Computers Windows Internet

Forms of communication on the Internet. The main forms of communication on the Internet and their features. Psychological features of Internet communication

1.2 Ways to communicate on the Internet

Currently, there are many ways to communicate on the Internet, the main of which are e-mail, forums, various conferences, chats, online games and much more.

The most universal means of computer communication is e-mail (E-mail), which is an analogue of the well-known communication system through letters sent in envelopes, characterized in that the letter exists in the form of an electronic message that is sent from the addressee's computer to the postal server, and then delivered to the addressee in his mailbox. The whole procedure of sending such a letter under good conditions takes no more than 3-5 minutes. In this case, the email address mailbox is the following spelling: name@mail_server.country_code (for example: [email protected]). An e-mail, like a regular letter in an envelope, can contain various attachments in the form of graphic (photographs, drawings, pictures, diagrams, tables), audio (music, speech) and other types of files.

Some features are inherent in e-mail:

· Communication is of an interpersonal or group nature;

· Communication is always mediated and distant (a computer and a postal service act as intermediaries);

· By the way of interaction, virtual communication can be a monologue or a dialogue;

The form of communication can be written and oral (if communication is by means of sound speech files attached to letters);

· The style of speech can be both official and business, and any other, up to colloquial speech and the use of non-normative vocabulary.

Much here depends on the level of development of the interlocutors, their relationships and the goals that they pursue.

E-mail has several advantages over paper mail, which are as follows:

Scanty time and money spent on shipping;

Fewer data required for successful delivery;

The ability to send audio materials along with the letter;

The ability to send one letter to several recipients at once;

The ability to forward letters, etc.

But e-mail also has such disadvantages as:

The need for a computer, Internet access, an electronic mailbox, as well as basic knowledge of managing PC software;

When sending a large number of attached files, or files big size it may be more expedient to use regular mail.

Another way to communicate on the Internet is through forums, i.e. organization of information exchange and communication between a large number of interlocutors who are not uninterested in the topic of discussion, which is the reason for the concentration of these people in one place to bring it up for general discussion. Their main difference is that when organizing Internet forums there are no strict restrictions on the contingent of participants - any users registered on a particular forum can become them, there is also no time frame for discussing a topic - the process continues as long as the topic interesting for interlocutors.

There are forums of various topics, contingent of participants and pursued goals: some are the Internet - analogs of previously held meetings on some topics that require further discussion, others exist to organize communication between people (usually having friendly relations outside the Internet, i.e. in everyday life), for various reasons unable to gather in one place for live, non-mediated communication. Forums of the first type usually have scientific or socio-political topics and pursue corresponding goals, which can be the solution of any problems related to this topic. Such forums are characterized by some formality and official-business, scientific or scientific-journalistic style of speech.

Forums of the second type differ, first of all, in the topic - various everyday spheres of life, social events or works of creators in the field of art (including music, painting, poetry and prose, etc.) can be discussed, as well as the informality of communication ... In addition, depending on the contingent of participants, all means of the language are used without restrictions. Communication takes place mainly in a conversational style of speech, but there is no rigid framework here. The goals can be considered to be the acquisition of various knowledge, communication experience by the participants, as well as obtaining some truth in disputes regarding a particular phenomenon or individual preferences.

All forums have unwritten rules: discussion of any topic begins with an author's monologue in the form of an article (review / review, opinion on any of the positions of interest to many), containing the essence of the problem and the author's reasoned arguments in favor of a particular point of view. Further, all interested persons are connected to the discussion of the topic with the author. Thus, the method of interaction can already be called either a dialogue or a polylogue, if communication takes place between several participants who can address the author or each other. Discussion goals in forums can be informative, prescriptive, emotive, or mixed. The duration of a discussion of one topic can range from several hours to several months or even years.

Advantages of Internet forums over live communication:

No need to travel to the venue of the forum - just turn on your computer and enter an email address;

Enormous savings in time, effort and money when participating in the forum;

The ability to participate in several forums at once;

Lack of physical contact with opponents excludes the possibility of using physical force in controversial situations;

The period of the forum does not have a strict time frame;

The disadvantages of Internet forums are as follows:

It is necessary to have a computer, Internet access, electronic mailbox, registration on the forum, as well as basic knowledge of using PC software;

Frequent lack of visual representation of the interlocutors due to their unwillingness to put their photos on public display.

