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Where to take the old modem from MGTS. How to opt out of a landline phone. How to turn off your home phone for a while

He managed to connect me to the Internet from MGTS. This company leases modems to the user at any telephone center (throughout Moscow). If you decide to turn off the Internet, then this is done in several stages. First, you need to stand in line at the telephone exchange at your place of residence in order to terminate the contract. But you can return the modem only in one place - in the service center of the company, located at st. Znamenskaya, house 4, which works from 8-30 to 17-30, and on Friday - right up to 16 hours. How can people who work from 9 to 18 o'clock return the equipment with such a work schedule of the service center? The answer is obvious: nothing. Don't give a damn about MGTS clients. In general, I intend to find out the name and position of the person who decided on such a schedule ...
What I will write about next is generally trifles ... At the conclusion of the contract, the employees of the Petrovsky telephone center, of course, modestly kept silent about the procedure for returning the modem. Upon termination of the contract, I was given a paper in which it was written in black and white that service center works on Friday until 16-45. Arriving on Friday (May 25) at 16-10 to the cherished house, I came across a closed entrance door and a sign on the door indicating the opening hours of the center: on Friday from 8-30 to 16 hours. Half a day wasted ...
Poor MGTS cannot imagine

This story began at the very beginning of August, when an announcement appeared on the wall of the entrance of our house, stating that MGTS was modernizing its network, in connection with which the tenants were asked to provide masters with access to their apartments.

The headwash has begun ...

So, first of all, I called MGTS on their phone number 8 495 636 06 36 to inquire about the happiness we expected. It turned out the following: our house is being transferred from "copper" to "fiber optic", in connection with which the old copper wire, through which the landline telephone was connected for many decades, will no longer be needed, and communication will be provided by means of a fiber-optic line. In addition, a special router will be installed in the apartment, indicated on the MGTS website by a modem, thanks to which it will be possible to use not only a home telephone, but also high-speed Internet and digital television. If desired. That is, this router is not quite ordinary - it not only "distributes the Internet", as is the case with all routers, but is also responsible for the operation of the phone via VoIP and digital TV. Works both over the "wire" and via Wi-Fi.

This technology is called GPON, it is described on the MGTS website, is on this moment very promising, and has the following advantages:

  • high speed Internet: from 10 Mbps to 1 Gbps;
  • high-quality telephone communication and stable access.

Plus, the GPON technology involves laying "fiber" directly into the apartment, without the need to split the signal between all users connected to the provider within the house, which guarantees a constant and stable speed of the Internet channel.

GPON also has a minus that no one will tell you:

  • in the event of a power outage, your landline telephone will stop working, because now it depends on the "socket".

All this is interesting, only I am a very busy person and my employment directly depends on the Internet. At that time, I was connected to the Stream provider ( Home Internet MTS), which also works through a telephone wire, only copper, and using ADSL technology, not GPON. Yes, Stream's speeds are not the same, although the monthly fee is the same, but it was very important for me not to be left without the Internet.

However, during the conversation, the girl told me that the ADSL modem would stop working after the upgrade, because this is a different technology, and I cannot refuse the new equipment. Progress! I may not let the masters of the "favorite Moscow telephone monopolist", but after a certain amount of time my landline telephone (and with it the Stream) may simply stop working when MGTS ceases to support the old technology. To me, such a statement seemed very controversial and rather dubious. At least for the coming years.

Of course, I flared up, calling it all coercion, because “everything suits me,” but then I realized that I was wrong: you shouldn't be a brake on progress. The only thing is that MGTS and "progress" are not always overlapping concepts.

To the question: what should I do with Stream, I only paid for it, but it was the 2nd day in the yard, the girl replied that it would be necessary to go to any MTS office ( at any- I clarified!), write a statement on termination of the contract, give them the rented modem, and they will calmly return the money for the remaining period.

Hold on, MGTS is getting down to business!

After a couple of days on our home phone called from MGTS. My mother answered, because only she uses this phone with us, I don't even approach it and treat it the same way as a programmer to a typewriter. During the conversation, the girl said that the master would come to visit us on Saturday from 3 pm to 5 pm. Excellent, we are waiting.

As a result, all Saturday, as good citizens, we sat at home, but no one came to us. Now I call MGTS with a reproach that it is ugly to do this. To this, the girl, in complete bewilderment, replies that they will come to us only within the next week, offers to appoint a day, but she does not know anything about today. I’m not surprised, it’s useless to argue with her, of course, I didn’t set the day.

