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The minimum area of ​​the workplace. Proper organization of the workplace at the computer

Security Report on the topic: Sanitary and epidemiological

computer rules.

Occupational safety and health when working at a computer

Labor protection when working at a computer is regulated by:

    Labor Code of the Russian Federation,

    SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03 "Hygienic requirements for PCs and organization of work",

    Instructions for labor protection when working on a PC.

The computer is widely used in the office, in production. The use of computer technology has fundamentally changed the nature of the work of office workers and the requirements for the organization and labor protection.

Failure to comply with safety requirements when working at a computer leads to discomfort for employees: headaches and pain in the eyes, fatigue and irritability appear. Sleep may be disturbed, vision deteriorates, hands, neck, and lower back begin to hurt.

According to the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, it follows that when working at a computer:

    maximum working time at the computer should not exceed 6 hours per shift;

    it is necessary to take breaks in work at the computer for 10 minutes every 45 minutes of work;

    the duration of continuous work at the computer without a regulated break should not exceed 1 hour;

    during regulated breaks, in order to reduce neuro-emotional stress and visual fatigue, to prevent the development of postural fatigue, it is advisable to perform sets of special exercises.

The area of ​​the workplace at the computer should be at least 4.5 m2. In rooms where work takes place at the computer, daily wet cleaning and systematic ventilation after each hour of work should be carried out. Noisy equipment (printing devices, scanners, servers, etc.), whose noise levels exceed the normative ones, should be located outside the workplaces of employees.

Tables where work takes place at the computer should be placed in such a way that the monitors are oriented sideways to the light openings, and natural light falls mainly on the left.

When placing workplaces, the distance between tables where computer work takes place must be at least 2.0 m, and the distance between the side surfaces of video monitors must be at least 1.2 m. high concentration of attention, it is recommended to isolate from each other with partitions with a height of 1.5 m.

The design of the table where the work takes place at the computer should ensure optimal placement on the working surface of the equipment used. The height of the working surface of the table should be 725 mm, the working surface of the table should have a width of 800..1400 mm and a depth of 800..1000 mm. A computer desk must have legroom at least 600 mm high, at least 500 mm wide, at least 450 mm deep at the knees and at least 650 mm at the level of outstretched legs.

The design of a work chair or a chair for working at a computer should ensure the maintenance of a rational working posture of the employee and allow changing the posture in order to reduce static tension in the muscles of the neck-shoulder region and back. A work chair or a chair for working at a computer should be lifting and swivel, adjustable in height and angle of inclination of the seat and back, as well as the distance of the back from the front edge of the seat, while the adjustment of each parameter should be independent, easy to carry out and have a secure fixation.

When working at a computer, the keyboard should be placed on the table surface at a distance of 100..300 mm from the edge facing the user, or on a special surface separated from the main tabletop.

When working at a computer, the video monitor screen should be at a distance of 600..700 mm from the user's eyes, but not closer than 500.

Exists simple ways protect yourself when interacting with a computer. For example, to organize your workplace. The following recommendations will help you with this:

  • It is desirable to install the monitor in the corner of the room or deploy it rear panel to the wall.
  • In a room where several people work, the distance between computers should be at least 2 m. In no case should computers be placed opposite each other.
  • Do not leave the monitor turned on for a long time, use the "standby" mode more often.
  • Ground your PC.
  • During operation, the distance to the monitor screen must be at least 70 cm. Such precautions are the prevention of "computer vision syndrome". You should not waste your life resources on fighting short circuits, it is much easier to properly equip your workplace and follow the elementary rules when working with various video display terminals (in our case, with a monitor).

Thus, for professional PC operators, schoolchildren and students throughout Russia, there are sanitary rules and norms SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal electronic computers and organization of work", approved by the Resolution of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation No. 14 of 14 July 1996 (see Annexes). The main measures for the prevention of visual fatigue are: proper organization of the workplace, limiting the duration of work with a computer in accordance with the category of the user and the nature of the work performed by him; for professional users - mandatory regulated breaks during which special exercises for the eyes should be performed; in schools, technical schools and universities - connection to computers of timers that normalize the time of working with the monitor, regular exercise for the eyes, restoration of physical performance.

The workplace should be comfortable and sufficiently lit, the light field is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the working space, the rays of light should not fall directly into the eyes.

Practice shows that it is most convenient to place the monitor a little further than it is done during normal reading. The top edge of the screen should be at or slightly below eye level. If you are working with texts on paper, the sheets should be placed as close to the screen as possible to avoid frequent movements of the head and eyes when looking away.

