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Learning computer literacy. Video training course on a laptop for beginners and not only

You decide to buy a laptop, great, a good thing in the household will come in handy. But before you go to the store, it would be nice to get acquainted with some rules for using a laptop. There are not many of them, but if you stick to them, then your laptop will serve you for a long time, and you will not have to spend money on repairs again.

Rule One - Careful Handling of Wires

This rule applies to all cables that you will connect to your laptop. If you are sitting at a table, and cables, such as network and charger, or from a printer, are pulled across the room to you, then in this case, there is a huge chance that someone will catch on to them. In this situation, there are many options, either this someone is injured, or your laptop is on the floor, or both. The likelihood of such events is especially high if there are small children at home, because they usually do not look under their feet when they fly around the apartment. Flash drives plugged into a USB port can also be dangerous, even a simple tilt of the laptop to the side can disable the socket, and at the same time the USB flash drive.

Rule two - Keep away from liquids

Keep your laptop away from liquids, otherwise you will have to regret it bitterly

As can be seen from practice, people fully appreciated all the advantages of a laptop, and especially its mobility, that is, the ability to move it freely. This is especially useful if there is wireless Internet. If you want, he is with you in the kitchen, and entertains you while you cook. It is also indispensable when you want to chat with friends via Skype, with a cup of coffee in your hand, while it is convenient to relax in an armchair or on a bed. But hands are sometimes needed, and where to put coffee in this case, the nearest suitable platform is a laptop keyboard, but one careless movement and the entire portion spreads over the buttons. If only on the buttons, but your coffee or tea can also get on motherboard. Do not try to fix everything yourself, your actions in this situation should be as follows, turn off the power, and wipe the keyboard from above, well, take it to service center, specialists should already deal with your laptop.

Rule Three - Good Cooling

A laptop, like a computer, has parts inside that get very hot during operation, and therefore require cooling. On the laptop case, on the sides and at the bottom there are holes for ventilation, and inside there are fans that draw in air and cool the central processor, video card and chipset. Therefore, try not to keep your laptop on the bed or on your lap for a long time, because in these cases, the ventilation holes may be blocked. And without cooling, any of the above parts can fail. Better yet, if you buy a cooling pad for your laptop, there are such. A laptop is less secure than a desktop computer in this respect.

Rule Four - Don't Constantly Charge Your Battery

If you are not a fan of lying on the bed with a laptop, and it stands in one place, for example, on a table, then I dare to assume that the charging cord is always connected to the mains, which is very harmful to the battery. With this use of a laptop, after about a year, the battery will no longer hold, a maximum of 10-15 minutes. What can be done? If you are not going to carry it anywhere in the near future, then remove the half-discharged battery, pack it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator, but not in the coldest place. There it can be stored until better times.

Rule Five - Backup

Do backup, otherwise anything can happen, even if it’s not a laptop in the picture, but the same thing can happen to him

If you store important documents or photos dear to you on your laptop hard drive, always, just in case. Throw files on disks or on, because nothing eternal has been invented yet, and your HDD may also fail. And if you have copies, you won't have to tear your hair out. But in order to extend its service life and reduce the risk of losing data that is important to you, do not carry the laptop turned on, because it is during operation that a small shake is enough for the hard drive to fail.

Rule six - Be careful with the display

Be very careful when handling the display, this part of the laptop is the most vulnerable, do not poke your finger at the screen, do not let children do it, you can damage the matrix, and dark spots will remain there forever. It is also impossible to wipe the screen with anything, for these operations you must have special lint-free wipes, you can also prepare a solution yourself, vinegar and distilled water (1x1), this is quite enough. In no case do not use window cleaners to wipe the screen, they contain ammonia, this can irreversibly damage your matrix. Before closing the laptop, always make sure that you have not left anything on the keyboard, even a small object, otherwise you can hear the glass crunch when you close the top cover. Also, you should not allow the sun's rays to directly hit the screen for a long time, the colors will fade. And do not leave it near devices that create strong electromagnetic fields around them.

Rule Seven - Closed Tray

Never leave the DVD drive tray extended; dust settles on it, which can then get into the mechanism or onto the lenses. Before putting the disc into the DVD drive, make sure it is clean. Buy a cleaning disc for yourself, but only use it when you need it. Because frequent use of the cleaning disc may cause the optical lens to become cloudy.

Rule Eight - Use a bag and beware of condensation

If you carry a laptop with you, to work or study, be sure to buy a special bag, firstly, it will protect your laptop from mechanical damage that is inevitable in the hustle and bustle of public transport. Secondly, in winter you need to protect your laptop from the effects of frost, a bag will help with this. Entering the room from the street, in the cold season, do not turn on the laptop immediately, it must adapt, condensation may form in it during temperature changes, small droplets of water, if you turn it on right away, it may fail, better wait, about one hour.

