Computers Windows Internet

Questions and tasks. Web Control

Types of sites By information content Business card site Corporate site Personal site Online stores Web resources Search engines Postal resources Bulletin boards Forums File sharing Social networks By accessibility Open Semi-open Closed By size and level of tasks they solve Simple Thematic Multifunctional (portals) By Accessibility Open Semi-open Closed

The creation of a WEB site begins with planning its structure, i.e. site layout as a whole, general page layout, individual page layouts. The layout of the site sets the structure of the future site - the number and subject of individual pages, the hierarchy of pages. The structure (plan) of the site is the division of the general content into semantic sections and separate pages indicating the links between them.

Permanent elements of the site Each page of the site should have permanent elements that firmly hold their place on the screen when paging through the pages: Logo Site title Main menu On internal pages, the logo should be a link to the main page.

Main menu The number of items, their names and order in the main menu should not change when turning pages. The menu must contain an item pointing to the current page. This item, unlike the others, should not be a link. Menu item names should be very short. It is unacceptable to stretch one paragraph over several lines. The main menu is recommended to be repeated at the ends of the pages.

External links The site must have external links. External links need to be collected on a separate page and further distributed across pages based on context. In each case, external links must be written explicitly. External links must be commented.

Text on the site Break the text into small paragraphs. Paragraphs should be separated from each other by blank lines. Don't center lines of large text. On a complex background, place text inside solid-color areas. Do not write the main text in an increased font size and, moreover, in bold or italics. Try to use the default font. Structure your text using a heading hierarchy and paragraph division. Construct the text according to the principle of an inverted pyramid, first the conclusion, then the details.

Do not put a period in the names of the site and pages if they consist of one sentence Keep the names of menu items short Do not choose a colorful background for the pages Do not place too many informational and artistic blocks on the page Do not write too long texts Use the same techniques in each paragraph formatting Recommendations when filling site pages with information materials

Stages of site creation Site analysis and design. Analysis of similar sites highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. The site is designed based on the interests of the intended audience. Information content of the site (content). Attracts potential users. The information should be interesting for the target audience and well-formatted.

Stages of creating a site Creative. It includes the development of design, graphic elements, graphics processing and everything connected with it. Development is always carried out on paper in order to determine the best option for the location of typical elements. Because pages are designed in the same style, then a template is created. Code writing. Creation of Web-pages, programming, writing of the functional part.

Stages of site creation Testing. Checking that the site is displayed correctly by different browsers: texts are well read against the selected background, pictures are in their places, hyperlinks provide the right transitions. Testing is carried out before placing the site on the Internet.

Stages of site creation Publication. The site is hosted on the Internet. You can use free hosting or place a site with a provider Hosting - a service for placing a site on a server that is constantly on the Internet; can be paid and free. Promotion. Advertising company to recognize the site and increase its attendance - site registration in search engines, link exchange, etc. Support. Constant updating of the site. (at least once every 2 weeks).

Hypertext markup language HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) Text editor Visual HTML editor, website builder Text is marked with special marks - tags The document is saved as a Web page Microsoft FrontPage uCoz, Sitecraft, etc. Methods of creating a site Site creation technology

What tools can you use to create websites? What is a website? Think over and graph the structure of one of the following sites: a) "Our group"; b) "My family"; c) computer science. List the main elements placed on the pages of the site. What recommendations should be taken into account when filling the pages of the site with information materials? What is the purpose of site testing? What is the main disadvantage of free hosting? Name an Internet server known to you that provides users with free website hosting. What is the site structure? Questions and tasks

Ways to create a site Hypertext markup language HTML Hypertext markup language HTML Text editor MS Word, MS Publisher, MS PowerPoint Text editor MS Word, MS Publisher, MS PowerPoint HTML editor, site builder HTML editor, site builder Initially, you should consider the content and structure of the site Before placing a site on the Internet, it should be tested. When filling the pages of the site with information materials, certain recommendations should be followed.

