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Sports Preference Cameron Diaz Crossword. What is duplex, townhouse and penthouse in real estate

Good day, dear visitors of the site Today we are posting the answers to the crossword puzzle published on August 30 in the newspaper Arguments and Facts in the 35th issue of 2017. Answers are located at the bottom of the page and are supplemented as they are solved. Good luck and have a nice day!


1. Sports preference Cameron Diaz.
5. Who "clicks like nuts" crossword puzzles?
9. The first star that could be seen during the day with a telescope.
11. "Electronic cashier".
12. Sports with knockouts.
13. Clerk of the underworld.
14. Exactly… the nanny handed over Tatiana Larina's love letter to Eugene Onegin.
15. What camp did all the pioneers of the USSR strive to get into?
18. Who in 1897 achieved the introduction of the "gold standard" in Russia?
19. "Kilometer experience" auto.
22. A hybrid of a city apartment with a country house.
23. "His heavenly ... everyone repairs alone."
25. Floor ... in the room.
27. Which pop star has already been dubbed the “new Amy Winehouse”?
30. Film "Night" by Timur Bekmambetov.
31. Where does a tightrope walker work?
35. Method Chinese medicine.
36. "First-born" in the team.
41. Logical.
42. A toy in the science fiction novel "The Ring Around the Sun" by the American Clifford Simak, which returned to the "magic land of childhood."
45. Vanilla.
47. Which writer married the poetess Bella Akhmadulina for the fifth time?
48. "Storyteller" in two.
49. "Orleans ..." by Pyotr Tchaikovsky?
50. "String bag swing."
51. "Heir" of the armor of Achilles.
52. Flask substance.
53. What profession unites Arina Rodionovna with Mary Poppins?
54. Visitation of the masculine.
55. Saxophonist of American presidents.
56. Drinking cowboys.
57. With what do we “impregnate” our speeches?
58. Compartment ....


1. What did False Dmitry I promise to introduce in Russia to the Polish king?
2. " The Snow Queen Hollywood."
3. Pilot for tourists.
4. Cossack settler.
6. “I… don’t get everything.”
7. "March rally".
8. How did Joseph Stalin call Nadezhda Alliluyeva in his letters?
10. Who were the Bolsheviks who rode through Germany together with Vladimir Lenin in that same sealed carriage?
13. Che Guevara's headdress in his classic portrait.
16. Pilgrimage to death.
17. Cheap megalomania.
20. "Magnet of attention" in the margins of the book.
21. Individual user chat.
24. "I drink for the ruined ..., for my evil life."
26. What is the purpose of taking an ice shower?
28. "Khan tax".
29. Hollywood sex symbol, who received one and a half dollars an hour, working as a dishwasher.
32. "Opponent" SMERSH.
33. Which French actress has played the role of Maria Callas twice on stage and in film?
34. Evil spirit among the Slavs.
37. Schoolboy of the last class.
38. "Capital Russian".
39. Meeting with flowers under the clock.
40. What meat do the Mongols consider the most useful, since it belongs to the animal "with hot breath"?
43. Bonds of the prisoner.
44. Reunion of the nose ring.
45. Who "gave birth" to Commissar Maigret?
46. ​​Control ... shares.
48. Barrel for beer.

Answers to the crossword "AiF" No. 35 for 2017

Horizontally: 1. Kickboxing 5. Scrabble 9. Arcturus 11. ATM 12. Boxing 13. Bes 14. Grandson 15. Artek 18. Witte 19. Mileage 22. Townhouse 23. Vault 25. Vase 27. Adele 30. Watch 31. Circus 35. Acupuncture 36. Active 41. Conclusion 42. Top 45. Sugar 47. Nagibin 48. Grandmother 49. Virgo 50. Hammock 51. Odysseus 52. Reactive 53. Nanny 54. Visit 55. Clinton 56. Whiskey 57. Firs 58. Carriage.

