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Video review of the car. Academician YouTube. Video review of auto Academician new releases

Academeg is a popular autoblogger who was born on December 21 (according to the horoscope Sagittarius) 1982 in St. Petersburg. His height is 182 centimeters, and his weight reaches 60-65 kilograms. Real name - Konstantin Zarutsky.
Konstantin was born in Soviet Leningrad and grew up in an ordinary family. Like most children of that time, the childhood of the future autoblogger was very fun and entertaining.

Every day he went out into the street and played with the same tomboys like himself. We can say that all my life was spent in the yard in the company of my best friends. Games and all sorts of pranks made up a large part of Konstantin's entire childhood.

Since Kostya was the only child in the family, he always got all the best. The boy began to be interested in technology since childhood, as this love was instilled in him by his father and beloved grandfather. After graduating from school, the guy decides to go to study and work in order to help his parents in difficult times. At that time, Konstantin tried many professions from a builder to a freight carrier.

Studying was not the most interesting stage in his life, and therefore he has three unfinished universities. But the army did not seduce him at all, so the young man, not being afraid of anything or anyone, simply stole his personal file from the draft board, a very good idea.

First steps and further successes

In the winter of 2010, Konstantin decides to open his first YouTube channel. The first video was dedicated to "Opel Frontera". In this issue, he talked about all the advantages and disadvantages of the car. The video was well received by fans of auto mechanics, as well as people who are going to buy a car in the future. Now things are going better for Konstantin. He does not one, but several projects at the same time.

Autoblogger tries to help his subscribers by posting videos with many ways to rebuild his car. In them, he shows how you can bring your not-so-good car to a luxury class for meager prices. He also reviews and conducts test drives of cars from 50,000 rubles and more. All videos can be viewed in two versions: short and long. Also on his other channel you can watch live broadcasts of the autoblogger.

Interestingly, for some reason, Konstantin likes to call his subscribers porcupines, and himself a lizard. The mystery of these nicknames remains unsolved, because the blogger does not try to tell us all the details of his incredible fantasy. In addition, in 2017, he was able to purchase a Land Rover SVR and was helped by subscribers from Tinkoff Bank in obtaining a loan. Still, there are benefits to this activity.


Much about Konstantin's personal life is still unknown. If we talk about his past novels, then there is no information about them on the Internet, although there is completely different news. The only thing that is not hidden is that at the moment the autoblogger has a lover and her name is Maria. As it becomes clear, the relationship of the couple is quite long. If you watch Konstantin's video, you can see that his girlfriend periodically acts as an operator. The couple is not thinking about children yet, but let's hope that their relationship will be stronger and stronger every year, and someday they will please us with their replenishment.


My name is Kostya Academician(akademeg), and I have my own subjective view of cars, in my test drives you will not see flattery to manufacturers and politically correct speeches, I also do not worship cars, so I look down on them and see all their flaws and shortcomings. If anything, it's autocriticism. However, that doesn't mean the cars are bad - it's just that they are what they seem to be.

Konstantin Zarutsky

Konstantin Zarutsky- founder of the true original group channel on youtube. An excellent speaker, actor, autodriver, blogger and just a sincere person. Subscribers admire his knowledge, humor and sincerity. All reviews can be viewed both in full and in abbreviated form. Kostya Academician for several years created one of the largest automotive channels in terms of the number of subscribers. His projects are in demand by the audience, and sponsors stand in line for PR in his videos.

Watch all videos of Kostya Academician

It's nice to look at the quality content that everyone's favorite bespectacled Kostya shoots. Don't miss new videos on the main channel, don't forget about streams and vlogs on the second channel, there's a lot of interesting things going on there!

official store

Where to buy stickers and souvenirs from Academician? The link contains information about the official store of Konstantin Zarutsky.

Participant name: Zarutsky Konstantin Sergeevich

Age (birthday): 21.12.1982

City: St. Petersburg

Job: blogger

Height and weight: 182 cm

Channel direction: auto topics

Number of subscribers: more than 3 million

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Reading this article:

The future leading autoblogger of Russia was born in Leningrad, in a simple working Soviet family. Like most children of that time, childhood

Bones passed in the courtyard of the house in the company of the same tomboys like himself. The family had no other children, so the boy got all the best.

From a very young age, he was interested in technology and vehicles, in which his father and grandfather instilled love. After leaving school, he tried to study and worked in parallel.

Before creating a channel on YouTube, Konstantin managed to work as a builder, loader, trucker, car mechanic, truck driver.

AcademeG did not like to study, which is why now behind him 3 unfinished higher education. He did not serve in the army due to the fact that he stole his personal file from the military registration and enlistment office.

Konstantin carefully hides his personal life, it is only known that the lady of his heart is called Maria and their relationship is quite long. The girl sometimes acts as an operator in his videos. The couple has no children yet.

In December 2010, he created the main YouTube channel. The first video that was uploaded is a test drive of his personal Opel Frontera car.

He gained considerable popularity after collaborations with Zhorik Revazov. Now AcademeG is actively involved in several large projects at once:

  • Pontorezka. The path from a simple old Range Rover to a dream car;
  • Antihelic. Video diary of pumping a standard UAZ to the level of a premium car;
  • Opportunity. Video diary of pumping the standard Oka to the car by budgetary methods, according to Kostya akamedega, of the “luxury” category;
  • Cheap. Test drives of cars in the price category up to 50,000 rubles.

Sometimes videos from offroad and car reviews are released on the channel. There are test drives of the Chinese automobile industry and special equipment: there were Kamaz, a concrete mixer, a Chinese business class. A feature of his videos is that you can watch them in two versions - “short” and “long”. In addition to the main channel, AcademeG has two more: a live channel and a channel with a recording of its live broadcasts. A video about the construction of the Academega house is being released on the live channel.

AcademeG calls its subscribers "porcupines" and itself "lizard". But it is not known for certain why this is so. In his videos, Konstantin never explained this.

In 2017, Kostya Academeg purchased a Land Rover SVR for himself, and subscribers and Tinkoff Bank helped him get a car loan.