Lighting must be organized so that there are no glare on the screen. Standard office lighting is often too bright for computer work. If the light in the room cannot be changed, it is necessary to use a "visor" for the monitor, a regular or fine mesh protective screen.

We should not forget that the computer screen is capable of collecting dust. Wipe it regularly with an antistatic solution to keep the image clear.

In the process of work, regular rest is necessary, since the monotonous posture is quite tiring for the eyes, neck and back.

Remember to blink from time to time - this prevents dry eyes. PC users have higher requirements for visual acuity. There are cases when vision is slightly reduced and under normal conditions glasses are not needed. However, when working with a computer, you may need them.

Let us remind you once again: in case of severe eye fatigue, only a medical examination will allow you to decide whether this is due to poor working conditions or to a previously unrecognized disease of the organ of vision.

Create good lighting in the room where you work. If there is not enough light and air movement in the room, microbes multiply, and this leads to various diseases. Winter is difficult for a person also because there is little light during this period, which is why nervous system not activated enough. Use modern fixtures that provide optimal lighting. In the room where you work, do not use paints and wallpapers of cold tones, as well as dark ones. The best colors for a person are white, lemon yellow and light green.

Humidify the air in winter and dry it in summer. Do not overheat the air in the living room. Excessive heat ages, while dry air is detrimental to the skin and respiratory tract.

Fight dust. It contains microbes, worm eggs, house mites and other sources of allergies. Do not use carpets if you are unable to care for them. When vacuuming them, pre-wet clean them. A hanger for outerwear, a place for shoes should be isolated from the living quarters. This is an element of the external environment contaminated by the infection. Use brush mats, wet paths at the threshold. Shake out and clean outer clothing at least once a week. Don't keep old things.

If possible, isolate yourself from noise. Try not to create it yourself. Learn to speak in a calm voice, do not talk a lot. Do not turn on the TV, radio, tape recorder loudly, even if you are alone.

It should be borne in mind that the convenience of the location of the arms, legs and spine depends on the furniture that you use when working on a computer. It is impossible to neglect the spine - it reacts very quickly and noticeably to this. In recent years, a huge number of office chairs and armchairs have been produced, which allow you to feel comfortable throughout the working day.

The height of the computer desk should be such that during operation the screen is located slightly below the line of sight and you would not have to spend several hours in a row with your head up. There should be enough space under the table so that tired legs can be stretched out from time to time; and the chair should be the so-called "computer" - rotating, with adjustable height, armrests and a comfortable back, with a semi-soft non-slip coating; if necessary, a pillow can be placed under the back to prevent lumbosacral osteochondrosis. In the sitting position, the feet should be on the floor, the thigh should be parallel to the floor, the back should be straight. Hereinafter, unless otherwise stated, this posture will be implied.

The depth of the table should be such that the distance to the monitor screen is at least 50 cm. Its width depends on the number of peripheral devices and various stationery. The more massive the table, the better: stability is the enemy of vibration, and vibration is the enemy of technology.

For convenience, you can put two tables at right angles to each other, while the second table should be located on the right so that the working hand with the mouse lies calmly on it. You can sit facing the top of the corner formed by two tables. This is especially useful when there is little space in the room and the tables are narrow, or when working with a keyboard.

Between the table and the wall should be free space. Firstly, even the largest desktop assumes that the back of the monitor will go beyond its limits, and secondly (this is no longer ergonomics, but just convenience), a free approach to the rear panel of the system unit will be provided, from which all cables.

The best option: sit facing the doors (in the office), so that there is a window closed by blinds behind your back. Second option: window on the left, system unit covers the monitor from glare.

Unfortunately, most institutions, including kindergartens, schools, university auditoriums, still have very uncomfortable furniture. Sometimes you have to deal with the opinion of incompetent persons who say that the convenience of furniture does not matter, the main thing is to accustom yourself to sit straight (even on a stool). However, it should be noted that when a person is preoccupied with maintaining posture for several hours, fatigue of the paravertebral muscles inevitably develops - as a result, the brain is distracted from professional activities and labor productivity decreases. In addition, pain in the coccyx may occur over time, since a hard seat causes a reflex overstrain of the pelvic floor muscles with possible deformation of the coccyx.

On the example of a standard office chair let us show its advantages, which can significantly facilitate the work of people who are forced to sit for hours in a sitting position by the nature of their profession.

