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Total control by the husband: love or tyranny? Total control. How and why employers monitor their employees

Why do people voluntarily line up to be microchipped like livestock?

So... some people actually want to be microchipped like a dog. They even line up for it. They have parties to do it. If it's not available to them, they're completely thrown off track.

I won't even go into the religious aspect of having a microchip inserted into a person. Let's just talk about the secular implications.

Some people won't be happy until everyone has a microchip implanted in them. Here's how it can happen.

  • In the beginning it will be sheep that blindly want to be microchipped for their future "convenience".
  • Then it will be simply inconvenient not to have a chip - just like not having a bank account these days.
  • Then, the last dissenters will be chipped according to the law.

Some employers cheat workers.

Last summer, the internet was stunned by the news of a company in Wisconsin that wanted to chip its employees. Workers at tech company Three Market Square were given the opportunity to have a chip implanted in their hands, and 50 out of 80 employees eagerly lined up for the privilege.

What for? So they could buy food or go through security into the building. Software Engineer Sam Bengtson explained why he was among the chipped.

« It was almost 100 percent right away for me. In the next five to ten years, this will be something that will no longer be scoffed at and this will be normal. So I just jumped on the bandwagon before the others and now I can say that I have it.

He was not alone. In fact, they had a microchip party and some people got microchips in live, so viewers on TV could see how great it was to get microchips. Look how much fun they had!

And it's not just an American company that microchips employees. Here is an example from Sweden. At the Swedish start-up center Epicenter, the company is offering to implant microchips the size of a grain of rice to its workers and employees. Microchips that act like magnetic cards: open doors, operate printers, or buy cocktails with a wave of your hand.

"The biggest advantage, I think, is convenience," said Patrick Mesterton, co-founder and CEO of Epicenter. As a demonstration, he opens the door by simply waving next to it: "It basically replaces a lot of things you have, other communication devices, whether it's credit cards or keys."

Alessandro Akkisti, Professor information technologies and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College, warns that this may not be a good idea (although you don't have to be a professor to understand this).

"Companies often claim that these chips are secure and encrypted... But 'encrypted' is "a pretty vague term," he said, "which could include anything from a really secure product to something that's easy to hack."

Another potential problem, according to Dr. Akkisti, is that technology developed for one purpose could later be used for another. The microchip implemented today to allow easy access to the building and payments could theoretically be used later in more invasive ways: to track employees, the length of their absence from the workplace or at lunchtime, without their consent or even if they do not know it.

“Once implanted, it is very difficult to predict or stop further expansion of their use,” said Dr. Akkisti.

Experts say: very soon everyone will want to be microchipped.

Many sources talk about the inevitability that we will all be microchipped. Noel Chesley, assistant professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, says it's inevitable:

“It will happen to everyone. But not this year, and not in 2018. Maybe not my generation yet, but definitely my children.”

Another proponent of chipping, Gene Munster, an investor and analyst at Loup Ventures, believes we just need to overcome this stupid social stigma and then everyone will do it within 50 years. What for? About the benefits:

A company that sells corporate cafeteria kiosks designed to replace vending machines would like the kiosks to handle cashless transactions.

This would go beyond paying with your smartphone. Instead, chipped customers would simply wave their hands instead of agonizing over mobile payment systems.

The benefits don't end there. In the future, consumers may pass through airport scanners without a passport or driver's license; open doors; starting the machine; and operation of home automation systems. All this will be achieved with a simple wave of the hand.

There are other companies that microchip everyone.

At a recent tech conference, Hannes Sjöblad explained how a microchip implanted in the hand makes life easier. It replaces all the keys and cards that were used to clutter up his pockets.

« I use this many times a day, for example I use it to unlock my smart phone to open the door to my office"Sjöblad said.

Sjöblad calls himself a biohacker. He explained: We biohackers think the human body is a good start, but there is certainly room for improvement.».

The first step in this improvement is getting a microchip under the skin, about the size of a grain of rice. The touch of a hand is enough to tell the office printer that it is an authorized user.

Microchips are radio frequency identification tags. The same technology is widely used in things like key cards. Chips have been implanted in animals for years to help identify lost pets, and now the technology is moving to humans.

Tech start-up Dangerous Things has sold tens of thousands of implant kits to humans and some to tech companies in Europe.

Sjöblad said he even organizes microchip parties where people get close and connect with each other.

Will microchip parties be the next generation of those horrendously expensive candlelit parties? Will people pimp with microchips? Will it become something like MLM to make it even more socially acceptable?

The British newspaper The Sun explains how amazing it is to be chipped:

The woman sitting next to you may be hiding a microchip under her skin that slowly releases hormones to stop her from getting pregnant.

Grandparents across the country will be microchipped with cutting-edge technology installed just to enhance their hearing and vision or help them live comfortably.

We are preparing for the next form of evolution in which humans merge with artificial intelligence, becoming one with computers.

By at least, this is the opinion of the doctor Patrick Kramer, an executive director at Digiwell, a company that claims to be dedicated to "upgrading people."

Seriously, who wouldn't want all that awesomeness in their life?

Only here there are serious pitfalls.

Although they say that the current chips "installed" in humans do not have GPS tracking, don't you think it's just a matter of time? And how can you be so sure that this little chip doesn't have GPS tracking technology anymore?

Just because they tell you so?

Then there is a problem with the chip in your body, in case of a hack.

« These are serious things. We are talking about a non-stop potential connection with my body and I cannot turn it off, I cannot remove it, it is already in me. This is a big problem,” said Ian Sherr, executive editor of CNET.

"It's very easy to hack a chip implant, so my advice is not to trust your vital secrets to an implant."

"It's about educating people and giving every person a tool... not just about how to use this technology, but more importantly, when it's used against you."

And the chipping doesn't stop there.

Endgame is a microchip in people's brains. And people are champing in anticipation of getting them. Scientists say they can fix mental health problems with brain chips, they can make people smarter and help them "merge" with AI. A chipped person can, theoretically, think and see his thoughts right on his computer.

So, with these chips in our brains, we will actually be merging with computers to some extent. And those who are now introducing this can have power over us quite easily if our brains are available in this way.

Microchips could become mandatory any day now.

