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The volume button on the phone is stuck. Backlash of the volume and power buttons on the iPhone - a marriage or not? Troubleshoot software and adjust settings

Sometimes, while working at a computer, you press a certain button several times and then suffer from not the most pleasant sounds. Or you come across a system window that offers to enable Sticky Keys. You can just press no and continue working, but let's figure out why this mode is enabled, what it is for and how we can completely disable it.

What is this mode for?

This mode, which can be activated by pressing the Shift key five times, is necessary for people with disabilities. As you might guess from the description, it creates some delay after pressing the keys. This is necessary so that, not being able to press several buttons at the same time, the disabled person could activate them one by one, and the keys entered in sequence were recognized by the computer as a simultaneous combination of them.

For example, invoking the Task Manager with Ctrl + Alt + Del, or even changing the language by pressing Alt + Shift, may not be the easiest task for people with disabilities. But sticky keys will allow them to simply press the desired buttons one by one.

However, most users do not need this feature. But since the sticky call is enabled in the system by default, from time to time you will accidentally come across the annoying sticky key launch window, or even accidentally turn it on. Therefore, let's figure out how to disable sticky keys in the system.

Why Sticky Keys Work Unintentionally When Gaming

The fact is that games sometimes require us to press the same button several times in a row. And if it turns out to be a button that, when pressed again, is used to enable Sticky Keys, it ends up minimizing the game and showing the corresponding window. Of course, this is very unpleasant and because of this it can lose its game progress (if the game did not pause when minimizing).

How to disable Sticky Keys on your keyboard in Windows

How to clean up on Windows XP

In this not the most modern operating system, it is quite easy to disable sticky keys. We do the following:

How to turn off on Windows 7

Disabling Sticky Keys is a little more difficult on this operating system. We do the following:

  1. In the control panel, we find the section in which there are special features that simplify the work with the computer. In the same section, the conditions for working at the computer for people with disabilities are configured. We open it.
  2. We find the item that will allow you to configure the keyboard parameters and open it.
  3. Next, uncheck all the boxes from the "Simplify Typing" section.
  4. Then, go to the settings section on the same screen.
  5. Make sure that the "Enable Sticky Keys" item is disabled. If this is not the case, then you should uncheck the box next to it. And you can also turn off the sound signal when you press the keys to get rid of annoying sounds.
  6. After all the settings are completed, restart the computer.

On Windows 8 and its versions

The way to disable Sticky Keys in Windows 8 and all its versions completely repeats the way that we used in Windows 7. However, this operating system has another way that you may find easier and more convenient. So, we take the following steps:

How to disable Sticky Keys on Windows 10

So we got to the newest operating system. Changes in disabling sticky keys are minimal here, but they are still there. We do the following:

After following these instructions, Sticky Keys in Windows 10 will be turned off.

Video: Turn off Sticky Keys

Now you know what the Sticky Keys feature in your computer is used for, and how to turn it off. This function, which is useless for most users, will no longer distract you and the utility designed to enable sticking will not bother you during work or entertainment.

2014-04-11 19:40:15

It is quite difficult today to find such a person who would not know about the reliable performance and high-quality assembly of the iphone 5s. The smartphone is indeed the leader in a number of indicators. But even the best phone cannot be completely immune to accidents or minor glitches.

Almost all control in a smartphone is carried out using a touchscreen display. But the most important functions are assigned to the familiar buttons. This will adjust the sound level, turn the phone on or off, and return to the start page. Be that as it may, but it is these mechanical elements that are the weak link of any phone. They can stop performing their functions properly at any time.

Very often, users on the Internet say that the volume control button has started to stick. A variety of factors can lead to this phenomenon. So, for example, the button can become clogged, which will lead to its jamming in a certain mode. In this case, the most common cleaning may be necessary. It is possible to carry out this procedure on your own, but there is no guarantee that everything will end successfully. It is best to contact specialists who will perform all the necessary actions very quickly and will not require high rewards for this.

There are other reasons as well. The loop that transmits all signals from the buttons directly to the system can fail. This can happen after the phone has been dropped or it has been in contact with water for a short time. In any case, the iphone 5s will need to be repaired here. You should not immediately turn to the help of the Internet and study all the training videos, which show options for replacing individual parts of the phone. Without certain skills, it is almost impossible to complete all actions without making serious mistakes. Any attempts to save money most often only lead to additional spending.

Sticking of the volume control button can also occur due to a software failure. Sometimes restarting the device can help with this issue. But such an action does not always turn out to be salutary.

You can often find recommendations on the Internet regarding programs of questionable origin. According to connoisseurs of virtual space, such applications can help out in any situation. So, if a button is stuck on the phone, the user is offered to download a program that can completely disable this control. Thus, it remains possible to control the sound only with the help of the display. The effectiveness of such a solution raises deep doubts. After such innovations, it will be very difficult to return the phone to its former capabilities even in a service center.

You should never delay repairing your smartphone. If you have the slightest problems, it is better to immediately contact the specialists who can recommend the best options.

Hello everyone! What does a person do right after buying an iPhone? That's right, begins to study it closely. Scratches? Cracks? Clearances? All this is sought with an enviable, sometimes even some kind of manic-paranoid persistence. Is this strange? It seems to me not. After buying a rather expensive device, we have the right to count on the fact that everything will be perfect in it.

And at the moment of such research, you can easily find out the fact that the mechanical power (volume) buttons are not tightly installed and shake a little. On the one hand, it's frustrating. And on the other hand, maybe it’s like that for everyone? Let's figure out if the backlash of the Power and volume up / down buttons is a fault or is it a common design feature of the iPhone?

One two Three. Let's go! :)

Personal experience or do the author's buttons on the iPhone stagger?

Stagger, but not much. Moreover, I drew attention to this right from the moment I bought my first iPhone 5S. I was very worried about this and even wanted to. But all this desire only lasted the first few weeks. Then, as they say, "scored" and this device has been serving me for the 4th year in a row.

The most interesting thing is that after all this time, the Power button is shaking almost the same as it was from the very beginning of use. Although, small improvements are still present - at the end of the article there are observations about what this may be due to.

In general, if you think logically, then the buttons will always have a slight backlash - after all, they must be pressed, and therefore there should be a small gap.

Before writing this article, I walked through my friends, acquaintances, relatives and "felt" their iPhone for wobbling volume and power buttons. To be honest, I have not seen the most ideal fit in anyone - there is a small stroke in 100% of cases. Although, on a couple of iPhone SEs, the backlash was quite strong (as for me), but the owners simply do not pay attention to it and use the phone for their own pleasure.

On which models is the defect most common?

Judging by the reviews on the Internet, in most cases, users are unhappy with the iPhone 5S and SE.

Which is logical:

  • These are some of the most popular and widespread iPhones on the market. The more devices, the higher the likelihood that someone will be upset.
  • The body of the devices is exactly the same. Apple, having released the iPhone SE, did not change anything in the design, which means that the problem with the backlash buttons smoothly flowed into the new model.

And while iPhone 6 and 7 owners also complain about dangling power and volume keys, there are far fewer of them.

Loose buttons in iPhone - marriage or not?

Moving on to the most interesting thing - is such a defect a marriage? What will be the result of contacting the service center - will they repair (exchange) or say that "this is the norm"?

In fact, it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Each person has his own idea of ​​quality - what for someone seems to be a normal move and "landing" of buttons, in the eyes of another will be a terrible backlash.

Moreover, this applies to both the user and the employee of the service center. There are no clear criteria such as "here the power key should have a gap of 1 mm and walk to the sides by 0.5 mm" in any instruction.

In addition, this disadvantage can manifest itself in different ways:

  1. There is backlash, but it does not affect anything.
  2. Loose buttons interfere with the normal functioning of the device - for example, their rattling is heard when recording a video, or they are pressed "somehow wrong" and sink, or there is some other good reason to recognize this defect as a marriage.

Accordingly, in the first case, the service center will call it "technical backlash", a common situation, design features - and will, in general, be right. But in the second, you can already emphasize that the rattling prevents you from using the device normally, which means it is a marriage and.

How to fix button backlash yourself?

On some forums, it is advised to disassemble the device and put something under the Power button - they say, after that the key will become like a glove and will stop dangling. In my opinion, this is a rather dubious event, because:

  • Assembly and disassembly must be done very carefully, and the warranty will be lost (if any).
  • It is also undesirable to stuff any foreign objects inside the iPhone (even if this action has a good purpose).

There are much simpler ways to eliminate backlash:

  1. Use a tight (e.g. silicone) cover.
  2. Wait until dust accumulates in the button hole (during normal and daily use).

I agree - there are not very many options. And the second point generally seems ridiculous. But!

Some users really note the fact that after some time the Power backlash decreases and associate this phenomenon precisely with the clogging of the hole with fine dust. I don't know how true these messages are, but I would definitely not intentionally pollute the iPhone :)

P.S. If the buttons on your iPhone are wobbly, be sure to tell your story in the comments! Does it bother you and will you contact (or have already addressed) the service center?