Computers Windows Internet

Does not connect to the asus router. Setting up a wireless Wi-Fi network using an Asus RT-N12 router. Additional router configuration

Before you start configuring the router, you will need to prepare your computer for further configuration, as well as clarify some of the connection parameters. How to do this is described in detail in our instructions:! When the computer is ready, we proceed directly to setting up the router.

We connect the router:

  • We turn on the router to the network using the supplied adapter
  • Leave the operator cable "on the floor"
  • We connect the cable from the kit to the network cards of the router ( LAN 1) and computer ( Ethernet) (Rice. 1)

Wait until the router lights up power diodes (PWR), active first port (LAN1) and WLAN (AIR), although it happens that the latter is disabled in the router settings.

Configuring ASUS RT-N10 router

2. In the address bar, specify the IP address of the router:
After entering the address, an authorization window will appear on the screen to access the settings of the router ( Rice. 5). To enter the configurator, enter:

  • login - admin
  • password - admin

3. Not for experienced users, the system will offer an attempt to automatically configure the connection through the configurator, for which it is enough to click " Further": Rice. 6

4. If your provider provides the Protocol - Static IP address and exactly (how to find out what protocol you have is described in detail in our instructions: Preparing a PC before setting up a Wi-Fi router), which matches the IP address of the router, in the section " LAN", In the tab LAN IP address, you should change the IP address of the router to , then press " Apply"And restart the router. We also reboot the computer and re-enter the router through the browser, but already through the new IP address ( Rice. 7):

5. If the protocol differs from the above or your operator has a different IP address, skip Clause 4.:

6. If autotuning fails, go to the section " WAN", Where from the list we select the Protocol of your operator ( PPPoE, PPTP or L2TP):

7. IP addresses and DNS are provided automatically, depending on the provider, or they must be entered manually. We also learn these parameters from the instructions: Preparing the PC before starting to configure the Wi-Fi router. We indicate in the window Username and password, according to the operator's requirements, and binding, if necessary, to a physical address:

8. After applying and rebooting the router, enter the settings section Wireless network.

According to the above figure, you should specify the parameters of the future Wi-Fi network:

  • "SSID" - you can leave the network name or change it to your preferred one;
  • "Wireless network mode" - we also recommend choosing a specific one, if the computer does not support Wi-Fi class N (specified in its specification), select the mode "G Only"... Mixed modes are not recommended "... mixed";
  • "Channel" - instead of "Auto" we advise you to choose a specific one from 1 to 13 (for example, 6 or 9);
  • "Authentication Method" - (protecting your network - will help protect your home network from connecting inquisitive neighbors) - we recommend choosing WPA-Personal- a reliable encryption method that will keep you safe. This mode is used for maximum communication speed. WEP encryption slows down network access, and WPA2 is not supported by all devices that will connect to the router;
  • "WPA encryption" - select TKIP for WPA verification method;
  • A WPA Preshared Key is a password that protects your network. It must be entered if the Authentication Method from the previous paragraph is specified - you will have to come up with a password yourself and indicate it in the appropriate field, remember it and write it down in your notebook.

Let's plunge a little into the world of fantasy. You went to the kitchen, and when you try to turn on the kettle, you hear that "This operation cannot be performed, and you need to update the firmware", immediately you move to the toaster, and there you will be disappointed, in the form of the phrase - "Software this model is outdated, the software needs to be updated. "

It is clear that the time may come when absolutely all devices will be connected to the worldwide network, but before this happens, let's figure out how to configure a router that unites all available devices into one local network. This article will show you how to set up the well-known Asus RT-N12 D1 device.

It all starts from the first turn on.

The brand new router we took out of the box looks brilliant and impressive. Experienced users who first pick it up will immediately start thinking about how to install the latest version of the software. But, performing such manipulations, you should remember that the latest versions should be taken only on the official website, if you disobey this instruction, then your device may turn into a useless brick.

Update - order of action.

Download the firmware archive to your computer.

We connect the power cable to our router, and then press the Power button, and wait for the device to turn on.

We connect our device with a network cable to the computer. One end goes to the computer, and the other end of the wire must be inserted into the yellow socket on the device called LAN. The blue socket with the name "WAN" should be connected to the cable coming from your ISP.

