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After the update, the Windows laptop does not turn on. Laptop does not turn on - solution to the problem. Restart at boot time

Owners of laptops and computers often collide. When turned on, the manufacturer's logo is displayed motherboard and then nothing happens. Then, if you wait a few minutes, the error ““ will often appear.

In this article, we will tell you why this happens and what you can try to do yourself to solve this problem.

Why it happens?

The fact is that at the initial start-up stage, when you just turned on the laptop and its logo is displayed on the screen, testing of the main components, as well as connected devices, takes place. The BIOS sends a request to devices and receives a response from them. If everything goes well, then the operating system is further turned on and started. In cases when the logo hangs on the screen for a long time (20 seconds or more), this means that there are problems with some of the surveyed devices. The BIOS just doesn't get a response from them.

Eliminating the problem

It consists in finding a device or internal component due to which the hang occurs. From experience we can say that very often the culprit turns out to be HDD... Especially if the hovering on the logo of the laptop manufacturer is accompanied by a distinct one.

Pin nick inside the board hard disk

To check this, it is enough to disconnect the hard drive and try to start the laptop without it. There is no hang on the logo - it means the hard drive is the culprit. But this does not mean that it needs to be thrown away and urgently run for a new one. It often helps on it.

If removing the hard drive did not affect the situation in any way, then the problem is not in it.

Removing the hard drive from the laptop

The next step is to remove the battery from the laptop for a few minutes. Also, it will not be superfluous to disconnect the internal battery. To do this, you need to remove the back cover.

Removing the battery from the laptop

Easy removable example BIOS batteries in laptop

After several minutes of inactivity without a battery, we put everything in place and try to turn it on.

There are quite a few known cases when the keyboard hangs up because of the keyboard, which was once filled with liquid. Therefore, if you yourself can turn off the keyboard and start the laptop without it, then this option is definitely worth trying.

Disable keyboard in laptop for testing

Further, in the absence of a result, you should check DVD drive... We are trying to extract it. Most laptops do this very easily. You just need to unscrew one bolt on the back side near the drive and pull it out, prying it with something thin.

Removing the laptop drive

Trying to run.

The last thing you can try at home to solve this problem is to remove the RAM, wipe the contacts on it and reinstall it.

To extract the memory, we spread the metal latches to the sides

All other options are associated with serious interference with the motherboard. You may have to flash the BIOS or even change bridges (north, south). Therefore, if all of the above did not help you and your laptop still freezes when turned on on the manufacturer's logo, then it is better to take it to a specialized service.

The best way thank the author of the article - repost to your page

Rarely, but still it happens that after updating a laptop to windows 10, it does not turn on. A black screen appears with the mouse cursor and hangs on it.

Sometimes you can just wait and everything comes back to normal sometimes not. This can cause incompatibility. What can be done in this case? Often the problem is solved by removing the driver for the video card.

Many people solve the problem by disconnecting network cable... Also note that after upgrading a laptop to windows 10, the old operating system remains in it for a month.

You only need. But if the laptop does not turn on, then this can only be done using the installation disc.

In safe mode, you can also roll back the system, the main thing is to be able to enter it.

What else can you do if the laptop does not turn on after upgrading to windows 10

Sometimes the matter may be in the BIOS settings. In it you need to enable the parameter "No-execute memory protect" to Enabled.

There are a lot of BIOS versions only and it can turn on in different ways. For example:

Execute Disable Bit
Execute Bit Support
Execution Prevention
Execute Disable Function
Intel XD Bit
NX Technology
XD Technology
NX BIOS Control

If all else fails, try full reset... To do this, do the following.

Turn off your laptop and disconnect all connected devices including flash drives and drives.

Turn off the power, remove the battery, and then press and hold the power button for at least fifteen seconds.

Plug in the power, but do not insert the battery. Turn on your laptop. If turned on - great. Insert the battery and use as usual. Good luck.

