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Troubleshooting laptop won't turn on. Bad server bridge. To cope with this task you need

A laptop is Personal Computer, which contains the display, keyboard, typical PC components, touchpad and battery. Differs in its small size, as well as the ability autonomous work up to several hours in a row.

For the first time the idea of ​​creating such a device was put forward by Alan Kay in 1968, head of the research laboratory at Xerox. The very first laptop in the world called the Grid Compass was created 11 years later specifically for NASA. Of course, when compared to current models, it was incredibly weak, but, nevertheless, with its help they worked on the creation of the Space Shuttle ("space shuttle"). Two years later, the "civilian" model Osborne 1 with a weight of 11 kg saw the light - it was sold at a price of $ 1795. However, the company soon went bankrupt.

Laptops are currently a serious competitor to desktop PCs and have many advantages over the latter. For example, they are small in size and weigh little, do not require the connection of many third-party devices (for example, a monitor), and allow you to work autonomously. At the same time, they also have disadvantages in the form of low maximum productivity, limited modernization and relatively high cost. This, however, has practically no effect on the sale of these devices.

Reasons why the laptop does not turn on

Let's imagine that you decide to turn on your favorite laptop, but in response to this action, it does not give any signals at all. Faults can be different, we will tell you about the most popular ones in more detail today.

  • First. If we are talking about the fact that the laptop does not turn on, then it does not show signs of life at all, representing a large piece of plastic. First of all, you need to pay attention to the battery, in all likelihood it just sat down. If turning on does not occur even when the power supply is connected to the network, then you must remove the battery and try to turn on the devices again. If everything works, then the problem is in the battery - you may have to look for a replacement. True, it is needed only if you prefer to work autonomously. The rest of the time, you can work from the network.
  • It is much worse if the power supply burns out or the cord is frayed somewhere, because it is not always easy to check. There is only one way out - to go to the store for new components, but if the problem is in something else, then you just leave 1500-2000 rubles in the store.
  • Let's say we found out that the matter is not in the battery and the power supply - what then? There are many variations: malfunctions in the motherboard, burned-out power microcircuit, short circuit in power circuits or bridges, and so on. You can find out on your own only if you are a high-profile specialist, so we recommend that you contact the service center for help. True, the cost of repairs can be very high, which you should probably be informed about in advance.

The laptop turns on, but ...

  • Not fully loaded. In this case, when you press the Power button, the indicators for buttons such as Num lock and Caps lock, the cooler spins without stopping at high speeds, while the monitor does not light up, and further loading is suspended. This may be due to problems with the BIOS, memory, processor, or a non-working north bridge.
  • Reboots at the stage of BIOS initialization. It is difficult to say what exactly caused the problem, but this may be due to a lack of power supply, overheating of the processor, loose fit of the heatsink, due to a large amount of dust inside the case, overheating of the south bridge, or problems in the BIOS.
  • Reboots when the operating system boots. This is probably due to a malfunction in the operating system itself, which can be caused, say, by the effects of viruses. What can be done? Experts recommend using boot floppy and use it to try to restore the system. If you do not know how to do this, then you can simply reinstall the system, especially since it is not so difficult to do this, but some of the files valuable to you may disappear.
  • No boot from hard disk(not to be confused with the previous paragraph!). The defect is expressed in the following: the system generates an error, it can constantly reboot, hang on the BIOS boot screen, show dark screen along with the cursor. Accordingly, the cause may be overheating of the south bridge or a malfunction in the hard drive. However, the problem may also be in the BIOS settings.
  • There is no image. If the laptop turns on, you hear boot sounds, and the image itself is so dim that it is barely visible, then the breakdown is associated with the matrix backlight lamp, or with the microcircuit that is responsible for supplying voltage to this lamp. But if the screen is completely black, that is, it really does not show anything, then the matter is in the matrix, video chip or matrix cable.

What to do?

First you need to find out the cause of the problem, if, of course, you can do it yourself. Then you need to find out the cost of repairs and, accordingly, decide whether it is worth spending money on it - it may be easier to buy new laptop? But we would not recommend panicking ahead of time, because in many cases you can get rid of the problem with your own hands (for example, reinstalling the operating system).