The back of the office chair serves as a stable support for the lumbar and lower half of the thoracic spine. A slight bulge in the lower part of the back fixes the middle lumbar vertebrae in the correct position of the physiological curve inherent in the lumbar spine. An important point is the presence of a special tilt regulator at the back.

The seat height adjuster allows you to select the correct ratio of chair and table (depending on its height). In this case, the feet should be stable on the floor, and the elbows should lie comfortably on the table, without feeling the tension of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

For people who spend a lot of time at the computer, the presence of armrests that are optimal in height will allow “unloading” the shoulder girdle and cervical spine. As already mentioned, the seat should be semi-soft, in order to avoid injury to the sciatic nerve by the ischial tuberosity of the pelvic bone, as well as displacement of the coccyx, which leads to chronic tension in the pelvic floor muscles and pain in the sacrococcygeal region.

In short people, the feet may not reach the floor, and this can cause compression of blood vessels and nerves in the area of ​​the popliteal fossae. An appropriate height footrest will avoid undesirable consequences.

If the chair is not anatomical, then it is advisable to put a small pillow under the lower back - this is the prevention of lumbar osteochondrosis. Well, if the chair has a headrest - it relieves tension in the muscles of the neck. Also useful massagers made of wooden balls on a fishing line, which are sold in large quantities, but their use is a matter of taste, in addition, they should not be used constantly. With rational use, such massagers prevent stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, and this is the prevention of disorders in the genital area.

Now let's talk about the placement of items on the desktop. Nothing should distract you from work, nothing. must be harmful to health. The computer monitor should be placed directly in front of you at the optimal height for yourself - at eye level. This will avoid twisting of the cervical spine, which is inevitable if the monitor is placed on the side. Incorrect placement of the monitor in height leads to rapid fatigue of the neck due to its excessive flexion when the screen is low or extension when it is high.

The phone must be placed close to you so as not to reach for it across the table.

It is advisable to avoid the bad habit of fixing the handset between your ear and shoulder to free your hands. If your job is to receive visitors, try to place the client's chair in front of yours. It is often difficult to create ideal conditions due to the limited space in the office, however, you must make your workplace comfortable. Remember: proper organization of the workplace is the key to your health.

Requirements for premises when working at a computer

The premises should have natural and artificial lighting. The location of workplaces behind monitors for adult users in the basement is not allowed.

The area per one workplace with a computer for adult users should be at least 6 m 2, and the volume should be at least -20 m 3.

Rooms with computers should be equipped with heating, air conditioning or efficient supply and exhaust ventilation.

For interior decoration of the interior of rooms with computers, diffuse-reflective materials with a reflection coefficient for the ceiling of 0.7-0.8 should be used; for walls - 0.5-0.6; for the floor - 0.3-0.5.

The floor surface in the premises where computers are used must be flat, without potholes, non-slip, easy to clean and wet cleaning, and have antistatic properties.

The room should have a first aid kit, a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher to extinguish a fire.

Requirements for the microclimate, ionic composition and concentration of harmful chemicals in indoor air

At the workplaces of users of personal computers, optimal microclimate parameters should be provided in accordance with SanPin According to this document, for the category of severity of work 1a, the air temperature should be no more than 22-24 ° C in the cold period of the year, and 20-25 ° C in the warm period of the year. Relative humidity should be 40-60%, air speed

ha - 0.1 m/s. To maintain optimal microclimate values, a heating and air conditioning system is used. To increase the humidity in the room, humidifiers with distilled or boiled drinking water should be used.

The ionic composition of the air must contain the following number of negative and positive air ions; the minimum required level is 600 and 400 ions per 1 cm 3 of air; the optimal level is 3,000-5,000 and 1,500-3,000 ions per 1 cm 3 of air; the maximum allowable is 50,000 ions per 1 cm 3 of air. To maintain the optimal ionic composition of the air, dedusting and disinfecting the air in the room, it is recommended to use the devices of the Diod plant of the Ellion series.

Requirements for lighting of premises and workplaces

Computer rooms should have natural and artificial lighting. Natural lighting is provided through window openings with a coefficient of natural lighting KEO not less than 1.2% in areas with stable snow cover and not less than 1.5% in the rest of the territory. The luminous flux from the window opening should fall on the operator's workplace from the left side.

Artificial lighting in the premises where computers are used should be provided by a system of general uniform lighting.

