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Hot keys and macros for the convenience of playing WoW. The Complete Guide to WoW Macros How to Write Macros in WoW 3.3 5

If you have a problem with missing macros and you don't know how to solve it, .

WoW has a huge variety of abilities, spells and items that can be used. Some of them are needed in dungeons, others in arenas, others for solo play. Some abilities are required for a specific boss, and others for playing in a specific team. And what can we say about shamans with their totems and blessings? There are two main ways to organize action bars and make ability management easier: using macros and using hotkeys. In addition, there are special ones, such as , that make action bars more convenient. But without macros and hot keys, too, nowhere!

The Razer Naga mouse I reviewed also supports macro creation and hotkey binding. A kind of double profit.

1) Hotkeys

They are needed if you want to use the maximum number of abilities as quickly as possible. This is especially critical when playing on and on. The meaning of hot keys is that you hammer on any button of the keyboard the activation of one or another ability located in this cell. For example, when playing World of Warcraft, I use more than a dozen hotkeys: for healing, attack, return stone, and even emotions. This is really very convenient, because pressing a button is easier than moving the mouse, clicking. You can lose , die from an enemy, or miss a mega hit from .

Mainly used keys are Q, E, R, Y, F, G, V, C, X, Z, CapsLock, Shift, ~, B and many others. I use most of these buttons, as well as a number of buttons on the mouse =). Bind the cell to hot key You can use the "Key Assignment" menu. Just select the cell you want to bind and press the desired key. The use of hot keys is really very convenient. Here is my action bar:

As you can see, almost all buttons on both panels are bound to hotkeys. Believe me, this has saved the lives of me, the tank and other raiders more than once.

2) Macros in WoW

Another important part of optimizing your panels, you can create macros in WoW through the Macros menu. Very often we use the same set of abilities or the same sequence of spells. If they are located in different cells, there may be a space problem. For example, shamans have several abilities that are used in a specific cycle. For optimization, a macro of the following type is used:

/castsequence reset=10 ability1, ability2,…

Scripts in WoW can be applied to different groups of totems: caster totems and melee totems, pvp totems and dungeon totems. The /castsequence macro is justified for other classes as well. For example, they can use it to create -cycles, for tanking, and so on. All progressive players make sure to use macros to increase the efficiency of their game. In WoW, macros are not only a way to ensure the convenience of the game, but also to avoid unpleasant situations.

Another group of macros in WoW are the concurrent macros. After all, it is known that it is much better to turn on all the abilities at the same time under Heroism or Bloodlust. And the famous PoM pyroblast combo also uses this macro. The macro is the following:

/use 13 - top accessory

/use 14 - bottom accessory

/cast ... - the name of the ability, for example, Adrenaline Rush or Bestial Fury

Such a macro allows you to deal a lot of damage while the included accessories and abilities are active. In addition, robbers can use a macro to search the victims and simultaneously start an attack on them

/cast Pick Pockets

/cast Sneaky trick

Now no one will leave with full pockets. If the target is immune to searches, then the attack will simply begin. It's a good idea to use WoW macros along with hotkeys. For example, I have a macro with totems for healing on F. And next to the macro for . Everything is convenient and compact.

A very interesting and useful macro, which I call 2 mounts in one. The essence of this WoW macro is as follows: if we are in a zone where it is impossible to fly, then a ground mount is used. If it is possible to fly, then a flying mount is used. It’s very convenient, because, let’s say, you can’t fly in Dalaran, but once you go to the Kras site, this opportunity becomes available. Do not bind mounts to different buttons? This is irrational. So we use the following macro:

/cast flying_mount
/cast ground_mount

In case you cannot fly in this location, the macro will throw an error and automatically use the ground mount.

You can also write wow macros in Russian. For example, the /cast command will change to /cast. Although I recommend that you stick to English terms, because most powerful complex macros are written in English. English language and it's easy to get confused by the terminology. A few more examples of macros in WoW in Russian:

/hello - you will greet a specific character or everyone around
/boredom - you will show that you are bored
/lol - you will burst into merry laughter

It is important that you make sure to set the icon corresponding to the WoW macro commands. Otherwise, you can simply get lost in a huge number of different macros that do not differ from each other by an icon. Fortunately, the choice of icons in the macro editor is very large and you can set any picture.

Of course, in fact, there are many more macros, you can write entire programs on macros, use many keys and process time. If you know how to write macros in WoW, you will have no problem creating a whole collection of different macros for any purpose. But my goal was to show what tools for optimizing the game exist and how you can simplify your life. I hope this article is helpful

In this article, we will consider such a useful thing in WoW as Macros. Let's analyze in detail what it is, what they eat with and how to write the necessary macros yourself. Let's start with theory

What are macros?

These are grouped requests/commands on ONE button. If you think that macros will increase your damage or if you press one button, everyone within a 5km radius will instantly die - you are mistaken. But macros can improve your game quality and optimize it a bit.

How to create a macro

Select "Macros" from the menu

Get into the macro menu

Here, when you click the "Create" button, you can select the macro icon and enter its name

And after that, you can enter the commands themselves that you need to use when you click on the macro

What are macros

Stop casting

There is this macro:

/cast Power Word: Shield

What does he do? When you click on the macro icon, the current spell being cast will be instantly canceled and the spell / ability indicated in the next line will be cast, in this case it is Priest's Shield. Useful if, for example, you start casting a mount summon and see a hostile spell flying at you. Press this macro, the mount's call is instantly canceled and a shield is applied to you.

In order not to get confused in the names of abilities, you can not write them manually. Just open the spell book, find the spell you need and hold Shift key click LMB on this ability. The command to execute this very ability will immediately be written in the macro.

Another very useful macro:

mouse over

Its functionality is to use the ability on the target at the mouse cursor. That is, in this case, the spell "Shadow Word: Pain" will be used on the target that the mouse is simply hovering over, and not highlighted. In large fights, you will only need to move the mouse over the opponents and click the macro. Saves a lot of time and nerves.

Now the macro for the order of abilities is next:


And so, let's say we have some rather boring and consistent moments in the rotation. That is, you just press 1,2,3 and so on in a circle. To simplify this, you can use the above macro. Abilities separated by commas and after the /castsequence command will be executed in the order in which they are written. Comfortable? Very much. Important point: I advise you not to select the icon for this macro, because the game client itself puts the icon of the ability that is next in the queue.

Adding Variables

So, let's say you're using a macro with /castsequence and suddenly your target dies. Yes, sometimes it happens. And now, when switching to a new target, we need to execute the sequence again. That is, if you killed the target with 3 abilities, the macro will use the 4th ability, but now we need to perform the rotation from the beginning, that is, from the first ability. To do this, we will add the reset=taeget variable to it. Now, when changing the target, the macro will be updated and start the rotation again from the 1st specified ability. It looks something like this:

If you're not happy with the update when changing targets, you can do it every few seconds. To do this, after reset= specify a number that will mean how many seconds the macro will be reset.


Want to use two abilities with one click on a macro at the same time? It's… impossible in most cases. Almost all spells, after using them, even if they do not have their own cooldown, i.e. these are instant abilities that trigger GCD - the cooldown for all abilities. That is why you cannot use two instant abilities with GCD in one macro at the same time. Another thing, abilities without GCD. By writing them in a macro like

/cast skill1

/cast skill2

You use them at the same time. But only if they are instant and no GCD! You can make a combination of abilities with accessories. That is, for example, you can burn Heroism and activate the accessory.


Imagine the situation: you and your friend went to the BG. In the heat of battle, he cries out to you: “I am dying! Save!" A crowd of players is running around you, shells, severed limbs, etc. are flying from everywhere. How to find a friend here? This macro will help.

Using it, the ability will be applied exactly to the specified target, no matter who you target.


