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Incorrect sensor operation. Simple tips for those who do not have a sensor on their phone. Using the dedicated app "Touchsreen Calibration"

Push-button phones have been replaced by touch devices. What has changed after this technology has firmly entered our lives? Almost everything that is in any way related to the functioning of the device. That is why the situation in which the sensor stops working requires immediate resolution. And in many cases, a person has almost every chance to restore his device. We'll talk about this in more detail later.

Why did the sensor stop working?

There are quite a few reasons why the sensor on the phone does not work (what to do is described below). Given the manufacturability of the touchscreen, as a rule, most often this control is rather fragile and finicky. Its performance is most dependent on weather conditions, damage, and liquid ingress.

If there was a software failure or a spontaneous failure of the system to work, then there may be problems with the operation of the sensor. These shortcomings, in principle, are conditional, they can be easily avoided. We can seriously say that a person is the most important factor in the performance of a mobile device. It is the actions of the owner that will determine how long the device will be in operation and why the sensor on the phone does not work.

Common Touch Screen Problems

Often, breakdowns are formed due to mechanical damage. If the phone is dropped or deformed, the device will not work properly as a result. Due to impacts or other mechanical influences, various consequences can occur. As a rule, they can be ordinary lid chips at best, or a cracked display at worst. If the deformation of the case does not affect the operation of the gadget in most cases, then the screen will need to be replaced. If the sensor stops working, then you need to pay attention to the components of the mobile device. If there is a body part slightly moving away from the display and you can notice a gap, then you should immediately carry the phone for repair.

Sometimes a smartphone may stop working if liquid gets into it. It is completely incomprehensible to many how water manages to get on the board, but this is a common problem.


If the sensor on the phone does not work, what to do is not clear, then you must first go to the device settings. There you need to calibrate the touchscreen. Often this feature can be found in the main settings. These actions can be carried out if the screen is completely in order, the case is intact, there are no signs of deformation or oxidation. If the sensor has a perfectly smooth surface, then it is likely that the touchscreen has simply turned off.

If the forecasts are not entirely optimistic, the sensor on the phone still does not work, what should I do? It is better to start looking for a solution to your problem right away. In order to perform the following actions, you must have certain skills.

Oxide elimination

In order to eliminate the oxide, it is necessary to use a special tool - this is a Phillips and flat screwdriver. An unnecessary plastic card will also work. You should take alcohol, a toothbrush, an eraser and napkins. Before you disassemble your device, you need to watch the video, which describes how to do it. To do this, simply type in the search engine the model of your phone and look at the reviews on it.

Care must be taken when separating the body parts. There is a risk that a person may fly a cable, break wires or break any parts. In order not to get lost with the screws, you need to draw a diagram of the phone and arrange the screws according to the drawing. All accessible places that liquid can get into should be wiped with alcohol, then with an eraser and then blotted with a napkin.

In order to eliminate corrosion of the board, you need to use a toothbrush. Often this is the reason that the phone sensor has failed. Where there is a connection of loops, especially when it comes to the touch screen connector, it is necessary to treat with alcohol and remove plaque with an eraser. As a result, the surface will be dry and clean.

If there was a peeling or displacement of the screen, then this is probably the problem. Often in such cases, the phone sensor fails. In order to put the screen in place, you must use a hair dryer. You can peel off the touchscreen from the display by simply heating it. The glue will dry, and then it will be easy to move the sensor to the right place.

The device must be assembled carefully and carefully, installation must be sequential. Don't forget to screw in the screws. It is also necessary to put protective cases back on the microcircuits.

Other ways: how to fix the problem

There are many other reasons why a sensor can fail, so human actions will directly depend on the failure. Sometimes you can solve this problem yourself, remembering that repairing touchscreen phones is an expensive service. For example, if the sensor does not work due to surface contamination and does not respond to touch, then it is necessary to wipe the screen with a liquid. You should also use a soft cloth. This is necessary if the question arises of what to do - the sensor on the phone does not work.

If the protective film was installed incorrectly and now the lower part of the sensor on the phone does not work, it is necessary to replace this coating by cleaning the screen from dirt. Often dust and dirt gets under the film. This is what makes it difficult to work with the sensor.

In other cases, a software glitch may be the cause. Solving such a problem is easy by resetting the settings or flashing the device. In the most urgent cases, you should contact the service center. We'll talk about this below.

If the sensor on the phone does not work for no apparent reason

If the sensor stopped working for unknown reasons, then it is better to contact the service center and carry out a complete diagnosis of the phone. This is the only way to find out the true cause of the breakdown and eliminate it without harm to yourself and the extra money spent. If the phone is still under warranty, then you can easily replace the sensor or solve the problem itself. As a rule, experts answer the question of why the sensor on the phone does not work quite quickly. This method is the most efficient. If a person does not want to harm his phone, it is best to immediately contact the service center as soon as a breakdown occurs. You should not, if there is no self-confidence, try to solve this problem on your own.


Summing up, it must be said that the phone should be treated with the utmost care. Replacing a sensor on a phone is a fairly complex process, and also expensive. Therefore, it is best to provide your device with the most ideal working conditions. No need to throw it or treat it carelessly. Be sure to periodically wipe the screen, change the protective film, only then you can really achieve excellent and long-term operation of the touch screen. If the gadget is under warranty, then replacing the sensor on the phone will be a free service.

A modern smartphone is a complex device that has not only huge computing capabilities and high-speed Internet access, but also many different sensors and sensors: an accelerometer, light sensors, a gyroscope, and some devices even have a barometer for measuring pressure. If our smartphones did not have all these sensors, then augmented reality games, sports trackers, sleep monitors and hundreds of other types of applications that use all sorts of device sensors would never exist.

Like any other component of a smartphone, sensors and sensors tend to fail or work incorrectly. If we are talking about conditional GPS, then this is easy to check by checking the real geolocation with the fact that the device is shown, it is much more difficult to assess how accurately, for example, an accelerometer works. There is no tool in iOS that allows you to correct the operation of sensors, apart from the standard compass balancing, when the iPhone itself suggests describing a figure eight in the air. Android, on the other hand, allows you to assess the state of the sensors in more detail and make changes to their work.

Most Android devices have a service menu that can be accessed by typing *#*#4636#*#* in the Phone app. For some manufacturers, this combination may differ, for example, on Sony Xperia smartphones it is * # * # 7378423 # * # *.

In the screenshot above, the service menu on the Sony Xperia Z2 smartphone. For different manufacturers, it may differ in its capabilities. Sony smartphones have a point for testing sensors, but ASUS no longer has it.

Be careful when working with the service menu. It is intended for technical support specialists who understand what they do. Run sensor diagnostics and follow the system prompts, but do not change any settings in the service menu unless clearly necessary. This may affect the performance of the device.

LG and Sony smartphones have a basic sensor calibration tool. It is located in "Settings" > "About phone" > "Diagnostics". It repeats the capabilities of the system menu, but in a simpler and more visual form. Also, do not forget about third-party software. The application is extremely useful for analyzing the operation of sensors.

It does not allow you to make any adjustments, but it shows you all the information for each sensor, building visual graphs and displaying data in real time, which will help you quickly identify incorrect sensor or sensor behavior.

Programs can make changes to the operation of device components only if the user has root access. Advanced users can install third-party firmware on their device that supports Xposed modules and other similar applications that allow access to sensor settings.

Problems with sensors and transducers can be different. If you have a bad light sensor, then you can probably easily survive this by turning off automatic brightness control, but incorrect behavior of the accelerometer or gyroscope will make comfortable use of the device impossible. To sum it up, if you encounter a malfunction of the sensors, carry out the initial diagnostics using the Sensors Multitool, then try the calibration procedure from the system or the service menu. If none of this works, then contact the manufacturer's service center. Problems cannot be solved by software tricks if the sensor itself is faulty, and this happens often.

Many owners of Android devices with a touch screen often face a problem when the screen does not “listen” to them. That is, when you touch the touchscreen with your finger or stylus at one point, the phone perceives it as touching absolutely another. Or the sensor completely executes orders only from 3-4 attempts. And most likely the cause of these problems is the incorrect operation of the screen, and in order to fix it, you need to calibrate the touchscreen of the Android device.

Android touchscreen calibration: Video

What it is?

Screen calibration is the adjustment of the touch display so that commands are correctly executed when touched with fingers or a stylus. Of course, you can work with your device without such a setting, but then get ready to waste your nerves, time and other troubles.

This procedure is required in most cases after the phone has been dropped, especially in water. Screen replacement, a water stain underneath, even the smallest damage may require urgent adjustment. Checking if you need calibration is as easy as shelling pears. To get started, remove the protective film to make the sensor work as clear as possible, then simply enter any number or letter. If you chose, let's say "B", and "A" appeared on the screen, then be sure - you need to set up the touchscreen.

In the production of Android devices, two main types of screen are used: capacitive and resistive. Capacitive is now used in the vast majority, as it is more reliable and of high quality. But with resistive often there are problems, and it requires tuning more often. But the good thing is that now these are rarely used - only in outdated or budget models.

Android sensor calibration: programs, setup: Video

How to calibrate the screen on Android?

Customization using special programs

In free, and most importantly - in free access, you can find a lot of software for screen calibration. They are easy to set up, operate and, most importantly, deliver results. For example, Clinometer, TOPON, Bubble - just take a look at Google Play. But? even if you do not have access to Google Play, you can adjust the display without it using the second method.


In order to independently adjust the touchscreen of Android 4 (or another version) without any problems, we will present you with step-by-step instructions:

  1. The first step, of course, is to go to the Settings menu.
  2. Next, select "Phone settings".
  3. We find the item "Calibration" and a cross-target with a dot inside will appear in front of you.
  4. We make money in the center of the target several times (3 will be enough).
  5. After that, your device will remember the touches and the calibration can be considered complete.
  6. After completing the setup, check the operation of the sensor. If exactly the symbol you clicked appears on the screen, then everything is done correctly. Congratulations! ()

Adjusting Touch Screen Sensitivity on Android: Video

Contacting the service center

Now you know two ways to calibrate the screen on your Android device yourself. But there is a third option for setting up your device - this is an official or private service center. It would seem, why turn to the master for such a trifle? But such a problem is not always a trifle. It happens that the cause of the breakdown is not in the downed settings, but in a serious breakdown or in the factory defect of the display. In this case, it is really better to contact the service if the first two did not work.

Modern touch mobile phones are a recognized attribute of our life. Their rich functionality and wide capabilities allow them to be used to solve many tasks that are not limited to classic phone calls. The richness of options for using such devices leads to their gradual failure, and one of the most common failure options is sensor dysfunction on the phone, when the latter simply stops responding to pressing (or reacts extremely poorly). In this article, I will tell you what are the causes of such dysfunction, and what to do if the sensor on the phone does not work.

Causes of phone sensor failure

Consider the most common reasons for the failure of the phone sensor. They may be as follows:

The sensor on the phone does not respond what to do

To restore the normal functionality of your phone's sensor, do the following:

*#7353# - for most Android phones, especially Samsung;

*#*#3424#*#* - for most HTC phones;

*#*#7378423#*#* - for most Sony Xperia phones;

*#0*# - for most Motorola phones.

In the menu that appears, select, for example, "TSP Dot Mode", and by clicking in different areas of the screen, see which parts of the sensor are not polled, this can help fix the problem that the touchscreen does not work.

Restoring the sensor through safe mode

To boot into safe mode, turn off the phone completely (including by removing the battery). Then long press the Power button to turn on the gadget. When the logo of Samsung, Nexus, LG, etc. appears on the screen, release the power button, and then hold down the Volume Down button. Press this button when your device boots up, and you will see the inscription “Safe mode” at the bottom left of the screen.


If the sensor on your phone does not work for you, then I recommend using the tips I listed above. If it is impossible to identify the specific cause of the breakdown, I recommend that you contact your gadget with a service center - it is quite possible that your device will need a complete replacement of the touch panel.

Many owners of Android devices consider the sensitivity of the sensor to be the pain point of their gadgets. It happens that the screen of a phone or tablet reacts incorrectly to pressing. For example, if the user taps on the lower left of the screen, the sensor interprets this as tapping on the upper right corner.

But the problem that has emerged is not at all a reason for despondency and an urgent trip to the service. It is entirely possible to try to "curb" your sensor at home by applying screen calibration.

Screen calibration (aka: sensor calibration) is a display setup, the purpose of which is to optimize performance and improve sensor response to pressing and touching with fingers or a stylus .

And although the calibration of sensors on Android is generally not necessary, it is recommended for all users of devices, both with resistive and capacitive touch displays. It is advisable to calibrate resistive screens immediately after purchasing the device. With a capacitive sensor, the situation is somewhat different, as it is possible to check if calibration is necessary, or if the display will work clearly without such an operation.

To do this, you need to remove the film from the gadget screen, wipe it with a damp cloth (preferably a special one), and then check the sensor response. The best way to check is by typing a text message. If frequent typos appear during typing, this is a sign of the need to calibrate the touchscreen. It should also be noted that it is quite possible that this procedure will have to be done more than once.

Before proceeding with the screen calibration procedure on Android, you need to find out what caused the sensor to malfunction.

  • It is quite possible that the pie eaten with tea left you a reminder of yourself in the form of traces left on the screen when answering an urgent call.
  • The proximity sensor or Air Gesture function is not working properly.
  • Using custom (not official) firmware.
  • Installing apps from dubious sources.
  • The device has been dropped, hit, or wet.
  • Touchscreen replacement, etc.

As we well know, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, not the effect. It is clear that if your smartphone has a “left” firmware installed, which caused the failure, you can calibrate the sensor to the “carrot pen”, but, alas, the desired result will not be achieved in this case.

Nevertheless, even if the device does not need calibration, it will not hurt its owner to know the intricacies of setting the touchscreen, since this is a fairly simple manipulation that does not require much time, and even more so a huge layer of knowledge.

To calibrate the screen of any device running on the Android operating system, you can use special programs and utilities, of which there are a sufficient number, and absolutely free. You can also access the standard services located in the device menu.

Manual setting

Here it is necessary to clarify that the settings, including the sensitivity of the screen, are very different depending on the model of your gadget, and it is quite possible that it will not work in your case. The fact is that manufacturers of mobile devices over the standard settings of the Android OS, as it were, install their own shell, while changing (or completely eliminating) the possibility of a particular setting. The calibration method for devices with standard settings is described below:

  1. Go to the settings menu.
  2. Select "Phone settings".
  3. Go to the "Calibration" menu, which will open a window in the form of a target cross with a dot inside
  4. Click three times in the center of the target
  5. Calibration completed. Next, you should check the sensor by the manipulations indicated earlier.

If these steps are not relevant for you, then you need to check on the manufacturer’s website exactly how you can calibrate your particular device, or use a special application (read about this method below).

The use of special software

At the moment, there are countless utilities and programs that help you customize the touchscreen of your Android device. Of the recommended programs that really helped many users, the following programs can be noted:

Touchscreen Calibration is a simple and free tool that can help you quickly and easily calibrate your sensor. Step by step:

Download the application, open it, press the "Calibrate" button:

Then, we start the calibration process by clicking on the gray field on the screen:

After that, in the gray field, we execute the commands that appear in the green squares:

Unfortunately, the utility is not Russified, but what and how to do is shown quite clearly. Just in case, we invite you to watch the video