Illumination on the surface of the table in the area where the document is placed should be 300-500 lux. It is allowed to install local lighting fixtures to illuminate documents. Local lighting should not create glare on the screen surface and increase the screen illumination by more than 300 lux. Direct glare from light sources should be limited. The brightness of luminous surfaces (windows, lamps) in the field of view should not exceed 200 cd/m2.

Reflected gloss on work surfaces is limited by right choice lamp and location of workplaces in relation to a natural light source. The glare brightness on the monitor screen should not exceed 40 cd/m 2 . The glare index for general artificial lighting sources in the premises should be no more than 20, the discomfort index in administrative and public premises should not exceed 40. The brightness ratio between working surfaces should not exceed 3:1 - 5:1, and between working surfaces and wall surfaces and equipment 10:1.

For artificial lighting of rooms with personal computers, lamps of the LPO36 type with mirrored gratings, equipped with high-frequency ballasts, should be used. It is allowed to use lamps of direct light, mainly reflected light of the LPO13, LPO5, LSO4, LPO34, LPO31 types with luminescent lamps of the LB type. The use of local lighting fixtures with incandescent lamps is allowed. Luminaires should be located in the form of solid or broken lines on the side of the workplaces parallel to the user's line of sight at different locations of computers. With a perimeter arrangement, the lines of luminaires should be located locally above the desktop closer to its front edge facing the operator. The protective angle of the luminaires must be at least 40 degrees. Local lighting fixtures must have a non-translucent reflector with a protective angle of at least 40 degrees.

To ensure the normative values ​​of illumination in the premises, the glass of window openings and lamps should be cleaned at least twice a year and timely replacement of burned-out lamps should be carried out.

Requirements for noise and vibration in rooms

Noise levels at workplaces of personal computer users should not exceed the values ​​established by SanPiN 2.2.4 / and do not exceed 50 dBA. At workplaces in premises for the placement of noisy units, the noise level should not exceed 75 dBA, and the vibration level in the premises of permissible values ​​according to SN 2.2.4 / category 3, type "c".

It is possible to reduce the noise level in rooms by using sound-absorbing materials with maximum sound absorption coefficients in the frequency range of 63-8000 Hz for finishing walls and ceilings of rooms. An additional sound-absorbing effect is created by plain curtains made of dense fabric, hung in a fold at a distance of 15-20 cm from the fence. The width of the curtain should be 2 times the width of the window.

Requirements for the organization and equipment of workplaces

Workplaces with personal computers in relation to the light openings should be located so that natural light falls from the side, preferably from the left.

Workplace layouts with personal computers should take into account the distances between desktops with monitors: the distance between the side surfaces of the monitors is at least 1.2 m, and the distance between the monitor screen and the back of another monitor is at least 2.0 m.

The desktop can be of any design that meets modern ergonomic requirements and allows you to conveniently place equipment on the working surface, taking into account its quantity, size and nature of the work performed. It is advisable to use tables that have a special work surface separate from the main tabletop to accommodate the keyboard. Working tables with adjustable and non-adjustable height of the working surface are used. In the absence of adjustment, the height of the table should be between 680 and 800 mm.

The depth of the working surface of the table should be 800 mm (allowable not less than 600 mm), the width should be 1,600 mm and 1,200 mm, respectively. The working surface of the table should not have sharp corners and edges, have a matte or semi-matte factor.

The work table must have legroom at least 600 mm high, at least 500 mm wide, at least 450 mm deep at the knees and at least 650 mm at the level of outstretched legs.

Fast and accurate reading of information is provided when the screen plane is located below the level of the user's eyes, preferably perpendicular to the normal line of sight (normal line of sight 15 degrees down from the horizontal).

The keyboard should be located on the table surface at a distance of 100-300 mm from the edge facing the user.

For the convenience of reading information from documents, movable stands (stands) are used, the dimensions of which in length and width correspond to the dimensions of the documents installed on them. The music rest is placed in the same plane and at the same height with the screen.

To ensure a physiologically rational working posture, to create conditions for changing it during the working day, lifting and turning work chairs are used with a seat and backrest adjustable in height and tilt angles, as well as the distance of the backrest from the front edge of the seat.

