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Drivers are installed with signature verification disabled. What is windows driver digital signature and how can I disable it? Create a self-signed certificate and private key

In Windows 10, one of the most modern operating systems, by default the security system works in such a way that it blocks the installation of questionable programs, including drivers that are not digitally signed. On the one hand, this seems to be good, since such a signature is a guarantee of the security of the installation file and the installed software. On the other hand, this is a real problem for owners of outdated, but functional equipment, the drivers of which were released a long time ago and do not have such a signature. Unfortunately, the system does not understand this and begins, as they say, to put a spoke in the wheels (although the drivers themselves are official).

This is where you need to enable the installation mode of unsigned drivers in Windows 10. For this, you can use at least three simple methods, which are offered for consideration. Each of them is good in its own way and should not cause any particular difficulties in application for any user.

Installing unsigned drivers in Windows 10: using system boot settings

So the first and easiest way is to go to the Start Menu for Special Boot Options. You can activate it through the process of rebooting the system while pressing Shift keys or use the options menu and the update and security section for this, where the restore item is selected, and the immediate restart button is pressed on the right in the window.

In both cases, you will have to navigate through the menu for selecting an action, diagnostics and additional settings until the user gets to the coveted boot options menu. But you have to be patient.

Finally, the installation of unsigned drivers in Windows 10 can be resolved by activating the seventh step by pressing the F7 key (the line explicitly states disabling signature checks). After that, all that remains is to boot in normal mode and install any driver that does not have a signature.

How to allow installation of unsigned Windows 10 drivers through Group Policy?

An equally effective tool can be called and the use of change permissions in. You can call it through the usual console "Run" command gpedit.msc.

Here, through the sections of administrative templates and systems, you need to go to the driver installation menu, and on the right, use the digital signature parameter of the device driver. In Windows 10, the installation of unsigned drivers (NVIDIA, for example) can be activated by entering the editing of the specified parameter, in the settings window of which the disable line is highlighted (meaning the deactivation of the constant scan requirement). After that, as in all other cases of applying such settings, it is necessary to restart the system, after which any driver (if, of course, it is compatible with the system) can be installed without any problems.

Using the command line to disable signature verification

Finally, the installation of unsigned drivers in Windows 10 can be activated via the command line (cmd), which must be run with system administrator privileges.

In the console itself, you need to register two lines shown in the image above. The system then reboots. If it is necessary to return to the normal mode with activated checking, for the second command, instead of the “ON” value, “OFF” is set with a mandatory restart at the end of the execution.

Instead of a total

As you can see, installing unsigned drivers in Windows 10, or rather, deactivating the check for digital signatures is not so difficult. In principle, all presented methods are absolutely equivalent to each other. It was possible, of course, to recommend some more actions in system registry, but this is completely optional, since they are all duplicated in group policies. In addition, the registry has a higher priority in terms of the parameters being set.

If you change the values ​​of the keys in it, you will not be able to return the settings in the policies. And the search process itself required entries looks slightly more complex than the procedures used in Group Policy. Therefore, it is for these reasons this way was not considered. Well, and which option to use is up to the user himself. Although none of them is particularly difficult.

As a rule, disabling driver signature verification in Windows 10 is necessary when the downloaded device driver does not have a digital signature that confirms the security of the program. Driver signing ensures that the file is from a trusted source and is not a virus.

It is not always safe to install drivers without a digital signature, but there are situations when this is the only way. For example, the driver may simply not have been tested for compatibility with your version of Windows. In this article, you will learn how to disable driver signature in Windows 10.

Disable Windows 10 driver signature verification for one time

This method allows you to disable driver signature verification one time, until the next computer restart. That is, they turned off the verification, installed the driver, rebooted Windows and that's it, the signature verification service is working again.

Click on the "Start" menu and go to " Windows settings"(Gear icon).

Go to the "Update and Security" section.

Go to the "Recovery" tab and in the "Special boot options" section click "Restart now".

Next, go to the "Boot Options" item.

You will see a menu with a choice of boot options for Windows 10. Click on the item "Disable mandatory driver signature verification".

You can either click with the mouse on this item, or simply press the F7 key on your keyboard. After that, you will boot Windows 10 without checking the driver signatures, and you can safely carry out the installation. The next time you boot the computer, signature verification will work again.

Disable Windows 10 Driver Signature Verification Permanently

If there are three solutions, how can you disable driver signature verification permanently.

Disable through Group Policy.

Disable signature verification through the editor group policy possible only in Windows versions 10 Professional. If you have a home version, then the method described in the next chapter of this article will suit you.

Start the Windows 10 Local Group Policy Editor. To do this, click right click on the start menu and left-click on the "Run" item. Or just press the Win + R key combination.

Write gpedit.msc in the window that opens and press OK or Enter.

In the group policy editor that opens, go to the following registry branches: "User Configuration" - "Administrative Templates" - "System" - "Driver Installation". Double click on the line on the right "Digital signature of device drivers".