Answers to AiF crossword number 22

Answers horizontally:

one. " Nervous system" politicians. The answer has 12 letters: JOURNALISM

3. What "sculpture" among Romanians is it customary to decorate with garlands of garlic in order to "save the whole family from infection"? The answer has 8 letters: SNOWMAN

9. "Thyroid" doctor. The answer has 12 letters: ENDOCRINOLOGIST

10. Canadian field hockey. The answer has 7 letters: LACROSSE

14. "News line" of the Internet. The answer has 7 letters: TWITTER

18. Herbivore. The answer has 12 letters: VEGETARIAN

20. Who came up with the detective Nero Wolfe? The answer has 5 letters: STOUT

21. Member of the cartoon squad of Rescuers. The answer has 4 letters: VZHIK

23. What used to replace the calculator? The answer has 5 letters: ACCOUNTS

30. “When I first saw Sasha, I realized that I had crept into our relationship with Igor ...”. The answer has 11 letters: DISHARMONY

32. The heroes of the mystical drama "The Green Mile" nicknamed the electric chair "Old Lady ..." behind their backs. The answer has 5 letters: SPARK

35. Grinding grain. The answer has 6 letters: NAZDAK

37. Appetizer for chacha. The answer has 5 letters: LOBIO

38. Serbian round dance. The answer has 4 letters: KOLO

39. Throne. The answer has 3 letters: HALL

40. Fight for low calories. The answer has 5 letters: DIET

41. Reaction to tickling. The answer has 4 letters: LAUGHTER

43. What goes into the groove? The answer has 3 letters: SHIP

44. “Married a giraffe to a bison.” The answer has 4 letters: DAUGHTER

46. ​​Favorite Crimean resort of the Russian Emperor Alexander II. The answer has 7 letters: LIVADIA 48. Where can a motorist not fit in? The answer has 7 letters: TURN

49. Which antidepressant killed Sigmund Freud? The answer has 6 letters: COCAINE

50. A coward from "Moonshiners", who in real life was a convinced teetotaler. The answer has 5 letters: VICIN

51. "The river at the end of the path." The answer has 5 letters: MOUTH

53. Which publishing house published the first book of stories by Mikhail Zoshchenko? The answer has 5 letters: ERATO

54. Accounting shmon. The answer has 5 letters: AUDIT


1. Othello's sin. The answer has 12 letters: SOMILITY

2. Favorite drink of Russian symbolists. The answer has 6 letters: COGNAC

4. Taboo for fishing. The answer has 6 letters: SPINING

5. Crocodile with Cheburashka. The answer has 4 letters: GENA

6. Who did Little Red Riding Hood find in her grandmother's bed? The answer has 4 letters: WOLF

7. American crossover. The answer has 4 letters: KUGA

8. What class ruled during the time of Ivan the Terrible? The answer has 5 letters: BOYARE

11. Fight of mongrels. The answer has 5 letters: SVARA

12. "Island of a sunken civilization." The answer has 9 letters: ATLANTIS

13. Which country initiated the creation of OPEC? The answer has 9 letters: VENEZUELA

15. How often do they “apologize to a girl”? The answer has 5 letters: FLOWERS

16. Singer and composer ... Nikolaev. The answer has 5 letters: IGOR

17. Which of the classics of Russian music lived with his family at Coco Chanel's villa? The answer has 11 letters: STRAVINSKY

22. Creator of idols. The answer has 11 letters: IMAGEMAKER

24. Servant of Satan. The answer has 4 letters: DAMN

25. Minced meat for syrniki. The answer has 6 letters: cottage cheese

26. What legendary commander is associated with the code name of the military operation, during which our army liberated the territory of Belarus from the Nazi invaders? The answer has 9 letters: BAGRATION

27. Witchcraft atrocity. The answer has 5 letters: EVIL

28. "Walked along the valleys and on the hills ... forward." The answer has 7 letters: DIVISION