1. - hosting 2. html - site Video tutorials on informatics grade 8 html site free hosting "70mb" site "" paid hosting "ASCONT" site paid hosting "1Gb" Information sources

| Lesson planning for the academic year (textbook by GEF L.L. Bosova, A.Yu. Bosova) | §4.4 Website creation technologies. Content and structure of the site. Site layout. Placing a site on the Internet

Lessons 29 - 31
§4.4 Website creation technologies. Website content and structure
Site layout. Placing a site on the Internet


Site structure
site design
website page template

4.4.1. Website creation technologies

There are several ways to create websites.

Firstly, the site can be created using the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). In this case, in a text editor (for example, in Notepad), the text that they want to place on the pages of the site is marked with special marks called tags. Tags contain instructions on how the text should look. To distinguish tags from text, they are enclosed in angle brackets (Fig. 4.7).

Secondly, you can save a document prepared in a word processor (Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Writer) as a web page (in HTML format).

Thirdly, you can use special software - visual HTML editors or website builders.

A web designer is a specialist who designs the structure of a website, as well as selects ways to present information and performs the design of a web project. A web designer must be familiar with modern web technologies; it is desirable that he had an art education.

Rice. 4.7. The simplest web page and its HTML code

You can try to master the basics of web design on your own by taking the distance course "Web Design" by A. A. Duvanov at Robotland University (

Regardless of what tools you will use to create a site, you should first consider its content and structure.

Suppose you visit a computer graphics club and decide to create a website for this creative association. The content of the site should be such as to reflect the creative life of the members of the association, to attract the attention of like-minded people.

Now you need determine the structure (plan) of the site

Obviously, the site may include general information (program and schedule of classes, location of classes, last name, first name, patronymic of the head, etc.), a page of news and announcements, personal pages of the head and members of the association, a gallery of works of members of the association, useful links to other Internet resources and much more. Let's depict the structure of the site in the form of a graph (Fig. 4.8).

Rice. 4.8. Hierarchical site structure

Representation of the site structure in the form of a graph provides a visual representation of the content of the site and helps to organize navigation - transitions from one page of the site to another.

4.4.3. Website design

Any site loads from the main (home) page (home page), which should first of all answer the question “What is this site about?”. To do this, the main page contains the name of the site, a thematic graphic image, a short text describing the content of the site, as well as the main menu - links to the main sections of the site. Also, the name of the author of the site and his contact information, the counter of visitors, news, etc. can be placed on the main page.

Each page of the site, as a rule, has several permanent elements that are always in the same places. This:

The title of the site, located at the very top of the page;
the main menu, usually located on the left side of the page (the number of menu items, their names and order are the same on all pages of the site).

It is desirable that the pages of the site are made in the same style. To maintain the style, it is easier to first develop a site page template on which to present the elements that are available on all pages of the site (Fig. 4.9).

Rice. 4.9. Sample site page template

When filling the pages of the site with information materials, the following recommendations should be followed:

Do not put a period in the names of the site and pages if they consist of one sentence.
Keep menu item names short; It is unacceptable to stretch the item name over several lines.
Do not choose a colorful background for pages; against such a background, the text is difficult to read.
Do not place too many informational and artistic blocks on the page.
Do not write too long texts. Break the text into small paragraphs, separating them from each other with blank lines.
Use the same formatting techniques in each paragraph.

4.4.4. Placing a site on the Internet

Before placing a site on the Internet, you should test it, that is, make sure that it is displayed correctly by different browsers: texts are well read against the selected background, pictures are in their places, hyperlinks provide correct transitions, etc.

Hosting - a service for hosting a website on a server permanently located on the Internet; hosting can be both paid and free.

Large companies usually use paid hosting to host their sites. At the same time, they receive an easy-to-read and remember second-level domain name, which can be the same as the company name.

Individuals can use free hosting for their sites, the possibilities of which are limited compared to paid options (small disk space, individual file size limit, only a third-level domain name, etc.), but they are quite enough for user homepages and non-commercial sites. The main disadvantage of free hosting is that when hosting your site, the company independently adds commercial advertising to its pages.

A list of servers providing free hosting can be obtained by searching for "free hosting".


Site structure (plan)- splitting the general content into semantic sections and separate pages indicating the links between them.

The graph representation of the site structure provides a visual representation of the site content and helps to organize navigation - transitions from one page of the site to another.

Page Template- This is a page scheme that shows the elements that are available on the pages of the site. The use of page templates helps to maintain a uniform style of site design.

Hosting- service for hosting a site on a server permanently located on the Internet; hosting can be both paid and free.

Questions and tasks

1. Familiarize yourself with the presentation materials for the paragraph contained in the electronic supplement to the textbook. Does the presentation complement the information contained in the text of the paragraph?

2. What tools can be used to create websites?

3. What is the site structure?

4. Think and graph the structure of one of the following sites:

a) "Our class";
b) "My family";
c) computer science.

5. List the main elements placed on the pages of the site.

7. What is the purpose of site testing?

8. What is the main disadvantage of free hosting?

9. Name the Internet server known to you, which provides users with free hosting of sites.

The potential of the Internet is very great, the possibilities are impressive. We are at the very beginning of the development of this young communication field.

An Internet service, or Internet service, is understood as a complex consisting of software products and protocols built on top of the basic TCP / IP protocols. Purpose of services: to provide users with a particular network service.

Unlike the TCP/IP protocols, which are called basic protocols, the protocols that implement Internet services are called application protocols. Application protocols are built on top of the base protocols in a hierarchical manner:

Rice. 4.12. Internet protocol system

Internet application protocols include, for example, the FTP protocol, which allows you to send and receive files over the network.

The following is a brief description of the most popular services (services) of the Internet.

Telnet Service - Remote Terminal

Allows you to turn your computer into a remote terminal of another computer.

Word terminal means “limit switch”, terminal device. In computer science, a terminal is understood as a device equipped with a keyboard and a monitor, with which you can control a computer.

The Telnet service allows you to transfer information that is entered on your keyboard to another computer for processing, and display the results on your monitor.

FTP service - file transfer

Computers connected to the Internet store a huge variety of files (programs, documents, pictures, music, movies…).

FTP service ( File Transfer Protocol- File Transfer Protocol) allows you to receive and transfer files over the network.

E-mail service - e-mail

The cheapest and most common medium for information exchange.

You connect to the post office located on the server of your provider, forward the letters you have prepared and receive the correspondence that has arrived at your address.

Emails can contain attachments - files of arbitrary type.

Service News - teleconferences

The News service (news - news) works in much the same way as e-mail, but messages are not sent to a specific mailbox, but to a topic group for general viewing.

Newsgroups allow you to exchange views, ask questions, publish answers, that is, conduct electronic conferences via the Internet.

IRC Service - Real Time Teleconferencing (Chats)

IRC service ( Internet Relay Chat- conversation over the Internet, chat) is similar to the News service, but the written dialogue is conducted in real time. By connecting to a group discussing a particular problem, you type your message on the keyboard, and it instantly becomes available to all participants in the conversation.

Instant Messaging service - instant mail, ICQ

The Instant Messaging service (instant messages) is better known by the name of the popular program that is installed on the user's computer - ICQ (phonetic derivative of I Seek You- I'm looking for you).

ICQ will automatically tell you which of your subscribers are currently connected to this service. With any of them, you can establish operational communication in real time, exchange written or voice messages, send files.

IP-Phone service - Internet telephony

The Internet can be used for voice communication between subscribers, similar to how a regular telephone is used. The voice entered into the computer from the microphone is converted into sound files and transmitted over the network. On the other side, the reverse transformation takes place: the interlocutor hears the partner's voice through headphones or speakers connected to the computer.

In addition to the “computer-computer” conversation option described above, the following options are possible:

· “computer-phone” (calls from a computer to a regular phone);

· “phone-to-phone” (calls from a regular phone to another regular phone via the Internet).

Video conferencing service

An image, like sound, can be converted into a set of computer data and transmitted over a network. The reverse transformation is just as easy.

This service allows users whose computers are equipped with web-cameras, speakers and microphones, not only to talk, but also to see the interlocutor on the monitor screen.

Service WWW - World Wide Web

The most popular Internet service is WWW ( world wide web- World Wide Web, Web).


On the rice. 4.13 conditionally shows the loading of a new document when clicking on a hyperlink (the hyperlink is highlighted in the text with color and underlining):

Rice. 4.13. Switching to a new document view

The WWW service operates over the HTTP application protocol ( Hiper Text Transfer Protocol- protocol for the exchange of hypertext information).

Hypertext documents on the Internet are called web pages. A set of web pages related to one information node is called website(rice. 4.14).

Rice. 4.14. Site page

Hypertext pages are displayed using browser- a special program on the user's computer. Browser examples: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Netscape.

The popularity of the WWW is explained by the attractiveness of the form of presentation of information (as in paper publications and multimedia computer games) and the convenience of viewing it (thanks to hypertext transitions).

Using a browser, you can view sites with presentations of various companies, organizations, associations and personal sites of people. Some sites specialize in searching for information on the web, while others offer breaking news, weather forecasts, and TV guides.

A large number of sites are registered in the WWW-space, offering goods and various services: from entertainment to educational ones.

The hypertext pages that make up the site are written in a special HTML language ( Hyper Text Markup Language- hypertext markup language). This language is not, strictly speaking, a programming language, although it is interpreted by the browser. HTML tools are used to tell the browser how to display text and graphics on the screen, and also allow you to write hyperlinks on pages.

rice. 4.15.

Rice. 4.15. Page code and its appearance on the browser screen

This possibility is provided by an important element of WWW technology - a uniform way of addressing resources on the network - URL ( Uniform Resource Locator, literally: Uniform Resource Locator).

Using a URL, a hypertext page can link not only to other hypertext pages, but also to FTP archives, Newsgroups, e-mail addresses, Telnet, and almost all network services.

The following formula is used to write a URL:

protocol_name: resource_description

The designation "www" in the description of the resource additionally indicates that it belongs to the www-space. The "www" prefix is ​​formally part of the domain name. This is a third-level domain, which is independently chosen by the owner of the second-level domain (yandex). But website addresses don't always start with "www". For the same Yandex, the following link will also work:

Prefix ftp in the description of a network resource is part of the domain name of the ftp archive on the server

Web Control

The idea of ​​network interaction is very fruitful, it affects not only the sphere of communication between people, but also the remote control of various devices, both in the industrial and domestic spheres.

Electronics is increasingly penetrating into our lives, familiar devices such as a TV, refrigerator, washing machine acquire their own computers. These devices can be combined into a home network and connected to the Internet.

Probably, very soon it will become habitual to manage your home while at work, on vacation: ventilate the room, water the flowers, feed the pets. These and other "remote" problems will help solve the Internet.

Questions and Answers of the Reading Room

Explain the meaning of the terms

1. IP packet

Answer. An IP packet is a small piece of information, part of a general information block (message). The packet is intended for transmission over the network.

The packet, in addition to the data intended for transmission, contains a header - service information, which includes:

· Identification(indicates that the package belongs to one message);

· Flags(regular package or latest);

· Package number(for proper assembly at the final destination);

· Packet lifetime(prevents endless circulation of the packet in the network);

· Check sum(allows you to recognize broken packages);

· Source IP address;

· Receiver IP address;

Other service information.

2. Packet transfer

Answer. A method of transmitting information in which a message on the source server is divided into parts-packets. Each packet is supplied with a service header. At the end point, the message is recovered from the received packets.

3. Switching channels (lines)

Answer. This is a method of message transmission, in which a route is preliminarily laid (switched) in communication channels. The established connection is maintained during the entire messaging session.

