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A program showing battery wear on an iPhone. How to determine the degree of wear and tear on an iPhone battery

According to the data posted on the website Apple The Cupertinians ensure that the batteries in the MacBook can easily survive up to 1000 recharge cycles. However, the battery capacity will decrease slightly. At correct operation after 1000 cycles it should not be less than 80%.

There are several ways users can find out about the status of the battery, the remaining capacity and the number of recharge cycles. The simplest of these are special utilities created by third party developers. It is about such useful applications that we will tell you in today's collection.

Battery Monitor

Battery Monitor is a small, but functional and most importantly free utility that shows the number of battery recharge cycles, charging status, exact capacity and estimated time autonomous work... In addition, with its help, the owners of apple laptops will be able to find out some other details. For example, battery temperature.


An application called coconutBattery is one of the most famous solutions for checking the battery status of an apple computer. The utility allows you to retrieve a number of data related to the MacBook battery. These include the maximum and remaining battery capacity, battery temperature, number of recharge cycles, etc.

In addition, the application allows you to save the current indicators of the state of the battery, and then evaluate the dynamics of changes over time. Also coconutBattery can be used to determine the state iPhone battery or iPad. Moreover, for this, the device simply needs to be connected to a computer using a cable.

A utility called Monity is designed not so much for assessing battery health as for monitoring a range of indicators. The application, which is made in the form of a widget for the OS X notification center, displays the computer uptime, the number of active processes, the load on the processor and the occupied memory.

It also allows you to monitor the battery charge, current level and the amount of time remaining. Additionally, it is possible to monitor network traffic, network congestion, and so on.

Battery health

Battery Health is a powerful solution that gives Apple computer owners a lot of valuable information about the MacBook battery. With this app, users will be able to find out the remaining battery capacity, date of manufacture, etc.

Battery Health also allows you to view the number of recharge cycles and statistics for the day, week, month or year. However, for the latter opportunity, users will have to pay separately 379 rubles.

After a wave of controversial opinions from readers about Eduard Sargsyan's collection of tips on how to extend the battery life of an iPhone, I checked the wear and tear of my iPhone. 163 days after activation and 140 full charge-discharge cycles, the state of the battery of my 7 is excellent... And the capacity reaches 98% of the declared one.

In doing so, I:

  • charging iPhone charger from iPad in 95% of cases
  • I keep my smartphone connected to Mac for a couple of hours daily
  • I always plug it in for the whole night
  • used the dubious Lightning of the Rock company (they just fell apart in a couple of months), and today he preferred Native Union (like MFi, quality 5+)
  • I put my iPhone in Xiaomi power banks and auto-chargers (I think it's okay here)
  • I do not follow the temperature regime from the word generally(summer and regular beach ahead)
How to check wear:

Battery Pro (for iOS)

Mobile app looks unsightly and does not differ in the accuracy of measurements. It claims my iPhone battery is in perfect condition with 0.0% wear. At the same time, it determines the residual capacity at the level of 2000/2000 mAh (remember, in general, the iPhone 7 has 1950 mAh). In addition, there is data on the source of the charge, which is similar to the truth, the determination of the operating time of the device and other Additional Information... I only recommend using this app if you don't have a Mac at hand for more accurate tests. coconut Battery (for macOS)

In my understanding it is best app to determine the level of wear of the iPhone battery, which can be found on the iOS Device tab. Here you can see the number of complete charge-discharge cycles (after 500, experts recommend changing the battery), residual capacity (see Maximum Charge) and other data. Based on this information, I am guided by the consequences of my "bad habits" with the iPhone - I lowered the level to 98%. This application is also interesting for diagnosing the MacBook battery - for a year and a half of super-intensive use, I "killed" mine up to 92% of the declared capacity. iBackupBot (for Windows)

Data from this "scary" application that I recommend Windows users for lack of coconut Battery, do not coincide with the previous ones. This is strange - they generally claim that I can charge the iPhone up to 2000 mAh out of 1950 possible. But I suggest taking this as the ideal state of the battery. You can access the information in the More Information menu. Look at DesignCapacity is the stated capacity, FullChargeCapacity is the state of the battery today.

Bottom line: In almost six months of intensive use, two out of three tests indicate the perfect condition of the battery of my iPhone 7, and one about a drop in capacity by 2%. On this occasion, in order to put everything in its place, I propose a small interactive: let's check everything together iPhone batteries and tell you about their wear and tear and our "bad habits" in the comments. Thus, we will decide once and for all whether it makes sense to charge your smartphone with care. Or you can just use it and have fun. Taken from

Like any other owner more or less feature phone, I was interested in different useful utilities to him. First of all, we needed a program that would show the current battery charge. Honestly, I was interested in only digital indicator of charge (in percentage) next to the battery icon. I do not really understand the relevance of a separately run program, just to view the state of charge. But, as it turned out, such programs are not always limited to such a banal function, but also show the remaining time when using different phone modes. If you just need separately launched applications - here is an overview of what is available for free.

