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How to change header and footer in excel. Headers and footers in Excel: insert, change, delete. The inscription in the Excel header can be done in three positions

Printable Excel sheets often have elements at the top or bottom of the page. They contain company logos and details, the date and time the document was generated, page numbers, etc. These elements are called headers and footers in Excel. Let's learn how to work with them.

Page layout

When working with a file, headers and footers can only be seen when the sheet is displayed in Page Layout mode. You can select this mode on the "View" tab in the "Book View Modes" block.

You will be interested:

Add text - page title. For example, let's specify the name of a travel company for a table-report on hotel bookings for a period. To do this, select the menu item "Headers and Footers" in Excel in the list of commands "Text" on the "Insert" tab.

The sheet will immediately be displayed in layout mode, and we will see the selected fields for the text at the top and bottom of the page. Here you can insert the required information. Both headers and footers are divided into three parts, each with a separate text or object added. Thus, on the top left, you can add, for example, a company logo, in the center - the name, and on the right - details. Likewise at the bottom of the page.

Note that the ampersand (&) is a service character. Therefore, if the text you want to add contains this character, enter 2 characters in a row. That is, in the text "Horns & Hooves" write "Horns && Hooves".

After completing the input and changing the headers and footers in Excel, click in any cell to exit the edit mode. If you don't want to save your changes, press the Esc key.

Page settings

From the "Page Layout" tab, you can call up the options window. To do this, click on the button to open the form in the lower right corner of any of the tab toolbars: “Page Setup”, “Fit” or “Sheet Setup”. The window that opens contains 4 tabs, of which we are interested in Headers and Footers.

This form allows you to customize the page headers and footers as much as possible, including or excluding them. To get started, click the Create Footer (or Header) button. Here you can not only enter the necessary text, but also format it.

The same window allows you to make settings: set special headers for even and odd, first and next pages, scaling and aligning margins, and also remove headers and footers in Excel. The same settings are available on the panel for working with headers and footers in the Design tab. The tab is only available in header editing mode.

Built-in elements

MS Excel offers pre-installed and ready-to-use inline elements and even entire headers and footers. They are available for selection in the menu, respectively, the top header and the bottom "footer" in the menu for working with headers and footers.

The most appropriate text containing the page number, date, name or file path is selected from the list. If none of the options is suitable, you can arbitrarily combine the necessary elements using the buttons on the "Header and Footer Elements" panel in Excel ("Designer" tab), adding not only the serial number, but also the number of pages, the date and time the file was generated, the name and file path, sheet name or drawing.

After working with the headings, you can click anywhere on the page to switch to editing the rest of the information on the sheet. At the same time, you will continue to see headers with footers. If you need to switch to the normal view of the sheets, just turn on the normal mode on the View tab, the Book Views toolbar.

Removing headers and footers

Sometimes it becomes necessary to remove the header and footer in Excel. For example, if the file came from outside, and for work and subsequent use, the information contained in the headers is of no value and is even undesirable.

To remove headers and footers, switch to page layout mode using the appropriate button on the View tab. Excel will display the normally hidden information. The second way to display headers and footers is to use the tool of the same name in the Text panel of the Page Layout tab.

To delete one or more blocks, select the required one and press the Delete or Backspace key on the keyboard. If you need to completely remove the header, footer, or both, this can be done in design mode by selecting "none" in the "Headers and Footers" panel in the menu, respectively, of the header or footer.

Now you know how to insert headers and footers in Excel, make settings and remove them if necessary.

Using headers and footers in Excel will allow you to design the final version of the document for subsequent printing.

Headers and footers- these are the headings of each page of an electronic document that contain text and graphic information. In the program, they are intended to indicate the name of the file, author, page or company.

By the way, in order to work more efficiently with tables, you can read our material Excel Hot Keys - The Most Necessary Options.


They can be:

  • Upper ( Header ) - located at the beginning of each page of the document;
  • lower ( Footer ) is automatically added to the end of the Excel sheet.