31. Genderless style. The answer has 7 letters: UNISEX

33. A region that feeds its neighbors. The answer has 5 letters: DONOR

34. Cowboy revolver. The answer has 5 letters: COLT

36. “A purring cat and a burning one… make winter pleasant.” The answer has 5 letters: FIREPLACE

42. What do they pay for by the meter? The answer has 5 letters: TAXI

43. The craft of a dressmaker. The answer has 5 letters: SEWING

44. The French classic Stendhal is sure that "every reasonable ... offends." The answer has 5 letters: DOVOD

45. English village with a cottage, where the world novelist Jane Austen spent the last years of her life. The answer has 5 letters: CHOTEN

46. ​​"Does not go yet ... to the clouds." The answer has 4 letters: ELEVATOR

47. Who did Korben Dallas try to flirt with? The answer has 4 letters: LILU

48. American traveler who replaced tents and sleeping bags with ice igloos. The answer has 4 letters: PIRI

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Today the next issue of "AiF" No. 36 dated September 6, 2017 was released and we have prepared questions and answers for this issue of the crossword puzzle.


1. What, most likely unfounded, is Lucrezia Borgia accused of? 14 letter answer
7. What object is considered the sacred "double of the world"? 7 letter answer
8. Who invited Freken Bok to dance? 7 letter answer
9. Which royal vessel is reproduced by a bottle of cognac named after Louis XIII? 5 letter answer
10. "Beauty Queen Election". 7 letter answer
11. Performance based on the libretto. 5 letter answer
12. Messenger of fire. 5 letter answer
14. What kind of life "does not know adversity"? 7 letter answer
15. The language of Jewish sound. 5 letter answer
17. "To let ... around the world, a visa is not needed." 5 letter answer
21. Who can jinx "a couple of trifles"? 6 letter answer
27. Lack of mediocrity. 6 letter answer
28. What style of hat was especially popular with Italian mafiosi in the 50s and 60s? 9 letter answer
29. Siberian Athens. 5 letter answer
30. Profile of roles. 6 letter answer
32. Quote "with wings." 7 letter answer
34. Grains on sandpaper. 6 letter answer
35. Which poet was considered "wiser than all the Hellenes put together"? 5 letter answer
38. Which Louise became the queen of "American flappers"? 5 letter answer
41. Country of the Vikings. 5 letter answer
42. Who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in the hospital? 6 letter answer
44. "Mouse fuss generates ...". 7 letter answer
45. Which goddess returns from the hunt in a painting by Peter Rubens? 5 letter answer
46. ​​"Regular nutrition." 5 letter answer
47. Major Jovanka Budisavlevich was legally married to a marshal in 1952. The groom was almost 60 years old! Who is he? 4 letter answer
48. "Sanitary idol." 7 letter answer
49. Elephant to maintain the disk of the Discworld. 7 letter answer
50. Clean receipt. 5 letter answer
51. Double created by geneticists. 4 letter answer
52. A classic of world literature in countrymen by Franz Kafka. 5 letter answer


1. What, besides catching butterflies, was Vladimir Nabokov most interested in? 12 letter answer
2. Negotiations about marriage. 10 letter answer
3. Cardiologists use this joke: "If it helps you ..., then your heart does not hurt." 10 letter answer
4. Carrier of hereditary information. 3 letter answer
5. The murder weapon of old man Jud and his mother from Stephen King's Pet Sematary. 9 letter answer
6. The clan of the richest. 9 letter answer
7. Which avenger brought many millions of dollars to Antonio Banderas? 5 letter answer
13. Who finally killed common sense in himself? 5 letter answer
16. State, but not a monopoly. 5 letter answer
18. Who is reproached for calories? 7 letter answer
19. "Molecule" of moisture. 5 letter answer
20. "Compote on herbs." 5 letter answer
22. Why did world sex symbol Rudolfo Valentino once end up in custody? 11 letter answer
23. "Ball of riddles." 8 letter answer
24. "Festival" of scientific reports. 11 letter answer
25. Apparatus for reproduction of documents. 7 letter answer
26. Salty splashes of internal elements. 5 letter answer
31. Who takes forty-nine documents to make the fiftieth out of them? 8 letter answer
33. Respect "at the time of it." 8 letter answer
36. Pasta stuffed. 7 letter answer
37. Russian language test. 7 letter answer
39. How did Leonardo da Vinci write in the Codex Leicester? 5 letter answer
40. In what style is the house of Usher built from the story of Edgar Allan Poe? 6 letter answer
43. Hollywood actress who took her name from The Great Gatsby. 5 letter answer
48. What world sex symbol was forced by parents to play the guitar, trumpet, piano and even double bass as a child? 3 letter answer

The correct answers to the crossword "AiF" No. 36

Horizontally: 1. Adultery 7. Mirror 8. Carlson 9. Flask 10. Competition 11. Opera 12. Spark 14. Idyll 15. Hebrew 17. People 21. Witch 27. Talent 28. Borsalino 29. Tomsk 30. Position 32. Aphorism 34. Emery 35. Homer 38. Brooks 41. Denmark 42. Landau 44. Dullness 45. Diana 46. Diet 47. Tito 48. Hygiene 49. Beryllium 50. Blank 51. Clone 52. Hasek.

Vertically: 1. Writing 2. Matchmaking 3. Valocordin 4. Gene 5. Scalpel 6. Oligarchy 7. Zorro 13. Idiot 16. Mystery 18. Parasite 19. Drop 20. Decoction 22. Bigamy 23. Masquerade 24. Conference 25. Xerox 26. Tears 31. Analyst 33. Reverence 36. Ravioli 37. Dictation 39. Sepia 40. Gothic 43. Weaver 48. Gir.

The housing issue will be relevant for a long time. An apartment in a high-rise building is enough for most citizens, but wealthy people choose large and comfortable housing. For example, own house, penthouse, duplex or townhouse.

These words are often used when talking about individual housing. I propose to find out what is a duplex, townhouse and penthouse in real estate and what is the difference between them.

A kind of hybrid of a city apartment with a country house. The American type of building, which first appeared in Russia in the mid-90s. It is a block of two- or three-story apartments with common walls, but always with a separate entrance. Typical layout: first floor - living room, dining room and kitchen, second floor - office, nursery, bedroom. Bathroom on each floor.

Townhouses are popular among the middle class due to their low cost and the successful combination of the advantages of a city apartment and a country house. It is also important that the fee public Utilities in the townhouse is lower than in the cottage. Absence or small size land plot can be considered both an advantage and a disadvantage - it all depends on the desire to take care of the land. But the fact that you do not need to buy land is a definite plus.

I would like to note that it has become fashionable to call any permanent block section a townhouse, regardless of location. However, the townhouse must be located within the city (Town - city, House - house). A great example of a true townhouse is in the photo below.

A country house divided into two isolated sections with separate entrances, united only by common walls and a roof. Common, of course, is the communication system. It is believed that buying a duplex is ideal for families, well knowing friend friend. Often such houses are bought by families with growing children, assuming that the future family of the child will live nearby, but isolated.

Often the adjacent territory is equipped in concert. By mutual desire, it is possible to place a children's or sports ground, a resting place with a barbecue and a gazebo, a bathhouse, etc. Russian duplexes differ from their Western counterparts in their layout on several levels and in the basement. But you can go even further and build a quad house - a house with four entrances under one roof.

Buying a duplex and a quad is smart - serious money savings are provided by a common roof, wall, separating sections and communications system.

Luxury housing on the top floor, usually on the roof. The first penthouses appeared in the US about 100 years ago and quickly spread throughout the world. A little later, mansions began to be built on the flat roofs of houses, which were also called penthouses. The entrance to the penthouse is separate - usually it is its own elevator. Almost every penthouse has a small winter garden, often a swimming pool, an observation deck. Penthouses are expensive, but the demand for them is consistently high.

Few build penthouses, and living in them is prestigious.

What is the difference between penthouse and townhouse

These types of housing are united only by their purpose - comfort and conditional absence of neighbors.

  • Townhouse - a country house of apartment type with a small plot of land. Penthouse - luxury urban apartments on the roof of a multi-storey building.
  • If a townhouse is an ordinary housing with an ordinary layout and the usual functions of separate rooms for an apartment (kitchen, bedroom, living room), then the penthouse can include everything the owner wishes (a winter garden with exotic plants, a swimming pool and even a heliport).
  • The cost of a penthouse is always individual, since each offer of such housing is unique. Of course, a penthouse is much more expensive than a townhouse.

What is the difference between duplex and townhouse

  • Townhouse - block section in two or three levels. The walls of the blocks are common, and the entrances are separate.
  • Duplex - a separate house, divided into two sections, each of which has its own entrance. Common to such apartments are internal walls and a roof. There is usually a small piece of land around the duplex that is the property of the homeowners.

When talking about a townhouse, they always mean inexpensive housing. In the villages of elite housing, townhouses are not built, and among business-class housing they are offered as a budget option. Duplexes are found everywhere - from low-cost developments to luxury villages.

Often a duplex is considered as a special case of a townhouse, which, of course, is wrong.

For some reason, as a rule, there are much fewer questions related to buying a city apartment than in a situation where you decide to buy a country house or cottage. But you really want to spend the summer months and weekends outdoors in your own home. In addition, some urban residents, tired of the noise and stuffiness of the modern metropolis, are seriously thinking about moving to a country house with the possibility of year-round living in it. Let's try to figure out what is the fundamental difference between and an apartment, as well as what steps you need to take to meet the next summer in nature, surrounded by people close to you.

The first thing you should start with is to decide what kind of property you want to purchase, and for what purposes. Do not be surprised, but the designations familiar to us country house and cottage are far from synonymous in today's suburban real estate market. What is the difference between these concepts?

A cottage is a house located in a cottage village, equipped with all the conditions necessary for year-round living, with its own security system and infrastructure. In addition to the cottage, you also acquire ownership of the land on which it is located. The number of acres depends on your desire, the location on the territory of the village and the initial layout. If you buy a cottage at the stage of formation and development of a cottage village, then you have the opportunity to choose among several land plots. The average area of ​​the land you purchase is usually 12-15 acres. The area of ​​the cottage itself usually starts from 200 square meters. In cottage villages there is a unified system of electrification, water and gas supply, as well as a unified security service. Often on the territory of such villages there may be their own fenced pond with a small beach, a mini-zoo, a recreation area, small shops or supermarkets, and sports grounds. Choosing for yourself a house in a modern cottage settlement, you find yourself in a whole isolated world with its own social microclimate.

Also, sometimes cottages are called the new concept of "townhouse" in the real estate market. , indeed, is a two or three-story cottage connected by a common wall with one or more of the same cottages. The number of such cottages within one complex depends on the features of the development. In addition to the cottage itself, you also get a small garden plot of land with a total area of ​​​​1 to 4 acres, a separate entrance and entrance to the house, as well as a garage. The specificity of townhouses is that they are a hybrid between a city apartment and a country cottage. Several townhouses are also combined into a single residential community with its own social environment and infrastructure. They can be located both within the city in its green corners, and in the nearest suburbs. In general, townhouses are a great option for families with children to live in their own spacious home, the layout of which you can customize to your taste. Usually on the first and basement floors there are technical and utility rooms, including a kitchen, a gym, a laundry room, a pantry, and on the upper floors there are bedrooms, children's rooms, a living room, an office and dressing rooms. Among the options for townhouses, there are houses of both economy class and business class and luxury. The total area of ​​such cottages varies from 150 to 300 square meters. All houses, as well as country cottages, are made from high-quality modern materials. At the same time, not only buying a townhouse, but also its maintenance will cost you much less than buying a full-fledged private cottage with a piece of land adjacent to it.

As for the third interpretation of the concept of a country house, it includes summer cottages that are familiar to us. It is not at all necessary that these plots be combined into dacha cooperatives. This category also includes an ordinary house in the village. Here you can find both summer houses of a standard panel construction, as well as more monumental log or brick houses, suitable for living not only in the summer. There are also various options for the area, ranging from standard 6 acres to real villas. The undoubted advantage of acquiring this type of suburban real estate will be the not very high cost of the already old house itself and the development of the territory with an already established infrastructure. In other words, you will need to choose from the resale property market. The cost of land will depend not only on the total area, but also on the distance from Moscow and the prestige of the place. So, for example, a plot of six acres, located somewhere in the Aleksandrovsky district of the Vladimir region, will be several times cheaper than the same plot of land somewhere near the village of Bykovo.

Having decided on what type of suburban real estate you are looking for, it is worth starting a direct consideration of current offers. To do this, you can immediately contact in order to simplify and shorten the process of both the search and execution of the purchase and sale transaction as much as possible. Or try to search for offers yourself in open sources. Search criteria, of course, may vary depending on the offers that you see in reality. There are a lot of offers at the moment. Most of them belong to actively built cottage settlements. Moreover, the earlier you want to purchase a cottage or townhouse under construction, the lower its cost will be.

What should you look for when looking for a country cottage?

Location purchased property. This factor is especially important if you plan to permanently reside in the cottage you are purchasing. Estimate how long it will take you to get to your place and how convenient transport links between the cottage village and the city. Be sure to include in your calculations such an unpleasant but inevitable attribute of our modern life as traffic jams. How busy is the main road in the mornings and evenings. This can be easily done by tracking the situation, for example, through Yandex traffic jams. Also, pay attention to the surrounding infrastructure. Does it include everything you need (shops, schools, kindergartens, clinics, etc.)?

Price houses and land. It is very important to find out from the very beginning what the seller includes in the price of the cottage, townhouse or house being sold. Many are often attracted low price, but it may be due to the fact that the house is being sold without any finishing at all, or the main engineering systems are not connected to it, or the cost of a plot of land is paid additionally. Questions of quality and completeness of home decoration, as well as the degree of connection of engineering systems should be asked by you at the very beginning of negotiations. The cost of repairs and connection to basic life support systems can significantly exceed the initial benefit of buying a cheaper housing option.

State houses and engineering systems. The quality of the material from which the house is built, as well as the quality of the engineering systems connected to it (water supply, heating, gas, electricity) will directly affect the ability to live in the house all year round. When accepting a finished room, do not hesitate to check the operation of all systems and visit all available rooms, especially the basement and attic, where flaws and significant shortcomings are best seen.

General level of well-being cottage village. If the construction work in the village has already been completed, you will be able to see with your own eyes how well-maintained the common area is, what is the quality of the roads and how the security system is built. If you are buying a cottage in a village that is just under construction, then you can be asked to show you a general development plan for the plots themselves and the surrounding territories.

Characteristics of the land. Do not forget that you are acquiring not only a house, but also land, the acquisition of which must be treated with special attention. It is important to take into account the fact that the land is registered as a separate property and can be acquired both on the terms and on the property rights. This issue should be discussed in advance. Of course, with the total area of ​​the acquired land and for what purposes you will use it, it is also worth deciding in advance.

The further process of buying a country house is very similar to the process of acquiring a city apartment. The fundamental difference lies only in the execution of documents for the land.

In general, we can say that everyone chooses the most suitable option for a country house or cottage. It all depends on whether you plan to comfortably live in a house all year round in relative proximity to the city, or seek to buy a house in a quiet place where you plan to enjoy nature alone. The modern real estate market offers homes for every taste and budget. It remains to choose what is right for you. The real estate agency wishes you to find your dream home.