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How to clean classmates from viruses. How to remove a virus in a contact classmates mail? Clean file from malicious content

Do you have a problem with getting in touch, classmates, mail? Are your favorite social networks blocked? Access blocked, asking to send SMS? nothing happens when you enter your password? writes page not found? Are they writing website content blocked? This is no longer a secret. If you have such signs, you have caught a virus that redirects to fake pages! Social networks never ask to send SMS!


To begin with, we go to the control panel (start menu, then the control panel), find there such a section: FOLDER PARAMETERS, press and a window opens for us.

We do the following: go to the view tab in the window and roll the wheel down to the graph (show hidden files, folders and disks), * mark * this item and click apply!

Now we need to go to My computer drive C: folder * WINDOWS * then folder * system32 * then folder * drivers * and finally folder * etc *.

Find the hosts file in the * etc * folder (it has no extension), it can be not one, but, for example, two or even three.

If you have one hosts file and there are no hidden hosts files, then do the following, select it and click right click mouse on it, in the window that appears, select the item "Properties". In the window that appears, uncheck the (Read only) checkbox, if it is, and click the "apply" button. Now select hosts again and right-click.

We need to open it with Notepad or another built-in Wordpad editor. V open file hosts, you need to delete everything except the entry * localhost *. And be sure to click save!

Be sure to restart your computer after the changes you made! After restarting the computer, social networks and similar sites begin to open.

When entering the page, after restarting the computer, we change all passwords at once social pages networks MANDATORY!


If for some reason you did not find entries in hosts or it was empty, or it is not one, but two, then do the following: delete all hosts files that you see and hidden ones too, only files labeled hosts. OTHERS DO NOT TOUCH IN THIS FOLDER!

Downloading FIX, MICROSOFT has released specifically to restore the contents of the hosts FILE. After downloading and deleting all the old hosts, LET'S LAUNCH FIX.

Follow the hosts file recovery wizard (it will take less than a minute). As soon as the wizard restores the hosts file, it will ask you to restart your computer, to which you MUST AGREE and reboot!

After restarting the computer, social networks and similar sites begin to open .

If after that you were unable to remove the virus?


If after the first two options you cannot enter, then you have a virus that prescribes hosts when the computer boots (do not rely on your antiviruses, even if you have the most popular brands, brands of antiviruses) in 90% of them, most of them do not see such viruses!

We do the following: go to the official website of the antivirus DOCTOR WEB

And we download a one-time curing utility, and do a full scan of the computer, after which we remove the found virus (if necessary, after removing the virus and restarting the computer, we repeat option 2).

After restarting the computer, social networks and similar sites begin to open.

When you enter the page, after restarting the computer, we change all the passwords of the pages of social networks at once MANDATORY!

If after that you were unable to remove the virus?

P.S After you have done everything and entered the pages, do not postpone cleaning your computer from viruses, spyware and malware.

Revealing such modules prevents you from stealing your passwords and personal data from your computer!

If your antivirus has already missed such a virus that blocks access to pages, you may still have similar viruses on your computer, or even keyloggers that steal your passwords from your computer!

Updated: 7.12.12

Account validation in Odnoklassniki and VKontakte

The browser does not go to the Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte website, demanding to pass the validation of the account and enter your phone number.

The text in the message and on the Odnoklassniki website and in Contact is the same: " Account validation. Your phone number is needed so that we can send you a confirmation code and make sure that you are a real person! ... This measure was taken in order to protect users from automated spambots. Having access to the specified number, you can always recover the password to your page. "

Do not believe this message and do not enter your phone number. It is a virus that blocks classmates and is in contact.

Now I will tell you how to remove the virus with the message Account validation in Odnoklassniki and VKontakte.

What is an account

An account or account, as a rule, contains information necessary to identify a user when connecting to the system, information for authorization and accounting. This is the username ( login ) and password. The password, or its equivalent, is usually stored encrypted or hashed to ensure its security. For authentication, hardware can be used (generating one-time keys, reading biometric characteristics, etc.), as well as one-time passwords.

Internet users perceive account, like a personal page, an account, perhaps even a place for storing personal and other information on a certain Internet resource (platform).

Account validation - how to remove the virus blocking Odnoklassniki and Contact

Virus writers do not sit still and come up with new ways to deceive. Account validation in classmates and in contact- one of them.

Although the method itself remains the same - the hosts file (more details), its implementation is new and rather primitive. But just because of this primitiveness, anti-virus scanners are still powerless here. As such, it is not a virus.

The essence of the problem lies in replacing the hosts file with an infected one at each booting Windows... Therefore, a simple cleaning hosts file won't help here.

