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How to prevent automatic updates of programs in windows 7. How to disable automatic Windows updates?

Today we'll figure out how to disable automatic update, on the example of Windows 7. Some are not satisfied with constant updates due to the rather impressive volumes of downloaded information. Others complain about crashes after updates, so they just want a smooth and stable experience. In general, there are many reasons to disable automatic updates.

How to turn off automatic windows updates

Disabling updates completely is not the best the best choice. After all, it is with updates that “holes” and vulnerabilities are closed in your operating system, and unstable modules and applications are fixed with patches.

If you are seriously thinking about how to disable Windows updates, then read on.

How to turn off automatic Windows updates

With this method, you will disable updates completely. Follow the instructions carefully.

Open Control Panel, go to Windows Update.

Now click on Update Options Settings.

Then select the option "Do not check for updates (not recommended)" from the drop-down list.

Click OK and close Windows Update. Now we need to disable the service that is responsible for the Windows update process.

  1. Once again open the control panel (if you managed to close it) and go to "Administration"
  2. Then open "Services"
  3. In the list of services, you need to go down to the very bottom and find the service "Windows Update"
  4. Double click on the service and select the startup type as "Disabled"
  5. This will disable Windows Update from autostart, then click on the "Stop" button to stop the service immediately
  6. Wait until the process of stopping the service is completed, then click "Apply"

By default, the update system is enabled in Windows 7 and Window 8 operating systems. The so-called Windows Update is responsible for this, it is responsible for regularly receiving and installing updates.

In some situations, the need arises. For example, in order to save traffic. In addition, the update is disabled by users of pirated versions of Windows. V this material we will tell you how to disable windows update 7 and Windows 8.

Disable Windows 7 and Window 8 Update via Control Panel

Open Control Panel. If you are using Windows 7, then you can open the Control Panel from the Start menu, if you are using Window 8, then open the start screen and search for "Control Panel".

In the control panel, open the "System and Security" section.

This will open the Windows Update window. In this window, you need to click on the link "Settings". This link is in the left side menu.

The default method is "Install updates automatically". In order to completely disable Windows updates, you need to set the method to "Do not check for updates."

After you have changed the method of installing updates, the settings must be saved by clicking on the "OK" button. After these simple manipulations, Windows Update will be disabled.

Disabling the Windows 7 and Window 8 Update Service

Disabling through the Control Panel is enough. But if necessary, you can also disable the service that is responsible for the operation of Windows Update.

Open the Computer Management window. The easiest way to do this is with a search. Open the Start menu or start screen (if you have windows 8) and type "Computer Management". In the Computer Management window, go to the Services section.

In the list of services that opens, find "Windows Update".

Open the properties of the Windows Update service, this can be done from context menu or a simple double click. After that, a window with the properties of this service will open in front of you. Here you need to change the "Startup Type" of the service from "Automatic" to "Disabled" and then click on the "Stop" button.

After completing all the steps, close the properties window by clicking on the "OK" button. These actions will lead to a complete shutdown of the service.

Do you need to disable windows 7 update for various reasons and you don't know how to do it?

Then let's deal with this problem together.

How to disable windows 7 update different ways. We will consider 2 options for disabling.

Option 1. To disable windows 7 updates, we begin to perform the following steps:

You need to go to the desktop and click right click mouse on the label "My Computer", in the window that opens, go to the line "Management".

The Computer Management window opens.

In the window that opens, in the left part of it, you need to look for the line "Services and Applications". Double-click on this line with the left mouse button.

The Services and Applications list will open on the left side of the window. Left-click once on the "Services" item.

On the right in the "Computer Management" window, the entire list of Windwos 7 services appeared.

In this list, you need to find the line "Windows Update 7" and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

A new window "Properties: Windows Update 7" will open. It is in this window that we will disable windows 7 updates.

We find the line "Startup type", select the item "disabled" in it, then go to the line "Status" and click the "Stop" button. After that, click the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.

Now you have turned off automatic updating of Windows 7 on your computer.