Chats are a type of forums that differ from them in the absence of any specific scientific or social topics. They are created directly to stimulate live group communication, mainly young people. Such communication takes place in the form of a polylogue of often strangers pursuing the goal of making acquaintances.

Like a live acquaintance, to achieve this goal, as a rule, there are several stages: Participants, reading various statements, find a close or interesting person with whom, at first, they exchange general information about themselves, or openly offer him to get to know him. This is followed by a dialogue that exists to "probe" the interlocutor, and, ultimately, if the interlocutors are interested in each other, they agree to meet on the "mainland". At the same time, all participants in the chat have the opportunity to observe their communication or join them. A distinctive feature is the relative short duration (compared to forums) of any debate between opponents. The advantages and disadvantages of chatting are similar to the advantages and disadvantages of chatting on forums.

A somewhat different way of communicating on the Internet is a conference, its device resembles a bulletin board, and a newspaper at the same time. There is no list of conference participants. Anyone whose computer is connected to another computer that receives conference messages can receive and send messages. All messages sent are divided into groups by topic, and in order to receive messages from a group, you need to subscribe to this group, that is, include the name of this group in the list on your personal computer (PC). Such a conference device allows you to receive all messages on topics of interest, regardless of who wrote them, and send a message without worrying about recipient addresses - it will be read by those who may be interested.

The main participants in the conferences are people for whom it is not so much interpersonal communication that is important as intellectual. As a rule, these are professionals who are looking for answers to their professional questions here. Such people, if they enter into a network conversation, it is most often in order to obtain useful information on a subject of interest to them. Through conferences, the easiest way is to find like-minded people, organize Fan Clubs, or scientific communities, and the conference is indispensable for scientific discussions. With the help of a conference, you can discuss a topic of interest in such a company, which to gather in one place for a personal conversation would cost a lot of money and an unpredictable expenditure of time and effort.

There is also such a way of communication on the Internet as "Ai Sik Yu" (ICQ - "I Seek You" - "I am looking for you" or simply "ICQ") - this is a program that allows you to communicate with your friends online - t .e. in real time. She acts on the principle Email, only the principle of its operation is even faster. This way of communication is a bit like throwing notes. You can send them messages, various files, call them to chat, send an invitation to launch network programs, etc.

There are many other ways of virtual communication on the Internet - these are network games (strategic and intellectual), and the virtual world (as a community of people who build an interactive virtual life), and clubs (which look like a mixture of conference and chat), etc.

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INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………….….… .3


1.1. The Internet as a way of intercultural communication ……. ………… ..… 5

1.2. Ways of communication on the Internet ………………. …………. …………… ..… 7


2.1. Psychological features Internet communication ……… ... ……… ... 12

2.2. Internet etiquette ………………………………………. …….…. …….… ..15


CONCLUSION ………………………… ... ……………. ……………… .. …… 19

LIST OF USED LITERATURE ……. …………….….… ... 20


At present, there are quite a few means, forms and methods of communication in the world, and a considerable part of them are somehow connected with modern technical capabilities, which in particular are represented by the use of the global computer network - the Internet (Internet). This is primarily due to the fact that over the past century, mankind has made a huge leap forward in the development of science and technology, which has opened up new areas for human activity. So the emergence and development of digital and computer technologies, and subsequently mass distribution personal computers, opened a new type of interaction "man-computer", and the development of the Internet to the interaction "man-computer" added the possibility of communication "man-computer-man".

It should be noted that the Internet is developing quite rapidly. So, today the Internet has about 15 million subscribers in more than 150 countries around the world, and the monthly size of the Network is increasing by 7-10 percent. The number of publications devoted to the Web is growing rapidly, which portends its widespread distribution even in areas far from technology. In short, the Internet is turning from a great toy for individual intellectuals into a full-fledged source of all kinds of useful information for everyone, and also becomes the main form of virtual communication.