When the laptop does not turn on in the first few seconds, a person starts to panic, because it is probably a working device where important documents and other valuable information are stored.

But you shouldn't panic, you need to collect your thoughts, calm down and start making the right decisions.

In this situation, you can go in two ways, figure out the problem yourself, or take the laptop to the service.

Laptop repair is not cheap. At the same time, as a rule, an unreasonably inflated price is ripped off from the client, taking advantage of the latter's technical illiteracy.

That's why:

  1. It is worth contacting there if the laptop is still under warranty;
  2. If there is already a hopeless situation due to the complexity of the breakdown.

If you have time, you can try to solve the problem of not turning on the laptop yourself.

The breakdown of any electronic device, including a laptop, can be conditionally divided into two components:

  1. Failure of "hardware" (components);
  2. Software glitches.

In the first case, the problem is solved by repairing or replacing the failed part.

In the second case, it is necessary:

  • reinstall the OS;
  • understand the BIOS (change settings, reinstall, update);
  • find out which program or device drivers failed, provided that there is an initial stage of loading the operating system.

But it's not a fact that if the OS is partially loaded, it means that all the hardware on the laptop is working properly, here you need a thorough diagnostics, but first things first.

Laptop with no signs of life

In this situation, you need to go from simple to complex. Start with mains power, whether there is one, and whether it is supplied to the laptop through the power supply.

There was a case when, during the renovation of the office on the floor below, not one phase appeared in the sockets in our office for an hour, as it should be, but two. Everything that was in this phase stopped working, including the laptop (the battery was discharged), which stubbornly did not want to turn on.

But on another outlet, where there was one phase, it successfully started. The main thing is not to panic.

Power Supply

Power supplies are different, ordinary - from the manufacturer's company, come with a laptop. They give out one voltage.

Universal power supplies with a switch for 12, 15, 16,18,19,20,22,24V.

If there is voltage in the network (it is better to check the phases with a probe, and with a voltage tester), then pay attention to whether the indicator on the power supply unit or at the place where the power cable enters the laptop connector (on models from DELL).

If off, measure the output voltage of the power supply with a tester.

For example, there have been cases when a laptop DELL works on voltage 19.5 V, and the power supply only outputs 7 volts, i.e. burned out and requires replacement, so the laptop did not turn on.

You can see the operating voltage of any laptop power supply unit on its reverse side, and for universal types, there are diodes on opposite each digit so that you can see what voltage the device is currently giving out.

If you have a universal power supply unit, then turn your attention, maybe someone took it, for example, for a monitor that works at 12V and forgot to move the chip back.

If the power supply unit is not working, it is already useless to repair it, but do not rush to buy a new one.

To get started, borrow a similar or universal unit from someone (do not forget to set the desired voltage) and connect it to your laptop.

If it starts up and works, then everything is clear, if not, then the situation becomes more complicated, then the cause of the problem is inside.

But all is not yet lost.

Accumulator battery

There have been rare cases when a laptop simply refused to work without a battery inserted into it.

Check if it is there, as it is possible that this rare case is yours.

But it happens the other way around, you need to pull the battery out of the laptop and try to turn on the device without it, then put the battery back in and try to start it. Does not help? Move on.

External devices

There were situations when, when a camera, camcorder, and especially Wi-Fi adapter he refused to turn on.

It is difficult to explain what this is connected with, most likely some kind of hardware conflict.

If there are many external devices connected to your laptop, disconnect all of them and try to turn on the device again.

If it helps, then in the future, connect external devices separately each other and watch the behavior of the laptop.

If it doesn’t help, then we are disappointed, but we still move on.

There are situations when the power button for the laptop has simply gone out of order, or rather, the loop that goes from the power button to the controller has rubbed off.

And then the question arises, how to turn on the laptop without a button?

Let's look at an example on the model HP Pavilion g6.

In this situation, you cannot do without removing the top cover, or part of the cover, depending on the laptop model.

Of course, not everyone can do this, but we think many will be interested.