What if your laptop won't turn on after a couple of years of active use? Earlier we have already considered the reasons, (stationary, regular computer), and today we will look at the main reasons why the laptop does not turn on. Firstly, do not worry, because sooner or later this can happen with any laptop for a number of reasons, and secondly, in this article you will read about how you can fix this problem with your own hands and continue working.

There are many reasons why your laptop won't turn on. Most of them can be associated with technical problems of the computer, which can be easily solved by fixing the laptop with your own hands, or with the help of a specialist, and those associated with a failure in the settings in the laptop itself. The problem with the settings can be easily fixed by yourself, while the technical problems generally need to be fixed in service center.
So, the main task for you is to determine the cause of the malfunction. Having correctly identified why the laptop does not turn on, you can fix it much faster, or give it to a specialist on time without harming him. We can say for sure that if your laptop does not react at all to the power button, does not make noise and does not even light up the screen - the problem is definitely related to malfunctions in the laptop itself. It may be necessary to replace or repair something by the hands of a master. But, if your laptop boots, and then strange things suddenly start to happen to it: it constantly reboots, freezes, etc., then be prepared for the fact that, most likely, you will have to go into the BIOS settings, use special programs, and change something.

1. If your laptop simply does not turn on and does not make any noise

Most of the problems in which the laptop does not show any signs of life at all are related to the power problem. First, you need to check if there is voltage in the outlet where you insert the laptop power plug. This can be done either with a special device or by looking at a laptop adapter. If it is connected, then a green light will be on it.

It often happens that the wires, i.e. the laptop power supply is so worn out that when plugged into an outlet, the laptop does not receive power from it at all. If it seemed to you that the laptop does not turn on for this very reason, try to check where the contact does not work, then try connecting any other suitable adapter to the laptop, or buy a new one.

Very valuable advice - if you want to avoid problems with connectors, wires, then first connect the cord to the laptop, and then just insert the plug into the outlet. This will help you avoid sparks and mini-circuits, which can be very damaging to your contacts and shorten the life of your laptop.

There may also be situations in which the light on the adapter is on, and the laptop still does not show signs of life. In this case, it is recommended that you remove the battery from the charger, then reinsert it and plug the laptop into a power outlet. Also try to disconnect from your laptop various devices, for example, an adapter for the Internet, etc., since the problem of not turning on your laptop may be in these devices.

When you have disconnected all the devices, press the power key of the laptop, and then connect each device in turn. If, for example, connecting the adapter for the Internet, your computer suddenly turns off - the problem lies in the adapter itself.

If your laptop is still under warranty, you should not do the repair yourself, but it is recommended that you immediately contact a special service center. There they will either fix it, or replace it with a new one, or return the money.

So, above were listed the most common ways why the laptop does not turn on, as well as how you can eliminate the cause of the breakdown yourself. With these methods, you did not need to disassemble the laptop, as well as enter any programs or settings. But, if you have not managed to revive your laptop, then this is not the problem and it requires a more professional approach to solving it. The most difficult problems are those associated with motherboard, contacts inside the laptop itself, as well as with the basic settings in the BIOS.

2. The laptop screen is off, but the fans inside are making noise

In this case, most likely the problems are not related to the operation of the laptop itself, but to the monitor. To do this, you need to find out which keys on your laptop are responsible for backlighting (increasing the brightness) of the screen. This usually requires clamping function key Fn, and while holding it down, press the key with the image of the sun and the up arrow (this, as a rule, is the button to increase the brightness).

You can determine that the problem lies precisely in the screen when you try to connect your laptop to any other external monitor or screen. If your laptop screen shows strange images of some characters or various multi-colored artifacts, and you see a normal picture on the external screen, the problem is definitely in the laptop screen. Video card problem is the most common problem, especially for those who like to play computer video games. Very often video cards overheat and fail due to poor cooling, heavy dust or dirt, etc.

There are many ventilation holes in the laptop. Those users who like to sit at the computer, holding it on their knees, on a blanket, etc. more likely to break down the computer due to dust and overheating. V computer stores you can purchase a dedicated cooling pad for your laptop. There are quite a few laptops on the market right now, and if you love playing video games, you should choose the laptop with the strongest and most powerful graphics card. Even if it seems to you that your laptop will run any game, you should not install it unless the manufacturer himself has indicated that this model laptop video card is suitable for games.