In this setting, you can choose two options in which you solve your problem with verifying the driver signature. By default, the setting is in the "not specified" state. If you enable the setting, select the "skip" subsetting. In this case, if Windows finds a driver file without a digital signature, it will still allow you to install it. You can also explicitly select "disabled" and in this state the check will be disabled in principle.

After you have changed the settings click on "Apply" and "OK". After restarting the computer, driver signature verification will not be performed. If you need to return the verification of driver signatures again, you will have to return to this menu and select the setting state "enabled" and "block".

Disconnect via command line

Disabling command line driver signature verification has a limitation. This feature is only available if your computer is running BIOS. If you have UEFI, then you must first disable Secure Boot.

The procedure is as follows. Right-click on the start menu and open a command prompt with administrator rights.

In the command prompt that opens, enter the following command and press Enter.

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

Now enter the second command and press Enter as well.
bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

After the commands are completed (as in the screenshot above), restart your computer. Verification of driver signatures will be disabled, but in the lower right corner of the screen there will always be a sign about the test mode Windows work 10.

To remove it, you need to open a command line with administrator rights and type the following line there:

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

Disconnect via safe mode and bcedit

This proven method is, in my opinion, the most convenient. Start your computer in.

Right-click on the Start menu and launch Command Prompt with administrator rights.

At the command prompt, enter the following line: bcdedit.exe / set nointegritychecks on and press Enter. Restart your computer, then signature verification will be disabled.

To re-enable verification, do the same operations, but insert the line bcdedit.exe / set nointegritychecks off.

Learning to turn off Windows 10 driver signature verification can expand your options for connecting additional hardware. But don't forget that it can harm your PC!

What is driver digital signature on Windows 10 and what is it for

CPU - special props electronic document or a label sewn into the program. It allows you to uniquely identify the owner. When it comes to drivers, its main purpose is to determine whether it is licensed and whether any changes have been made to it.
The digital signature is used not only to combat piracy in IT, but also to protect users from hacking, attacks and other troubles associated with the digital environment. Windows 10 developers have prudently built into the OS automatic analysis of all downloaded and installed content.

Disable Windows 10 Driver Signature Verification

Before you turn off the digital signature of Windows 10 drivers, assess the safety of your actions. Are you sure of the source from where you are downloading and installing new software? If so, we offer different options.

Method 1. Boot Windows 10.

This only works once. On the next reboot, digital signature verification will be enabled again. So what needs to be done:

Method 2. Command line.

Here you can turn off verification permanently. Follow these steps:

Everything should work. In the lower right corner, you will constantly see a reminder that verification is disabled.
You can turn the check back on with the command bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF.

Method 3. Local Group Policy Editor.

This method is suitable only for owners of Windows 10 pro, since you cannot disable digital signature verification using the editor in the home version - it is simply absent there. If you have an extended version, do the following:

So, we looked at how to disable mandatory driver signature verification in Windows 10. different ways... We would like to remind you once again that all these actions put your computer at risk. Therefore, be very careful.

Have a great day!

Hello dear readers.

Each computer user, connecting a new removable device, wants it to fully perform its functions. For this, it is necessary to place in the system the corresponding software... Later in the article I will describe how to install unsigned drivers in Windows 10. There are several methods.

general information

Microsoft is committed to the various programs offered by developers around the world. The list also includes drivers for various equipment, be it a printer, mobile phone p780, cameras or something else. If the software has successfully passed all the tests, the IT giant puts its own digital marker on it - a certificate.

This element acts as a guarantee indicating the authenticity of the application. In turn, such a move allows you to secure operating system from malicious code. Any technologies that have accompanying signed drivers simply sync with Windows x64 or 32.

But from time to time, users may come across already outdated elements that are still capable of performing the functions prescribed to them. And it often happens that there is simply no provision for such devices with an appropriate marker. At the same time, the operating system itself refuses to host such software.

Fortunately, there are several ways to deal with this problem.


So, in order to bypass the installation protection system for signed solutions only, you need to perform a number of actions:

You can now install unsigned drivers. To restore the previous parameters, you just need to reboot the OS again.

It is worth noting that a different method is used to enter the parameters here - there is no need to enter anywhere through "F8" and then do a lot of movements.

Command line

It is worth clarifying right away that this method is suitable for devices that use BIOS. If the computer has a UEFI interface, first you need to disable such a function in it as " Secure boot».

So, to solve the problem, we perform several actions:

Global Policy Editor

Important! It should be said right away that this method will not work on the home version.

To achieve the goal, we do the following:

After that, users will be able to install software without the appropriate data, even through the update center. And if you configure it to work in automatic mode, users will not need to strain at all.