Fig.2 - document structure

Also, programExcel, they may differ in content type:

  • Constant - duplicated on each tabular sheet. Typically contains information about the file name. A permanent header is created if there is a need to confirm that each table belongs to one document;
  • intermittent - changes on each sheet;

  • Stepped - contains headings of several levels;

Fig.3 - header location

back to menu Work inexcel 2003, 2007

In versions of Excel 2003 and 2007, the function of working with them is implemented in the same way.

The only difference is that in the 2007 version, users have more visual designs for the header and footer.

You can create a footer one of two ways :

    Document page layout;

    Insert header and footer using the control panel.

Method number 1

Open the document and in the top menu of the application, click on the “Page Layout” tab.

Then find the "Parameters" field and in it click on the "Additional options" button, which is located in the right corner of the field:

Fig. 4 - tab "Page layout"

In the window that opens, go to the "Headers and Footers" tab.

Select the desired header and footer display option from the list. To create a custom top or bottom, click on the appropriate buttons, and then click on "OK".

Title preview is available at the top of the window. In this settings menu, you can also change the appearance of the margins of each sheet of the document, as well as the display of pages.

Fig.5 - Page settings

After pressing one of the keys to create the top/bottom The content formatting window will appear.

In it, you can create any text content for the header or footer, customize the display of the date, time, additional calculations, and other information.

The picture below an example of creating an upper, which will display the date the document was printed on the left and the company logo (or other custom graphic) on the right.

Selecting the desired function(date, time, calendar, text, file path, formula) is carried out using one of the ten keys located in the center of the header editing window.

Fig.6 - creating a custom header

Method 2 (available since 2007 version)

As a second way to create, you can use the "Insert" tab on the Excel toolbar. Next, click on the "Headers and Footers" item to go to the designer.

Fig. 7 - adding a header and footer to the sheet through the "Insert" menu

After opening the designer, at the beginning of the table, a place for the top one will be displayed, and at the end - for the bottom one.

Using the menu that opens, you can add data exactly as it was written in the first method.

The convenience of the second method of creation lies in the visibility. You immediately see all the changes on the sheet and can easily delete/correct them. To edit the fields, use the keys from the "Header and Footer Elements" section.

What data can be added

  • Page number;
  • Total number of pages;
  • The date the document was created or printed;
  • Current time;
  • Path to the file specified on the PC;
  • Document name;
  • Drawing;
  • sheet name;
  • Drawing format.

Fig.8 - working with the heading constructor

As a result of adding a file with an image of the logo and the date, we get the following design of the Excel sheet:

Fig.9 - the result of adding information to the header

Similarly, data is added to the footer. It usually contains the title of the document, the name of the author, and the page number.

To see how the resulting document will look on the printed sheet, open the "Main Menu" key.

Select "Print" - "Preview" from the list.

Do not skip this step, because the created header and footer may not fit on a standard A4 sheet, although it will be displayed in the program without problems.

Fig.10 - document preview


If you need to delete the created header and footer, for the version of Excel 2003, open the "Insert" tab and go to the "Headers and Footers" window again.

In the new window, select the object and delete it with the DELETE key.

To remove it in the 2007 version of the program, click on the header or footer. Go to the design tab and click on the Header/Footer tile.

Select "No" from the list that appears.

Fig.11 - deleting an object

back to menu Instruction forexcel

Follow the instructions to create headers and footers in spreadsheetExcel 2010:

1 Create a document or open a previously used sheet;

2 Go to the tab "Insert";

3 Find a field "Page layout" and click on the button shown in the figure below;

Fig. 12 - "Page Setup" key

4 A dialog box will appear containing 4 tabs. Each of these tabs is intended for editing a separate part of the document markup - pages, fields, headers and footers and sheets. Select tab "Headers and Footers";

Fig.13 - window for setting the design

5Enter the top and bottom text in fields (2) and (5) respectively. The field (1) will display a preview for the added. To set a unique header or footer for the first page, check the box (4) - a special header for the first page;

Fig.14 - header and footer settings

6 If you do not want to use only text designations, press the keys Create and customize your own headers and footers with date, time, logos, filenames, and more.

Fig.15 - window for creating custom sheet headers

After you finish creating the object, be sure to press the Preview button to see how the element will look when printed.

The custom header and footer creation window comes in handy if you can't find the format you need from the list of default options.