This paper will consider a topic related to the features of communication on the Internet. The relevance of the chosen topic is explained by the need to study communication on the Internet, because this type of virtual communication is gaining great importance and becomes one of the main types of communication of people in the modern world.

The object of this work is the global Internet as a way of organizing intercultural communication. The subject of work research is communication on the Internet and its features. The study of this topic also makes it possible to assess the role of the Internet in modern life, to identify the advantages and disadvantages of virtual communication.

The study of the chosen topic assumes the achievement of the main goal - to consider the features of communication on the Internet. In accordance with a specific goal, the following tasks were set and solved:

▬ study the concept and organization of communication via the Internet;

▬ to reveal the aspects of such communication, to determine its main forms;

▬ find out the advantages and disadvantages of virtual communication;

▬ consider the features of communication on the Internet;

▬ to outline the prospects for the development of Internet communication;

▬ analyze the material received, draw the necessary conclusions and reflect them in this work.

The selected topic was investigated using the following methods:

▬ consideration of the theoretical aspects of the chosen topic;

▬ study of practical materials of Internet sites;

▬ analysis of the materials received, conclusions and conclusions.

As theoretical basis studies in the work used the works and tutorials Russian and foreign authors on the study of the World Wide Web from a modern point of view. These are the works of such authors as Belinskaya E., Zhichkina A., Dudnik S.I., Petrova N.P., Simonovich S.V., Petrov K., Murakhovsky V.I., Goryavsky Yu., Matt Goff, etc. In the books of these authors, communication through the Internet is analyzed, and a large place is given to the study of the methods of such communication (e-mail, forums, chat, etc.). In preparing the work, theoretical, practical and analytical materials of Internet resources were used - Http://, Http://,, ru /.

The set goals and objectives determined the structure of the presented work - the work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of used literature. The work is outlined in 20 pages. To write this work, 15 scientific sources were used.


1.1. Internet as a way of intercultural communication

Today it is difficult to overestimate the role of the Internet in organizing the flow of all kinds of information flows, as well as in organizing communication, as one of the aspects that will certainly accompany the flow of these flows. After all, communication is a way of people interacting with each other, and with the advent of the World Wide Web, this communication has gone beyond one house, city and even one country. Undoubtedly, for many years there have been other means of transmitting information over a distance (such as mail, telephone, telegraph), but the inconveniences that participants in such communication often encounter force many of them to join the ranks of those people who have already appreciated the advantages of the new the world of digital technologies and in particular the Internet.

It should be agreed that at present, e-mail, all kinds of forums organized in the network space, numerous Internet magazines and newspapers, and the Internet itself, for many, have become no less important aspect of everyday life than a TV or telephone, and sometimes they completely supplant their "backward" brothers.

So what is the Internet (Internet)? The Internet is a global computer network that today covers almost the entire world. The Internet has about 15 million subscribers in more than 150 countries around the world, and the size of the network is growing by 7-10% every month. The Internet forms a kind of core that provides communication between various information networks belonging to various institutions around the world.

If earlier the World Wide Web was used exclusively as a medium for transferring files and e-mail messages, today it is used to solve more complex problems of distributed access to Internet resources. Originally serving research and educational interests, the Internet is becoming more and more popular in the world of ordinary communication.

Communication via the Internet is especially important for those people whose real life, for one reason or another, is interpersonal impoverished. Such people use the World Wide Web as an alternative to their immediate (real) environment. By the way, about half of Internet users go to the Internet in order to expand their social circle, since computer-mediated communication creates the illusion of companionship without the demands of friendship. Thus, the Internet plays a colossal role in organizing such communication.

Communication via the Internet may not necessarily take place only within one country. Since the Internet is The World Wide Web, therefore, people from different countries... So, for example, if a person who was born and raised in Russia has a good command of English language, then nothing prevents him from having correspondence not only with people living on the territory of our country and speaking Russian, but also with any foreigner who may be in any English-speaking country. This gives him the opportunity to participate in all kinds of international Internet forums and chat, providing himself with the opportunity to explore the culture of other countries and give foreigners an idea of ​​his culture - the culture of Russia.