Several days passed. They call us again and make an appointment. What to do, the mother agrees. This time the masters really came. Only the first thing we heard was: “We have come, but today we will not do anything for you ...” The point is that “the central cable is damaged”, so you first need to deal with it, and then install the equipment in the apartments. "Forgive us and wait another week." For half a day, the foreman sat in our apartment and called somewhere to the control room or something like that. Judging by how he did it, one can already judge the organization of the work of MGTS.

Another ten days passed. During these days the MGTS company just got us! Almost every single day we received a call from their contact center with the question: "Have you installed new equipment?" To which the mother replied: "Not yet." Counter "smart" question: "Why?" Answer: "Because we have a damaged central cable, we are waiting for its replacement." A new, simply "brilliant" question came to this from a MGTS specialist: "Why don't I know anything about this?" On the fifth day, the mother could not stand it, flared up and shouted something like: "Well, how do I know why you don't know anything there?"

But the Day of Justice has come ...

Installation of MGTS GPON equipment

Finally, installers from MGTS came to us again, brought the coveted box with a Huawei modem-router, and began to “install” it all. First of all, they wanted to install their masterpiece above the door. But the white modem in combination with the black plug adapter does not look at all the way we imagine the design of our hallway. And they also install an outlet, specifically so that the modem can work. There is no other way. Regulations. However, we agreed to violate this regulation a little and put this "most delicate" equipment downstairs, next to the shoe cabinet. Under our responsibility.

Appearance of the Huawei MGTS GPON modem:

I was assured that this router is a "beast-machine", Wi-Fi will beat halfway up the entrance, I don't have to worry about this, but everything will start working most likely from zero hours of the next day. I did not connect digital TV and no one asked me about it. For the Internet, I chose Wi-Fi, not network cable, I was given a default password - home phone number without the "eight", and login - MGTS apartment number. Yeah, that's right! Ingenious move of the company: if you see it on the list wireless networks access points MGTS apartment number, then, most likely, the password to it is the phone number of this apartment without 8. In most cases, you can find out it from the MGTS database, which are freely available, for example, this one. As a result, while we were installing new equipment, I worked quietly for myself, connecting to the access point of my neighbors.

In general, the installation took about an hour, after which a test call came to our landline phone, everything worked, it was heard perfectly, the Internet also went off, the documents were signed and the guys left.

By the way, they eventually connected the phone itself to the same ancient copper wire, which is almost 30 years old, twisting it with a new one behind the wall. Thus, the new one comes out of the router and pushes into the hole from the apartment and there it connects with the old copper, from where this rarity enters back into the apartment as before and goes under the baseboard to the phone. The beauty! Although it was possible to cut it corny and directly connect a router and a telephone set with a new wire to the connectors. Well, okay, not a big loss. Otherwise, they would have to include a new wire in the expense item. On that we calmed down and returned to our usual life. But it was not there!

MGTS problems are your problems, brother!

First of all, as a sentient being, I changed the password for the wireless network and sat down to work. I chose the most inexpensive Internet tariff - 10 Mbit / s for 300 rubles, which after 3 Mbit / s "Stream" seemed to me higher than all the blessings of the earth, and I can say that there is nothing to complain about MGTS: the specified speed is given to the conscience , moreover, it is the same for both download and upload. Yes, 10 Mbps in both directions! On the "Stream" 3 Mbit / s there was only download, upload - 756 Kbit / s: lack of ADSL technology.

Speedtest data:

There is also good news for torrent users: there are no problems with torrents on GPON, downloading and distribution goes without problems (information for users of MGTS “cheap” ADSL tariffs, for whom, in order to save money, MGTS began to provide “gray” IP addresses, as a result of which torrents stopped working).

The first disappointment that awaited me: the poor modem installed for us does not have an external antenna and even the ability to connect it. As a result, the promised "scrap" Wi-Fi is normally caught only in the corridor near the device itself. In the room, one reception division barely glimmers and the speed, of course, does not even reach 1 Mbit / s. However, this problem can be solved, which I will tell you about a little later.

Testing a new promising technology did not last long: after a couple of hours the Internet was blown away, and with it there was silence in the receiver of the home phone. I carefully examined the new equipment, ironed it, rebooted it, studied the meaning of all the lights and even re-entered its IP settings. I don't remember literally what I saw there: something about the absence of a signal.

I'm calling MGTS. I describe the situation in great detail, I talk about the data in the router settings, I propose to send a screenshot by e-mail (by connecting to the neighbors), to which the learned voice of the robot suggested that I turn off the modem, then the girl would restart her equipment, I have to wait 10 minutes (their equipment cannot reboot faster) and, if the problem persists, call them back. But she must make up her mind!

