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Ways to recover Windows XP. How to return the former playfulness of Windows XP System rollback to Windows XP

Launching every day Personal Computer, you inevitably bring something new to it. And it doesn't matter if you just surf the Internet or install new programs. After all, by going to some web page, you may well pick up a virus there or install it without knowing it yourself. malware. Today we will talk about how to roll back the Windows XP system back.

Forewarned - armed

A fairly well-known saying takes on a very clear and specific meaning in the context we are considering. Remember, there is only one way to restore your system, and it requires mandatory preliminary preparation. This tool is a utility built into the OS. But, in order to use it to return the computer to a previous state, you need to take care in advance that such a point exists. Many users find that the system takes up a lot of hard drive space. This is partly true, but all dissatisfaction passes at once when a situation arises in which recovery may be required soon. Therefore, before rolling back the Windows XP system, let's clarify how to create a restore point.

Starting position

As already mentioned, we will need to create a specific starting point to which we would like to return our computer if it breaks down or becomes infected with a virus. Of course, you can choose when the OS is installed on the computer, but what's the point if it would be easier to reinstall the entire system?

So, to create a restore point, do the following. Go to the menu "Start" - "Programs" - "Accessories" - "Utilities". There, select the item In the interface that opens, select the creation and wait until the computer completes the entire operation to the end. Now you will have somewhere to return in case of problems with the computer.

If you are a user of a newer generation OS, such as Windows 7, then you should not be concerned about this point in the question of how to roll back the system. Windows XP, unlike the seven, does not create copies automatically and does not include automatic creation of such backup states during installation.


Finally, we got directly to the question of how to roll back the Windows XP system back. To do this, you will need to repeat all the steps indicated in previous paragraph with the exception that you will need to select the sub-item "Restore an earlier state of the computer" in the program itself. In this case, you will be offered a list of all available states for the past time. How to roll back Windows XP system back? You need to choose the right state. Default, in bold the most recent available position will be highlighted. After selecting the required item, click "Next" - "Finish".

In fact, no one knows what the personal computer is guided by when restoring the system. He can remove installed programs, and can leave. Your recent photos will disappear... Or they won't. Anyway, don't forget to back up your files. This, by the way, is another way to roll back the system. Windows XP Professional allows you to use third-party utilities to save the system state.

Independent Programs

  1. There are many programs designed both to save part of the computer's files and to create images. hard drives generally. For example, Acronis. Saving data with it, you can at any time reinstall the system entirely and then restore the contents of your hard drives.
  2. Special Of course, with their help it is impossible to restore the system in its true value, however, it is very possible to return some files. It is recommended to use File Rescue Pro.

System disk

If you have kept installation disk your operating system, you can perform a system restore using it. To do this, insert it into the drive and restart the computer from the disk. You should be presented with the operating system installer screen. How to roll back the system? Windows XP itself suggests a solution. At the bottom of the screen we see the inscription "R - restore". We press the corresponding button.

The computer will search for installed operating systems. After that, a menu will appear in which you must select the system to be restored. We indicate the OS we need to restore, dial its number and press Enter.

After that, enter the password, if necessary, and proceed to recovery. To do this, we need to enter the command to restore the Fixmbr partitions. We confirm the action. Then we need to restore the boot area with the Fixboot command. Then type exit and reboot.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that if you are looking for instructions on how to roll back Windows XP through BIOS, then know that this is not possible in any way. All the changes that you could make using the BIOS will not affect the OS directly. The maximum that can be advised is to pull out a battery - a "tablet" on the motherboard. In this case, all BIOS settings will be reset, the password on the computer will disappear and some recent changes will disappear.

The Windows XP operating system is equipped with a convenient recovery tool that allows you to roll back changes that led to instability. This tool in most cases allows you to make a full recovery without reinstallation. Windows systems XP with all user files preserved.

