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Psr in the conditions of blockages. Rescue operations during the collapse of buildings and structures. When conducting combat operations,

Blockage is a chaotic heap of materials, structures, equipment, furniture, stones, technical devices, etc. How to protect people in case of blockages and how to organize? This will be discussed in this article.
The content of search and rescue operations in the conditions of blockages

Causes of blockages

The main reasons for the formation of blockages are natural, such as floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, hurricanes, storms, landslides, the impact of natural factors on the aging and corrosion of materials, errors in construction or during the operation of the facility, military operations. The degree of destruction is influenced by the strength of the destructive factor, exposure time, duration, seismic resistance of structures, quality of construction, construction time of the structure.

The main types of blockages

Blockages are divided into two types: continuous and separate (local). Blockages in the ratio of the total construction volume are up to 50% (residential buildings - 35-50%, industrial -15-20%). Blockages can be reinforced concrete and brick. The first ones consist of fragments of concrete, reinforced concrete, wooden and metal structures, fragments of equipment. Their feature is the presence of connected large elements, voids, unstable parts. Brick blockages mainly consist of large blocks and broken bricks, fragments of structures, and plaster. Often, during such collapses, there are no large elements and voids, they have a high density.

Blockages damage electrical, thermal, gas, plumbing and other systems, which can lead to fire, explosion or flooding. The most dangerous blockages are in industrial buildings where hazardous substances are produced or stored.

During the destruction of buildings and blockages, people are blocked, injured and killed. The victims fall into the upper or lower part of the blockage, find themselves in the basements or on the first floors.

Search and rescue operations in the rubble

How to start search and rescue work? First, you need to conduct reconnaissance, which includes:

  • setting the zone and nature of the emergency;

  • determination of the location of the victims and their condition;

  • assessment of the state of objects located in the emergency zone;

  • determination of the presence of fires, chemically hazardous and explosive substances;

  • laying of access roads and installation of equipment to ensure the evacuation of people from the rubble.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with during an emergency.

Assistance to victims, evacuation of people

To help the victims, you need to dismantle the blockage from above or arrange a hole in the blockage.

Debris demolition

The blockage is dismantled from above, so that it is possible to get the victims located in the upper part of the blockage and provide access to them. Small elements are lifted manually, and lifting equipment is used to move large and heavy elements: winches, jacks, cranes. It will take. After the release of the victims, they must be given first aid and transported to a safer place.

Manhole devicein the rubble

Often, during a blockage, the victims are in depth. To extract them from there, rescuers make a special hole - a narrow passage. The hole is not made near large boulders, so that they do not settle and hinder the work of rescuers. The manhole can be made in three directions: horizontal, vertical and inclined. Optimal dimensions: width - 0.8-0.9 m, height - 0.9-1.0 m.
For the device of the manhole, several groups of rescuers of 3-4 people are involved. They dismantle the blockage, free the passage, install fasteners, remove the debris, take out the victims, transport them to the place of assistance.

Rescuers move along the aisle on all fours or lying down. If large reinforced concrete, wooden, metal, brick elements come across on the way, they must be bypassed or destroyed. When making a manhole, it is necessary to pay the main attention to its reliable fastening in order to prevent the collapse of the walls. For this, a special tool is used: spacers, racks, beams, boards, shields, crossbars, struts.

Before removing the victim from the blockage, it is necessary to assess his condition and the degree of injury. If necessary, tourniquets and compression bandages are applied to the pressed or pinched parts. The method of extracting and transporting the victim depends on his physical condition. If the victim is crushed by large elements, you need to release him using spreaders, jacks or lifting equipment.

Quite often, RPS has to be carried out in the conditions of blockages. Blockage is a chaotic heap of building materials and structures, fragments of technological equipment, sanitary devices, furniture, household utensils, stones.

The reason for the formation of blockages can be natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, storms, landslides, landslides, mudflows), the effects of natural factors leading to aging and corrosion of materials (atmospheric moisture, groundwater, subsiding soils, sudden changes in temperature air), errors at the design and construction stage, violations of the rules for the operation of the facility, military operations. The degree of damage to buildings depends on the strength of the destructive factor, the duration of its impact, the seismic resistance of structures, the quality of construction, and the degree of wear (aging) of buildings.

According to the degree of destruction of buildings, the blockages are divided into five types.

  • 1. Light damage: thin cracks appear on the walls of buildings, plaster is sprinkled, small pieces break off, glass in windows is damaged.
  • 2. Weak destruction: small cracks in the walls, quite large pieces of plaster break off, cracks appear in the chimneys, some of them collapse, the roof is partially damaged, glass in the windows is completely broken.
  • 3. Medium destruction: large cracks in the walls of buildings, collapse of chimneys, partial fall of the roof.
  • 4. Strong destruction: collapse of internal partitions and walls, gaps in the walls, collapse of parts of buildings, destruction of connections between parts of buildings, collapse of the roof.
  • 5. Complete destruction.

Blockages are continuous and separate (local). The volume of blockages in the destruction of residential buildings is 35-50%, industrial - 15-20% of the construction volume. The height of the blockages of residential buildings is 1/5-1/7, industrial - 1/4-1/10 of their original height. The average slope angle of blockages is 30°. The volume of voids in the rubble is 40-60%.