Rule Nine - Watch out for dust in your laptop

Over time, dust will inevitably collect inside your device, because it works like a vacuum cleaner, pulling air into itself, and along with air, dust. Large accumulations of dust impede the cooling of the insides, so a cleaning is sometimes necessary for a laptop. If you are afraid to do it yourself, or do not know how to do it, contact the service center. There they will not only clean it for you, but if necessary, they will also change the thermal paste on the central processor.

Rule Ten - Beware of Power Surges

If power surges are possible in your area or area, then it is best to immediately buy an uninterruptible power supply with a laptop, you need to secure your equipment right away, there is a proverb, a miser pays twice, pay once. And when a thunderstorm approaches, unplug your laptop from the network, and if there is cable Internet, then disconnect the cable as well. This is not a myth, technology during a thunderstorm can experience the full power of nature.

And now briefly about the main possible breakdowns, and their consequences:

- if you spilled tea on the keyboard: at best, cleaning, at worst, you have to change the motherboard.

- the consequences of an unsuccessful transportation: at best, scratches, at worst, the hard drive flew, and with it, everything that is dear to us.

- overvoltage in the network: at best, you have to reinstall Windows, at worst, the laptop is in the trash.

- overheating: at best, cleaning in a service center, at worst, the processor, video card, and motherboard are on fire.

- something with the screen: at best, they will change the cable, at worst, the replacement of the entire matrix.

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Nowadays, such a device as a laptop is an integral part of the life of every modern person. Laptops are actively used in various fields of human activity, and their popularity is constantly growing.

Today, a laptop is no longer a luxury, as it used to be, and you can buy it without even leaving your home. For example, in the online store "Electronic World" you can buy an acer laptop with delivery.

Laptops are relatively small in size, compact and aesthetically pleasing. In addition, they are very easy to use, which also deserves respect.

The functionality of laptops is really very good. They are able to perform the same number of different operations as regular computer. However, many modern laptops have a truly advanced and powerful system, which makes them an indispensable thing for every day.

For people who spend a significant portion of their time traveling, a laptop is simply essential tool allowing you to take advantage of the opportunities of a full-fledged personal computer even if you are thousands of miles away from home. Laptops are equipped with all the necessary wireless interfaces, which allows you to establish high-quality access to the global network in a short time.

Laptops allow you to solve many everyday tasks, it is convenient to read the news, watch movies, listen to music, and communicate. In general, you can find many other factors that clearly prove that a laptop is a useful and functional thing that should be in the assortment of every modern person.

With the growing popularity of compact computers (laptops), the risk of reducing their functionality and performance is growing. Over time, almost all laptops begin to slow down, it is problematic to cope with the tasks provided (even the simplest ones), and it takes a long time to respond to a request made by the user. After a certain period of time, autonomy decreases removable battery. All this is a consequence of improper use of the laptop.

A laptop, like any other smart device, needs constant care and a responsible user attitude. To prevent various problems with the operation of this device, you need to carefully learn all the rules and subtleties of its use.

First of all, it is worth reading the user manual and the attached instructions, since it is there that the manufacturer reports on all the nuances of a particular model. The instructions indicate the rules for using a laptop in a wide variety of modes. All moments of its operation are taken into account when connected to the mains or when working with a battery. In general, before you start working with a recently purchased laptop, be sure to read the instructions.

To avoid difficulties with the operation of your device, constantly monitor the availability of free virtual memory. Try to run only those software components that match technical specifications your device.

Never squeeze more out of your computer than it can give you. Be sure to install a high-quality and functional antivirus, as well as various useful utilities, which will contribute to the safe and fast operation of the device.

Periodically call a computer wizard and do a thorough computer diagnostics, because it will help to be aware of all the intricacies of the device.

Anastasia Sergeeva

Do you know how to use a laptop correctly? If you do not want to spend money on repairs or buying a new battery in the near future, we advise you to read the rules for operating a laptop, which we describe below.

Take care of good ventilation

The first rule of how to use a laptop is not to let it overheat. With prolonged work, downloading "heavy" games and programs, the internal parts of the laptop begin to heat up, so fans are built into the case to cool them. That is, initially the computer was designed in such a way as to cool itself, but improper care of the laptop can prevent this. For example, working with a laptop on a bed, on a sofa, on your knees, etc., negatively affects its condition, as it blocks the ventilation holes and allows dust to enter inside.

How to use a laptop in this case? First, put it exclusively on a hard surface, for which it is intended. Secondly, you can buy a simple laptop stand in the store that will not block the ventilation holes, or even purchase a special stand that will additionally cool the laptop. As a last resort, you can use a small life hack - put the device on a cardboard egg holder.