Enabling Recovery

To make sure you can roll back XP back to the key date, make sure the restore feature is working. If it is disabled, you must enable it:

You can customize recovery options by specifying how much space should be allocated for Windows rollback points. By default, 12% of the total volume is set, but you can make this parameter a little less to save space on the hard drive.

Rollback to key date

System Restore is enabled, let's see how it works:

If you return the system to operational state failed, you can restore your computer again by choosing a different day. You can also run a rollback if XP does not boot normally. What should be done:

The operating system recovery program will appear. Through it, you can start rolling back Windows by selecting a day when XP worked without failures. The disadvantage of this method is that you will not be able to restore the system to the factory settings through the recovery tool, since the old points will be overwritten by new checkmarks.

Last Known Good Configuration

The first thing to do if Windows won't boot is to run Last Known Good Configuration.

It is possible to make such a rollback and return XP back to a working state due to the fact that the last successful system startup is constantly recorded in the registry. Using the above function, you apply this saved configuration, fixing everything windows errors. The advantages of the described method are that no flash drives with system distributions, special recovery programs, or changes to BIOS settings are needed.

Reinstalling with saving files via BIOS

If rolling back XP does not solve the problem, you can do a system update - return it to its original state by resetting it to factory settings. Factory reset works a little differently on XP than on later versions. On Windows 7/8.1/10, when the system is installed, a partition is created on which the recovery image is located. Special Program allows you to start through the BIOS or in Windows environment rollback to factory settings. There is no such program on XP (there is no partition either), but you can return the operating system to factory settings.

Restart your computer; go into BIOS and set to boot from flash drive. You can do this in the BIOS like this:

Note: you can not change the BIOS configuration, but use the menu that is called by the F11 key when the computer starts.

After launching the system installer, press Enter to proceed with the installation. Accept the terms of the license agreement. The installer will report that a copy of Windows has been found - press "R" to restore it.

A fully functioning feature to restore one of the previous saved system states appeared in Windows XP. This is a very useful and necessary feature of the OS, which allows you to return it to life after a software problem occurs. The user himself is guilty of some of these situations, but most of the conflicts are related to the imperfection of the operating system and the software products used in it. It often happens that the operating system gives an error while loading the desktop or launching an application after installing or uninstalling some software product(application, new device driver), removal or modification of a system file or infection malicious files. In addition to error messages, Windows may slow down, constantly crash to the desktop, or display notifications in the system tray.

For the most part, these things cannot be solved by removing the problematic driver, application, or restoring the system file. What remains, in addition to reinstalling the operating system? Her recovery. Today we will look at how to roll back Windows XP without using a disk with installation files.

Implementing Windows XP Recovery

After Windows installation the System Restore Application service starts automatically and creates a rollback or restore point when performing most actions that can harm the system (modify or replace system files, work with the registry in write mode):

  • installation of programs through Windows Installer and other installers that support system recovery;
  • before installing updates and drivers;
  • every day at default settings;
  • at the user's request.

A restore point is a hidden system directory called System Volume Information. It contains copies of records. Windows Registry, installed apps and system components. To do this, free disk space is allocated on the system volume, up to 12% of the total partition size.

Due to the imperfection of system recovery in XP (reserving the registry completely, backing up only certain types of files from a clearly limited list of directories), often after rolling back the OS to a previous state after updating a driver or program, they may not return to their previous state completely. As a result, you have to reinstall the product manually.

Working with Windows XP Recovery

In order to make sure that the System Restore Application is active, call the "Properties" of the "My Computer" directory and go to the "System Restore" tab.

  • In order to view system restore points and roll back XP, we call the System Restore window using one of the proposed methods.
  • Type "rstui" or "rstui.exe" into the "Run" box and press "Enter".

  • We go to:
  • We select the first option, as shown in the screenshot, in order to be able to view all the Windows XP restore points created by you and the operating system and roll back its state to the selected moment.

  • Select a rollback point from the list or through the calendar.

This will provide more convenience when you have many restore points scattered over a significant time range. The days when rollback points were created are in bold.

  • Click "Next".

