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Create a personal account at the address of the housing and communal services payment. To make a payment, you must select a method. Mandatory details for paying for housing and communal services

Individuals, industrial enterprises and organizations that use public services are obliged to pay on time for consumed electricity, gas, water, and others. If we are talking about residential premises, then the obligations and rights of persons living in them are provided for by the Housing Code.

The order of monthly payment is shown in section 7. Art. 153 states that the obligation to pay utility bills is imposed by the legislator not only on the owners, but also on the employers living under the social rent agreement. Owners can reissue personal accounts for tenants for the period of lease of the premises.

According to regulatory enactments, the payment for residential premises includes not only utilities, which citizens pay for housing and communal services, but also payment for the current and overhaul, which should be held from time to time in apartment buildings.

There are many ways to pay for utilities, each consumer can choose the most acceptable option for himself. It is still considered simple and traditional to pay with a receipt through the post office or any bank, the only difference is in the commission that will have to be paid additionally.

But today, many banks provide customers with the opportunity to use modern methods, using an ATM or terminal, a bank card, online wallet,. It is possible to pay at the bank's cash desk or through the website. For example, if you pay with a receipt at the checkout, you will need to pay a commission of 1–5%. Using an online application or ATM, you can do without commissions, because they are not charged by all banks.

For payment the traditional way you must present the completed form and have cash with you. Payment of rent via the Internet is made by bank transfer, for this you need access to the Internet payment system, you can write off money from an electronic wallet or a plastic card. In any case, you need to know the owner's surname, number, payment amount and other data.

Reasons for accumulating debt

According to the established norms, the premises are residential when there is a connection to utilities, that is, residents can use utilities.

Services can be required or optional, for example:

  • If citizens living in a residential area can refuse to supply gas or hot water then these utilities will be considered optional for them.
  • Residents of apartment buildings or private ones are obliged to:
    • consume electricity and cold water;
    • use the sewerage system, the general house or individual heating system when cold weather sets in.

If some type of service is not available in the apartment through no fault of the tenants, then the latter have the right to complain about housing and communal services to the prosecutor's office.

Limit or terminate the provision of utility services may in case of non-payment of utilities within 6 months and more

In addition to residential premises, all citizens living in an apartment building use non-residential ones. Payment for their use is distributed between apartments in proportion to the area of ​​each, regardless of how many people live on it.

It is believed that residents of an apartment building additionally use:

  • entrances;
  • attics;
  • basements;
  • stairwells;
  • interroom halls;
  • other technical rooms.

The regular rent may include payment for:

  • the water supply is cold and hot, you can disconnect from the latter;
  • water disposal;
  • electricity;
  • gas supply;
  • the operation of the elevator;
  • lighting in the entrances;
  • garbage removal and / or maintenance of a garbage chute.

How can you make a calculation

In recent years, utility tariffs have started to increase annually, but the rise in prices is regulated in each region of Russia by the local administration. Therefore, tariffs for paying, for example, electricity will differ:

  • in town and country;
  • depending on which stove is installed in the room - gas or electric.

Tariffs are also set by service organizations, so in the regions they may be different.

So, the amounts for utilities for residential premises depend on:

  • List of services.
  • Areas of a private house or apartment.
  • The number of residents, for example, the rent is calculated for all permanent residents (registered).
  • The presence of meters for accounting for consumed water, gas, electricity. If a device is not installed to account for a certain type of service, then the calculation is made according to the number of services prescribed in the room. In some houses, heating meters are being installed today.
  • Tariffs for services that are set in a specific region or locality.
  • Availability.

The calculation for paying utility bills can be done:

  • For one or more residents. The accrual takes place depending on the consumed amount of water or light, if the meter is installed. For services for which meters are not installed, for example, rent, heating system, the calculation is based on the norms provided by the legislator for each person. If some citizens are temporarily registered in the premises, they are not taken into account for calculating utilities. For example, if a gas meter is not installed, then to calculate the amount to be paid, you must:
    • the rate for 1 person multiplied by the gas consumption rate;
    • the result obtained is multiplied by the number prescribed in the room.
  • If no one is registered and resides in the apartment, the owner cannot but pay utilities. Services consumed without meters are calculated per person. If there is a meter, the consumption of the service can be cut off, only in this case the payment will not be made. But not to pay, for example, the rent and general house needs for garbage disposal, simply will not work. To seal the meters, a document is submitted to the service organization, indicating that the owner is registered at a different address.
  • The procedure for paying for services provided to residents of a communal apartment should be determined by them independently. If the apartment has single personal accounts, then, for example, the rent is calculated depending on the area occupied by each family or citizen. Otherwise, then each family will be able to pay individually. If the consumed services are recorded using meters, then tenants can break the total amount every month for all residents. In another case, it is allowed to install meters, where it is technically possible, for each family separately and break up personal accounts. The agreement between the residents of the communal apartment must be made in writing, this applies to the owners of rooms and tenants of this type of housing.
  • By counters installed for the services provided. Electricity, water and gas supply can be paid for by individual devices. To do this, the owner must submit meter readings to the service company every month, usually in the second half of the month. If the meter is electronic, the readings on it are automatically recorded in the housing and communal services. Thus, housing and communal services will be able to calculate the amount for payment by the end of the month. Payers usually receive receipts for payment in mailboxes.

Is it possible to pay rent via the Internet

It is convenient to use the Internet to pay for utilities, if there is no possibility to stand in line, it also allows in some cases to save on commissions.

You can make a payment:

  • by a bank card, if it is connected to the online mode or the Internet payment system;
  • using an electronic wallet.

Payment is made through special sites.

To enter your Personal Account, you need to register, and at each visit, enter your login and password, details, with which an electronic receipt will be generated

To pay via the Internet, the payer needs to know:

  • Own personal accounts for all types of utilities.
  • Details of each service provider. First, you should check if there is an organization in the database of the bank through which the payment is supposed to be made. If it is, then after choosing a supplier, his details will be substituted by the system automatically. When there are no payment details, they have to be entered manually.

By bank card

Today, all citizens of Russia have plastic cards. By registering on the website of the issuing bank, you can use Internet banking to pay for goods, services and utilities from the card. To do this, you will need to have a card with a positive balance.

Payment for utilities consists of several actions, it is necessary:

  1. Log in to Internet banking using your username and password.
  2. Choose an organization that provides utilities.
  3. Fill out the proposed form, i.e. enter the address of the premises, personal account number, meter readings and others.
  4. Transfer funds from a bank card to a service provider's account.
  5. Save the electronic payment receipt and print if necessary.

This method is convenient, without leaving your home or office, to pay the rent via the Internet. If you save the template with the details, then next time you only need to adjust the payment amount and the period for which the payment is made. In other cases, using a bank card, you can make a payment through a self-service terminal or ATM.

Public services

With the help of the multifunctional Internet service "Gosuslug", you can solve many issues, including paying for utilities. Registration is required to access the menu. In the form offered to visitors, personal data and passport are entered. will be generated automatically.

To make a payment, you must choose a method:

  • bank card;
  • writing off the mobile balance;
  • electronic payment system (WebMoney, Qiwi-wallet, Yandex-money).

A commission is necessarily charged for the transaction. The payment made is immediately visible to the service provider.

No commission

Of course, it is convenient for any payer to pay utility bills in such a way, where.

The most popular sites include:

  • official of Sberbank;
  • Payment.Ru;
  • Rapida.

Additionally, such services provide an opportunity to make a calculation yourself using an online calculator. This service allows you to calculate for the past period the cost of all utility services. When paid, each of the items in the total will be sent to the appropriate service provider.

On the website "Rapida"

Payment for housing and communal services using the service is available to persons who:

  • will be authorized in the system;
  • get a Rapid card;
  • will have enough funds on the card to pay.

After authorization, the payer must select the Rapida-online menu item, and then on the left, Utility payments. To pay for each service, you must select the appropriate provider and the purpose of the payment. Verification of details is required.

To familiarize yourself with the payment methods available through the site, you should one by one go to the Private clients and Payment for housing and communal services tabs. After entering the necessary data and confirming the payment, the payer receives a temporary password on his mobile. It must be entered to confirm the transaction. If the operation is successful, its status changes to Completed.


You can also enroll the payment for utilities using the site Payment.RU. Funds are debited from the card of any bank located on the territory of the Russian Federation. There is a one-time paid registration on the site, but later the payment for utilities is free.

After authorization, the payer gets access to the Personal Account. After entering it, you need to select the type of utility services, for example, rent, after which a list of all organizations that are suppliers of this utility service will appear. When paying, you should check the details of the recipient.

Visitors can pay for utilities, communication and Internet services without registering on the site. This requires a personal account number and payment slip, which was provided to the subscriber of housing and communal services in the mailbox.