Blockages are conditionally divided into reinforced concrete and brick. Reinforced concrete blockages consist of fragments of reinforced concrete, concrete, metal and wooden structures, fragments of brickwork, elements of technological equipment. They are characterized by the presence of a large number of large elements, often interconnected, voids and unstable elements.

Brick blockages consist of brick blocks, broken bricks, plaster, fragments of reinforced concrete, metal, and wooden structures. They are characterized by high density, the absence of large, as a rule, elements and voids.

The formation of blockages is accompanied by damage to electrical, thermal, gas, plumbing and other systems. This creates a risk of fires, explosions, floods, electric shocks. Particularly dangerous are the blockages of industrial buildings in which hazardous substances are produced or stored.

The destruction of buildings and the formation of blockages are usually accompanied by death, blocking, and injury to people. Of all the victims in the rubble, approximately 40% receive minor injuries, 20% receive moderate injuries, and the same percentage receive severe and extremely severe injuries and injuries.

Fig.3. The degree of destruction of buildings: a - light damage; b - weak; c - average; g - strong; d - complete destruction.

Victims can be in the upper, middle, lower parts of the blockage, in littered basements and underground protective structures, in the technological underground and in the premises of the first floors. In some cases, they can remain on different floors of partially destroyed premises, in niches and voids, on roofs.


1 - cordon by the traffic police of the emergency area, posts on the roads; 2 - cordon by law enforcement agencies of the emergency zone and the object of the RPS; 3 - headquarters of the leadership (OG EMERCOM of the Russian Federation); 4 - point of medical care for lightly injured; 5 - point of medical care for seriously injured; 6 - platform for identification of victims; 7 - first-aid post for sorting the victims; 8 - path for through traffic of ambulances; 9 - path for through traffic of fire service vehicles and construction equipment; 10 - entry and exit coordination point; 11 - rest point for rescuers; 12 - point of heating of rescuers; 13 - food service for rescuers; 14 - reserve forces; 15 - point of reception of found documents and valuables; 16 - reserve equipment; 17 - platform for refueling fuel and lubricants equipment; 18 - forces and means of the necessary emergency services; 19 - areas of work; 20 - object of emergency.

Practically in all the blockages there are people, some of them die immediately, some are injured. On the first day after the emergency, in the absence of first aid, approximately 40% of the victims die in the rubble. After 3-4 days after the formation of the blockage, the living people in it begin to die from thirst, cold, and injuries. After 7-10 days, there are practically no living people left in the rubble.

Search and rescue operations in the conditions of blockages begin with reconnaissance, for which you should:

  • - establish the emergency zone and its nature;
  • - to determine the location and condition of the victims;
  • - assess the state of objects in the emergency zone (buildings, communications, engineering systems);
  • - determine the presence of fires, radioactive, chemical, bacteriological contamination, toxic and explosive substances, prevent their negative impact on people, eliminate or localize;
  • - determine the places for laying access roads, installing equipment, evacuation routes for victims;
  • - Establish permanent control over the state of the blockage.

Before starting the RPS in the rubble, you must:

  • - turn off the power supply, gas supply, water supply;
  • - check the condition of the remaining structures, overhanging elements, walls;
  • - inspect the interior;
  • - make sure that there is no danger, create safe working conditions;
  • - Determine escape routes in case of danger.

The technology of conducting RPS in the blockage includes the following main stages.

Stage No. 1. Study and analysis of the situation, assessment of the degree of destruction, establishment of the destruction zone, marking. Assessment of the stability of buildings and structures. Organization of safe working conditions for rescuers.

Stage number 2. Providing prompt assistance to the victims, located on the surface of the blockage.

Stage number 3. Thorough search for victims using all available search tools and methods.

Stage No. 4. Partial dismantling of the blockage using heavy equipment to provide assistance to the victims.

Stage No. 5. General dismantling (clearing) of the blockage after removing all the victims.

Marking is an important element of RPS organization in the blockage. The main markings are shown below.

The building has access and is safe for RPS. The damage is minor. The probability of further destruction is small;

The building has significant damage, some areas are safe, others require strengthening or destruction;

The building is dangerous for the RPS;

the arrow next to the square indicates the direction to the safe entrance to the structure.

The search for victims in the rubble is carried out in the following main ways: visually, according to eyewitnesses, with the help of search dogs, with the help of special devices.

After conducting reconnaissance and ensuring safe working conditions, rescuers begin to dismantle the rubble to provide assistance to the victims. First of all, RPS are carried out in those places where living people are found. In this case, two main methods are used: dismantling the blockage from top to bottom; manhole device in the rubble.

When conducting RPS in the rubble, the following tools, devices, machines and mechanisms are most often used.

Hydraulic tools: jaw spreaders, reamers, jacks, hydraulic cylinders.

Electric tools: chain and circular electric saws, angle grinders.

Trench tools: crowbars, shovels, picks, saws.

Machinery and mechanisms: truck cranes of various carrying capacity, excavators, loaders, bulldozers, trucks.

