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Total control. How and why employers monitor their employees. Why everyone lies and how to organize total control

Are you asking your teenage son to call you every half hour to report his whereabouts? You should definitely know who your adult daughter is dating, and your spouse's phone is "torn" from your calls if he is delayed at work? Congratulations! You are subject to total control. True, there is nothing good about it. Only at first glance it seems that by your actions you are showing concern for your loved ones. In fact, you make life much harder for yourself and those you love.

First, let's look at the danger of total control. First, the control of every step of loved ones shows a lack of trust in them. And a normal healthy relationship is hard to imagine without trust. Children, on the other hand, growing up under constant overprotection, very often turn out to be not ready for an independent adult life. They are not able to defend their own opinion and make important decisions, be responsible for their actions.

Secondly, a person who chooses a controlling role for himself puts on his shoulders a very heavy burden that can undermine not only nervous system but also, as a result, physical health. The son does not get in touch for half an hour, and my mother already thinks the worst and swallows valerian. And then the spouse did not come home at the "set" seven o'clock, and the woman starts a real hysteria. At the same time, she steadfastly convinces herself that loved ones deliberately provoke her, because they do not love, appreciate or respect. How long can this go on without harm to physical and mental health? Not for long.

It turns out that quite often the desire to control everything and everyone manifests itself in those who have a sufficient amount of free time and do not have interests and hobbies that could fill it. For example, when they retire or lose their jobs, people often turn their attention to their loved ones, not even noticing that their care sometimes becomes too intrusive and turns into total control. Another risk group is women who run the household. This is due to the fact that their lives mainly revolve around the family. If a woman has no other areas where she can realize herself, she risks becoming a domestic tyrant.

Therefore, it is very important to remember that caring for relatives is a good thing, but only if it is in moderation. And in order not to cross the border, you need to be able to take care not only of others, but also of yourself: to develop yourself, to have your own hobbies and interests that are not related to the family. Have you dreamed of learning how to sew, take pictures, draw, and speak English fluently for a long time? Why not do it now? An enthusiastic person has no time to waste time to control every step of loved ones.

Negative previous experiences can also leave an imprint on how you treat other people. If in the past alliance a person was constantly betrayed and betrayed, he can establish total control over the new partner in order to prevent such a situation. In this case, it is worth thinking about the fact that the new union would sooner fall apart from mistrust than from betrayal of a loved one. Usually negative past experience still “rewards” a person with certain complexes. But they cheat both very smart and beautiful. And a new relationship is confirmation that a person is able to arouse interest in the opposite sex. And in order to have maximum confidence in this, it does not interfere with raising your own self-esteem. This will help new knowledge, personal care, healthy eating and sports. Do not forget about such a pleasant activity for many women as shopping. Clothes that fit well and beautiful accessories can work wonders. A confident woman will not follow her lover's every step. Moreover, total control has not yet saved anyone from treason.

The fear of old age and loneliness also often becomes the cause of total control. His victims can be children who will not be allowed to grow up, treating them like little ones or surrounding them with all-consuming love in the hope of tying them to themselves until old age. But such an attitude often causes a backlash, forcing children to flee into independent life as soon as possible. Or it makes them completely unhappy, so they have no chance of living their own lives. Spouses (more often men), who will constantly be suspected of being associated with younger members of the opposite sex, can also become victims of control. Yes, sometimes men really go to their young mistresses. But a huge number of men do not go to someone, but simply because they can no longer withstand constant pressure from their spouses. Therefore, it is much better to stop “nagging” your partner and try to bring romance back into the relationship. You look, and you don't have to control.

It's no secret that building relationships with loved ones is not easy work. However, by taking off the burden of control over everything and everyone, you can significantly ease it. Then the loved ones will also sigh, who will have the opportunity to prove themselves and by their actions prove that they do not need control in order to be good people. The time that was set aside for constant worries and worries can be spent on joyful moments. The child will be much more pleasant if he is met after school with a smile, and not with another morality. And the spouse will hurry home with greater joy if he knows that there is not a scandal and accusations of various sins that await him there, but care and understanding.