Sberbank Online

Payments must be made through the tabs:

  • transfers and payments;
  • Utilities and home phone.

The payer will receive an online list of utility providers. You can use the search for the required organization by entering its name and the type of service it provides. Also, to search, you will need to enter the beneficiary's current account or TIN.

After choosing a supplier, you need to enter the data for payment:

  • an account opened with Sberbank, from which it will be necessary to write off funds for payment;
  • the subscriber's personal account specified in the receipt for payment.

After that, the system itself will substitute the recipient's details, the payer must verify the data, enter the meter readings and confirm the payment with a temporary password sent to the mobile. The transaction will acquire the status of "Executed", and a receipt will appear on the screen of a computer or mobile phone, which can be printed.

Availability of receipt

Many citizens still believe that paying with a receipt at the cash desk of any bank, post office or housing office is the most reliable way.

The payer must submit to the cashier a completed payment document, where information about:

  • the amount of the payment;
  • payment period;
  • personal account;
  • service provider;
  • meter readings;
  • availability of benefits.

Typically, citizens use receipts that they receive in their mailboxes. The cashier, in return after payment, must issue a printed receipt of the bank with a seal confirming the payment. It differs from the check, which is issued by a terminal or ATM when paying for utilities, there will be no printing there.

Due to the fact that the bank acts as an intermediary organization, it has the right to independently set tariffs for commissions when paying utility or other payments.

If the owner, for example, constantly makes payments through the cash desk of the bank of which he is a client, the financial institution can set minimum tariffs for him. Most banks accept payments for utilities without commissions, but this benefit is provided only to regular customers.


The Housing Code of the Russian Federation stipulates the deadline for payment for utilities until the 10th day of the month following the reporting month. But there is also a footnote that a different term can be set by the housing and communal services and displayed in the contract between the service provider and the consumer. Typically, utility providers offer subscribers to make payments between the 20th and 30th of the month following the reporting month.

In contracts for the provision of utilities, suppliers warn subscribers that in case of delay in payments, they have the right to charge, which is provided for by the LCD, Art. 156, item 14. If the owner or tenant of housing is late in payments within six months, housing and communal services have the right to sue.

After the trial, the citizen will be awarded to pay not only utility debts, but also legal costs. If the provider disconnects the consumer from the service for non-payment, then the connection will have to be paid. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant situations, the legislator recommends that citizens pay utility bills on time.

Today, in the age of the Internet, performing everyday activities through the network does not seem to be something supernatural anymore. People surf the Internet, watch movies, book plane tickets or book hotels, shop for groceries and clothes. Internet services are not limited. Payment for housing services can now be made without leaving home. To answer the question "how to pay for utilities through Sberbank online", it is enough to know how mobile Sberbank works.

Sberbank online is free app from a bank that:

  • find out information about banking products;
  • open deposits in the bank;
  • pay for communal services and use of the home telephone network;
  • pay for mobile communication;
  • pay for the Internet and television;
  • pay taxes and fines;
  • transfer funds from their accounts to the accounts of other users and transfer funds within their accounts.

All these operations are carried out online after installation and registration in the system. Using mobile bank payment for housing and communal services is made without commission.

How to register with Sberbank online?

The registration procedure is available only for adult holders of Sberbank plastic cards. User registration is available in 2 types:

  • getting a login and password from account through the terminals of Sberbank;
  • using home (mobile) internet to register a user;
  • from the phone.

When registering through the terminal a plastic card is inserted into the hole for the cards and the request is selected on the screen - “connect Sberbank online and mobile bank", Then" get the username and password Sberbank online. " The ATM will issue a receipt containing the information required to enter the application.

To register via the Internet, you need to go to the Sberbank website online and click on the "register" icon. After entering the card number on mobile phone the user will receive an SMS with a confirmation number. As soon as the confirmation is made, the user will have to come up with a login and password and can use the services of Sberbank online.

For registration via mobile communication, the word "PASSWORD" is sent from the phone to number 900. Within a couple of minutes you will receive an SMS message with a password. To obtain a login, you need to call the bank's help desk.

Step-by-step instructions on how to pay for utilities through Sberbank online

Payment for housing and communal services via the Internet without a commission using a Sberbank card on the site consists of the following stages:

The payment receipt is stored on the device (if the payment was made through a computer, then the payment data will still be displayed in mobile device). If desired, the receipt can be printed at any Sberbank ATM. Payments made via Mobile Banking are free of charge.