Now you need to go to the control panel, for this we launch any browser, and enter the local IP into the address bar, most often - After pressing ENTER, a window will pop up in which you need to fill in the login and password of access. Often, both the password and the login are hammered in the default program - admin. But, it is better to verify this by looking at the sticker glued to the back of the device.

There are some cases when the IP address is different, and even the password with the login. These can be any universal solutions, for this reason, we always pay attention to the label to once again make sure that we are right. In our case, the local IP remained unchanged, but the login password was - mts.

When you enter the ASUS router control panel for the first time, a special window pops up in front of you, designed to quickly fill in the necessary settings for the Internet to work. Now, we are not interested in this item, so we should click on the house-shaped icon to move to the main page of our menu.

We need to get to the item called "Firmware Update", for this we need to go to the section called "Administration". In some versions of the device, these tabs may have different names. For example, the section may be called "System", and the item we need is "Software Update".

Having opened the desired menu item, you will see information such as "Firmware version". Compare it with the one you have already downloaded. If your firmware is newer, then select the "Select file" item, and indicate the location of the firmware on the computer, then click on the "Submit" button, and see how the update process starts.

It is important to remember that when the process of updating is in progress, a person should not apply any unnecessary actions to this item. You cannot pull out the cable, reboot the device, and so on, because any extraneous action can only harm the process itself, and the firmware will be installed incorrectly.

After installing the firmware, you need to leave the control panel, and on our device, hold down the Reset button for a few seconds, this will allow you to reset all settings.

Let's move on to setting up an Internet connection.

Automatic, fast Internet setup.

We connect the cable of the Internet provider, you need to insert it into the blue socket. It is named in the device as a WAN port, in my case, next to it there was an icon resembling a standard browser.

We open the control panel, select the function "Quick setup of Internet access". It is this function that allows you to quickly determine the type of connection. You need to left-click on the window containing the words "Go" and perform the following manipulations.

We change the login and password for entering the control panel, you do not need to leave them standard, this will lead to the insecurity of your access to the worldwide network.

We indicate the login and password for access to the Internet. This data was issued by the provider when we entered into an agreement for the supply of an Internet connection to our apartment.

We indicate the name of the wireless network, if necessary, and, if desired, set a password that will be requested when connecting to this network.

This concludes the quick setup process. At the final stage, you should click on the "Apply" button, and notice that your Internet has started working as expected.

There is another way to configure Internet access, it is for advanced users, and this method is called " Manual internet configuration».

Before proceeding, you need to find out the following information from your Internet service provider:
- the type of internet connection.
- login and password for Internet access.
- The MAC address to which your agreement is bound, this is issued provided that the provider uses this technology.
- Subnet mask, default gateway and IP address.
- VPN server, service name, PPPD parameter, and so on ..
- DNS addresses, if they are not set automatically.

We go into the control panel, and there we select the item "Additional settings". We are interested in the tab with the name "Internet". It is there that the network setting is contained, in the "General" tab.

First, we indicate the type of connection, this is done in the main parameters, we leave the rest of the checkboxes unchanged, because most Internet providers do not use technologies such as UpnP, therefore, they do not need to be configured.

Setting IP-address - the field where it is necessary to set the value "Automatic". This is only done if you do not have an additional service called "Statistical IP" connected.

The next DNS WAN field also needs to be set as receiving automatic settings. Some users register public DNS addresses, and they take them from Google or Yandex.

The next section is "Setting up an account", here you need to specify both login and password. The rest is specified at its own discretion.

The next section is Supplier Specific Requirements. Here you need to register the VPN service, hostname, and also MAC address, and after all this, click on the "Apply" button, it is located at the bottom of this page with settings.

Setting up a wireless network.

To configure wireless data transmission, you need to go to the "General" tab and select the additional settings item there, and find the "Wireless network" tab.

Now you need to fill in all the fields required for the correct operation of the wireless Internet connection.

SSID field - This is the name of the wireless network.

Broadcast SSID - a field required to indicate the availability of a connection. If you put a tick in front of the "No" item, then this will automatically mean that some devices will not be connected to the network.

Wireless network mode - here you need to select the item with the name "Automatic". This will allow you to connect to the network from various devices, without cutting their speed in downloading and uploading traffic.

The next item is “Broadcast channel width”. To increase the bandwidth, it is recommended to select the value 40 MHZ, but if there are frequent disconnections in the Internet connection, then we reduce this value by half.

The Channel field should not be changed if you have a stable connection. If there are crashes, then you can iterate over the settings until you can reach a normal connection.

Encryption type WPA - helps to ensure security during data transmission, select WPA2-Personal, and specify the type of encryption as AES.

Access key to the wireless network - here you need to specify the password that the user will specify during connection.

And the last one is the key rotation interval, the standard solution is always the value 0. You do not need to specify anything else, otherwise the key may change.

For those who first encountered a wireless network connection, this will seem incredibly difficult. For this reason, for beginners, a technology called Wireless WPS was invented. It allows you to transfer settings from the WI-FI adapter to the router, as if over the air, and thereby saves time and human effort.

If on the back wall, where the connector panel is located on the device, you find the "WPS" button, then you can breathe a sigh of relief, you will be able to save a lot of your time by simply pressing the button on the router, and then on the WI-FI adapter of your computer, and then wait a few minutes for synchronization.

Setting up a local network.

If you do not know what this data is, and what it is for, it is better to leave everything unchanged.

The main parameters of any local network on this device are located in the tabs named "DHCP server" and "LAN IP".

You can change the starting IP address within acceptable limits, of course.

A DHCP server is required in order for all devices to automatically obtain IP addresses. If this parameter is disabled, then, consequently, all addresses will not be received by computers. On the DHCP tab, a person has the right to change some settings, namely:
- Pool addresses within the network, you can specify the start and end value.
- Lease time for one address.
- Main gate.
- Addresses of WINS servers and so on.

Most people leave this tab unchanged, realizing that when the service is enabled. Then everything happens automatically, and there is no need to worry about the settings.


Firewall is necessary in order to protect our device from unauthorized penetration, it will filter outgoing and incoming traffic according to the rules that will be set by the administrator himself. If you are sure that you do not have one hundred percent protection, then it is recommended to enable this solution.

All settings must be made in the "General" tab.
- Turn on the firewall and turn it off.
- Activation of protection against unauthorized entrances.
- Choice of registering packages.

It is possible to block some sites, for this in the "Site filter" tab, you must specify those addresses that should be blocked.

A filter applied to keywords is only necessary if you want to block access to sites that have some words that are prohibited for you.

General tab.

A network map helps a person to see a display of current connections.

With the help of the guest network, you can curtail the rights of regular guests connected to the wireless connection of your Internet.

Traffic Manager allows people to control the distribution of all network resources going out to different devices, be it a computer, smartphone, or so on.

Parental control is necessary in order to restrict other people from using the Internet when the main person is not at the computer. Parental control is most used for children.

As you can already understand, a router from ASUS can do more than just throw traffic into one common network. We have considered several points that are needed to correctly configure the router. It turned out that any setting can be performed in several stages, the main thing is to first understand all the instructions so that you will not be disappointed during the setup. After reading the entire instructions, a person will learn how to set up such devices on their own, without outside help.

ASUS is a well-established manufacturer of electronics with good specifications, including modems for Internet access. But any device of this type needs to be configured according to the parameters of the provider with whom the contract for the provision of communication services has been concluded.

This instruction will give you an answer to the question of how to set up an asus rt g32 router, while it is worth remembering that the configuration algorithm and the interface of devices from one supplier are very similar, so the article will be useful to all buyers of ASUS modems with Wi-Fi support.

Preparing for setup

The technical preparation of the router for configuration is carried out in several stages:

  1. Connect the power supply to the Asus RT-G32 and turn it on to the power supply.
  2. Connect the Ethernet cable provided by your ISP to the modem connector labeled “WAN”.
  3. Connect the port of the router with the inscription "LAN1" to the network card of the computer using the Ethernet cable, which is included in the set of the Wi-Fi modem.
  4. Reset the Asus rt g32 settings to the factory settings by pressing and holding the "Reset" button recessed in the case for ten seconds.

Computer settings

Often the characteristics of a computer's network card are manually configured for other connections. To work with the asus rt g32 Wi-Fi router, you need to configure the card:

1. Open the OS network settings section. For example, for Windows 7, you need to open the settings window shown in the following figure (located in the control panel), where click on the highlighted link.