Owners of wonderful PCs and laptops with the new 10 are already faced with the fact that a driver with a Windows 10 digital signature is required. Microsoft has greatly tightened the system in terms of protection - now you cannot supply anything without a digital signature. Sometimes there is a need to disable the digital signature verification of Windows 10 drivers. We're not looking for easy ways. Most often, we need exactly that program or device that does not have any signs of a license. And how often do we download from the Internet what kind people have posted?

Attention! Remove protection carefully, as the Internet is a source of danger. You can inadvertently accept the download from the site, or it will be hidden. Then your PC will be attacked by a virus. So changing the security settings can lead to disastrous consequences.

How to disable digitally signing drivers in windows 10

There are three ways. Actually four, but the last one is not for everyone.

Option 1 - temporary shutdown

Valid until the first reboot. This means that as soon as you turn off the computer, all settings will be removed and the operating system will return to its original state. In principle, this is enough for the installation in the current session. But when you turn on the computer again, the system will be protected. So, we follow the instructions:

  1. Press the button in the lower left corner of the screen and look for the gear icon. This is a call to the "Computer Settings" window.

  1. Next, we need to ensure that the OS is not loaded the usual way, but in a special version. Windows gives you a lot of control. Now we need the item "Update and Security", which is responsible for protecting the system.
  2. Find it in a new window "Recovery".
  3. Here we will be offered, among other things, Special download options.
  4. See the Reload button? Click and you will see 9 ways to boot your OS.

  1. The list will appear at the start of the download. We need to select the item "Troubleshooting" from the proposed list. Here you can roll back the system to its original state if something went wrong.
  2. But now we need the "Boot Options". It is in them that the possibility of turning off is located.
  3. You will see a long list of different options. Here and, and debugging - whatever your heart desires to command your system. What we need is at number 7.

  1. The selection can be made using the keyboard - 7 or F7.
  2. And now the download begins in the correct mode for us - the prohibition of digital signatures.

When the computer boots up, digital signatures will no longer be checked. Until the next shutdown, of course.

Option 2 - on an ongoing basis

You can also disable mandatory verification of the digital signature of drivers in Windows 10 so that there are no checks at all until you roll back. This is great if you are constantly installing something. This method is simpler, although at first glance it doesn't look like that:

  1. First you need to find out what BIOS mode you have on your computer: WIN + X and then Control Panel> System and Security> Administrative Tools> System Information.

  1. If you have UEFI, disable the Secure Boot OS legitimacy utility. It prohibits loading a system that has not confirmed its legality. You need to enter BIOS. Reload the computer and on the first screen (it will be black) you will see which button allows you to enter the settings on your PC. Press it. In the Security tab, find the Secure Boot option and mark disabled next to it. Save and exit.
  2. Remember what to do to?

  1. Go to the system32 folder, where this program is located. First look at where you are. If on the command line you have any path like C: \ USERS \ HOME, then you need to change the path:
    1. We type c: and press Enter. We switched to drive C.
    2. Now we type Cd twice. This is the command to move one level up.
    3. We need to go to the Windows folder. We type Cd Windows.
    4. Then everything is already simple: Cd system32
  2. There is a simpler option: open the system32 folder on the C drive in the Windows folder. And find the cmd.exe file in it. That's what it is command line... Then you will immediately get the right path.
  3. Now we start to edit the OS boot configuration. V system folder Windows contains the BCDEDIT.exe file - Boot Configuration Data. We prohibit the verification of the digital signature by specifying the parameters:

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS \

  1. Then press ENTER and load the test boot mode.

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

After rebooting, you will see a warning. It will hang in front of your eyes, reminding you that the protection is not working. Windows 10 driver digital signature verification will be disabled permanently.

How else can you allow windows 10 to install unsigned drivers through the command line:

  1. Go to safe mode... To do this, go to the special load again and press 4 (see screenshot 3).
  2. Now type: exe / set nointegritychecks on. Please note - there should be a space after the file name and it should not be between the slash and the command! And do not forget that the command line is loaded on behalf of the administrator, otherwise you may not have enough rights to execute the code.
  3. And reboot again.

You should now be able to install the unsigned driver on Windows 10.

Option 4 - Another way to boot without verifying the digital signature of Windows 10 drivers

However, the HOME (home) version does not support it, only PRO.

  1. Press WIN + R and type gpedit.msc in the Run window. The Local Group Policy Editor window will open. Here you can manage your system and users.
  2. Select "User Configuration", then "Administrative Templates", "System", "Driver Installation".
  3. Double click on the option "Digitally sign device drivers".

  1. Select Disabled, or under If Windows detects an unsigned driver file select Ignore.

  1. Reboot.

Now you can use any device, even if it has a windows 10 unsigned driver. For example, a tuner. And if you have any problems with the image, then on our website you can read how .

If you are interested in how you can save computer resources, we suggest reading about.

How do I digitally sign drivers back?

Use the command:

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

You will get out of test mode... Then we turn on the check with the command

bcdedit.exe / set loadoptions ENABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS