damage or damage from unauthorized modifications.

We may be able to perform out-of-warranty repairs or replacements for a fee. iPhone replacement is new or equivalent to new in performance and reliability. The Apple Limited Warranty is in addition to the rights provided by consumer law.

Battery maintenance

If your battery has a manufacturing defect and is covered by the Apple Limited Warranty or consumer law, we will service it for free. Our warranty does not cover wear and tear resulting from regular use.

We may need to test the iPhone to find the cause of the battery issue. If the warranty is not valid, you can replace the battery for a fee.

Screen repair

If your iPhone screen is accidentally cracked, you can have it repaired at one of our authorized service centers. The cost of such repairs depends on the iPhone model and whether there is any additional damage. Damage caused by accident or mishandling is not covered by Apple's warranty, so you'll have to pay for out-of-warranty service. If the crack on the screen is due to a manufacturing defect, it is covered by the Apple warranty and consumer law.

An Apple Authorized Service Provider will perform diagnostic testing to see if your iPhone needs additional repairs. You will also be given an estimate of the cost of the repair. Service centers set their own prices. The repair cost will depend on the iPhone model and if there is any additional damage.

Apple Accessories

Apple-branded accessories, including power adapters, are covered under the Apple Warranty and Consumer Law. Contact your carrier for information on their service.

Apple Limited Warranty Terms for Accessories

Preparing for iPhone Service

  • Back up iPhone with iCloud or iTunes. A backup will be required to restore your data in case you need to reset your operating system or replace your iPhone.
  • Make sure you remember your Apple ID and password.
  • If your iPhone has a SIM card, remove it and save it.
  • Keep your cables and other accessories when you send your device in for service.
  • See detailed instructions for preparing your iPhone for service.

iPhone backup

After service

Perhaps when you pick up your iPhone after repair, you will find that it has a new operating system. If your iPhone uses a SIM card, insert it. Turn on your iPhone and follow the instructions you see on the screen. Once the setup is complete, restore your backup data.

We provide a 90-day service warranty, including replacement parts, or the remainder of Apple's warranty period, whichever is longer. We provide this warranty after each service by Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider. This warranty is in addition to the rights provided by consumer protection law.

Many people buy an iPhone with the firm belief that they have purchased a reliable, bug-free device that will last them at least a few years. As a rule, such a conviction does not last very long after the purchase :)

In general, it is not clear where the strong belief was formed that Apple production equipment is reliable and never breaks. It breaks and how! Any person associated with the repair of equipment, whether it be an official Apple service center or a small workshop, will confirm this to you. Yes, you can see for yourself: queries like “iPhone replacement under warranty”, “iPhone broken”, “ipad warranty repair”, etc. are very popular in search engines.

Especially big problems with reliability are observed in iPhones. Just a couple of months have passed since, and a large number of their users have already managed to contact service centers with various kinds of problems and breakdowns: the screen is loose, the focus is not focused, there is a problem with the front camera, etc.

In this article, we will talk about whether you should replace your iPhone or any other gadget for free under warranty, whether Apple products are covered by an international warranty, and what warranty repair problems you may encounter.

Features of the guarantee in the Russian Federation

Warranty service for Apple equipment in Russia has its own specifics. Namely, the technique must be purchased in Russia and have Rostest certification (PCT). In this case, you can count on:

  • Warranty service within 12 months
  • Free replacement of an iPhone (iPad, etc.) in case of problems that arose through no fault of the user

Therefore, if you bought an iPhone in Russia, then it is protected and guaranteed by Apple. If during the year there was any problem with it (the camera stopped working, charging does not work, the screen blinks, etc.), feel free to take it to the official Apple warranty service center. In most cases, you will simply be replaced with the same new one, because Apple does not produce original spare parts for its repair products.

You can find the addresses of authorized Apple sales representatives and official service centers in your city on this page:

But if your iPhone has scratches on the case, chips or other damage caused by improper or careless use, then you will be denied a replacement device. There are other reasons for denial of warranty service.

Reasons for denial of warranty

If you installed unlicensed software on your iPhone or used non-certified accessories, this is a reason to deny the warranty.

And one more surprise: if you bought your device manufactured by Apple in the USA or in Europe, then you will almost certainly be denied warranty service on the territory of the Russian Federation! Why is that? What about Apple's international warranty?