As shown in Figure 15, it can be created using ready-made tools and functions.

Enter the text of the headings in the appropriate parts of the line ("Left", "Center", "Right").

Click on the buttons above to add features to the header and footer field.

Removing titles

Typically, the footer is divided into three parts:

  • Left- Company `s logo;
  • Centered(or on the left, if there is no logo) - the name of the document;
  • On right– date, number of pages or author's name.

To delete a header or footer, simply select each of its elements one by one and press the DELETE key, if the header field is empty, it will no longer be displayed on the Excel sheet.

Fig.16 - deleting header elements in the 2010 version of the program

back to menu Vversions 2013 and 2016

Consider how to work with headers and footers in Excel 2013 and 2016 versions. main function– creating headers for large tables. In this case, the titles will be displayed for each sheet.

The user will be able to set the same headings, logos and date for all pages, and can set up the display of a different set of data for sheets.

Follow instructions:

    Open the document to be edited;

    Select the "Page Layout" tab;

    Click on the "Print Headers" tile;

Fig.17 - Option "Page layout"

    In the window that opens, select the "Sheet" tab and fill in the "Through rows" fields. The first field indicates the text of the beginning of the document, the second - the end of the sheet. The resulting text is added to the body of the document as a header and footer.

Fig.18 - adding headers

To add more than just a text designation to the headers and footers, in the "Page Setup" window, click on the tab and create an object, as described for the Excel 2010 version.

Fig.19 - window for creating a header and footer of a document in Excel 2013/2016

For faster header and footer creation, You can use the Document Markup Designer. Click on the indicated key, which located at the bottom of the sheet:

Fig.20 - opening the visual editor

Now choose top or bottom by clicking on the top or bottom of the page, respectively.

Fig.21 - page area selection

Open the designer window. Then click on one of the three header/footer parts(left, center, right). Next, click on the desired icons in the "Header and Footer Elements" field.

Fig. 22 - markup elements

Result of adding page number:

Fig.23 - creating numbering

back to menu Inserting a picture

The function of adding pictures to the header field is necessary to create a logo for a company or organization.

Also, this field can display the name of the employee who created the document, contact information and other data.

The logo is added to the top left of the page. If necessary, you can place graphics in any other header/footer area.

Follow instructions:

    Open a document and click on the "Page Layout" button, which is located at the bottom of the Excel workspace;

Fig. 24 - viewing sheet layout

  • Click on the left header area;
  • In the markup view and edit mode, press the "Picture" key. It is located on the program toolbar;

Fig.25 - adding a logo

In each section of the upper and lower You can only insert one picture. Try to keep the dimensions of the logo (no more than 200 pixels wide, otherwise it will be printed on top of the created data table).

    In the window that appears, select the image storage. You can add files from your computer's memory, search for them in the Bing search engine, or use your personal OneDrive storage.

Fig. 26 - choosing a method for loading an image

The result of adding a logo in the header field:

Fig. 27 - the finished company logo in the document field

Thematic videos:

All about headers and footers in Excel: creating, editing, deleting

Working with headers and footers in Word. Part 2

Hello fellow colleagues! Today in our "Crib" continuation of the topic of footers with answers to questions:

  • how to make different headers and footers in Word for the first and other pages;
  • how to make different headers and footers in one WORD document (at least for each page - its own);
  • how to put a footer from the second page;
  • how to remove headers and footers in word from one or more pages.

Let me remind you that in the first part of the "Cheat Sheet", dedicated to footers, the topics were discussed in detail:

  • how to create a header and footer in Word (with video tutorial);
  • how to remove headers and footers in Word completely;
  • how to change the size of the footer word.

So those of you who are still interested in these questions can brush up on their knowledge in the article "How to create a header and footer in Word 2016". Yes, it is on the examples of the Microsoft Word 2016 text editor that I show all the algorithms for working with headers and footers.

1. How to make different headers and footers in Word for the first and other pages

This operation can be performed in two ways:

1.1 In the first case, we work through the panel "Constructor". In order to enable it, you need to activate the header and footer fields. This can be done by double clicking on their area. After that, you need to go to the department "Parameters" and mark the line "custom header for the first page". Figure 1 shows the entire chain of actions.

