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Examples of protection against spyware, keyloggers, Spy software, rootkits. How to know if your phone is being tapped or infected with spyware Computer tracking software how to detect

Almost all users are now familiar with viruses and the consequences of their impact on computer systems. Among all the threats that are most widespread, a separate place is occupied by spyware that monitors the actions of users and steals confidential information. Further, it will be shown what such applications and applets are, and the question related to how to detect spyware on a computer and get rid of such a threat without harm to the system will be considered.

What is spyware?

To begin with, spyware, or executable applets, commonly referred to as Spyware, in the usual sense are not viruses per se. That is, they have practically no effect on the system in terms of its integrity or performance, although when computers become infected, they can constantly reside in RAM and consume some of the system resources. But, as a rule, this does not particularly affect the operating speed of the OS.

But their main purpose is precisely tracking the user's work, and, if possible, stealing confidential data, substituting e-mail for the purpose of sending spam, analyzing requests on the Internet and redirecting to sites containing malware, analyzing information on the hard drive, etc. It goes without saying that any user must have at least a primitive anti-virus package installed for protection. True, for the most part, neither free antiviruses, let alone the built-in Windows firewall, give complete confidence in security. Some applications may simply not be recognized. This is where a completely natural question arises: "What then should be the protection of your computer from spyware?" Let's try to consider the main aspects and concepts.

Types of spyware

Before proceeding with a practical solution, you should have a clear idea of ​​which applications and applets belong to the Spyware class. Today, there are several main types:

  • key loggers;
  • hard disk scanners;
  • screen spies;
  • mail spies;
  • proxy spies.

Each such program has a different effect on the system, so let's see how spyware penetrates the computer and what it can do to the infected system.

Methods of Spyware Penetration into Computer Systems

Today, due to the incredible development of Internet technologies, the World Wide Web is the main open and weakly protected channel that threats of this type are used to penetrate local computer systems or networks.

In some cases, the user himself installs spyware on a computer, no matter how paradoxical it sounds. In most cases, he doesn't even know about it. And everything is banal and simple. For example, you downloaded a seemingly interesting program from the Internet and started the installation. In the first stages, everything looks as usual. But then sometimes windows appear suggesting the installation of some additional software product or add-on to the Internet browser. Usually all this is written in small print. The user, striving to quickly complete the installation process and start working with a new application, often does not pay attention to it, agrees with all the conditions and ... as a result, gets an embedded "agent" for collecting information.

Sometimes spyware is installed on a computer in the background, disguising itself later on important system processes. There may be plenty of options here: installing unverified software, downloading content from the Internet, opening dubious email attachments, and even simply visiting some unsafe resources on the Web. As already clear, it is simply impossible to track such an installation without special protection.

Impact consequences

As for the harm caused by spies, as already mentioned, this does not affect the system as a whole in any way, but user information and personal data are at risk.

The most dangerous among all applications of this type are the so-called key loggers, or, in other words, they are precisely able to monitor the character set, which gives the attacker the opportunity to obtain the same logins and passwords, bank details or card PIN codes, and that's all- what the user would not like to make the property of a wide range of people. As a rule, after determining all the data, they are sent either to a remote server or by e-mail, of course, in a hidden mode. Therefore, it is recommended to use special encryption utilities to store such important information. In addition, it is advisable to save files not on the hard disk (hard drive scanners can easily find them), but on removable media, and at least on a flash drive, and always together with the decoder key.

Among other things, many experts consider it the safest to use the on-screen keyboard, although they admit the inconvenience of this method.

Tracking the screen in terms of what exactly the user is doing is dangerous only when confidential data or registration details are entered. The spy simply takes screenshots after a certain time and sends them to the attacker. Using the on-screen keyboard, as in the first case, will not give any result. And if two spies are working at the same time, then in general you will not hide anywhere.

Email tracking is done on the contact list. The main goal is to replace the content of the letter when sending it for the purpose of sending spam.