2. Go to the connection properties by right-clicking on its icon and selecting the corresponding item in the menu that appears.

3. Open "Properties" of the item indicated in the following figure:

4. Set the values ​​of the protocol characteristics as shown in the figure:

We repeat the procedure for the rest of the connections, if any.

Configuring the router

To configure the asus rt-g32 for the settings of your provider, follow the steps of the following instruction:
1. Launch any browser, enter the address and go to it.
2. In the uploaded authorization dialog in both fields, enter "admin" and click on "Submit"

3. Click on the "Home" button

4. The software shell of the wi-fi router asus rt g32 supports the Russian language, select it in the "Language" field.

5. To configure WAN access options, click on the “WAN” main menu item.
6. Check with your service provider for the type of connection.

7. If the provider provides the Internet using dynamic IP technology, then nothing needs to be changed on the “WAN” page. Click on the "Accept" button.
8. If the Internet is provided using static IP technology, then in the "Type of WAN connection" select the appropriate type and fill in all the fields of the form with the data received from the provider and click on "Accept".

9. When choosing a PPPoE connection type, specify the receipt of the IP address automatically, or fill in the address field if it was provided by your ISP. Z Fill in the fields of the "Account and connection settings" section with the data specified in the contract for the provision of communication services, and in the MTU field, enter the value 1472 and click on "Accept".

11. Apply the changes and configure the wifi module for wireless connection. If this option is not needed, restart the modem and use the Internet.

Wi-Fi setup

To configure the characteristics of wireless access to the global network, open the tab of the main menu "Wireless network". Where set the following parameters:

  1. In the "SSID" field, enter the name of the Wi-Fi network displayed on the subscriber devices. It can be arbitrary, but it must consist only of numbers, signs and letters of the Latin alphabet.
  2. Enable the "Hide SSID" option if you want to use this method to protect your wifi network from unauthorized access. When activated, the setting hides your network from subscribers, and you can only connect to it knowing its exact name.
  3. In the "Authentication Method" line, set "WPA-Personal". And in the line "WPA encryption" select "TKIP". These are the most well-established and widely used methods of protecting the network.
  4. The "Pre-Shared WPA Key" line contains the password that users must enter when logging into your wifi network. The length of the codeword must be at least eight characters; any characters are allowed.
  5. To fix the settings, click "Apply".

This completes the setup of the asus rt g32, it remains only to reboot it and use the Internet, both via a wired interface and via wi-fi.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

Good day, dear readers. Today we will figure out how to set up an Asus RT G32 router literally on the knee, as experienced guys like to say, and aunties. So let's get started.

As I understand it, this router has already been purchased from us and the Internet is connected from your favorite provider. First of all, we need a patch cord (most companies, including Asus, put it in a box with a new router).

General configuration of the Asus router

We take our router in handles and proceed to configure it. First, we take the provider's cable from the network card of your computer and connect it to the WAN port on the router, and a new cable to the first LAN port. We plug the second plug into the computer's network card. This method is used with the Asus RT G32 model, and with any other router or router:

Wiring diagram

Next, you need to configure obtaining an IP address on the network card. The Asus device will give you the address automatically. Therefore, in Windows XP, right-click on the tray icon, select the "Status" item, click "Properties" and the "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)" item - then you need the "Properties" button:

Configuring a network card

In the address bar of the Browser, we type the IP address, which is usually indicated on the back of the router box -, as well as the login (admin) and password (admin), which are suitable for any Asus devices. Your RT G32 WiFi router should display the page:

When you turn it on for the first time, Asus suggests not configuring anything:

Automatic tuning

We disagree with Asus's proposal and go to the "Home page":

Settings main page

We assign the desired interface language (further, the router settings will be given on the assumption that the interface language is "Russian"). For the most part, the Asus RT G32 router is configured on the General tab. Different providers use different protocols: PPTP (Rostelecom), L2TP (Beeline). Before configuring the Asus RT G32 router, Rostelecom must issue seven parameters:

  1. On the "WAN" tab, in the "WAN connection type" field, select "PPTP" - there are no parameters here;
  2. In the “WAN IP address setting” and “WAN DNS setting” fields, set the “No” checkbox and put in the fields of the above sections the data that your provider gave you (IP address, DNS address, subnet mask, gateway);
  3. Also enter your username and password as specified in the contract.
  4. Carefully read the section "Special requirements of your Internet service provider": in the "HeaRT-Beat or PPTP / L2TP server" field, specify the parameters that you need to clarify with your provider by calling the support service. Otherwise, the router will not be able to create a VPN connection in principle. The support service of Asus, that is, the manufacturer of the router, has nothing to do with it. By the way, the router can be assigned the MAC address of the computer, but this is not required for everyone.

configure the WAN port

If we talk about L2TP, there will be fewer letters and numbers.

A small example. When, in practice, the Asus RT G32 router was configured, Beeline for some reason said one word! That was the name of the VPN server. Everything is correct: the login and password are specified in the contract, and DNS and IP will be received automatically (checkbox "Yes" in the list "2").

Setting up a wireless connection

In theory, the Asus RT G32 router works under the N150 protocol, despite the letter G in its name. This means that Asus needs to work on the names. The Asus RT G32 device has the following features:

  1. On the "General" tab of the main page of the router, select the "Wireless network" item. In the SSID (network identifier) ​​field, we indicate the name of the wireless connection distributed by the router. You can give the network the name Asus RT G32, but, in general, any name is suitable. Next to the "Hide SSID" checkbox, select the "No" checkbox.
  2. Authentication Method - Select "WPA2-Personal". WPA Encryption - Select "AES". This is what we would do with the RT N12 router, and in general with any Asus device where the AES method is implemented.
  3. Create and enter a password. The tip on the right speaks of reliability. Your Asus RT G32 router uses up to 8 numbers and letters, but only in English.

Leave the rest of the values ​​as default:

Wireless network

We press "Apply". Nothing else is required! We looked at how to configure the Asus RT G32 router to "share Wi-Fi". Now you need to configure the network card on your PC or laptop. Hopefully the reader understands that it must be a Wi-Fi card. Enable it first, and if it is already enabled, a notification will appear in the tray that the network has been detected:

Wireless networks detected

The asus RT G32 router is now fully configured. Laptop or computer - not configured. Therefore, you need to click on the new icon and select one connection in the window that appears (for example, Asus RT G32 is the SSID of our router). Having found the required network, right-click on the name and select the "Security" tab. Here's how to set the encryption method and password:

Encryption method

Remember, our Asus RT G32 router is configured for WPA2-AES. We choose the same thing here - the network is already working, the router is "distributing" it!

Wireless setup video

Next, we will consider how the Asus RT G32 is configured for specific applications. It will be about the DC ++ file-sharing network, but not only. Be aware that the Asus RT G32 router allows you to connect to your computer via RDP (remote desktop). Which we will do, and also try to update the firmware ourselves.

How to set up a DC ++ client connection

When the Internet connection works through a router, for example Asus or D-Link, only it is engaged in addressing, and not the computer's network card. The router takes over Internet requests and forwards them to the IP address that it dynamically assigned to the network card. Because of this, some applications, such as the DC ++ file-sharing client, have problems accessing the service. Any router has this property, and the Asus RT G32 model will not be an exception. Several manipulations need to be performed on the router - namely, port forwarding, i.e. configure the correct operation of the network with your router, and the router with your computer. So let's get started.

In order to start port forwarding, you need to find a special tab. In the interface of the Asus RT G32 router, the "WAN" menu contains six tabs. The above discussed how to open the first of them. Examine the beginning of the article and follow the steps with the router to "step 1". It remains to go to the "Virtual Server" tab - this is one of the tabs in the "WAN" menu (on the left side of the window):

Van port setting

In this menu, you can create forwarding rules, although Asus has sewn several ready-made templates into its router. Make sure that the box next to Enable Virtual Server is set to Yes. Now you can start configuring not the router, but the client.

In the DC ++ connection settings, select Manual Firewall mode. In the case of file exchange within the network, in the "External / WAN IP" field, you need to enter the address that is valid for the provider's local network - this address is assigned to the WAN port of the router. If the DC ++ client is connected to the external Internet, you will need to specify your dedicated IP address (contact your ISP for details).

In the "Ports: TCP and UDP" field, you need to enter the values ​​of the ports on which you plan to further work with DC ++. It is better to choose one value that is easy to remember, but at the same time it is not occupied by the system. Use the link:

  • Port (TCP / IP)

Setting up dc ++

After all the steps, let's return to configuring the router - namely, to the Asus RT G32 graphical interface.

Route setup

On the router, in the "Service name" field, indicate the name of our rule - for example, "DC ++" (optional). Then, in the "Port range" field, specify the value of the port from which you want to redirect external traffic to the internal network behind the router. In the "Local IP address" field, you must specify the value of the IP address of the PC in the local network. You can find out this IP-address in the "Status" of the connection, and you will specify the same numbers in the Asus RT G32 settings:

See properties

In the "Local port" field, you will specify the port value that is configured on the computer (port in the DC ++ client). In the "Protocol" field on the router, you must specify which type of traffic (TCP, UDP or all at once) will be used. We choose the option "BOTH", which means BOTH. In this case, the router will create two rules, for TCP and UDP. You can enter any number in the "Protocol number" field - the option does not affect anything. This is true for all routers in principle, including the Asus RT G32.

To enable Remote Desktop, the router is configured in the same way as for a DC ++ client computer. But in the "Local port" field on the "Virtual server" tab, indicate a specific value - the port number on which the RDP protocol works. Of course, we are talking about TCP port 3389 - it is used by default. And the router will not be able to interfere with RDP services.

We flash the router ourselves

Everyone knows what the firmware of a router is, but whoever does not know, he at least guesses. Firmware is a special program that helps any device, in this case a router, to work. Updating the firmware is then required to improve the performance of the router, fix hidden bugs, etc. All firms, including Asus, are constantly developing their software, which is necessary for the development of the functionality of technology. For the Asus RT G32 device, the firmware is located on the Asus website. No need to download "pirated" drivers and firmware hacked by homebrew hackers. Whoever bypasses this prohibition will get an unpleasant effect - overheating. True, the Asus RT G32 router is designed without errors - it does not overheat even with “pirate” software. The firmware version of your router can be found in the web interface. Open the interface as discussed - Asus has placed all the information at the top of the page:

Additional settings

Knowing all the numbers, that is, the firmware version, we can either download and install a new one, or leave the old one. It is also necessary to find out the hardware revision of the router - the letters C1 or B1 are printed by Asus on the sticker. There are no other revisions for the RT G32 model, and the firmware for them is available on the Asus website:

Download page

The Asus website offers to choose an operating system. I think you know what operating system you have installed, pay attention to the bitness (32 or 64). After that, a window will appear in which you have to select the firmware version. Remember the numbers indicated in the router interface:

Download the required file

After downloading the new firmware, you need to install it. On the main page, select the "Administration" item and the "Firmware update" tab. Below, next to the "Program version" field, click on the "Browse" button and select the Asus file that you downloaded. In the window that appears, click "Open" and then click "Submit":

Updating software

The installation of the new firmware on your router will begin:

Update process

Attention! While the firmware is being "flooded", the router itself cannot be turned off, otherwise it may end in failure. Namely, the Asus firmware will not be installed correctly and the router will not work correctly. Error protection is provided for the Asus RT G32 model, but getting a "brick" instead of a router at the output is possible. When the firmware is filled, it is best to wait two minutes and restart the router forcibly: on the back panel of Asus devices there is a “Reset” button, which is “drowned”, and now you need to hold it down for 5-6 seconds - the router will turn off and restart.

Reset button

The setting is 100% complete. For the Asus RT G32 router, the characteristics are selected so that this device can be operated both at home and in the office: any LAN port can be used as a WAN port, but, alas, not with Asus proprietary firmware. Most routers from the Router RT family do not even differ in this property: the WAN port will burn out, and - hello, you seem to lose the functionality of the router and get an "access point".

Asus is not the only company that produces routers with LAN-WAN spoofing. It is necessary to look at the chipset model - for Ralink RT3050F and RT3052 microcircuits, the possibility of substitution is provided. Let's name all models of routers with one of these chipsets:

  • Asus RT G32 of both revisions;
  • Not Asus: D-Link DIR-300 / NRU (B1-B4) routers, also DIR-615 (D1-D4);
  • Router DIR-620 (revision not known).

Asus firmware cannot be installed on a D-Link router. The converse is also true. But "pirated firmware" works on all routers: Asus does not overheat anything, which cannot be said about D-Link devices.

The so-called dual-band routers are network devices whose Wi-Fi access point operates in the 5GHz range. As a rule, such models are endowed with a maximum of options, and in addition to them a bonus is attached, for example, in the form of a couple of hundred megabytes in the cloud. The top model from ASUS, equipped with two bands at once, is RT-ac66u. Let's consider how to install an ASUS router with a 5GHz Wi-Fi network, as well as connect and configure. And we will focus on setting up the wireless network. Let's get started.

Router RT-ac66u

The device of the above model is not a "complex" router. It is considered to be the top one because the Wi-Fi module implements the most modern and fastest protocol - "802.11 AC". There are several Wi-Fi protocols: b, g, n (the latter is the fastest in the 2.4 GHz band). The AC protocol, unfortunately, can only be used in the 5 GHz range (and one communication channel will take up a bandwidth of 80 MHz).

In addition, the router is equipped with three antennas and can operate on three channels at once. Of course, subscriber equipment should support similar options (for example, 3x3 mode and 5 GHz band). Now we will look at how the ASUS router is installed according to its official instructions.

Indoor Dual Band Router Installation

Physical device setup

According to the instructions, the router case can be installed horizontally or vertically. In the first option, one rule must be followed: the side antennas must be deflected at an angle of 45 degrees.

Installing the router

In this case, the middle antenna is installed vertically.

Installing a router (second option)

Vertical installation involves either a plastic bracket or wall mounting. In this case, the same rule is observed with the direction of the antennas.

General recommendations sound like this: there should not be any other devices (routers) operating on the Wi-Fi protocol "802.11g" and below. The same applies to Bluetooth equipment and other peripherals operating in the 2.4 GHz band. But the last requirements are rather recommendatory.

Connecting the device

Cable connections before configuration - must be done in the following order:

Hardware connection diagram

  1. Plug in the power adapter (without pressing the Power button on the case)
  2. Connect any port of the router's LAN to a wired network card of a laptop or PC (using the supplied patch cord)
  3. Connect the ISP cable to the WAN port (if using a modem, make the connections as shown in the figure)
  4. It is necessary to correctly configure the wired connection in the PC

Configuring a computer network card

  • Finally - turn on the power of the device, not forgetting to send the PC to reboot.

The router settings interface can be accessed using any browser (go to the address: The password for authorization in the web interface is "admin", the login is "admin".

It is important to know that if the ASUS RT ac66u router is not purchased from a store, you need to perform a factory reset. The router is turned on, wait 1 minute, press the "9" (reset) button, holding it for at least 5-10 seconds

Rear panel of the router

Successful connection!

Setting up a wireless network

Login to the web interface

On the computer that is connected to the router, open a browser and navigate to the address:

Interface start tab

To configure the wireless network - go to the "Wireless" tab.

Setting up a wireless network (5 GHz band)

We switched the interface to "Russian" (upper right corner of any tab). Then, went to the "Wireless network" tab:

General Wireless Settings

As you can see, here - you can set:

  1. Range (5 or 2.4)
  2. Wireless network name (required)
  3. A mode is nothing more than a protocol of operation. Auto means mixed mode (Ac / N / G / B). If the user needs "standard mixed", that is, N / G / B - use "Legal" mode. Finally, there is a choice of "N only" mode.
  4. Channel number - let it be "Auto"

You will notice that ASUS RT ac66u router will create a wireless network with the given name in about a minute. Successful setup!

Question answer

Question: if it is impossible to enter the settings interface from the computer, what should be done?

It is necessary first, before connecting the router, to reset its settings, as mentioned above (turn on, wait, press reset).

Question: how to direct antennas on a network card?

The simplest advice is parallel to the antennas of the router, but this is not always correct. Perhaps the highest communication speed for the user is realized in just another variant. We must try (but the advice on installing the antennas of the router remains valid).

Configuring a router using the built-in "wizard" - discussed in the movie: