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Oksimiron recorded a new track “Bipolyarochka. Manic depressive psychosis oxymiron New songs and their lyrics

Various variants of mixed states are possible.

These states - called episodes or phases of the disease, periodically replace each other, through intervals of mental health (intermission, or interphase), without a decrease in mental functions, even with a large number of phases transferred and any duration of the disease. In intermissions (intervals of mental health), the psyche and personal properties of the patient are fully restored. However, patients with this disorder often (75% of cases) also suffer from other mental disorders.

We hope that this information will be enough for you to understand that Oxymiron's disease is quite serious, the rest you can find in your favorite search engine.

The meaning of Oksimiron's new track "Bipolyarochka"

Bipolar personality disorder (manic-depressive psychosis) is a mental disorder characterized by frequent mood swings and changes in energy. One of the main signs of the disease, in addition to problems with social adaptation, loss of time sense and increased suicidal tendencies, is an alternating combination of phases of "mania" and "depression". Symptoms of mania include euphoria, increased performance, insomnia, speech pressure, and an excessive sense of self-worth. Depression is expressed in despondency, loss of interest in others, a pessimistic outlook on the future, and obsessive thoughts.

How does an excerpt from a description of mental illness relate to rap? Immediate, because this is a description of the diagnosis of a student at Oxford University Miron Fedorov - the future performer of MC Oksimiron.

The first part: My friend, what in return?

The doctor said, “Manic depression!

In the song "Spontaneous Combustion" from the album "Eternal Jew" in 2008, Oxy already addressed the theme of his illness, which, however, never prevented him from performing and "raising rap from his knees": numerous tracks, rap battles, new albums, performances ... In a series of new events and headlines, the memory of the rapper's listeners about his mental disability faded from memory, so the track "Bipolar", published on September 14, became a revelation for many fans ...

We ask in vain: give us all here not just an overnight stay (not a sleepy vegetation in a routine, but something more, spiritualized, being with meaning, ed.)

And that the nomad is waiting, the light of the tavern will blink

We are the ones who sacrifice everything here to onlookers

You start listening - and the thought flashes through your head that the performer's voice seems to be similar to Oxy, but sounds different: there is no longer that energy and charge that we are used to hearing in all tracks, regardless of the "filling". Suppressed voice of the patient, as if after a dose of strong drugs. Obviously, this is the notorious "depressive phase". "Chills and jetlag" - loss of temporary sensation, as when changing time zones. The thought of a "tombstone" on which the year of death is already inscribed. Complaints about the difficult life of the "conqueror" of Russian rap, who, like the hero of "The Lord of the Rings", throws the "ring of omnipotence" into the mouth of the volcano.

“And what in return?” Miron asks himself. What is it for? What kind of return does our hero get for "sacrificing everything"? Oksimiron never aspired to fame in the primitive sense of the word, always condemning those (like the same ST) who participate in battles in order to advertise their albums and increase concert attendance (“But I'm not trying to outperform my opponent, but my own achievements from the past battle "); that is why it turns out to be offensive - in the course of introspection - both his own desire to make money, to break out of the lower classes, and his performance on the show "Evening Urgant" on the first channel (isn't it for PR?).

Second part: Self-digging of the unfortunate clown

You have everything you could dream of, underground rap player

You grew out of the rabble, instead of calmly rejoicing in ups -

Again deplorable text.

In the second part of the track, the rhythm accelerates. Oxy goes from a "slow flow" to a quick reading and assessment of his persona from the side of the listener. "What would a fan from the provinces say after hearing all this?" - as if Miron asks himself. Why are these complaints? Yes, he has everything, he has achieved the highest heights of Russian rap: money, wealth, fame; his tracks are memorized, battles with his participation are gaining record views. You can relax and have fun, but here - "deplorable text". But does he understand that the way his environment lives - whether St. Petersburg or Moscow - is the dream of all residents of the regions? Beggars of cities and villages, literal survival on beggarly salaries and pensions. Drunkenness and drug addiction. Pseudo-social state. "Our alcohol is cheaper than a textbook." Yes, if Oxy continues his whining after that, then he is not the "king of Russian rap", but simply "suck like Chandler" - an insecure and weak character from the American TV series "Friends", hiding his insignificant nature behind sarcastic humor.

The third part: "I waited a year to give up the throne"

Here Oksimiron again “takes the floor” and refutes his own words. "Yes, okay, they may be right, but take your time," "the boys drew conclusions early." In addition to a happy life full of vivid emotions, successful performances, there is also a negative: problems with objective self-esteem, loss of the original mood against the background of the death of friends and girlfriend - in intensive care. Here it is, a tweet in the account from September 9th:

I didn't disappear, kid. It's just that a big trouble happened to a loved one, compared to which everything else is such nonsense. But I'm here.

Nerves. Constant mood swings. Fear of making a mistake and losing the faith of fans when "every step is yours under the microscope." Let us recall again the lines of the battle with ST - this is quite appropriate, because, as I already noted in the analysis of "The City under the Sole," Oksimiron uses battles exclusively to express his thoughts and ideas, simultaneously pronouncing fears and doubts:

But the defeat from the Glory of the CPSU and the "surrendered throne" - now we understand this and from the words of Miron himself - gave some relief, removed the burden of responsibility, first of all, to oneself. In the end, everyone gets tired of "fucking everyone in the mouth."

Here Oxy makes a reference to his past - the distant shores of Foggy Albion, the “drifting island”, where there was nothing to lose, because it was impossible to find a job in England as a philologist - even an Oxford graduate. Hence - relaxation, simplicity, lightness: "You catch it out of thin air, you go to adults." And then there was a return to the present day: pressure from the crowd, an internal desire to give up everything, an openly inflated sense of responsibility (“still MC, Big Boss”, CEO - chief, chief executive officer).

Oxford Graduate, everybody cunt

Oksimiron feels like a sort of Holden Kilfield, the hero of J. Salinger's novel The Catcher in the Rye. Thinking about his future and his choice of profession, the teenager admits that he would like to catch small children playing in the rye in the evening on the edge of a huge abyss, so that they do not fall down. However, throughout the entire novel, Holden himself hangs over the abyss, because he is in unequal opposition with the outside world and its hypocritical values. Likewise, Oxy - as an "eternal teenager", the only "adult" among the "small" MCs - exalts his uniqueness and exclusivity and at the same time admits that he has not found any other application for himself in life. I immediately remember the lines of the track "Ivory Tower":

After all, the powerful of this world have twisted into a bundle.