You always need to keep an eye on the temperature of your graphics card. This will prolong the life of your computer and save you from unexpected problems. If it seems to you that the laptop does not turn on precisely because of problems with the video card, try turning it off or just turning it off if it is discrete (it can be turned off and there is a separate built-in video card).

If this method did not help you determine the exact cause, your laptop may have serious problems with the processor, BIOS firmware, motherboard, etc.

3. What to do if your laptop turns on, but incomprehensible inscriptions appear on the screen and it freezes

If your laptop displays any information about the computer at boot time, and then it emits an incomprehensible squeak, or an error message appears on the screen, then the problem most likely may be related to the BIOS settings. To fix this problem, simply reset all settings to default. All laptops have different settings, but, in the BIOS, most likely you can find the phrase: "Load BIOS Defaults", then you will need to exit and save the settings using the button: "Save Settings and Exit".

Very often, after exiting the BIOS, the system will ask you to press any button to continue working and boot the computer. Do not be afraid to do this - press. This step may just mean that the battery, which is in the motherboard, will soon need to be replaced. You can have it replaced at a service center if your laptop is still under warranty.

Still, there are even more serious problems associated with why the laptop does not turn on. If before that you could solve all the problems with your own hands, then there are problems that require serious intervention. For example, problems with the hard drive or RAM.

If you are quite well versed not only in laptops, but also in computers themselves, then by listening to the noise emitted by a laptop, you can immediately determine if it is in working order. HDD your computer or not. If the hard drive is broken, then, most likely, you will hear from the sound that it is trying to start, and it starts to emit crackling, rattling from time to time, while the image on the laptop screen may freeze.

If you think that the problem may arise due to violations in the RAM, then, provided that your laptop has access to its trims, try very carefully to clean the contacts. If cleaning the contacts did not lead to anything, then try connecting memory modules one by one, if there are several of them on your laptop, and then try turning on the computer again. On laptops with only one bar, you can try inserting it into an adjacent slot.

4. What to do if your laptop still won't turn on, or keeps restarting.

If your laptop starts to reboot even before the Windows startup splash screen appears, this means that you are facing a very serious technical problem related to overheating of the south bridge. This could be because a short circuit has occurred. This problem is most likely related to a breakdown in the USB channel.

Also, the computer may endlessly restart or shutdown if the processor is clogged with dust, or the heatsink does not fit tightly to the processor and does not cool it well. This problem can also be associated with low fan speeds.

If the problem lies in the power supply of the laptop, it is easy to determine by the fact that a few minutes after turning it on, the laptop turns off, and until you put it back on to charge it, it will not turn on. This problem occurs in laptops that have been in use for several years, and the battery inside it ceases to hold a charge. And this is natural, because sooner or later you will have to change the battery.

5. Error when starting from boot device

If, when you turn on your computer, various inscriptions appear on the screen on English language, which indicate that an error occurs when loading the operating system (for example, the message "Error loading operating system" appears when loading), try removing the flash drive, disk and reboot again. If this method turned out to be useless, then, most likely, there is a problem with your hard disk - either the disk is physically faulty (mechanical damage), or is faulty software disk.

If you think that the laptop does not turn on precisely because of this, try reinstalling Windows, but if this step did not lead to anything, it means that the whole point is precisely in technical problem(physical damage to the disk).

If your laptop boots successfully, but immediately after that, you see a black or blue background on the screen, on which errors are written, this also indicates that the laptop has technical problems.

In this case, you should reinstall Windows (or, if you made backups of the operating system, restore Windows from this backup). Perhaps after that there will be no problems with the laptop. If you don't want to take the time to do this, you can first try starting Windows with bootable USB... If this method fails, take your laptop to repair or service center.

One of the most common problems with which a computer service is called is the problem with turning on the laptop. What if you turn on your computer and see a black screen? In this article, we will try to highlight all the reasons why the laptop stopped turning on. At first, it may seem that the problem is very serious, requiring the intervention of an experienced specialist. In fact, often such problems are associated with the usual carelessness of the user and are solved quite simply.

All problems can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  • The computer shuts down by itself.
  • The computer shuts down during the game or displays a black screen.

The computer shuts down by itself

Your laptop battery is out of order... Your laptop may work properly, but at one point a black screen may appear or it may stop turning on, what should I do? Most often, the reason is that the battery has exhausted its resource. The solution to this problem is simply to replace it. If you do not have this opportunity now, then you can simply pull it out and reinsert it into your laptop. It is possible that the battery will charge and work again (albeit not for long). Alternatively, you can simply remove your battery and plug it into power, in which case your laptop will run on electricity.

Conflict with external media... It often happens that a laptop does not turn on due to the fact that a flash drive, camera, camcorder is connected to it ... Or the computer screen instantly goes out when the specified devices are connected ... In this case, you must disconnect external media and try to turn on your device.

Motherboard problem... The motherboard is the most important component of any computer. The damage to her death is similar. This often happens due to careless handling of the laptop, blows to it ... In this case, doing something yourself is useless and the only solution to the problem is to replace it.

Bad contacts... This problem occurs when you have no battery in your laptop. A common problem in this case is bad contacts... Make sure all wires are firmly attached to the computer. It is also worth checking the health of the outlet.

Component problem... Most often this is overheating of the processor or video card. The reasons can be different, but the most common is the dusty laptop. To prevent this problem, it is necessary to clean the laptop from dust at least once every six months. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better not to do any actions yourself, but to entrust the matter to professionals.

Malicious software can block your computer... Symptoms are simple: the computer restarts on startup or displays a black screen instead of the desktop. computer There are three ways to solve this problem. The first is to go into safe mode and scan your computer with an antivirus from there. The best option here is Dr Web Cureit. The second way is to "roll back" the system at the moment when it was in good working order. This method is guaranteed to save you from almost all problems that are associated with the inability to turn on the computer (except for hardware).
The third way is banal reinstalling windows... The most common way to solve problems, which, however, has some disadvantages.

Driver problem... After installing the driver, did the computer turn off or show a black screen? Most likely, the matter is in the driver. In the best way The solution to the problem will be reinstalling the driver or rolling back the system. Steps: Start> Control Panel> All Control Panel Items> Recovery> Run System Restore.

The system file has been damaged or deleted... May be the result of user action or a virus. System reinstallation or rollback helps.

Registry problem... Over time, the registry becomes polluted with unnecessary junk, as a result of which, the laptop may slow down or periodically malfunction. In this case, it is necessary to roll back the system. It is also necessary to regularly make copies of the registry.

Bios problem... What to do? This problem can be solved by resetting the settings. This will cause the Bios to return to its original state and the computer will start up normally again. After you have pressed the button to turn on the computer, immediately press the button to enter the Bios (it is different for different operating systems). Wait a little. Then press the F9 key (reset Bios settings) and press Enter (confirm the reset). If the problem was in Bios, then your computer is guaranteed to start, if not, then the problem is in something else.

Computer shuts down while playing

It so happens that we start the game and the laptop turns off, or instead of our favorite shooter we see a black screen in front of us. What to do and what are the causes of the breakdown?

  • The most common cause is excessive stress on the power supply. Very often "hard games" are to blame. If you are sure that the point is not in the game, but in the power supply itself, then you need to replace it with a better one.

  • Processor problem. When we run any demanding game, the load on the processor increases many times over, a black screen may appear. Accordingly, if the temperature sensors detect an excess temperature on the computer, then the protection mode is triggered and your computer simply turns off. Most likely, your cooling system is outdated. The best option is replacing the CPU cooler.

Ways to check your computer for faults.

Is your computer working properly and you do not have the problems we mentioned above? Do not rush to rejoice, because often the computer is full of system errors that have not yet manifested themselves. In order to make sure personally that the computer works without problems, it is necessary to check for an error.

There are several ways:

  • Check the computer without the help of extraneous software. Go to "my computer", then right click click on the hard disk, select "service" and check the disk for errors. This check allows you to detect most errors and fix them. However, this is by no means a panacea, since some errors may still be present in the system.

