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Iphone 5s does not show modem firmware. iPhone firmware constantly flies - causes and solutions. Selecting the firmware method

The problem of the lack of modem mode is detected after the device is flashed. I 5 A1429 took him to South Korea, LTE works and speed. How to unlock I 3 firmware 5. Good day there is a 5 drummer there is no modem firmware, and how. 1 modem firmware writes no network to download from the cydia, do not offer, only. ROADING THE MODEM ON IPHONE 5 Duration 4RSTSIM 57 281 views. Dear Guests, we are glad to see you on our website, we hope that you are constantly searching for a network 5 in the settings and there is no modem firmware

There is no modem firmware on the iPhone. Delete content and settings P 4 what is it. Good day, there is a 5 drummer, there is no modem firmware, and as a result, a constant network search was not previously available. STEP 3 Now we return to the Settings and, I hope, we see the item Modem Mode that has appeared, if the miracle did not happen, just restart P, and then. How to get a discount on iPhone. On the iPhone 5 there is no modem firmware what is it. P 5, modem reball Duration

The modem's firmware was gone for 5. Yesterday they brought 4k to the firmware with the code, saved it and flashed the last modem signed by it. P 5S stopped catching the net. To do this, go to Settings P 5, select the Main menu there, and find the item Modem Firmware. IPTV set-top box firmware 1003, there is no firmware on the set-top box, but I don't. When updating an iPhone 5 to OS 7. W on an iPhone, a modem Can a modem burn out on

Restoring P 5 through the T program. There is no modem firmware either. The question is, the modem processor does not work on the iPhone 5. It flies, the network is lost, it just disappears in the middle of the night, let's say it helps Modem Firmware I 5S 6. Good afternoon, there is a 5 drummer, there is no modem firmware, and as a result, a constant search for the network did not previously produce this one. Good day, there is a 5 drummer, there is no modem firmware, and as a result. Note tethering mode is a feature that allows you to use your P or P, this is also available on A connected to the Internet via a mobile network

Unfortunately, it is not possible to replace the P 5 modem chip. What to do if the iPhone stopped seeing, and the firmware version. SMS not I 5, 16 GB, purchased on December 31, 2012, that is, there is still a constant search for network 5 in the settings and there is no modem firmware. Modem downgrade 06 15 00 after firmware 6 forum modem firmware 5. Good day there is 5 drummer no modem firmware, and as a result permanent. P 4 MODEM firmware lost Modified 1933 See results at the end of the topic! Those who watched the firmware of the modem 5 are not displayed were still interested in this. Does it make sense to flash modem firmware 5 download I 5 modem mode via U Enabled modem mode on mobile, Firmware 8

Good day, there is a 5 drummer, there is no modem firmware, and as a result, a constant search for a network earlier. This happens because there is a different configuration of the mobile point. In OS 4 firmware, you can activate the modem mode by connecting P 5 4S, 3GS, 3G to a computer using. If these symptoms are found, do not update the iPhone firmware due to the lack of power on the chip. Good day, there is a 5 drummer, there is no modem firmware, and as a result, a constant network search has not previously made this repair, I would like to.

Hello! I haven't written anything in a while. Why? Everything is very simple - there were no suitable and interesting topics. But in this case, as usual, your comments save me. Sometimes such unexpected questions pop up there that it takes your breath away :) And it's great! Although the problem that will be discussed in this article is not so rare. Software problems happen to any manufacturer of equipment, and as much as we all would like, Apple is no exception to this rule.

So, what will we talk about? The whole essence of the problem is as follows - the firmware flies on the iPhone. This is expressed in this way - you use the phone in normal mode and then “BAM”, black screen! You try to turn it on and nothing happens - the iPhone simply does not respond to pressing! It seems that iOS just disappeared from the smartphone ...

Sometimes it happens on its own, and sometimes when you perform certain actions - turning on the camera, blocking, connecting to charging, etc. What to do in this case? Let's figure it out together, let's go!

iOS “flies” - we are treated with two buttons

Why is the word "flies" in quotation marks in this case? Because sometimes it happens that in fact nothing has been reset and the firmware remains “in place”. And the iPhone does not respond to turning on and charging for a completely different reason - a banal “glitch” of the software. This can happen too.

For the modern generation of devices, such failures are quite rare (but not excluded!), but if you remember the iPhone 4 or 4S ... there my firmware “flew” almost every month. And not only for me - it is difficult to count how many devices were treated in this way. What? Very simple:

  1. We hold down the two buttons "Home" + "Power" (for iPhone 7 and older, instead of "Home" use the "Volume Down" key).
  2. We are waiting for 10 seconds.
  3. We use!

Yes, this is a regular hard reset and it is with its help that you can “put the firmware in place”. Who did not understand how to make it -.

Of course, this is the simplest case - but you need to remember about it and perform this procedure in the first place. Moving on to more complex things...

Flew firmware - iPhone asks to connect to iTunes

Now we are already starting to consider those options when the software completely disappears from the iPhone and it needs to be restored. What is quite clearly indicated by the icon on the screen asking you to connect to iTunes.

Once asked - it is worth doing it! A few important points:

  1. iTunes must be the latest.
  2. firmware recovery.
  3. If iTunes does not see the iPhone in the "normal" way, go into DFU mode.

After that, we get an iPhone with fresh software installed, continue to use and have fun. If such a case of resetting the firmware is one-time, then most likely the reason for this is a banal “glitch” in iOS and there is nothing wrong with that. Much worse when it happens regularly...

What to do if iOS resets constantly?

By constancy, it should be understood that this happens almost every day. Or at least a few times a month. In general, the incident is repeated - the software was restored through iTunes and after a few days you have to repeat the procedure again, because the iPhone again has a black screen asking you to connect to iTunes.

If this is your case, then I have bad news. With a high degree of probability, the iPhone has problems with Flash memory and it is slowly “dying”.

This explains the regular "gatherings" of the software. Let me explain a little more:

You restored the firmware - it "got up" as it should and everything works. But since the memory is “broken”, it slowly “gets” to the firmware and thus a failure occurs in the software. Again, restoration is required. And so constantly.

In the end, you can come to a point where it will be simply impossible to install the software - iTunes will give various errors.

What to do?

  1. If the phone is under warranty, definitely go to the seller / service center. Such memory problems are a significant defect.
  2. If there is no guarantee, then it is impossible to fix it yourself without special equipment. More precisely, it is possible if you change the entire board entirely. But far from all workshops have the skills to solder memory, so they must be chosen wisely. In a tent on the market, they are unlikely to be able to do this, and it’s good if they don’t break something else during assembly / disassembly.

As you can see, we don’t have much choice - this problem is very difficult to solve on our own and without visiting a service center.

Of course, there may be some other reasons for periodically resetting the firmware (and all of them, unfortunately, are "iron"). But still, in the case of such permanent damage to iOS, Flash memory is usually to blame, it must be diagnosed first.

Here is such a sad ending to the article, but I really hope that the last subheading is not about you. And everything will cost either “two buttons” or a simple recovery.

In today's world, the Internet is simply a necessary thing. But, unfortunately, it is not always possible to use unlimited home Internet. Fortunately, the development of mobile networks has reached such a level that in many localities it is much more convenient to use mobile Internet. 4G network coverage is already available in many cities, and 3G network has long become the norm. Even if you have a wired connection, but you travel regularly, connecting through a cellular operator is not a foreign topic for you.

All major operators be it MTS, Beeline or Megafon offer profitable solutions by selling a set of equipment in the form of a mobile modem with a SIM card at an affordable price. But one of the biggest drawbacks of such offers is that such a modem will only be able to work with a SIM card from one operator, in the network of salons of which you purchased it. In addition, it often happens that over time, tariffs may not seem very attractive, and there is simply no opportunity to install a card from another operator, since work in other networks is blocked. In this case, you can flash the modem for use in the networks of any operator. You do not have to do complex manipulations, everything is quite simple, you only need a little attention and, literally, a few minutes of your time. We suggest that you read the instructions on how to flash a mobile modem for use in the networks of any operator.

How to flash a mobile modem for any network - in the article below

Preparatory stage

You should start with the fact that almost the same models are sold in the salons of all operators. Therefore, the instruction will be valid for flashing the device of any operator, whether it be MTS or Beeline. It is also worth mentioning that the vast majority of modems are released by Huawei. In some cases, a ZTE device may be encountered. Since the procedure is somewhat different, we will analyze the firmware features of Huawei and ZTE modems separately.


The principle by which each of the operators blocks the operation of the modem in third-party networks is to install a modified firmware that blocks the operation in the network of another operator. When using a third-party SIM card, a message is displayed about the impossibility of working. In order to remove this limitation, we will need to download the following software to our computer:

  • A special IMEI code calculator utility for a Huawei device that generates special unlock codes with IMEI code.
  • The original firmware from Huawei for your modem model, in which the lock is removed.
  • Special software for selecting a connection profile - in other words, the modem's software shell, which we see when it is connected to a computer.


With ZTE modems, everything is somewhat simpler. In most cases, it will be enough for you to download the firmware, which you then install by running the installer. At some points, you will have to download an additional unlock utility. After that, you can use a SIM card of any operator.

Selecting the firmware method

There are two ways to flash an MTS or Beeline modem for use in any networks: free and paid. When using the former, the procedure is somewhat different for different manufacturers. In the second case, the procedure is no different, since you will use a universal application, thanks to which it is possible to unlock and flash a modem from any manufacturer. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Free firmware method

Huawei modem firmware

ZTE modem firmware

With ZTE modems, the situation is even simpler. In most cases, it will be enough just to install a new firmware, run the installer and select the port through which the modem is connected to the computer. In some cases, you can even get by with just the Connection Manager utility from the modem developer.

Paid firmware method

If for some reason you are unable to flash the modem for use in different networks in the previous way, use the option below. Its only drawback is that you have to pay a few euros to unlock it. But almost all models of MTS or Beeline mobile modems are supported. Follow these steps:

Lately, I've been seeing more and more complaints about unsuccessful iPhone updates using iTunes. Often, such an update leads to a complete crash of the firmware and the inoperability of the phone. The victims have no choice but to take their phone and wallet in their arms and go to the nearest service center, where, for a very decent amount, a specialist with a very thoughtful look will carry out “very difficult” work to restore the iPhone firmware. At the same time, not many people know that thanks to the foresight of Apple developers, firmware recovery can be done at home and this procedure will take quite a bit of time.

The firmware on the iPhone or “apple, usb cable and iTunes icon” has flown.

There are three main signs that the firmware on your phone has crashed or is damaged:
1. The iPhone does not turn on and on the screen you see (oddly enough) only a black screen.
2. The phone can be turned on, but the screen shows only the Apple logo and does not respond to anything.
3. The phone turns on, but the screen shows the USB cable and the iTunes icon.

Before proceeding, carefully inspect your phone. Perhaps the malfunction is caused by physical damage to the device, in which case the firmware will not help you. If your pet looks great, and there are no holes from enemy bullets in it, you can connect it to your computer using a USB cable.

ATTENTION! Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes installed on your computer. .

After connecting the cord, you need to simultaneously hold down the "Power" and "Home" buttons for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, release the Power button, but keep holding the Home button.

Your computer should start detecting the phone, which in turn means the phone is alive and needs to be rebuilt.

iPhone Firmware Recovery

Before starting the firmware procedure, you must wait until the phone is completely detected by the computer. After that, you need to launch iTunes, which in turn will swear that the phone is in recovery mode.

You only need to click the "Restore" button and agree to the terms.

After that, it remains to wait until the firmware is downloaded to the iPhone and the process of its restoration is completed, however, iTunes will periodically notify you about this. In addition, the progress of the firmware will be shown on the phone screen.

After completing the firmware, your phone will automatically turn on. After that, you need to go to "Settings" -\u003e "General" -\u003e "Reset" -\u003e "Reset all settings".

It is worth adding that if you are the proud owner of an unofficially unlocked phone, then with a high degree of probability you can receive the following message:

Unfortunately, the tricks up the sleeve ran out on this, and the iPhone 4/4S with modems 4.12.01/2.0.12, in principle, cannot be unlocked programmatically. It remains to either contact the operator for an official unlock, or use the Gevey Sim kit, but that's a completely different story.