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Ways to make money on Instagram are the most profitable, the rules for working and posting photos on a social network. Work on Instagram: the main ways to make money at home New earnings on Instagram

9. Like other people's posts to "love" you in response. Everything is simple here - this is a free way to wind up likes on pictures so that your account looks lively and interesting.

10. Use fake accounts to keep your. Add comments from them, like, create the appearance of live communication. It is boring and dreary, but at first it will be useful.

11. Make money... When you develop at least 1000 real subscribers, you can start thinking about making money. But the more followers you have, the better. So, we make money on Instagram using our profile:

  • Affiliate Programs - Advertise products and services on your topic, and get about 30% from each sale.
  • Advertising placement - register on certain sites, post a description of your project, set a price and wait for orders. For example, the three largest sites are, and
  • Go to advertisers yourself - contact small firms with an offer to advertise them inexpensively. Prepare information about your account - topic, date of profile creation, number of subscribers, number of likes, comments, etc.
  • Selling your own products if you know how to create something.

12. Develop your profile and don't post too many advertisements. Even when you achieve wild popularity, you should not overdo it with advertising. Subscribers do not like this and will begin to unsubscribe.

  • Explore photo creation and processing software to create your own pictures. Strive to post unique information that you won't find anywhere else.
  • Don't break the rules - there is no way to recover your account, so proceed with caution.
  • Do not log into your account at the same time from your phone and computer - the site may consider you a bot, and you may get banned.
  • It is forbidden to upload erotic, extremist and other people's photos. Read the site rules to find out all the prohibitions.
  • If you don't have your photos and pictures, take them from free photo stocks.
  • Approximate limits on actions per hour: likes up to 150, subscriptions up to 50, comments up to 50.
  • It is better to post fewer photos, but better and more interesting.
  • Try to post photos every 1-2 days.
  • It is sometimes beneficial to publish posts at night - there is less competition and more people will see your post.
  • Post information about yourself - not every day, but on special occasions. So that you are not just another "robot", but a person with your own interests and history.
  • Track the top popular hashtags to be in trend and catch the eye more often.
  • Use hashtags sparingly - no more than 5-7, otherwise the text will look bulky and ugly.
  • Respond to comments, comment on the posts of your active subscribers. Give feedback - this is very important.
  • Leave prominent comments on popular pages. But you need something apt, funny and appropriate for people to become interested and go to your account.
  • Organize a contest to get attention.
  • Mark photos on the map - people often search by address.
  • Repost to other social networks - vk, ok, fb, tw, etc.

Personally, I don’t use Instagram, I’m probably already getting old :) I’m not interested in watching thousands of pictures - I’m a person who is tuned in to read text, and there are only hashtags from letters) So I don’t even try to master it and love it)

But nevertheless, I studied a lot of information on the Internet, collected useful information from each article and got detailed instructions: how to make money on Instagram. I hope it was useful to you and you can use it for your own purposes. Share your tips in the comments if you have anything to add.

How to make money on Instagram? Anyone can start a business. Minimum investment, fast training, remote work. There is only one problem - to choose the right idea of ​​how to make money on Instagram, in which you can achieve success. How to make money on Instagram in 2020? In this article, we give answers to this and other popular questions about making money on Instagram.

Today "Instagram" (in English - Instagram) is the most popular social network. It received special development in 2015, and in a few years it has become a powerful platform not only for communication, but also for earning money. In Russia, this social network is used by more than 25 million users. The main audience is people from 18 to 29 years old. According to statistics, about 60% of users check their feed at least once a day. That is why the idea of ​​making money on Instagram is so popular.

Advertising efficiency of "Instagram" is increasing every year. Anyone can start a business. Answering the question of how to make money on Instagram, I would like to emphasize that, unfortunately, many novice entrepreneurs only cling to the idea, but quickly lose motivation, never starting to make money. This happens for various reasons: they want a quick return and are not ready to wait, there is not enough experience, expectations are exceeded, mistakes are made at the start ... To warn against this, we suggest reading general tips for those wishing to build their own business on Instagram.

    Learn the basics of SMM (internet promotion) to independently promote your business on Instagram. For this, there is special literature, courses, online schools.