The design of the chair should provide:

    width and depth of the seat surface not less than 400 mm;

    seat surface with rounded front edge;

    adjustment of the height of the seat surface within 400-550 mm and the angle of inclination forward up to 15 degrees and back up to 5 degrees .;

    the height of the supporting surface of the backrest is 300 ± 20 mm, the width is not less than 380 mm and the radius of curvature of the horizontal plane is 400 mm;

    the angle of inclination of the backrest in the vertical plane within 0 ± 30 degrees;

    adjustment of the backrest distance from the front edge of the seat within 260-400 mm;

    fixed or removable armrests with a length of at least 250 mm and a width of 50-70 mm;

    adjustment of the armrests in height above the seat within 230 ± 30 mm and the internal distance between the armrests within 350-500 mm;

    the surface of the seat, back and armrests should be semi-soft, with a non-slip, non-electrifying, airtight coating that is easy to clean from contamination.

The workplace must be equipped with a footrest with a width of at least 300 mm, a depth of at least 400 mm, height adjustment up to 150 mm and an angle of inclination of the support surface of the stand up to 20 degrees. The surface of the stand must be corrugated and have a 10 mm high edge along the front edge.

The mode of work and rest when working with a computer

The mode of work and rest provides for compliance with a certain duration of continuous work on a PC and breaks regulated taking into account the duration work shift, types and categories of labor activity.

Types of labor activity on a PC are divided into 3 groups: group A - work on reading information from the screen with a preliminary request; group B - work on entering information; group B - creative work in the dialogue mode with a PC.

If during the work shift the user performs different types of work, then his activity is attributed to the group of work, the implementation of which takes at least 50% of the time of the work shift.

The categories of severity and intensity of work on a PC are determined by the level of workload per shift: for group A - by the total number of characters read; for group B - by the total number of characters read or entered; for group B - by the total time of direct work on the PC. The table shows the categories of severity and intensity of work, depending on the level of workload per shift.

The number and duration of regulated breaks, their distribution during the work shift is set depending on the category of work on the PC and the duration of the work shift.

With an 8-hour work shift and work on a PC, regulated breaks should be set:

    for the second category of work - 2 hours after the start of the work shift and 1.5-2.0 hours after a lunch break of 15 minutes each or 10 minutes after each hour of work;

    for the third category of work - after 1.5-2.0 hours from the start of the work shift and 1.5-2.0 hours after the lunch break of 20 minutes each or 15 minutes after each hour of work.

With a 12-hour work shift, regulated breaks should be established in the first 8 hours of work similar to breaks for an 8-hour work shift, and during the last 4 hours of work, regardless of the category and type of work, every hour lasting 15 minutes.

The duration of continuous work on a PC without a regulated break should not exceed 2 hours.

When working on a PC during the night shift, the duration of regulated breaks is increased by 60 minutes, regardless of the category and type of work activity.

Effective are unregulated breaks (micropauses) lasting 1-3 minutes.

It is advisable to use regulated breaks and micropauses to perform a set of exercises and gymnastics for the eyes, fingers, as well as massage. It is advisable to change sets of exercises after 2-3 weeks.

PC users performing work with a high level of tension are shown psychological relief during regulated breaks and at the end of the working day in specially equipped rooms (psychological relief rooms).

Medico-prophylactic and health-improving measures. All professional PC users must undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations upon admission to work, periodic medical examinations with the mandatory participation of a general practitioner, neurologist and ophthalmologist, as well as a general blood test and ECG.

Women are not allowed to work on the PC from the time of pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Nearsightedness, farsightedness and other refractive errors must be fully corrected with glasses. For work, glasses must be used that are selected taking into account the working distance from the eyes to the display screen. With more serious visual impairments, the issue of the possibility of working on a PC is decided by an ophthalmologist.

To relieve fatigue of the accommodative muscles and their training, computer programs such as Relax are used.

It is expedient for those who work intensively to use such latest means of vision prevention as LPO-trainer glasses and ophthalmic simulators DAK and Sniper-ultra.

Leisure is recommended for passive and active recreation (training, swimming, cycling, running, playing tennis, football, skiing, aerobics, walking in the park, forest, excursions, listening to music, etc.). Twice a year (in spring and late autumn) it is recommended to carry out a course of vitamin therapy for a month. You should stop smoking. Smoking should be strictly prohibited in workplaces and in rooms with PCs.

How to organize a computer workplace? Not everyone thinks about it, and after all, not only how convenient it will be for you to work, but also your health in general depends on the proper organization of the workplace. There are simple ways to protect yourself when communicating with a computer. For example, properly organize your workplace. The following recommendations will help you with this.

    It is desirable to install the monitor in the corner of the room or deploy it with the back panel to the wall.

In a room where several people work, when placing workplaces with a PC, the distance between desktops with video monitors (in the direction of the rear surface of one video monitor and the screen of another video monitor) must be at least 2.0 m, and the distance between the side surfaces of video monitors must be at least 1.2 m. In no case should you put computers against each other. Do not leave the monitor turned on for a long time, use the "standby" mode more often. Ground your PC.

    During operation, the distance to the monitor screen must be at least 70 cm.

For professional operators personal computer, schoolchildren and students throughout the Russian Federation, there are sanitary rules and norms SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03 "Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work" (as amended by SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.2198-07 Amendment No. 1, SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.2620-10 Amendment No. 2, SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.2732-10 Amendment No. 3).

The main measures for the prevention of visual fatigue are: proper organization of the workplace, limiting the duration of work with a computer in accordance with the category of the user and the nature of the work performed by him; for professional users - mandatory regulated breaks during which special exercises for the eyes should be performed; in schools, technical schools and universities - connection to computers of timers that normalize the time of working with the monitor, regular exercise for the eyes, restoration of physical performance.

    The workplace should be comfortable and well-lit, the rays of light should not fall directly into the eyes.

It is better to place the monitor a little further than it is done during normal reading. The top edge of the screen should be at or slightly below eye level. If you are working with texts on paper, the sheets should be placed as close to the screen as possible to avoid frequent movements of the head and eyes when looking away. Lighting must be organized so that there are no glare on the screen. Create good lighting in the room where you work. Use modern fixtures that provide optimal lighting. In the room where you work, do not use paints and wallpapers of cold tones, as well as dark ones. The best colors for a person are white, lemon yellow and light green.

    We should not forget that the computer screen is capable of collecting dust. Wipe the image regularly with an antistatic solution or use special wipes to keep the image clear. Do not use alcohol to wipe the monitors - the anti-reflective coating may deteriorate.

The keyboard also needs to be cleaned. It is best to do this with a cotton swab. From time to time, the keyboard should be turned over and shaken out. Humidify the air in winter and dry it in summer. Fight dust. A hanger for outerwear, a place for shoes should be isolated from the room.

    Isolate yourself from noise as much as possible. Try not to create it yourself. Learn to speak in a calm voice, do not talk a lot.

    The furniture that you use when working on a computer should be comfortable, as the convenience of the location of the arms, legs and spine depends on it. It is impossible to neglect the spine - it reacts very quickly and noticeably to this. In recent years, a huge number of office chairs and armchairs have been produced, which allow you to feel comfortable throughout the working day.

The height of the computer desk should be such that during operation the screen is located slightly below the line of sight, and you would not have to spend several hours in a row with your head up. There should be enough space under the table so that tired legs can be stretched out from time to time; and the chair should be the so-called "computer" - rotating, with adjustable height, armrests and a comfortable back, with a semi-soft non-slip coating; if necessary, a pillow can be placed under the back to prevent lumbosacral osteochondrosis. In the sitting position, the feet should be on the floor, the thigh should be parallel to the floor, the back should be straight.

The depth of the table should be such that the distance to the monitor screen is at least 50 cm. Its width depends on the number of peripheral devices and various stationery. The design of the work chair should provide:

    width and depth of the seat surface not less than 400 mm;

    seat surface with rounded front edge;

    height adjustment of the seat surface within 400 - 550 mm and tilt angle forward up to 15 degrees, back up to 5 degrees;

    the height of the supporting surface of the backrest is 300-20 mm, the width is not less than 380 mm and the radius of curvature of the horizontal plane is 400 mm;

    the angle of inclination of the backrest in the vertical plane within 30 degrees;

    adjustment of the backrest distance from the front edge of the seat within 260 - 400 mm;

    stationary or removable armrests with a length of at least 250 mm and a width of 50 - 70 mm;

    adjustment of the armrests in height above the seat within 230-30 mm and the internal distance between the armrests within 350 - 500 mm.

The back of the office chair serves as a stable support for the lumbar and lower half of the thoracic spine. A slight bulge in the lower part of the back fixes the middle lumbar vertebrae in the correct position of the physiological curve inherent in the lumbar spine. An important point is the presence of a special tilt regulator at the back. In the process of work, regular rest is necessary, since the monotonous posture is quite tiring for the eyes, neck and back. During work, it is necessary to take small breaks of 10-15 minutes every hour, while it is advisable to do exercises for the neck and eyes or just spend time in motion.

Naturally, the room must be ventilated. These simple tips help you stay healthy and do your job more efficiently. (based on SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 "Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work" (as amended by SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.2732-10)

The material was prepared by the methodologist of the GMTs DOGM L.A. Shutilina