Network communication has many advantages over conventional means of personal communication, and it is they that play a huge role in attracting people to the Internet - communication.

Thus, the worldwide Internet, covering almost all civilized corners of our planet, is a powerful means of intercultural communication, which contributes to the rapprochement of peoples and the growth of their both national and international identity.

1.2. Ways to communicate on the Internet

Currently, there are many ways to communicate on the Internet, the main of which are e-mail, forums, various conferences, chats, online games and much more.

The most universal means of computer communication is e-mail (E-mail), which is an analogue of the well-known communication system through letters sent in envelopes, characterized in that the letter exists in the form of an electronic message that is sent from the addressee's computer to the postal server, and then delivered to the addressee in his mailbox. The whole procedure of sending such a letter under good conditions takes no more than 3-5 minutes. In this case, the email address is the following spelling: name@mail_server.country_code (for example: [email protected]). An e-mail, like a regular letter in an envelope, can contain various attachments in the form of graphic (photographs, drawings, pictures, diagrams, tables), audio (music, speech) and other types of files.

Some features are inherent in e-mail:

Communication is interpersonal or group;

Communication is always mediated and distant (a computer and a postal service act as intermediaries);

By the way of interaction, virtual communication can be a monologue or a dialogue;

The form of communication can be written and oral (if communication takes place using sound speech files attached to letters);

Go to the saddest part of our story. Although there are secure solutions for almost every type of online communication, in order to use them, you will have to convince your interlocutor that "it is necessary". As the experience of Jabber fans suggests, it is impossible to do this without the intervention of large companies. Therefore, this review is rather futuristic in nature - if all this is in demand, perhaps someone will someday learn to make money on it.

Protected messages

To send secure messages, the OTR (Off-the-Record) cryptographic protocol has been developed. To create strong encryption, the protocol uses a combination of AES algorithms, symmetric key, Diffie-Hellman algorithm, and SHA-1 hash function.

The main advantage of OTR over other encryption tools is its application on the fly, rather than after the message has been prepared and sent. It was developed by Nikita Borisov and Jan Goldberg. For use in third party applications protocol developers have created a client lib. Therefore, to protect data transmission over IM channels, you can use specially designed applications for protection.

One of these projects is Cryptocat; it is a web application with an open source code written in JS. There are extensions for Chrome, Firefox and Safari. In addition, there is a client application, but only for OS X. Cryptocat encrypts messages on the client and transmits them to a trusted server. To do this, on the client side, symmetric encryption of messages and files is used using AES-256 and a selected key. A new key is generated for each chat.

The other participants in the conversation - up to ten people in the room - will be able to read them only if they themselves correctly enter the same key. The Diffie-Hellman algorithm is used to securely transfer keys, the Whirlpool hash function is used to generate unique fingerprints during authentication, and HMAC-WHIRLPOOL is used to verify message integrity. The key management method turns Cryptocat into a perfect forward secrecy system in which even the loss of the private key cannot compromise the session key. The chat log is deleted after 30 minutes of inactivity, and the service itself works with constant SSL encryption.

Private mail

The self-closing mail service, which Snowden took advantage of, became widely known. The service was closed after the special services made demands to provide access to the stored data.

It is difficult to find a complete alternative to Lavabit (except for self-hosted solutions), but VFEmail can be offered as a more or less secure service. It scans every email and attachments it arrives for viruses and spam. If malware is detected, the message is blocked at the gateway and does not reach the server. Mail server supports greylisting and blacklisting, and the award-winning SpamAssassin system is used to detect spam. Work with VFEmail goes through the standard POP, IMAP, SMTP protocols, and the web interface is implemented over a secure SSL channel. Like most modern mail services, VFEmail supports opening in a browser. Microsoft Office documents. However, the secrecy of the correspondence received comes at a price. True, there is a free, so-called "copper account", which provides the user with 50 MB of server space for letters. To increase the space, you need to buy another, more advanced account.