An example of the transmission of messages over dial-up lines is a regular telephone conversation ( rice. 4.16).

Rice. 4.16. Circuit switching

4. Packet switching

Answer. A method of message transmission in which communication between the sender and recipient is not established, information packets at each node are transmitted to the next available node along the route ( rice. 4.17).

Rice. 4.17. Packet switching

The passage of the packet through the network is controlled by the service part of the packet - the header.

5. Network Protocol

Answer. A network protocol is an agreed and approved standard containing a description of data formats and rules for receiving and transmitting. Protocols are used to synchronize the operation of the network.

6. Basic network protocol

Answer. The underlying network protocol is the lower layer protocol over which messages are directly passed. On the Internet, the underlying protocol is TCP/IP (a combination of the two protocols IP and TCP).

7. Application network protocol

Answer. An application network protocol is a protocol that is built on top of the basic protocol and organizes a particular network service (network service). An example of an application protocol is FTP, a file transfer protocol.

8. TCP/IP protocol

Answer. The TCP/IP protocol is the basic protocol of the Internet. It combines two protocols - IP and TCP - working together.

9. IP address

10. Domain address

Domain address example:

11. DNS server

Answer. A DNS server is a special server that keeps a table with domain names and their corresponding IP addresses:

A normal server contacts a DNS server, giving it a domain name. In response, the DNS server reports the IP address found in the corresponding line of the table. A normal server uses an IP address when sending an information packet to the network.

12. Packet routing

Answer. Packet routing - ensuring the movement of packets in the network from the source to the destination station. The routing of packets on the Internet is controlled by the packet itself with the help of service information recorded in its header.

13. Router

Answer. A router is a piece of software (perhaps the network server itself) that determines (perhaps by referencing other routers) the neighbor node to which a packet should be sent in order to move it to its destination.

14. Network service

Answer. Network service - a complex of special network software and an application protocol that implements a particular service in the network.

Answer. Telnet is an Internet service that manages a remote computer over a network.

Answer. FTP is an Internet service that transfers files.

Answer. E-mail - Internet service - text delivery service (possibly with files of arbitrary structure as attachments). Another name is email.

Answer. Service News (news) - works in much the same way as e-mail, but messages are not sent to the mailbox of a specific recipient, but to a topic group for general viewing.

Answer. IRC (chats) - written dialogue in real time.

20. Instant Messaging

Answer. Instant Messaging (instant messages, ICQ) - the service is intended for operational contacts of subscribers. The service automatically reports which subscribers are currently connected to this service. With any of them you can establish a connection in real time, exchange written or voice messages, send files.

Answer. IP-Phone is a service that implements Internet telephony.

22. Videoconferencing

Answer. This service allows users whose computers are equipped with web-cameras, speakers and microphones, not only to talk, but also to see the interlocutor on the monitor screen.

Answer. WWW - World Wide Web, Web, Internet hypertext space.

The web technology is based on the concept hypertext- an illustrated document with “sensitive” link areas. A mouse click on a hyperlink will display the document associated with that sensitive area.

Using a browser program, you can view websites with presentations of various companies, organizations, associations and personal sites of people. Some sites specialize in searching for information on the web, while others offer breaking news, weather forecasts, and TV guides.

The browser can be used to access other Internet services. Through web pages, you can read e-mail, access FTP archives, work with newsgroups, use almost all other Internet services.

Answer the questions

1. What are the advantages of transmitting information in small parts (packets)?

· Batch transmission allows you to send several messages simultaneously over a communication channel: no one is idle in the queue. Simultaneous transmission of messages is obtained due to the fact that packets belonging to different messages pass through the communication channel.

· If there is interference on the line, only the damaged packets have to be retransmitted, and not the entire message.

2. What are the disadvantages of transmitting information in small parts (packets)?

· When bursting, messages do not stand idle in the queue, but the transmission time of each individual message increases, since parts of other messages are transmitted along the line along with its parts.