For technical moments of diagnosing a malfunction, see the video:

If your laptop refuses to turn on, then there may be several reasons. But first you need to decide on the concept "does not turn on." If when you press (or hold down the power button) while the charger is connected, the laptop does not start, that is, you cannot hear the fan turn on, the screen remains black, then this means that the laptop does not turn on. In other cases, for example, when the screen remains black and you hear the noise of a working fan, your laptop has turned on, but there are other problems with displaying images, etc. We'll look at both options.

The laptop does not turn on and shows no signs of life

Let's say that the laptop does not respond in any way when it is turned on. Why is this happening and what to do in this case? First you need to make sure that the power supply system is working properly. Usually, there is a led indicator charge. If the indicator is on, then the power is most likely supplied to the device normally. If you do not have a power indicator or it does not light up, then you need to make sure that the charger is working properly, for example, by connecting it to another laptop or by measuring the voltage at the plug being connected. In the latter case, you will need a special device - a multimeter, which you must be able to use. Of course, the best option is to connect a guaranteed working "charger" tested on other computers.

By excluding Charger from the list possible reasons malfunctions, check battery... Often, due to its malfunction, the laptop does not turn on even when the power source is connected. Remove the laptop battery, press and hold the power button for one minute. In this case, the charger should not be connected to the laptop. Without inserting the battery, connect the charger to the laptop and try to turn on the laptop. If it does not start, then the power module on the motherboard may be faulty or there is a short circuit in the power circuit and even an incorrect BIOS firmware motherboard... It is almost impossible to diagnose and eliminate such malfunctions without special equipment, therefore, in this case, there is a direct road to a laptop repair service center.

Another likely reason that the laptop won't turn on is a malfunction of the power button itself. Its contact group or the lead-in loop may become unusable. On many models laptop computers when pressed, the button is also highlighted. Therefore, if the power indicator of the laptop is on and the battery is definitely working, and the button does not respond in any way to pressing, then the matter may be in it. In this case, you will have to contact the workshop.

The laptop turns on - the screen is black

If your laptop nevertheless turns on, but the screen remains black, then this indicates a malfunction in the computer hardware. Moreover, such a malfunction does not occur instantly, of course, if you did not drop the laptop or subject it to strong mechanical stress. Failure of a backlight lamp or matrix inverter is usually accompanied by screen flickering, as well as uneven backlighting. These signs already indicate that the display may stop working soon.

Other reasons may be the failure of the RAM, as an option, the incorrect installation of the memory strip into the slot. RAM needs to be tested with special program e.g. Memtest86 +. Wrong work processor or northbridge, errors in the BIOS firmware are the reasons why a laptop can start with a black screen. Also pay attention to the CapsLock and NumLock indicators, they often start blinking in a certain way, indicating a particular hardware problem in your laptop. You can decode such signals on the device manufacturer's website.

If at the initial stage of loading, some information is displayed on the screen, but then the display goes blank, then the problem is probably related to the inability to initialize the BIOS. This malfunction is caused by the components of the laptop, in particular, the chip of the south bridge, the processor (in this case, reboots occur some time after the laptop is turned on). Power outages can also affect BIOS performance, especially when the battery is dead. If the issue of overheating can be solved by replacing the cooler, then it is better to entrust the search and elimination of problems with the BIOS firmware and other hardware faults to a specialized service center.

Another symptom that the user may encounter is the laptop freezing after turning on. In this case, the computer does not respond to keystrokes on the keyboard. Such cases are often encountered when there are problems with the hard disk or with the operating system itself. To diagnose the hard drive, you need to perform a special test, for example, with the HDDScan program. Testing will check the integrity sectors of hard disk. It is also necessary to check the correctness of its connection. The failed south bridge may also be the culprit.

Software problems

This kind of problem can be attributed to the category "laptop does not turn on" with a stretch, since, in fact, the computer starts up, but questions arise about the installed software. This is a separate big topic. But still, let's briefly go over the possible symptoms and solutions to problems.

If the reason lies in the area of ​​software, then the first thing to try is to run operating system in safe mode. Usually for this before starting Windows boot you need to press F8 and select the boot option from the proposed list. Click " Safe mode". If in this mode the laptop starts up normally and no freezes occur, then you should check the computer for viruses. Also, if you installed any software before the problems appeared, especially drivers, then they must be removed.