To the point of stress, kipish, running, Quidditch.

I used to think that at the age of thirty it was the finish.

But I'm here, see?

The fourth part: "My bipolar girl"

The ending of the song again testifies to Oksimiron's nervousness, which degenerates into a kind of "persecution mania": “MCs are friends against, they circle and wander. They are already dancing around my carcass, ”as if every rapper was waiting for his“ sunset ”. This is an inner sensation; it is impossible to say how justified this is from the outside. It is curious that Myron continues the idea that he is just as much a living person and also feels pain, like everyone else, through an oxymoron - a “living corpse”.

In the last verse, the performer concludes that he - in a global sense - “spit on everyone”, again focuses on the fact that “he was a schoolboy with glasses,” but became a cool rapper. Entering the mania phase again?

If you evaluate the entire track as a whole and ask yourself: “How will it affect your further creativity?”, Then after some thought, the answer comes: “In fact, nothing at all”. "Bipolar" is unlikely to be performed at the concert: it is impossible to deliberately enter oneself into such a depressive state. Even with a real diagnosis.

Oxxymiron spoke about the painful. "Popsihali". Calmed down. And he continued to write tracks and prepare for the first international, Russian-American, rap battle with MC Dizaster.

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1 comment

You have not guessed. The bipolar was at the concert. But in general, thanks for the article, of course.

What is "bipolar", about which the track Oxxxymiron released?

An interesting article in which the texts of Oksimiron are analyzed in terms of the symptoms of bipolar disorder:

The work of Miron betrays not only his philological education, but also all the nuances of a person's worldview, who is regularly thrown from a height into the abyss and back.

I knew my diagnosis in advance - spontaneous combustion.

You are either shit or a genius, the average is not given!

Mirona throws out from depressive hopelessness:

… Life is short, full of suffering, and ends in death.

And I realized everything - neither this nor that.

Smoke - that's it, got married, got a job, quit, washed away.

I entered into symbiosis with this swamp,

Like a junior with a raccoon, a senate with a synod, a cathode with an anode.

I know I lack self-organization

After all, I can only complain and snap.

... to a manic intoxication:

Deliver me from your panacea

Homemade Paracelsus, because for me ****** [plow] is an end in itself

Are you tired of it? we don't give a shit, tony stark as standard

A couple of countries, highways, Krasnodar, Tatarstan,

the din of the stage, snapped up,

at least on the Moscow Ring Road at the start

even to Madagascar!

("City under the sole")

And why is this pain from the experiment?

I do not understand why it was covered specifically -

But it covered specifically, and, the campaign, for a long time.

("Girl ****** [fam fatal]")

I know virgins will lead to problems

Live, people run back and forth, only the heels sparkle.

("I'm bored with life")

I need a doctor, better at home and immediately!

Myron has verses about almost every symptom of bipolar life.

For example, about suicidality:

People tell me: "Oxy, grow up!"

But I'd rather grow my nails

And I would jump from Gazprom City in a Hello Kitty suit,

God sees that he tried so hard to adapt, to be like everyone else

Just like a classmate, friend or neighbor

But something is wrong with me

I'm 26, but I'm struggling to fly like a darned flag.

... and about jumping thoughts

I ... I can't tell

I'm back, hold on, world!

About instability, impossibility to stay somewhere for a long time. Quite a typical lifestyle of a bipolar person is a change of places, hobbies, relationships with each phase:

I slept in squats, hitchhiked,

I turned off the roads and turned onto the paths.

And while my tracks were racing to the Neva,

He fired from wherever he was not kicked out.

There are a lot of themes - about survival, about struggle. Fight - with whom, with what? Myron grew up in the family of a university teacher and librarian, studied at a good British school, then at Oxford. So, about the struggle with oneself, with one's own craving for self-destruction.

I lost myself in a year and a half, friends: two are dead, the third is in intensive care.

I'm alive, thank you fortune!

("Ivory tower")

About this anxious-depressive "everything is in place, but something is wrong":

Oaks, what are you under? You have everything that underground rapper could have dreamed of,

You grew out of the rabble, instead of calmly rejoicing in the ups - again a deplorable text.

It is curious that his nickname itself is about a combination of incongruous. Manic depression is also an oxymoron.

Bipolar disorder, or bipolar disorder, is a severe mental illness that affects just under one percent of the population.

As Masha has already written above, the change of states from depressive to manic is characteristic of the "bipolar".

In a state of depression, a bipolar person is full of black heavy thoughts, often cannot get out of bed, and the simplest actions seem unbearably difficult. In this condition, the risk of suicide is very high. The world seems hated, upside down, dangerous, and the patient himself seems to be the worst person in the world, unworthy to live, mediocre and disgusting. And in mania, when energy splashes, the bipolar is the king of the world, brilliant, the best in the world.

BAR is a very insidious disorder. Manias are so enjoyable that many bipolar people stop taking pills as soon as their depression goes away. But mania is inevitably followed by another depression - this is the payback for wasting too much of the body's resources during mania.

It takes a lot of inner courage to publicly admit that you are "bipolar". Therefore - Oxxxymiron applause.

In addition to the conditions already described, BAR is characterized by another, which is much less talked about, a mixed state. It is characterized by signs of both depression and excess energy and excitement. On the one hand, such a state is easier than clinical depression or mania, on the other hand, the condition greatly interferes with everyday adaptation, and the sufferer himself may not understand what is happening to him and why it is so difficult to communicate with people and carry out everyday activities.

Bipolar is a kind of "affectionate" form from the name of a serious psychiatric diagnosis "bipolar disorder".

It used to be called manic-depressive psychosis. This is a disorder in which periods of a gloomy mood and a complete breakdown (depression) are replaced by episodes of violent activity, energy and confidence in their omnipotence, up to the loss of connection with reality (mania).

Oxxxymiron said that he was diagnosed with this back in 2006, and because of this he dropped out of the university.

Bipolar disorder is often associated with creativity. Famous musicians have dedicated their works to this disease more than once.