· The message transmission time increases due to the fact that the packet, in addition to the fragment of the transmitted message, contains control information (packet header).

3. What are the benefits of a line-switched connection?

Answer. Transmission speed. The switched communication channel is held during the entire session of the subscribers and is intended only for their messages.

4. What are the benefits of packet switched communications?

Answer. Lack of monopolization (communication channels are not blocked by one session of reception / transmission, no one is idle in the queue). Reliability (if direct lines fail, packets reach their destination by detours).

5. What information does the IP packet header contain?

· Identification. Indicates that the package belongs to a single message. Prevents packets from being mixed up at the destination station.

· Flags(package status). Different marks for the regular and the last package. Allows the destination to determine when all packets belonging to the same message have been received.

· Package number(actually, the offset of the packet from the beginning of the message). The purpose of the record is to correctly assemble the message from the constituent packets at the end point.

· Packet lifetime. The value of this field decreases as it passes through each router. The packet is dropped if the field value becomes zero. This field prevents infinite packets from circulating in the network.

· Check sum. Allows you to recognize broken packages.

· Source IP address. Needed to send notifications to the sending station and send response messages.

· Receiver IP address. It is necessary for paving the route to the destination.

· Other service information (IP protocol version, header length, service type, data length, protocol, IP parameters).

6. Why is there a sender address in the header of an IP packet?

Answer. To send notifications to the starting point (notification of broken packets with a request to send them again, notification of successful reception of the entire message at the end point). To enable the recipient to send a reply to the sender's message.

7. How does the receiving server distinguish "good" packets from "bad" packets?

Answer. Using the checksum, which is written in the packet header. The checksum is recalculated, and if the received value matches the value of the checksum recorded in the packet header, the packet is considered “good”.

8. What does the receiving server do with "broken" packets?

Answer. The corrupted packet is discarded, and a notification is sent to the point of origin asking them to resend the packet.

9. How does the recipient's server determine that all packets in the original message have been received?

Answer. With two fields in the packet header: Package number and Flags. The second field allows you to determine the last packet, and the first one allows you to receive all intermediate ones.

10. What does the recipient's server do if not all packets of the original message are received?

Answer. Sends a notification to the point of origin asking them to resend unreceived packets.

11. How does the recipient's server collect the original message from packets?

Answer. The received packets are sorted in the order of their numbers, the headers are removed from the packets, the remaining data is combined into a single whole.

12. How does information transfer via TCP and IP protocols work?

Answer. The TCP protocol divides the message into parts and numbers them. The IP protocol adds headers to the parts and sends the received packets to the network. At the destination station, the IP protocol receives the packets, and the TCP protocol assembles the original message from them.

13. By what means is the operation of network protocols implemented?

Answer. The operation of network protocols is implemented using special programs.

14. What is meant by the basic protocols of the Internet?

Answer. The underlying network protocol is the lower layer protocol. It directly transmits messages. On the Internet, the basic protocol is TCP / IP (the joint work of two protocols - IP and TCP).

15. What is meant by application protocols of the Internet?

Answer. An application network protocol is a protocol that is built on top of the base protocol and implements one or another network service (network service). An example of an application protocol is FTP, a file transfer protocol.

16. How does an IP address work?

Answer. An IP address is a 32-bit host number on the Internet. It is customary to write an IP address as four decimal numbers, separating them from each other with dots. Each decimal number is the value of the corresponding byte of the 32-bit binary address. Example of an IP address entry:

17. How does a symbolic domain address work?

Answer. A domain address is a symbolic address of a network node built according to a hierarchical principle.

Each part of the address - it is called the domain - is separated from the other part by a dot. Domains in the address are written from right to left, starting with the highest:

Domain address example:

18. How do routers work?

Answer. The router determines (perhaps by referring to other routers in the network) the neighbor node to which the packet should be sent to bring it closer to the destination station. The algorithm of the router can be represented as follows.

