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Contract for obtaining a domain name. A sample domain name lease agreement concluded between legal entities. Legal addresses and bank details

domain name in a person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as " landlord”, on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as “ Tenant”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter “ Treaty" about the following:


1.1. The Lessor provides the Lessee with possession and use of a domain name for a period up to "" 2020 from the moment of payment, the owner of which is the Lessor, and the Lessee undertakes to pay the Lessor a rent for the use of the domain name. At the end of the lease period, within business days, the Lessee has the pre-emptive right to purchase the domain name.

1.2. The landlord assigns the following DNS addresses to the domain name: For the entire lease term of the domain name.


2.1. For the use specified in clause 1.1. of this agreement with the domain name, the Lessee pays the Lessor a fee in the amount of rubles, including VAT (18%).

2.2. If the Lessee wishes to redeem the leased domain name after the expiration of the lease term, the redemption value is determined in the amount of rubles, including VAT (18%).

2.3. Domain name not subject to redemption in parts and before the end of the lease term.


3.1. The moment of payment is the day of receipt of the corresponding amount of funds to the settlement account of the Lessor.

3.3. The redemption fee may be paid by the Tenant at any time during the term of the agreement.


4.1. The lessor is obliged:

4.1.1. Assign the specified DNS addresses for the domain name that is the subject of the agreement within a period not later than working days from the date of payment.

4.1.2. Transfer to the Tenant the documentation and/or technical data for the transferred domain name, necessary for its use.

4.1.3. Provide for the entire term of the domain name lease agreement the assignment of DNS addresses for the domain specified in clause 1.2. Termination of the agreement relieves the Lessor of the obligation to support the Tenant's DNS.

4.1.4. If necessary, on the basis of a written request from the Tenant, change the DNS data for the domain name within business days from the date of receipt of the request.

4.1.5. Maintain the priority right to complete transfer of the domain name to the Lessee during the entire term of the agreement. Without a written agreement with the Lessee, the Lessor cannot transfer the domain name to third parties during the entire term of the agreement.

4.1.6. Upon receipt of funds on account of the repurchase of a domain name in accordance with clause 2.2. The Landlord, without the written consent of the Tenant, is not entitled to transfer the domain name or lease it to third parties.

4.2. The tenant undertakes:

4.2.1. Do not place on the domain name materials that are contrary to the law Russian Federation, materials of a pornographic nature, materials of ethnic and religious hatred, deception schemes and other similar information.

4.2.3. Do not send mass or private advertising emails(spam) without the consent of the recipient.

4.2.6. Do not place on the leased domain name, transmit any information or software, which contains viruses or other malicious components that can harm third-party software.

4.2.7. Do not place on the leased domain name and/or distribute materials (software, music or video files, etc.) obtained in violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation or materials that are fully or partially protected by copyright or related rights without the written permission of the author of the posted material.

4.2.8. Do not use torrent in any way.

4.2.10. Do not post and / or distribute information about third parties that is not true, or offends the honor and dignity of third parties, both individuals and legal entities;

4.2.11. Do not post and / or distribute personal information (name, phone number, address, etc.) that can identify third parties without the consent of such a placement of this person;


5.1. The domain name is transferred to full right subject to the payment specified in clause 2.2. actual agreement.

5.2. Domain name specified in clause 1.1. of this agreement, not earlier than the expiration of the lease period, is transferred to the Lessee by transferring all rights to own the domain name with a complete change of the name and contact details of the domain owner.

5.3. Full transfer of the domain name specified in clause 1.1. of this agreement is made taking into account the requirements of the domain name registrar no later than business days from the date of expiration of the lease term.


6.1. For non-fulfilment of the terms of this agreement, the parties shall be liable under the agreement, and in the absence of an indication of liability in the agreement - in accordance with the legal acts of the Russian Federation.

6.2. For the delay in assigning DNS addresses for the domain name that is the subject of this agreement, the Lessor shall pay the Lessee a penalty in the amount of % of the rental amount for each day of delay.

6.3. The Lessor is not responsible for the performance of the DNS servers specified in the agreement, third-party servers that host the Lessee's website.


7.1. This agreement is concluded for a period up to "" 2020 from the moment of signing by both parties and payment by the Lessor specified in clause 2.1. actual agreement. If the Tenant purchases a domain name in accordance with clauses 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 of this agreement, the term of the agreement is extended until the transfer of the specified domain name and mutual settlements.