Picture 1

1.2 The same procedure can be carried out in a different way: through the tab " Layout"- "Page settings"-"Paper Source". string "Distinguish first page headers" must be marked with a flag (see Fig. 2).

figure 2

After that, it remains to enter one text in the header of the first page and the other in the second; on all subsequent pages, the text from the second page will be duplicated automatically. Different headers and footers in one Word document are ready.

2. How to make different headers and footers in one Word document for any pages

A clarification is needed here: this problem can be solved only if the pages belong to different sections. To make it completely clear, I will explain: different headers and footers are possible only in different sections. Moreover, the concept of "section" in the Word program is a technical term that can, but does not have to repeat the structure of your document. If desired, each of its pages can be marked with a section break mark. And only under this condition, in one Word document, you can write different headers and footers on different pages.

So, in order to make different headers and footers in separate sections of a Word document, you first need to enable the break mechanism. To do this, perform the following actions: put the cursor at the end of the page or another desired place, then the tab "Layout" - "Page Setup"-"Insert break"-"Breaking sections with next page"(See Fig. 3).

figure 3

Please note that this is how you need to separate each section, that is, in a similar way, select pages intended for some special headers and footers. Next in the panel "Constructor", group "Transitions" deactivate the button "As in the previous" if it was pressed (see Fig. 4). This procedure is used when it comes to headers, footers and, in some cases, sidebars.

Figure 4

After that, on each page of the new section in manual entry mode, you need to add your own header and footer. This work is painstaking and slow, but, as they say, "hunting is worse than bondage." The main thing is that there should be some logical sense in this.

If the author has the intention to put a central header, that is, an insert to highlight any part of the text, only on one page, then in the window "Page Breaks" you need to follow the green arrow. And how to insert side and central footers was discussed in the first part of this article (see the link above). On fig. 5 shows an example of such formatting.

Figure 5

3. How to put a header and footer from the second page

This task is solved very simply. You just need to perform all the steps in paragraph 1, that is, select "special headers and footers for the first page." Then the header and footer fields of the first page are simply left blank, that is, no text is entered there.

4. How to remove headers and footers in Word from one or more pages except the first

This task is the opposite of the one that we considered in paragraph 2. You can delete headers and footers in the Word text editor from several pages at once only if these are pages of one section. If you need to remove the header and footer from only one page, then it will have to be separated into a separate section. Do not forget, colleagues, to check the button "as before". She has an unpleasant feature of turning on / off spontaneously. After that, you need to go to the "Designer" and delete the header and footer separately.

When it comes to inserts (side, center), the same rule applies to separating sections. After that, they are deleted by first clicking the right mouse button to open a window with the line "to cut", and then left-click on the specified inscription. If there is already text in the insert, then first delete it, and then the field itself.

So, friends, today we have analyzed all of the possible cases of creating headers and footers in Word documents. If you have any questions, then ask them in the comments. In the near future, I will most likely record a video on the same topic, after which I will insert it into the record.

Goodbye. Your guide to ms Word 2016 GALANT.

Printable Excel sheets often have elements at the top or bottom of the page. They contain company logos and details, the date and time the document was generated, page numbers, etc. These elements are called headers and footers in Excel. Let's learn how to work with them.

Page layout

When working with a file, headers and footers can only be seen when the sheet is displayed in Page Layout mode. You can select this mode on the "View" tab in the "Book View Modes" block.

Add text - page title. For example, let's specify the name of a travel company for a table-report on hotel bookings for a period. To do this, select the menu item "Headers and Footers" in Excel in the list of commands "Text" on the "Insert" tab.

The sheet will immediately be displayed in layout mode, and we will see the selected fields for the text at the top and bottom of the page. Here you can insert the required information. Both headers and footers are divided into three parts, each with a separate text or object added. Thus, on the top left, you can add, for example, a company logo, in the center - the name, and on the right - details. Likewise at the bottom of the page.

Note that the ampersand (&) is a service character. Therefore, if the text you want to add contains this character, enter 2 characters in a row. That is, in the text "Horns & Hooves" write "Horns && Hooves".

After completing the input and changing the headers and footers in Excel, click in any cell to exit the edit mode. If you don't want to save your changes, press the Esc key.

Page settings

From the "Page Layout" tab, you can call up the options window. To do this, click on the button to open the form in the lower right corner of any of the tab toolbars: “Page Setup”, “Fit” or “Sheet Setup”. The window that opens contains 4 tabs, of which we are interested in Headers and Footers.

This form allows you to customize the page headers and footers as much as possible, including or excluding them. To get started, click the Create Footer (or Header) button. Here you can not only enter the necessary text, but also format it.

The same window allows you to make settings: set special headers for even and odd, first and next pages, scaling and aligning margins, and also remove headers and footers in Excel. The same settings are available on the panel for working with headers and footers in the Design tab. The tab is only available in header editing mode.

Built-in elements

MS Excel offers pre-installed and ready-to-use inline elements and even entire headers and footers. They are available for selection in the menu, respectively, the top header and the bottom "footer" in the menu for working with headers and footers.

The most appropriate text containing the page number, date, name or file path is selected from the list. If none of the options is suitable, you can arbitrarily combine the necessary elements using the buttons on the "Header and Footer Elements" panel in Excel ("Designer" tab), adding not only the serial number, but also the number of pages, the date and time the file was generated, the name and file path, sheet name or drawing.

After working with the headings, you can click anywhere on the page to switch to editing the rest of the information on the sheet. At the same time, you will continue to see headers with footers. If you need to switch to the normal view of the sheets, just turn on the normal mode on the View tab, the Book Views toolbar.

Removing headers and footers

Sometimes it becomes necessary to remove the header and footer in Excel. For example, if the file came from outside, and for work and subsequent use, the information contained in the headers is of no value and is even undesirable.

To remove headers and footers, switch to page layout mode using the appropriate button on the View tab. Excel will display the normally hidden information. The second way to display headers and footers is to use the tool of the same name in the Text panel of the Page Layout tab.

To delete one or more blocks, select the required one and press the Delete or Backspace key on the keyboard. If you need to completely remove the header, footer, or both, this can be done in design mode by selecting "none" in the "Headers and Footers" panel in the menu, respectively, of the header or footer.

Now you know how to insert headers and footers in Excel, make settings and remove them if necessary.

Removing headers and footers in Microsoft Excel Hello everyone,
today a user contacted me with a question about how to delete text from the top of the table, he says the whole department tried to delete it, but nothing happened. I looked, looked and said: “so these are footers!”
And after this incident, I decided to write a short article on how to delete non-deleted text at the top or bottom of an Excel table. There will be three ways to remove headers and footers, but I recommend using the third (last way) it is more convenient, it seems to me, although the taste and color .... In short, we turn to the study of this issue.

The header and footer is the area located at the top and bottom of an Excel page. They record notes and other data at the discretion of the user. At the same time, the inscription will be through, that is, when writing on one page, it will be displayed on other pages of the document in the same place. But, sometimes users encounter a problem when they cannot turn off or completely remove headers and footers. This happens especially often if they were included by mistake. Let's find out how to remove headers and footers in Excel.

Ways to remove headers and footers

There are several ways to remove headers and footers. They can be divided into two groups: hiding headers and footers and removing them completely.

Method 1: Hiding headers and footers

When hidden, the headers and footers and their contents as notes actually remain in the document, but are simply not visible from the monitor screen. It is always possible to turn them on if necessary.

In order to hide the headers and footers, it is enough to switch Excel from working in page layout mode to any other mode in the status bar. To do this, click the icon in the status bar "Normal" or "Page".

After that, the headers and footers will be hidden.

Method 2: Manual removal of headers and footers

As mentioned above, when using the previous method, the headers and footers are not deleted, but only hidden. In order to completely remove the headers and footers with all the notes and notes that are located there, you need to act in a different way.

  1. Go to the "Insert" tab.

  1. Click on the "Headers and Footers" button, which is located on the ribbon in the "Text" toolbox.

We delete all entries in the headers and footers on each page of the document manually using the Delete button on the keyboard.

After all the data has been deleted, we turn off the display of headers and footers in the previously described way in the status bar.