Of course, nothing worked, I called MGTS again and even managed to talk to the technical department, surprising them that the Wi-Fi of the equipment given to me was complete ... In general, none of the MGTS “specialists” became (or could not) delve into the settings of my own router. They also do not know that the equipment installed today may well not work until zero hours, and the only thing I have achieved is drawing up an application for a second visit of the master. Departure costs 60 rubles and he will arrive only after 2 days, earlier in no way. The fact that I need to work and without the Internet I feel like no hands are my problems. I managed to repulse the payment of 60-something rubles, being indignant and saying that this was a jamb of MGTS and I would not pay for it.

The next day came, at a few minutes before midnight, the router blinked red for me, short beeps appeared in the receiver of my home phone, and at about 0.20 the Internet went off and the phone worked completely. I assumed such an outcome, but for some reason no one at MGTS knows how their equipment works.

The next day, I received a call from MGTS with another stupid question - for how long was the foreman assigned to me. To this I replied that the problem was solved by itself, and their master had an excellent opportunity not to miss another lesson at the vocational school.

Then a few days of peace and harmony began in our life: the Internet worked perfectly, giving out its 10 Mbit / s, and we worked together with it. But after 3-4 days the Internet was gone again. The phone worked, the Internet did not.

As a result, MGTS Internet is good only when it works. In case of problems, real hell awaits you, complete incompetence of specialists and lack of quality support.

This time I did not fill out the application, I decided to wait, and to my happiness, the Internet started working again in the evening of the same day.

Solving Wi-Fi Problems

As I wrote just above, the Huawei GPON modem does not have an external antenna and a slot for connecting it. But what about Wi-Fi for residents of large apartments with which this device not coping physically? Very simple. In the same way, at one time I solved exactly the same problem with an equally miserable ZTE router received from MTS for Stream.

In the photo - ZTE ADSL modem from MTS:

First of all, I bought a patch cord of the required length, connected it to the LAN-1 port of the GPON modem, and plugged the other end into the Internet port of the D-Link DIR-320 router with pre-configured Wi-Fi and switched to the access point mode.

In the photo - the D-Link DIR-320 router:

As a result, a second Wi-Fi point appeared in my apartment in a convenient place for me, the signal became 100% and the speed increased to maximum.

The problems did not end: the rejection of "Stream"

That it would not be so easy to give up Stream, or the MTS Home Internet, I literally felt in my heart. For “to go to the MTS office and return the equipment,” as I was told at MGTS, is simply impossible. There are no MTS offices for a long time. Instead, there is only a signboard "MTS", under which you will find the contractor CJSC RTK (Russian Telephone Company), in which the mess and incompetence have long gone beyond all conceivable boundaries. The only thing that an MTS subscriber can fearlessly do in these establishments is to change the tariff or replace the SIM card. In more difficult issues you will immediately see a complete stupor in the eyes of the employees of the RTC "MTS" salons.

And so it happened. I went to the MTS salon closest to me at 62A, Rublevskoe shosse, Moscow (Europark shopping center), dumped the Stream modem on the table, explained the situation and heard in response that this salon was Stream modems does not accept. This is technically impossible. On the statement that they told me on 0990 “ in any the MTS salon "received the answer:" they say a lot of things there ... "They advised me to go to the service center on Polezhaevskaya and hand over the equipment there.

But no, I don't need that. I call MTS again at 0990, describe what happened and receive an answer that in the area of ​​my residence I can hand over the Stream equipment in this salon, they are obliged to take it from me, and moreover, this is the only salon nearby that can do this (although judging by the MTS website, there are two more salons in my Krylatskoye area where I can terminate the contract with Stream). I politely asked how I can get the employees of the salon to accept the fact so painful for them, but I did not receive an intelligible answer. I was only advised to visit other MTS salons in Strogino and Bagrationovskaya, but I replied that I did not need this, I want to be served in accordance with the officially received information at a convenient point for me and offered to throw their poor modem into the nearest trash heap. For this, I was carefully threatened with a fine and even a court. Very funny. I don't even pay the monthly fee for it.

So, I once again return to the same MTS salon, again I hear a refusal, but I more persistently explain that it is their salon that is obliged to take the router from me and close the contract with a refund. Immediately I dial 0990 and hand over the phone to talk to the salon employee with the support service. They themselves also "cannot technically" call. This attempt to solve the problem also did not give anything, after the handset was handed back to me, the conversation was interrupted, and the RTK employee just clearly stated that he could not tell me anything new.

I left the MTS salon again, called 0990 in a rage and said that I would not go anywhere else, I was their subscriber, not an errand boy, made an application according to which they would solve the issue with this particular salon, and then they would call me back and say when I can return to it and, without taking out my brains, calmly hand over the equipment in accordance with the official information on the MTS website.