The most famous is Kurt Cobain's Lithium, who was also treated for "bipolar", but, unfortunately, could not cope with it.

So the song is a serious confession with a lot of personal pain in it. So Miron has great respect for his courage.

Detailed article about this disease.

"Bipolar" is an affectionate nickname for a girl to whom the author is grateful for her support in a difficult period.

Why be grateful for the disorder that may be partly responsible for the problems described?

Events - but in contrast to them - support me.

Oksimiron and his "bipolar"

Rapper Oksimiron released the track "Bipolar", which, among other things, tells about his life with bipolar disorder. Over a day, more than a million people listened to the composition. Many just listened and blissed out or were indignant, and some began to figure out: what is it? The author of the book "Bipolar" Masha Pushkina tells.

You can have different attitudes towards Russian rap (or not in any way - as, for example, I did until last week), but this phenomenon is more than worthy of attention.

When a person who is listened to by millions speaks frankly about his mental disorder, it greatly affects the attitude of people towards the diagnosis in general. And if there are many such brave people in the USA and Europe, then Miron Fedorov is, if not the first, then one of them. What is very typical for a "bipolar", after a year and a half without new products, Miron came up with and recorded a track in one night.

The official website of Oxxxymiron says: “While studying, I was expelled (from Oxford, in 2006) with a diagnosis of manic depression and re-enrolled. So the title of the composition is not at all an artistic image.

But I am a living corpse, my flesh is choking me, and if you stab me, I will tear my tummy.

So go to the song, gypsy girl.

It became unclear what, there was a schoolboy with glasses.

But I'm not sad ***** [not at all - here and hereinafter the "translation" of the author], after all, I didn’t.

My bipolar loves me. "

The quote "My bipolar loves me" has become a meme in a matter of days, and teenagers continue to drag it across hundreds of accounts.

And older people write snide posts that they had a bipolar when it was not yet "fashionable." Judging by social media, most rap fans didn't think much about the context, considering “bipolar” a nice word like “hype”. For example, in Oksimiron's public page with 800 thousand subscribers they write: "Come on already, get out of depression and creative collapse!"

But there are those who are serious about it. “From each composition I can understand whether Oxy is now in mania or depressed,” writes a girl with a sad avatar. And there is some truth in this. Miron's creativity betrays not only his philological education, but also all the nuances of a person's worldview, who is regularly thrown from a height into the abyss and back.

A lot is about survival, struggle. Fight against yourself, your own craving for self-destruction

I knew my diagnosis in advance - spontaneous combustion.

The doctor said, "Manic depression!"

Mirona throws out from depressive hopelessness:

Browne's movement through filthy dens.

There are either clowns or clones around - there are millions of them.

Gray days, gray people, like gray dust,

They settle on my gray convolutions.

("I'm bored with life")

... to a manic intoxication:

Kitties, kitties, kitties, kitties all around, I'm a March cat!

.... Probably, this is my paradise!

But all the joys of life are mixed with pain:

And why is this pain from the experiment?

I don't even have the will to be rebellious.

I do not understand why it was covered specifically -

But it covered specifically and, the campaign, for a long time.

("Girl ** [fam fatal]")

I know virgins will lead to problems

But your *** under a hairdryer and ibuprofen;

When ****** [finished] burst into tears ...

And between these poles - melancholy, apathy and despair:

Live, people run back and forth, only the heels sparkle.

These people always know what to do, but I'm bored.

Living is boring, living is boring, I have nothing to do and therefore boring.

Living is boring, living is boring, living.

("I'm bored with life")

I need a doctor, better at home and immediately!

Watson, Freud, Kurpatov, Pepper.

The horizon was clouded and a window slammed somewhere.

By *** [indifferent] who, but give me light: God or fiber.

The good side of "fashion" is that it destroys stigma. People cease to be afraid of their condition, consider it something shameful

Myron has verses about almost every symptom of bipolar life. For example, about the feeling of your own grandeur:

It's cool for you - heaven or hell,

Drugs are a gap, and sometimes it was covered so terribly

It seemed like I was filming a New Testament movie as Jesus!

("Thoughts stain the brain")

... and about jumping thoughts

To me. I can't tell

What's in my TV skull box.

I'm back, hold on, world!

A lot is about survival, about struggle. With whom, with what? Myron grew up in the family of a university teacher and librarian, studied at a good British school, then at Oxford. So, about the struggle with oneself, one's own craving for self-destruction.

I lost myself in a year and a half, friends: two are dead, the third is in intensive care.

I'm alive, thank you fortune!

I balance across chasms on stilts.

Walking hunched over and bouncing like a fool

Through fate and storm, to the elusive Ultima Thule.

("Ivory tower")

About this anxious-depressive "everything is in place, but something is wrong":

Oaks, what are you under? You have everything that underground rapper could have dreamed of,

You grew out of the rabble, instead of calmly rejoicing in ups, again a deplorable text.

It is curious that his nickname itself is about a combination of incongruous. Manic depression is also an oxymoron.

It is not surprising that impressionable fans, having heard enough of these rather gloomy recitations, will find these or those symptoms in themselves. (After two albums in a row, I myself became seriously uncomfortable.)

But fashion definitely has a good side: it destroys stigma. More people will cease to be afraid of their condition, to consider it something that needs to be hidden with shame.

It will be easier for them to explain their characteristics to others. If in England they habitually talk about someone familiar with bipolar disorder: "Oh, it's like Stephen Fry's", in the USA - "Well, Demi Lovato's too," now we have a recognizable face as well.

And people will finally be able to ask for help. After all, many do not even think that their problem is not laziness and irresponsibility, but a disease that has a cure. So Miron's frankness about his balancing over the abyss may well save someone's life.

about the author

Masha Pushkina is a journalist, editor of, author of the book "Bipolar People: How People with Bipolar Disorder Live and Dream" (Publishing Solutions, Ridero, 2017).

"My lover has bipolar disorder"

Living with this diagnosis means going to bed every night and not knowing who you will wake up tomorrow: an energetic superhero or an apathetic creature. How do you understand what's going on and how do you learn to cope with mental problems?

Memo to those who are going to marry a woman with a child

Based on his own experience, our reader wrote a biting, ironic text on this topic. He appeals to all men. To "you", as to friends in "happiness". Just in case, keep it for yourself - you never know how life will turn out.

Lyrics of Song (lyrics) Oxxxymiron - Bipolar

Chords. Whole song chords: G # m C # m. Comfortable key: +1

[Verse 1, Oxxxymiron]:

Again fucking the brains of the press, chills and jetlag.

Stick your badge and questions up your ass, Sherlock!

We give rap a part of ourselves, like Tosin is a djentu.

We mow the cache without wiping away the tears; the year is inscribed on the tombstone.

We ask in vain: "Give us all here not just an overnight stay!"

And that the nomad is waiting so, does not oppress the light of the tavern.

We are the ones who sacrifice everything to onlookers here -

Those who carry a ring around their neck and throw it into the mouth.

And what in return? My friend, what in return? What?

People's love, bitter bread, banter at the evening show?

When you're poor, you expect all the dreams from a big check, but

Where will you go when the check won't save you, like medicinal juice?

[Verse 2, Oxxxymiron]:

Oaks, what are you under? You have everything -

What the underground rapper could have dreamed of.

You grew out of the rabble, instead of calmly

To enjoy the ups is again a deplorable text.

You check how we live -

I suppose no one lives like this with you,

And here alcohol is cheaper than a textbook -

So if you whine, you suck like Chandler.

This is more than you! More than

Your self-digging worthless clown.

Man, you remember, we walked in step with you for a hundred years,

We walked side by side on the road to a dream for a hundred years!

From DEPOT to the final; how to lay low

For a couple more years, it’s better to go away from this crap.

Hey, liquid, you are not eternal campaign.

Come on, pull yourself together! Why are you so gentle?

True, yours, but you, the campaign, it's too early

Conclusions themselves made of it, guys.

I lost myself in a year and a half;

Friends, two are dead, the third is in intensive care.

Every step I take under the microscope.

And real talk, if you've made a mistake at least once - that's it

I have waited a year to surrender the throne.

Monomakh's hat is heavy.

I'm tired of everyone to fuck in the mouth!

The age when you start is simple;

You catch everything out of thin air, you go to adults.

Do you remember? Was my home a drifting island?

Of the property, only the future and the air.

Nothing to write? Oxy, grow your hair!

In three years I have completely bald in the media.

And I would like to leave, but let my friends down

Do not give a shred of honor and conscience.

[Verse 4, Oxxxymiron]:

And from the oral cavity it would be necessary

A new verse and so that the flow is plastid!

Kind of a pop artist, but still an MC

Big Boss C.E.O. that feeds the team.

Good son, your own in the board - the same type,

Oxford Graduate - Everybody cuts.

You are over the precipice in the rye, over the precipice of porridge.

On Crowley's arm is the motto: "God will forgive."

MCs are friends against; circling, wandering -

They are already dancing around my carcass.

But I am a living corpse, flesh chokes me,

And if you stab me, I'll rip my tummy.

How to flow, song, gypsy.

It became not clear what, there was a schoolboy with glasses;

But I'm not fucking sad, niggle -

After all, my bipolar loves me.

About the song Oxxxymiron - Bipolar

  • After a year and a half of expectations (to be exact, 511 days according to Levon Saribekyan's website) Oksimiron releases the single "Bipolyarochka". Quote: "I haven't let anything out for so long that I forgot how and where to fill it - so I'm counting on craftsmen!" The work was written and recorded on the night from 13th to 14.09.17 at the production of BluntCath, which in August the rapper GUF "rinsed" in his track Clean. The song was recorded and mixed by London beatmaker, MC and Portuguese-born singer Porchi (real name Dario Vieira).

Additional Information

Official release date: September, 14, 2017.

New songs and their lyrics

Voiced & Rem Digga - From the Windows

Dzhigan - View from the window

Olga Buzova - We will be hot (feat. Nastya Kudri)

MBAND - The Right Girl

Kolya Korobov feat. Alexey Vorobyov - Let's dance

Writing on the wall

Among these 10 performers was Joniboy.

2. He worked as a cashier, translator, loader, guide, shop assistant, tutor, entertainer, office plankton.

3. Miron gave an interview to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, after which his photo was posted on the first page.

4. Under no circumstances does he reveal the essence of allusions and metaphors in his texts.

5. In the track "Don't say a word" I used 32 terms from the grammar of the Russian language.

6. Helped artists such as Johnyboy and BLANK to become famous. He was one of the first to notice Blanca's track, posting it on his page, and he also helped Jonboy to develop.

Subsequently, they had a conflict related to SD. They did not communicate anymore.

7. For quite a long time I did not use profanity in my tracks, arguing that "without a mat it is more offensive"

8. According to Miron himself, the pseudonym "Oxxxymiron" came from the word "oxymoron" and his own name. And the three “Xs” refer to the fact that there is a lot of cruelty and obscenity in his tracks.

9. In 2006, Miron was diagnosed with manic-depressive psychosis.

The depressive phase is characterized by a triad of symptoms: depressed, melancholy mood, inhibition of thought processes, stiffness of movements. A person is sad, gloomy, barely moves, he experiences a feeling of melancholy, hopelessness, indifference to loved ones and to everything that previously gave him pleasure. A person in a depressive phase, sits in one position or lies in bed, answers questions in monosyllables, with a delay. The future seems to him hopeless, life - meaningless. The past is viewed only in terms of failures and mistakes. A person can talk about his worthlessness, uselessness, insolvency. The feeling of oppressive melancholy sometimes leads to suicidal attempts.

The manic phase is manifested by increased mood, acceleration of thought processes, psychomotor agitation. Everything around seems beautiful and joyful, a person laughs, sings, talks a lot, gestures. This phase is characterized by disinhibition of instincts, which can result in promiscuous sexual intercourse.


Effective treatment for depression

Clinic for the treatment of depression in men and women "SienaMed"! Low prices! An experience!

Address and phone number

Manic psychosis treatment.

TIR treatment in the private clinic Doctor SUN, St. Petersburg. Address and phone number

There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

© 1998–2015. All rights reserved.

Any use of materials is allowed only with the written consent of the publisher.

Oxxxymiron: Big interview

AM: You have an excellent education. Why do you need rap?

Underground MCs live in underground holes, write satire

On those who are at the top of the cultural layer

Gossip about etiquette and the upper classes

The Seagull Named Jonathan Levingston. This is generally the dick knows what it is. Okay, still, the hungry Soviet reader liked it, but I will never understand those who piss off this pompous nonsense in 2011.



At the last lecture we talked about schizophrenia, a disease that has a progressive course - the further, the patient's condition becomes worse and worse. It is difficult to treat it, the treatment is not very effective. It is possible to slow down the process, but nothing more. And today we will speak with much greater optimism - about affective psychoses, and in particular about manic-depressive psychosis. Even in ancient times, people noticed that mental disorders can very often begin without apparent reasons, and can transform - and after the period ends, the person remains practically healthy, his personal changes are not very pronounced. Most often, these observations concerned people who from time to time developed depressive states - melancholic states, and manic states, which can be combined with delirium, agitation, with a disorder of consciousness. But most importantly, these patients are recovering. And they recover in spite of the fact that they are being treated. Often you have to correct the doctors - your patient recovered not as a result of treatment, but in the course of treatment - the treatment went on by itself, but recovery by itself. At times, patients recover in spite of treatment - the treatment may be inadequate to the state when the sick body has to cope not only with the disease, but also with the treatment. For a long time, diseases such as periodic melancholy and periodic mania were distinguished in classifications. For a very long time, psychiatrists looked at patients not in length, but in diameter (section). It was E. Kraepellin who began to observe the course of the disease. When you study the disease in the process, you notice that there are depressive disorders that can alternate with manic ones. Kraepellin combined these states, and gave the name manic-depressive psychosis (1889). Since then, the concept of manic-depressive psychosis has become firmly established in the practice of psychiatry. In the latest revision of the ICD, the diagnosis of manic-depressive psychosis was eliminated. Patients with TIR for a doctor are the most grateful patients - I mean not material gratitude, but psychological gratitude. Since a doctor has very few moments when he is satisfied with his work.

MDP is an endogenous disease based on a hereditary predisposition that occurs in the form of manic and depressive phases, between which there are light gaps.

If we learn how to treat manic and depressive phases, to treat quickly and efficiently, if we learn to conduct prevention, then we will have a practically healthy person. For good psychiatrists, the percentage of such a recovery reaches 70-80%, and their intellect does not suffer. Hemenguey, Vrubel and others suffered from the MDP. But this does not mean that all patients with this disease are brilliant, just like that talented people are sick. We are just giving an example of people who are well known and heard. To some extent, this can be attributed to Van Gogh.

Since the personality is not changed in this disease, these patients go to consultations, consult, etc.

This disease has two peaks of occurrence: between 20 and 30 years, the second peak is the period of menopause, involution. Women are more likely to get sick, which shows that mental illness in women is somewhat easier. The ratio between men and women is 1 to 3. Manic and depressive phases are observed in the clinical picture. But this does not mean that one phase replaces another. Much more often - for 4 depressive phases there is one manic. Therefore, the course of MDP is usually divided into 2 types: monopolar (one phase appears in the clinical picture - often these are depressive phases, extremely rarely with manic phases) - depressive phase - light interval - depressive phase - light interval, etc. Bipolar course - depressive phase - light interval - manic phase - depressive phase, etc. There is a double phase - the depressive one immediately turns into a manic one. Exacerbation of the MDP, the onset of phases - periodic, in addition, with seasonal exacerbations (spring and autumn). There are many studies on etiology, pathogenesis.

It is one of the most studied diseases in psychiatry. We managed to study it in the course of treatment. Empirically, it was possible to discover drugs that reduce depression - antidepressants. At the same time, it was found that antidepressants, at the heart of their mechanism of action, have an effect on neurotransmitters. In depressive phases, there is little serotonin and norepinephrine. From here came the treatment, that is, the medicines here became, as it were, a device, a pharmacological "scalpel". It is known that the median structures of the brain are primarily involved in the origin of MDP.

This disease is deeply biological, and what we see in the patient's feelings, in his experiences is only a psychological coloring, of those biological changes that occur in the body. An example of this - in nature there are analogs of MDP - hibernation in animals (bears, hedgehogs, etc.), if a bear is examined during hibernation, then his biochemical and physiological indicators will correspond to what a person has - depression, he has no psychological psyche and he sleeps.

Such patients can come to therapists, primarily to neuropathologists (patients go to them, because they think that this disease is "from the nerves".

Depressive phase. Kraepellin described the classic picture of depression (less common). Kraepellin singled out a triad (Krapellin's triad) of symptoms: PATHOLOGICALLY REDUCED, MORNED MOOD, MENTAL INHIBITION, PHYSICAL INHIBITION.

A person becomes inactive, movements are slowed down, speech is slow.

Depressed mood: TIR patients note that the depressive state is not at all the same as the state after some kind of grief (for example, the patient went through a depressive phase, and then something happened to his relatives, and he says that this is grief, not at all, what depression). If you ask such a person: "what's wrong?" - he will answer "the soul hurts". He will show with his finger where his soul hurts - atrial melancholy, vital longing, when a feeling haunts - crushes, does not allow to live. This emotional feeling is turned into the past, and now everything was bad, and now it is bad, and nothing good will happen. Not a single bright thought comes to mind. All thoughts revolve around themselves, around the mistakes that he made in life. Every mistake is raised to the rank of a state crime. The woman begins to delve into herself - "I am bad, I am worse than others, I brought up my children poorly, I paid little attention to my husband." All this is accompanied by a colossal sense of guilt, which pushes to the fact that there is no prospect - "I have no right to live, I have no right to eat." People strive for suicide, but since the intellect is preserved, they will carefully prepare and execute suicide on the sly of others. That is why patients in a state of depression, with ideas of little value, self-blame, and self-deprecation are treated in hospitals.

The lowered mood tends to improve in the evening - typical, daily fluctuations: in the morning he feels worse, and in the evening he is slightly better. Patients are misleading you - I really feel better in the evening, because the day has passed, now it's time to sleep, children and relatives will come - this is called rationalization. Differential diagnosis with neuroses: with neuroses, the mood is worse in the evening. Patients retarded mentally and physically. In the emotional sphere, there are no criteria, and a person can only be compared with himself. For example, a patient comes, who is always accustomed to seeing straight, with straightened shoulders, with a shine in his eyes, comes in a bent position, his face is hypomimic, his eyes are dull, little blinking, and all facial expressions have a tragic look - the corners of the mouth are lowered, a characteristic specific fold - Veroguda fold; walks slowly, sat down in an armchair and "blurred" in it; the first himself will not begin to speak, and when he speaks, the answers are monosyllabic, in a monotonous voice.

Highly great importance in the diagnosis of depressive disorders, it has somatic and autonomic symptoms, and often it comes out on top (acrocyanosis, wet hands). Depressive patients do not cry, they even say that they would like to cry, but cannot - "I have no tears." And the first tears in depressed patients are always a sign of improvement (this must be explained to relatives). It is easier for a depressed patient alone, and not in society. Such patients feel easier lying down, and doing nothing - any stress causes a deterioration. The patient is told about this - "pull yourself together", but he cannot do this - and a new circle begins - "I cannot do this, I am bad." Therefore, no sick person should ever say "pull yourself together."

Patients complain of dry mouth. In patients, intestinal atony develops, as a result of which persistent constipation develops and if you do not monitor the regularity of the stool, this can lead to fecal volvulus. Patients have decreased appetite, and patients (regardless of this) lose weight in a short time - this is an indicator - if the weight increases, then this is recovery. In women - menstrual dysfunction - delayed menstruation (the same indicator). It so happens that a medicine is given, it seems that there is an improvement in the condition, but there is no menstruation - in this case, they say that this is a drug improvement.

Sleep is very typical for such patients - insomnia - in the evening they fall asleep quickly on time, but wake up early (at 3-5 o'clock in the morning). In the morning, these patients have the most severe condition (this is the most appropriate time for suicide). Early awakenings occur in the elderly (it is believed that the mechanism of aging and depression is the same), chronic alcoholics with withdrawal symptoms.

Such a detailed syndrome does not always occur, others are much more common - melancholic syndrome of less severity - anergic depression (anergy - lack of energy, lethargy, but less pronounced). A careful differential diagnosis from neurotic conditions is needed here. The man is arranged in such a way that he tries to explain everything: “I’m probably tired, I worked a lot, I was in conflict with my wife, etc.”. The mood is the same reduced, but not to such a large extent, there may be atrial melancholy. A person understands that he must live, he must do something, but he cannot. Such patients say that "with their eyes they would have done everything," but with their hands they cannot. And some kind of tension, a manifestation of activity - immediately worsens the state of health. But all depressive conditions are characterized by: daily fluctuations, early awakening, poor appetite, weight loss, menstrual disorders, dry mouth, constipation. That is, the depression is not so pronounced, but the somatic and autonomic symptoms remain the same. These patients do not express expressed ideas of self-accusation, but when asked, I will tell you: "I have recently developed a feeling of envy of people", and the patient will emphasize that this is not black envy, but white - "all people go to work, raise children are resting. But I can't. " As a rule, depressions, characterologically good people with high moral standards, with firm moral foundations are ill, and these people are ashamed of their feelings of envy.

Anxiety-depressive syndrome: with this syndrome, a feeling of anxiety appears - a feeling of anxiety is directed towards the future, constant fear - "something may happen, something may happen." These patients even differ outwardly, from melancholic patients: in appearance, in the expression of the face, a feeling of anxiety is noticeable - a tense face, shining eyes, an anxious look (unblinking). If patients with dreary depression open up completely in a conversation with a doctor, then an anxious patient will come, sit down and freeze in anticipation. Always pause before starting a conversation with a patient. Depressive patients will pause as long as they like, anxious patients cannot stand it. He will be the first to start a conversation, he will fiddle with his hands ("a symptom of restless hands"), he will fiddle with the hem of his clothes, he cannot sit still and therefore ask permission to get up and walk. At times, anxious patients can reach a state of numbness (anxious numbness can reach stupor). This immobility is tense, the immobility of expectation - "what will happen, what will happen?" More often we are dealing with anxious agitation, which is called anxious agitation. To a mild degree, this is fiddling with hands, the inability to sit in one place. To a severe degree - patients run around the ward, around the ward, ask to kill them, refuse to eat, bang their heads against the wall, can throw themselves out the window. This is a terrible, heartbreaking situation. The rest of the somatic and autonomic symptoms are approximately the same. Anxiety depression is more common in women of involutional age. In addition to the fact that they express thoughts about their own uselessness, worthlessness, they have an interpretation of what is happening. "People are looking at me, and why are they looking at me - but because I bad person, I even have it written on my face that I'm bad, so they look at me. They talk about me, make signs. "Anxiety-depressive delirium can be combined with the phenomena of staging - what is set up around, everything is not accidental," I am tested, taught, prepared for something. "Often, anxious depression is accompanied by senestopathies - very unpleasant, often painful sensations, which are very difficult to describe in words, are difficult to localize, but they are painful, unpleasant - a feeling of heat in the body, creeping creeps, can be in the form of a burning sensation, very often they are localized in the neck, shoulder girdle, unpleasant, cramping sensations in the abdomen. Anxiety depression can vary in severity - maybe mild depression - with it, doctors will firstly pay attention to the patient's complaints, that is, the depression itself is, as it were, masked by senestopathic complaints. One of the first to describe this condition was the Russian therapist Professor Piknev (introduced the term n somatophrenia). There are a lot of masked depressions, according to some data, about 40% of women who visit a local therapist have this depression. And such patients can be treated for years for some somatic disease, and only when he commits suicide, it becomes clear that he is sick. Therefore, there is a need to have a psychiatrist, psychotherapist in polyclinics, hospitals (which already exists all over the world). In psychiatry, there is practically no such diagnosis, since the psychiatrist is obliged to see such depression, this term is more for therapists.

Depressive-depersonalization syndrome. Here depersonalization phenomena are connected to depression. For example, allopsychic depersonalization - “I have become a callous person, I do not have all kinds of feelings, nothing can please or sadden me, I have no emotional relationship with people, nature, I have no feelings, I live only with my mind. I know that I love you, but I know that only with my mind. " Somatopsychic depersonalization - there is no feeling of hunger, satiety, taste of food, no urge to urinate, defecate, pain sensitivity is lost. And all this helps people to commit suicide attempts. For example, one patient, in order to experience at least something, scratched her cornea. This is a terrible state, it is very difficult to experience. It turns out a paradox - "I don't feel anything, and I suffer a lot from this." The Latin name for this condition is anestaesia psichica dolorosa.

Depression lasts for a long time - from 3-4 months to a year. It gradually begins and gradually ends, which is called a phase. For the treatment of the depressive phase, antidepressants are used, and for prevention, lithium preparations are used - lithium carbonate, lithium oxybutyrate. Electroconvulsive therapy is used.

Manic phase. Kraepellin also described the manic triad:

Painfully elevated mood

A painfully elevated mood is not the mood that we have for some event, it is a mood that endogenously rushes, great joy, "everything is fine, everything is fine, I want to live, love, sing songs, dance, read poetry" and the sick do it. The most important thing is that nothing darkens this mood. A person is not idle for a minute, he is constantly on the move, literally jumping on chairs, beds. Decorates herself with flowers, orders, does her hair, puts on bright makeup. For example, a patient comes in - wearing makeup, all in rings, chains, etc. they talk endlessly, incessantly, sing songs, read poems. These patients have hypermnesia - a painful increase in memory - they remember everything - all the poems, songs, etc. In addition, these patients themselves are excellent at writing poetry, they can rhyme words ad infinitum. These patients have facilitated associations - the thought slides over the surface, for example, by consonance - "frosts, doses, roses, postures", associations by contrast - it was about black, they say about white. Associations by contiguity, by kinship - he talked about the father, then about the mother, etc. Such associations are not allowed to go deep. Constantly these patients are distracted, jumping from one to another, giving out compliments, kissing others' hands. In the department, such patients begin to work, and do not bring things to the end, so they sleep a little. They get up early, grab a bucket and run to wash the floors, they shout to him: "Vasya, come here" and he runs, forgetting about the floors. These are the only patients who infect with their fun. With such a patient, one really cannot refrain from laughing, because they are smart, witty, tell a funny anecdote, etc. When such patients recover, they say: "you know the doctor, I understand that my condition was painful, that it was impossible to live in this state, I already did a lot of stupid things, but this condition was very pleasant." Patients do not want this state to happen again, but it is pleasant to remember. Such patients can do anything. For example, a girl, after graduating from school, went to work in the newly created democratic Leningrad Council, and in the meantime she was constantly developing a manic state, and she was a secretary in the department for improving the living space. And in this department, of course, there are a lot of people, old people. Everyone wanted to help her, because the old people cry and complain. She went and bought chlorpromazine, the next day all the old people were in the waiting room, in a state of orthostatic collapse. A manic state is imminent. She decided to gather her classmates, and her parents left. She went to her acquaintances, collected a lot of money, began to buy boxes of wine and groceries. She did not have enough money, so she made a certificate for herself, and went to inspect the store, of course they began to give her food. She invited her own and parallel class. They celebrated, went for a ride on steamers, but the apartment was not closed. During the night the whole apartment was robbed, nothing was left, and in the morning the parents arrived. A lot of debts accumulated, the outraged shop directors who gave bribes went to the executive committee. A criminal case was brought against her for the use of her official position.

Or another example, there was a very good intellectual person, well-read. He worked as an engineer. He invited guests from Moscow to his place. He took them to various places of interest. And then he decided to restore the monuments that were in poor condition. And when he washed the monument to Lermontov, hooligans attacked him. He turned to the police (a policeman, (by the way, psychiatry goes through) and they sent him to a psychiatric hospital. All that was said was called solar mania. It happens most often. But there are other types of manic syndrome.

Angry mania. It is more common in people who have vascular disorders, the consequences of traumatic brain injury, or in a person who has been experiencing manic conditions for many years. Everything is the same, but such patients easily get irritated - they show emotional lability. There are ideas for revaluation. Such a person enters the hospital, where there are restrictions - not to leave the ward, to remove from the table, etc. - which leads the patient to irritation. Since the switchability in such patients is high, experienced specialists will not allow such a patient to fight or conflict. Ideas of ill-treatment are typical for such patients - he is prevented from doing something, and he says "you are hitting me," he was pushed a little, and he "you are mocking me," and so on.

If the manic state reaches its very peak, the most developed state, then we say that it is violent mania. In recent years, there is practically no manic frenzy, as patients are admitted to the hospital earlier. Psychomotor agitation reaches such degrees that when the patient speaks, it is impossible to understand - these are separate words, not connected in any way - "a leap of ideas." The patient is constantly on the move - jumping.

However, mild manic states are observed much more often. They are called hypomania. The person has an excellent mood, which is not overshadowed by anything. The patient is not distracted. There is concentration. I want to live, love, work. When it does not want to sleep, eat, no fatigue. But if you didn’t know that depression follows hypomania, it would be nice - you could enter hypomania for 8 months and do everything that you didn’t have time to do. When psychologists studied hypomania, it turned out that there are large correlations between hypomania and creativity.

Manic states last shorter than 4 months.

When you get out of a manic state and depression, there comes a light period when a person is absolutely adequate and healthy.

Prevention of mania: antipsychotics, lithium salts.

Sometimes during the TIR, mixed phases can be observed - they have manifestations of both mania and depression. Most often this happens at the transition of a manic state to a depressive one and vice versa. They are different, they are not common. For example, a patient lies with a depressive mask on her face, and when you speak, she quickly and actively begins to speak. There is a manic stupor - a manic mood with complete immobility - the patient sits in a state of complete bliss.

This is his first solo composition after the release of the Gorgorod album in November 2015.

“I didn’t release anything for so long that I forgot how and where to fill it. So I'm counting on craftsmen, ”he commented. On Twitter, he noted that this is not one of the releases scheduled for this fall, but something spontaneous.

“I wrote and recorded the track overnight, and Porchi put it together right there,” Oksimiron tweeted. It is known that the instrumental of the track was produced by the beatmaker Bluntcutt, who had previously worked with Guf.

The song "Bipolyarochka" is not only about what is happening in Myron's soul, but also about the reality around us. In one of the moments of the track, the Russian people seem to be addressing him: “You check how we live, I suppose no one lives like this with you, our alcohol is cheaper than a textbook. So if you whine, you suck like Chandler. "

There is also a hint in the song of the battle lost by Oksimiron with Purulent. “I lost myself in a year and a half, friends - two are dead, the third is in intensive care. Every step I took under the microscope was a shock if I screwed up at least once. I have waited a year to surrender the throne. Monomakh's hat is heavy, I got tired of all ***** in my mouth. "

Oxxxymiron is one of the most successful Russian rappers. His second (and on this moment the last) album "Gorgorod" was released in November 2015.

His battle with Johnnyboy, he scored more than 39 million views on YouTube - a record not only among Russian speakers, but in general among all rap battles. His recent (Slava KPSS) has received over 22 million views. For Oksimiron, this was the first battle defeat.

In the fall-winter of 2017, Oksimiron will go on the Imperivm "stadium tour", within the framework of which, in particular, in the Moscow "Olympic".

You can have different attitudes towards Russian rap (or not in any way - as, for example, I did until last week), but this phenomenon is more than worthy of attention.

When a person who is listened to by millions speaks frankly about his mental disorder, it greatly affects the attitude of people towards the diagnosis in general. And if there are many such brave people in the USA and Europe, then Miron Fedorov is, if not the first, then one of them. What is very typical for a "bipolar", after a year and a half without new products, Miron came up with and recorded a track in one night.

The official website of Oxxxymiron says: “While studying, I was expelled (from Oxford, in 2006) with a diagnosis of manic depression and re-enrolled. So the title of the composition is not at all an artistic image.

But I am a living corpse, my flesh is choking me, and if you stab me, I will tear my tummy.
So go to the song, gypsy girl.
It became unclear what, there was a schoolboy with glasses.
But I'm not sad ***** [not at all - here and hereinafter the "translation" of the author], after all, I didn’t.
My bipolar loves me. "

The quote "My bipolar loves me" has become a meme in a matter of days, and teenagers continue to drag it across hundreds of accounts.

And older people write snide posts that they had a bipolar when it was not yet "fashionable." Judging by social media, most rap fans didn't think much about the context, considering “bipolar” a nice word like “hype”. For example, in Oksimiron's public page with 800 thousand subscribers they write: "Come on already, get out of depression and creative collapse!"

But there are those who are serious about it. “From each composition I can understand whether Oxy is now in mania or depressed,” writes a girl with a sad avatar. And there is some truth in this. Miron's creativity betrays not only his philological education, but also all the nuances of a person's worldview, who is regularly thrown from a height into the abyss and back.

A lot is about survival, struggle. Fight against yourself, your own craving for self-destruction

I knew my diagnosis in advance - spontaneous combustion.
The doctor said, "Manic depression!"
("Spontaneous combustion")

Mirona throws out from depressive hopelessness:

Browne's movement through filthy dens.
There are either clowns or clones around - there are millions of them.
Gray days, gray people, like gray dust,
They settle on my gray convolutions.
("I'm bored with life")

... to a manic intoxication:

Kitties, kitties, kitties, kitties all around, I'm a March cat!
.... Probably, this is my paradise!

But all the joys of life are mixed with pain:

And why is this pain from the experiment?
I don't even have the will to be rebellious.
I do not understand why it was covered specifically -
But it covered specifically and, the campaign, for a long time.
("Girl ** [fam fatal]")

I know virgins will lead to problems
But your *** under a hairdryer and ibuprofen;
When ****** [finished] burst into tears ...
("Spontaneous combustion")

And between these poles - melancholy, apathy and despair:

Live, people run back and forth, only the heels sparkle.
These people always know what to do, but I'm bored.
Living is boring, living is boring, I have nothing to do and therefore boring.
Living is boring, living is boring, living.
("I'm bored with life")

I need a doctor, better at home and immediately!
Watson, Freud, Kurpatov, Pepper.
The horizon was clouded and a window slammed somewhere.
By *** [indifferent] who, but give me light: God or fiber.
("Signs of life")

The good side of "fashion" is that it destroys stigma. People cease to be afraid of their condition, consider it something shameful

Myron has verses about almost every symptom of bipolar life. For example, about the feeling of your own grandeur:

It's cool for you - heaven or hell,
Drugs are a gap, and sometimes it was covered so terribly
It seemed like I was filming a New Testament movie as Jesus!
("Thoughts stain the brain")

... and about jumping thoughts

I ... I can't tell
What's in my TV skull box.
I'm back, hold on, world!
("Signs of life")

A lot is about survival, about struggle. With whom, with what? Myron grew up in the family of a university teacher and librarian, studied at a good British school, then at Oxford. So, about the struggle with oneself, one's own craving for self-destruction.

I lost myself in a year and a half, friends: two are dead, the third is in intensive care.

I'm alive, thank you fortune!
I balance across chasms on stilts.
Walking hunched over and bouncing like a fool
Through fate and storm, to the elusive Ultima Thule.
("Ivory tower")

About this anxious-depressive "everything is in place, but something is wrong":

Oaks, what are you under? You have everything that underground rapper could have dreamed of,
You grew out of the rabble, instead of calmly rejoicing in ups, again a deplorable text.

It is curious that his nickname itself is about a combination of incongruous. Manic depression is also an oxymoron.

It is not surprising that impressionable fans, having heard enough of these rather gloomy recitations, will find these or those symptoms in themselves. (After two albums in a row, I myself became seriously uncomfortable.)

But fashion definitely has a good side: it destroys stigma. More people will cease to be afraid of their condition, to consider it something that needs to be hidden with shame.

It will be easier for them to explain their characteristics to others. If in England they habitually talk about someone familiar with bipolar disorder: "Oh, it's like Stephen Fry's", in the USA - "Well, Demi Lovato's too," now we have a recognizable face as well.

And people will finally be able to ask for help. After all, many do not even think that their problem is not laziness and irresponsibility, but a disease that has a cure. So Miron's frankness about his balancing over the abyss may well save someone's life.

about the author

Masha Pushkina- journalist, editor of, author of the book "Bipolar People: How People with Bipolar Disorder Live and Dream" (Publishing Solutions, Ridero, 2017).