1. If the address of the recipient of the packet is present in the tables of the router, the packet is transmitted to the next server along the route.

2. If there is no address in the tables, the router sends a request to another router, its ancestor in the hierarchical address ladder, and it looks up the recipient in its tables or, in turn, queries its parent's router. Eventually the route is routed (if the destination address exists) and the packet is passed on to the next server along the path.

19. Name the Internet services you know.

Answer. Popular Internet Services:

· FTP - file transfer;

E-mail - e-mail;

· News - teleconferences;

· Videoconferencing;

· WWW - World Wide Web.

20. How does email work?

Answer. The correspondent connects to the post office located on the provider's server, sends prepared letters and receives incoming mail.

21. What is hypertext?

Answer. Hypertext is an illustrated document with "sensitive" link areas. A mouse click on a hyperlink will display the document associated with that sensitive area.

On the rice. Figure 4.18 conditionally shows the loading of a new document when a hyperlink is clicked (the hyperlink is highlighted in the text with color and underlining).

Rice. 4.18. Jump to a new document

22. What is a web page?

Answer. A web page is a hypertext document on the Internet.

23. What is a website?

Answer. Site - a collection of web pages related to one information node ( rice. 4.19).

Rice. 4.19. Site page

24. What is a browser?

Answer. Browser - a special program installed on the user's computer, designed to view hypertext documents. Browser examples: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Netscape.

25. What is HTML?

Answer. HTML is the language in which hypertext pages are created. HTML tools are used to tell the browser how to display text and graphics on the screen, and also allow you to write hyperlinks on pages.

An example of the HTML code and the view of the page that is built according to this code are shown in rice. 4.20.

26. What services can be obtained through the WWW?

Answer. The browser can be used to access other Internet services. Through web pages, you can read e-mail, access FTP archives, work with newsgroups, use almost all other Internet services.

Rice. 4.20. The HTML code and the id of the document that the browser built from this code


1. Using available sources of information, prepare a presentation on the topic “How did people exchange computer data before the advent of computer networks?”.

2. Using the FAQ section (and possibly other sources), prepare a report on the topic "The operation of the UUCP protocol - the first network protocol." What innovations were used in the TCP / IP protocol that replaced the UUCP protocol?

3. Using available sources of information, prepare posts about the capabilities of popular Internet services:

E-mail - e-mail;

WWW - World Wide Web;

· FTP - file transfer;

· Instant Messaging - instant mail, ICQ;

· IRC - teleconferences in real time (chats);

· News - teleconferences;

· Telnet - remote terminal;

· IP-Phone - Internet telephony;

· Videoconferencing.

Test questions (with answers)

1. An IP packet is (mark one complete answer):

1.1. part of the general message

1.2. part of the general message, provided with the IP address of the recipient

1.3. part of a general message, provided with a heading

1.4. part of the general message, provided with the IP address of the recipient and the IP address of the sender

Correct answer: 3.

2. IP address is (mark one answer):

2.1. binary DNS server address

2.2. Internet host number

2.3. 32-bit binary address of an IP packet

2.4. provider binary address

Correct answer: 2.

3. The domain address is (mark one answer):

3.1. binary number of the network node

3.2. regional network host name

3.3. hierarchical network node name

Correct answer: 3.

4. Check all correct IP addresses:

4.1. i1.j2.k33.48

4.2. 195/148/15/2




Correct answer: 6.

5. Check all plausible domain addresses:

5.6. en.ivanov.saratov


5.8. saratov:ivanov:ru

Correct answers: 1, 3, 4, 5.

6. DNS server (one answer):

6.1. discards bad IP packets

6.2. manages the flow of IP packets

6.3. routes IP packets on the network

6.4. translates a domain name into an IP address

Correct answer: 4.

7. The network protocol is (one answer):

7.1. rules of conduct for users on the Internet

7.2. description of data formats and transmission rules

7.3. network software

Correct answer: 2.

8. Assemble the algorithm for transmitting a message on the Internet using blanks:

8.1. IP heading parts

8.2. IP heading parts

8.3. IP divides messages into parts

8.4. IP forwards packets to the network

8.5. IP receives packets from the network

8.6. IP collect message

8.7. TCP prepends parts with headers

8.8. TCP divides the message into parts

8.9. TCP sends packets to the network

8.10. TCP receives packets from the network

8.11. TCP collects the message

Correct answer: 8, 1, 4, 5, 11.

9. How the IP packet is transmitted:

9.1. the packet is forwarded to the neighboring server

9.2. a connection is established between the sender and the recipient, and the packet is transmitted over the resulting channel

Correct answer: 1.

10. Router is:

10.1. a tool to translate a domain name into an IP address

10.2. means for determining the next point along the route of the package

10.3. means for establishing communication between the sender and receiver of a packet

Server, or server software, is a computer program or device that provides functionality to other programs or devices, so-called "clients".

There are the following types of servers:

Proxy Server

A proxy server is an intermediary between a client program (usually a web browser performs this role) and an external server (another server on the Internet), filters requests, improves performance and connection quality. A client connects to a proxy server by requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web page from another resource - the server interprets and transmits the request.

Types of servers Mail server

Mail servers transmit mail client data through local and global corporate networks, as well as through the Internet. Provide messaging and data storage.

Server platforms

The term is often used as a synonym for operating system. The server platform is the main hardware or software for the system and acts as the "engine" that drives the server.

Web server

The web server is used to exchange data between the user's web browser and the network using the http protocol. It performs a number of the following functions: automates the work of web pages, keeps a log of access to network resources, is responsible for user authentication and authorization, supports https to provide a secure connection.

Apps server

The application server is conventionally referred to as middleware, since server data takes up a significant portion of the computing space between database servers and end users.

FTP server

One of the Internet's oldest services, File Transfer Protocol allows you to securely move one or more files between computers while maintaining file security, privacy, and data transfer control.

Teamwork Server

Software designed to enable users to work together, regardless of their location, over the Internet or a corporate intranet.

Virtual server

In 2009, the number of virtual servers exceeded the number of physical servers. Today, server virtualization has become commonplace in the data processing industry.

Telnet Server

The Telnet server enables users to connect to remote machines and perform tasks on the remote computer.

Open source servers

Server open source operating system. It supports common email protocols (IMAP, SMTP and POP3) and can be easily integrated with many existing webmail systems. The server has flexible spam protection, provides anti-virus protection for all incoming and outgoing e-mail. Open source software is an important part of many IT infrastructures.

A server is a computer that is constantly on and performs certain actions specified by users. It is located in the server room, where specialized personnel monitor and maintain its performance. Since the operation of this device is continuous, a huge flow of information is constantly processed and stored. In addition, the state of the data is monitored, and all sorts of system and server problems are eliminated.


The server is divided into several types, each of which performs its own function, which is its endless work. The so-called web server contains all the sites that are on the Internet and provides users with easy access to all pages. In fact, he is an intermediary between you and the site.

The game server is engaged in the collection, storage and processing of video game information and video information. It provides communication between players and allows you to communicate in a particular game. A striking example of the use of this server is the popular game "Counter-Strike".

The mail server handles incoming and outgoing emails. Often, to find the necessary site on the Internet, the familiar “www” is used. With such a request, the www server is activated, which instantly processes the information and produces a result.

The file server is necessary for storing, searching and distributing information. It stores the files that the Internet contains, including music files, pictures, various documents, and so on.

All information and data that this computer contains must be secured, and for this there is also a separate protection server.

When a computer or the Internet is running, several servers are simultaneously involved. With the help of one, a connection is made between all the others. It happens in the following way. One server communicates with others to work together to complete tasks quickly. All information is provided in accordance with certain standards of the global web.

As you can see, the server is an indispensable device that provides work on the Internet, organization between computers, as well as between users. The server services provided are not so noticeable, but extremely necessary.