Another project of this kind is Bitmessage, written in Python by Jonathan Warren. Bitmessage is a decentralized P2P program for exchanging encrypted messages between two and / or multiple users. It uses strong cryptography that reliably protects subscribers from eavesdropping at the ISP or server level. It is worth noting that the cryptographic system almost exactly copies the scheme that is used in the Bitcoin P2P system, but is aimed at messaging. The peculiarity of Bitmessage is that it is almost impossible to prove the fact of communication between two users: the message is not transmitted directly from user A to B, but by mailing to all network participants (a similar approach is implemented in Tor). At the same time, only the user with whom the connection has been established and who has the correct decryption key can read it.

The last project in this series that we will look at will be TorChat. TorChat is a free, decentralized, highly anonymous, crypto-protected instant messaging and file exchange system. All the code is open, and therefore we can check it. TorChat basically uses the anonymous Tor network, but it is a completely separate project. The anonymity of data transfer is entirely entrusted to the hidden services of Tor, TorChat, in fact, is just an add-on to them that processes messages. Crypto protection of the connection of two users is also provided by hidden Tor services using asymmetric encryption according to the RSA standard. Initially, TorChat was written in Python, the client for OS X, respectively, in Objective C. In early 2012, the jTorChat project was launched, developed in Java. Until it implements all the functionality of the original TorChar, for example, there is no file transfer.


Although on mobile devices ah, you can use the web interfaces of the considered messengers, an instant messaging tool is in development, specially tailored for mobile phones.

Mobile messenger Hemlis

Voice and video chat

With instant text messages we are anonymous, but what about voice and video communication? Skype belongs to Microsoft, and she (according to Snowden's documents) was caught in the transfer of information to the special services.

Therefore, other options are needed. One of them was the Tox project - an open and free alternative to Skype. It uses a Skype-like P2P networking model for distributing messages that uses cryptographic techniques to identify the user and protect transit traffic from interception. Supports text messaging, voice communication, video calls and file transfer. The work is organized through a simple and typical for IM-clients graphical interface.

One of the key tasks of the project is to ensure the privacy and secrecy of correspondence, including protection from possible traffic analysis by special services. To ensure user addressing, a distributed hash table (DHT) is used, the work with which is organized in the style of BitTorrent. The communication channel is organized using an add-on over the UDP protocol with the implementation of the session layer (Lossless UDP).

To identify each user, a special public key is used, which is also used as a public key for encryption. Separately generated private key to decrypt messages encrypted using id / public key. To organize communications, a connection to a peer is required (each client of the network is a peer), which can be defined manually or found automatically (the function of finding peers in the local network is available).

Tox code is written in C and is licensed under the GPLv3 license. Linux, Windows and OS X platforms are supported. The libsodium library is used to organize encryption. The development functionality is still at the level of a series of test prototypes, a console client written using the ncurses library, and a graphical client based on Qt5.

In addition, GNU creates an alternative called GNU Free Call. This project aims to develop and implement secure and self-organizing communication services around the world. SIP will be used as the base protocol in GNU Free Call, which is supported by the GNU SIP Witch VoIP server. The communication network is built using P2P technologies and has a mesh network topology, in which each client point of the network is connected through neighboring client points. The ultimate goal of the project is to create a VoIP network that resembles Skype in terms of capabilities and usability.

On the technical side, for the implementation of the project in GNU SIP Witch, in addition to the function of routing SIP calls, support will be provided for working as a secure VoIP proxy, the ability to store the host cache and perform functions for exchanging routes with neighboring mesh network nodes will be added. VoIP proxy support will simplify building user interfaces and the creation of applications for mobile devices, as it will provide support for receiving and making calls from any SIP-compatible softphones.

The GNU Free Call client software will support a wide variety of different software platforms. The network will have a completely decentralized structure, not tied to separate control servers.

Social networks

To protect your private data from the impudent eyes of special services, you can use free protected counterparts. They, of course, have much less users - 15-year-old schoolgirls taking pictures with oiphones, but so much the better. And the more users understand the importance of the privacy of information, and this is where everything goes, the more of them will go to secure social networks.