The main event of the past year in relations between the Russian state and society is the transition from selective control and verification to total control. Total control over society has become a reality. At the turn of the new year, one can sum up the work that began in 2009. Then President Dmitry Medvedev created the Commission for the Modernization and Technical Development of the Russian Economy, on which many had high hopes. But not everyone knows that one of the tasks set by this commission was formulated as follows: the development of technologies for video identification of a person and speech recognition. Essentially, surveillance technology.
The organizer of tenders for placing orders in this area was the Federal Security Service. According to the FGU Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation, from November 2010 to April 2011, the FSB's video surveillance projects were being implemented quite successfully.

In law

The Russian video surveillance system has existed for a long time. In large cities, it was developed by the city halls within the framework of the program Safe City... But at first, the task was set to reveal the facts of violation of public order, identification of the person was not considered the main goal.
The modernization commission set such a task and went further: ultra-modern multibiometric complexes should not only identify a person, but also assess the degree of his public danger by behavior and physiological parameters, for example, by gait and body temperature.
The developers have already installed digital cameras with the ability to identify in the lobby of the Moscow metro station "Okhotny Ryad", as well as at the metropolitan and St. Petersburg railway stations. Moreover, data from security cameras are transmitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, as well as to the Ministry of Emergencies. Special hardware and software systems carry out biometric identification of each person in the camera's field of view and compare it with the images entered in the databases of the special services.
So far, the system is not total, but it already covers the most important transport hubs. It was first tested in 2006, when the G-8 summit was held in St. Petersburg. Then, at railway stations, at the airport and on the main highways leading to the city, mobile multibiometric systems for personal identification were deployed.
It was with the help of this system that activists who planned civil protest actions during the summit were identified and prevented from entering the city.
So far, the legal framework for tracking and controlling citizens has been regulated only in relation to the interception of telephone conversations and correspondence, including Internet traffic. Legal interception is carried out by law enforcement agencies and special services using SORM (system technical means for carrying out operational-search activities) and only with the approval of the court, which indicates the permitted time frame.
Video surveillance is not regulated in any way: no one can explain on what basis a law-abiding citizen moving from point A to point B is filmed, his identity is established, and then this data is sent for storage.
In addition, any law-abiding citizen can get into the special services database, where the wanted criminals are listed. For example, in May 2007, the head of the Nizhny Novgorod Human Rights Society, Sergei Shimovolos, was traveling by train from Nizhny Novgorod to Samara and on the way was interrogated three times by militiamen from different regions, who explained to him that he was an object of "watchdog control" and they were supposed to conduct preventive conversations with him.
Shimovolos filed a lawsuit and found out that the local Organized Crime Control Department (now the Center for Combating Extremism) had put him on the police register and therefore all his movements were being monitored. The Russian court recognized such actions as legal, the European Court of Human Rights did not agree with this.
An additional difficulty is that, from the point of view of Russian law enforcement agencies, the secret is, say, the content of our conversations or correspondence, but not the name of our interlocutor. At the same time, external observation of a person can be carried out only if there is a warrant, and you can do the same with the help of a camera, completely without binding yourself to court decisions.
No one was ready for such a rapid development of technology, so the legislation remained in the last century, which is very convenient for intelligence services and corporations, which also deploy surveillance systems at the earliest opportunity. People still do not understand what dangers the total fixation of their data poses to them, and the state takes advantage of such carelessness with pleasure.
However, in 2012, we saw a sharp increase in activity, the purpose of which is to provide law enforcement agencies with a legal basis for monitoring and controlling people.
The latest amendments to the law on the protection of children from harmful information and to the law on communications, which made it possible to create the Register of Prohibited Sites, were very useful to the special services. Designed to protect children from porn, information about suicides and drugs, in practice these amendments made it possible to create a unified system for monitoring and filtering the Runet. The DPI (Deep Packet Analysis) technology used for this makes it easier to spy on citizens. It allows the provider to look inside the packages. transmitted information, as well as track who visited the prohibited site and identify it. From a technical point of view, it is also easy to find out who is studying a topic of interest not only on the Internet, but also in personal correspondence, for this it is enough to set the system keywords, for example, "Bolotnaya", "protests" or "Navalny".
The use of this technology by the state is a sure sign of a repressive regime, according to the human rights organization Privacy International.
An important event has taken place in the surveillance industry over the past year: if earlier its target was a specific person who aroused suspicions among law enforcement agencies, now more and more technologies of mass control are being used.

The danger to people comes not only from the state, but also from an unexpected side. The fact is that various databases - it does not matter if they are collected by state bodies or private structures - in Russian conditions tend to quickly appear in commercial access. Let's imagine that, say, a database of case histories of district polyclinics turned out to be easily accessible. Is it interesting, for example, to an insurance company or a bank? Yes, because - without advertising, of course, the sources of their information - they can tighten the conditions of insurance or lending, thereby minimizing their risks, but dramatically complicating the life of, for example, disabled people. Can anyone use this information individual, in order, for example, to discredit a competitor in the eyes of the employer? Yes, and such cases have already been recorded.
Still, the most unpleasant prospect is associated with the fact that a large array of personal data, their weak security and defects in the legal framework open up tempting opportunities for special services. It's not just about collecting confidential information.
The practice of creating everyday difficulties for critics of the political system was widely used in the work of the KGB of the USSR, new technologies make it practically unpunished: a bank or an insurance company is not obliged to report to you about the sources of information on the basis of which they refuse you a loan or tighten insurance conditions.

The problem of control over private life exists not only in Russia. The world was actively talking about this after the events of the "Arab Spring", when it became clear that technologies of British and German origin were used to counter the protests. If mankind has somehow learned to control the circulation of weapons in the world, then it is just beginning to formulate a similar task in relation to means of tracking and control.
The peculiarity of the Russian situation is that Russia is not only a consumer, but also a producer of these technologies. The bulk of export deliveries, predictably, falls on the former Soviet republics, primarily the countries of Central Asia and Belarus. Together with technologies, for example, speech recognition or searching for people on the Internet, Russia supplies consumers with a method for using them, a method for storing data and processing them, which are quite specific. And very soon suppliers turn into advisors, establishing the system - not technical, but legal - that they are used to.
But since in some areas, for example in speech recognition, Russian manufacturers have achieved great success, their products can be found in the most unexpected places, say, in Mexico. We are talking about the very "sharashka" described by Solzhenitsyn, only now she moved from Marfin to St. Petersburg and began to be called the "Center of Speech Technologies". The period when the developers of this technique did not cooperate with the domestic special services was short and ended long ago. Some of these projects are being developed at Skolkovo, the center of innovation. But the problem is that in a non-legal state, innovations become an effective instrument of repression.

I came across this article ... I think you read it too. What can I say?! EVERYTHING!))) We arrived, sailed, arrived ...
Starting from small, we are a little bit sent under one big cap ... Total control over a person has been going on for a long time, but all the time it was somehow hidden, now everyone is talking about it openly, I mean the government. First, electronic passports, with prints, etc., wiretapping of all phones, CCTV cameras, tracking with mobile phones... Well, now the media is already under control !!! From now on, all unwanted news will be automatically erased .. Where is the so-called freedom of the media ?! Those. this is the usual prohibition on FEDERAL WORDS !!!
Now let's turn to Wikipedia:
Freedom of speech is a person's right to freely express their thoughts. Currently includes freedom of expression, both orally and in writing (freedom of the press and media); to a lesser extent refers to political and social advertising (campaigning). This right is mentioned in a number of international and Russian documents, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 19), the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (Article 10) and the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 29).

It turns out THEY are violating this by their censorship:
1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
2. European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Basic Freedoms;
3. The Constitution of the Russian Federation; Well, in other countries, their constitution ...

It becomes scary to live in such a world ...
Below is an article from Kommenrsant. I inserted the images just so that it would not be boring to read)))

In early December, official censorship will appear in Russia: Roskomnadzor begins round-the-clock monitoring of online media using a special software and hardware complex. Not only texts will be checked for compliance with Russian laws, but also photos, audio and video - both editorial and posted by users. The level of technology development is already such that total surveillance is no longer a fantasy. The only question is who needs information about each of us and why.

The tip of the iceberg

The results of the tender for the development of "hardware and software control complex (PAC) of the information and communication network of the Internet" were summed up on April 21 this year. Then the winner was the DataCenter company, which, having offered the minimum cost of work - 4.6 million rubles. (the maximum declared amount of the contract was 15 million),

bypassed such players as "Medialogia", "DialogueNauka" and "Poisk-IT". It is clear from the tender documentation that PAK will monitor all content (articles, comments, multimedia) of sites registered as media for the presence of words, expressions and other tags from the list specified by officials. Dictionary of expressions and keywords, according to the terms of reference, up to 5 million records should be replenished. Even though the details of the system are not entirely clear, experts are unanimous
estimate the cost of work declared by "DataCenter" as underestimated - taking into account the designated tasks.

We failed to clarify at least something in the DataCenter company itself. AST company secretary (developer software products to order, which also provides services in the field information security), which answered according to the found by us
telephone, transferred us to the general director of "DataCenter" (and the chief accountant in combination) Ilya Korobeinikov, who only said that "DataCenter" "is just in the same office with AST." But Korobeinikov flatly refused to talk about the system that his company is developing for Roskomnadzor, referring to being busy.

In Roskomnadzor, they were not particularly talkative either, they only confirmed that the control system would really start working in early December. However, media representatives are in no hurry to worry. "The tasks pursued by this project are quite consistent with the goals set for Roskomnadzor by law. At first glance, this does not pose any danger to the system media, but rather a nuisance for some radical bloggers," says Vasily Gatov, head of the RIA Novosti media laboratory. "An opinion on the operation of such a system can only be drawn up when the list becomes known.
keywords used for monitoring. Only then will we understand its true purpose. But it is already clear that nothing threatens sites in foreign jurisdictions and publications that are not registered as mass media "- this is the opinion of Ivan Zasursky, editor-in-chief of the Internet publication" Private Correspondent "." As a rule, some criminal statements on media sites belong to to readers who have expressed themselves in the forums, - says the editor-in-chief of Yuri Sinodov. - If I
I understand correctly that the state takes over the functions of the supreme superintendent of the forums. In theory, this should discipline the site owners - to force them to pay more attention to their own moderation, to allocate more human and material resources for this task. "

Such systems existed earlier - in the service of commercial companies, but the open interest of government agencies in such monitoring was shown for the first time. And these structures are unlikely to be interested only in the media. "Today, this kind of solution for myself
are considered by almost all controlling and law enforcement agencies, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, "says Irina Borogan, deputy editor-in-chief of the Agency.Ru website. And of course, not all similar systems purchased through the official public procurement procedure. Open system monitoring is just the tip of the iceberg: sometimes the functions of even well-known
public control systems are much wider than the declared ones.

"Audio monitoring of residential premises using water metering devices"

In early October, the German Interior Ministry turned out to be at the center of the scandal: The Bundestrojaner, a viral Trojan program it spreads, allegedly monitors users.

Representatives of the German authorities hastened to refute this information, recalling that in 2008 the Constitutional
a German court ruled that the program could be used by the police as a technical control over Internet telephony. However, a group of German hackers known as the Chaos Computer Club claims that intelligence agencies are abusing the concept of "controlling Internet telephony." According to them, the government "Trojan" tracked the correspondence of citizens,
their visits to sites, sent personal data of users to servers belonging to pro-government structures. And even allowed to remotely control their computers, see and hear the user if a video camera is connected, and install new programs on their computers.

There is no consensus among experts about these accusations. Some say that this is a duck, because the government has no reason to use viruses, since there have long been systems for monitoring traffic without any viruses, for example, the Echelon electronic intelligence system. Others remind that "Echelon" is run by the US National Security Agency (NSA), which has been repeatedly convicted of industrial espionage against European companies, which means that its own tracking system would just be useful for the European intelligence services.

The omnipotence of Big Brother has long given rise to legends. Any normal paranoid today knows that a cell phone
even without a battery, it sends information about your location to the right place, Windows, asking you for permission to transmit error data, in fact transfers your passwords and photos, the LCD TV is watching you,
even if it is unplugged, and if you send an SMS with the words "Al-Qaeda", "ammonium nitrate" and "conspiracy against the government", then they can generally be taken away in the middle of the night.

However, the capabilities of the NSA (budget of $ 15 billion in 2009) and Echelon, which appeared after World War II as
the global listening system is really great. "Today, Echelon writes absolutely everything that passes through cables that it can reach," says Oleg Glebov from the Marketing Department of Informzashita. "Millions of users in other countries use American communication services, all of this is intercepted." The NSA has tracking stations located around the world. To intercept information on the territory
Russia has a special intelligence center (the largest, by the way, the NSA's interception center), located near Augsburg (Germany).

Echelon received a new impetus for development in 2001, after the tragedy of 9/11, when the Bush Jr. administration authorized the hunt for hackers around the world. And in 2006, the US Senate ratified the cyberspace law, which put an end to the privacy of Internet users.

In Russia, the role of "Echelon" is performed by SORM - the System of Operational-Search Measures. "Since the 1990s, all operators
telephone connection must install SORM-1 equipment for unhindered retrieval and analysis of information from telephone networks, including mobile ones, - says Arkady Prokudin, head of IT security department. SORM-2 equipment for unimpeded access of special services to transmitted information ".

A set of equipment for SORM costs $ 10-30 thousand, and Internet and telephone service providers (including
IP-telephony) in Russia about 5 thousand. It can be assumed that about $ 100 million has already been spent on the installation of this equipment. However, the real costs of control systems are a secret behind seven seals. As well as plans for the development of these systems.

For example, the fog about SORM-3, which supposedly has unprecedented tracking capabilities, is even catching up with
some water meter vendors. "The system of integrated control and analysis of information SORM-3 has been created since 2009. This is a very expensive and ambitious project, started even before the crisis. According to experts I know, its total cost will be about 1.2 trillion rubles, of which more than 400 billion will be spent on creating a system of continuous
audio monitoring of residential premises using smart water metering devices ", - reported on the website of a certain TBN Energoservice LLC. How to protect yourself from personal data leakage through a water meter? "Vyacheslav Teplyshev, who appears on the website as" Vice President of the Russian Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Information Processes and Technologies, member of the expert council of the State Duma Energy Committee and head of the Committee for the Development of the Energy Service Market of Business Russia. "

Leaving aside mythology, the SORM-3 project really exists and is a development that allows you to track which site a person visited, what they downloaded, who they called, and sent SMS. In some ways, this even resembles the Pentagon's Total Information Awareness program, officially closed by the US Congress in 2003, which provided for the creation of a database for collecting and storing personal information about all US citizens, including
about their e-mail, phone calls, communication in social networks, credit card transactions, medical records and so on. However, no one can name a specific time frame for the implementation of SORM-3.

Social web

If you ask a security professional if Big Brother is watching us all,
most likely, he will answer that you cannot keep track of everyone, the amount of information is very large. But the situation is changing. “Firstly, in recent years, memory drives have seriously fallen in price, which allows us to write absolutely everything,” says Igor Ashmanov, CEO of Ashmanov & Partners. “Secondly, there has also been a breakthrough in analysis capabilities.
information processing. "Roughly speaking, if earlier it was possible to record a large amount of information, then they accumulated a dead weight, like photographs on a flash drive from a non-professional photographer, and now the systems can automatically compare data from different sources and issue ready-made conclusions to" Comrade Major ".
"The systems of biometric identification on the retina of the eye have become much cheaper and already fit into the state budgets,
fingerprints, facial features, - says Irina Borogan. - In Great Britain, for example, today pedestrians on the streets, visitors to public places are recorded by thousands of cameras. Information from them goes to processing centers, is analyzed and stored for months or even years. If the face on the camera matches the parameters of the criminal database, or
wanted people, the system gives a signal to the operator. Russia already has such systems, for example, in Moscow - in the lobby of the Okhotny Ryad metro station. "

A specialist who took part in the development of monitoring systems, who wished to remain anonymous, told us,
that the special services are actively increasing their technical capabilities today, we are talking, for example, about the use of supercomputers. He also reiterated the opinion of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange that Facebook is today the greatest espionage tool ever created (according to Assange, Google and Yahoo! also have interfaces designed specifically for American intelligence). After the riots in London, photos of pogroms,
posted by them on the Internet "for friends", then surfaced in the courts. How they were found is unknown. “There is a theory that social networks are subsidized by the special services, and possibly created with their participation,” Oleg Glebov comments. controls? "

Commercial interest

However, if the criminal already knows that it is better for him to shine less, the question remains, what damage from data leakage can be caused to an honest citizen.

On July 1 of this year, the law "On Personal Data" came into force, obliging companies working with personal
data (PD) - and this is almost all companies that record the data of their customers - to protect PD in accordance with the provisions of the law. A year ago, experts assessed the potential for introducing security systems, which, in theory, should have been actively purchased by merchants in the wake of the new rules, at about 100 million rubles. in year. However, few people today
businessmen are worried about the new law - it is cheaper to pay a fine during a check. In any case, as everyone has known for a long time, even if the formalities are completed, the crypto-security tools certified by Roskomnadzor are completely transparent for the special services. This means that sooner or later the data collected by the special services will be used by third parties. It is well known that the most recent operator bases mobile communications appeared on the market immediately after "Nord-Ost", when the number of specialists from law enforcement agencies,
having full access to subscriber data has been expanded. The bases were immediately stolen.

"The state may be absolutely uninteresting for you, but the information collected by the special services can be used by someone else, for example a business competitor," comments Ashot Oganesyan, CTO of DeviceLock, Inc. "You can pay the special services and get the information you want, there are examples."

Today merchants are forming their bases. And let them not have direct access to classified data, but the funds

the collection of information that the consumer leaves is sometimes more modern than that of the special services. “A real Big Brother can grow out of marketing, not police tasks,” predicts media futurologist Andrei Miroshnichenko. “Each of us is in dozens of databases. this will be Big Brother. The logic is clear: to know your client in order to sell him something. Or, which is more profitable, to sell to other merchants or politicians.
scheme of total power ".

General Director of "AMT-group" Alexander Goltsov talks about the principles used in the "Safe City" program,
which has been implemented for several years in many regional capitals of Russia: “The system can already accumulate information from immediate response services, monitoring equipment, video surveillance systems, analytical data processing centers. database ".

"In the coming years, leading market experts predict that cash will be completely phased out in developed countries.

money: all calculations will be carried out either using the usual bank cards, or with the help of the currently developing "phone-wallet" systems, says Anatoly Vakulenko, an analyst at FINAM Investment Company.

It is possible that the main result of total surveillance will not be repression, but intrusive service, and soon you are at risk
face the same situation as the character of Tom Cruise in "Minority Report": the video surveillance system will recognize you among hundreds of other people when you walk down the street, and will offer you to buy something on the nearest monitor. Even if you have not informed anyone on the Internet that you need it.

After getting a job, marketer Anna Chulkova discovered that she was being read email and keep track of which internet sites she goes to. In protest, she opened a forum on the topic "Total control" on one of the Internet resources, where she expressed her attitude towards the employer very emotionally. “If my boss sees this forum, I will be fired,” she said. And she was not mistaken.

The chief was not too lazy and read all the messages of the forum, which the system administrator of the company pointed out to him "kindly". Two months after she was hired, Chulkova was informed that she had not passed the probationary period. “They wrote me a good review, because as a professional I suited everyone,” says Anna. "But, as the head of the company said, a person who is so disloyal to the company cannot work for it."

Everything's under control

In 2003, experts from the American Management Association and The ePolicy Institute reviewed employee monitoring systems. Of the 1,627 executives surveyed, 82% admitted to using some form of electronic control or physical surveillance: 63% of companies track access to Internet resources, and about 47% of companies check their employees' emails.

Employers consider control over their employees their natural right, because everything that an employee creates in the workplace and during working hours is the property of the company. This means that the employer must know what his staff is doing and what they are spending the time paid by the company. The reasons for such control seem to be enough too: ensuring security (information and not only) and checking the loyalty of employees, control over the use of resources (Internet, etc.) and discipline.

Various methods are also used. Wiretapping is one such method. In most cases, it is not considered necessary to inform the staff about this. German Zubov, project manager of the Speech Technology Center company (which sells equipment, including for listening telephone conversations), says this technique is very popular. “Can I say that all our clients use it legally,” says Zubov. - I do not know?.

Another unpleasant consequence of employee disloyalty is their personal use of Internet access and e-mail. As the specialists of the University of Maryland and the marketing firm Rockbridge Associates have calculated, the average American employee spends 3.7 hours a week on his own Internet needs, and those who do not have the Internet at home spend all 6.5 hours. Although there are no such statistics in Russia, the problem is also exists. Confirmation of this is the popularity of the website on which the program "Behind the Glass" was broadcast. As the correspondents of Gazeta.Ru calculated then, having collected all the available corporate Internet statistics, the web resource was visited by thousands of employees of Russian companies. The most frequent visitors to the site were employees of RAO UES of Russia, VimpelCom, MTS, Norilsk Nickel and Rosbank. The peak of attendance fell on the period from 10 am to 6 pm, i.e. during working hours. As Vedomosti was told, the press service of RAO UES did not have any special reaction on this matter and no one was happy with the employees for inappropriate use of the Internet, although there are filters that prohibit employees from entering porn sites. “However, we still don’t have time to visit resources that are not related to work,” says Marita Nagoga, Deputy Head of the Media Relations Department of RAO UES of Russia.

But in most Russian companies, the misuse of the Internet is a problem, as it is all over the world. Last year, UAZ IT specialists were forced to develop special program... If an employee visits a prohibited site, his car is immediately blocked for several hours.

Another way to combat staff indiscipline is a video surveillance system. “Very convenient,” says Vyacheslav Evstratenko, General Director of Electronic Systems. - I use it myself. I sit in Moscow and see what my staff is doing in the Arkhangelsk branch ?.

A year and a half ago, secretly from employees, video cameras were installed in several workshops of the Irbit Motorcycle Plant (IMZ). As the general director of IMZ Vladimir Yudin says, the management of the enterprise was forced to take this step. Labor productivity has declined, and previous control methods have proved ineffective. After installing the cameras, the problem was resolved in a few days. With the help of a video surveillance system, it was possible to find out that collectors lost most of their working time in the warehouse. Now the storekeeper immediately gives the workers a complete set of parts. The experiment turned out to be so successful that today cameras are installed in all workshops of the plant. “Besides,” says Yudin, “it’s difficult to hide the camera, and the workers found themselves being controlled and became more disciplined.”

Electronic systems for recording and recording working hours have also become widespread at large enterprises. -This is a common requirement of the service, - says the consultant of the company "ECOPSY Consulting" Alexey Ereskovsky. - If a client starts calling at 9 a.m., of course, the staff should already be on the spot at this time?

Slave lamp

It is natural for a person to control others, but at the same time he does not like to be himself under control. Employees of companies are often very sensitive to the increased interest in themselves on the part of management. Even the lightest forms of control evoke rejection. Pavel Kovalev, an employee of one of the IT companies, says that the electronic time tracking system is a real headache for him. “In my previous job, I was considered the most responsible employee because I was never late,” he says. "It would seem that strict time keeping shouldn't bother me too much, but I don't really like it."

A person always tensely perceives the situation when he is being watched or controlled by his private life, explains the situation by the consultant-psychologist of the ANKOR company Vera Aleksandrova. This applies to almost any area of ​​life, including work, she said. In an ideal situation, control should be aimed at observing the economic security of the firm, and not at finding out the privacy of employees. “But then, what kind of private conversations can there be during working hours, the employer will ask. And in many ways he will be right. Undoubtedly, there are people who are calm about control, but creative and dominant people are protesting about it, ”Aleksandrova says.

Ereskovsky believes that very often increased control is not justified and is just a repressive measure. “In such cases, one can trace, for example, such a chain: labor productivity falls, which means that discipline must be raised, in order to raise discipline, it is necessary to control the time of coming to work,” notes Ereskovsky and adds that the logic in this chain is highly questionable. Strengthening control, in his opinion, although fast, but not the most effective form of problem solving. He is convinced that it is much more correct to engage in increasing employee loyalty by building motivational schemes.

According to Victoria Golovina, manager of the Vertex engineering group, where the surveillance system has been in existence for a year, initially undisciplined employees resist control. -Total control closer to the western style of management. It is a bit heavy, but its appearance in our country [in Russia] is it a natural process ?, - says Golovina. “In the United States, for example, personnel control is a transparent and public system, part of the corporate security policy,” adds Alexander Kuzmichev, an expert at BKG.

Lie detector

One of the clients of our company decided to test all his staff on a lie detector, - says the general director of the security company "Amulet" Alexander Krylov. - The only thing he achieved was that they left him best employees?. The use of such methods, according to Krylov, is justified only in one case, when an incident requires an internal investigation. As a preventive measure, it is costly and not always legal. -If a subordinate scolds the boss, this is not a betrayal at all. And least of all it is worth bothering the boss himself with this, - said the general director of Amulet. - There is a presumption of innocence, and if an employee works well, he should not be suspected of something ?.

Lawyers disagree with this and argue that the employer has the right to control its employees. “The employer has the right to assume that the employee uses the Internet and mail for the intended purpose, that is, for work,” says Anna-Stefania Chepik, labor law specialist at Pepeliaev, Goltsblat and Partners. - Therefore, there is nothing illegal in monitoring employees' e-mails?

True, this is only the letter of the law, which, as you know, can change. Last year, the UK adopted a new employee privacy code, which prohibited employers from exercising total control over their employees - tracking the number of visits to Internet sites and checking emails without proving the need for such control. The fact is that the British began to worry about "the emergence of a culture of mutual suspicion in British offices," the BBC reported. There was something to worry about: About 20% of all UK companies constantly monitored how their employees were using the Internet and email. At the same time, 10% of them did not notify the workers about it. These are the results of a 2002 study commissioned by the law firm KLegal and Personal magazine.


If controlling your own employees seems necessary, then there are some rules to follow.

  • Notify employees that you will be monitoring the use of corporate resources.
  • Explain the need for such control.
  • Establish clear rules for what will be monitored and define the types of supervision.
  • Monitor and block access to the "wrong" Internet resources. It is necessary to restrict access for all employees, regardless of their position.
  • Be clear about penalties.