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How to increase the volume on Android (too quiet, I miss calls). How to increase speaker volume on android? Best Ways How to Adjust Sound on Android Bolt

It's hard to imagine a smartphone without volume buttons. Pressed on one side - it decreased, pressed on the other - increased. However, there are such smartphones where the volume does not rise above average in any way: the level scale shows the maximum, but the sound is still quiet.

What's this? Breaking? Marriage? Not at all. This phone manufacturer took care of your ears. To prevent you from being deafened by loud sound, it has limited the ability to turn the speakers on at full blast. However, this can be corrected.

Consider standard and non-standard ways to increase the volume on a smartphone, with which you can bypass the manufacturer's restrictions.

Phone settings

The phone settings are the most convenient to use. And even in the event of a breakdown of the sound level adjustment buttons. The instruction looks like this:

Engineering menu

This menu was deliberately hidden by the developers of the smartphone and the operating system from users so that they could not accidentally make changes that would lead to device problems. With it, you can reconfigure almost all phone settings, including increasing speaker volume levels.

Access to the engineering menu is opened by a special code - universal or specific for devices of a certain brand.


There is 4 sound mode options that are available for customization:

  • normal mode. Responsible for the sound from the speakers without the use of headphones and any other devices.
  • Headset mode. Headphone sound.
  • Loud Speaker Mode. Responsible for adjusting the sound level on the speakerphone.
  • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode. The same as the previous paragraph, only with headphones.

After opening the settings, you will see two fields with numbers. The first indicates the current volume value, the second - the maximum allowable. The data from the first field can be edited.

Set it to the desired value and click the "Set" button.

The engineering menu will allow you to adjust more parameters than the standard "Settings" and volume buttons.

Third Party Applications

If the engineering menu seemed too complicated for you, you can use special applications from the Google Play Market. The maximum volume level, which is embedded in the speakers, cannot be “surpassed” with their help, but it is quite possible to remove some restrictions.

Volume Booster GOODEV

Volume Booster GOODEV is a very easy-to-use app designed for volume control only. You don’t need to expect anything from it, but it is ready to become an excellent replacement for the usual settings.

Instructions for using Volume Booster GOODEV looks like this:


As the name suggests, the Sound Booster app is also responsible for adjusting and amplifying the volume level on your phone. It is also simple and, unlike the previous program, has a translation into Russian. However, "Sound Booster" does not always allow you to get a result comparable to Volume Booster GOODEV. Its efficiency is somewhat lower.

How to use the application:

  1. Read the warning that turning up the volume too much can damage your hearing and accelerate wear on your speakers. Click "OK" to continue.
  2. Use the sliders under the respective headings to make adjustments. The first slider adjusts the overall volume level, while the second one boosts it. The maximum amplification is possible up to 60% of the speaker by default.

Using patches

This option is suitable only for experienced smartphone and PC users, since it implies working with system files using root rights. An inexperienced user who does not understand what he is doing runs the risk of damaging the smartphone.

The patches were developed by enthusiastic craftsmen, that is, they have nothing to do with the device manufacturer. They are built into system directories, which leads to changes in the functions of the gadget, in particular, to the removal of the speaker volume limit. But there is one “but”: these patches are not so easy to find, and the risk of downloading a non-working or virus package is far from zero.

Let's briefly consider the sequence of actions:

Many smartphone users need to increase the sound level on the device. This may be due both to the too low maximum volume of the phone, and to any breakdowns. In this article, we will look at the main ways that allow you to perform all sorts of manipulations on the sound of your gadget.

In total, there are three main methods for manipulating the sound level of a smartphone, there is one more, but it is not applicable to all devices. In any case, each user will find a suitable option for themselves.

Method 1: Standard volume increase

This method is known to all phone users. It consists in using the hardware volume up and down buttons. As a rule, they are located on the sidebar of the mobile device.

When you press one of these buttons, a characteristic menu for changing the sound level will appear at the top of the phone screen.

As you know, the sound of smartphones is divided into several categories: calls, multimedia and alarm clock. Pressing the hardware buttons changes the type of sound that is currently being used. In other words, if any video is playing, the media sound will change.