One such network is Friendica. The project was started in 2011 by Mike McGrivin. Friendica - free social network open source hosted on GitHub. It provides a wide range of connectors for a variety of social networks: both traditional (Facebook, Twitter) and new (Diaspora, In addition, Friendica lets you exchange emails and read RSS feeds. If you make a photo private in Friendica, then it will actually be in private and no one (except, of course, the owner and the persons chosen by him) will be able to access it.

Currently, the development of the next version of the social network called Red (which from Spanish means "network") is underway. According to the authors, during the development of Friendica, the details were realized and the mechanisms for developing social networks were tested, so the next project will become even better and will be rid of the fundamental shortcomings of the first version.

Another secure social network we'll look at is Diaspora. This network based on three basic principles... Unlike traditional social networks, where data is stored in one data center, that is, centrally, in Diaspora, as in many products protected on the web, data is stored in a decentralized manner. In this case, the data is not stored on a central server, but on pods - the computers of those users who provided them for this purpose. The second principle is, of course, freedom, who could doubt? The third principle is secrecy. Nobody except you has access to your data, and who can view it, you define yourself by setting permissions. And they act globally, that is, no one will violate them.


As you can see, it makes no sense to rush into a panic because of total surveillance. There are secure solutions for all the usual services: e-mail, instant messaging, voice / video chat, social networks. If you use them, then no Big Brother (or a modest secret service) will get into your affairs. No one can stop the spread of information on the Internet! Use all the possibilities of the Web for your own purposes!

Internet communication methods

On the this moment in the world there are many sites for online communication, below are some popular sites:

From multilingual:

Google + (there is a Russian-language interface);

Facebook (there is a Russian-language interface);

Linkedln (there is a Russian-language interface);

Badoo (there is a Russian-language interface);

Myspace (there is a Russian-language interface);

Livejournal (there is a Russian-language interface);

Twitter (there is a Russian-language interface);

In contact with;


My [email protected];

With friends.

Types of communication on the Internet


The easiest and most accessible way to communicate on the web is e-mail. First email was received in 1971. But, despite such an honorable age, this system occupies far from the last place of Internet users.

Benefits of email:

Message forwarding speed;

The ability to ship not only text information, but also programs, graphics, sound as attached files;

The ability to deliver one letter to many recipients.

But e-mail also has such disadvantages as:

The need for a computer, Internet access, an electronic mailbox, as well as basic knowledge of managing PC software;

When sending a large number of attachments or large files, it may be more expedient to use regular mail.


The teleconference service dates back to 1979. Its difference from e-mail, which transfers messages from one user to another, news is transmitted from one user to several at once. Thus, many people can participate in the discussion of the topic of the teleconference, regardless of where they are located geographically.

Teleconferences are discussion groups in which users exchange by email, ask questions, answer them, exchange files, etc. newsgroups or newsgroups are sometimes also called interactive bulletin boards.

But since a huge number of messages are sent every day, one person is not able to not only read them all, but even view all the titles.

Therefore, each participant of the conference notes in advance what topics he is interested in, and receives messages only on these topics.

Types of teleconferences:

1. Open (accessible to everyone)

Closed (for the elite)

2. Moderated (controlled by a specific person - moderator)

Unmoderated (with arbitrarily ongoing discussion)

All famous conferences have a collection of frequently asked questions and answers to them FAQ (Frequently Asked / Answered Questions) and before subscribing to the newsgroup, you can read the contents of the FAQ.

Chat room

Chat, chatter (English chatter - to chat) - a means of exchanging messages over a computer network in real time, as well as software allowing to organize such communication. A characteristic feature is communication in real time or close to this, which distinguishes chat from forums and other "slow" means. That is, if you can write a question on the forum and wait until someone considers it necessary to answer it (at the same time, you can get several answers at once from different users), then in the chat, communication occurs only with those who are present in it at the moment, and the results of the exchange of messages may not be saved.

The word chat usually means group communication, although one-on-one text exchange can also be attributed to them through instant messaging programs, for example, XMPP, ICQ or even SMS (unusual to hear this, but this is a fact, SMS is a private example of chat).


The forum is intended to discuss one topic. Let's just say that it is like a club with some interests. Forums exist for programmers, for designers, for cat and dog lovers, for music lovers, etc.

While in the chat, we immediately answer the interlocutor to his message, but on the forum you can answer immediately, or you can give an answer after a while. To find out the address of the forum or the site where the forum is located, you need to use the search sites again.

Blogs. Virtual diaries

All the time while humanity exists, people keep their diaries and enter their experiences, observations, events that happen to them there. Different people write for different reasons. Some write for themselves, others for posterity.

Previously, all the diaries that people kept were paper, and now most of the users use virtual diaries. With the Internet at hand, everyone can keep their virtual diary absolutely free. In it, people write whatever they want: their thoughts, views on life, their experiences, etc. You can open your records for public review, or you can make them private.

Due to the fact that diaries are kept by many Internet users, certain interest groups began to form.

There is a club for each person with his interests on the Internet, no matter what he is fond of. In the user's diary, you can put personal photos, you can also read the diaries of other people and make comments on them.

Like other types of communication, Internet communication also has a number of some peculiar features. To identify these features, an initial study was carried out, which included observation, analysis of text messages, conversations with users of various Internet applications serving communication. In addition, a survey was conducted of network users aged 21 to 30 with higher and incomplete higher education of different sex and professional affiliation.

Based on the study, the following assumptions were made about the features of communication via the Internet:

1. Anonymity. This feature of communication via the Internet has a number of consequences. First, non-verbal means of communication lose their meaning in communication. Despite the fact that in text communication there is an opportunity to express your feelings using "emoticons", the physical absence of communication participants in the act of communication leads to the fact that feelings can not only be expressed, but also hidden, as well as feelings that the person is not experiencing at the moment. On the Internet, people are less often offended, because there it is pointless - you still cannot see how you are offended, on the Internet you can communicate with unattractive (externally) people, on the Internet you can talk on an equal footing with a person much older than you, and this does not interfere with communication. That is, on the Internet, as a result of the physical non-representation of communication partners to each other, a number of communication barriers are losing their significance.

Another important consequence of the physical lack of representation of a person in textual communication is the ability to create any impression about oneself of one's choice. In a virtual environment, it is possible to create any image for oneself, look whatever, be a creature of any gender of choice, therefore a person does not have any restrictions typical of the material world.

The anonymity of communication on the Internet enriches the possibilities of a person's self-presentation, giving him the opportunity not only to create an impression of himself of his choice, but also to be who he wants. That is, the features of communication on the Internet allow a person to construct their identity of their choice.

Despite the fact that it is sometimes possible to obtain some information of a personal nature and even a photograph of the interlocutor, they are not sufficient for a real and more or less adequate perception of a person. Due to such anonymity and impunity, another feature appears in the network associated with a decrease in psychological and social risk in the process of communication - affective liberation, non-normativity and some irresponsibility of the participants in communication. A person in the network can and does show greater freedom of speech and action (up to insults, obscene language, sexual harassment), since the risk of exposure and personal negative assessment by others is minimal.

  • 2. The originality of the flow of interpersonal perception processes in the absence of non-verbal information. As a rule, the mechanisms of stereotyping and identification, as well as setting as an expectation of the desired qualities in a partner, have a strong influence on the idea of ​​the interlocutor.
  • 3. Voluntary and desirable contacts. The user voluntarily makes contacts or leaves them, and can also interrupt them at any time.
  • 4. Difficulty in the emotional component of communication and, at the same time, a persistent desire for emotional content of the text, which is expressed in the creation of special icons to indicate emotions or in the description of emotions in words (in brackets after the main text of the message).
  • 5. The desire for atypical, abnormal behavior. Often, users imagine themselves from a different perspective than in the conditions of a real social norm, they play roles that are not realized in activities outside the network, scenarios, and abnormal behavior.

The reasons for turning to the Internet as a communication tool can be:

  • 1. Insufficient saturation of communication in real contacts. In such cases, users quickly lose interest in Internet communication if opportunities arise to meet the corresponding needs in real life.
  • 2. The possibility of realizing personality traits, playing roles, experiencing emotions that, for one reason or another, are not realized in everyday life.

These are far from all the reasons people turn to the Internet as a means of communication, because each person has some personal reason to turn to this source of communication.