To obtain sound information during the RPS in the rubble, it is necessary to arrange the so-called "HOUR OF SILENCE". At the command of the head in the emergency zone, all work is stopped, traffic stops, all working machines and mechanisms are turned off. Only rescuers with devices to search for victims, cynologists with dogs, and “hearers” remain on the blockage. The duration of the "hour of silence" is 15-20 minutes. During the day, the "hour of silence" can be announced several times.

The demolition of the blockage from above is carried out to provide assistance to the victims, who are located in the upper part of the blockage and have free access to them. The blockage is disassembled manually using crowbars, shovels, shovels. Lifting equipment (jacks, winches, cranes) is used to lift and move large and heavy elements of the obstruction. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of sudden movement of elements of the blockage, which can cause additional suffering to the victims. After the victims are released, they are given assistance and transported to a safe place.

Often the victims are in the depths of the blockage. To extract them, rescuers make a special narrow passage (manhole), taking into account the shortest distance to people, in the most easily overcome sections of the blockage. It is not recommended to arrange a hole in the immediate vicinity of large boulders, as they can settle and make work difficult. Laz is done in horizontal, inclined and vertical directions. The optimal width of the manhole is 0.8-0.9 m, height is 0.9-1.0 m. Work on the device of the manhole is carried out by several groups (3-4 people each) manually or using a tool. Their task includes dismantling the blockage, making a manhole, preparing and installing fasteners, removing the wreckage, releasing the victims, and transporting them. The movement of rescuers during the construction of a manhole is carried out on all fours, crawling lying on their backs, on their stomachs, on their sides. If the movement of rescuers is hindered by large reinforced concrete, metal, wood, brick products, then they must be bypassed, if this is not possible, then destroyed, in some cases a hole can be made in them.

When constructing a manhole, special attention should be paid to its reliable fastening in order to prevent the collapse of the walls. For this, a special, pre-prepared fastening material is used - racks, struts, boards, beams, shields, crossbars, struts.

When constructing a manhole, the movement of rescuers and equipment along the upper part of the blockage is not allowed.

After completing work on the device of the manhole and fixing the passage, rescuers begin to free people. First of all, the condition of the victim and the degree of his injury are determined. Then the pressed or pinched parts of the body are released with the simultaneous application of tourniquets and compressive bandages, the mouth and nose are cleaned, small fragments, debris, rubble are removed from the victim by hand. Depending on the physical condition of the victim, the method of its extraction and transportation is chosen.

At least two rescuers must free the victim from the rubble. If there is such an opportunity, then it is pulled out by the hands or the upper shoulder girdle. If this is not possible, then the rescuers bring their hands under his shoulder girdle and lower back, and only then carefully release the victim. Sometimes it is advisable to use a dense fabric for laying the victim or a stretcher.

If the victim is under large and heavy elements of the blockage, then he is released with the help of spreaders, jacks, lifting equipment. In cases where the victim is pinned to the ground, he can be released by digging.

Injuries characteristic of people trapped in rubble are fractures, bruises, concussion. A specific injury is considered to be prolonged squeezing of muscles and internal organs - prolonged squeezing syndrome.

This type of injury is characterized by the cessation of blood flow and metabolism in compressed areas of the body, which leads to the intensive formation and accumulation of toxic decay products, tissue destruction, and the formation of under-oxidized metabolic products. When the compressed area of ​​the body is released and blood circulation is restored, a huge amount of toxins enter the body. It directly depends on the area of ​​the affected areas and the time of compression. Along with the outflow of toxins from the affected areas, a large amount of blood plasma rushes to these places (sometimes 3-4 liters). The limbs sharply increase in volume, the contours of the muscles are disturbed, the edema acquires a maximum density, which causes pain. The described redistribution of toxins and blood plasma leads to inhibition of the activity of all body systems and is the cause of death of the victim in the first minutes after being released from the rubble.

Simultaneously with the formation of toxic substances in the affected muscles, myoglobin molecules are formed. Together with the blood, they enter the kidneys, damaging their tubules, which can cause death from kidney failure.

In order to save the life of the victim during prolonged tissue compression, it is necessary to inject plasma-containing solutions into the blood before release, give plenty of warm drink, and apply cold to the damaged areas. Immediately after release, the compressed surface should be bandaged tightly to reduce swelling and limit the amount of redistributed plasma. Regardless of the presence or absence of damaged bones, splints are applied, cold, painkillers are applied, the issue of delivering the victim to a medical institution, which must have an “artificial kidney” device, is promptly resolved.

It is very important for the rescuer to know the exact time of the onset of compression, since during the first two hours the consequences of this injury are reversible and not dangerous to humans. During this time, rescuers must release as many people as possible.

Conducting RPS can cause the need to move rescuers in the conditions of blockages. The route of movement is selected taking into account the shortest distance to the place of work, in the absence of unstable elements and additional obstacles on the way.

When moving through a blockage, rescuers must exercise extreme caution, as it can be fraught with many unexpected things:

Victims and material values;

Collapse of surviving, unstable fragments of buildings and elements of buildings;

Voids and their subsidence;

Explosions as a result of the accumulation of combustible and explosive gases in voids;

Fire and smoke;

Damaged utility networks, product pipelines;

Harmful substances, including AHOV.