It is also possible to adjust all types of sound. To do this, when increasing the volume level, click on the special arrow - as a result, a complete list of sounds will open.

To change the sound levels, move the sliders around the screen using normal taps.

Method 2: Settings

If the hardware buttons for adjusting the volume level are broken, you can perform the same steps as described above using the settings. To do this, follow the algorithm:

Method 3: Special Applications

There are cases when it is not possible to use the first methods or they are not suitable. This applies to situations where the maximum sound level that can be achieved in this way does not suit the user. Then third-party software comes to the rescue, presented in a fairly wide range on the Play Market.

Some manufacturers have such programs built into the standard package of the device. Therefore, it is not always necessary to download them. Directly in this article, as an example, we will consider the process of increasing the sound level using the free Volume Booster GOODEV application.

Method 3: Engineering menu

Not many people know that almost any smartphone has a secret menu that allows you to perform some manipulations on the mobile device, including sound settings. It is called engineering and was created for developers in order to finalize the device.

  1. First you need to get into this menu. Open the phone dialer and enter the appropriate code. For devices from different manufacturers, this combination is different.
  2. Manufacturer Codes
    Samsung *#*#197328640#*#*
    Lenovo ####1111#
    Asus *#15963#*
    Sony *#*#3646633#*#*
    HTC *#*#8255#*#*
    Philips, ZTE, Motorola *#*#13411#*#*
    Acer *#*#2237332846633#*#*
    LG 3845#*855#
    Huawei *#*#14789632#*#*
    Alcatel, Fly, Texet *#*#3646633#*#*
    Chinese manufacturers (Xiaomi, Meizu, etc.) *#*#54298#*#*
  3. After selecting the correct code, the engineering menu will open. Swipe to go to the section hardware testing and tap on the item "Audio".
  4. Be careful when working in the engineering menu! Any incorrect setting can seriously affect the performance of your device for the worse. Therefore, try to adhere to the algorithm presented below as much as possible.

  5. There are several sound modes in this section, and each can be configured:
    • Normal Mode - normal sound playback mode without using headphones and other things;
    • Headset Mode - operating mode with connected headphones;
    • LoudSpeaker Mode - speakerphone;
    • Headset_LoudSpeaker Mode - speakerphone with headphones;
    • Speech Enhancement - a conversation mode with the interlocutor.
  6. Go to the settings of the required mode. In the points marked on the screenshot, you can increase the current volume level, as well as the maximum allowable.

Method 4: Installing the patch

Enthusiasts have developed special patches for many smartphones, the installation of which allows both improving the quality of the reproduced sound and simply increasing the playback volume level. However, such patches are not so easy to find and install, so it is better for inexperienced users not to take on this matter at all.

Have you decided to increase the volume of your smartphone or tablet because the standard does not suit you with the volume of its sound? Even if you have already set all the settings to the maximum for the volume, the system can increase its level a little more, because at the system level it is set, say, at an average value. This practice is inherent in all manufacturers and operating systems, including Android. But keep in mind that at maximum settings, the phone's speaker will soon wheeze, sniffle, and, perhaps, stop working altogether, because. load increases significantly.

Attention! If you decide to change several settings in the engineering menu, we strongly recommend that you create a complete copy of all files on your phone, as well as the menu as it was originally configured. After some changes, the phone may malfunction or not work correctly. For example, there are situations when, during a telephone conversation, you hear not the interlocutor, but yourself or the speaker wheezes after changes in volume and nothing is heard except for this wheezing.

Entering the engineering menu

And so, to work with the volume level, whether it be an increase or decrease, you must first enter the engineering menu. We have considered all the ways how any Android user can do this.

The process of entering this menu is possible through special programs available for download in the Google Play store, or using the following commands that you need to enter in dialing mode:

  • Code *#*#54298#*#* - devices based on the MTK processor (first option)
  • Code *#*#3646633#*#* - devices based on the MTK processor (second option)
  • Code *#*#8255#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* - Samsung devices
  • Code *#*#3424#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#8255#*#* – HTC smartphones
  • Code *#*#7378423#*#* - Sony smartphones
  • Code *#*#3646633#*#* - smartphones Fly, Alcatel, Philips
  • Code *#*#2846579#*#* - Huawei smartphones

The process of increasing the volume in the engineering menu


Also, in addition to the volume level, there are other items in the engineering menu, for example, options for working with headphones, key reprogramming, hands-free mode, various tests of your smartphone, and much more. You can read more about each option on specialized forums, because for each model the engineering menu may differ slightly.

It happens that the manufacturer of a smartphone or tablet on Android has not adjusted the sound volume, it is not enough in a noisy place. And then the consumer decides to delve into the settings himself, to explore all the possibilities to increase the sound. This will be discussed. To increase the volume, you can use the standard settings of the device or the engineering menu

Adjusting the volume on an Android device through the main settings

Standard sound controls in Android

To adjust the volume of the ringtone or during music playback, the sound is adjusted by the "arrows" - two buttons on the side.

The second way is the system sound settings. Give the command "Settings - Sound". Set up ringtones, adjust the volume in the Android system, set up sounds for screen triggers - all the basics are here.

How to get into the engineering menu to adjust the ringtone volume on your phone

For "gourmet connoisseurs" of high-quality sound, an engineering menu is available. Do the following.

  • Launch the standard Android application - "Phone".
  • Open the on-screen keyboard tab.
  • Dial a special command and press the send call key on the gadget's display.
  • A list of commands for entering the engineering menu for different brands of smartphones and tablets is attached.

    After typing the command, the engineering menu will open.

    It also configures the sound settings on the device.

    Setting all sound parameters for headphones or speakers using the engineering menu

    So, open the Audio submenu in the Android engineering menu.

    And he has to work with him.

    Sound submenu of the Android engineering menu

    Before getting into the settings, check yourself for knowledge of the parameters from the list below.

  • Normal Mode - normal mode, without connecting any accessories (headphones, etc.).
  • Headset Mode - external acoustics (amplifier with speakers or headphones) are connected to a smartphone or tablet.
  • LoudSpeaker Mode - normal mode, work with speakerphone.
  • Headset-LoudSpeaker Mode - speakerphone during a telephone conversation with external speakers connected.
  • Speech Enhancement - telephone conversation without connecting external acoustics.
  • Speech Logger and Audio Logger are system drivers that record cell phone conversations. Adjusting them will affect the quality of the recorded sound. To record telephone conversations, it is better to use third-party programs for Android: "Call Recorder", "Call Recorder", "Total Recall CR", etc. - and not to be "wiser" with these parameters.
  • Debug info - collection of information about debugging sound parameters. Valuable for developers, but useless for the consumer.
  • Fine-tuning for a tablet or smartphone

    By setting specific values, you can adjust the sound on your smartphone or tablet to your preference: turn down to quiet or add to the maximum value. Enter any of the above modes and set your preferred values.

    For example, the Normal Mode is taken - playing music or video in the waiting mode for incoming calls without external acoustics. Outgoing calls are not made. Do the following.

  • Enter the submenu of this mode - a screen with fields for entering values ​​will be displayed.
  • Select the type of Android sound driver you are using (without it, the gadget would be "mute").

    Here SIP is Internet calls, Mic is microphone settings, SPH (1/2) are conversational speakers, Sid is a repeat of yourself in the speaker instead of the interlocutor, Media is the sound of music and movies from your media library, Ring is ringtones and sound alerts , FMR - radio (if the device has an FM radio).

  • After selecting the type of sound setting, select the levels (they are adjusted with the volume buttons).
  • Set each level to a different numerical value (0-255 units) before moving on to the next one. Press the Set key to save.
  • Pay special attention to the maximum volume value. It is the same for all volume levels. Do not enter different maximum values ​​​​at different levels - such settings simply will not be saved.
  • Set up each parameter in the same way, go through all the available ones.
  • Ready! The new settings will take effect when you exit the engineering menu and restart your smartphone or tablet.

    Attention! Do not set the volume level at which the speakers, headphones or the built-in conversational mini-speaker will produce a “wheezy” or “choking” sound.

    Work with the engineering menu is completed. To find out in more detail - watch this video on setting up sound in the engineering menu.

    Video: adjusting the volume level in Android

    How to change the volume using third-party apps

    When setting up the sound on the gadget using third-party programs for Android, do not immediately set the maximum volume - you can "catch" a software failure or damage one of the device's speakers with too loud sound.

    How to adjust the sound in the speakers through the Volume + program

    The application is free.

  • Download, install and launch the Volume+ app
  • In the Volume+ app settings, select either Speaker Settings (main speaker) or Headset Settings (mini speaker).
  • Turn on the Virtual Room Effect and Speaker Modifications.
  • Set the sound level (Volume Level option), starting with a gain of one unit.
  • When it comes to improving the sound of music and video - go to the submenu of amplifying "bass" (Bass Enhance) and virtual room effects (Virtual Room). Set the sound levels in the same way. Play a song from your library to feel the difference in sound with the new settings.
  • Important! Do not immediately turn on the maximum values ​​\u200b\u200b- an electronic chip that acts as a sound card or a tested smartphone or tablet speaker can simply burn out. Build up the gain gradually. This applies to all audio amplification apps on Android gadgets.

    Congratulations! You have set the optimal sound on your gadget. The work with the Volume+ application is completed.

    Working with sound in the Volume Booster+ app

    The Volume Booster Plus application will be simpler. It analyzes the sound settings previously made using the engineering menu and tries to improve them. The application has only the Boost button (“Strengthen”), by pressing which the improvement algorithm embedded in this program is launched.

    Unfortunately, there are no advanced settings in Volume Booster Plus - as in the same Volume +. At least the main menu is missing. The developer warns that the sound quality may not be up to par, and the volume may be too high.

    Other applications for optimizing sound on Android gadgets

    There are more than a dozen of them - these are Android applications Bass Volume Booster, AudioManager Pro, Volume Ace, Equalizer + Music Amplifier, etc.

    We use other methods to add sound to the device

    Think about why you need such a loud sound on your gadget? Maybe it's better to get good wireless headphones for two? Or connect an FM modulator to your gadget - and get mobile phones with a radio function? None of the best smartphones or tablets will replace external acoustics - car or home speakers, as well as a modern music center or radio "with all the parade".

  • In Chinese stores (for example, in AliExpress) a huge number of models of flat and compact speakers are sold. All of them are equipped with an internal amplifier with a power of up to several watts (active speakers).
  • An external sound card with a high-quality amplifier and equalizer consumes a lot of energy. If the power comes from microUSB on a smartphone or tablet (there are some) - the battery will “sit down” very quickly. A separate power supply is required.
  • Wireless solutions based on external amplifiers. Sound is usually transmitted via Bluetooth. You also need external (additional) power.
  • Special covers and stands capable of re-reflecting sound - they create a feeling of greater volume, according to the laws of physics of sound signals.
  • Is it possible to remove the volume limit

    See how to count. If you need to set the sound, say, 25% more - no problem. Applications from PlayMarket and the possibilities of the engineering menu will provide this. Manufacturers, being reinsured, set the maximum volume in the secret (engineering) settings, somewhat lower than the audio device and / or speakers can “pull” - so that buyers complain less about factory defects, because modern acoustics should neither “wheeze” nor “choke” .

    Even if you try to infinitely “turn up” the volume by obtaining or creating such an Android application, then the “wheezes” of overmodulation will accumulate, overlap each other and the sound will turn into a barely distinguishable and useless noise, from which you are unlikely to hear anything. Everything is good in moderation. An audio device, whatever it may be, will not let you exceed the power for which it is designed (according to the law of energy sufficiency). Do not try to "deceive nature" - in the worst case, you will simply "burn" it. This is a very rare case when you can physically ruin your “friend” with software settings. A smartphone or tablet, alas, is still too weak in itself in front of your inflated “sound appetite”.

    In general, amplify the sound within the limits that the official Google apps, the Android engineering menu, external speakers and special accessories give you.

    Video: Total Volume app to optimize sound on Android

    Amplifying the sound on Android smartphones and tablets is not an entirely useless task. Slightly higher than at the beginning, the volume, correctly and wisely adjusted, will bring additional convenience. If you listen to music or watch a movie on your gadget with headphones, fine-tuning the sound will also help: it will be much more enjoyable. Have a great time!

    Each tablet user is faced with a situation where he does not have enough power from the built-in speakers or does not have enough volume in the headphones. And he thinks about how to increase the sound on the tablet.

    Headphones and headsets with digital-to-analog converter

    In fact, this is a hybrid of an external sound card and headphones. The price of such devices is acceptable. This is largely due to the intricacies of technology. The sound card is clearly configured for symbiosis with these headphones. In this case, the optimal frequency range is provided.

    Via the USB interface and are defined by the system as an external audio playback device. Additional features include volume control, the buttons of which are located on a small remote directly on the headphone cord.

    Wireless headsets

    There are different options, and autonomy - Bluetooth headsets. They provide a music playback mode of 6 hours or more, the usual figure is 10-12 hours. Naturally, the set of features includes control of the telephone module, player and volume control. These headsets are inexpensive.

    Another type of headset carries its own conversion and amplification module "on board". The price is slightly higher, but the user gets really good sound with a margin of volume. In addition, such headsets allow you to use any headphones - they simply connect to them. The user himself chooses the quality based on his preferences. In a word, an external mobile sound card with a Bluetooth connection.

    There are options . They have a long range, stable connection. However, it is necessary that the tablet works with such devices. The battery life of such a headset is less due to the high power consumption of the communication module.

    Unsafe method. Software adjustment

    A common option on how to amplify the sound on a tablet is to use it to control the tablet's digital-to-analog converter. Of the most famous, we can name the Volume + program. It is free, understandable, there is a Russian version. However, the program does nothing "revolutionary". It does not amplify weak sound on the tablet - it simply controls the frequency conversion, boosting and attenuating different frequency bands.

    The program allows you to adjust the volume of the built-in speakers, headphone output, the sound level during a telephone conversation, the volume of the call signal. All of these have access. Here they are collected in a more understandable form. In addition, the program can control the sound by adjusting the gain of different frequency bands.

    The volume increase is implemented as follows. At the same time, the gain of all frequencies is raised. Technologically, the signal converter inside the tablet can do this. A very quiet sound on the tablet becomes noticeably louder. But some users will immediately notice that the internal sound card is working to the limit. Rattling and dips appear, especially at low frequencies.

    Here lies the danger. Any electronic device is planned according to average parameters. It is envisaged that the supplier may change and the assembly will use compatible parts, but with reduced characteristics. If you force them to work for wear, overheating begins. A part can work for years, or it can fail in a few hours.

    If during the adjustment you did not hear sound distortion, use it calmly. Your conversion system has a solid headroom and very little chance of it failing.

    Dangerous method. Hardware adjustment

    Tablets equipped with a telephone module and not only allow you to get to the so-called engineering menu. Roughly speaking, this is the control core, where most of the parameters that regulate the operation of the hardware "stuffing" of the device are set. Here you can change the gain of the audio transducer.

    It is the hardware menu that sets the range of optimal operation of the sound transducer. You can take one model, from one manufacturer, go to the engineering menus and find different parameters. Just because the devices are equipped with conversion chips with different parameters.

    The menu contains the parameters responsible for the volume. You can equalize the signal levels so that there is no situation when the user is listening to music, receives a call at a lower volume level, and after the call ends, finds that the song has become quieter. This situation can be easily corrected using the engineering menu.

    If you decide to bring the tablet to the technological maximum, specify the largest of the available parameter values ​​in the menu. Volume + is also set and the frequency preamplification level is set to the limit value. The device cannot give more. However, there is a risk of overheating.

    Safety and Savings

    Tip for safe loud sound: Spend some money and get a sound amplifier for your tablet.

    • Do you often work with a tablet while holding it in your hands? Buy a compact, inexpensive USB sound card or headphones with the same technology.
    • Do you prefer mobility? Grab a Bluetooth headset with a separate sound processor and good headphones. Some models have FM radio, so that would be an added bonus.
    • Do you want the tablet to create a sound background? Buy a mobile speaker with a Bluetooth connection for it. It's loud, has solid battery life, and can also charge your tablet.

    There is always a technological reserve, but there may be a breakdown after software adjustments. And repairs are often more expensive than buying a separate plug-in device.