8.1. The tenant has the right to withdraw from the contract unilaterally by notifying the other party in writing calendar days in advance. The lease amounts paid under the agreement are non-refundable.

8.2. The agreement may be terminated by either party in the event of repeated violation by the other party of the terms of this agreement. In this case, the guilty party is obliged to compensate for all losses associated with the termination of the contract.


9.1. This agreement is made in two copies, one of which is with the Lessor, and the second one is with the Lessee.



Tenant Jur. address: Postal address: TIN: KPP: Bank: Settlement/account: Corr./account: BIC:


Landlord _________________

Tenant _________________

Please note that the lease agreement is drawn up and checked by lawyers and is exemplary; it can be finalized taking into account the specific terms of the transaction. The Site Administration is not responsible for the validity of this agreement, as well as for its compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

RTF format

paid assignment of the right to administer a domain name

Moscow city

1. The Subject of the Agreement
1.1. The Rightholder transfers, and the Rightholder receives the right to
administration of the domain name ______________, hereinafter referred to as
"Administration right" and "Domain" respectively.
1.2. For the assignment of the Domain Administration Rights Assignee
pays the Copyright Holder compensation, the amount of which is determined
additional agreement of the parties.
2. General conditions
2.1. The Copyright Holder confirms that he owns the Domain Administration Right
on the basis of and in accordance with the Service Agreement No. ______, concluded by ___
__________ 20__ between Right Holder and Registrar (Note:
for example, LLC Domain Registrar REG.RU (Domain Registrar
REG.RU", REGRU-REG-RIPN), hereinafter referred to as the "Registrar" and being
an accredited registrar of domain names in the .RU zone. The fact of having the right
administration of the Domain is confirmed by the corresponding entry in the registry
domain names of the .RU zone, hereinafter referred to as the "Registry".
2.2. The Copyright Holder confirms that the Domain Administration Right has been paid for
them until "__" ____ 201__, about which there is a corresponding entry in the Register.
2.3. The right holder declares that at the time of the conclusion of this Agreement he did not
aware of the existence of any restrictions related to the implementation
Domain administration rights, as well as any claims of third parties
to the specified Administration Right.
2.4. The Assignee confirms that there is an agreement between him and the Registrar
Service Agreement and that the Assignee is aware of the procedure
implementation and amount of payments, obligations for the payment of which arose and
(or) arise by virtue of the conclusion of the said Agreement.
2.5. The assignee confirms his readiness to assume all
associated risks associated with the fact of exercising the Rights
domain administration.
2.6. The Assignee declares that his actions to obtain the Right
administration of the Domain are related to the implementation of exclusively their own
3. Obligations of the Parties
3.1. The right holder undertakes:
3.1.1. Receive funds paid by the Assignee as security
compensation for the assignment of the Domain Administration Rights to him.
3.1.2. Come ___ __________ 20__ from 10:00 to 19:00 Moscow time at the office
Registrar, located at the address: Russian Federation,
__________________, __________________________________ hereinafter referred to as
"Office of the Registrar", independently or ensure the presence of its authorized
representative to ensure the process of transferring the Rights to the Assignee
domain administration.
3.2. The assignee undertakes:
3.2.1. Pay to the Copyright Holder the amount specified in clause 1.2 of this Agreement
compensation for the assignment by the latter of the Domain Administration Rights.
3.2.2. Arrive on ___ __________ 201__ from __:00 to ___:00 Moscow time at the Office
Registrar himself or ensure the presence of his authorized
representative to ensure the process of obtaining the Rights from the Copyright Holder
domain administration.
4. Payment procedure
4.1. The amount specified in clause 1.2 of this Agreement is paid after signing
Parties to the act of acceptance and transfer in cash or by
transfer to a bank account or through an electronic payment system.
4.2. All payments under this Agreement shall be made exclusively in rubles
Russian Federation.
5. Responsibility of the Parties and dispute resolution
5.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of its obligations under this
The Parties bear the responsibility stipulated by the current
the legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the conditions established
this Agreement.
5.2. All disputes on the subject matter of this Agreement or in connection with it shall be resolved by
mutual negotiations between the Parties. If agreement is not reached, consideration of the case
referred to a court of general jurisdiction.
6. Disclaimer
6.1. The parties are released from liability for full or partial
failure to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, caused by
force majeure circumstances (force majeure) that arose after
conclusions. Such circumstances include, but are not limited to
natural and man-made disasters, natural disasters, fires,
explosions, riots, terrorist attacks, the introduction
emergency and special situations, wars and hostilities,
uprisings, as well as the adoption by the current authorities of acts that have
direct and (or) indirect impact on the fulfillment of the obligations of the Parties
by the certain agreement.
6.2. The party affected by force majeure must immediately, but not
later than 3 (three) calendar days from the moment of occurrence of such action
notify the other Party in writing of the occurrence, nature and
possible duration of force majeure.
6.3. In the event of force majeure circumstances preventing
fulfillment by the Parties of their obligations under this Agreement, the deadline for fulfillment
of these obligations is carried over in proportion to the nature and possible
the duration of such circumstances, as well as the time required
to eliminate the consequences of their actions, but not more than 60 (sixty)
calendar days. In the event that force majeure circumstances are
continue its action beyond the specified period, or if upon occurrence
force majeure circumstances, it will become obvious to the Parties that the effect of such
circumstances will last more than the specified period, the Parties undertake to agree
the possibility of alternative fulfillment of obligations arising from
this Agreement or terminate it.
7. Other terms
7.1. Neither Party may assign its rights or obligations under
this Agreement, except with the prior written consent of
the other Party.
7.2. The parties agreed that any information other than that provided in section 1
of this Agreement and became known to them by virtue of the fulfillment of obligations under
this Agreement and (or) its conclusion, is regarded as
confidential. The parties will take all possible measures to exclude
transfer of such information to third parties.
7.3. This Agreement contains the final and complete terms of the agreement
parties and supersedes all prior correspondence and oral
agreements reached by the Parties on its subject matter.
7.4. Any changes and additions to this Agreement must be made
exclusively in writing and signed by the Parties or their
authorized representatives.
7.5. This Agreement is drawn up on 4 (four) sheets in 2 (two) copies,
equal legal effect, one copy for each
Parties and comes into force from the moment of its signing by the Parties.

