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Social networks don't work. What to do if social network pages do not open

Many of us have long been in the habit of checking our social media pages every day. Find out the news, check the latest photos from friends, add new acquaintances, in general - there is a lot to do. It is difficult to imagine the lack of access to social networks, which is sometimes practiced by many employers and causes dissatisfaction among employees. However, every home has a computer, so you just need to move the time to check your profile to the evening.

Want to create an effective social media strategy? . One tip to blow your traffic up: So far, we've focused on building an audience and getting them to visit your site. But there are two types of users on social media platforms: regular readers and influencers.

They also have the biggest followers, which can mean more followers and traffic for you. How can you attract them to your audience? And if you like it, feel free to share them on the social network. Not everyone will share your message, but there will be a decent number. The best part is that since they are usually in the same niche, they tend to focus on the same social channels.

Here it is worth clarifying one point, social networks may not open for the reason that you, or someone else (who has access to this computer) - . People resort to blocking social networks in cases where social networks interfere with work.

Sometimes access to social networks is not possible due to banal failures in the program, changes in settings, or other problems. So - if you can’t go to your favorite social network, chat with friends or post new photos and at the same time you know for sure that you didn’t block these sites, you can use several methods. You can apply them one at a time, since you don't know for sure what the problem is. One of them will definitely work.

Step 8: Track results or opt out

Your strategy is basically complete except for this last step. It's not that hard, but it can make or break your success. No one but pure luck can fix everything on the first try. If you don't track results, you can't see what's working or not working, and you can't improve your strategy.

Step 1 - Write down all your shares in a spreadsheet

You will see every post you have made as well as its stats. Look at these numbers from time to time. They should slowly but steadily grow over time. Understanding what posts are doing well on your main social channels is a good start, but you need to make sure you're effectively pushing traffic to your site.

  1. Open the "Settings" option in the browser and select " Delete cookies", "Clear cache" or a similar function - each browser has its own. It is necessary to delete all cookies, history and other garbage.
  2. If the previous cleaning did not help, change the browser. Let's say you constantly use "Opera" - change it to "" or "Mozilla". In principle, if the site does not load, then the matter is most likely in the browser. You can also reinstall the browser without changing your preferences.
  3. Start your antivirus. Every day, many new viruses appear on the Internet and just malware. The actions of some of them can lead to the fact that the sites of the most popular social networks, such as Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook and the like, will be blocked. In this case, you need to update your antivirus or download a more recent version and scan the entire computer. For a more thorough check, you can run an antivirus from another developer company on your computer. Delete all detected suspicious or infected files without hesitation. After checking, launch the browser and try opening the necessary pages again.
  4. Radical solution - reinstall operating system on your computer again. For more adequate and faster computer operation, pros recommend doing a similar procedure from time to time. Thus, all small failures, errors and other misunderstandings are removed. Naturally, all the necessary and important information: passwords, files, photos, audio and video files, page addresses - must be previously saved on another disk or flash drive.

As already mentioned - most of the problems with loading social networks at work are caused by special programs- blockers that do not allow you to open pages at work, so that employees do not get distracted from their work. The solution to the problem in this case is to find this application or program and disable it. Several types of applications can be used for blocking, and access to most of them is limited by a password that is known only to the system administrator.

Sometimes your followers come to a post on your site and share it. If you just look at the Buffer, you will miss this traffic. Start by looking at the total traffic - this is the most important thing. That alone will tell you if your traffic is growing over time or if you need to find out why it isn't.

In addition, you can often find out where this traffic is coming from by adding a secondary dimension of "referral path". The reverse path refers to text that comes after the main domain. On some networks, you will be able to see that the message has been sent easily. When you can, you want to look at the posts that sent the most traffic and build a relationship with whoever posted it. You have a good chance of getting significant recurring traffic.

On some sites, users are offered the service of using an anonymizer, which changes your IP address to another one and you can freely go to the desired address or mirror site. First, you will be offered to try the program for free for 3-5 days, and then, to continue, you will need to pay a certain amount, for example, using SMS. This option has a drawback - at first it is not always possible to determine which site really offers such services, and which one will simply withdraw money and not provide the agreed services.

After reading all of this, do you really think you can just play social media and generate as much traffic as a serious business? A solid social media strategy is not for the heart. It will take you several hours to build your first plan.

The next part is the execution, which is even harder. You need to execute your strategy for a few months until you start seeing any real results that are still not that impressive. Trust me though if you continue for a year or two you will start to see great results. Right now, you are investing your time and resources to get those results. Keep this in mind for the coming months.

About China.
There is a saying - God created the world, the Chinese did everything else. And in this comic saying - there is a fair amount of truth. Chinese appliances, Chinese spare parts, Chinese clothes are sold in all corners of our country. The demand for such products is understandable - a price that no one can compete with.

Before you do, tell me how social media traffic works right now. These social networks are extremely successful, no one will seriously doubt. But not only these big players in social networks are successful. It seems that the whole world is "social", but why? Obviously, there are some underlying factors that drive people to use social media, certain behaviors, and even instincts that are captured by the networks.

Based on the success of social networks, it can be concluded which types of content are particularly well received by users - of course, a very complex and, above all, sector-dependent assessment of what content should be published and which should not, the generalized conclusions present an interesting general a picture of an "unknown" fan. So, here are five success factors for social media in terms of behavioral analysis. The fact that people tend to have a certain amount of voyeurism shows the masses of people who always accumulate where there is something to be seen in both positive and negative ways: street artists on the verge of demonstrating and cops attacks, on TV shows, but also in accidents and disasters.

This video is needed for those cases when your employees will abuse access to social networks.

May 14

What to do if your social networks are blocked?

Hello, friends! Recently I ran into the following problem - I could not go to any social network. Well, I immediately realized that I had picked up some kind of virus and even understood where. I don't remember the name of the site. Well, of course I started looking for information on the Internet and did not find anything travelling. I had to act myself. And the most offensive in this story is that my antivirus could not burn this Trojan. In general, read on for a solution to the problem ...

What to do if your social network is blocked?

When I started to deal with the problem, I did a bunch of unnecessary actions, but it turned out that the chest just opened. Harm brought host file. It is needed by itself, but the attackers changed it with their Trojan, which is why I could not access social networks. In general, I heard from some people that their site was opening and they saw this inscription: "Your account has been blocked due to spamming or violation of the user agreement. To unblock your account, you need to send an SMS to such and such a number with such and such numbers. Next, you will receive an activation code that must be entered in the bottom field. Signature with apologies from the administration" Most importantly, do not boil and do not send any SMS. No one will send you an activation code, and you will share the money with some unknown uncle. Do not touch the antivirus program, he, realizing that he ate some kind of kaku, will suspect everything and everyone, trying to remove something harmless. This problem is solved very simply: 1) Go to c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\ 2) Find the file there hosts and open it with some text editor. 3) Delete everything the fuck completely from there, there will be,, and the like.

4) Save the file (ctrl + s) and try again to go to any social network(the one in which it did not work). If you did everything correctly (it was impossible to make a mistake here), then everything should work for you in the usual way. If not, reopen given file and see if inscriptions like,,, etc. appear there again, then delete them and save the file. After that, everything will definitely work. Well, that's all, we coped with this threat. And now a little exercise for the eyes. Do it when you sit at the computer for a long time. You need to do it every hour or when you feel that your eyes hurt, as if there is sand in them: 1) Relaxation. Close your eyes tightly and try to relax. To perform this exercise, it is worth remembering some pleasant moments in life. Every person has their own happy memories. 2) Circular movements. Make circular movements with your eyes open: first clockwise, then counterclockwise. 3) Movement in straight lines. Intensively move your eyes horizontally: right and left, and vertically: up and down. 4) Blink. Intensely squeeze and unclench your eyes. 5) Dark relaxation. Place warm palms over your closed eyes, fingers crossed on the forehead. Relax and try to achieve deep blacks. Sincerely, Alexander Sidorenko. Analysts predict a default on public debt. What should you be preparing for right now? On the site

In addition, there are already people who have gathered at a certain number of people, because they assume that there is something to see. This trend can be felt on social media, especially rampant: profiles, status updates and photos of friends, listed interests, relationship status, and friend lists are lured here. "Stalker" is often referred to as joking friends who look very closely at their profile on the social network. How often do you see social media profiles, whether private or professional?

When there is a friendship on a social network, both parties can follow the life of the other, which is often done very intensively. Social media executives in companies will also know this phenomenon in a similar way: while product announcements, press releases, and corporate news are hardly visible, witty, exciting, or helpful content resonates significantly more.