There is already a law that potentially allows people to be forcibly chipped.

Oooh, it's written in warm, fuzzy language and they say it's just to keep an eye on people with Alzheimer's or other developmental disabilities, but remember, the most unpatriotic law ever passed was also called the Patriot Act. .

Today, at work, I argued with the head of an adjacent division, Maxim. Due to a flaw in his subordinate, an important client broke loose, on which a lot of time was spent. At the same time, the subordinate deceived the manager by saying that the client himself refused and everything was done perfectly on his part. The manager took his word for it and told me that we sold poorly, I naturally contacted the client and found out his opinion. It turned out that the client was served extremely badly, and he decided not to contact us. When I described the situation to Maxim, he began to apologize for the actions of the subordinate, and I had a question - is it the fault of the subordinate? Where was his boss? Why do employees take their word for it? Why is it not controlled?

This is a very typical situation when an employee cheats. The question is, who is to blame for this? An irresponsible employee or leader who gave himself the opportunity to deceive himself. It is clear that the employee violated the rules, but the head should be responsible for his actions. After all, if you do not fulfill it, you will be deceived. The subordinate was eventually fired, but another employee will come in his place, who will also not be controlled, and he will make exactly the same mistake. This vicious circle can be interrupted only by ensuring total control of subordinates.

Total control of employees.

Naturally, many managers believe that they cannot constantly monitor all subordinates, and this is an absolute truth. But here it is more important to show subordinates that they are under constant surveillance. To do this, you need to be able to choose the right control points.

Control points are those moments when an employee requires the most attention from the manager: either because there are prerequisites for not completing the task, or because the work area is very responsible, or because some work is being done.

For example, if your seller does not sell anything, although he used to sell, it is worth starting to control him. Or if a new employee has just started work and can make mistakes, so the manager should be nearby. But the most important quality of a leader is the ability to control not only the fact of completion, but also to find out the details of how the work was carried out.

As a rule, lies begin with trifles, and then, when conditions of systemic impunity arise, the employee begins to lie about big things. The task of the manager is to see everything and make the employee feel that he is being watched.

Total control- this is not the paranoia of a manager, this is primarily a system in which the work team lives. It is control that forms the working rules and unspoken laws.

Employee punishment.

An important continuation of control is punishment, which is rightly called motivation to avoid. Many managers, knowing about misconduct, subordinates turn a blind eye to this, especially to trifles. Their logic is like this - well, he was late for work today for 1 minute, well, now I will scold him for this. Of course, the punishment should be commensurate with the crime, but the most important thing is to demonstrate that you see everything and know what is happening and where.

Do not trust anyone.

Every manager should know - Murphy's law. It says that if any trouble can happen, then it will definitely happen. No need to hope for a chance, remember this and everything will be fine. Raising a team can be compared to raising a child, it is worth relaxing for a while, and he is already sticking his fingers into the socket. Remember Murphy's Law and use total control daily

SORM-2, or the Tale of the Honest Chekists
(Total control in the digital future)

We have already written about the problem of human rights in the context of the development and regulation of the Internet more than once. However, this is probably not enough, since our state still seeks to circumvent the norms of a civilized society and take control of the privacy of citizens. In the summer, another step was taken in this direction, and this makes us say our response. So. Citizens! Order No. 130 has already been signed. They want to deprive us and you of the inalienable human right to privacy of correspondence. How and how to deal with it? This article is brought to your attention.

We are accustomed to the fact that our state is zealous about secrets, and, ironically, not only to our own, but also to strangers. It seems that other people's secrets excite him even more. For more than 70 years, surveillance has become the norm for the "organs" and (forcedly) for all of us. The presence of “hearers” at telephone exchanges seemed as commonplace as video cameras in the subway.
However, everything flows, everything changes. And sometimes so rapidly that even "those who should" do not have time to keep track of these changes. This is what happened with the Internet. Who would have thought that a 64 Kbps telephone channel from St. Petersburg to Finland would turn into a network in 5-10 years, the services of which would be used by tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people all over the country?! That the information vacuum, so inherent in the years of stagnation, will be replaced by a situation where everyone can get as much information as they manage to perceive?! That communication with the “decaying West” will move from the category of extremely suspicious activity, bordering on espionage, into a completely ordinary thing.
It is this process that can be called the erasure of information boundaries. As a result, we all have the opportunity to live in a single information space, without even thinking about where and under whose jurisdiction this or that resource is located. It seemed like it was forever. But, alas, a stone thrown up will stop sooner or later, and then return back. This often happened with the "political situation" in our country. Reforms were followed by reaction. If until now the Internet was perhaps the freest part of the general information space, now they want to impose a network of various prohibitions and restrictions on it. And the attack goes in all directions. It is clear that this is a very voluminous topic, but we will try to cover it at least briefly and give an idea of ​​what is happening in the “Russian segment of the Internet” now.
We will start with the most important, in our opinion, important - with attempts to limit our rights and freedoms.