Details of the Parties

Signatures of the parties

to the contract for a compensated assignment of the right to administer a domain name

from "__" _________ 201_

Moscow city
______________ "______________", represented by ______________ (name
position) ______________ (Surname First Name Patronymic), acting on the basis of
______________, hereinafter referred to as the "Copyright Holder" and
______________ (Surname Name Patronymic), hereinafter referred to as
"Assignee", hereinafter jointly and separately referred to as the "Parties",
have entered into this Agreement for the assignment of the right to administer
domain name, hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement", about the following:
In accordance with clause 1.2. to the agreement for a compensated assignment of the right to administer
domain name from "__" _________ 2015 for the assignment of the right of administration
Domain The Assignee shall pay compensation to the Assignee in the amount of
_________________________ rubles.

Details of the Parties

Signatures of the parties

acceptance and transfer of payment for a compensated assignment of the right of administration
domain name ______________

Moscow city
______________ "______________", represented by ______________ (name
position) ______________ (Surname First Name Patronymic), acting on the basis of
______________, hereinafter referred to as the "Copyright Holder" and
______________ (Surname Name Patronymic), hereinafter referred to as
"Assignee", hereinafter jointly and separately referred to as the "Parties",

Last name First name Patronymic (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation: series __ __, No.
______, issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the district "__________", ______ __.__.____, subdivision code ___-___;
registered at the address: Russian Federation, ______________, st.
_______________, d. ___, apt. ___; date of registration: ___ __________ ____), received for
paid assignment of the right to administer the domain name ______________
a sum of money in the amount of _________ rubles. 00 kop.
(____________________________________________ rubles zero kopecks).

Details of the Parties

Signatures of the parties

acceptance-transfer of the right to administer a domain name ______________

Moscow city
______________ "______________", represented by ______________ (name
position) ______________ (Surname First Name Patronymic), acting on the basis of
______________, hereinafter referred to as the "Copyright Holder" and
______________ (Surname Name Patronymic), hereinafter referred to as
"Assignee", hereinafter jointly and separately referred to as the "Parties",
have drawn up this act as follows:
The Copyright Holder transferred, and the Assignee accepted the rights of administration
domain name ______________.
Copyright holder:
______________ «______________»
PSRN ______________
TIN ______________
account ______________
bank ______________
c/s ______________
BIC ______________

Details of the Parties

domain name in a person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as " landlord”, on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as “ Tenant”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter “ Treaty" about the following:


1.1. The Lessor provides the Lessee with possession and use of a domain name for a period up to "" 2020 from the moment of payment, the owner of which is the Lessor, and the Lessee undertakes to pay the Lessor a rent for the use of the domain name. At the end of the lease period, within business days, the Lessee has the pre-emptive right to purchase the domain name.

1.2. The landlord assigns the following DNS addresses to the domain name: For the entire lease term of the domain name.


2.1. For the use specified in clause 1.1. of this agreement with the domain name, the Lessee pays the Lessor a fee in the amount of rubles, including VAT (18%).

2.2. If the Lessee wishes to redeem the leased domain name after the expiration of the lease term, the redemption value is determined in the amount of rubles, including VAT (18%).

2.3. The domain name is not subject to redemption in parts and before the end of the lease term.


3.1. The moment of payment is the day of receipt of the corresponding amount of funds to the settlement account of the Lessor.

3.3. The redemption fee may be paid by the Tenant at any time during the term of the agreement.


4.1. The lessor is obliged:

4.1.1. Assign the specified DNS addresses for the domain name that is the subject of the agreement within a period not later than working days from the date of payment.

4.1.2. Transfer to the Tenant the documentation and/or technical data for the transferred domain name, necessary for its use.

4.1.3. Provide for the entire term of the domain name lease agreement the assignment of DNS addresses for the domain specified in clause 1.2. Termination of the agreement relieves the Lessor of the obligation to support the Tenant's DNS.

4.1.4. If necessary, on the basis of a written request from the Tenant, change the DNS data for the domain name within business days from the date of receipt of the request.

4.1.5. Maintain the priority right to complete transfer of the domain name to the Lessee during the entire term of the agreement. Without a written agreement with the Lessee, the Lessor cannot transfer the domain name to third parties during the entire term of the agreement.

4.1.6. Upon receipt of funds on account of the repurchase of a domain name in accordance with clause 2.2. The Landlord, without the written consent of the Tenant, is not entitled to transfer the domain name or lease it to third parties.

4.2. The tenant undertakes:

4.2.1. Do not place materials on the domain name that are contrary to the laws of the Russian Federation, materials of a pornographic nature, materials of ethnic and religious hatred, deception schemes and other similar information.

4.2.3. Do not send mass or private promotional e-mails (spam) without the consent of the recipient.

4.2.6. Do not place on the leased domain name, transmit any information or software that contains viruses or other malicious components that can harm third-party software.

4.2.7. Do not place on the leased domain name and/or distribute materials (software, music or video files, etc.) obtained in violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation or materials that are fully or partially protected by copyright or related rights without the written permission of the author of the posted material.

4.2.8. Do not use torrent in any way.

4.2.10. Do not post and / or distribute information about third parties that is not true, or offends the honor and dignity of third parties, both individuals and legal entities;

4.2.11. Do not post and / or distribute personal information (name, phone number, address, etc.) that can identify third parties without the consent of such a placement of this person;


5.1. The domain name is transferred to full right subject to the payment specified in clause 2.2. actual agreement.

5.2. Domain name specified in clause 1.1. of this agreement, not earlier than the expiration of the lease period, is transferred to the Lessee by transferring all rights to own the domain name with a complete change of the name and contact details of the domain owner.

5.3. Full transfer of the domain name specified in clause 1.1. of this agreement is made taking into account the requirements of the domain name registrar no later than business days from the date of expiration of the lease term.


6.1. For non-fulfilment of the terms of this agreement, the parties shall be liable under the agreement, and in the absence of an indication of liability in the agreement - in accordance with the legal acts of the Russian Federation.

6.2. For the delay in assigning DNS addresses for the domain name that is the subject of this agreement, the Lessor shall pay the Lessee a penalty in the amount of % of the rental amount for each day of delay.

6.3. The Lessor is not responsible for the performance of the DNS servers specified in the agreement, third-party servers that host the Lessee's website.


7.1. This agreement is concluded for a period up to "" 2020 from the moment of signing by both parties and payment by the Lessor specified in clause 2.1. actual agreement. If the Tenant purchases a domain name in accordance with clauses 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 of this agreement, the term of the agreement is extended until the transfer of the specified domain name and mutual settlements.


8.1. The tenant has the right to withdraw from the contract unilaterally by notifying the other party in writing calendar days in advance. The lease amounts paid under the agreement are non-refundable.

8.2. The agreement may be terminated by either party in the event of repeated violation by the other party of the terms of this agreement. In this case, the guilty party is obliged to compensate for all losses associated with the termination of the contract.


9.1. This agreement is made in two copies, one of which is with the Lessor, and the second one is with the Lessee.



Tenant Jur. address: Postal address: TIN: KPP: Bank: Settlement/account: Corr./account: BIC:


Landlord _________________

Tenant _________________

) (in the downloadable form, instead of the name of the company, terms, amount, etc. - there are dashes “_______”)

Moscow 12.12.2007.

Babilon-5 Company (LLC) represented by directors Sadykova V.M. acting on the basis of stave, hereinafter referred to as the "Seller", on the one hand, and Vitamin LLC, represented by the director Mazitov T.P., acting on the basis of the charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer", on the other hand, have agreed as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1 The Seller, being the administrator of the second-level domain name and the owner of the entire set of rights to it (the rights to the domain name are confirmed by an extract from the registry - Appendix No. 1), undertakes to transfer the domain name to the Buyer, the latter, in turn, undertakes to accept it and pay for domain name a sum of money in the amount of _____________________________________________.

1.2 The transfer of rights to a domain name is subject to mandatory registration in the relevant registry based on a joint application of the Seller and the Buyer. The rights to a domain name are considered transferred from the moment the corresponding entry about the new administrator is made in the Registry.

2. Terms and definitions

The parties determined that when interpreting the terminology of this agreement, the following should be used: Regulations for registering domains in the RU domain ANO RSIC (April 25, 2005).

3. Rights, obligations and guarantees of the parties:

3.1 The seller is obliged:

Transfer all rights to the domain name;

Submit an application for re-registration of a domain name from the Seller to the Buyer (or provide the Buyer with a duly completed and notarized copy of the application);

Transfer all necessary passwords for access to domain name administration;

Do not interfere with the use of the domain after the transfer of rights to it to the Buyer.

3.2 The Seller guarantees that the domain name is free from the rights of third parties.

3.3 The Seller guarantees that the domain name at the time of the conclusion of this agreement does not violate the rights of third parties related to the choice and use of the domain name (there is no dispute about trademarks, marks of individualization and other disputes).

3.4 The buyer is obliged:

Pay for the domain name the amount of money in accordance with the terms of this agreement;

Accept a domain name no later than the agreed deadlines;

Apply for a domain name re-registration;

From the moment of acceptance and transfer of rights to a domain name, bear all costs for the use of a domain name (including -renewal of domain registration name).

4. The procedure for settlements and acceptance-transfer of rights to a domain name

4.1 Payment for a domain name must be made within 5 days from the date of signing this agreement and issuing an invoice by transferring funds to the seller's settlement account.

4.2 Within three days after payment (receipt of funds to the Seller's settlement account), the Seller is obliged to submit to the Registrar an application for the transfer of rights to a domain name (domain name re-registration) to the Buyer, or submit an application to the Buyer, having previously notarized the signature on the document.

4.3 A separate bilateral act of acceptance and transfer is drawn up about the fact of transfer of a domain name. The act is drawn up in two copies on the basis of making an appropriate entry about the new administrator in the Register.

5. Liability of the parties

5.1 The parties are responsible for non-compliance with the terms of the agreement, as well as evasion from re-registration of the domain name.

5.2 In case of violation of the agreed terms of payment, as well as delay in the re-registration of a domain name for a period of more than 3 days, the violating party pays a penalty in the amount of 0.5% of the contract price (clause 1.1) for each overdue day.

5.3. All disputes and claims arising between the parties under this agreement shall be resolved through compromise and negotiations, and in case of failure to reach an agreement - in the Moscow Arbitration Court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.4. Payment of a penalty and compensation for losses caused by non-performance or improper performance of obligations does not relieve the parties from the performance of obligations in kind.

6. Final provisions

6.1 All additions made to the contract in writing and signed by authorized persons are an integral part of the contract.

6.2. This agreement is drawn up on two sheets, in two identical copies and has equal legal force for both parties.

7. Legal addresses and bank details

domain name in a person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as " landlord”, on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as “ Tenant”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter “ Treaty" about the following:


1.1. The Lessor provides the Lessee with possession and use of a domain name for a period up to "" 2016 from the moment of payment, the owner of which is the Lessor, and the Lessee undertakes to pay the Lessor a rent for the use of the domain name. At the end of the lease period, within business days, the Lessee has the pre-emptive right to purchase the domain name.