When moving in the immediate vicinity of the blockage, special attention should be paid to the surviving fragments of buildings, since they represent an increased danger. This is due to the possibility of their sudden collapse. No less dangerous are damaged utility systems. In some cases, there is a risk of fire, explosion or poisoning.

When moving along the surface of the blockage, the optimal and safe route is chosen. Particular attention is paid to the choice of the place of setting the legs. You need to step only on securely lying objects. In some cases, the remains of buildings, boards, pipes, fittings should be removed from the road.

It is impossible to move in conditions of blockage, enter destroyed buildings, and be near them unnecessarily. Do not run, jump, or throw heavy objects at the blockage. This can cause injury to rescuers and create an additional threat to the health and life of the victims who are in the rubble.

In cases where partially destroyed buildings remain in the RPS area, it is necessary to provide assistance to the people who are in them. To do this, rescuers must assess the reliability of buildings, determine the methods of movement, extraction and evacuation of victims.

3.Search and rescue operations in the conditions of rubble

According to the degree of destruction of buildings, the blockages are divided into five types.

Light damage: thin cracks appear on the walls of buildings, plaster is sprinkled, small pieces break off, glass in windows is damaged.

Weak destruction: small cracks in the walls, quite large pieces of plaster break off, the roof is partially damaged, glass in the windows is completely broken.

Medium destruction: large cracks in the walls of buildings, collapse of chimneys, partial fall of the roof.

Strong destruction: collapse of internal partitions and walls, gaps in walls, collapse of parts of buildings, destruction of connections between parts of buildings, collapse of the roof.

Complete destruction.

Before starting the RPS in the rubble, you must:

turn off the power supply, gas supply, water supply;

check the condition of the remaining structures, overhanging elements;

inspect the interior;

make sure there is no danger, create safe working conditions;

determine evacuation routes in case of danger

The technology of conducting RPS in the blockage includes the following main stages.

Stage No. 1. Study and analysis of the situation, assessment of the degree of destruction, establishment of the destruction zone, marking. Assessment of the stability of buildings and structures. Organization of safe working conditions for rescuers.

Stage number 2. Providing prompt assistance to the victims, located on the surface of the blockage.

Stage number 3. Thorough search for victims using all available search tools and methods.

Stage No. 4. Partial dismantling of the blockage using heavy equipment to provide assistance to the victims.

Stage No. 5. General dismantling (clearing) of the blockage after removing all the victims.

2. Search and rescue operations in the conditions of rubble

Quite often, RPS has to be carried out in the conditions of blockages. Blockage is a chaotic heap of building materials and structures, fragments of technological equipment, sanitary devices, furniture, household utensils, stones.

The reason for the formation of blockages can be natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, storms, landslides, landslides, mudflows), the effects of natural factors leading to aging and corrosion of materials (atmospheric moisture, groundwater, subsiding soils, sudden changes in temperature air), errors at the design and construction stage, violations of the rules for the operation of the facility, military operations. The degree of damage to buildings depends on the strength of the destructive factor, the duration of its impact, the seismic resistance of structures, the quality of construction, and the degree of wear (aging) of buildings.

According to the degree of destruction of buildings, the blockages are divided into five types.

1. Light damage: thin cracks appear on the walls of buildings, plaster is sprinkled, small pieces break off, glass in windows is damaged.

2. Weak destruction: small cracks in the walls, quite large pieces of plaster break off, cracks appear in the chimneys, some of them collapse, the roof is partially damaged, glass in the windows is completely broken.

3. Medium destruction: large cracks in the walls of buildings, collapse of chimneys, partial fall of the roof.

4. Strong destruction: collapse of internal partitions and walls, gaps in the walls, collapse of parts of buildings, destruction of connections between parts of buildings, collapse of the roof.

5. Complete destruction.

Blockages are continuous and separate (local). The volume of blockages during the destruction of residential buildings is 35-50%, industrial - 15-20% of the construction volume. The height of the blockages of residential buildings is 1/5-1/7, industrial - 1/4-1/10 of their original height. The average slope angle of the blockages is 30°. The volume of voids in the rubble is 40-60%.

Blockages are conditionally divided into reinforced concrete and brick. Reinforced concrete blockages consist of fragments of reinforced concrete, concrete, metal and wooden structures, fragments of brickwork, elements of technological equipment. They are characterized by the presence of a large number of large elements, often interconnected, voids and unstable elements.

Brick blockages consist of brick blocks, broken bricks, plaster, fragments of reinforced concrete, metal, and wooden structures. They are characterized by high density, the absence of large, as a rule, elements and voids.

The formation of blockages is accompanied by damage to electrical, thermal, gas, plumbing and other systems. This creates a risk of fires, explosions, floods, electric shocks. Particularly dangerous are the blockages of industrial buildings in which hazardous substances are produced or stored.

The destruction of buildings and the formation of blockages are usually accompanied by death, blocking, and injury to people. Of all the victims in the rubble, approximately 40% receive minor injuries, 20% receive moderate injuries, and the same percentage receive severe and extremely severe injuries and injuries.