Proxy spies do harm only in the sense that they turn a local computer terminal into a kind of proxy server. Why is this needed? Yes, only to hide behind, say, the user's IP address when committing illegal actions. Naturally, the user is not aware of this. For example, someone hacked into the security system of a bank and stole a certain amount of money. Tracking actions by authorized services reveals that the hacking was made from a terminal with such and such an IP located at such and such an address. The secret services come to the unsuspecting person and send him to jail. Isn't there anything good about it?

The first symptoms of infection

Now let's get down to practice. How to check a computer for spyware if, for some reason, doubts about the integrity of the security system have crept in? To do this, you need to know how the impact of such applications manifests itself in the early stages.

If for no apparent reason a decrease in performance is noticed, or the system periodically "freezes", or refuses to work at all, first you should look at the use of the load on the processor and RAM, and also monitor all active processes.

In most cases, the user in the same "Task Manager" will see unfamiliar services that were not previously in the process tree. This is only the first bell. The creators of spyware are far from stupid, so they create programs that disguise themselves as system processes, and it is simply impossible to identify them manually without special knowledge. Then problems with connecting to the Internet begin, the start page changes, etc.

How to check your computer for spyware

As for the scan, standard antiviruses will not help here, especially if they have already missed the threat. At a minimum, you need some kind of portable version like the Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool (or better, something like the Rescue Disc with a system check before it boots).

How do I find spyware on my computer? In most cases, it is recommended to use highly targeted special programs of the Anti-Spyware class (SpywareBlaster, AVZ, XoftSpySE Anti-Spyware, Microsoft Antispyware, etc.). The scanning process in them is fully automated, as well as the subsequent removal. But here, too, there are things worth paying attention to.

How to remove spyware from your computer: standard methods and used third-party software

You can even remove spyware from your computer manually, but only if the program is not disguised.

To do this, you can go to the programs and components section, find the application you are looking for in the list and start the uninstallation process. True, the Windows uninstaller, to put it mildly, is not very good, since it leaves a bunch of computer garbage after the process is completed, so it is better to use specialized utilities like iObit Uninstaller, which, in addition to uninstalling in a standard way, allow you to perform in-depth scanning to find residual files or even keys and entries in the system registry.

Now a few words about the sensational Spyhunter utility. Many call it almost a panacea for all ills. Let us disagree with this. She still scans the system, however, sometimes it gives a false alarm. This is not the problem. The fact is that uninstalling it turns out to be quite problematic. For an ordinary user, from all the number of actions that need to be performed, his head is spinning.

What to use? You can protect against such threats and search for spyware on your computer, for example, even with ESETNOD32 or Smart Security with Anti-Theft enabled. However, everyone chooses what is best and easier for him.

Legalized espionage in Windows 10

But that's not all. All of the above referred only to how spyware penetrates the system, how it behaves, etc. But what to do when espionage is legalized?

Windows 10 in this regard has distinguished itself not for the better. There are a bunch of services that need to be disabled (communicating with remote Microsoft servers, using identification to receive advertisements, sending data to a company, determining a location using telemetry, receiving updates from multiple locations, etc.).

Is there 100% protection?

If you look closely at how spyware penetrates your computer and what they do afterwards, you can only say one thing about 100% protection: it does not exist. Even with the use of the entire arsenal of means in safety, you can be sure of 80 percent, no more. However, on the part of the user himself, there should be no provocative actions in the form of visiting dubious sites, installing unsafe software, ignoring antivirus warnings, opening email attachments from unknown sources, etc.

Spyware is a type of malicious software (software) that performs certain actions without the user's knowledge, such as displaying advertisements, collecting confidential information, or modifying device settings. If your internet connection slows down, your browser becomes slow, or some other unusual phenomenon occurs, your computer may be infected with spyware.


Detect and remove spyware on your Android device

    Remember the signs of spyware. If your internet connection drops frequently, or if you receive strange text messages, including messages from strangers, on your smartphone, the device is most likely infected with spyware.