Essence of C0RM-2
On July 25, 2000, the order of the Ministry of Communications No. 130 “On the procedure for introducing a system of technical means to ensure operational-search activities on telephone, mobile and wireless communication and personal public radio call” (
This system, or rather its second version, is abbreviated as SORM-2 (System of technical means for ensuring operational-search activities) and is designed to provide the ability to spy on any user of the Network, regardless of provider and type of connection. Officially, this system is designed to combat all kinds of crime, since we use the Internet "in organizing terrorist activities, computer and organized crime, drug trafficking, smuggling, espionage, distribution of pornography" (Kabanov S. A. SORM in myths and in communication networks, and for other creepy purposes. (After working for several years on the Web, I realized for the first time what a dangerous place it turns out to be!) Accordingly, the fact that spies and enemies of the people now have mailboxes on instead of honestly using a radio transmitter is of great concern to our special services , because they learned to listen to the air a long time ago, but the Internet is not very successful yet. Now this gap has been filled. And - very dramatically.
A legitimate question arises: what will this very SORM-2 be like, what will it be able to do and what will be bad for me personally? The answer is given to us by a very curious, albeit written in a terrible style, document “General technical requirements for a system of technical means to ensure the functions of operational-search activities on documentary telecommunication networks (services)” ( (By the way, the Internet, in fact, is classified as a documentary telecommunication service - SDES.) Here are some important data for us gleaned from this document.
The system will consist, as it were, of two parts connected by a communication line: a complex of hardware and software tools (HPS) located on the provider’s node (and all providers will have to install such a system, and at their own expense), and a remote control point (CP), hosted by the FSB. SORM provides modes of transmission of statistical and complete information, in the last of which is transmitted:
. session start and end time;
. network addresses(names) of users;
. information transmitted or received by the user and passing through the node.
In addition, if possible, the phone number from which the user contacted the provider should be transmitted, and it should be possible to terminate the communication session on command from a remote control point. (By the way, how long has it been since you lost your connection last time?)
It is also interesting that all the work of officials with SORM should, according to these requirements, be logged on a remote PU, and documenting the work of SORM at the provider is expressly prohibited. At first this seems like a mistake, but as we will see later, everything was designed that way. It is also important that, according to the decrees, none other than the provider should buy and install SORM tools. Which, of course, hits his (and therefore our) pocket.
How is the technical implementation of the mysterious "hardware-software complex" conceived? Apparently, it will be a "black box" connected to the provider's router, on the one hand, and to a leased line (to the PU), on the other. .The document draws special attention to the need to protect the dedicated channel from the provider to the PU from unauthorized access. By the way, it is assumed that not only Internet users will be tapped, but also users of X.25 networks, which include mainly large state enterprises and commercial organizations, such as banks. It is clear that the implementation of all this will cost the provider a pretty penny ...

Who benefits from SORM-2?
Of course, according to the version of numerous officials in uniform, SORM-2 is beneficial only to ourselves (maybe this is the requirement for installation at the expense of the provider?). Therefore, “SORM should be feared only by those who are in trouble with the law,” and not by ordinary citizens. In fact, everything turns out to be not as simple as in the reasoning of "specialists" on this topic.
First of all, it is obvious that the control over citizens by the special services is increasing, which always wanted to say: “We know everything about you!” Indeed, many data, starting with the content Email and ending with remarks in chats, become available to "specially trained people." And the good would all be so harmless. With the same success, you can intercept a bank account number, credit card number, or other important commercial information. Of course, we all know that “crystal honest” people work in the “bodies”, who are unpleasant at the very thought of abusing their powers. But anything can happen. It is clear that having “connected” to such an important data channel, it will be very difficult for the special services to refuse a tidbit. And there will be much more opportunities to pin a person to the wall. “To the best of our knowledge, you regularly visited during business hours!”
In our opinion, it is impossible to say with certainty that the next version of the "technical requirements" will not provide for the possibility of "accessing the Internet from the PU for official purposes." After all, understand, people also work in the FSB, and sometimes they need to unwind, shoot monsters or look at photographs. It would be a sin not to use the “dedicated line” to the provider, which has a rather large bandwidth. Moreover, according to data published on the Web, there have already been attempts by people from the "authorities" to get access to the Internet for free (of course, "in the interests of the investigation").
Finally, SORM can be used simply as a filter. Suppose a user wants to go to an objectionable site. Having discovered this fact, it will be possible to simply end the session from the remote PU, disconnecting the user from the Internet. And the user may not even understand why the connection was lost. After all, even on good lines, it sometimes breaks. It is clear that in this way it is possible to restrict access to any network resources, including disconnecting these resources from the provider!

How to deal with SORM?
Legal aspect
Of course, officially, all these actions cannot be carried out just like that, on the own initiative of the special services, without any judicial sanctions. We will talk about this, as well as the legality of SORM in general, below. Legal issues in our state have always been one of the most difficult to understand, so get ready for the perception of conflicting and confusing information ...
No one has yet repealed Article 23 of the Constitution (see sidebar). However, SORM is conceived in such a way that a representative of the special services has the technical ability to violate the secrecy of correspondence without notifying anyone about it. That is, he may or may not have a court order. The latter, of course, is illegal, but who can check what is going on in the internal FSB kitchen?! On the proposal to notify the provider of the need to listen to a specific user and present him with a court decision, the special services react in a very peculiar way. This, they say, is impossible and even illegal, they argue. The fact is that almost all information about operational-search activities (ORM) - tactics, forces, means, methods, plans and results - are state secrets on the basis of the law "On operational-search activities." However, the Code of Criminal Procedure in Article 174 (see sidebar) clearly defines the procedure for seizing postal and telegraph correspondence, and there is no reason to deviate from this procedure for other means of communication.
As we can see, the presence of attesting witnesses is obligatory during the seizure of correspondence. However, SORM does not provide for such a possibility and even forbids it. Here, as in many other cases, the defenders of SORM speculate on the absence in the Code of Criminal Procedure of a direct indication of the procedure for seizing information using other means of communication (and it is not surprising, because the Code was created when the Internet was not yet heard). As Maxim Ostavnov rightly writes in a review of one of the articles of the “committee members”, referring to the preservation of the “secrecy of the investigation”, any methods of conducting it, for example, a search without attesting witnesses, can be justified.
Another "iron" argument of the heirs of "Iron Felix" is their own honesty. Indeed, is it possible to imagine that the bodies intended for our protection will abuse their power? The time of the methods of the 18th, 37th and even 72nd years is long gone, they assure. Morals have become softer, and methods more humane. Therefore, “the assertion that the SORM at the SDES provides the FSB with the conduct of the ORM in violation of the law, means not only distrust of the FSB of Russia<...>, but also doubts about the professionalism of the Ministry of Justice of Russia<...>as well as the possibilities of both the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation<...>protect the constitutional rights of citizens” (S. A. Kabanov). Indeed, all instances are thrown into one heap, except perhaps the Last Judgment. But, as rightly noted by human rights activists, it is not a matter of trust or distrust of specific individuals or organizations, but of building mechanisms that would prevent them from abusing their rights. The principle of separation of powers is an important part of this mechanism, while the secret services are trying to concentrate all power in their hands and avoid control, primarily public.
So, can a simple citizen, not invested with power, prevent the introduction of SORM, or is he powerless in front of the notorious state machine? The answer to this question can be obtained on the website of the Moscow Libertarium (, where the discussion of the problem of SORM and many others is expanded. Anyone can download the text (, drawn up in the form of a statement of claim to the Supreme Court on the recognition of illegal acts on the implementation of SORM. By signing this statement, you will contribute to the fight against unconstitutional regulations.
It is wrong to think that everyone, except for ordinary users, benefits from SORM. As we wrote earlier, providers also do not really need it. It's just that it's much easier to put pressure on them by threatening to revoke the license. In this sense, the case of the Volgograd provider Bayard-Slavia Communications, which demonstrated the ability to track traffic, but did not want to “implement” SORM, is indicative. Immediately after this refusal, attempts began to close the provider under various pretexts such as “hygienic certificates for video display terminals are not presented” or “there are no inscriptions indicating the rated voltage on the sockets”. Despite the active intervention of human rights organizations and the Internet community, the confrontation between the BSK and the local branch of the FSB continues to this day.

Article 23
1. Everyone has the right to privacy, personal and family secrets, protection of his honor and good name.
2. Everyone has the right to privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraphic and other communications. Restriction of this right is allowed only on the basis of a court decision.
Article 174
Seizure of postal and telegraph correspondence
Seizure of correspondence and seizure of it in postal and telegraph institutions can be carried out only with the sanction of the prosecutor or by determination or decision of the court. If it is necessary to seize correspondence and inspect and seize it, the investigator shall issue a reasoned decision on this. After authorization by the prosecutor or his deputy of the said decision, the investigator sends the decision to the appropriate postal and telegraph institution, proposes to detain the correspondence and notifies of the time of his arrival for the examination and seizure of the detained correspondence. Inspection and seizure are carried out in the presence of attesting witnesses from among the employees of the postal and telegraph institution. In necessary cases, to participate in the seizure of postal and telegraph correspondence, the investigator has the right to call the appropriate specialist. Seizure of correspondence is canceled by the decision of the investigator when the application of this measure is no longer necessary.

Technical aspect
What to do if you are not comfortable with the idea of ​​filing petitions with the court or otherwise interacting with the authorities? Is it possible to protect your right to privacy in other ways? Obviously yes. Using modern cryptographic tools (encryption tools), you can reliably protect your information from being read by any special services (we will discuss the legality of using these tools below). The task in this case is approximately the same as when protecting against hackers. You are still the user, and the FSB, for example, is the hacker. By default, you know that all traffic is available to an attacker, and the task is to prevent him from decrypting your messages. One should not think that this is very difficult and requires the same resourcefulness that Stirlitz demonstrated when he was under the hood of Muller.
Two different technologies can be used: cryptography itself (message encryption) and steganography (hiding one information by “smearing” it over another). An example of the latter is the preservation of text in the form of a change in the characteristics (brightness, color) of certain sections of an image. It's hard to imagine that the photo of your favorite cat actually contains text (which may also be encrypted).
Additional convenience when using cryptography is created by the fact that it is impossible to actively intervene in the session between users from the PU. You can only save a dump of this information. In this sense, hackers even have some advantage over the FSB. The absence of this capability makes “man in the middle” attacks inaccessible to the intelligence service, the approximate essence of which is that the attacker presents himself to each of the parties as his partner and thereby receives some opportunities to decrypt traffic. However, just in case, such an opportunity should also be provided, because in its desire to “be on good terms”, for example, with the tax police, a not too scrupulous provider can go further than the requirements regulated by SORM-2.
So, if you suspect that you are being tapped, there are two ways to proceed:
. Agree with your correspondents about a certain password that will encrypt all your letters. It is desirable to transfer this password orally and without witnesses. This method has the disadvantage that it is enough for one of your friends to let it slip or not withstand pressure, and all the data becomes available to attackers.
. Use so-called public key encryption, which is built into popular email agents (such as Netscape and Outlook), or the PGP program. This method is free from the above disadvantage, although it requires a better understanding of cryptographic algorithms. It allows you to: sign a message (that is, show that it was you who composed it), encrypt a message (which only the addressee can decrypt), check the signed message for the purpose of compiling it by the specified author, decrypt a message addressed to you.
However, in order to use public key cryptography in Netscape and Outlook, you need to obtain a certificate from one of the trusted international organizations confirming that you are really you, and this requires certain costs (about $ 15 per year plus sending copies of identity documents ), but you can do it if you want. More detailed information See for information on obtaining certifications. An alternative is F. Zimmermann's PGP program (which has both free and commercial versions), which also allows you to encrypt messages using public key technology. More information about this program can be found on Maxim Ostavnov's page “PGP-> Russian Album” (
It's also worth getting mailbox on a foreign server. This will stop the ability of "people in plainclothes" to put pressure on the provider to which you are connected, and get access to your letters. To access use a secure connection (try, for example, Ic5.law5. Try to avoid the services of providers who have implemented SORM-2. In particular, there is information that several St. Petersburg providers already have this equipment.
And, finally, keep in mind that many myths about the "omnipotence" of the special services (and 1a V. Suvorov) are very far from reality (for example, the myth that the FSB's super-secret and super-powerful equipment can decipher any message you send in a matter of minutes). Even algorithms like DES with a key length of 56 bits, which are relatively unstable by today's standards, will take a very long time for special services ... More modern algorithms with a key length of 128 bits or more are generally beyond the reach of modern computer technology.
The only doubt is the safety of using the domestic GOST algorithm, which was originally developed for the purposes of the special services and was classified as "Secret", but has now become publicly available. According to some reports, by changing the values ​​of certain parameters of this algorithm, it is possible to both lower and increase its strength, and there is no guarantee that we have access to those parameters that correspond in strength to the declared key length.
Another myth is that Chekists have very long arms (and now mice!) and they will get you "anywhere on the Internet." In fact, even within their jurisdiction, the secret services are not omnipotent. Cases of unsuccessful raids on honest providers clearly demonstrate this.
There is nothing to even talk about foreign servers, which our law enforcement agencies have practically no opportunity to penetrate in a "legal" way. Even if you're not sure about US ISPs, there are plenty of third countries that provide services similar to Hotmail or Verisign.
It is important to understand that the fight against SORM should not be limited to active opposition in the form of signing lawsuits against certain acts or passive - in the form of encryption of one's traffic. We need a constructive alternative to the numerous "decrees and orders" that restrict our freedom. We need institutions and mechanisms that would fundamentally limit the arbitrariness of law enforcement agencies and at the same time guarantee our constitutional freedoms. Such projects are being actively promoted by human rights activists and are available on the already mentioned website of the Moscow Libertarium (see the Deregulation section, The creation of such projects is an important task, since many "knights of the cloak and dagger" argue that the Internet community can only criticize their good undertakings, but is not able to offer anything in return. Therefore, the normative acts that they secretly created are “the only true alternative”.

human rights and foreign analogues SORM
Overt or covert surveillance violates a person's right to privacy. This is an axiom. But they want to give it a "relative" character. Like, there is nothing wrong with such interference if it is done with “clean hands” and with good intentions. What kind of legal and ethical frills are SORM apologists not capable of to drag it through and form a positive attitude of the people towards such things!
Another ploy is to nod at the governments of other countries that also want to keep an eye on their citizens. It is clear that they refer only to acts and countries that are convenient for them, completely forgetting about inconvenient ones. Well, these are the methods familiar to us.
It seems that the committee's ideas about Western law enforcement agencies are entirely drawn from films like "Enemy of the State" (by the way, a good film), and in the aspect of "and we want this." Indeed, there are many rumors in the press and the Internet about the so-called top-secret Echelon global surveillance and eavesdropping system (see Ml. 2000, No. 5). This system, according to rumors, was conceived to monitor the countries of the Warsaw Pact, and after its collapse, it was repurposed to fight organized crime and terrorism. To date, the existence of the Echelon system has been recognized by Australian officials. Others (USA, England, Canada) remain silent for the time being.
It is very likely that this relic of the Cold War actually exists. And it may even be used in the US in real life (of which there are a number of examples). But one should be clearly aware of the difference between Echelon and SORM. What is done behind the scenes in the States is elevated to the rank of legal practice in our country. Imagine an American provider, to which a “man in civilian clothes” comes and demands to install such a system at his own expense. At best, he (or his organization) will be sued (think of the Watergate scandal). If the people of the special services get caught using illegal wiretapping systems, they will not be in trouble either.
We have a different matter. Not only does the provider have to install tracking equipment at its own expense (by the way, the FSB likes to emphasize that, they say, it will partially bear the burden of costs by installing SORM, which is actually just an excuse, since, firstly , this does not make it any easier for the provider, and secondly, the FSB money is actually taxpayers' money, that is, ours and you). In addition, it is not so easy to grab a person with a “red book” by the hand. The native department will do everything to atone for his sins and prevent compromising evidence from coming out. For this, as we remember, there are "legitimate" grounds such as "secrecy of the investigation" or "state secrets".

Laws related to SORM
At the very beginning of the article, we noted that the introduction of SORM is just one of the links in the chain that they want to chain us with. Now it is time to talk about other laws related to our problem.
Perhaps the most reactionary can be called the infamous Decree No. 334 "On measures to comply with the law in the development, production, sale and operation of encryption tools, as well as the provision of services in the field of information encryption" dated April 3, 1995 (www. /libertarium/ukaz_334). It is very much used by the authorities when discussing the use of cryptographic tools. Indeed, it was a mess. What is the point of intercepting the subscriber's traffic if it is encrypted, and it takes so much time to decrypt it that several more presidential elections will pass before the result is received. And the gap was closed by this very decree.
The provisions of the decree do not leave loopholes for the user. He can neither develop an encryption tool, nor import it from abroad, nor exploit such tools. The only thing left for him is to work with a "licensed" (read - unstable) tool, and even then, if only he is "supposed" to do so.
This is not the first time this has happened in practice. As you can read on the PGP Russian page, “In 1991, there was a real threat in the United States of passing a law prohibiting the use of strong cryptographic tools that did not contain a “back door”, using which intelligence agencies and related groups could read encrypted messages without hindrance ". It was this fact that prompted Philip Zimmerman to create his PGP program.
However, in practice, even state structures do not insist on the literal observance of the provisions of this decree. In fact, this is a vivid example of the fact that in Russia the severity of laws is compensated by the optionality of their implementation. After all, if you strictly follow the decree, you would have to immediately prohibit encryption of passwords on servers, the use of encryption in archivers (and erase the archivers themselves) and even completely abandon the use of PCs - after all, each of them encrypts the BIOS password.
In reality, all the provisions of the decree work in relation to those organizations that, when transmitting encrypted traffic, enter into relations with government agencies and are therefore required to comply with the information protection regime established by government agencies. This is the position taken, for example, by the State Technical Commission, which overlaps with FAPSI in a number of functions in the field of informatization regulation.
Despite all this, the notorious Decree No. 334, apparently, will remain a kind of scarecrow for those who want to work in the field of cryptography for a long time to come. Here, by the way, lies another hidden motive: the FSB wants to be a monopolist in the field of information protection and sees no better way to fight competitors than issuing such decrees. After all, it is much easier to refuse certification than to force it out of the market in a fair competition.

General conclusions
As can be seen, the general situation in the area we have described is far from rosy. And it’s not so much the current state of affairs that upsets us, but the direction of movement. It seems that the "Iron Curtain" is slowly but surely beginning to descend again. An attempt to exercise total control over all communications within the country, an attempt to legitimize interference in the privacy of citizens, and finally, even an attempt to prohibit them from defending themselves from such interference - we find all this in the enumerated legislative acts. Of course, there is no ideal state. Even in the most democratic countries, there are cases of arbitrariness of the authorities and special services. But it is in our power to make sure that there are fewer and fewer opportunities for the manifestation of this arbitrariness. And I don't think the situation is hopeless. Examples of successful resistance of individuals and organizations to imposed illegal demands confirm this. Even if it is not possible to recognize as illegal all legal acts that violate human rights, it is possible to fix the bar of "legality" at a level acceptable for the new millennium.
Andrey Studnev, [email protected]

From 2016, all purchases by citizens of the Russian Federation will be registered by the state

The government is creating a technical and legal framework for controlling employment and paying taxes by the population. This will be done through the personalization of all purchases made by citizens. The Ministry of Finance has created a bill according to which all cash desks outlets are subject to replacement, and new ones will register purchases in in electronic format. Cash purchases will be tied to phone number client. This innovation will automatically take into account the expenses of citizens, namely, the initiators of the laws on fines and taxes on informal employment mentioned this: it was about controlling the payment of taxes by the population by comparing mandatory contributions with expenses.

The Ministry of Finance published the draft amendments to the law on the use of cash register equipment (CCT) for public discussion on June 9. The text of the draft is three times longer than the entire current law on the use of cash desks and provides for revolutionary changes in regulation in this area, primarily new requirements for the cash desks themselves, RBC reports.

According to the idea of ​​the Ministry of Finance, cash registers should accumulate and transmit fiscal data to the tax authorities online (through an authorized operator). Each cash desk installed since 2016 will be required to issue both paper and electronic checks, and all information is proposed to be stored in a centralized database.

The business will be required not only to issue a check to the buyer, as before, but also to register the purchase in his name (phone number) and electronically send the check to the tax authorities, and also forward it to the buyer if he asks for it. The law may enter into force on January 1, 2016. Old cash registers can be used until the expiration date, but no longer than seven years from the date of registration, the bill says.

The project has already been tested in a number of regions: in Moscow, Moscow and Kaluga regions and Tatarstan. According to the Federal Tax Service, more than a thousand companies took part in the experiment on a voluntary basis, in six months more than 4,000 new cash desks were connected and more than 17 million cashier's checks worth more than 13 billion rubles were issued. In Moscow, new cash registers were tested in the networks of Metro Cash & Carry, Azbuka Vkusa, Dixy, Perekrestok, M.Video and others.

Failure to use new cash registers may result in more significant fines than before. Amendments to the Code of Administrative Violations provide for, in fact, immeasurable fines. If the seller makes payments past the cash desk, then the fine will be determined in the amount of three-quarters to the full amount of these payments, both for legal entities and citizens. Non-use of cash registers, according to the draft law, is also recognized as the absence of a record of settlement in the fiscal drive of the cash desk, and not transferred tax authority information.

The draft law provides for an exception for merchants working in hard-to-reach areas remote from communication networks. If there is no connection, you can use cash registers without data transfer. And in remote areas, the list of which the regions will approve on their own, you can not use cash desks at all, provided that the buyer is issued another document confirming the calculation.

Exemption from cash desks also remains for individual entrepreneurs and organizations engaged in certain types of small retail trade, such as the sale of ice cream, kvass, peddling, ticket sales.

Note that the Ministry of Finance motivates the bill solely for the good of the consumer. Data transfer will create automated system control and protect the rights of buyers. Electronic Documents will be available at any time, which distinguishes them favorably from paper checks that can be irretrievably lost, the explanatory note to the bills says. At the same time, the reason for such philanthropy is not explained anywhere: it is proposed to accept that the enormous costs of creating and debugging a single database and a system for exchanging information about the purchases of the population are provided only to ensure the comfort of consumers and greater protection of their rights. And also to save retailers (in M.Video, during the experiment, they calculated that one shopping center can save more than 14 million rubles on checking and servicing new cash desks).

It seems that the project of the Ministry of Finance is part of a set of fiscal measures being developed by the government, which include the introduction of new taxes, raising old ones and increasing their collection. Other measures have been reported in the media in the last month. In particular, we are talking about two bills: fines for parasitism (from the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly) and the Rostrud project on a tax on "unofficial" unemployed.

Rostrud proposed to introduce a tax on those who work without formal employment. This “social contribution” (according to the wording of the department) must be paid by all adult citizens who are not officially employed, are not registered as unemployed and are not representatives of privileged categories: students, disabled people, pensioners, etc. Tellingly, individual entrepreneurs were not listed as exceptions. Among those whom the department wants to tax are "labor emigrants" - Russian citizens who work under a contract abroad, as well as fishers of various directions.

“Currently, a number of measures are being considered at the federal level aimed at reducing illegal employment,” Mikhail Ivankov, deputy head of Rostrud, announced at the end of May and at the end of winter.

In addition, Rostrud proposed to calculate and punish those who work "semi-officially", that is, formally receiving only the minimum wage. Deputy head of Rostrud Mikhail Ivankov let slip at the end of May that “unreliable” citizens of both categories would be calculated by comparing their expenses with taxes and social contributions paid to the PRF and fiscal authorities by the citizens themselves and their employers. At the moment when this was announced by the deputy head of Rostrud, this proposal caused some bewilderment - how the government and fiscal authorities in particular are going to take into account the expenses of the population. The legislative initiative promulgated by the Ministry of Finance has dotted the i's.

However, the expert community considers the prospects for total control over the employment of the population through financial control to be a very vague prospect. Maintaining an all-Russian base of household expenditures and automatically comparing them with tax deductions and social fees seems to be an impossible task. Especially on the example of how databases function in narrower areas. For example, for many years the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not been able not only to unite all the regional databases of ballistic expertise, but even to introduce a single standard for this procedure. Moreover, the government as a whole has not yet created a single standard for data exchange and a single sample of documents - even taking into account the functioning of such mechanisms as the Unified Portal of Public Services. The databases of the Federal Tax Service, the traffic police, Rosreestr and other departments have not been brought together.

To control transactions of citizens, existing banking mechanisms for accounting and exchanging such information could be used, but such systems, even within one large bank, represent one big problem. Taking into account the fact that the Bank of Russia on average 1-2 times a year makes changes to the rules of bank reporting, this method of implementing the plans of the Ministry of Finance can also be classified as dystopian.

In addition, the registration of the buyer, as a natural condition for issuing an electronic check, may become a reason for various legal conflicts, and the higher courts will have to force the state to refuse or cut the conditions for the operation of such a system.

I came across such an article ... I think you also read it. What can I say?! EVERYTHING!))) They arrived, sailed, flew in ...
Starting from small things, we are sent a little bit under one big cap ... Total control over a person has been going on for a long time, but all the time it was somehow hidden, now everyone is talking about it openly, I mean the government. First, electronic passports, with prints, etc., wiretapping of all phones, surveillance cameras, surveillance using mobile phones ... WELL, and now the media is already under control !!! From now on, all objectionable news will be automatically erased.. Where is the so-called freedom of the media?! Those. this is a common ban on the SOBODU of the WORD!!!
Now let's turn to Wikipedia:
Freedom of speech is the right of a person to freely express his thoughts. Currently includes freedom of expression both orally and in writing (freedom of the press and media); to a lesser extent refers to political and social advertising (agitation). This right is mentioned in a number of international and Russian documents, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 19), the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (Article 10) and the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 29).