Headers and footers is information that is automatically inserted on each page of the document, such as the title of the document or its section. As soon as you press the button Headers and footers, the view of the document on the screen will change, the cursor will blink in the window called Page header, and a tab appears on the ribbon Working with headers and footers(Fig. 4.44).

The header may look different. You can select it from the button list Page header, or you can specify in the Header Elements group what you want to see on each page of your document. On fig. 4.44 the header will have the page number, date and current time. When you've played enough with the header, in the group Transitions press the button Go to footer.

Open button list Parameters, and you'll see that you can set a custom header for the first page, and different headers for even and odd pages. For example, in fig. 4.45 the author and date are selected as the header.

In order to bring the document on the screen to its usual form after a set of headers and footers, on the tab View click the Normal button.

We will talk about the View tab in more detail in the corresponding section. In Group Text there are three more buttons. With their help, you can add an object to the table word art, a signature line and embed an alien object into the table (insert an object from another file so that it can be changed in the program in which it was created).


Printable Excel sheets often have elements at the top or bottom of the page. They contain company logos and details, the date and time the document was generated, page numbers, etc. These elements are called headers and footers in Excel. Let's learn how to work with them.

Page layout

When working with a file, headers and footers can only be seen when the sheet is displayed in Page Layout mode. You can select this mode on the "View" tab in the "Book View Modes" block.

Add text - page title. For example, let's specify the name of a travel company for a table-report on hotel bookings for a period. To do this, select the menu item "Headers and Footers" in Excel in the list of commands "Text" on the "Insert" tab.

The sheet will immediately be displayed in layout mode, and we will see the selected fields for the text at the top and bottom of the page. Here you can insert the required information. Both headers and footers are divided into three parts, each with a separate text or object added. Thus, on the top left, you can add, for example, a company logo, in the center - the name, and on the right - details. Likewise at the bottom of the page.

Note that the ampersand (&) is a service character. Therefore, if the text you want to add contains this character, enter 2 characters in a row. That is, in the text "Horns & Hooves" write "Horns && Hooves".

After completing the input and changing the headers and footers in Excel, click in any cell to exit the edit mode. If you don't want to save your changes, press the Esc key.

From the "Page Layout" tab, you can call up the options window. To do this, click on the button to open the form in the lower right corner of any of the tab toolbars: “Page Setup”, “Fit” or “Sheet Setup”. The window that opens contains 4 tabs, of which we are interested in Headers and Footers.

This form allows you to customize the page headers and footers as much as possible, including or excluding them. To get started, click the Create Footer (or Header) button. Here you can not only enter the necessary text, but also format it.

The same window allows you to make settings: set special headers for even and odd, first and next pages, scaling and aligning margins, and also remove headers and footers in Excel. The same settings are available on the panel for working with headers and footers in the Design tab. The tab is only available in header editing mode.

Built-in elements

MS Excel offers pre-installed and ready-to-use inline elements and even entire headers and footers. They are available for selection in the menu, respectively, the top header and the bottom "footer" in the menu for working with headers and footers.

The most appropriate text containing the page number, date, name or file path is selected from the list. If none of the options is suitable, you can arbitrarily combine the necessary elements using the buttons on the "Header and Footer Elements" panel in Excel ("Designer" tab), adding not only the serial number, but also the number of pages, the date and time the file was generated, the name and file path, sheet name or drawing.

After working with the headings, you can click anywhere on the page to switch to editing the rest of the information on the sheet. At the same time, you will continue to see headers with footers. If you need to switch to the normal view of the sheets, just turn on the normal mode on the View tab, the Book Views toolbar.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to remove the header and footer in Excel. For example, if the file came from outside, and for work and subsequent use, the information contained in the headers is of no value and is even undesirable.

To remove headers and footers, switch to page layout mode using the appropriate button on the View tab. Excel will display the normally hidden information. The second way to display headers and footers is to use the tool of the same name in the Text panel of the Page Layout tab.

To delete one or more blocks, select the required one and press the Delete or Backspace key on the keyboard. If you need to completely remove the header, footer, or both, this can be done in design mode by selecting "none" in the "Headers and Footers" panel in the menu, respectively, of the header or footer.

Now you know how to insert headers and footers in Excel, make settings and remove them if necessary.