    • Spyware often generates messages with a random set of characters or with a request to enter a specific code.
  1. Check how apps are using internet traffic. Open the Settings app and click Traffic Control. Scroll down the screen and see what traffic is being consumed by a particular application. As a rule, spyware consumes a lot of traffic.

    Back up your data. Connect your smartphone to your computer using a USB cable, and then drag important files (such as photos or contacts) to your hard drive.

    • Since the mobile device and the computer are running different operating systems, the computer will not be infected.
  2. Open the Settings app and tap on Backup & Reset. A screen will open with several options, including the option to reset the device to factory settings.

    Click Reset to Factory Settings. It's at the bottom of the Backup & Reset screen.

    Click "Factory data reset". The smartphone will automatically restart and user data and applications, including spyware, will be removed.

    • Please note that resetting to factory settings will erase all user data. Therefore, be sure to back up important information.

    Using HijackThis (Windows)

    1. Download and install. It is a utility that is designed to detect spyware. Double click on the installation file to run it. Once you have installed this utility, run it.

      • Similar software is Adaware or MalwareBytes.
    2. Click Config. This button is located in the lower right corner of the screen under the Other Stuff section. The program settings will open.

      • In the settings, you can enable or disable certain features, such as file backups. It is recommended that you create a backup if you are working with important files or software. The backup is small; moreover, it can be deleted later (from the folder in which the backups are stored).
      • Note that the "Make backups before fixing items" feature is enabled by default.
    3. Click "Back" to return to the main menu. This button replaces the Config button when the settings window is open.

      Click “Scan”. This button is located in the lower left corner of the screen, which will display a list of potentially dangerous files. It is important to note that HijackThis will quickly scan the most vulnerable nodes of the system, so not all files in the list will be malicious.

      Check the box next to the suspicious file and click "Info on selected item". A window will open with detailed information about the file and the reason why it was included in the specified list. After checking the file, close the window.

      • The detailed information on the screen displays the location of the file, its possible use and the action that is recommended to be applied to the file.
    4. Click “Fix checked”. This button is located in the lower left corner of the screen; HijackThis will either restore or delete the selected file (depending on the selected action).

      • Multiple files can be selected at once; to do this, check the box next to each of them.
      • Before performing any action, HijackThis will create (by default) a backup copy of the data so that the user can undo the changes made.
    5. Restore data from backup. To undo any changes made by HijackThis, click Config in the lower right corner of the screen and then click Backup. Select the backup file from the list (its name includes the date and time it was created), and then click “Restore”.

      • Backups will be kept until you delete them. That is, you can close HijackThis and restore the data later.

    Using Netstat (Windows)

    1. Open a command prompt window. Netstat is a built-in Windows utility that detects spyware and other malicious files. Click on ⊞ Win+ R to open the Run window and then type cmd... The command line provides interaction with the operating system through text commands.

      • Use this method if you don't want to install additional software or want more control over the malware removal process.
    2. Enter the command netstat -b and press ↵ Enter . A list of processes that have access to the Internet (may open ports or use an Internet connection) will be displayed.

      • In this command, the operator -b means "binary code". That is, the screen will display the active "binaries" (executable files) and their connections.
    3. Click on Ctrl + Alt + Delete . The Windows Task Manager will open, listing all active processes. Scroll down the list and find the malicious process that you detected using the command line.

      Right click on the process name and select "Open file storage location" from the menu. A folder with a malicious file will open.

      Right-click on the file and select "Delete" from the menu. The malicious file will be sent to the Trash, which prevents processes from starting.

      • If a window opens with a warning that the file cannot be deleted because it is in use, return to the Task Manager window, select the process and click End Process. The process will be completed and you can delete the corresponding file.
      • If you deleted the wrong file, double-click the Trash to open it, and then drag the file from the Trash to restore it.
    4. Right click on the Trash and select Empty from the menu. This will permanently delete the file.

    Using Terminal (Mac OS X)

      Open a terminal. In the terminal, you can run a utility that detects spyware (if, of course, there is one). Click "Applications" - "Utilities" and double click on "Terminal". The terminal provides interaction with the operating system through text commands.

      • The terminal icon can be found in Launchpad.
    1. Enter the command sudo lsof -i | grep LISTEN and press ⏎ Return . A list of active processes and information about their activity on the network will be displayed.

      • Command sudo grants root access to the subsequent command, that is, allows you to view system files.
      • lsof is short for "list of open files". That is, this command allows you to view running processes.
      • Operator -i indicates that the list of active processes should be accompanied by information about their network activity, because spyware connects to the Internet to communicate with external sources.
      • grep LISTEN- this command selects processes that open certain ports (this is how spyware works).
    2. Enter your admin password and click ⏎ Return . This is required by the command sudo... Keep in mind that while entering the password, it is not displayed in the terminal.

    3. Find out which processes are malicious. If you don't know the name of the process, or if it opens a port, it is most likely malware. If you are unsure of any process or port, search for the process name on the Internet. Most likely, other users have already encountered unusual processes and left feedback about their nature (malicious or harmless). If you are sure that a process is malicious, delete the file that starts the process.

      • If you still have not figured out the nature of the process, it is better not to delete the corresponding file, because this can lead to the crash of some program.
      • rm Is an abbreviation for “remove”.
      • Make sure you want to delete this particular file. Remember that the file will be deleted permanently. Therefore, we recommend that you create a backup beforehand. Open the Apple menu and click System Preferences> Time Machine> Backup.
    • If HijackThis produces too many suspicious files, click Save Log to create a text file with the results and post them to this forum. Perhaps other users can recommend what to do with this or that file.
    • Ports 80 and 443 are used by many reliable network access programs. Of course, spyware can use these ports, but this is unlikely, meaning the spyware will open other ports.
    • When you find and remove spyware, change the passwords for each account that you log into from your computer. Better to be safe than sorry.
    • Some mobile apps that supposedly detect and remove spyware on Android devices are in fact unreliable or even fraudulent. The best way to clean your smartphone from spyware is to return to factory settings.
    • Factory reset is also an effective way to remove spyware on iPhone, but if you don't have root access to system files, chances are the spyware won't be able to infiltrate iOS.


    • Be careful when deleting unfamiliar files. Deleting a file from the System folder (in Windows) can damage the operating system and then reinstall Windows.
    • Likewise, be careful when deleting files using the terminal in Mac OS X. If you think you have found a malicious process, first read the information about it on the Internet.

It is provided by masking user actions from unauthorized reading of the screen and interception of keyboard input. Provides extensive control over your system by monitoring drivers, services, system processes, DLLs and other functionality. This allows all hidden rootkits to be detected and removed. Protects against hardware keyloggers, can be used on tablets. Effective, even on an infected computer.

Rating of computer spyware studied in the cloaker's laboratory.

If you have any questions for us, write to the email address to the Tracking Threats Laboratory


Examples of spyware protection.

Early detection of surveillance can save you many problems.

On this page you can see various methods and detailed examples of working with anti-spy - masker Mask S.W.B to detect, remove and hide from various tracking methods: spyware, trojans, keyloggers, control systems, rootkits, etc. Understand how to hide your actions on your computer from existing threats by pressing just one button without additional settings. Copy and transfer data without using the system clipboard.

Spy VkurSe for covert monitoring of all actions on the computer, it can save the collected data in the system, and can discreetly send it via the Internet to a special server. Provides the ability to covertly monitor your computer online. Creates screenshots of the screen, intercepts keystrokes on the keyboard, clipboard, etc.

Spy Spytector invisible keyboard keylogger that monitors all actions performed on the computer. The spy monitors visits to web pages, opening windows, pressing buttons on the keyboard, creates encrypted logs and sends them via e-mail or FTP channel to its owner. Invisible on the desktop and hidden in the standard Windows Task Manager.

Spy JETLOGGER- allows you to monitor the user's computer activity, collects information about running programs, visited sites and key combinations used. You can enable the automatic creation of screenshots at regular intervals. Hides the fact of collecting information about activity on the device, is as simple and understandable as possible.

Spy Award Keylogger- allows you to monitor all users on any computer in real time and save a history record in special logs. You can immediately view screenshots of the watched, all typed characters, visited websites, programs used.

Spy REFOG Personal Monitor- Provides full control over the system, logs any keystrokes. In addition, he periodically takes screenshots so that the observer has a complete picture of what is happening on the computer. All reports are sent to the specified e-mail. The work of the spy is invisible on the computer: it does not impersonate itself and consumes very few system resources.

Snitch- a spy program that collects information about the actions of the person you need at the computer, installation takes place in two clicks, intercepts all operations with files and the clipboard, as well as all keyboard presses, including passwords and logins for accessing user accounts in ICQ, social media, email, etc. Provides a report for any period of time.

Spy WebWatcher- records all the activity happening on the PC, emails, messenger messages, information about visited sites, activity on Facebook / MySpace networks and everything that the user types in real time. Captures screenshots and tracks all searches. All collected information is sent to special servers.

Spy Kickidler- allows you to automatically monitor the use of computers of interest, tracks keystrokes, mouse movement, records video. You can always track and respond in a timely manner to the actions of users of parallel computers.

Spy PC Pandora- hides in the system and controls the entire computer and Internet traffic. Takes screenshots, retrieves keyboard data, visited websites, emails, instant messages from instant messengers and much more.

Spy Expert Home- multifunctional program for covert surveillance and detailed recording of all actions performed on the computer. Spy Expert Home monitors all the most popular activities taking place on your computer.

Spy System Surveillance Pro- provides all the standard actions for monitoring a PC in an invisible mode. The spy logs text input, instant messages, applications and sites visited, and takes screenshots at a specified time interval.

Spy KidLogger PRO is an open source keylogger that can record sound from a microphone, take screenshots. Delivery of logs / screenshots is possible by mail, or to the manufacturer's website, it can store the stolen information locally.

Snooper- audio spy is designed to record sounds that are picked up by a microphone connected to a PC. In recording mode, it is not displayed in the tray, it is not visible in the list of processes in the Windows Task Manager.

Spy Spytech SpyAgent- a program for complete control over user actions. SpyAgent monitors system performance, including keystrokes, programs being launched, files being opened, and more. Knows how to take pictures, it is possible to remotely control the program.

Spy Ardamax Keylogger- a keylogger program for capturing screenshots, clipboard, keystrokes on the keyboard, entering passwords and Internet addresses, chatting in Internet messengers, and so on.

Spy Windows Spy Keylogger- launches the process of tracking actions on the computer. After starting and activating the process, it will intercept everything that is typed on the keyboard, the results can be viewed in the log file, which will be located in the folder specified in the spy settings. The keylogger allows you to track logins, passwords, correspondence and any other typed text in the system.

Clipboard is constantly used when copying, cutting and pasting information between windows of various programs. Access to it is open to any application on the computer. For this reason, everything that is copied on the system can be intercepted.

Spy Yaware.TimeTracker- to track the actions of computer users. What programs, websites and documents he uses, monitors and receives screenshots and webcams at a specified interval. It can work both in normal and hidden mode, keeps track of the time of work at the computer and other control.

Spy tracking software Real Spy Monitor is aimed at tracking activity on a computer, has the ability to take screenshots, monitor which sites are visited by users, record keystrokes, can also record correspondence that is conducted on ICQ, MSN, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, as well as save the contents of the mailbox MSN, Hotmail and Yahoo which is viewed in a browser.

Easy to use and install, spy LightLogger works invisibly to most users, completely controls the system clipboard, records the keys pressed on any pages on the Internet and programs. LightLogger can record screen shots (PrintScreens) with time interval and set file size.