As we already mentioned, the iPhone must have PCT certification. If not, then under the terms of Apple warranty service in the Russian Federation is not required. In very rare cases, however, service centers in Russia accept both American and European devices, but, we repeat, they are not at all obliged to do this under Apple's terms of service.

How to find out the terms of the warranty

Even before contacting the service center, you can find out the features of the warranty for your device yourself. First you need to know it personal serial number. For iPhone and iPad, go to "Settings" -> "General" -> "About this device".

For Mac: Apple menu -> About This Mac -> Overview tab.

Now, knowing the serial number, go to a special page on the Apple website:

This is a page for checking eligibility for warranty service and service support in Russia. In the upper window, enter the serial number, and just below - the code from the picture. Based on the results of the check, you will receive information about the warranty status:

If all three items are marked in green, then everything is in order - feel free to contact the nearest Apple service center. If the second item is marked orange (expired), then you will have to repair the device yourself, the warranty for it has ended.

The system will also inform you if your device was purchased outside the Russian Federation:

In this case, you will have to repair the device for your hard-earned money. However, it will not be superfluous to try to walk around Apple service centers - it may well be that one of them will accept your iPhone, iPad or other “apple gadget”. There are such stories from users on the Internet. But once again we repeat that it will be their own decision, they are not obliged to do so in this case.

Paid device replacement

Apple also has such a service option as a paid warranty replacement. This option is suitable in the case when the device has become unusable due to your fault: it was dropped from a great height, drowned in a river, sat on the screen, etc. You can exchange such a device for a new one with a surcharge.

But even here it was not without additional conditions: Your device should not have been repaired. Otherwise, a paid replacement will not shine for you.

Apple International Warranty

“Well, what about the international guarantee?” You ask. Isn't its meaning that having bought a device in any country, you can apply for a guarantee in any other country in the world? In the case of Apple, this is not entirely true.

Apple's international warranty includes a complete replacement of the device in the event that manufacturer's fault, for example, as it was with the iPhone 5 batteries. The same thing is now observed in relation to the iPhone 6 and iPhone Plus - their problem node is the camera, which then moves out, then stops focusing, etc.

In this case, you can contact any authorized Apple service center, regardless of the country in which the iPhone was purchased, and they will replace it with a new one for free. However, in the case of the Russian Federation, everything is not so simple again: most likely, your iPhone without the PCT will not be replaced, but sent to the USA, where they will decide on its future fate: either repair or replace.


iPhones, iPads, etc. Apple products break as often as products from other manufacturers. Therefore, the hope that in the face of the "apple" you will receive a trouble-free device for several years may remain nothing more than a hope. The great excitement around iPhones has led to the fact that quality control has become much lower in recent years, and there are much more devices that fall into service centers under warranty. This will be confirmed to you by any employee of such a SC.

You will say that American iPhones are better in quality than Russian ones? This is far from the case, there is no difference in quality - models for different countries differ only in the charger and documentation. Moreover, all Apple products are made in China, and there are no people on the assembly line who would sort iPhones by country according to the quality of the final product: this good one goes to Europe and the USA, and this unsuccessful one will go to Russia :) But the difference in warranty conditions for there really are different countries, and it is about it that we tried to tell in this publication.

Since Apple does not repair, but exchanges for new iPhones certified for Russia, there are quite a few cases of replacing the device when the camera or other components break down. And as a rule, after that, most owners have a question: does the warranty now cover the replaced iPhone?

In this case, it would seem logical to go to a special section on the Apple website dedicated to the right to service and support. Here, using the iPhone serial number or other identification data, you can find out how much time is left before the end of the device warranty. But only after replacing the iPhone with a new one, you may encounter this message:

One of the readers, who officially changed the iPhone to a new one in the service center, drew our attention to this situation. He was embarrassed that before the replacement before the end of the warranty period, there were only a couple of days left. We contacted Apple and clarified the issue specifically for this device.

In a conversation, Apple representatives said that since the iPhone was certified for the Russian market, the service exchanged the smartphone for a new one, while the guarantee for the new device is one year from the date the phone was issued in the service. In other words, if the smartphone was given to you on October 23, then the warranty for it will end in a year.

As for the information from the site that we talked about above, it may not be displayed correctly, so you should not blindly trust it. If in doubt about your eligibility for warranty service, contact Apple Support.

The only thing that will be required when applying for a warranty again is documents from the service center stating that the iPhone was replaced with a new one.