The macro is as simple as possible and is written in just one line:

Highlight the target you want to focus on, such as an enemy heal. Now click on the macro and the target frame will be displayed separately. Whoever is in your target, the frame of the selected target will not disappear anywhere and will always be in sight.

This completes the WoW Macros guide. It was the basis for understanding what macros are and how to write them yourself.
Study your abilities, find out which of them are on the GCD and which are not. Which ones can and should be put in the queue, and which ones can't. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments.

Macros are a tool that has been present in World of Warcraft since its inception. The basic concept of a macro is to perform more than one action at a time in order to complete the task more easily. All macros begin with a forward slash (/) to separate them from regular text actions. In this guide, we'll cover the basics of macros and how to get started creating your own macros! We will also list the most popular macro structures so that you can create more complex macros yourself.


Macros have a separate menu to create. This screen is accessible through the game menu (Esc key) and then select Macros or type /macro and press enter in chat. From this screen, you can access all the basic information about your macros.

All macros you create are stored on the Blizzard server and tied to your account or symbol, which means you can access them with different computers and save all created macros. At any moment in time Account can contain 120 macros, plus 18 macros stored for each character.

Creating a macro

To create a macro, you must enter the macro screen, then click the "Create" button. By doing so, you open a new window in which you must name your macro and select an icon for it. You can choose any icon from those present in the game.

There are a few macro directives that we'll look at below that will allow you to override the name and icon shown by the macro so you don't have to take too long to select them. You can name each macro with just a blank space and the icon will be marked with a question mark by default without any problem. If you want to rename your macro, just select it in the macro list and click "Change name/icon".

After choosing a name and icon, you can drag the macro from the macro screen to the action bar to use it when you press the keyboard, just like a normal spell. The next step is to write your macro!

Your first macro

One of the most basic macros you can write is to declare what spell you are using, which can be useful for interrupts and can be written as
/ say I'm using Mind Blast
/ cast Mind Blast
Another type of useful macros can be for both casting a spell and canceling it with the same button, usually used with defensive spells like Ice Block or Dissolve, which block your ability to deal damage. Pressing the macro button will cast the spell, and using it again will cancel it. Be careful if you spam this button, you can cancel it immediately after using it!

Another useful macro is to cast a certain spell only on a given target. For example, you might want to attack one main goal and interrupt the spell with another. To do this, you can set the interrupt target to Focus. Then you can write a macro

Opportunities and limitations

A macro can contain many different commands and functions, including but not limited to emotional functions, spells, summons. user interface and addon functions. However, there are some limitations, macros cannot use tools not normally available to players, plus they can only trigger one global cooldown, when it is done, the rest of the macro will be cancelled. Macros also cannot be programmed, meaning they cannot make intelligent decisions for the player, such as "heal the target with the lowest HP".

Most commonly used commands and modifications

Here you will find a list of the most popular commands supported by macros and their functionality! A little trick you can do is to add #showtooltip to the beginning of the macro so that the macro behaves like it was a feature from the spellbook itself, redefining the names and adding the spell tooltip of the result shown in the macro.

Chat / Emote Commands

These actions do not perform any actions, therefore do not result in combat and are only of cosmetic value.
/e - (or /emote) Shows a message after your character has used it.
/s - (or /say) Your character will say a message after the command.

Combat teams

These commands perform actions that are used primarily in combat-oriented macros.
/stopcasting - Immediately stops your current spell.
/targetlasttarget - Changes your target to the last object you targeted.
/cast - Casts a spell with the name typed after it from your spellbook. (For example / cast Fireball)

You can also have modifiers when casting spells that will appear between the /cast command and the spell name in brackets (). For example / cast [@focus] Kick . You can have multiple modifiers linked by commas (,) which must be true or have different groups of modifiers in different brackets. For example

/ cast [@focus] Fireball

Target Modifiers

Adding a target modifier to your macro will change your current target to the specified one if its conditional value is true. @ (read 'at') can be replaced by target = in every command.

List of target modifiers:

  • @player - Targets the player.
  • @target - Sets the player's current target.
  • @cursor - Targets the spell at the terrain the mouse cursor is currently pointing at (only available for mesh-targeted spells like Mass Dispel or Blizzard).
  • @focus Targets the focus target.
  • @targettarget - Targets a target. For example, when using Boss targeting, it will target the tank or whoever the boss is targeting at that moment.
  • @boss1 - specifies the first block in Boss frames. Usually only available during dungeon or raid encounters.
  • @arena1 - Sets the first block in Arena frames. This is a PvP-only modifier, usually only available during arena matches. There are more options like arena2, arena3 etc.
  • @pet - Points to the player's pet.

All of these conventions can be used to determine what action to take.

This guide will teach you how to create macros, ranging from the simplest to the full-featured and quite complex. However, do not expect to find a complete reference here - there are a lot of macro commands in the game, and you will have to write a book to describe all of them. As far as possible, each individual stage of creating a complex macro will be considered with detailed explanations. Let's also pay attention to how to save space and invest in the 255-character limit.

What is a macro? A macro is a small and very simple program (written in the LUA language) that solves a certain range of tasks.
Why are macros needed?

  • Each class in the game has a huge variety of different abilities and spells that usually take up a lot of panel space. Macros allow you to combine several of these abilities under one button at once by assigning each of them the corresponding extra keys (we will call them modifiers below) - Shift, Alt and Ctrl. Using macros, you can combine up to 24 abilities within 1-6 buttons.
  • Macros allow you to combine several abilities under one button so that pressing it activates them all at the same time, saving time. True, provided that only one of the spells in the macro has a cast time, or is instant, but causes a global cooldown.
  • With the help of macros, you can also do unusual things. For example, counting your avoidance (if you are a tank), or looking for a Time-Lost Proto-Drake while you are flying through the Storm Peaks
  • Open the "Menu" by pressing the Escape key.
  • Select "Macro" from the menu and open the macro editor window.
  • Create a macro by clicking on the "New" button in the lower right corner of the editor.
  • Choose an icon for your macro.
  • Name your macro whatever you like, but not the name of the ability - do not call the macro "Fireball". Call it OSH, or Fireball or something like that.
  • Click "OK" and enter the text of the macro in the field, copying any of the ones below to make sure it works.
  • When you're done writing the macro code, simply click the "New" button or navigate to another macro in the editor. There is no "Save" button here.
  • Drag the macro to the panel.

The simplest macro is:

/use Shadow Bolt

The #showtooltip command replaces the red question mark of the macro icon with the icon of the corresponding spell, in this case Shadow Bolt. By itself, the red "?" is a temporary replacement for what #showtooltip will show. Using the "/use" command instead of "/cast" allows us to save a whole character, which is especially important in large macros that are close in size to the maximum limit of 255 characters.

The macro works exactly like the Shadowbolt spell from your spellbook. Drag this macro to the panel and see for yourself (if you are a warlock, of course). Of course, any spell or ability from your arsenal can be in place of the Arrow of Darkness. Since this macro provides absolutely no advantage over a regular spell from the book, there is no point in creating it. I included it to demonstrate the simplest example.

Now let's move on to more useful things by expanding our useless blank into something functional. Let's add 4 modifiers to this macro. AT general view such a macro looks like:

/use ability4; ability3; ability2; ability1

Or the same without at the end, which will save us a few more characters:

/use ability4; ability3; ability2; ability1

(There are situations when it is necessary, we will talk about such situations below. In most cases, it does not matter whether or not to use this modifier)

If you click on this macro while holding down CTRL, two things will happen: #showtooltip will change the red question mark of the macro icon to an ability4 icon and the ability4 will work. Similarly with ALT and SHIFT modifiers. If no modifier key is pressed, the macro will get the ability1 icon and the ability1 will trigger. If you made a mistake when writing the name of the ability, or it simply is not in the spellbook, the macro icon will again be replaced by a red "?", notifying the player that there is an error in the macro.

Thus, by writing 6 such macros, you will immediately get access to 24 spells from your book at the cost of only 6 cells on the panel. You can not put these macros on the panel at all by assigning hotkeys to them through the appropriate addon, for example, through BindPad . The hotkeys themselves are convenient to choose next to the movement buttons - WASD or ESDF.

Here is another real example of such a macro. It demonstrates its versatility, regardless of which class uses this macro.

/use Bronze Dragon; summoning ritual; Summon Felguard; Arrow of darkness

Or without

/use Bronze Dragon; summoning ritual; Summon Felguard;Shadowbolt

Ctrl + Macro: Show Bronze Dragon icon and summon it
Alt + Macro: Shows the Summoning Ritual icon and starts the ritual
Shift+Macro: Reveals Felguard icon and summons him
Without modifiers + macro: shows the icon of the Arrow of darkness and casts the Arrow of darkness

Along with rarely-used and/or non-combat abilities, it's best to use hard-to-find modifiers (for example, CTRL seems to be the most inconvenient to me). Therefore, I have Bronze Dragon assigned to CTRL+macro. All other abilities should also be placed in order of increasing importance and convenience, but the most important ones should be left without modifiers, as in this case it was done with the Arrow of Darkness.

You can make a macro that will cast several abilities at once by pressing one button. In this case, two conditions must be met. First, only one of these spells can have a cast time. Secondly, only one of the spells can cause a global cooldown. In other words, if a spell in a macro causes a global cooldown, then all subsequent commands to cast the spell will fail.

Here is an example from life. Warlocks have an emergency button in case their minion is killed. Usually, the re-summon takes as much as 10 seconds, which is prohibitively long, especially in PvP conditions. Thanks to the Fel Ascendancy talent in combination with other passive talents, the summon time is reduced to 0.5 seconds.

Here's a really cool macro that allows you to press Dominance of the Fel and summon a minion with one button in one click.

/use Fel Domination
/use Summon Felguard

Instead of pressing the Fel Ascendancy button and then another button, Summon Felguard, the warlock simply needs to press this macro, which will press both buttons for him, and at the same time.

In addition to this example, if you're playing an Orc, you can also use Bloodfury to make the newly summoned Felguard look a little more epic for a few seconds.

/use Blood Fury
/use Fel Domination
/use Summon Felguard

This example works because Bloodfury and Fel Ascendancy are instantaneous and do not cause a global cooldown, which means they can be cast simultaneously one after the other. The Summon Felguard spell has a cast time, so it should be at the end of the macro, because after the spell is cast, all other lines of the macro will be ignored.

Another simple, but very useful macro for the damage dealer (assist). It forces the damage dealer to switch to the target that the main tank hits.

/target YourTankName

The first line forces you to target the main tank (you will have to edit the macro every time you change the main tank in a new raid). The second line selects the target of the main tank as the target. The macro is very useful and allows the damage dealer to always hit exactly the right target without fear of breaking aggro. Of course, if the tank has assigned a different order of killing mobs with marks (for example, a large group of enemies), then here you will have to choose the target yourself in accordance with the order of killing.

Let's now try to put together what we created in the previous two steps. If we just take and stick together two separate macros, the resulting macro will not work as we would like. What do you think will happen when you click a macro like this:

/use Fel Domination

The fact is that Fel Domination will be cast every time you click this macro. Even when you hold down CTRL, SHIFT or ALT. If you don't want to waste such a valuable cooldown while performing a Summoning Ritual or mounting a mount, it's worth taking care of this problem.


/use Bronze Dragon; summoning ritual; Soul Ritual;Summon Felguard

As you can see, the addition of the modifier before Fel Ascendancy in the first line played a key role here. This tells the game that Fel Dominance should only be used when there are no modifiers. This is exactly what was mentioned at the beginning of the article.

However, there is still an aesthetic problem. The fact is that the #showtooltip command will always display the icon for the Fel Ascendancy spell, no matter how additional key this macro is pressed. It is solved very simply and by analogy with the last line:

#showtooltip Bronze Dragon; summoning ritual; Soul Ritual;Summon Felguard
/use Fel Domination
/use Bronze Dragon; summoning ritual; Soul Ritual;Summon Felguard

And finally, one last problem. The macro will always cast Fel Dominance when Felguard is summoned, even if you don't need it or want to save the cooldown for the time being. So let's change the macro so that when pressed with SHIFT, the macro would use Fel Ascendancy, but without modifiers, it wouldn't. Let's not forget to correct the #showtooltip command right away.

#showtooltip Bronze Dragon; summoning ritual; Summon Felguard;Summon Felguard
/use Fel Domination
/use Bronze Dragon; summoning ritual; Summon Felguard;Summon Felguard

As a result, we got a very convenient macro, which by default summons a fel guard within ~10 seconds, and when the shift is held down, it does it almost instantly.

You can write a macro that will only cast a spell on a specific target. Let's take this as an example of holy paladins.

This macro heals the paladin's current target with a Flash of Light:

/use Flash of Light

But this macro always heals only you (if you are a paladin, of course), regardless of whether you have a target or not.

/use Flash of Light

This macro heals the target you have focus on:

/use Flash of Light

Here is a macro that heals with a Flash of Light the player the cursor is hovering over, even if someone else is selected as the target:

/use Flash of Light

You can combine the macros written above into one using modifiers:

/use Flash of Light; Flash Light; Flash Light; Flash Light

1. On a DK tank, the strongest ability that causes a lot of aggro on a single target is Runic Strike. It only becomes available when a death knight dodges or parries an attack, and Rune Strike itself does not trigger immediately, but only with the next DK attack.

A non-macro savvy Death Knight can simply place the Runic Strike button somewhere on the panel and keep an eye on the proc at all times. However, with macros, using this ability becomes much easier. Let's just add a Runic Strike before every spell that goes into our rotation. This way we never miss a triggered proc.

#showtooltip ability4; ability3; ability2; Destruction

/use ability4; ability3; ability2; Destruction

#showtooltip ability4; ability3; ability2; Deadly Strike
/use !Rune Strike
/use ability4; ability3; ability2; Deadly Strike

#showtooltip ability4; ability3; ability2; Blood Strike
/use !Rune Strike
/use ability4; ability3; ability2; Blood Strike

#showtooltip ability4; ability 3; ability2; Strike to the heart
/use !Rune Strike
/use ability4; ability3; ability2; Strike to the heart

#showtooltip ability4; ability3; ability2; Scourge Strike
/use !Rune Strike
/use ability4; ability3; ability2; Scourge Strike

Why is it here Exclamation point? When you proc Runic Strike, you press the button to activate it, but the strike will not work immediately, but will wait for your next melee attack. And if at this moment you accidentally click on Runic Strike again, the game will take it as an order to cancel the Runic Strike attack and you will lose the proc. Addition!Runestrike tells you to ignore all "accidental" key presses after activating the skill and just wait for the next melee strike.

AT latest update for many abilities, it is no longer necessary to use!, but for fidelity, it is worth using it.

2. Another example of a multi-line macro for a Death Knight - a tank. When the tank takes a lot of damage in a split second, this macro buffs the DC with Vampiric Blood and uses a Runic Healing Potion. This combination allows the tank to independently raise its health level from 20% to 80% in a few seconds and survive dangerous moments.

/use something; something; something; Vampire blood
/use Runic Healing Potion

Here are some examples of macros that do not fit the description above. It's even more likely not macros, but scripts. If you are interested in this side of the issue, more detailed information can be found on wowwiki, on the page dedicated to macros.

1. Such a macro will be useful for completing the "no red and green dragons" Oculus achievement. It helps to synchronize Time Stop between five players. By analogy, such a script can be used anywhere, starting with countdowns before the start of the pool, and ending with some kind of pizza timers.

/in 12 /rw Cast Time Stop #1 PLAYER1
/in 27 /rw Cast Time Stop #2 PLAYER2
/in 42 /rw Cast Time Stop #3 PLAYER3
/in 57 /rw Cast Time Stop #4 PLAYER4
/in 72 /rw Cast Time Stop #5 PLAYER5
/in 87 /rw Cast Time Stop #6 PLAYER1
/in 102 /rw Cast Time Stop #7 PLAYER2
/in 117 /rw Cast Time Stop #8 PLAYER3

For DC: /run ChatFrame1:AddMessage(format("Avoidance with Stoneskin Gargoyle: %.2f%%", GetDodgeChance() + GetParryChance() + 6 + 1/(0.0625 + 0.956/(floor(GetCombatRatingBonus(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL))*0.04)) ))

For Druid: /run ChatFrame1:AddMessage(format("Total avoidance: %.2f%%", GetDodgeChance() + 5 + 1/(0.0625 + 0.956/(GetCombatRating(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL)/4.91850*0.04))))

For Paladin:

For Warrior: /run ChatFrame1:AddMessage(format("Total avoidance: %.2f%%", GetDodgeChance() + GetParryChance() + 5 + 1/(0.0625 + 0.956/(GetCombatRating(CR_DEFENSE_SKILL)/4.91850*0.04))))

3. The following macro will help us to hunt the Time-Lost Proto-Drake:

/tar Dirky
/tar Vira
/tar Zate
/w Your_name %t is watching you!
/run RaidNotice_AddMessage(RaidBossEmoteFrame,"Here's that dragon! RAIN IT!", ChatTypeInfo["RAID_WARNING"])
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\interface\\RaidWarning.wav")

Anyone who wants to be a perfect var in PvE 3.3.5 should have and be able to use macros that will increase your DPS and make your game easier.
Let's see we do it.

Macros are more suitable for tank wara pve 3.3.5

Break cast macro warrior in branch defense 3.3.5 pve #showtooltip Shield Bash; Punch;Heroic Throw
/ps cmd sound:0
/cast Heroic Throw
/cast Shield Bash
/cast Poke/ps cmd sound:1 errframe:clear

Such a macro will allow you to intervene on a friendly target, a Provocation will be launched on the enemy, but with the shift held down, the war pve will intercept.

/castsequence reset=15 Charge, Intercept, Charge; Intervention
/cast Intervene;Dash;Taunt;Intercept
#showtooltip Dash; Intervention; Interception
/cast Charge; Interception; Intervention; Intervention
Well, the most important macro on the tank is the aggro macro for var 3.3.5 pve.

#show Taunt;Taunt;Defensive Stance
/cast Taunt;Taunt;Defensive Stance

Macros for Fury wara pve 3.3.5

Let's start with rage, because without it there is no var in pve 3.3.5.

/castsequence reset=20 Berserker Rage, Blood Rage
#showtooltip Rage of the Berserker
/cast Rage of the Berserker
/cast !Hero strike

If there are a lot of enemies, here is an AOE macro for fury wara pve 3.3.5

/cast Whirlwind
/cast !Cleave

#showtooltip Bloodlust
/cast Bloodlust
/cast !Cleave

Here is a macro for a war in the Fury (fury) stance for a fight in two versions

#showtooltip Bloodlust
/cast Bloodlust
/cast !Hero strike

Also second

#showtooltip Whirlwind
/cast Whirlwind
/cast !Hero strike

Well, a macro for a powerful blow for the furik war in pve 3.3.5 which we can’t miss in any way

#showtooltip Power Punch
/cast Slam
/stopcasting Slam

And remember how the macro is written and write in the game, any gap will make the macro incapable.