1.2. The landlord assigns the following DNS addresses to the domain name: For the entire lease term of the domain name.


2.1. For the use specified in clause 1.1. of this agreement with the domain name, the Lessee pays the Lessor a fee in the amount of rubles, including VAT (18%).

2.2. If the Lessee wishes to redeem the leased domain name after the expiration of the lease term, the redemption value is determined in the amount of rubles, including VAT (18%).

2.3. The domain name is not subject to redemption in parts and before the end of the lease term.


3.1. The moment of payment is the day of receipt of the corresponding amount of funds to the settlement account of the Lessor.

3.3. The redemption fee may be paid by the Tenant at any time during the term of the agreement.


4.1. The lessor is obliged:

4.1.1. Assign the specified DNS addresses for the domain name that is the subject of the agreement within a period not later than working days from the date of payment.

4.1.2. Transfer to the Tenant the documentation and/or technical data for the transferred domain name, necessary for its use.

4.1.3. Provide for the entire term of the domain name lease agreement the assignment of DNS addresses for the domain specified in clause 1.2. Termination of the agreement relieves the Lessor of the obligation to support the Tenant's DNS.

4.1.4. If necessary, on the basis of a written request from the Tenant, change the DNS data for the domain name within business days from the date of receipt of the request.

4.1.5. Maintain the priority right to complete transfer of the domain name to the Lessee during the entire term of the agreement. Without a written agreement with the Lessee, the Lessor cannot transfer the domain name to third parties during the entire term of the agreement.

4.1.6. Upon receipt of funds on account of the repurchase of a domain name in accordance with clause 2.2. The Landlord, without the written consent of the Tenant, is not entitled to transfer the domain name or lease it to third parties.

4.2. The tenant undertakes:

4.2.1. Do not place materials on the domain name that are contrary to the laws of the Russian Federation, materials of a pornographic nature, materials of ethnic and religious hatred, deception schemes and other similar information.

4.2.3. Do not send mass or private promotional e-mails (spam) without the consent of the recipient.

4.2.6. Do not place on the leased domain name, transmit any information or software that contains viruses or other malicious components that can harm third-party software.

4.2.7. Do not place on the leased domain name and/or distribute materials (software, music or video files, etc.) obtained in violation of the current legislation of the Russian Federation or materials that are fully or partially protected by copyright or related rights without the written permission of the author of the posted material.

4.2.8. Do not use torrent in any way.

4.2.10. Do not post and / or distribute information about third parties that is not true, or offends the honor and dignity of third parties, both individuals and legal entities;

4.2.11. Do not post and / or distribute personal information (name, phone number, address, etc.) that can identify third parties without the consent of such a placement of this person;


5.1. The domain name is transferred to full right subject to the payment specified in clause 2.2. actual agreement.

5.2. Domain name specified in clause 1.1. of this agreement, not earlier than the expiration of the lease period, is transferred to the Lessee by transferring all rights to own the domain name with a complete change of the name and contact details of the domain owner.

5.3. Full transfer of the domain name specified in clause 1.1. of this agreement is made taking into account the requirements of the domain name registrar no later than business days from the date of expiration of the lease term.


6.1. For non-fulfilment of the terms of this agreement, the parties shall be liable under the agreement, and in the absence of an indication of liability in the agreement - in accordance with the legal acts of the Russian Federation.

6.2. For the delay in assigning DNS addresses for the domain name that is the subject of this agreement, the Lessor shall pay the Lessee a penalty in the amount of % of the rental amount for each day of delay.

6.3. The Lessor is not responsible for the performance of the DNS servers specified in the agreement, third-party servers that host the Lessee's website.


7.1. This agreement is concluded for a period up to "" 2016 from the moment of signing by both parties and payment by the Lessor specified in clause 2.1. actual agreement. In the event that the Tenant purchases a domain name in accordance with clauses 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 of this agreement, the term of the agreement is extended until the transfer of the specified domain name and mutual settlements.


8.1. The tenant has the right to withdraw from the contract unilaterally by notifying the other party in writing calendar days in advance. The lease amounts paid under the agreement are non-refundable.

8.2. The agreement may be terminated by either party in the event of repeated violation by the other party of the terms of this agreement. In this case, the guilty party is obliged to compensate for all losses associated with the termination of the contract.


9.1. This agreement is made in two copies, one of which is with the Lessor, and the second one is with the Lessee.



Tenant Jur. address: Postal address: TIN: KPP: Bank: Settlement/account: Corr./account: BIC:


Landlord _________________

Tenant _________________