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How to guess a neighbor's WiFi password. How to hack Wi-Fi password

Want to connect to the Internet using a wireless connection, but all networks are password protected? It doesn't matter, because this article will tell you about the methods of cracking the password of a neighbor's wi-fi network.

Before learning the methods of cracking wi-fi passwords, it is necessary to disassemble the mechanism of the wi-fi network. So, we all know that such an Internet is distributed through a router. If you need to connect to wireless wi-fi the Internet, a request for this connection comes to the router, and at this time it checks whether its password matches the one you entered. After the user connects to the network, the router does not stop sending information called packet data. It is in these data packets that the correct password is hidden from wireless network wi-fi. In addition to the password, in this data you can find information about what action the user of this network does.

Wifi password cracking methods

1) Extract password from router packet data

Intercept packets with data will help special programs which can be downloaded for free from the Internet. After downloading the program, you need to install and run it, then read the instructions and start intercepting data from neighboring wi-fi routers. After that, the program will help to decrypt the data and find what you are looking for - the password.

2) Brute force

This method is much simpler than the previous one, but its effectiveness is very weak. Let's say you failed to crack the wi-fi password in the first way, did not find the program or programming knowledge at full zero. All this is solved by the well-known program "Brute force". This program just stupidly picks up passwords from his list. She is able to automatically enter her combinations of numbers and letters before she finds suitable ones. Brute force has established itself very well among ordinary network users who do not know programming and the intricacies of hacking. This wonderful program is used not only to brute-force passwords to a wi-fi network, but also to hack any accounts on Internet portals and online games... All you need is just to download the program, install, specify desired network and wait. Brute force on its own, without your help, will begin to sort out passwords. In terms of time, this method is completely unpredictable, because the password can come up immediately, or maybe after a long time.

3) Manual password selection

It may look ridiculous, but before, you often had to guess passwords for wi-fi networks. Having moved to a rented apartment in the city center, I did not want to connect and pay for the Internet at all, but after opening the list of wi-fi networks, it became clear that there are too many of them and you can try your luck. The first password was guessed the third time, and it was 123456789. Everything was very good, it was catching throughout the apartment, but after six months of successful work, the network simply disappeared. Having looked through the list of wireless networks, I wanted to play some more, and on the same day the password for another network was successfully found. It looked as simple as the previous one. Don't think that your neighbors are brilliant, and understand that they are the simplest Internet users. The password from the wi-fi router consists of 8 characters and it is not at all necessary that it will be compound word or a combination of numbers. Most often, neighbors set a password that will be difficult to forget, and light passwords are very easy to guess. The more wi-fi networks around, the more likely you are to find one with a simple password.

4) Find out the password personally

If you have access to your neighbor's computer or laptop that is connected to your wi-fi router, you can easily see the password. To do this, simply open wireless networks, and click the properties of the network to which the device is connected. After that, just put a checkmark “display password”, and all the “asterisks” of the password will turn into letters or numbers. We quickly memorize or rewrite the password, and we run to our laptop to enjoy the good speed. In addition, you can simply buy a password from a neighbor or agree on a joint monthly payment for a tariff from a provider.

I hope these methods have helped you in this difficult, but very important matter. Good speed for everyone and, of course, more networks without passwords.

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When you turn on your smartphone, each resident of an apartment building can see many points wifi connections... Particularly inquisitive people have a desire to use someone else's network, but how to find out the password for wifa.

Each router has its own ip address, through which you can view all the data of the neighboring device.

WiFi is an IEE802.11 network. The transmitter is installed in almost every apartment. You can find out the name and address of the router from the network mask, which they often forget to change during the initial installation of the device. You can connect to wi-fi if the owner of the network broadcasts it without a password at all.

You can find out the type of wifi device by the name of the network displayed in the list of available ones. You can use the network indefinitely if the device itself was able to connect without a password.

Your actions are invisible when weak load traffic. You can detect something wrong if the neighbor looks at the list of connected devices. And he will do this through the laptop browser, where the corresponding router address is entered.

You can enter the settings of the router through the browser by entering the address By default, the nickname is set under the name admin and the same password.

But before that, the laptop needs to be connected to wifi. Having imperceptibly corrected the data, it turns out to annoy the neighbor and interrupt the connection. After that, he will reset the settings to factory settings and change the access codes.

The wifi password and ip address are easy to find out using special hacking programs, but the latest versions of routers provide for this possibility and block automatic connections.

It is convenient to have a neighbor connection point for the following purposes:

  • No need to pay a monthly subscription fee;
  • WiFi allows you to use several devices at once, unless the neighbor puts restrictions on the number of connected devices;
  • Your identity will not be identified with illegal connections.

Hacking someone else's wifi is an illegal action, for which there is criminal responsibility.

Hacking someone else's router or not is everyone's business, but why not try it? The ip address of the device is listed on back cover wifi transmitter. It can be viewed in a computer hardware store.

Ways to solve connection problems

To connect to most wifi networks, you will have to crack the password. An easy way to solve with Internet access is to buy your own router and get your ip address for the devices.

But an inquiring mind is always drawn to difficult tasks. The first step is to search for information about the new network and whether there is a password for wi-fi on the router.

You can find out after viewing the details of the current wifi. Open the "Control Panel" and find the Internet point and go to the "Network Control Center". We need to open the "Connect to the network" item.

At this point you can see:

  • Complete list of available wireless networks;
  • Broadcast signal level;
  • Access to wi-fi. If it is open, then you are very lucky, use the free wifi.

Hacking wifi is obtained using programs to find a suitable password. They run on your laptop and iterate over possible variations until a connection is made.

It should be remembered that no hacking lover will be able to use the neighbor's Wi-Fi completely unnoticed. The IP address is calculated instantly if you connect the device to the network.

A list of all current connections is displayed on the router itself. It is always available on a PC connected to it locally via a wire. But rarely does anyone control their network when the transmitter is stable. One extra neighbor on the "wire" will not make the weather, the speed drops significantly with a huge list of wi fi "freeloaders".

What hacking programs are there?

Applications do not guarantee 100% wi fi hacking, you will have to connect using several programs. It is possible to find out the password with a probability of up to 90%.

Here is a list of programs available on the Internet:

  • WifiSidejacking - the program interface is completely in English language, but detailed manual helps to connect to wi-fi in a few minutes;
  • Aircrack-ng - a set of tools for competently searching for passwords not only for wifi, but also helps to determine the ip address of connected subscribers;
  • AirSlax - works with wifi for 6 simple steps: scanning the network, choosing a target, capturing packets, disconnecting the client, guessing the password and saving the finished result;
  • Wifipirate 13 is a powerful application that provides passwords for all surrounding wireless hotspots;
  • CommViewforwifi- is used to analyze networks, find new hotspots and neighbor uptime.

Aircrack-ng includes a software package for decrypting intercepted files, generating encrypted signals, and recovering Wep keys in Windows. It includes a tool for converting files with the ivs extension.

It is also possible to monitor the current connection and determine the traffic of the wi fi network.

Through the remote ip address, the Airserv-ng application provides access to wireless card laptop. Allows you to resolve driver issues and make changes to operating system... The program breaks wi fi networks: Wep, looks for WPA-PSK keys, WPA / WPA2. All operations are carried out in automatic mode without the participation of the owner of the magic code.

No programmer can predict the time to brute-force a password, it all depends on the following factors:

  • Complexity of the password, the presence of letters and numbers;
  • Wi fi device type;
  • Has the ip address changed;
  • Range from the transmitter, device load.
  • Selected utility and scanning method.

How to hack an Android hotspot?

It is even more interesting to find a password for a wi fi transmitter of a smartphone. Often neighbors use the Internet through their cellular operator... Based on the results of the chosen password, it turns out to determine the ip address of the subscribers.

Exists software applications to scan networks:

  • Wifi Password break;
  • To control wifi, use the Wifikill program;
  • Wibr + - serves as an assistant for hacking wi fi without special hacking skills;
  • WiHackmobile - a simple program for finding passwords for surrounding networks;
  • Wi-Lomster is a popular smartphone application;
  • WifiRouterkeygen - quickly picks up Wi-Fi passwords to connect to a neighbor. The interface is mastered intuitively and you do not need to familiarize yourself with the operation of the utility.

The listed utilities are able to identify the most attractive network for hacking.

You won't be able to connect quickly if your neighbor has taken care of wi fi protection:

  • Saved a long and complex password;
  • Changed the default logins;
  • Has gained latest version provider router;
  • Turns off the transmitter when not in use;
  • Controls connections and introduced restrictions on the number of devices;

Networks with a reliable level of encryption are not likely to be hacked with any utility.

If the router turns off at the time of scanning, the procedure will have to start over.

Connecting your device is half the battle, but you need to carefully hide the ip from your neighbor. When he realizes that his wi fi network has become public, he will wonder who used the router. The problem will escalate into a scandal if it comes to you.

The Wifikill utility helps you find intruders using your router. One click will block the user by ip address. But he can change it, so it is better to set limits on the number of connected devices. Better yet, create a list of allowed devices.

Ways to hack a password from a home Wi-Fi network, the Internet of a friend or neighbor. How to hack a public Wi-Fi network in a cafe, restaurant or hotel?

In just a few years, wireless networks have spread all over the world. It's pretty convenient to use the Internet wirelessly isn't it? Many probably do not already know what an analog modem is and how it beeps).

Wi-Fi is available in almost every decent establishment, cafe, restaurant. it good way attract people to the institution - provide access to free internet via wi-fi. But what if there is wifi nearby, but it requires a password and you can't enter it, how do you find out the password from wi-fi?

I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with this article on the topic: or how to hack wifi.

Hacking the password of a public, public Wi-Fi network in a hotel, cafe, restaurant, etc.

Many chains of hotels, restaurants and cafes use free Wi-Fi network with an Internet connection to attract customers. The disadvantages of such public networks include low speed, due to the large number of connected users. In addition, access to such networks is often open only to clients of these establishments and is provided with a password. That is, the data of the Wi-Fi network is protected (with a lock on mobile devices, smartphones, tablets), closed for unauthorized access.

You can connect to Wi-Fi only if you find out the password, which usually changes every day or every hour. This is done so that once you find out the password, you cannot use it permanently. You can find out the password from any waiter, bartender or restaurant administrator. Sometimes, especially in some foreign hotels, only paid access to Wi-Fi Internet can be provided. This means that the cost of connecting a smartphone, tablet or laptop to Wi-Fi is not included in the cost of living and is paid separately.

Usually, a fee of up to 5 euros per day is charged for providing access, if you pay immediately for a week, it turns out to be cheaper. Hack such a network, find out the password from Wi-Fi Internet very difficult. Many large hotels use special software that restricts access and also counts the paid time. The only thing that can be advised in this case is to use the Internet in neighboring cafes, as a rule, it is free there.

How to hack a home Wi-Fi network, hack a neighbor's Wi-Fi.

To hide a sin - people love freebies). And even if you have your own home Internet, the neighbor's wi-fi still wants to hack. The advantages are obvious, you can use your neighbor's Internet for free, besides, it can be quite fast if the neighbor is rich (for example, Mark Zuckerberg). Of course, the world is not without kind people and even in modern world there are PEOPLE who do not close their home wifi password. They do this out of ignorance or thanks to their kindness and openness - a deep bow to them. It's easy to connect to a wireless network that is not password protected. What to do if a malicious neighbor or a neighboring cafe / hotel / bar / restaurant still set a password on an unapproachable access point?

There are several, tricky and not so, ways to hack a Wi-Fi network.

You can get access to the Internet, connect to a secure network by choosing a password. This is the simplest and most effective method. Many inexperienced users use the simplest passwords to access own network... These passwords are very easy to guess, so never use such combinations of numbers and letters: "12345", "54321", "1234567890", "qwerty", "123" and others like that.

There are also special programs for guessing passwords, they automatically select the most frequently used combinations. But if the Wi-Fi network is protected by WPA2 protocol, the selection can take a long time. All you need is to download the program and install it on your laptop. After that, you need to launch it, select the password database and wait. The selection of a Wi-Fi password can be carried out both according to certain bases and by the brute-force method (it is unrealistically long if the password is complex). Download the program for hacking, selection wifi password can be on the Internet. But it's better not to do this anyway, because many of these programs contain viruses and spyware... By encroaching on someone else's network and trying to hack someone else's wi-fi, you thereby endanger your system.

Another effective, but requiring technical knowledge, method is packet interception and password cracking from Wi-Fi using Aircrack, Back Track and Comm View programs. This method consists in "listening" to someone else's wireless network, at the moment when someone connects to it and enters a password, the program intercepts it and decrypts it. Depending on the quality of the signal and the level of Wi-Fi reception, it may take from several hours to several days to hack the network in this way.

Of the outlandish ways, there is also Wi-Fi hacking via WPS. Some models wireless routers, modems, access points support this technology, which greatly simplifies the connection of devices. At the same time, WPS is not devoid of vulnerabilities, which can be used to obtain a password from your wi-fi. For additional protection, disable support for this technology in the settings of your modem, router or access point (at, I also do not recommend using the WEP, TKIP protocols; instead, it is better to use modern AES and WPA2.

How do I find out the password for the nearest wireless network within range?

For smartphones and tablets running Android (Android) and iOS (iPhone, iPad), there are Wi-Fi hacking applications. But as a rule, these applications are fraudulent and you will not hack a single Wi-Fi through them. But, there are applications in which you can find the closest Wi-Fi access point to you, open or with a password, and connect to it. On the screen mobile phone or tablet, you will also be able to see a map on which all available connection points will be displayed, as well as passwords to them. You can also add your own access point so that other people can connect to it, but it's better not to do this, you never know who wants to connect, maybe that guy from the movie "Password swordfish".

I am sure that there are already quite a few applications for both Android and iPhone, iPad, for hacking a Wi-Fi network directly from mobile device... But in the open access, on the Internet, you are unlikely to find it. I also recommend refraining from installing all kinds of hacking applications on a smartphone or tablet, especially on an android. As a rule, viruses, trojans and spyware are spread through such applications. By installing such a program on your mobile phone, you run the risk of missing several pairs, hundreds, tens of thousands of rubles in your mobile bank.

All of the above methods of hacking someone else's wi-fi, wireless network and the Internet are provided for familiarization to help careless users protect their own Wi-Fi network from hacking. Remember that penetration into other people's networks, hacking and other illegal operations can be regarded as a crime, including a criminal one.

Often hackers use public networks or Wi-Fi access points of unauthorized users who do not even suspect that illegal actions are being carried out through their equipment. Therefore, I strongly recommend using the information received only in good faith. Good luck!

The topic of our today's note will be somewhat dubious: we will discuss how to hack a neighbor's Wi-Fi. On the one hand, this is not a completely legal and not very ethical occupation, but on the other hand, each of us may find ourselves in a situation where our own Wi-Fi is not available, and the neighbor's one is in full view. You just need to find out how to crack your neighbors' wi-fi password. We will discuss the details of this case.

Anyone can find themselves in another city or in other difficult circumstances. If at the same time the Internet is not available, then the case takes on a completely nasty turn. Sometimes sending a message over the network is a matter of life and death. We will not think about sad things, but we will still give you the skill of opening other people's passwords from Wi-Fi. There are not one, but several ways to find out the password from wi-fi. We will discuss two alternatives:

  • Interception of network packets with their subsequent decryption.
  • Automatic selection of passwords.

In both cases, we need special programs.

Immediately we will reassure the reader - hacking Wi-Fi neighbors is completely safe from the point of view of your personal data. Find out your passwords from network resources or WebMoney wallet number - no one will succeed.

Method one: intercepting packets

To crack a Wi-Fi password using this method, you need to have remarkable technical knowledge, experience and skill. Each router request to the network or, conversely, the router receiving requests from users is accompanied by the transfer of information packed in so-called network packets. Some of these packages contain information about connected users and their credentials, such as passwords. Software interception of such pieces of information allows you to crack any wi-fi, no matter how long and complex the password is encrypted.

Without going into details, we note that the network contains a large number of utilities for capturing packets and penetrating someone else's Wi-Fi. Here is a far from complete list:

  • WiCrack
  • Aircrack
  • Airslax
  • WifiBrute
  • Wi-fi pirate
  • WiHack

If you want to try your hand at hacking, look for them on the net and try to play with them. Please note that all such programs are designed for experienced user... An easier alternative to hack someone else's wifi is to brute force the password for the wireless network.

Method two: brute force method

Hacking wi fi by manually guessing passwords will not work - too many possible combinations of letters and numbers will need to be shoveled. However, special programs cope with this relatively easily. Affected by the carelessness of users, who often do not attach much importance to the reliability of protecting their wifi. It takes some bad experience to understand: security home network Is almost as important a measure as protecting some corporate server.

Sometimes it is possible to penetrate the network through manual selection - for this there are databases of the most common protection options. Users like to put something like "12345678". But this is not a very efficient procedure. Better to use the helper program. Utilities are very popular tools of this kind:

  • Aircrack-ng
  • AirSlax
  • Wi-FI Sidejacking

This is how the interface of similar products looks like:

It is enough to select one of the wifi networks found nearby, click on the button and after a while the program will issue a password. How long it will take to search depends on the degree of security of a particular mesh. By clicking on the "Connect" button, you can immediately connect to the compromised network. To get into the network using your phone, download and install the version of this utility for your mobile phone.

Remember that all of these techniques can be applied to yourself, so pay maximum attention to securing your wireless network. Do not seek to find out someone else's information in this way - it makes sense to hack neighbors only when absolutely necessary. We hope so. That our little story was useful to you.

I noticed that many pikabushniks are interested in the topic of hacking selection forgotten password for your neighbor's Wifi network.

This post will show you how to guess the password for the most common on this moment encryption algorithm WiFi networks- WPA / WPA2

What do you need?

1) Netbook, laptop with Wifi module or Wifi Adapter /

2) USB flash drive from 2 GB and above

2) The best system for carrying out our experiments is, of course, Linux, of course, you can't do business from under Windows, but it's like repairing an engine through an exhaust pipe. Therefore, we will use a special suite of programs for auditing the security of WiFi networks called WiFi Slax. The peculiarity of such packages is that they can be run directly from a USB flash drive. To do this, we format the flash drive under FAT32, copy the contents of the image to the USB flash drive and run the Wifislax Boot Installer file from the boot folder, enter the s parameter and press inter, all our flash drive has become bootable.

3) Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor for Windows

4) Dictionaries for password brute

5) Actually the access point itself to which we will select a password

6) Hands -2pcs.

7) Head -1pc (desirable but optional)

So let's get started:

Boot from the flash drive, select Start with SMP kernel and wifislax with KDE with changes, wait for the desktop to load. First of all, before our experiments, we need to change the mac address of our device (security measures are never superfluous), this is done like this:

Open the terminal, write the command: ifconfig wlan0 down - disable the wifi adapter

Launch the Macchanger program

We select the interface, the options you need (it is better to use another one of the same) and click change mac

We no longer need Macchanger, we close it. In the terminal, enter ifconfig wlan0 up - Turn on the Wifi adapter.

Now let's proceed directly to hacking

Run the minidwep-gtk program

We press scan, the process of broadcasting scanning starts

If your computer has several wifi adapters then you need to select the one you want, the same program can be cracked and the outdated WEP protocol for this, WEP is selected in the encryption column. At the end of the scan, let's see what we have in the area:

And here I need to say a few words: We see that we have some points with WPS and others do not. WPS is a huge hole in the encryption system, in short, it is a connection to a point using a PIN code. The PIN code consists of eight digits - therefore, there are 10 ^ 8 (100,000,000) PIN-code options for selection. However, the number of options can be significantly reduced. The fact is that the last digit of the PIN-code is a kind of checksum, which is calculated based on the first seven digits. Thus, the number of options is already reduced to 107 (10,000,000). In addition, the vulnerability of the protocol allows you to split the pin code into two parts, 4 and 3 digits, and check each for correctness separately. Therefore, there are 104 (10,000) options for the first half and 103 (1000) for the second. As a result, this amounts to only 11,000 options for a full search, which is ~ 9100 times less than 10 ^ 8.

If WPS is enabled at the point, then this is just a gift for a novice ward driver, select such a point, press Reaver then ok and wait until the program checks all the pincodes and issues a password. However, sometimes not everything is so simple, often access points are protected against such attacks and, after several unsuccessful options, block WPS. Our software package has tools that can bypass these locks, I will try to talk about them in the next post. Now we will try to access the network without using WPS. This is only possible if the access point has a client. When connecting, the client exchanges encrypted passwords with the access point, which we must intercept and decrypt. To do this, select a victim and click Attack.

What's happening: Our Wi-Fi adapter is interfering and throwing the client off the network. The client, in turn, tries to connect to the point and exchanges information with it, this exchange is called handshake, then we will intercept it. after the program captures the handshake, it will offer to immediately punch it in the dictionary, but since we booted from the flash drive, there are naturally no dictionaries on it, so we press no then there will be an offer to save the handshake to HDD also refuse. Launch the Home folder, open the tmp folder and see our handshake 3 files:

Copy them to your hard drive and reboot under Windows.

And so we received the password from the network, but it is encrypted, now we will pick it up.

Install the Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor program, patch it, change the language to Russian Options - Language - Russian. Click import data - Import TCPDUMP file

Press Ctrl + I - add, select the downloaded dictionaries and press launch the attack.

A simple password was found in 2 seconds, but a password containing more characters and consisting of letters can take a long time, if you are too lazy to pick it up, you can ask the guys from the Antichat forum to run your CAP files through their databases for goodies and maybe for free. Also on the network there is free services on the selection of passwords, links will be given in the comments.

That's all! If this topic seems interesting to you in the next posts, I can tell you how to bypass the filtering by mac addresses and find out the name of the hidden access point. Look for the link to the torrent with the necessary programs in the comments.