  • We close all functioning applications, as the recovery program warns about, and click "Next".

  • We are waiting for the completion of operations to copy earlier versions of system files.

  • We restart the computer after a window appears with information about the completion of the system rollback procedure.

Problem solving

It happens that the recovery fails due to a number of reasons. In such cases, you need to start the system rollback process again, but in the second step, choose to cancel the last restore, as in the screenshot. Then you can try to rollback again, but choose a different point (preferably created just before the one you use).

It is possible that the service files located in the System Volume Information are damaged, which prevents attempts to access them.

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One of the widely used and popular operating systems in the world has been and remains Windows XP. Of course, MicroSoft has taken a leap forward today. The new versions of the Windows 8 and Windows 10 operating systems have many useful features. The Windows XP operating system also has one useful feature - system rollback.

Using default settings

In cases incorrect work In Windows XP, developers have built in the ability to restore the system. Unlike a banal reinstallation of the OS, when restoring, all files on the computer are saved.

How is a Windows XP system rollback performed? Windows XP itself stores configuration settings on the hard drive, calls them "restore points" (it also saves programs, files, updates, and device drivers on its own). Checking their presence on your device is simple: click "Start", right click to "My Computer", "Properties", "System Restore".

Although Windows XP can create such points on its own, manufacturers still recommend doing it yourself:

In cases where all restore points were created during a correctly working OS, you don’t have to worry, but if during failures, then we do everything described above, just select “Restore an earlier computer state” and click “Next”. After that, in manual mode, select the date of the required checkpoint, and click "Next" until your device is completely rebooted and the system is completely restored.

It is also worth recalling that all software installed after the date of the restore point will be deleted, in fact, as well as files (depending on the settings specified during the creation of the restore point).

Using the BIOS

It also happens when the computer does not boot up as usual, and before loading it will prompt you to continue working through " Safe mode". To do this, we reboot the device, during boot press the "F8" key, the system boot options are presented on the black screen, select "Safe Mode", this can be selected using the arrows on the keyboard and press the "Enter" button.

In cases where the OS rollback to an earlier restore point did not fix the problem, it can be returned to the factory settings, that is, to its original state. In Windows XP, factory reset works differently than in later versions.

For example, starting with Windows 7, there is a program that runs through the BIOS and returns the entire system to its original state, to factory settings. In our case with Windows XP, there is no such program, but you can still bring the device back to life without reinstalling the system!

First, reboot the device, during boot we enter the BIOS. To do this, press the key indicated on the boot screen (will depend on the installed motherboard, these can be F2, Esc, Delete, F1, etc.).

Go to the "BOOT" section and change the boot priority to boot from a USB flash drive or disk. We save and exit through the "Save & Exit" section, the computer will reboot.

Next, select the "Restore the system to factory settings" section. This allows you to keep the user's files intact. After a full system restore - you get the device in such a state as if you just bought a computer. You also need to remember after all the operations done, return the settings to the BIOS to boot priority from external drive.

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How to do a system restore on windows xp? + video lessons

Sometimes computer users have an unpleasant situation when the windows xp software shell we are used to starts to slow down, other applications crash, often the computer itself reboots or the “death screen” pops up.

Such errors can be caused by recently installed programs, viruses, junk files on disk, corrupted system files. However, if you suspect that a recently installed program is to blame, removing it does not always help restore stable system operation. This is where the rollback of the system to the state when this program has not yet been installed will come to the rescue.

Now we will tell you how to roll back the windows xp system.

Using the built-in program in windows xp to restore the system

It is called System Restore Application and is installed automatically when you install windows xp. It also starts automatically every time booting windows and monitors changes to the file structure of the system.

The program uses those disk partitions that are supported by the operating shell.

When the program is running, it monitors the following processes:

How config files change system registry. How the modular system changes after installing system updates. Other important changes that can be returned to its original state.

When any change occurs in the above files, the recovery data, file sources and service information are saved in folders that are automatically created in the "System Volume Information". This folder is provided at the root of any drive letter monitored by the system.

To make sure that the System Restore Application is running and performing its functions, right-click on the "My Computer" icon and select the line "Properties", and in it already "System Restore".

Before serious system events occur, a "return point" is created in which changes are recorded in order to make a successful rollback of windows xp.

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This point is usually created automatically before you install any new program.

However, you can also do it yourself. To do this, go to "Start" -> "Programs" -> "Accessories" -> "System Tools" -> "System Restore". Then check the item "Create a restore point" and then click next. A window like this will open.

For convenience, name the rollback point so that it is easy to remember later, then click "Create".

The windows xp system rollback also begins with going to Start-> Programs-> Accessories-> System Tools-> System Restore, but now just click on the Next button.

Now on the calendar, select the date until which the system worked stably, click on it, and then click "Next".

The operating system will roll back to this point.

This process is quite long, so please be patient. After completion, the computer will restart and the following window will appear.

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In this case, all programs installed after the selected date will disappear, however, all your manually modified files (Word, Excel documents) will not change, even if you edited them after the restore point date. The same applies to downloaded files of any kind - they will remain in place.

In the event that this method of “treating” the computer did not help, then similarly select an even earlier date on the calendar.

In rare cases, complications may occur after recovery, then select the third item in the recovery menu, which was not there before. There will be a kind of “rollback rollback” of windows.

How to restore using a third-party Acronis program?

Download and install Acronis on your computer, then run it. The main program window will open.

First of all, you create a backup copy of the system, which is displayed as an archive. It can be done using background mode, so Windows will not interrupt currently running processes. As soon as the archive starts to be created, wait until the end of the process.

Let's describe all the steps in more detail.

First, copy "My Computer".

Now select the desired section.

Specify a folder on the hard drive or removable media where the archive will be stored.

After saving the archive, you can be sure that you can roll back the system at any time. To do this, select "Restore" and specify the folder in which the archive is located.

In the event that you just want to see the contents of the archive, then you need to open the file in the program itself.

Now select the files that need to be restored. You can also set the restoration of the master boot record, from the invisible files of which the actual boot of the computer begins after it is turned on.

By the way, you can restore files to another folder. hard drive or removable media.

An important detail. System rollback will not start until windows xp is running. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that when you click on the "Proceed" button, the computer will restart, so do not be alarmed.

After rebooting, the computer will start up again, and when BIOS boot and other programs, the Acronis base will also be loaded into the RAM, which will then perform all the necessary operations. The system partition of five to ten gigabytes is restored in five to fifteen minutes, after which you restart the computer again.

Video lessons

The Windows XP operating system is equipped with a convenient recovery tool that allows you to roll back changes that led to instability. This tool in most cases allows you to make a complete recovery of the Windows XP system without reinstalling, preserving all user files.

Enabling Recovery

To make sure you can roll back XP back to the key date, make sure the restore feature is working. If it is disabled, you must enable it:

You can customize recovery options by specifying how much space should be allocated for Windows rollback points. By default, 12% of the total volume is set, but you can make this parameter a little less to save space on the hard drive.

Rollback to key date

System Restore is enabled, let's see how it works:

If you are unable to return the system to a healthy state, you can restore the computer again by selecting a different day. You can also run a rollback if XP does not boot normally. What should be done:

The operating system recovery program will appear. Through it, you can start rolling back Windows by selecting a day when XP worked without failures. The disadvantage of this method is that you will not be able to restore the system to the factory settings through the recovery tool, since the old points will be overwritten by new checkmarks.

Last Known Good Configuration

The first thing to do if Windows won't boot is to run Last Known Good Configuration.

It is possible to make such a rollback and return XP back to a working state due to the fact that the last successful system startup is constantly recorded in the registry. By using the above function, you apply this saved configuration, fixing all Windows errors. The advantages of the described method are that no flash drives with system distributions, special recovery programs, or changes to BIOS settings are needed.

Reinstalling with saving files via BIOS

If rolling back XP does not solve the problem, you can do a system update - return it to its original state by resetting it to factory settings. Factory reset works a little differently on XP than on later versions. On Windows 7/8.1/10, when the system is installed, a partition is created on which the recovery image is located. A special program allows you to run through the BIOS or in the Windows environment a rollback to the factory settings. There is no such program on XP (there is no partition either), but you can return the operating system to factory settings.

Restart your computer; go into BIOS and set to boot from flash drive. You can do this in the BIOS like this:

Note: you can not change the BIOS configuration, but use the menu that is called by the F11 key when the computer starts.

After launching the system installer, press Enter to proceed with the installation. Accept the terms of the license agreement. The installer will report that a copy of Windows has been found - press "R" to restore it.

Restoring Windows XP through an update from a USB flash drive will allow you to roll back the operating system to factory settings. User files and programs will remain intact, and the system will be brought in such a state as if you had just bought a computer. After a successful recovery, do not forget to go back into the BIOS and change the boot priority back. If you did not change anything in BIOS, but used the menu called by the F11 key, then you do not need to change anything.

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How to roll back the Windows XP operating system?

Quite often, those who work on a computer may experience unpleasant situations when the system starts to work unstable, slow down and even crash. This can be caused by the installation of some programs, the action of a virus, damage to system files, the accumulation of "garbage" on the disk, and so on. Of course, the cause of the failure can be understood if it occurred from your actions. However, in most cases, even understanding what happened, return the previous Windows health XP uninstall programs and other standard methods fail.

Naturally, everyone needs a full-fledged working Windows XP. Many in this case turn to the help of friends, acquaintances, and someone even calls specialists to fix the system.

However, there is a fairly simple way to return the system to working capacity without resorting to reinstalling it. You just need to roll back the Windows XP system. However, it is necessary to learn how to do this before a failure occurs.

A program built into Windows XP that is used for system recovery.

It is called System Restore Application. After the system is installed, the Windows XP Recovery service is automatically enabled. It interacts with disk partitions, the format of which may be supported by Windows XP. While the system is running, the service monitors:

  1. changes in configuration files and system registry;
  2. changes in the system modules, including changes that occur as a result of the installation of “patches” and system updates;
  3. some of the other changes that the Windows XP developers saw fit to keep track of so that they can later be restored using the System Restore Application to their original state.

If any of the above changes appear, then the data needed for cancellation, service information and original copies of files are written to the “System Volume Information” intended for this. The creation of these folders is provided in the root of any partition hard disk if it is being monitored.

To make sure you have the System Restore Application running and manage, click right key on the mouse on the “My Computer” icon, select “Properties” and then the “System Restore” tab:

After some time, before serious system events, “return points” are created, in which changes are fixed. Usually, such an event refers to the installation of a batch update or new program. You can also create restore points manually. To create it, go to Start->Programs->Accessories->System Tools->System Restore.

At the same time, in order not to get confused, you can specify a description of this point.

You can return to one of the already saved system states (restore point), that is, roll back the system.

Service data to roll back the system is taken from the System Volume Information folder, after which Windows XP is transferred to a state in which some auxiliary functions are disabled and the protection of replaced system files is deactivated. After that, the data and files required for recovery are restored from this folder. After restarting the computer, the system returns to its previous state, which was recorded at the specified restore point.

Let's walk through the steps on how to perform a system rollback.

  • Let's say that you need to roll back the system - the computer does not work as you would like. In this case, select "Restore more than

How to rollback windows xp system by yourself?

Theoretically, any updates are designed to optimize the performance of the system and certain programs. However, in practice, it happens that everything goes wrong as the user wanted, and the system crashes. This can also happen when installing a new software. What to do in such a situation? Some users believe that the way out is to reinstall the operating system. In fact, everything is much simpler, especially if you know how to roll back Windows XP a day ago or any other period when the OS worked fine.

What will be needed?

Some users find that third-party utilities are needed to get back to the rollback point. This is partly true. But the system also has built-in tools that will help us restore a successful configuration.

The first thing you need is a restore point. By default in Windows these points are made automatically. Usually, such an operation occurs before any significant events affecting the system, for example, before cleaning the registry or installing new applications, etc. Actually, this procedure in terms of complexity is almost the same as checking the authenticity of windows 7 online, so the point for rolling back you can create it yourself.

Rollback Windows XP

In order to return the system to a previous state, you must first log in with account administrator. Next, click Start and click on the All Programs link. Here we are interested in standard and utility utilities. In them, click on the System Restore command. We mark the Restore the previous state and confirm by clicking on the Next button. After that, in the window that opens, you need to select a restore point. The last step is to confirm your choice and start the process.

After the operation is completed, the computer will restart. Actually, in the future, problems with the operation of the system should not arise. However, if the computer does not start, then you may need to undo the OS restore.

I note that files that were saved on the computer after the selected date will be deleted. So make sure you have them if you need to. backup. Some users prefer to use third-party utilities in order to roll back the system to the desired state. In principle, this is also a good way out, but it is not recommended to use programs for beginners, since they are not as easy to use as they seem.

Useful rollback of the system

When failures or errors occur, in order to return the operating system to its original working state, it is necessary to roll back the system. Windows X Pi has an integrated system for archiving the registry, as well as system data. And even despite the fact that it has many flaws, it often solves complex problems. The network also describes how to roll back the system through the BIOS. But we will not consider it here.

So, as you understand, the very process of bringing the system to its original position is called the rollback of the system. You can access it different ways. First you need to make sure that this feature is enabled. To do this, right-click your mouse on the My Computer icon and select its properties. Next, in the window that appears, select the "System Restore" tab. If system rollback is enabled, you will see a “monitoring” mark next to each disk. Also at the bottom there is a line "disable recovery on all disks." If it is active, there should be no checkmark next to this line.

When you select a disk and press the "Options" button, a window with the same name will appear. Here you can turn off system rollback, as well as change the amount of disk space for archiving.

The program for restoring the operating system forms certain points for this. During standard installations, they are periodically created, as well as during the installation of programs, package updates, drivers, etc. You can also do it yourself.

There are several options for performing a system rollback. One of them allows you to do this through the help with Windows support. Click "Start" and select "Help and Support" from the menu that appears. There you will find "Revert changes using restore" and launch this tab.

After this manipulation, a window will appear in front of you, in which you can choose to create a restore point or restore an earlier state. You choose what you need. If this is a system rollback, a calendar will appear with which you can find the desired restore point and start it with the "Next" button. If you create a new point, then give it the desired name and click "Next". After that it will be created.

It happens that in the Start button menu there is no Help and Support tab. In this case, press the F1 key. If she doesn't bring desired result- this will mean that the Help and Support service is simply disabled. To make it available, you need to re-enable it.

You can also invoke System Restore in the following way. The "Start" button, then hover over "All Programs", in the pop-up menu find "Standard", there will be a "System Tools" tab, where you will find "System Restore". Click on this label double click manipulator, and a dialog box will immediately appear in front of you. Select in it the date and time of the restore point with which you want to roll back to the previous state of your device.

System Rollback in Windows XP.

In case of failures and errors, to return the operating system to its previous state, Windows XP has a built-in system for archiving the registry and system data. And although it is imperfect in many ways, it often helps to solve problems. The name in English is System Restore Application, which means a system recovery program. The process of restoring a system to a previous state is often referred to as a System Rollback. The program can be accessed in different ways. The first thing to do is to check if you have System Restore enabled. To do this, right-click on the “My Computer” icon (see note at the end) and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu at the bottom. In the window that opens, titled

"Properties" select the tab "System Restore" at the top. The window contains a list of disks and if the recovery system is enabled, then next to each entry, there should be an inscription "Watching". At the bottom there is an inscription "Turn off system restore on all drives", when the system is on, there should not be a checkmark in front of the inscription. When you select a disk and click the "Options" button, a window of the same name will open in which you can turn off System Restore on this

disk. Here you can also use the slider to change the disk space allocated for archiving. The System Restore program creates so-called system restore points. By default, restore points are created periodically and when

important system events, for example: installation of programs, drivers, package updates. You can create your own restore points. It is especially useful to do this if it is supposed to perform dubious actions in the system, in the positive outcome of which you are not sure.

There are several ways to use the recovery system. The first way, through help and Windows support. To do this, click the start button and in the menu on the right, click "Help and Support" and on the right we find "Revert changes using System Restore" and click on this inscription. The System Restore window opens, where you can select


an earlier state of the computer" or "Create a restore point", select what you need and click "Next". If you selected "Restore over

the corresponding window with a calendar, where you can select a restore point by date or time, and click Next to continue restoring. When choosing

To create a restore point in the window that opens, you need to enter the name of your point and by clicking the "Next" button it will be created.

Sometimes there is no "Help and Support" in the "Start" menu, then you can try to call it with the F1 key. If this does not help, then you most likely have disabled the Help and Support service. How to deal with services, you can read here.

You can open the System Restore window by going to Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore.

Note: Sometimes users, not knowing how to display a full-fledged My Computer icon on the desktop, pull out a shortcut (this is the one with an arrow). Then when you select "Properties", the shortcut properties window opens, and this is not what we need. To solve this problem, you need to go to the "Start" menu and right-click "My Computer", and then as indicated above. Or display a full-fledged icon on the desktop. You can read about it here.

The Windows XP operating system was the most popular operating system in the world two years ago - it combined ease of use, reliability and was perfect for most tasks performed on a PC.

Although Microsoft has discontinued technical support XP, a fifth of all computers are still running it. One of the reasons for this popularity is the ability to roll back Windows XP to a working state in case of any problems.

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System Restore Service Check

Windows XP has a built-in ability to restore the system in case of failure and incorrect operation. The mechanism itself is quite simple - "snapshots" of the configuration and settings are created important parameters system and are placed as "restore point" files in a specific folder on the hard drive.

This method, unlike a complete reinstallation of the system, usually does not affect the safety of the user's files and data (depending on the settings of the "restore point" when it was created). To check if the recovery system is active, you need to:

  • Press "Start";
  • Right-click on "My Computer" and go to "Properties" -> "System Restore".

Create a restore point

Although Windows itself creates restore points (this happens when installing new programs and drivers, installing updates, and on a set schedule), it is best to periodically create them yourself. This is done in the following way:

  • First you need to go to: "Start" -> "All Programs" -> "Accessories" -> "System Restore";
  • Then select "Create a restore point";
  • Give the restore point a name and click Create.

System Restore

In the case when the recovery point was created during the stable period Windows work, you can especially not worry in case of system failures. To restore the system to work, you will need:

  • Go to: "Start" -> "All Programs" -> "Accessories" -> "System Tools" -> "System Restore";
  • Select "Restore an earlier state of the computer" -\u003e "Next";

Please note that all installed programs and settings made after the date of the restore point will be lost (the same applies to files, depending on the settings specified at the time the restore point was created).

Safe mode

If the computer fails to boot into normal mode as a result of a crash, but a Windows restore point was previously created, you can restore from safe mode (“safemode”). This is done in the following way:

  • You need to restart your computer (or turn it on);
  • Press the "F8" button when loading;
  • In the window that appears with additional boot options, select "Safe Mode" using the arrows and press "Enter";
  • Wait for the computer to boot in "safe mode";
  • Go to: "Start" -> "All Programs" -> "Accessories" -> "System Tools" -> "System Restore";
  • Select "Restore an earlier state of the computer" -\u003e "Next";
  • In the left window, select the date of the required control point;
  • Click "Next" and again "Next" (to confirm);
  • Wait for the system to finish rebooting.