I would like to note right away that I have achieved my goal. In Cydia I found it in the Tweaks section. So, the percentage of battery power that you see in the screenshots is the merit of this particular program.

Starting with the simplest, will Got Juice go first on the list? ... Simple in design and functionality.

The most that you can expect from it is display in a horizontal position. Yes, I will also say that for this type of program the charge accuracy is 5%.

Second on the list is Battery Led! ... In addition to being free, it is also very fun. More precisely, everything displayed on the screen glows and shimmers with multi-colored lights. Teenagers from 10 to 16 years old should like it.

Among the advantages, we can note the auto-detection of the phone model, as well as the battery life in different modes load.

The Pro version (judging by the screenshots) additionally displays the remaining resource in the game mode.

From the same category, the utility. There is nothing particularly remarkable and especially bad about it. It is possible to make some settings, mainly for displaying indicators.

My Battery Info is also quite fun. Primarily because of the main font.

All the user needs to do is turn the counter to the mode of interest, and the program will automatically show the remaining operating time. Yes, I almost forgot: he can read the name of the phone.

iBattery Level Free is another free easy option for displaying battery status.

You can change the battery icon. True, the accuracy of the indicator suffers, but is it so important: 5 or 10% 😉.

BatteryTime - from the same series "simple and modest." I recommend choosing your model immediately in the settings, since the indicators are different.

AND last program which I liked the most, but unfortunately, by the time I got to writing a review, it was no longer free. It is hoped that during these 3 weeks of the promotion, you, or someone you know, managed to download it.

The program is called Juiced. I would not call it the most functional one presented here, I just liked the implementation.

The most painful topic for any iPhone owner is the battery. Especially when it starts to discharge quickly and then complete sadness sets in.

Today I would like to discuss a couple of the most important questions that relate to the topic of why our iPhone sits down so quickly. It will be interesting and useful.

Why does my iPhone run out of battery quickly?

When the first appeared mobile phones, including the iPhone, after the first purchase, the question immediately arose about the correct charging.

Probably everyone had a person in the company, whom everyone asked what and how to do. After all, you really want the device to live as long as possible.

We forget about those times, because now has come modern technologies and everything has moved forward a long time ago. Leaving the phone on charge at night, we do not worry, because everything is independently controlled there.

When you buy new iPhones, then immediately it is worth noting two things: capacity and the number of charge cycles. It doesn't matter how and where you charge the phone, after a certain amount of recharging, its capacity simply decreases.

Therefore, if your device is more than two years old, then it is quite likely that your battery will drain quickly. But usually the peak comes in the third or fourth year.

How quickly you kill your battery depends on factors such as:

  • temperature of using the gadget;
  • from the owner of the smartphone and its type of use;
  • Charger.

All of this is directly related to how soon you go to service center to change the battery. But before that, you need to check something yourself.

How to check battery wear on an iPhone?

If your iPhone is running low quickly, it's not a fact that your battery is starting to die. Perhaps you updated the software and after that your nightmares began.

The most basic reasons that can affect a fast discharge are:

  • frequent use of geolocation;
  • background application refresh;
  • play a lot with toys;
  • fresh software that has flaws.

I had a situation with my 5S when I upgraded to iOS 10 and the phone literally started to melt. As it turned out later, there were as many as three reasons for this.

Constant use of geolocation by applications (did not notice because of the hidden geolocation icon), unfinished software and frequent use of 4G.

So as soon as it all started, I decided to check my battery status. After all, it is not so difficult to change the battery on old models today.

I consulted with experienced friends and fully told after how many cycles you need to change. In general, if there are more than 1000 cycles, then go ahead and with the song.

As it turned out, there are not so many programs for such a check. More precisely, there are a lot of them even in App Store but you have to pay money for this feature.

Therefore, I will tell you what to do using the example of the program Battery life... We download it from the store and launch it, and then you can see the following picture.

As you can see, my battery was used up by only 10.8%, which means that everything is fine with me and in the near future you shouldn't even think about replacing it.

If you have close to 50 percent, then you can immediately prepare money for a new battery. The program will show red, not green, and the state will definitely not be described by the word "Good".

Can I change the battery on an iPhone?

This question can be answered very briefly and clearly - "You can!". Sometimes you can even use the word "Need" if the indicator that I described a little higher is already far beyond the normal range.

Usually everything happens as follows:

  • we buy the battery ourselves and change it too (we need straight arms);
  • go to the service and ask to change.

The best option, of course, is service, if you are not too tech friendly. In fact, I don't really like to disassemble devices, because then problems arise with the assembly and unnecessary details appear.

But, if you have been with this sphere since childhood, then everything is in your hands. Just consult about the nuances and go ahead, because it's a pity if then the device stops working.


Here is an article about why the battery on the iPhone quickly sits down. The topic has always been quite relevant and interesting.

Although the more technology develops, the less we will think about this issue. Then just charged it and use it to your health.