At startup, there is a script that copies the infected hosts file from the Temp folder to the folder C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc... Let's delete it. Specifically, in this case, the script sits in the Programs folder - Startup.

Treatment is best done by booting Windows in Safe Mode.

So, go to the menu. Right click on the shortcut Adobe updater and in context menu choose Delete.

New virus modifications change the file name, but the essence remains the same. If in doubt, it is best to remove all shortcuts from the Startup menu. In addition, in some modifications of the virus, the script file is hidden and in order to remove account validation you need to enable access to hidden folders.

Now run AVZ antivirus, you can download it.

Go to the menu File - System Restore

Check the box Cleaning up the Hosts file... Now press the button Perform marked operations.

Click Yes in the window that appears. After restoring, click OK. Now close the Restore System Settings window.

Now scan your computer for viruses. To do this, in the main AVZ window, select Local disk (C :) and Perform treatment... Then press the Start button to start scanning.

That's basically all. After that, access to all sites will be open, and the message Account validation in classmates and in contact will disappear.

Removing a virus in Odnoklassniki and VKontakte is not very difficult, but to prevent this from happening again, I recommend systematically cleaning the C drive from garbage (viruses often hide in it) and use reliable antivirus protection. For example,

Active users of the site's classmates often encounter a situation when, when they next try to go to their page on the Odnoklassniki social network, a notification appears that the requested page is unavailable, or to visit the account, you need to send an SMS message to the specified short number. All this is the antics of the virus in classmates. How to remove it and beware of future virus attacks?

Common viruses on the social network

Everything malware that do not allow you to use your account in ok are divided into those that:
Block access to your account;
The original (original) page is replaced with a fake. In this case, an SMS is required, the sending of which will lead to a large write-off from the account, but will not give the desired access.

Reasons for infection

You can catch malware in different ways:
When clicking on a link in a pop-up advertisement, the so-called. spam;
Installing any applications from the network;
Views of questionable sites;
Using Internet resources with antivirus and firewall turned off;
Connecting third-party media (flash drives, external hard drives, etc.) to the computer is already infected.

Read with this How much is 1 app in Odnoklassniki, how is the price calculated

Verification methods

In order not to become a victim of malware when in doubt, it is best to conduct a background check. There are many ways to check classmates for viruses, but they all have one thing in common - these are various programs with a common algorithm of actions (Doctor Web, Kaspersky, etc.), which, after being installed on a PC, prevent infections and remove existing viruses.
On the official website, Doctor Web provides an opportunity to download and use its anti-virus product Dr.Web CureIt for free.

Before downloading, you need to check for the presence of checkmarks in the columns relating to the consent to send statistics and the terms of the license agreement (see screenshot), then proceed to download the application itself by clicking on the "download" button.

Click "Save file", and after the download is finished open the application. When launching the application, you will also need to agree to participate in the quality improvement program by checking the box, and then clicking the "continue" button:

Click on the "start check" button:

Next, Dr.Web CureIt will scan, report the detected viruses and offer to clean, delete, block, disinfect, etc.
With any other antivirus application, work is based on a similar principle.

Cleaning methods

There are several ways how to clean classmates from viruses without the help of third-party helpers, for example:
Clean up system files that will remove the malware
To clean the system files, you need to find the "hosts" file on the "C" drive ("C: Windowssystem ... ..) of the PC:

Read with this How to close comments on Odnoklassniki

Right-click on the desired file and select "Open". Select "Notepad" from the pop-up list:

Everything under the line " localhost" needs to be removed:

Hello dear friends! Letters come again, saying that I can't enter classmates, what could be the problem with entering classmates? In this article, we will consider the main reasons why you can't go to classmates. Be sure to read the article to the end, because if one solution did not work for you, then maybe another way will help you find a way out of this situation.

On my blog, a question has already been raised when users could not get in touch, read the article, in it you will find other solutions to this problem: "".

Before we move on to solutions, I want to remind you that there are a lot of people on the Internet who want to cheat you for money in one way or another.

Do not include your phone number. Do not send money andSMS... Do you think scammers are so nice and kind?

Before I start, I want to tell you right away that there may be viruses on your computer. As you read these lines, download the Dr.web CureIt utility! and check your computer for viruses. Even if an antivirus is installed, it does not mean that there are no viruses on your computer! You can believe me, but this often happens, since there is no perfect protection, no matter who tells me what. Guys who agree with me can support me in the comments after this article.

Let me tell you a little how to use this program, for those who have never checked their computer for viruses with this program. The program is distributed free of charge and does not require installation, you do not need to remove your antivirus! If you already have experience, then just do a virus scan.