Don't charge your laptop

Another tip for those who want to know how to extend the life of a laptop and understand how to use it correctly: do not constantly charge it. When using home laptops, we often leave them to charge literally non-stop without turning off Charger from the outlet, but this greatly complicates the care of the laptop. The laptop battery begins to lose charge capacity, and after a year or two after operation, it may not withstand more than 15 minutes of battery life.

How should you use a laptop and charger if you mainly work on it at home? The controversy about this is still ongoing, but we suggest removing the laptop battery and storing it separately, maintaining a charge of 80%. When you need to work on the computer offline, then you put the battery back in and you will be fully equipped. Until then, the laptop can be used by simply charging it from the network.

Buy an uninterruptible power supply

The following follows from the previous operating rule - the purchase of an uninterruptible power supply unit (UPS). Of course, if there are no power outages in your area, then you can risk working without it, although no one is safe from a sudden power surge for various reasons. But if it does happen, then you may lose data from hard drive, and the laptop itself may become unusable, therefore, in order not to pay twice, it is better to take care of the UPS.

Take care of the display

The most vulnerable part of the laptop is the display, so not only should you not touch it with your hands once again, but you should not wipe it with anything. Don't even think about wiping the screen with window cleaner or alcohol! We recommend using either special lint-free display wipes or a soft cloth soaked in a 1:1 solution of water and vinegar. The water must be distilled so that there are no streaks and sediment.

Use your bag

So that you have the opportunity to carry the device to study, work and wherever you need it mobile access computer, you need to purchase a laptop bag. First of all, it is able to protect the contents from dust, dirt and mechanical damage as a result of crushing, for example - especially true for overcrowded buses and subway cars. Also, a bag must be used so that in winter the laptop does not get too cold in the cold.

By the way, you should not use a laptop immediately after you entered the room from the cold. Wait at least forty minutes for the device to adapt to the new temperature, otherwise dangerous condensation will appear on it, and the laptop itself may fail.

Clean up periodically

One way or another, the laptop eventually gets dirty from the inside anyway, as the fans draw dust into it while working right along with the air. When dust accumulates a lot, it starts to seriously overheat, which can lead to damage and data loss. Therefore, you need to contact a service center about once every one and a half to two years, where they will clean the “insides” of your electronic assistant from dust and, if necessary, replace the thermal paste.

You can disassemble and clean a laptop at home, if you approach it wisely - an example is shown in this video:

Take it, tell your friends!

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Probably, it will not be an exaggeration to assert that the most noticeable successes of scientific and technological progress are precisely in the development of computer technology. You will not believe it, but the first "computers" - electronic computers - occupied one or two rooms in area. About their speed and functionality compared to modern computers not even worth mentioning. Undoubtedly, the computer is the most significant invention of mankind, not inferior in importance to the invention of the wheel.

It is also noteworthy that the creators of computer technology do not stop there, constantly improving their creation, offering more and more new options. Not all of us have yet mastered standard computer, as they are already "displaced" from the computer equipment market by a more modern laptop. And again, both for beginners and advanced users have to learn new technology. Agree, working on a laptop is still different from working on a traditional computer, so everyone has to learn without exception.

In fact, learning how to work on a laptop on your own is not so difficult. There is plenty of literature for computer "dummies". At the same time, paraphrasing a well-known saying, we can safely say that "it is better to see once than to read a hundred times." Indeed, reading numerous "lessons for dummies", it is not always possible to find answers to the most simple questions. Therefore, the best option is, which will help you quickly master all the intricacies of handling new technology.

There are many advantages of this particular way of learning, which is considered the fastest, easiest and most affordable (in terms of cost). For many novice users, the most important advantage of video courses is that there is no need to independently type in examples of tasks, look for the necessary software, since the authors of video courses, as a rule, offer the specific software that is discussed in the sections of the course. Step by step instructions for installing and running certain programs are easier to perceive when visualizing this process, since the principle - do as I do - is the most accessible and understandable.

Even if something is not clear, you can always watch this or that episode again. Is this possible in seminars? Of course, you can ask the coach to explain certain actions. But to ask to repeat all the material ... Agree, this is impossible. Imagine the reaction of other, more advanced listeners. It should also be noted that video courses can save both time and finances. Having a video training course on a laptop for beginners on DVD, a novice user independently plans the time of “classes”, there is no need to hire a tutor, adjust to the time of trainings and seminars, travel to seminars in another city, etc.

Note that all seminars are usually paid, while offers of free video courses abound. So why pay for something you can get for free. Moreover, the effect of such self-study is much higher.