Spy key feature TheRat- work on the principle of disembodied viruses. When launching the keylogger, no separate executable files are created. It is launched once from the control center or a modified executable, and then completely hides traces of stay and exists only in RAM.

Spy Hide trace- allows you to discreetly monitor user actions. This is not a keylogger that antiviruses respond to, but just a program that ignores and keeps a detailed log of the system's operation. Backing up the information with hidden screenshots.

Spy DameWare Remote Support- makes it possible to connect and control to remote machines via the Internet or a local network. It can covertly, imperceptibly for the observed, conduct a complete counter of all his actions.

Today there are a huge number of different spy programs that are secretly installed on an Android phone to secretly spy on loved ones or relatives. However, each lock has its own master key. And the spy program is no exception - it can also be "calculated" if you look closely at the operation of a mobile phone. We are talking specifically about phones based on Android that have an Internet connection.

How to find a spy on an Android phone?

To conduct covert surveillance of the phone without the consent of the owner, you need to choose a spy program that would not affect the operation of the mobile in any way and would not show itself in any way. Otherwise, instead of secretly spying on your phone, you will get the least - a scandal. To do this, you must first find out how you can detect a spyware program on your phone and by what signs it will "give itself out."

5 signs of how you can identify a spy program on your Android phone:

1. "Heavy" programs heavily load the system and will "slow down" the work of the mobile - this will certainly draw attention to itself.

2. Unreasonably quickly, the battery of the phone began to discharge and Internet traffic began to run out.

3. Spyware is often detected by a regular anti-virus and mistaken for malware.

4. The new application will appear on the phone either in the Menu list, or in the "Remove application" tab, or in the "Application settings". The most "talentless" spy programs can display an icon.

5. When downloading data (recording calls, intercepting messages, photos, etc.), the download arrows from the Internet will be active - sooner or later the owner of the phone will notice that the arrows "blink" at the moment when he does not download anything from the Internet ...

On these, at first glance, elusive, but sure signs, you can detect spyware on your mobile phone. Therefore, look through all the applications for tracking Android phones presented on the Internet, find out their characteristics and be sure to read reviews of real users.

A high-quality program for spying on an Android phone, so that a person does not know that it is installed on his phone should be: visually invisible, “his” for antivirus and lightweight. All this was taken into account by the developers of our VkurSe program.

Is there a stealthy spy on Android phone?

Truly hidden and invisible spyware for mobile exists and this is our program site - a universal multifunctional spyware. Our Spyware Vkurse:

1. "Weighs" a little and does not affect the operation of the mobile phone in any way.

2. Does not drain the phone battery, as it is controlled remotely and consumes little traffic.

3. The site program is not malware and therefore antivirus programs “pass by”.

4. Installed directly into the system folder and is not reflected anywhere. When installing it, you can give the program any name - function generation for free .

5. The time for downloading data can be set at your own discretion when setting up the program. For example, late at night, when the owner is asleep, or, conversely, in the morning, when the owner of the phone is busy with studies, work or household chores and does not pick up the mobile.

The program site is convenient and easy to use, the interface in Russian is intuitive. Its not difficult download, install and configure. In total, all this will take about 15 minutes. Detailed step-by-step instructions for installing and configuring the program The course is shown on video located at the bottom of the main page, and is also described in Guidelines... You can go to forum spyware and read the comments of people who are already using our spyware.

You will be able to intercept calls, SMS messages, correspondence in instant messengers and social networks (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Viber and Vatsaap), take screenshots of the screen at a set time interval, monitor which pages on the Internet the phone owner visits, which photos he sends and receives what games he plays. You can remotely control your phone - turn the microphone and camera on and off, be aware of the SIM card change, if you lose your phone, clear the memory and lock the phone, and much more (see. Possibilities).

In addition, our program Vkurse can determine the location of an Android phone for free for an unlimited time - a full free GPS tracking software with detailed routing. Our program has long been used by logisticians, truckers, parents as Parental control over a child, as well as attentive children to track elderly parents if they live separately and there is a reason to worry about their movements around the city.