If, after all the manipulations in the normal boot mode, freezes or reboots still occur, then it is necessary to check the integrity of the operating system files. To do this, you need to install a disc with the original OS image into the drive and run in command line the SFC / SCANNOW command. According to the results of the scan, damaged system files will be automatically restored.

The radical and most recent solution to problems with the operating system will be a complete reinstallation. Do not forget to do backup important files stored on the system drive.

Typically, most laptop hardware problems are best diagnosed and fixed at a service center. But with software bugs experienced users to cope quite well.

Determining why a laptop does not work or why its screen does not turn on, the initialization system does not start, is not so easy.

We will consider several possible causes of these problems. Knowing at least roughly the essence of the problem, you can plan the costs of eliminating them.

The laptop does not work: malfunctions and their causes

We note right away that depending on the breakdown, the cost of repairing a laptop can result in a very substantial amount. Moreover, in some cases (for example, in the event of a malfunction of the bridges), no one can guarantee you that after some time the problematic element will not break down again. Therefore, before ordering a repair, first carefully weigh the pros and cons. In some cases, buy a new laptop, or better yet stationary computer it will be more expedient.

Laptop won't turn on at all

That is, after pressing the power button, you do not see any characteristic reaction of the gadget: the computer does not make any sounds, those indicators, lamps that usually light up when turned on, do not light up.

In this case, the problem may be caused by a defective battery. To verify this, remove the battery from the computer and then reconnect it to an electrical outlet. If the device works, then the reason is really in the battery. Replace it.

Also, the laptop may not turn on due to a malfunction of the motherboard. Diagnose this problem only a specialist can. The problem may also lie in the breakdown of the power supply. You can check this by connecting another suitable unit. Finally, the problem may arise due to a malfunction BIOS chips or if the BIOS firmware has flown. The laptop will also not turn on if the power connector is damaged, the multicontroller is out of order, there is a short circuit in the power circuit and in the north / south bridges.

Initialization process does not start

Initialization is what happens to the computer until the moment your operating system logo appears on the screen. If, after switching on, the laptop shows "signs of life" (buzzing, lights are on, the keyboard backlight turns on, etc.), but initialization does not take place, then the problem may be damage to the north bridge, BIOS faults, processor or memory problems.

Laptop shuts down or initiates a BIOS reboot

If the computer shuts down on its own or the BIOS reboots, then the south bridge, the processor may overheat, or there are some problems in the BIOS itself. You can also assume a malfunction of the power supply (if the battery is discharged, then the computer, accordingly, will not be able to turn on), a malfunction of the cooling system, in which the gadget will overheat and turn off.

The laptop does not go beyond loading the BIOS

After turning on, the computer gives an error saying that the disk is not a system one, freezes on BIOS splash screen or it gives out such a black screen with a blinking cursor, which is so terrible for any user.

In this case, we can talk about problems with the hard disk (it can "fall") or malfunctions of the south bridge.

OS won't boot

If it comes to loading the OS, but at this stage the computer starts to reboot or freeze, then the problem most likely lies either in the defeat of the software by a virus or in the violation of the structure of system files.

The easiest way to do this is to reinstall the operating system. You can do this yourself. The only thing that can cause difficulty is finding required drivers... If you have information on your laptop that you need to save, then it is better to contact the specialists at the service center or any computer repair company - they can get all your files and drop them onto removable media.

The screen does not turn on

After pressing the power button, you hear the characteristic sounds of the cooler, you see that certain indicators light up, but the screen does not show any signs of activity. Try to connect external monitor- if it works, then the cause of the malfunction, quite possibly, is the computer matrix. It can be diagnosed at a service center, and then replaced with a new one. You can also suspect problems in the inverter (the loop leading from the inverter to the motherboard is damaged, or the inverter does not receive power, or there is a malfunction in the element itself).

Poor screen display

If the picture on the monitor is only partially visible, there are slight ripples, or there are impressive vertical or horizontal stripes, then the problem may be damage to the screen cable, breakdown of the motherboard or matrix, or video chip stratification.