It turns out THEY are violating this censorship of theirs:
1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
2. European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;
3. The Constitution of the Russian Federation; Well, in other countries, their constitution ...

It's scary to live in such a world...
Below is an article from Kommenrsant. I put the images just so that it would not be boring to read)))

In early December, official censorship will appear in Russia: Roskomnadzor begins round-the-clock monitoring of online media using a special software and hardware complex. For compliance with Russian laws, not only texts will be checked, but also photos, audio and video - both editorial and posted by users. The level of technology development is already such that total surveillance is no longer a fantasy. The only question is who needs information about each of us and why.

The tip of the iceberg

The results of the tender for the development of a "hardware-software control complex (HSC) of the Internet information and communication network" were summed up on April 21 this year. Then the company "DataCentre" was recognized as the winner, which, having offered the minimum cost of work - 4.6 million rubles. (the maximum declared amount of the contract was 15 million),

bypassed such players as "Medialogy", "DialogueScience" and "Poisk-IT". It is clear from the tender documentation that the PAC will monitor all content (articles, comments, multimedia) of sites registered as mass media for the presence of words, expressions and other marks from the list given by officials. Dictionary of expressions and keywords, according to the terms of reference, should be replenishable up to 5 million records. Even though the details of the system are not entirely obvious, experts unanimously
estimate the cost of work declared by "DataCentre" as underestimated - taking into account the designated tasks.

We failed to clarify at least something in the DataCentre company itself. Secretary of the AST company (developer of software products to order, also providing services in the field of information security), who answered according to the found by us
phone, transferred us to the general director of DataCenter (and part-time chief accountant) Ilya Korobeinikov, who only reported that DataCenter "is simply located in the same office as AST." But to talk about the system that his company is developing for Roskomnadzor, Korobeinikov flatly refused, citing employment.

In Roskomnadzor, too, they were not particularly talkative, they only confirmed that the control system would really start working in early December. However, media representatives are in no hurry to worry. “The tasks pursued by this project are fully consistent with the goals set for Roskomnadzor by law. At first glance, this does not pose any danger to the systemic media, rather it is a nuisance for individual radical bloggers,” says Vasily Gatov, head of the RIA Novosti media laboratory. "An opinion on the operation of such a system can only be formed when the list of
keywords used for monitoring. Only then will we understand its true purpose. But it is already clear that sites in foreign jurisdictions and publications that are not registered as mass media are not in danger, "- this is the opinion of Ivan Zasursky, editor-in-chief of the Internet publication Private Correspondent. "As a rule, some criminal statements on media sites belong to readers who have spoken in the forums,” says Yury Sinodov, editor-in-chief of “If I
I understand correctly that the state assumes the functions of the supreme overseer of the forums. Theoretically, this should discipline site owners - make them pay more attention to their own moderation, allocate more human and material resources to this task."

Such systems existed earlier - in the service of commercial companies, but the open interest of government agencies in such monitoring has been shown for the first time. And it is unlikely that these structures will be interested only in the media. "Today this kind of decision for yourself
practically all controlling and law enforcement agencies, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB," testifies Irina Borogan, deputy editor-in-chief of the Agency.Ru website. And of course, not all similar systems purchased through the official public procurement process. Open monitoring systems are just the tip of the iceberg: sometimes the functions of even well-known
public control systems are much broader than those declared.

"Audio monitoring of residential premises using water meters"

In early October, the German Interior Ministry was at the center of a scandal: the Bundestrojaner Trojan virus program distributed by it allegedly monitors users.

Representatives of the German authorities hastened to refute this information, recalling that in 2008 the Constitutional
a German court ruled that this program can be used by the police as a technical element of control over Internet telephony. However, a group of German hackers, known as the Chaos Computer Club, claims that the secret services are abusing the concept of "control over Internet telephony." According to them, the government "trojan" tracked the correspondence of citizens,
visiting websites, sent personal data of users to servers belonging to pro-government structures. And even allowed to remotely control their computers, see and hear the user if a video camera is connected, and install new programs on their computers.

Among experts there is no consensus about these accusations. Some say that this is a duck, because the government does not need to use viruses, since there have long been traffic monitoring systems without any viruses, for example, the Echelon electronic intelligence system. Others remind that Echelon is run by the US National Security Agency (NSA), which has been repeatedly convicted of industrial espionage against European companies, which means that European intelligence services would not interfere with their own tracking system.

The omnipotence of Big Brother has long given rise to legends. Today, any normal paranoid person knows that a mobile phone
even without a battery sends your location information to the right place, Windows, asking you for permission to transmit error data, actually transmits your passwords and photos, the LCD TV is watching you,
even if it is unplugged, and if you send an SMS with the words "al-Qaeda", "ammonium nitrate" and "conspiracy against the government", then they can generally pick it up in the middle of the night.

However, the capabilities of the NSA (budget of $15 billion in 2009) and Echelon, which appeared after World War II as
global listening system, really great. “Today, Echelon writes absolutely everything that passes through cables that it can reach,” says Oleg Glebov from the marketing department of the Informzaschita company. “Millions of users in other countries use American communication services, all this is intercepted.” The NSA has tracking stations around the world. To intercept information on the territory
Russia has a special intelligence center (the largest, by the way, the NSA interception center), located near Augsburg (Germany).

Echelon received a new impetus for development in 2001, after the 9/11 tragedy, when the Bush Jr. administration authorized the hunt for hackers around the world. And in 2006, the US Senate ratified the Cyberspace Act, which put an end to the privacy of Internet users.

In Russia, the role of "Echelon" is performed by SORM - the System of Operative-Investigative Measures. "Since the 1990s, all operators
telephone connection should install SORM-1 equipment for unhindered removal and analysis of information from telephone networks, including mobile ones, - says Arkady Prokudin, head of the IT security department. SORM-2 equipment for unhindered access of special services to transmitted information.

A set of equipment for SORM costs $10-30 thousand, and Internet and telephone providers (including
ip-telephony) in Russia is about 5 thousand. It can be assumed that about $ 100 million have already been spent on the installation of this equipment. However, the real costs of control systems are a secret with seven seals. As well as plans for the development of these systems.

For example, fog about SORM-3, supposedly having unprecedented tracking capabilities, is even catching up
some water meter dealers. "The system of integrated control and analysis of information SORM-3 has been created since 2009. This is a very expensive and ambitious project that began even before the crisis. According to the estimates of my acquaintances, its total cost will be about 1.2 trillion rubles, of which more than 400 billion will be spent on the creation of a continuous
audio monitoring of residential premises using smart water metering devices, "- according to the website of a certain TBN Energoservice LLC. How to protect yourself from leakage of personal data through a water meter? Of course, purchase another smart meter that can deceive wiretapping - it was invented by the CEO of TBN Energoservis " Vyacheslav Teplyshev, who appears on the site as "Vice President of the Russian Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Information Processes and Technologies, Member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Energy Committee and Head of the Energy Service Market Development Committee of Delovaya Rossiya".

If we discard the mythology, the SORM-3 project really exists and is a development that allows you to track which site a person visited, what he downloaded, who he called, sent SMS. In some ways, this even resembles the Pentagon's "Total Information Awareness" program officially covered by the US Congress in 2003, which provided for the creation of a database for collecting and storing personal information about all US citizens, including
about them e-mail, telephone calls, communication in in social networks, credit card transactions, medical records and so on. However, no one can yet name the specific dates for the implementation of SORM-3.

social web

If a data protection professional is asked if Big Brother is watching us all,
most likely, he will answer that you can’t keep track of everyone, the amount of information is too large. But the situation is changing. “Firstly, in recent years, memory drives have become seriously cheaper, which makes it possible to write absolutely everything today,” says Igor Ashmanov, CEO of Ashmanov and Partners. “Secondly, there has been a breakthrough in the possibilities of analysis
Roughly speaking, if earlier it was possible to record a large amount of information, then they accumulated dead weight, like photographs on a flash drive from a non-professional photographer, and now systems can automatically compare data from different sources and issue ready-made conclusions to "comrade major".
"Strongly cheaper and already fit into the state budgets of the system of biometric identification on the retina,
fingerprints, facial features, - says Irina Borogan. - In the UK, for example, today thousands of cameras capture pedestrians on the streets, visitors to public places. Information from them enters the processing centers, is analyzed and stored for months or even years. If the face from the camera matched the parameters of the database of criminals or
wanted people, the system gives a signal to the operator. In Russia, such systems already exist, for example, in Moscow - in the lobby of the Okhotny Ryad metro station.

A specialist who took part in the development of monitoring systems, who wished to remain anonymous, told us,
that special services today are actively increasing their technical capabilities, we are talking, for example, about the use of supercomputers. He also confirmed the view of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange that Facebook today is the greatest spy tool ever created (Google and Yahoo! also have interfaces designed specifically for US intelligence, according to Assange). After the riots in London, photos of the rioters,
posted by them on the Internet "for friends", then surfaced in the courts. How they were found is unknown. “There is a theory that social networks are subsidized by special services, and possibly created with their participation,” Oleg Glebov comments. “For example, official information about the location of the Vkontakte data center is not true. And then where is it really? controls?"

Commercial interest

However, if the criminal already knows that it is better for him to shine less, the question remains how much damage from a data leak can be inflicted on a respectable citizen.

On July 1 this year, the law "On Personal Data" came into force, obliging companies that work with personal
data (PD), and this is almost all companies that record the data of their customers, to protect the PD in accordance with the provisions of the law. A year ago, experts estimated the potential for introducing security systems, which, in theory, should have been actively purchased by merchants on the wave of new rules, at about 100 million rubles. in year. Today, however, few
Of the merchants, the new law is concerned - it is cheaper to pay a fine during an inspection. In any case, as everyone has long known, even if the formalities are completed, the cryptoprotection tools certified by Roskomnadzor are completely transparent to the special services. This means that sooner or later the data collected by the special services will be used by third parties. It is well known that the most up-to-date operator databases mobile communications appeared on the market immediately after "Nord-Ost", when the number of specialists from law enforcement agencies,
having full access to subscriber data, has been expanded. The bases were immediately stolen.

“The state may not be interested in you at all, but the information collected by the special services can be used by someone else, let’s say a business competitor,” comments Ashot Hovhannisyan, CTO of DeviceLock, Inc. “You can pay the special services and get the information you want, there are examples.”

Today merchants form their bases. And let them not direct access to classified data, but the means

collecting information that the consumer leaves, they are sometimes more up-to-date than those of the special services. “The real Big Brother can grow out of marketing, and not out of police tasks,” predicts media futurist Andrei Miroshnichenko. “Each of us is in dozens of databases. If the databases are combined with a dynamic history of interests, movements, contacts of a person and a system for managing this data is created, this will be Big Brother. The logic is clear: to know your client in order to sell something to him. Or, what is more profitable, to sell to other merchants or politicians. But such a business scheme easily becomes
scheme of total power."

Alexander Goltsov, General Director of AMT Group, talks about the principles used in the Safe City program,
which has been implemented in many regional capitals of Russia for several years now: "The system can already accumulate information from immediate response services, monitoring equipment, video surveillance systems, analytical data processing centers. Face recognition in it is performed by specialized software that compares the image received by the street camera with the existing database".

"In the coming years, leading market experts predict a complete exit from the use of cash in developed countries

money: all settlements will be carried out either with the help of already familiar bank cards, or with the help of the "phone-purse" systems that are currently developing, - Anatoly Vakulenko, an analyst at IC FINAM, argues. - This means that every step you take, every purchase in such a system will be able to give information about you to those who want it."

It is possible that the main result of total surveillance will not be repression, but an intrusive service, and soon you will be at risk
face the same situation as Tom Cruise's character in "Minority Report": the video surveillance system will recognize you among hundreds of other people when you walk down the street and offer you something to buy on the nearest monitor. Even if you did not tell anyone on the Internet that you need it.