Day of the beginning you need to download it, for this go to the site. At the top right, click "Download".

If you do not want to receive news from Doctor Web, then uncheck the box "I would like to receive newsletters from Doctor Web" and click "Next".

On the next page below, click "Download Dr.Web with the function of sending statistics". If you click "I refuse to send statistics", in this case you will not be able to download this utility for free, since only in paid version statistics are not sent.

We go down the page, agree with the license, put a tick “I accept the terms of the License Agreement. * "And click" Continue ".

After that, your browser window will open, where you will be asked where to save the utility. If this does not happen, then look for the program in the default folder of the browser.

So, after downloading, we launch it. A message will appear where you can choose in which mode you will scan your computer, work in enhanced protection or not. In our case, you can disable enhanced protection so that you can read the article further when scanning your computer for viruses. To do this, click "Cancel".

In the window that appears, put a check mark that we do not mind taking part to improve the quality of the program, click "Continue".

Viruses are located on the "C: \" drive and therefore we will not scan the entire computer now, as it can take a long time (depending on how much data your computer is). If you don't have a lot of data on your computer, you can check your computer completely.

In order to select only the C: / drive, click "Select objects for verification".

Next, click "Click to select files and folders."

Check the box next to "C: (C :)", click "OK".

If you did everything correctly, then at the bottom you will see that the "C: \" drive has been added for verification. Also, click on the box at the top (check the box) "Scan objects". After that, all objects in your program will be marked with check marks.

Now you can start checking, click "Run Check".

If any files are found, then they must be disinfected, if these files cannot be disinfected, then you will have to delete them. Now while the computer is being scanned for viruses, you can continue reading the article.

Let's go over the main solutions to this problem.

If you can't enter classmates, what's next

- The first and not the main problem - the site classmates may have unexpected technical problems, and it is also possible that they carry out preventive work... Therefore, the site may be unavailable for some time. Do not immediately think that if the site does not open, then scammers or viruses are to blame. As the saying goes: "Any technique tends to break" and the site is no exception.

- Check other sites. If all sites do not open, then the problem is not with the sites, but with your computer.
Necessarily! Check your internet, because if you don't have internet, you will never see any social networks or other sites. Only if you do not imagine them mentally 😉. You can call your ISP and see if they have any internet problems.

- If you had system restore enabled, then try to roll back the system to the state when you had access to the site of classmates. When you roll back the system, then remember what programs you installed, or rather on what day. Because having rolled back the system a day earlier, before installing the programs, the programs that were installed will no longer be in the system.

- I remind you that maybe it will be a discovery for someone that the site classmates have a section "Questions and Answers", if you cannot enter your profile or you have been blocked, then be sure to read this section.

- The main reason for the problem with the entrance to the site of classmates are common viruses. Therefore, at the very beginning of the article, I gave you instructions for checking your computer for viruses.

Here I will dwell in more detail. The main principle is phishing pages. The virus changes the hosts file, in which you can write a ban on any site or make a redirect - go to one site, and you are redirected to another. Thus, the user is deceived so that you do not understand what is happening and how. The site you're being redirected to looks like one-to-one to the site classmates... And therefore, when users see a familiar site design, they think that this is it in reality.

Important! Pay attention to address bar... Maybe you're not on your classmates right now ?!

Important! If you checked your computer for viruses with your regular antivirus software, this does not mean that it makes sense to convince yourself that there are no viruses on your computer. Be sure to scan your computer with the utility that I advised you above.

First, let's do the following, open command line... Click "Start" - "Run", enter "cmd" and press "Enter".

Enter "ping" and press "Enter".

Pay attention to the 4 digits, in my case: This is the site address for classmates, only in numbers. Do not close the command line, because this data will be useful to us.

Go to the site for checking domain names and enter the IP that we learned.

Now we need to see what kind of domain this service will show us.

As we can see, this IP address is used for the Odnoklassniki website. If you have or have visited a virus, then there will be a different domain and organization. Since your hosts file most likely some changes have been made.

When the program is downloaded, run the file, put a tick “I Accept” and click “Next”.

After a few minutes, the program will make the corrections itself.

After that, you need to restart your computer for all changes to take effect.

You can also use the Reset Hosts program, which will fix and protect your hosts file. You can read about this program on the blog.

If someone loves "everything with pens", then for you I will tell you how to do it by hand. So, this file is located in the following path - "C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts". There is a small nuance, it is possible to edit this file without unnecessary body movements if you change the attributes. Click on hosts with the right mouse button, select "Properties".

In the "General" tab at the bottom, uncheck the boxes: "Read only" and "Hidden". Click "OK".

After changing the attributes, you can now open the hosts file. This file does not have an extension, because of this we need to indicate with which program we want to open this file. To do this, right-click on the hosts file and select "Open with ...". Or open the hosts file like a regular file (with two clicks of the mouse) and select notepad.

Please note that after the line " local host" there was nothing else... If there are any entries below, then feel free to delete. For example, I post what should be in this file. If you are afraid to delete something in this file, then you can copy the text below and paste it into your file. After that, close the notebook and keephosts.

# © Microsoft Corp. 1993-1999


# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP / IP for Windows.

# This file contains mappings of IP addresses to host names.

# Each element must be on a separate line. The IP address must

# is in the first column, followed by the appropriate name.

# IP address and hostname must be separated by at least one space.


# In addition, comments may be inserted on some lines

# (such as this line), they must follow the hostname and be separated

# from it with the symbol '#'.


# For example:


# # source server

# # client x host localhost

Important! When opening a file, scroll all the way down, because intruders can insert text a little lower.

If you find records on the sites that you use for work, I mean office workers, then ask your admin about these records. Otherwise, it will be unpleasant for the administrator if you call him, and you yourself have deleted these records. After that, he will definitely ask why you did it and then you will have to tell that you are sitting on social networks in your workplace.

- If, after changing the hosts file, you cannot enter classmates, then we make a detour. Copy the entire folder “etc»From a computer where there are no viruses... I think that you have good neighbors or friends who are now on the Internet. Ask them to copy the entire etc folder and send it to you by mail or any messenger, for example, skype. Then insert all these files where they should be. When copying is in progress, select replace copy.

- The virus may have changed the settings in the connection by local network... Your attention should be paid to checking the DNS server addresses. So, to go to the properties of the network connection, click "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Network and Internet" - "Network and Sharing Center" - on the left in the window that opens, click "Change adapter settings". You can also go to these settings through the tray. To do this, in the tray, right-click on your connection and select "Network and Sharing Center". Then click "Change adapter parameters".

Right-click on "Local Area Connection", if you have wireless connection, then "Wireless network connection", Select" Properties ".

Now select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" and click on the "Properties" button. Or press double click, to whom it is convenient.

IP addresses can be distributed automatically (DHCP) or be static, that is, assigned manually.

In the event that your provider or device (router) distributes IP addresses automatically, and is manually configured in the properties, then you must change the settings as follows:

That is, set the settings in such a way that the IP addresses are registered manually. Just in case, write down all the data (IP addresses) on a piece of paper or take a screenshot.

If the virus has registered its DNS servers, then this matter needs to be fixed. Select Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically. Automatically ", if you are an inexperienced user and do not know what IP addresses should be in these settings, then you need to call the provider and ask what IP addresses must be spelled out. Of course, not all providers are "kind" people, but you can try.

Male nky advice - when you call the provider, a girl who is not good at computers usually picks up. If you understand that it will not be possible to hear any specific answers from her, then feel free to switch to the technical department.

- One of the interesting outputs, you can enter the IP-address into the address bar of the browser: "" - the site of classmates. Sometimes this way might help you, but be sure to read the article to the end. If you still can't go to the classmates page, then move on to the next item.

- The virus may have fixed the path of the hosts file. But you can't fool us! To check for fixes, go to the registry: "Start" - "Run" - enter "regedit" and press "Enter".

This will open the "Registry Editor". Now you need to go to and pay attention to the DataBasePath.

If your value is =% SystemRoot% \ System32 \ drivers \ etс, then everything is fine . Otherwise, you need to change.

When you fix it, restart your computer and try to go to classmates.

- We must not rule out that you can be hacked, then you need to use the function in classmates, "Password reminder". By the way, very often users forget that they changed their password yesterday before going to bed, and in the morning they raise a riot that they were hacked. Have you had such a situation?

To recover your password, click "Forgot your password or login?". After that, you need to indicate your mail, which you used when registering or phone.

If you enter the mail, then a letter from the site classmates will come to your email, then you are already guided by this letter. When specifying a phone number, you will receive an SMS with an activation code that you need to change your password on classmates. If somewhere you are asked to send money, they say, the weather is -40 and hunting, so that you warm us up, then you just forget about this message.

- Repeatedly the way out of this situation, saved the removal of the browser. But you need to delete it not like novice users are used to, but clean your computer from the remnants of garbage after uninstalling the browser. In order not to burden you with the search for various folders on your computer, in order to clean it of garbage, I recommend reading the article "", in which you will find in detail with pictures everything you need for this procedure.

If you have multiple browsers installed on your computer, then try to go to classmates using a different browser. It is possible that again it did not work, then install another browser - not the ones that were installed, but another developer. For example, browsers are installed: Opera and Mozilla Firefox... Then install Google chrome and try to log in from it.

- There was a funny incident in my life. A friend calls from work and complains that he has some problems with entering his classmates. I slightly clarified some points and suspicions fell on the admins or, most likely, on the bosses;). So if you are at work, you need to check with your colleagues or you can ask your superiors if access to classmates is open. If your company does not have access to classmates, then anonymizers will help you in this case.

To find such sites, open Google or Yandex and enter "anonymizer". And try to go to classmates.

Important! Anonymizers are needed if access is closed to some site, and if you have a virus or wrong settings v operating system, then you need to fix these jambs.

- It doesn't matter what the outcome was: whether you went to your classmates page or not, check your computer for viruses. You have changed only the settings of your computer, but the virus itself can hide in your system. Delete it now!

- Try not to enter passwords for sites from other computers. If you need to crack, then use the on-screen keyboard. To run the utility, go to "Start" - "All Programs" - "Standard" - "Accessibility" - "On-Screen Keyboard". If you enter from a computer with a keyboard interceptor without using onscreen keyboard then you can say goodbye to your passwords.

- Don't open suspicious links that your friends send you. To check that the link was sent by a friend and not a virus, just write something in response: "Is this for me?". Viruses, although they are cunning, but they do not know how to think, since they are just programs. If the virus does not contain a code that you need to respond to this message, then in response you will hear only silence. Thus, you will find out whether your friend's account was hacked or not. Advice - when you received such a message from your friend, write him an SMS or call his mobile phone, telling the whole situation. After all, many of his friends do not know that he is not him.

- Antivirus must be installed on each computer, free (Avast, AVG, AVIRA, etc.) or paid. It doesn't matter which one, the main thing is that it must be installed. "".

- Installing an antivirus is good. But do not forget to update the antivirus databases for your antivirus, only with the updated databases will your antivirus be an antivirus. Without updated databases, antivirus is just a program that interferes with work.

Dear friend, do not forget that when you follow all the recommendations, you need to pay attention to the fact that you should be on the official website of your classmates, and not on a phishing page. Because all your hard work can lead to zero.

That's all for today. See you soon!

This article will talk about the virus is not allowed by classmates, who, or what they call this case - account validation in classmates, or "page confirmation"... Linking personal mobile number the user's phone to confirm the identity on the social network is called validation.

This social network very convenient in that everyone can communicate with their friends, colleagues, acquaintances, find new friends and do a whole bunch of other things. Taking advantage of this, there are those hackers who, under all this noise, are trying to make a fortune for themselves.

One of the beautiful days, going into social network on classmates, virus may give out the following: "Your profile is blocked" - this is the result of the activity of a virus classmates on your PC. Or even classmates hacked, a virus, where it applied its malicious code.

What to do in this case when the virus was blocked by classmates:

  • Prevent entering your phone number. Otherwise, you will give the hackers all your contacts and access to the phone number.
  • Do not send any SMS from mobile phone... Here you can get a huge negative balance, and at the same time, access will not be opened to you.

The idea of ​​the scammers who came up with 5537 classmates of the virus is to substitute their site for the real one. The virus blocks the entrance to classmates, replacing the IP addresses of the real site with the site of the host of the pest, which makes the trick very sophisticated. You think that this is your page, but in fact you are on the page of some Evgesha Rostovsky. The principle of operation, when the virus blocked VKontakte and classmates, is very similar, but there are some discrepancies in removing the virus that blocks classmates! The virus has blocked classmates what to do?

How to remove a virus from classmates

We note right away, given classmates the sms virus is constantly being modified, which means that the available methods how to clean classmates from a virus may not be relevant tomorrow. LET'S GET STARTED!

Virus blocks classmates how to delete by cleaning the system file

File needs to be cleaned Hosts from unnecessary entries. It is located in the directory . We open it with text editor and erase everything below the line. You were able to independently clean Odnoklassniki from the virus, congratulations!

Then you will need to restart your computer and change your password on the page! We think the latter is not worth explaining. If the virus blocking classmates has not disappeared, you can contact our service for repairing and setting up computers

How to remove a virus in classmates using antiviral prophylaxis

The method is not the most effective, but still it can be used to check classmates for viruses. We launch the scanner of any of the listed antiviruses and wait for the end of the scan, after which we restart the computer and try to go to our page! If everything is still, we try to carry out this operation with another antivirus. Go for it, good luck!