Together with this application, I described the situation on [email protected] and waited. Ten days passed. A girl phoned me and said the following: in the RTK MTS salon at Moscow, Rublevskoe shosse, 62A, the database did not work, so they could not accept my equipment, but now the problem has been solved and I can safely go and return the device and close the contract with Stream.

Arriving at the salon with a box, I heard only the usual "we do not accept Stream modems." By God, I was ready to tell the girl Alesya everything I think about their company and attitude to work. But then she asked me to introduce myself and, apparently being warned, agreed to accept the modem and hand it over to Comstar in exchange for a receipt. This receipt deserves special attention. She wrote it corny by hand, certifying with the seal of the company [the scan below can be enlarged by clicking on the picture]:

Everything. There was no question of closing the contract and refunding funds for most of August.

In general, it is almost impossible for an ignorant subscriber to resolve this issue. I had to write again in [email protected] with a request to send a scan of termination of the contract. Then I printed it out, filled it out, scanned it and sent it back. After about a week, the modem was "untied" from me, the rest of the money was returned (transferred to a mobile phone), but nothing else was answered. A curtain.


Dear readers! If you have read this whole epic to the end, I am already shaking your hand. I survived it! Therefore, if for one reason or another you are unable to connect to another Internet provider, get ready for a war with MGTS and similar surprises. Otherwise, it is better to bypass the problems. Fortunately, there are options in Moscow. And the expediency of having a MGTS wired telephone is already a big question for the majority.

Good day to all!

My story about the GPON box is most likely similar to all the others, but unlike many, it has a happy ending.

How to breed

One fine day, a friend called me, introduced himself as an employee of MGTS and in a tone that did not tolerate objections, explained that now there is a massive transfer of all subscribers to the new improved GPON technology, thanks to which telephone communication will become much better, and at the same time the Internet will appear at home and digital television... Moreover, all translation work is absolutely free !!!

Because I did not complain about the connection, the Internet and TV were connected to me for a long time from another provider, I still tried to refuse. But it was not there. It turns out that after the new year, all phones operating on the old copper technology will be disconnected, and reconnection to the new technology will already cost money.

I knew for sure that none of the neighbors was going to make any reconnections, moreover, many did not call at all with such an offer. It was strange, there were 2 months left until the new year.

After that, I called MGTS several times and tried to find out what kind of work they would be doing in my apartment. We've just finished overhaul, and new wires and holes in the apartment would be completely out of place. Several employees were confusingly explaining how it worked. new technology... One said that there would be no wires, everything in the apartment would remain as it is, all work would be only in the dashboard on the floor. Another said that they would hang their equipment and that's it, there would be no extra wires. The third one said that an outlet would be needed for the equipment, but if there was no free one, then the master would make a new one without any problems.

After much persuasion, I gave up. We don't really need a phone, but let it be.


A couple of days later, two masters came. The craftsmen are not from MGTS itself, but from a contracting organization engaged in the installation of boxes. They showed me the equipment - an ordinary router, and attached it to the place where they decided to hang it. I felt sick, the place did not suit me at all. I decided to give up this venture and said that I had changed my mind and I did not need anything. To my surprise, the masters supported my impulse. They said that all this is complete garbage and I was good at that I refused.

The next day, MGTS tore all the phones for me and my husband. They offered to hang the box in another place. And they recalled that, they say, otherwise the phone after NG can be carried to the trash heap as unnecessary. I had to agree.

Another master came. I got dirty on the staircase, brought the cable into the apartment, made a miserable Soviet outlet that dangled on the wire, hung up the router. And at the same time he offered to test Internet MGTS for only 50 rubles a month.

What we got

  • damaged repair
  • equipment owned by MGTS, for which we are fully financially responsible in case of damage or loss
  • increase in the electricity bill, because the router naturally consumes electricity
  • absence telephone connection in the absence of electricity in the apartment
  • non-working phone: you call the clinic, and you find yourself in an apartment
  • slow internet with constant cliffs connections
  • wi-fi only in certain parts of the apartment, does not catch the whole area

Attempts to return everything as it was

When it became clear that we didn't need this stuff, I called MGTS with a request to pick up the box and turn on our regular phone, albeit only until the new year. To this I received a complete refusal, they say, you agreed, you signed the act of acceptance and transfer, so that's all, now you can't refuse.

I had to write a formal complaint with a request to turn off this nightmare and pick up my equipment. Surprisingly, I received an official letter for a written complaint, in which I was told the same thing as over the phone.

It turns out that this box can be very easily abandoned, but MGTS is doing everything possible to prevent you from doing it.

How to opt out

We go to the website of the Federal Antimonopoly Service and read a lot there.

I will quote the most important:

If, after transferring the subscriber to the provision of communication services using the GPON technology, the subscriber receives a complaint about disagreement with the provision of services using this technology, OJSC MGTS resumes the provision of services to the subscriber using the old "copper" technology.
Thus, the switching of subscribers to the GPON technology should be carried out only with the consent of the subscriber.
In the absence of interest in communication services based on GPON technology and disagreement with the proposed conditions for their provision, the subscriber has the right to refuse to provide them while retaining the possibility of receiving telephone services using the old technology.

My second complaint was no longer so mild, and it contained not a request, but a demand.

Happy ending

Within a few days after receiving the second claim, MGTS contacted me to agree on the date of the master's arrival. The master neatly disconnected everything, cut off unnecessary wires, removed the box. In memory of GPON, I have 2 studs and a hole. And this is after a fresh renovation !!!

The master was also sincerely surprised that I was not such a fool in appearance, but succumbed to such a divorce. "They cheated, right?" He said that in the past few months, all his work has been to remove these boxes, and not at all to repair phones.

After all the work, they gave me a signed certificate of delivery of the equipment, and left the instructions for the router as a keepsake.

So, don't be afraid to assert your rights. If you were led to install a miracle box, then it's not too late to return everything back.

Landline telephones are not as popular today as they used to be. They continue to be used in state organizations, municipal institutions and in some companies, but in private houses and apartments they are increasingly being abandoned.

In the capital, one of the largest providers of telephone services is the Moscow City Telephone Network (MGTS). It is quite easy to refuse its services, as well as from the services of other telephone operators. The main thing is to act strictly in accordance with the clauses of the concluded agreement.

Therefore, the first thing that needs to be done when abandoning a fixed line phone from MGTS is to find a signed contract for the provision of services.

It should contain a step-by-step procedure for rejecting the telephone network.

Another way that you can get information about the sequence of actions is to go to the company's website or call its manager for advice.

If the contract is concluded for the provision of several services at once (telephone communication, television and the Internet), it is necessary to refuse each of them by writing separate statements. If, wishing to refuse to use a landline phone, the client terminates the entire agreement, he will also lose other services prescribed in it.

How to disconnect the phone

Before disconnecting the phone, you need to cock all the pros and cons again. If elderly people live in the house or apartment, they can use a landline telephone, in addition, it makes it easier to call emergency services if necessary.

If the decision to turn off the MGTS landline phone has been thought out and made, it is necessary to perform a number of actions in a certain sequence.


  • find a signed contract for the provision of a service and familiarize yourself with the established procedure for refusing it;
  • visit the nearest telephone office (MGTS office) with a passport and an agreement;
  • check for telephone debt and, if any, pay for it;
  • receive a form for filling out an application for disconnecting the service, fill it out carefully, indicating the reason for the refusal of telephone communication;
  • submit an application form and wait for the service to be disconnected.

The disconnection will take place within a few days (depending on the number of applications submitted). If the phone was connected using an optical modem, after disconnecting the network, the master will take it with him.

Temporary blocking of the service

You can unsubscribe from MGTS telephone services at certain time if you plan to be away from home for a long time. This will keep the number and connection, but block the line for the selected period.

Please note that you will also have to pay for a temporary blocking, so the use of this service is justified only if the phone is disconnected for several months.

The cost of blocking is 300 rubles, for each subsequent month you will have to pay another 200 rubles, so it makes no sense to turn off the phone for several weeks.

In order to turn off the telephone device for a while, you need to take your passport and contact the nearest office of the company to write a corresponding application.

If you plan to leave for a long time, you can alternatively switch to the cheapest fare offered by the company for the period of absence. To do this, you should contact the office of the organization by the 20th day of the current month and make the transition. Starting from the beginning of next month, the line will operate at the selected economical tariff.

Tariff change is free of charge. You can return the old tariff after returning in the same way or by calling hotline companies.

Actions when moving

Sometimes the disconnection of a landline phone is associated with a planned move, while it is important for the user to keep the existing number. MGTS provides such an opportunity: in order to use it, you need to contact the office of the organization and apply for a transfer telephone line... The transfer can take from several days to several weeks. This service is paid.

Another opportunity that the company provides to its subscribers is the renewal of the contract for a family member living at the same address.

For renewal, you need:

  • the consent of the person with whom the contract was concluded;
  • the consent of the person for whom the agreement will be drawn up;
  • passport of the person to whom the contract will be reissued.

Renewal of the contract is free of charge.