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All about selection in Photoshop. How to edit and edit a selection in Photoshop How to save a selection in Photoshop

In Photoshop, a selection saved in an alpha channel can be loaded onto an image whenever needed.

To learn how to convert an alpha channel to a custom (spot) color channel, see Chapter 11, section "Converting an Alpha Channel to a Custom Color Channel".;.

  1. At the bottom of the palette Channels(Channels) click the button Save selection as channel(Save selected area as channel) - see fig. 15.4.

Rice. 15.3. Layer selection

Rice. 15.4. Button Save selection as channel on the palette Channels

Rice. 15.5. Selecting options in a dialog box Save Selection

  1. Select any area (Fig. 15.3). Optional. Also select the layer if you want to create a mask for it.
  2. Execute the command Select > Save Selection(Select > Save selection).
  3. Do any of the actions listed below.

    Leave the current file as the parameter value document(Document) unchanged or select an option New(new) in the field document(Document) to save the selection as an alpha channel in a new, separate document (Figure 15.5).

    Select in the field Channel(Channel) option <...>Mask (<...>Mask) to convert the selection to a mask for the current layer. Layer pixels will only be visible where the selection was located.

    Enter any name for the selected area in the field Name(Name).

    Select switch position operation(Operation), thereby defining how the current selection is combined with the existing alpha channel selected in the pop-up menu Channel(Channel). Switch values operation(Operation) are discussed below.

You can save the alpha channel along with the image in Photoshop, TIFF, Photoshop PDF, PICT, Pixar, or Targa format. To save a copy of the file without alpha channels, in the dialog box Save As(Save As) uncheck Alpha Channels(Alpha channels), if available.

  1. Click the button OK. The area will remain selected.

Make sure the target and source images have the same resolution and dimensions, activate the target image, then follow steps 2-6 from the "Loading a selection channel onto an image" section of this chapter by selecting Load Selection(Load selection) source document. To load a selection from a layer mask, first activate the original image's layer.

When editing photos, it often becomes necessary to select an object and transfer it to a different background. There are usually no problems with simple objects, but complex selection in photoshop things like hair or fur can be confusing and time consuming. But let's talk about everything in order.

After the photo session, I usually import Raw files into Adobe Lightroom, remove various defects, such as distortion, add them and open the desired image in Photoshop with the “Edit in Adobe Photoshop CS5” command (you can use “Ctrl + E” for this).

Complex selection in Photoshop we will do with the tool “Quick selection” (Quick Selection) and additional options photoshop – “Refine edge” (Refine Edge).

Let's start with a simple example illustrating the power of Photoshop's Quick Selection tool.

Original photo.

The “Quick Selection” tool in Photoshop helped us select the object in the photo in a couple of minutes, and the “Refine Edge” additional option optimized the selection. As a result, we got the following image:

The whole process takes only two minutes, but this is too simple an example, we will not dwell on it. Complex selection in Photoshop objects like hair are worth our attention.

We will work with this image.

Complex selection in Photoshop using the Quick Selection Tool

Using the hotkey “W” or using the panel, select the “Quick Selection Tool” (Quick Selection)

Select the desired object, you can do it quite roughly.

Paint over the erroneously selected areas by holding the “Alt” key, thereby deleting unnecessary areas.

In the Refine Edge dialog box, you can choose the viewing mode that suits you best.

Select the most suitable display method from the drop-down menu “View”

  • Marching Ants
  • Overlay
  • On black (On Black)
  • On White
  • Black & White
  • On layers (On Layers)
  • Show layer (Reveal Layer)

Turn on the “Smart Radius” checkbox, the result is usually better with it.

The more complex the selection, the larger the radius value should be set.

In order to see if there are missing areas in our complex hair selection, switch the display mode to “Overlay” (Overlay).

As you can see, the hair is practically not highlighted.

Point Photoshop to the problem areas of a complex selection using the Refine Radius tool (Refine radius)

You can also use the hot key “E” to call it.

Paint over problem areas. Complex selection in Photoshop with the help of these tools turns into a simple and quick task.

After painting over the problem areas, the selection will be redefined, in the end you will get a beautifully selected hair with all the details.

Check the “Decontaminate Colors” checkbox to remove the remnants of the background of the original image.

The results of the selection can be sent, for example, to a “new layer with a layer mask” (New Layer with Layer Mask), if you wish, you can correct the selection on the layer mask by selecting the tool “Brush” (Brush) and paint over the desired area on the mask.

Complex selection in Photoshop not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Here's what we got.

The same on a blue background

A complex selection of hair in Photoshop using the quick selection tool takes about five minutes and is quite simple - try it for yourself.

After editing, save the image, and it will appear in your lightroom next to the original file, after that you can add

In this tutorial for beginners, we will look at how to select an area in Photoshop CS5 of a simple geometric shape using the rectangular and oval selection tools.

For quick work with simple shapes, the editor provides convenient .

Rectangular Selection

As already mentioned in, one of the tools for working with shapes in the shape of a rectangle is the Rectangular Marquee. In Photoshop CS5, it is located on the left, at the top of the toolbar. To activate the tool, simply click on the icon. An options panel will appear at the top, allowing you to make adjustments: When the “Style” parameter is set to “Normal”, the selection of the rectangular area will be performed arbitrarily, as you stretch it.

Change the style to "Fixed Ratio", and two boxes will appear next to it.

In them, you can prescribe the ratio of width to height. If you specify the number 3 in the width column, and leave 1 for the height, then the sides will retain their proportions: the width will be 3 times the height.

And the next style is “Fixed Size”:

Here, in numbers, the exact dimensions of the selection frame are set. Between them, the button with arrows - swaps the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the width and height.

Selection mode buttons

Now let's go through the mode buttons relative to the already existing selection:

The number 1 indicates the New Selection button. When it is pressed, with each subsequent selection, the previous one, which was made before, is removed.

Under the number 2 is "Add to selection" (Add to Selection). Activate it, and a new one will be added to the existing selection. The borders of the intersection will be erased. The same result is given by the button under the number 1 while holding down the Shift key:

The number 3 is above the Subtruct from Selection button. If you select it, then each next selection will remove from the existing part that fell under the intersection. The same result will be given by button 1 with the Alt key pressed:

And the last, 4th button is “Intersect with Selection”. In this case, Photoshop CS5 will leave the area where the shapes intersect, automatically deleting everything else. Button #1 while holding Alt + Shift will do the same:

How to select an area in Photoshop CS5, I think it's clear. But there is only one button left on the panel - "" (Refine Edge). It works with any selection tools, so there is a separate article about it.

Oval Marquee Tool

The Elliptical Marquee selection tool in Photoshop CS5 is identical to its Rectangular Marquee sibling, with the difference that it denotes round shapes rather than rectangular ones. But they work the same way and are in the same group. To activate the Oval area, call the drop-down box of this group and click on the oval icon. You can call the drop-down window by left-clicking on the small black arrow in the lower right corner of the group or by right-clicking on the Rectangular Area icon.

Depending on the settings you have set, you can switch between rectangular and oval areas using the M key or the Shift+M combination.

1. As already mentioned, an equilateral square and an even circle are obtained if you hold down and hold the Shift key while working.

2. It is very convenient, especially for round shapes, to create selections from the center. To do this, click the mouse in the center of the shape while holding down the Alt key and drag to the desired size. As soon as you hold Alt, the clicked point becomes the center point and a selection is created around it. When finished, release the mouse button and then the key.

If you want to select an even square or circle from the center, use the Shift + Alt combination instead of the Alt key.

In this article, I will detail Everything you need to know about selection in Photoshop. This is one of the key features on the basis of which the entire work of the program is built.

The name speaks for itself. That is, we draw a certain frame around the object that we want to select. The frame is not a graphic element, it is not visible on the image - in fact, this is the simplest auxiliary tool for working in the program.

The functionality of Photoshop is divided into how and what form draw this frame what can be done with the part that we highlighted in the image. As you may have guessed, there are many options.

A lot of commands and program tools are dedicated to highlighting, for example, a separate independent menu on:

As you can see, this menu has an abundance of commands that define the same functionality. In addition, there are special tools on: ; And . In other control panel menu tabs, for example, Editing, there are commands that work mainly in tandem with selection, for example, or the tool . It is also closely related and duplicates many Photoshop commands, such as . And if you create a selection and right-click on it, another large menu of actions will appear.

All this suggests that the selection in Photoshop is a serious and important function, which is an integral part of the program, greatly expanding the possibilities of image processing.

I'll explain with an example. Let's say a frame is created in the middle of the document. Applying the inversion, we get a selection of what was previously outside this frame (colored in gray):

The next three items are on the menu, but do not cause "marching ants" to appear. Instead, they tell you to select all layers:

5. All layers

Use this command (shortcut Ctrl+Alt+A ) if you want to select all the layers in the document (so, for example, you can move several of them at the same time).

6. Deselect Layers

This command does the exact opposite of the previous one: it deselects all layers on the palette.

7. Similar layers

Select this command if you want to select all layers of the same type. For example, you want to change the font in all text layers in a document. Select the text layer and then choose this command. Photoshop will select all of your text layers so you can change them all at once.

Selection tools

The most important and central selection methods are the following tools:

1. Rectangular and oval areas

Perhaps they are in first place in popularity for solving such problems. Learn more about these tools.

In short, the names speak for themselves: rectangular area creates frames with right angles, which, by the way, can not be made rounded; but oval region- creates circles.

2. Quick selection

3. Stroke

Command Editing - Stroke allows you to create a frame around your image or any object. To do this, you need to create a dotted selection frame. Then, by applying the command, the settings for what color and size you want to get the stroke will appear.

4. Move, copy and paste

The fragment selected by the frame can be moved around the document or even dragged to a new one. To do this, after highlighting, select . Now move the fragment as you need.

The key combination Ctrl + C will copy the fragment into Photoshop's memory, and the combination Ctrl + V will paste it. In this case, this fragment will appear on a new layer. You can copy in one document and then paste it in another.

5. Resize selections or transform them

6. Use selection as layer mask

Everything is similar here. First create a selection, then use the . As a result, the mask will be applied only to the selected fragment of the image, and not to the whole as usual.

The most important property of all listed:

When you create a selection, the program protects the areas outside of it, all your manipulations with the image affect only the selected area.

Noticed an error in the text - select it and press Ctrl + Enter . Thanks!


Launch Adobe Photoshop, load the desired file into it and click one of the icons on the toolbar related to the selection tools for a certain area of ​​​​the image - there are three of them and each contains several different variations of the tool. To switch the varieties of each tool, click its icon with the left mouse button and wait for the drop-down list to appear, and then click the desired option.

Select an area of ​​the image with the selected tool, and then copy it to the clipboard. If the selected area contains an image that is placed on several layers, then open the “Editing” section in the Adobe Photoshop menu and select the “Copy Combined Data” item. You can do without the menu - this command is assigned to the "hot keys" Shift + Ctrl + C. If you are only interested in that part of the image that is placed on one of the layers of the multilayer document, then make sure that the one you need is selected on the layers palette and select in the same section of the "Edit" menu, select "Copy" or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C. You also need to act if there is only one layer in the open document.

Create a new document. To call the corresponding dialog, you can open the “File” section in the menu and select the “New” item, or you can simply press the key combination Ctrl + N. In the dialog that starts, the height and width will already be set, which correspond to the area you copied to the clipboard, so it’s enough just click the "OK" button.

Paste the copied area into the created document. This can be done by selecting the "Paste" command placed in the "Editing" section, or you can press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V.

Save a new document containing an image of the area you selected in the original image. To do this, you can select "Save" or "Save As" from the "File" menu. The hotkeys that correspond to these commands are Ctrl + S and Ctrl + Shift + S. If you want to choose the optimal ratio of quality and size of the created file before saving, then select the “Save for Web and Devices” item (Alt + Ctrl + Shift + S).

There are many ways to copy the entire layer or any selected part of it in the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor. You should choose based on the specific task and your own preferences.

You will need

  • Graphic editor Adobe Photoshop


Select the part of the image on the active layer that you want to put on a new layer. This can be done using any of the selection tools - "Rectangular (Oval) Marquee", any of the three types of "Lasso", "Magic Wand" or "Quick Selection". These tools are divided into three groups, and only one is always active in each group, and it can be done by pressing the corresponding hot key: rectangular or oval selection - with the M key, lasso - with the L key, magic wand or quick selection - with the W key. In addition, if necessary to select the entire image, you can use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + A.

Paste the copied area into the document. In this case, you do not need to create a new layer, the editor will do it himself. The paste operation is assigned to the hotkey CTRL+V.

The function of pasting an image copied to the operational one can be used not only inside the graphic editor. In the same way, it will be inserted into a layer and image specially created for this, in any other program. Let's say you can take a screenshot of the window of any program (for example, a page open in the browser) by pressing the keyboard shortcut ALT + Print Screen, and then switch to an open Photoshop document and paste this picture into a new layer by pressing the keyboard shortcut CTRL + V.

If you need to create a complete copy of the current one on a new layer, including all the effects applied to it, then drag it with the mouse to the "Create a new layer" icon in the layers palette. Dragging can be replaced by pressing CTRL + J.

You can also drag layers from one open document to another. Open two pictures and place them side by side. If your images are placed on tabs, then open the "Window" section in the menu, go to the "Arrange" subsection and select the "Mosaic" item. Then simply drag the desired layer from the layers palette of one document into the window of another. In this way you will create a copy of it on a new layer.

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Another way to copy a layer is the Layer > Duplicate command. Duplication differs from the previous command in that when duplicating, you can send a copy of the layer to any other file open in Photoshop.

Useful advice

How to duplicate layers in Photoshop? Answer: In order to duplicate layers, you need to stand on the desired layer in the layers palette and press the key combination Ctrl + J.

If you are not satisfied with the background of the image you have, Adobe Photoshop and its capabilities can always come to the rescue. With it, you can create a file consisting of two separate layers, one of which will be the image or photo you need, and the second will be the background suitable for it.

You will need

  • graphic editor Adobe Photoshop
  • two digital images


Open the photo you want to change the background in a photo editor.

Select the Magic Wand from the toolbar. Give her space around the object (in our case - around). It may take a few clicks to do so. At the same time, make sure that the tool settings are the same as in the figure.

If the wand has selected not only the background around the object, but also some parts of the object itself, this is easy. Select the lasso tool and the selection mode is "from selection" as shown in the image above. Now lasso the areas that should not be selected.

Invert the selection by pressing Ctrl+I. Now you need to make the selection softer using the menu item Select – Modify – Feather (Selection – Modification – Feathering). Specify a feather radius of 1-2 pixels in the dialog box and click OK.

Now you can our on a layer separate from the background using the key combination Ctrl + J. Pay attention to the layers palette: now there are two layers. On the top of them - a girl separately from the background.
If you don't have a layer palette in your workspace, call it up by pressing F7. Now you can delete the bottom layer by clicking on the trash can icon in the lower right corner of the layers palette. Our model will remain on a transparent background, under which you can choose any substrate.

Open the file with the new background you would like to copy. For example, these maple leaves. There should be only one layer in the layers palette called "Background" or "Background". Now you can either copy the girl's image to the background file, or vice versa. In any case, you need to drag the layer you want from the palette into the second document. Keep the left mouse button pressed while dragging.

Edit the file so that it looks the way you want. Correctly arrange the layers in the palette in the required order relative to each other. The order of the layers is also changed by dragging with the mouse while holding down the left button.

Scale the layers relative to each other. To do this, select the layer in the palette, the size of which you want to change relative to another layer, and press the Crtl + T key combination. After that, you can resize the layer in two ways: either by entering numerical values ​​in the zoom bar, or by resizing the layer with the mouse. If you work with the mouse, hold down the Shift key, then the size of the layer will change proportionally. Having chosen the scale that you need, press the "Enter" key.

Using the tool "Move" ("Move") set the background layer and the layer with the girl's portrait relative to each other so that you like the result. If necessary, crop the image with the Crop tool.

Save the finished file in the format you need (for example, jpeg) using the "Save" or "Save as" menu option. Here is the finished photo with the new background!

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