Sequence of work:

  • remove the top cover and carefully disconnect the ribbon cable from the power button;

  • if the contacts are erased or the loop is broken, then we look for a new one and replace it, but you can go the other way;

  • cut the train at the site of the damaged area;

  • using a sharp knife, blade, or better scalp, lightly clean the contacts from insulation;

  • on the reverse side, using super glue, glue the seal so that the flex cable is securely clamped in the slot;

  • insert the ribbon cable into the slot and check the functionality of the button.

If the length of the cable was not enough to connect to the power button, then you can turn on the laptop without the button by closing the contacts on the cable, as shown in the photo.

Some do it with a finger, it all depends on the electrical conductivity of the skin.

If after that the problem with turning on the laptop is not solved, then in technical terms it is necessary to go deeper.

In this case, the device requires professional diagnostics, because it is difficult to say which microcircuit of the north, young bridges, power controller is out of order.

Or maybe the processor burned out as a result of overheating.

And although there is protection against overheating, which immediately turns off the laptop, but this cannot be ruled out.

In this case, a laptop requires the attention of a specialist and complex diagnosed devices.

Screen does not work

The expression "laptop does not turn on, black screen" is a little misleading.

If you hear cooler noise, but you do not see all the steps BIOS boot and operating system, the screen is just black, which means the laptop is still turned on.

The case is rare and not easy. To receive complete information you can't do without a third-party monitor.

Find one of the HDMI, VGA, or DVI connectors on your laptop, they look like this.

Connect a monitor to the connector, turn on the laptop and observe the screen. If a third-party monitor displays the progress of the system loading, then it means that you cannot do without a service.

Either something is out of order in the display, or the signal is lost somewhere, it's hard to find out yourself, you can't do without contacting the service.

At the first stage, make a diagnosis, find out the reason, and if you are told to change the laptop display, then refuse, it is easier to pay extra and buy a new one.

Video card

Laptops can have two types of video cards, built-in (it is always there) and discrete.

The built-in video card allows you to watch the boot of the BIOS, operating system, work in DOC and with simple applications.

Watch the movie in good quality and playing modern "shooters" on such a video card is problematic. Even connecting a TV tuner to such a laptop is difficult, it just won't work.

Discrete video cards increase the cost of laptops, but give their users the pleasure of rendering games, movies, working with complex programs, etc.

Many do not know that at least once every 6 - 12 months the laptop needs to be disassembled and cleaned from dust.

If the device has not been cleaned for years, collecting erase grams of dust inside, as a result of such an attitude towards the device, the video card, and not only it, may simply burn out.

Also, during operation, and especially during difficult games, when the video card is operating at maximum modes, the device must be positioned so that the air to the air intakes of the cooling system, which are located below, comes unhindered.

You can install a special program that will monitor the temperature of the video card.

If there are suspicions, then the discrete video card needs to be changed, but first it should be removed and see how the laptop behaves without it. Again, the job is not for everyone.


BIOS issues can also affect full power on the laptop.

If, when you press the power button, you hear a sound characteristic of the switched on device, this is already good.

To do this, go into the BIOS itself by pressing the button DEL or F2.

There was a case when the laptop turned on, but did not want to boot any further, there was an error message on a black screen.

The message was parsed and then in the BIOS in the Boot section the first boot source was changed from “network” to HDD. The problem was solved.

In order not to bother, you can set all the default values ​​in the BIOS. V different versions BIOS this item may differ.

Find the name of the item with the word "defaults". Press it and then confirm saving by pressing F10 and then “yes”.

Also try to record and translate error messages. In most cases, these are just informative messages, for example, "Press F1 to continue" - press F1 to continue loading (the first signs that the battery has run out CMOS memory).


A hard disk cannot work forever, someday the moment will come when it fails, remember this and do not forget about data backup.

When there was a problem with turning on the laptop, pay attention, maybe this moment has come.

When turning on the device, put your ear to it and listen to how the hard works and if it works at all.

A healthy hard disk will spin up at the beginning, and click when reading data.

A defective one will jerk back and forth, and trying to read the information will click in the same tone and at the same frequency, while the display screen will freeze.

RAM also tends to fail. V different models laptops access to trims random access memory different.

When all the options for self-diagnosing the laptop startup problem have been exhausted, try to get to them, as a rule, there are several of them.

Take out each one in turn and try to turn on the device. If, nevertheless, there is only one bar, which is extremely rare, then remove it and connect it through another slot.

Inspect the contacts, and if there are traces of oxides, remove them. You can use a tough eraser.

This should be done especially in the case of a spill of coffee or tea on a laptop, a situation known to many.

The laptop is constantly overloaded

At the final stage of BIOS loading, cyclic reboot laptop. This can happen all the time.

Unfortunately, these are internal hardware problems of the device. There can be many reasons, but the main one is overheating and failure of some microcircuit.

Pay attention to the processor, if you understand it, remove it, clean the place of old thermal paste, apply fresh thermal paste and reinstall everything.

You can also do with the video card.

If this did not solve the problem, then you have already serviced the laptop. But we recommend that already experienced users do this.

Device boot error

At the first stages of loading, the BIOS works, which is flashed into the CMOS memory of the laptop. Then the operating system is picked up, which is located on the system disk or other device.

For example, in the BIOS in the Boot section, the priority of booting from USB is set, the flash drive is inserted into usb port but it is not bootable.

The loading process reaches this point, and there is an ordinary flash drive with any kind of movie, and then there is a dead end, there is no system, an error message like "Error loading operating system" appears.

Therefore, disconnect all USBs, remove the disk from the drive, if any, set the boot from the HDD in the BIOS.

If all this is done, and the download still does not occur, then the problem may be with the MBR boot area.

It is necessary to format the system disk, this can be done using the Acronis Disk Director program, and try it yourself or ask a friend to install, for example,.

At a certain stage of the installation, the system may indicate that the installation is on this disc is not possible, this is a signal that it is faulty, then you just have to buy a new one.

But problems with operating systems are different.

Summing up

It is clear that if the laptop does not turn on, there can be many reasons for this problem, from corny simple to irreparable even in the service.

Remember what happened to the laptop recently, whether tea or coffee was spilled on it, what measures were taken and they were sufficient.

What programs were installed, and what experiments were carried out - upgrade, flashing BIOS, overclocking devices, etc.

How much the device got hot during games and watching high-quality films.

Other reasons for not turning on the laptop are video.

All this will bring you closer to solving the problem, and we hope that the recommendations given above will also do this. Good luck.

If your laptop refuses to turn on, then there may be several reasons. But first you need to decide on the concept "does not turn on." If when you press (or hold down the power button) while the charger is connected, the laptop does not start, that is, you cannot hear the fan turn on, the screen remains black, then this means that the laptop does not turn on. In other cases, for example, when the screen remains black, and you hear the noise of a working fan, your laptop has turned on, but there are other problems with displaying the image, etc. We'll look at both options.

The laptop does not turn on and shows no signs of life

Let's say that the laptop does not respond in any way when it is turned on. Why is this happening and what to do in this case? First you need to make sure that the power supply system is working properly. Usually at the connection point charger there is led indicator charge. If the indicator is on, then the power is most likely supplied to the device normally. If you do not have a power indicator or it does not light up, then you need to make sure that the charger is working properly, for example, by connecting it to another laptop or by measuring the voltage at the plug being connected. In the latter case, you will need a special device - a multimeter, which you need to know how to use. Of course, the best option is to connect a guaranteed working "charger" tested on other computers.

After excluding the charger from the list of possible causes of malfunction, you should check the battery. Often, due to its malfunction, the laptop does not turn on even when the power source is connected. Remove the laptop battery, press and hold the power button for one minute. In this case, the charger should not be connected to the laptop. Without inserting the battery, connect the charger to the laptop and try to turn on the laptop. If it does not start, then the power module on the motherboard may be faulty or there is a short circuit in the power circuit and even incorrect BIOS firmware of the motherboard. It is almost impossible to diagnose and eliminate such malfunctions without special equipment, therefore, in this case, there is a direct road to a laptop repair service center.

Another likely reason that the laptop won't turn on is a malfunction of the power button itself. Its contact group or a lead-in loop may become unusable. On many models laptop computers when pressed, the button is also highlighted. Therefore, if the power indicator of the laptop is on and the battery is definitely working, and the button does not respond in any way to pressing, then this may be the case. In this case, you will have to contact the workshop.

The laptop turns on - the screen is black

If your laptop nevertheless turns on, but the screen remains black, then this indicates a malfunction in the computer hardware. Moreover, such a malfunction does not occur instantly, of course, if you did not drop the laptop or subject it to strong mechanical stress. Failure of a backlight lamp or matrix inverter is usually accompanied by screen flickering, as well as uneven backlighting. These signs already indicate that the display may stop working soon.

Other reasons may be the failure of the RAM, as an option, the incorrect installation of the memory strip into the slot. The RAM must be tested using a special program, for example, Memtest86 +. Wrong work processor or northbridge, errors in the BIOS firmware are the reasons why the laptop can start with a black screen. Also pay attention to the CapsLock and NumLock indicators, they often start blinking in a certain way, indicating a particular hardware problem in your laptop. You can decode such signals on the device manufacturer's website.

If at the initial stage of loading some information is displayed on the screen, but then the display goes blank, then the problem is probably related to the inability to initialize the BIOS. This malfunction is caused by the components of the laptop, in particular, the chip of the south bridge, the processor (in this case, reboots occur some time after the laptop is turned on). Power outages can also affect BIOS performance, especially when the battery is dead. If the issue of overheating can be solved by replacing the cooler, then it is better to entrust the search and elimination of problems with the BIOS firmware and other hardware faults to a specialized service center.

Another symptom that the user may encounter is the laptop freezing after turning on. In this case, the computer does not respond to keystrokes on the keyboard. Such cases are often encountered when there are problems with the hard disk or with the operating system itself. To diagnose the hard drive, you need to perform a special test, for example, with the HDDScan program. Testing will check the integrity of the hard disk sectors. You also need to check if it is connected correctly. The failed south bridge may also be the culprit.

Software problems

This kind of problem can be attributed to the category "laptop does not turn on" at a stretch, since, in fact, the computer starts up, but questions arise about the installed software. This is a separate big topic. But still, let's briefly go over the possible symptoms and solutions to problems.

If the reason lies in the area of ​​software, then the first thing to try is to run operating system in safe mode. Usually for this before starting Windows boot you need to press F8 and select the boot option from the proposed list. Click " Safe mode". If in this mode the laptop starts up normally and no freezes occur, then you should check the computer for viruses. Also, if you installed any software before the problems appeared, especially drivers, then they must be removed.

If, after all the manipulations in the normal boot mode, freezes or reboots still occur, then it is necessary to check the integrity of the operating system files. To do this, you need to install a disc with the original OS image into the drive and execute the SFC / SCANNOW command in the command line. According to the results of the scan, damaged system files will be automatically restored.

The radical and most recent solution to problems with the operating system will be a complete reinstallation. Do not forget to back up important files stored on the system drive when doing this.

Generally, most laptop hardware problems are best diagnosed and fixed by service centers... But experienced users are quite capable of dealing with software errors.

Laptops have become part of the life of a modern person. Like any other technique, they sometimes break. When it stopped turning on, then you should not panic, but you should find the cause and eliminate it. In most cases, you will be able to restore your computer to work.

Causes of malfunction and their solutions

There can be a huge number of reasons why the laptop does not actually turn on. Many of them are quite simple and it will not be difficult to fix them on your own, but with some problems you will have to contact the service center.

Let's take a look at the main reasons a mobile computer might stop starting:

Comment. Very often, people say that the PC does not turn on at all, they mean that it does not boot.

Windows. This is not entirely correct reasoning, but it is popular among ordinary users.

Power problems

Power problems very often cause the PC to stop starting. Although the problem seems serious, in most cases it is easy enough to diagnose and fix it at home.

Major power problems:

  • incorrect adapter connection;
  • damage to cables and connectors;
  • battery malfunction;
  • breakdown of the power supply;
  • problems in the food chain.

Often, with such problems, the power indicator of the laptop does not light up. First of all, you should check that the power supply is connected correctly and that it is plugged into an outlet. It is worth noting that even very experienced users may forget to connect the PC to the network. As a result, after the battery is discharged, the device stops starting.

Damage to power cords and connectors can be caused by a variety of reasons, including rough handling or pets that chew on the cord. You can check this malfunction using an external inspection.

Another very common problem is related to the battery. In some cases, if it does not work, then the PC stops turning on even with the network adapter connected. Usually, after pressing the power button, even the cooler does not work. Therefore, it is worth trying to run mobile computer mains powered without battery.

The power supply fails quite often for any device. Without a charger, the laptop battery will run out sooner or later, after which the computer will stop turning on. It is very easy to check if the network adapter is working. It is enough to connect another charger from a known working computer.

Many power supplies are equipped with an indicator. Even if the light is on, eliminate problems with network adapter It is worth noting that there are a lot of power supplies for laptops. Only adapters suitable for a particular model should be connected to a computer.

Problems associated with a malfunction in the power supply circuit are much less common, but they are more serious. In this case, it will not be possible to independently diagnose and even more so fix the problem. It is necessary to contact the specialists from the service center.

Defective hard drive

The hard drive stores all the information and the operating system of the computer. If it malfunctions, the computer can be turned on, but it freezes before the Windows splash screen appears. In some cases, an HDD error message may appear, for example, information that the disk is not a system one.

In any case, the user still has the opportunity to enter the BIOS SETUP menu. There you can check if the hard disk is detected and the correctness of the settings. If the hard drive is visible, then you can start the system from a bootable disk or flash drive and test it.

Failure of the video card and chipset microcircuits

Laptop components can also fail. This can be caused by overheating, impact damage, and so on.

Let's take a look at the details that most often cause problems with turning on the PC:

  • south bridge;
  • north bridge;
  • video card.

In this case, the behavior of the computer can be very different. If the video card is out of order, then the image will be absent, but the fan will work and sometimes even Windows will boot, making the appropriate sound. If one of the bridges is out of order, the computer may not turn on at all or stop before loading the OS.

It is almost impossible to establish what the reason is in this case on your own. And an attempt at home repair is likely to only hurt. Therefore, it is better to use the services of a service center.

Video: The laptop does not turn on. Diagnostics of the board.

Other reasons

In fact, the malfunction may lie in a number of other problems.

Among which are the following:

  • damage to the processor or memory;
  • broken BIOS firmware;
  • overheat;
  • errors in Windows.

If the PC beeps when turned on, then this indicates in most cases overheating or problems with RAM. If you have little experience, you can try to find out on your own why this is happening. To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to remove the dust. If the problem persists, you can replace the memory modules with known good ones.

Broken BIOS firmware may result from an incorrect update. If, before the problem occurred, the user tried to carry out this operation, then he will have to contact for repair.

BIOS configuration errors are also common. It is very easy to solve this problem on your own by simply going to the SETUP menu and loading the default settings, for example, by selecting the Load Setup Defaults option.

Errors in Windows may cause the OS to fail to start. First of all, you need to find out their cause and try to solve it. Alternatively, you can try reinstalling the operating system or restoring it from the factory.

The laptop does not turn on at all

Very often, the computer will not turn on at all due to power problems. But what if the laptop does not turn on, the power button is on after pressing and nothing further happens. We'll have to look for the cause and eliminate it.

Typical actions that cause a laptop to stop turning on:

  • dust cleaning;
  • update;
  • overheat.

If errors were made during the cleaning or updating process, then the behavior of the computer can be very different. Including the start may not occur at all. In addition, the system may not turn on due to problems with the hard disk and after overheating.

After cleaning

There are situations when, after cleaning, the laptop stops turning on. The fan may start or a squeak may be heard. On some models, the indicators also start flashing.

Cleaning a laptop involves disassembling it. The first thing to do is to disassemble it again and check the connection of all components, as well as the installation of the cooling system. It will be useful to pay attention to the thermal paste and the health of the tubes that serve for heat removal.

If the RAM modules were removed during the cleaning process, then you should try to remove them again, clean the contacts and reinstall them. You also need to check if the laptop starts with the hard disk and optical drive disconnected.

It is worth paying attention to the sensor for opening the lid (display) when disassembling again. If not very neatly assembled, it can be out of place.

Sometimes everyone, even experienced users computers, a situation occurs when it stops turning on, and the question immediately arises - what to do. The reasons for this are very different and there are many of them, so let's start to understand.

The laptop does not turn on - causes and solutions to the problem

The simplest thing that could happen to your electronic assistant is that its battery is completely dead. In this case, the laptop will not turn on without connecting the charger. But this cannot be called a problem - the solution is elementary, and there is no need to panic at all.

The first thing to do when the laptop has turned off and will not turn on is to check its connection to the network, whether the plug or outlet is coming off. And if the reason is not the end of the charge, we move on.

What to do if the laptop does not turn on until the end, that is, when you turn it on by pressing the power button, the operation of the HDD and the cooler is heard, but the download does not happen, that is, it hangs, most likely, there was a failure in the Bios. It needs to be reinstalled, and if you do not have the necessary skills for this, it is better to take the laptop to a service center.

If your laptop restarts and shuts down while you are using it, you may be concerned about it. However, this is most often due to overheating when the cooling system fails. This happens for a number of reasons:

  • the laptop is on a soft surface, for example, on a blanket, sofa, pillow;
  • the cooler and the rest of the inside of the laptop are dusty;
  • the cooler needs repair;
  • happens too huge pressure on the processor and video card (for example, you were playing).

What if my laptop won't turn on at all? If there is absolutely no reaction to pressing the power button, this is most likely due to the power supply or the port for the charger. Most likely, physical damage or voltage drop was the culprit.

If, when you press the start button, the lights do not light up and you cannot hear that the cooler has started, there may be several reasons for this:

  1. A burnt out power supply unit, a dead battery, its absence or breakdown. Moreover, if, when you press the power button, the battery charge indicator nevertheless blinks several times, this clearly indicates a dead battery and the lack of recharging.
  2. The lack of contact in the power connector either in the laptop itself or in the power supply.
  3. There is a problem with the power supply on the motherboard.
  4. Absence Bios firmware or "broken" firmware.

What should I do if my laptop won't turn on the screen?

So, probably your laptop turns on and works, but you do not see it due to the fact that the monitor simply does not work. Take a closer look at it, you may see something on it, but due to the lack of backlighting, it appears completely dark. To turn on the backlight, you need to use hot keys, for example, Fn + F2, if you have Lenovo.

But the screen may not really work. A reliable way to check the culpability of the screen is by connecting the laptop to an external one via the VGA-out. If a picture appears on it, then the problem is definitely in the laptop screen.

Often, the cause of the malfunction is likely to be discrete graphics card... If you like to play on your laptop, bad system cooling, dustiness and improper use of the computer can lead to overheating of the video card and its breakdown.

What to do if the Asus laptop does not turn on?

The cooling system is best suited for Asus notebooks. So they rarely suffer from overheating. Accordingly, if an Asus laptop does not turn on, this is hardly the reason. Most likely, the problem is related to nutrition.