Option 2. To disable windows 7 updates, we begin to perform the following steps:

At the bottom left, left-click on the "Start" button, in the open window on the right, select the line "Control Panel" and left-click on it.

Greetings to all those who use the operating room Windows system 7, because today's article will talk about how to turn off automatic updates in Windows 7.

In general, in most cases it is necessary for those people who use the pirated version operating system to prevent Windows from trying to connect to its servers. The results of such updates are an inscription on the desktop that your Windows is not licensed. However, many users who use the license also dream of turning off updates, because not everyone has unlimited Internet or for their own reasons. However, if you have unlimited Internet and licensed Windows, then I recommend that you set up automatic updates for your own safety.

Now let's see clearly who is going to disable Windows updates.

Disabling updates

First of all, go to the Start menu, then to the Control Panel. We get into a window called "Setting up computer settings." A little further, to the right of this inscription, there is another one - "View". We set the parameter “Small icons” there (you can choose “Large icons”, I just like it better).

So, to start the settings for disabling updates, click on the left: "Settings".

Before us appears a list of ways to update. For complete shutdown updates in each of the following sections, the appropriate parameters must be set:

Important updates. In the drop-down list, select: "Do not check for updates (not recommended)".

Who can install updates. Leave everything as default.

So, now you have understood in practice how to disable automatic updates in Windows 7, but in order to be completely calm that Windows will definitely not download updates, disable the service that is responsible for this. The procedure is as follows: right-click on the "Computer" icon on the desktop. If you do not have it, find the inscription of the same name in the Start menu. Next, you need to click on the item: "Management".

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you are trying to do this under account without administrator rights, you will not be able to perform these actions. After you managed to go to "Management", on the left you will notice a list. We are looking for "Services and Applications" there, and in it - "Services".

Now we turn our attention to the list that appears on the right. We are looking for "Windows Update" there. This service is almost at the very end of the list.

We double-click on it with the left mouse button and select "Startup type": "Stopped", click "Stop". Then click on the "OK" button.

That's all for today! Good luck everyone, bye everyone!

Hello! Today I would like to tell you how to disable Windows 7 auto-update on your computer.

In general, I decided to touch on this topic, because in most cases, no one needs these updates. I, like many users, are annoyed when the system constantly downloads something there, installs it without our knowledge, asks to reboot.

Sometimes you need to quickly turn on the computer, and here you are, the system installs automatic updates for about ten minutes.

Please note that in terms of security, the time we spent waiting for installation is a price for the security of our system, because with the advent of a new security update, some vulnerability in the operating system is closed!

It is far from a secret that eighty percent of users have pirated versions of Windows 7 installed on their computers, and there are often times when activation fails after an update, which causes a lot of problems.

How to turn off automatic updates in Windows 7

So go to StartControl Panel.

In the upper right corner, toggle appearance to large icons and open .

In the window that appears, from the drop-down list, select the option " Will not check for updates (not recommended)", and click the button OK.

These manipulations will be enough to ensure that the OS itself does not download or install anything.

If you want to always have fresh Windows version, with all the security vulnerabilities fixed, I advise you to do like me!

Turn the process from automatic to manual. And for example, run it once a week at a convenient time for you. To do this, reopen and click on the button checking for updates.

A search for updates will begin, which will take up to ten minutes.

After the search, the system will issue a report on the availability of updates.

This report will list important updates and optional. Click the link Important and from the list that appears, select the ones you need and click the OK button! I usually choose everything.

After you have chosen what you need, click on the button Install updates .

After that, the process of downloading and installing updates will begin, which will last about thirty minutes, it all depends on the performance of the computer.

Well that's it, now you know how to turn off auto update windows 7, as well as how to manually download the necessary updates at the allotted time. Do not forget that after downloading and installing all the files, the system will ask you to reboot, during which all changes in the system will be applied. Good luck!

And, for a complete understanding of the issue, I offer you an excellent video on how to disable updates in Windows 7.