The degree of destruction of buildings:

a - slight damage; b - weak; in - average; g - strong; d - complete destruction.

Victims can be in the upper, middle, lower parts of the blockage, in littered basements and underground protective structures, in the technological underground and in the premises of the first floors. In some cases, they can remain on different floors of partially destroyed premises, in niches and voids, on roofs.

A typical scheme for organizing RPS in the event of the destruction of buildings and structures:

1 - cordon by the traffic police of the emergency area, posts on the roads; 2 - cordon by law enforcement agencies of the emergency zone and the object of the RPS; 3 - headquarters of the leadership (OG EMERCOM of the Russian Federation); 4 - point of medical care for lightly injured; 5 - point of medical care for seriously injured; 6 - platform for identification of victims; 7 - first-aid post for sorting the victims; 8 - the path for the through traffic of ambulances; 9 - a path for through traffic of vehicles of the fire service and construction equipment; 10 - entry and exit coordination point; 11 - rest point for rescuers; 12 - point of heating of rescuers; 13 - food service for rescuers; 14 - reserve forces; 15 - point of reception of found documents and valuables; 16 - reserve equipment; 17 - a platform for refueling fuel and lubricants equipment; 18 - forces and means of the necessary emergency services; 19 - work sites; 20 -- object of emergency

Practically in all the blockages there are people, some of them die immediately, some are injured. On the first day after the emergency, in the absence of first aid, approximately 40% of the victims die in the rubble. After 3-4 days after the formation of the blockage, the living people in it begin to die from thirst, cold, and injuries. After 7-10 days, there are practically no living people left in the rubble.

Search and rescue operations in the conditions of blockages begin with reconnaissance, for which you should:

Establish the emergency zone and its nature;

Determine the location and condition of the victims;

Assess the condition of objects in the emergency zone (buildings, communications, engineering systems);

Determine the presence of fires, radioactive, chemical, bacteriological contamination, toxic and explosive substances, prevent their negative impact on people, eliminate or localize;

Determine the places for laying access roads, installing equipment, evacuation routes for victims;

Establish permanent monitoring of the state of the blockage.

Before starting the RPS in the rubble, you must:

Turn off the power supply, gas supply, water supply;

Check the condition of the remaining structures, overhanging elements, walls;

Inspect the interior;

Make sure there is no danger, create safe working conditions;

Determine escape routes in case of danger.

The technology of conducting RPS in the blockage includes the following main stages.

Stage No. 1. Study and analysis of the situation, assessment of the degree of destruction, establishment of the destruction zone, marking. Assessment of the stability of buildings and structures. Organization of safe working conditions for rescuers.

Stage number 2. Providing prompt assistance to the victims, located on the surface of the blockage.

Stage number 3. Thorough search for victims using all available search tools and methods.

Stage No. 4. Partial dismantling of the blockage using heavy equipment to provide assistance to the victims.

Stage No. 5. General dismantling (clearing) of the blockage after removing all the victims.

Marking is an important element of RPS organization in the blockage. The main markings are shown below.

The building has access and is safe for RPS. The damage is minor. The probability of further destruction is small;

The building has significant damage, some areas are safe, others require strengthening or destruction;

The building is dangerous for the RPS;

the arrow next to the square indicates the direction to the safe entrance to the structure.

The search for victims in the rubble is carried out in the following main ways: visually, according to eyewitnesses, with the help of search dogs, with the help of special devices.

After conducting reconnaissance and ensuring safe working conditions, rescuers begin to dismantle the rubble to provide assistance to the victims. First of all, RPS are carried out in those places where living people are found. In this case, two main methods are used: dismantling the blockage from top to bottom; manhole device in the rubble.

When conducting RPS in the rubble, the following tools, devices, machines and mechanisms are most often used.

Hydraulic tools: jaw spreaders, reamers, jacks, hydraulic cylinders.

Electric tools: chain and circular electric saws, angle grinders.

Trench tools: crowbars, shovels, picks, saws.

Machinery and mechanisms: truck cranes of various carrying capacity, excavators, loaders, bulldozers, trucks.

To obtain sound information during the RPS in the rubble, it is necessary to arrange the so-called "HOUR OF SILENCE". At the command of the head in the emergency zone, all work is stopped, traffic stops, all working machines and mechanisms are turned off. Only rescuers with devices to search for victims, cynologists with dogs, and “hearers” remain on the blockage. The duration of the "hour of silence" is 15-20 minutes. During the day, the "hour of silence" can be announced several times.

The demolition of the blockage from above is carried out to provide assistance to the victims, who are located in the upper part of the blockage and have free access to them. The blockage is disassembled manually using crowbars, shovels, shovels. Lifting equipment (jacks, winches, cranes) is used to lift and move large and heavy elements of the obstruction. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of sudden movement of elements of the blockage, which can cause additional suffering to the victims. After the victims are released, they are given assistance and transported to a safe place.

Often the victims are in the depths of the blockage. To extract them, rescuers make a special narrow passage (manhole), taking into account the shortest distance to people, in the most easily overcome sections of the blockage. It is not recommended to arrange a hole in the immediate vicinity of large boulders, as they can settle and make work difficult. Laz is done in horizontal, inclined and vertical directions. The optimal width of the manhole is 0.8-0.9 m, height is 0.9-1.0 m. Work on the device of the manhole is carried out by several groups (3-4 people each) manually or using a tool. Their task includes dismantling the blockage, making a manhole, preparing and installing fasteners, removing the wreckage, releasing the victims, and transporting them. The movement of rescuers during the construction of a manhole is carried out on all fours, crawling lying on their backs, on their stomachs, on their sides. If the movement of rescuers is hindered by large reinforced concrete, metal, wood, brick products, then they must be bypassed, if this is not possible, then destroyed, in some cases a hole can be made in them.

When constructing a manhole, special attention should be paid to its reliable fastening in order to prevent the collapse of the walls. For this, a special, pre-prepared fastening material is used - racks, struts, boards, timber, shields, crossbars, struts.

When constructing a manhole, the movement of rescuers and equipment along the upper part of the blockage is not allowed.

After completing work on the device of the manhole and fixing the passage, rescuers begin to free people. First of all, the condition of the victim and the degree of his injury are determined. Then the pressed or pinched parts of the body are released with the simultaneous application of tourniquets and compressive bandages, the mouth and nose are cleaned, small fragments, debris, rubble are removed from the victim by hand. Depending on the physical condition of the victim, the method of its extraction and transportation is chosen.

At least two rescuers must free the victim from the rubble. If there is such an opportunity, then it is pulled out by the hands or the upper shoulder girdle. If this is not possible, then the rescuers bring their hands under his shoulder girdle and lower back, and only then carefully release the victim. Sometimes it is advisable to use a dense fabric for laying the victim or a stretcher.

If the victim is under large and heavy elements of the blockage, then he is released with the help of spreaders, jacks, lifting equipment. In cases where the victim is pinned to the ground, he can be released by digging.

Injuries characteristic of people trapped in rubble are fractures, bruises, concussion. Prolonged compression of muscles and internal organs is considered a specific injury - prolonged compression syndrome.

This type of injury is characterized by the cessation of blood flow and metabolism in compressed areas of the body, which leads to the intensive formation and accumulation of toxic decay products, tissue destruction, and the formation of under-oxidized metabolic products. When the compressed area of ​​the body is released and blood circulation is restored, a huge amount of toxins enter the body. It directly depends on the area of ​​the affected areas and the time of compression. Along with the outflow of toxins from the affected areas, a large amount of blood plasma rushes to these places (sometimes 3-4 liters). The limbs sharply increase in volume, the contours of the muscles are disturbed, the edema acquires a maximum density, which causes pain. The described redistribution of toxins and blood plasma leads to inhibition of the activity of all body systems and is the cause of death of the victim in the first minutes after being released from the rubble.

Simultaneously with the formation of toxic substances in the affected muscles, myoglobin molecules are formed. Together with the blood, they enter the kidneys, damaging their tubules, which can cause death from kidney failure.

In order to save the life of the victim during prolonged tissue compression, it is necessary to inject plasma-containing solutions into the blood before release, give plenty of warm drink, and apply cold to the damaged areas. Immediately after release, the compressed surface should be bandaged tightly to reduce swelling and limit the amount of redistributed plasma. Regardless of the presence or absence of damaged bones, splints are applied, cold, painkillers are applied, the issue of delivering the victim to a medical institution, which must have an “artificial kidney” device, is promptly resolved.

It is very important for the rescuer to know the exact time of the onset of compression, since during the first two hours the consequences of this injury are reversible and not dangerous to humans. During this time, rescuers must release as many people as possible.

A rational method of assisting victims with prolonged compression syndrome is the following.

1. During the first 2 hours after the start of the disaster, it is necessary to mobilize all the forces and means to free the victims from compression, which will ensure that the development of toxicosis is minimized.

2. After 2 hours, all victims should be divided into 2 groups (with mild and severe injuries). The nature of the injury is determined by the mass of compressed tissues and the general condition of the victim.

Victims with a mild form of injury should be quickly released from squeezing and sent to a medical facility.

Victims with a severe form of injury must be released from squeezing so as not to stimulate blood circulation in damaged tissues for the period of transportation. Assistance is required slowly, consistently performing anesthesia, introducing plasma-containing solutions into the body, using plenty of fluids, bandaging the affected limb, cooling, tourniquet, splints.

3. Seriously ill patients need resuscitation therapy and surgery. Therefore, they should be sent to stationary medical institutions.

If it is impossible to transport a seriously ill patient to a medical institution, then one should start amputating the limb on the spot without removing the tourniquet, having obtained the consent of the victim.

The described technique makes it possible to prevent the development of toxicosis and save the life of as many victims as possible.

Partially destroyed buildings and structures remain in the emergency zone. They are a potential hazard due to a possible sudden collapse. These structures must be reinforced with special devices (stops, props, struts) or collapsed. The collapse is carried out in three main ways using:


Traction device (winches, tractors, cars);


Explosive work must be carried out by specially trained rescuers. The areas where these activities are carried out must be fenced off.

Many buildings and structures are equipped with basements, shelters, technological underground, in which people can find themselves. The resulting blockages, as a rule, close the exits, impede the access of air, and make it impossible for people to independently exit these shelters. Rescuers are responsible for:

Search for littered shelters;

Finding out the situation inside the shelter (the number of people, their condition, the degree of damage to the shelter, the presence of water, food, medicines);

Organization of the supply of air, water, food, medicines, dressings, protective equipment to the shelter;

Clearing, opening shelters, evacuation of victims, rendering assistance to them.

The search for littered shelters is carried out using the plans of the city, district, street, according to external signs (air intake pipes), according to sound signals (scream, groan, knock), using dogs.

After finding a shelter, contact is established with the victims (by voice, tapping, by radio or telephone). At the same time, rescuers begin to clear and open shelters. First of all, the locations of hatches, doors, heads, openings, air intake pipes are freed and cleared. If this is not possible, then the rescuers punch holes in the wall or ceiling. These works are carried out with the help of a concrete breaker, a jackhammer, a perforator, a crowbar, a sledgehammer, a chisel, a shovel. The holes are used to supply air, water, food, medicines. After their expansion, they are used to evacuate people.

When carrying out RPS in the rubble, machines and mechanisms are often used. With their help, passages and driveways are cleared, heavy structural elements are moved and collapsed, rescuers and victims are moved.

search rescue destruction blockage building

Work to rescue people located in partially destroyed ground structures at a height begins with an inspection and verification of the degree of damage to the external capital walls and overhanging structures, internal premises, determining the location of people and the possibility of their evacuation. If necessary, the walls, beams, trusses, floors are strengthened by installing props, racks, braces, stretch marks. The main means of lifting rescuers to a height is a ladder.

When using the ladder, you must:

Securely install and secure it;

Put your foot on the step with the middle or front of the foot;

Cover the steps or side racks of the stairs with your fingers; -- keep the body close to the stairs;

Turn your knees behind the side racks of the stairs;

Move smoothly without swaying.

The movement of rescuers on the stairs is carried out in a one-sided or diagonal way. The one-sided method consists in the simultaneous transfer to the next step of the right foot and right hand or left foot and left hand. Diagonal way - in the simultaneous transfer to the next step of the right foot and left hand or left foot and right hand.

You need to move along securely fixed stairs, equipped with anti-slip stops, grippers and installed on reliable lower and upper supports. Safe installation angle -- 75°. The stairs are usually ascended or descended one at a time.

The transition of the rescuer from the stairs to the window (opening) is carried out as follows. Having climbed the stairs to the level of the window sill (the lower edge of the opening), holding the ladder with one hand, you should stand with your foot on the window sill (the edge of the opening) and at the same time, holding the edge of the wall with your other hand, move your foot from the stairs and lower yourself to the floor.

If the window is closed or barred, then the rescuer must attach himself to the ladder at the level of the window, open it and then enter the room.

The transition from the stairs to the roof is performed in this order. The rescuer climbs the stairs slightly above the level of the roof eaves. Holding his hand on the ladder (if there is a gutter - on it), he puts one foot on the roof, then the other.

To go from the window (opening) and from the roof to the stairs, the rescuer should go to the upper end of the stairs, grab the upper step from the outside with one hand, press against the stairs, turn 180 ° facing the stairs, put one foot on the step, take the other hand on the step and move the other leg to the step.

The rise of rescuers to the upper floors of buildings can be carried out using an assault ladder. It has 13 steps and is equipped with a special hook with teeth, with which it is fixed to the window sill (opening).

Installation of the assault ladder in the window of the second floor is carried out by raising it and fixing it with a hook to the window sill on the right side of the window. After hanging the ladder, the rescuer begins climbing it. When entering the window sill, the right leg should be in position on the ninth (tenth) step, hands on the thirteenth step. Holding the step with your hands, the left leg must be moved over the window sill and sit on it astride, straighten the right leg, go into the room.

The rise of rescuers to the third and subsequent floors is carried out in the following order. In a sitting position on the windowsill, with your right hand, you need to grab the side stand above the twelfth step or this step, with your left hand, the hook or the thirteenth step. With a strong jerk with both hands and extension of the body, raise the ladder and turn it with a hook towards you, moving your hands alternately along the side stand, raise the ladder to the hook position 15-20 cm above the window sill, turn the ladder with a hook into the window and hang it on the right half of the window.

The transition from the window sill to the stairs is carried out in this order:

Put your right foot on the first step;

Take the fourth (fifth) step with your left hand from the inside;

With your right hand, grab the fifth (sixth) step from the outside and rise until the right leg is straightened, put your left foot on the windowsill near the side stand;

Pushing off with your left foot from the window sill and pulling yourself up on your hands, put your right foot on the third (fourth) step and continue lifting.

Upon reaching the predetermined floor, the rescuer must sit on the window sill, lower the left leg to the floor, grab the hook with the left hand and move the right leg to the window.

The descent along the assault ladder is carried out in the following order:

Move the right leg over the window sill;

Sit on the windowsill astride;

Take the hands of the wives

for the top step

Put your right foot on the ninth (tenth) step;

Straighten the body and move the left leg to the tenth (ninth) step;

Go down the stairs to the bottom of the lying window sill;

Move your left leg over the window sill and sit on it astride;

Take hold of the left side post above the third step with your right hand, with your left hand on the right side post above the same step;

Raise the ladder, turn it with a hook towards you, sorting through the side racks with your hands, lower the ladder to the position of the hook above your head, turn the ladder with a hook into the window and hang it on the windowsill;

Exit the stairs and drop to the ground;

Grasp the side racks above the third step, raise the ladder by 15-20 cm, disengage the hook from the window sill, and lower the ladder.

To rescue people who are on the roof, rescuers go up to them using:

Ladders (attached, assault, retractable, hinged, rope);

Rope systems;

Special lifts;

Surviving flights of stairs, fire escapes, structures.

In some cases, a helicopter is used to rescue people on the roof.

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blockage called a chaotic heap of building materials and structures, technological equipment, sanitary devices, furniture, household utensils, stones. The reason for the formation of blockages can be natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, storms, landslides, landslides, mudflows), the effects of natural factors leading to aging and corrosion of materials (atmospheric moisture, groundwater, subsiding soils, sudden changes in temperature air), errors at the design and construction stage, violations of the rules for the operation of the facility, military operations. The degree of destruction of buildings depends on the strength of the destructive factor, the duration of its impact, the seismic resistance of structures, the quality of construction, the degree of wear (aging) of buildings

blockages happen solid and separate ( local). The volume of blockages in the destruction of residential buildings is 35-50%, industrial - 15-20% of the construction volume. The height of the blockages of residential buildings is 1/5 - 1/7, industrial - 1/4 - 1/10 of their original height. The average slope angle of the blockages is 30°. The volume of voids in the rubble is 40-60%. Blockages are conditionally divided into reinforced concrete and brick. Reinforced concrete blockages consist of fragments of reinforced concrete, concrete, metal and wooden structures, fragments of brickwork, elements of technological equipment. They are characterized by the presence of a large number of large elements, often interconnected, voids and unstable elements. Brick blockages consist of brick blocks, broken bricks, plaster, fragments of reinforced concrete, metal, and wooden structures. They are characterized by high density, the absence of large, as a rule, elements and voids.

Education rubble accompanied by damage to electrical, thermal, gas, plumbing and other systems. This creates a risk of fires, explosions, floods, electric shocks. Particularly dangerous are the blockages of industrial buildings in which hazardous substances are produced or stored. The destruction of buildings and the formation of blockages is usually accompanied by blocking, injury and death of people. Victims can be in the upper, middle, lower parts of the blockage, in littered basements and underground protective structures, in the technological underground and in the premises of the first floors. In some cases, they can remain on different floors of partially destroyed premises, in niches and voids, on roofs.

Poiskovo-rescue work in the conditions of blockages begins with carrying out intelligence, for which you should:
- establish the emergency zone and its nature;
- to determine the location and condition of the victims;
- assess the state of objects in the emergency zone (buildings, communications, engineering systems);
- to determine the presence of fires, radioactive, chemical, bacteriological contamination, toxic and explosive substances;
- determine the places for laying access roads, installing equipment, evacuation routes for victims.

After conducting reconnaissance, rescuers begin to dismantle the blockage to provide assistance to the victims. This uses two main methods:
- dismantling of blockage from above;
- the device of a manhole in the rubble.
Demolition from above carried out to assist the victims, who are in the upper part of the blockage and have free access to them. The blockage is disassembled manually using crowbars, shovels, shovels. Lifting equipment (jacks, winches, cranes) is used to lift and move large and heavy elements of the obstruction. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of sudden movement of elements of the blockage, which can cause additional suffering to the victims. After the release of the victims, they are assisted and transported to a safe place.

Manhole device in the rubble. Often the victims are in the depths of the blockage. To extract them, rescuers make a special narrow passage (manhole), taking into account the shortest distance to people, in the most easily overcome sections of the blockage. It is not recommended to arrange a hole in the immediate vicinity of large boulders, as they can settle and

make work difficult. Laz is done in horizontal, inclined and vertical directions. The optimal width of the manhole is 0.8-0.9 m, height is 0.9-1.0 m. Work on the device of the manhole is carried out by several groups (3-4 people each) manually or using a tool. Their task is to dismantle the blockage, make a manhole, prepare and install fasteners, remove the wreckage, release the victims, and transport them. The movement of rescuers during the construction of a manhole is carried out on all fours, crawling lying on their backs, on their stomachs, on their sides. If the movement of rescuers is impeded by large reinforced concrete, metal, wood, brick products, they must be bypassed, if this is not possible, then destroyed, in some cases a hole can be made in them. When constructing a manhole, special attention should be paid to its reliable fastening in order to prevent the collapse of the walls. For this, a special, pre-prepared fastening material is used, - racks, struts, boards, timber, shields, crossbars, struts. When constructing a manhole, the movement of rescuers and equipment along the upper part of the blockage is not allowed.