    Don't cheat subscribers... Very often in business recommendations on Instagram you can find advice to wind up subscribers. But we want to warn you: this manipulation will not give you any benefit and will not allow you to earn! First, what's the use of an inactive audience if most Instagram businesses are tied to the actions of subscribers. Secondly, winding up subscriptions are visible to the naked eye. If they want to cooperate with you, then the winding up subscribers will scare off any adequate person. Thirdly, boosting subscribers is not a free pleasure. You're wasting your money on a disservice. It is better to use these funds for proper promotion - advertising from bloggers, targeting (we'll tell you more about it), etc. It will do you much more good.

    Attention! Now there will be shocking news - in order to make money on Instagram, you do not need to have a crowd of subscribers. It is not the quantity that matters, but the quality of the audience. And in some areas of Internet business, you don't even have to talk about attracting subscribers.
  1. If you want to develop your account as a business on Instagram, then you need to take care ofquality content: useful, interesting posts, good visual design, attractive concept. It's not easy to create an Instagram product that will appeal to many users. However, if you feel the strength to do this, then everything can work out. Please note that you can maintain not only a personal blog, but also be the administrator of thematic publics - for example, publish funny videos, book reviews, show business news, news articles from your city, etc. Just do not forget about copyright: using someone else's material, indicate its author.

    Be prepared for the fact that you won't be able to make money on Instagram right away. In most cases, an investment on Instagram pays off over time. You are unlikely to get a momentary profit here. Although there are such business ideas in our selection. It is also worth considering that Instagram requires your constant participation. This social network is constantly evolving, the competition is already quite strong and continues to grow. Your business on Instagram is not the easiest one, but it can generate significant income if properly organized.

Instagram today is an actively developing platform. To make money in this area, you must constantly keep your finger on the pulse. How to make money on Instagram in 2020? Let's ask trends.

Idea for "Instagram" 1. AR-masks on Instagram

Masks blew up Instagram in 2019. The “pioneers” did a good job on this: bloggers built up their audience, and the creators of masks made money: some only on design, others also on training. On the Internet, you can find many courses and training videos offering to teach any user to work in a specialized program for creating Instagram AR masks.

In 2020, Instagram masks are still relevant, but the vector will change. An important function of masks is to promote a brand or product. Using a mask, you can announce a new product, grab the attention of subscribers and launch a wave of user-generated content. It becomes possible to embed games, gamification and competitive mechanics into such masks.

Today, creating an AR mask on Instagram involves not only the ability to use the Spark AR Studio program, but also the development of an advertising concept, creativity and promotion of the mask itself. And this is a package of services for a full-fledged business. The price of developing an AR mask starts from 2 thousand rubles, and it is difficult to name the upper limit - it all depends on the complexity of the order. It is obvious that the creation of turnkey AR projects will cost several times more.

Idea for "Instagram" 2. Instagrammable-design

Every year on Instagram, the requirements for the external design of accounts are increasing. Such services as business optimization and “instagram picture” are actively gaining momentum. Nowadays, the audience is more and more attracted to instagrammable places - the interior design of public places is becoming more instagrammable and photogenic. A completely new category of projects is emerging that are created specifically for Instagram. This is a great opportunity for designers to express themselves in a new direction.

Another option for how to make money on Instagram is the design of the Instagram account itself. This includes visual concept, strategy, branding, creative content, color scheme and photo stylization that reflect the essence of the brand. Instagram for Business is a powerful advertising platform. Correct positioning of an instagram account allows you to promote in the market and attract an audience. Therefore, the service is becoming more and more in demand.

The direction is young, but quite promising. The idea will suit interior designers, photographers, stylists, PR and advertising workers. You can take orders as a freelancer or open your own creative agency, bringing together employees with different specializations.

Idea for "Instagram" 3. Photo sessions for "Instagram"

Content quality requirements are growing. This forces bloggers to turn to specialists: photographers, copywriters, stylists, etc. A photo session for “Instagram” allows the customer to solve a large number of issues. The service involves the creation of a concept and visual style, selection of images for shooting, professional photography and processing, photo support of the account, etc. Not only business accounts apply for the service, but also bloggers with personal accounts.

Idea for "Instagram" 4. Instagram video

One of the most relevant main trends in recent years is Instagram video. The audience is growing in Stories and IGTV. Many Instagram users admit that they have stopped reading the feed and are only watching stories.

So here's an idea for making money: creating Instagram videos for bloggers. The services of an editor, operator, screenwriter are in demand. This includes more than just generating content per account. For example, many bloggers sell their information products: webinars, courses, video tutorials, etc. In serious projects, specialists are attracted who will help to organize and conduct high-quality filming, write a script, and edit a video. So the opportunities for making money on Instagram videos are quite extensive.

Idea for "Instagram" 5. Comprehensive services

Today this service includes more than just image design or simple video editing. This is the development of an advertising concept, writing abstracts, selecting bloggers for advertising, writing scripts for commercials, preparing an account for Instagram advertising, etc. Comprehensive services attract the client, help to stand out in the market.

Idea for "Instagram" 6. Gamification and riddles

Gamification is the application of game mechanics on social media to reinforce brand loyalty. On Instagram, both regular bloggers and business accounts use this technique, thereby increasing user engagement. This is a way to adapt to the modern user. The elements of the game can be contests and quizzes, predictions, puzzles, mini-polls, tests in the spirit of "guess the place from the photo" and so on.

Thanks to the popularization of game content, the service for its creation has become relevant. There are even separate gamification services for Instagram. On freelance sites, you can find many ads that offer to create game content for your accounts. So if you are a creative and creative person - try to realize your talents in this area. You can read more about the topic of gamification on Instagram.

Now you know what to expect from Instagram in 2020 and what trends you can make money on. But back to the proven ideas that have been relevant for more than a year.

Idea for "Instagram" 7. Selling your goods or services on Instagram

Instagram is a very effective marketplace. There is a very interested, active audience here. Promoting your product or service is a good way to make money. Even accounts with a small number of subscribers can earn decent money on Instagram.

What are they selling on Instagram?

  • Products: food, clothing and footwear, flowers, handmade products, accessories, decor items and dishes, cosmetics, etc .;
  • Services: designers, copywriters, webmasters, photographers, artists, psychologists, business coaches, lawyers, programmers, beauty salons, sports complexes, entertainment projects.

Today, almost any product or service can be sold using Instagram. We have published some ideas for products that can be sold on Instagram and examples of accounts in this collection. The most important thing is to present your product correctly. If you have a hobby, you can sell your work. If you have an entrepreneurial skill, open an online store (more about creating a store on Instagram -). If you are a narrow-profile specialist, for example, a lawyer or a make-up artist, create an account where you will share your experience, give useful advice, and answer questions of interest to subscribers. People are drawn to free information if it's useful. By doing this, you attract new subscribers, inspire confidence in yourself - and in case of real need your subscriber can turn to you for real help.

Each type of sales-oriented account has different requirements. For example, visual content is important for an online store on Instagram - the better the photos are, the more attractive the product itself will be. For an account focused on providing any professional and consulting services (legal, medical, psychological), useful texts are much more important. But it's good when a blog combines both components.

In order for your services or products to be in demand, you need to collect your target audience on the blog. Before promoting your account, developing its design and planning posts, you must clearly present a portrait of your subscriber: how old is he, in which city he lives, what he does, what is his income level, what is he interested in. When you have an accurate idea of ​​your subscribers, it will be easier for you: promote your account, form an offer, determine a price, interact with your audience. These are very important parameters for targeting - an advertising mechanism that allows you to select from the entire existing audience only those who meet the specified criteria (target audience), and show ads to it. Currently, targeting is one of the most effective ways to promote.

How else can you make money on Instagrampromoting your products and services

    Provide them to bloggers on a barter basis: you are a product / service, they are an advertisement for your products.

    Arrange sweepstakes, contests, promotions, discounts on Instagram.

    Use the correct hashtags, popular geolocations.

    Competently design a profile header with the mention of keywords by which it will be easy to find you. For example, if you sell homemade cakes and are in Saratov, write in the title of your blog "Cakes Saratov" - this is how potential users will look for similar services.

    Use targeting - a built-in feature in Instagram business accounts or contact professionals. This is by no means an exhaustive list of promotion methods. More details on this topic can be found on the Internet - there are many useful materials in the public domain.

Life hacks for sales on Instagram:

    Share with your subscribers the process of creating your product. But don't overload it with details - posts should be entertaining.

    Always reply to comments.

    Write the price for your product / service. Very often in online stores you can see the magic phrase "write to direct" - this is for those who suddenly want to know the price of a product. Lack of price can scare the client away. Firstly, not everyone wants to spend time on direct correspondence just to find out the cost. Secondly, it suggests that this seller's prices are higher than those of competitors. And thirdly, there is a myth that sellers adjust prices by assessing the prosperity of the person who asks the question in the direct. Your task, as a seller, is to simplify the buying process as much as possible. Therefore, indicate the price right away.

    Encourage your followers. Post their photos with reviews.

This is perhaps the easiest and most common way to make money on Instagram. The only important condition is that you must have enough subscribers to earn from sponsored posts. Usually, a ticket to this "source" starts with 10 thousand subscribers, however, even with a smaller audience, you can earn money on advertising - only the income will be more modest. The main thing is that your entire audience is real, and not artificially inflated by cheating.

Algorithm of earnings:

  • You create an Instagram ad post (this can be a photo or video);
  • You insert a branded hashtag, mention or link to promote your brand;
  • You share it with your audience;
  • You get money.

The earning scheme is quite simple, but there are a number of important questions that need to be answered.

Where to get followers on Instagram

    You will be lucky if clients come to you on their own. This is not uncommon. People look at your account, rate it, make sure the target audience is the same, and write to you. If you want such a story to happen more often, then mention such a service in your account. Or create a separate ad recruitment account. Just don't go overboard with the number of ad posts. In pursuit of money, you can forget about the quality of content. You can lose a large number of your own subscribers if you overload your profile with advertising posts. Therefore, think carefully about this moment, making money on Instagram.

    Today there are many platforms that help bloggers and advertisers find each other. Adstamer, Epicstar, Sociate - these are all social promotion services. Here you can find tasks about placing ads in your account and calculate how much you will get for it. On average, for placing 1 advertising post, you can get from 500 rubles to infinity (it all depends on how well your account is trained).

    Epicstars. Terms of cooperation: the number of subscribers on the channel must be at least 1000 and it must not contain content that violates the rules of the social network. Commission 20%

    Plibber. The terms of this exchange are as follows: your account must have at least 30 posts and at least 150 subscribers. The minimum withdrawal amount is 100 rubles. System commission - 15%

    SpellFeed. It is a directory of advertisers and advertising profiles. The service does not charge a commission; you can use the catalog for free and without registration.

    Adstamer. Commission 10%. The minimum number of subscribers is 1000 people. There are no restrictions on the withdrawal of funds.

    Label. You must have at least 10,000 subscribers and at least 20 posts in the feed. Commission 5%. Withdrawal from 250 rubles

How to price your Instagram ads

To be honest, the account owner determines the cost of advertising himself: depending on how he personally evaluates his services. But in general, the price is based on the number of subscribers. Usually the formula looks like this: 10 subscribers = 1 rub. for advertising. That is, if you have 3 thousand subscribers, then an advertising post will cost 300 rubles, and if 30 thousand - then already 3000 rubles.

But the founder of, John Rampton, calculates the price using a different formula: 0.25-0.5 dollars for a "like" and 1 dollar for a comment. If you multiply this by the average number of likes and comments, you will get the price of an ad post. Please note that in the first case, the price depends on the recruited audience, and in the other - on the activity that this audience shows.

The amount of your income will depend on many factors, so we will not promise any specific amounts. However, note that a blog with an audience of 30 thousand people can earn 20-25 thousand rubles per month.

Idea for "Instagram" 9. Selling photos

"One family always took a camera on vacation, took a lot of 'family on vacation' photos when traveling, and then sold them on stocks like Shuttersrock. They say they made a lot of money and beat off a good percentage of the cost of the vacation."

Here's a typical real story about how you can make money from photography. Today there are many services that bring the mass content producer and the consumer together. You simply register through your Instagram account on the service, mark which photos you want to sell - and make a profit.

Today this method of making money on Instagram is one of the most popular. How it works?

  1. You are looking for a client through the exchange or on your own.
  2. Negotiate the advertising price.
  3. Take a high-quality photo at the request of the client and give him the footage.
  4. You get money.

Let's take a closer look at the process of selling Instagram photos.

1. Foap service calls itself "the next wave of stock photography." How it works: You register on the site, create a profile and portfolio of your best images that you would like to sell. For every photo you sell, you earn $ 5. On the plus side, you can sell the same image an unlimited number of times.

2. 500px Is a photography community with 80 million photos. Provides a great platform for displaying and licensing your photos.

Several nuances that will allow you to earn more on this site:

    use 4-5 keywords for each photo. This will help your work find a buyer;

    look for and shoot things that no one photographs;

3. Twenty20- a marketplace for selling your Instagram photos. Register online or download their iPhone app. Any photo you put up is for sale. But the rights to the photo remain with you, so you can sell it multiple times.

4. Snapwire- the service recommends that you upload as many high-quality photos as possible. You should use keywords with your photos so that they can be easily found. If you constantly upload your photos, you will earn points. Thus, you increase your ability to make more money. Be sure to check out the "Recently Purchased" section. This will allow you to understand what is in demand now.

And in the end, some useful tips for those who decided to make money by selling photos. First, take natural, not staged photos. Brands are hunting for live footage. A Canadian pharmaceutical company once paid $ 6,000 for 52 photographs of friends playing. Second, don't use a square format. Although initially "Instagram" came out of square, like Polaroid, frames, but the portrait format 4: 5 looks more professional.

Idea for "Instagram" 10. Promotion of accounts (marketing consultant)

Account promotion is another super-popular business on Instagram that brings good money. Now many companies that maintain their profiles on this social network need promotion specialists. What is the job?

    registration of a company profile;

    creating a content and content plan that will gather an audience and bring customers;

    SEO optimization;

    partnerships with other bloggers;

    increased activity (likes, comments, responses).

There is nothing difficult in this work. If desired, all skills can be mastered in a month or two. Special courses will help speed up the learning process. Their cost is 6-14 thousand rubles.

How much can you earn? Here are the approximate market prices for some Instagram marketer services:

  • Account from scratch (creation, promotion) - 10,000 rubles;
  • Monthly Instagram maintenance - from 3500 rubles;
  • Design account registration - from 1500 rubles;
  • Targeting advertising (setup and maintenance) - from 7000 rubles.

To draw up a price list and decide what services you can offer your client.

How to find clients? Monitor ads on Instagram and vacancies on specialized sites. Today there are many job offers.

How to build a sustainable consulting business on Instagram

If you are looking for long-term earnings, use the following tips:

    Be specific about your target audience. To attract customers, you need to build competent relationships with bloggers in your niche.

    Build a portfolio with good reviews. Get started with free help.

    Track time spent on different tasks using different applications and streamline processes as you work with new clients.

    Give people free information and then your followers will become your customers.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Idea for "Instagram" 11. Account administration

The idea is close to the previous one, however, it involves work on creating content. If a promotion specialist works with marketing tools, then the account administrator is responsible for the entire account.

Tasks of the administrator on Instagram:

    regular creation of posts;

    photo / video editing;

    analysis of statistics;

    communication with subscribers;

    generating new ideas;

    creating a content plan;

The main task of the administrator is to maintain the quality of the content. You can find a similar job on freelance exchanges. You can also personally write your proposal to the blogger by email. The average cost of maintaining an account on Instagram is 5-20 thousand rubles. If you manage to find several companies that will be your regular customers, then you can earn up to 60 thousand rubles. You can read more about this way of making money.

Idea for "Instagram" 12. Sell your experience

Let's say you already have an active audience. If not, head back to the top of the article and read about promotion and tips for maintaining an account. Now let's talk about how to create that very product.

How to come up with an original product

One way is to research books in your niche that are sold on Amazon or Udemy (focus on the bestsellers). Another way is to research the audience that has formed in your account. You can ask them what they are ready to buy. Get to know your audience's concerns through communication.

How much is it

The cost of courses can vary from 1 to 10 thousand rubles. It all depends on your audience, course content, interaction format, etc. Selling your experience on Instagram, you can earn 20-100 thousand rubles. per month. It all depends on how high-quality product you offer, whether you can guess with the needs of the audience and how you advertise it.

Mistakes in your business on Instagram, which can be avoided

There are 3 main reasons why you won't be able to launch course sales:

    you are not sure you are good enough;

    you launch the product on Instagram, but then you find that no one wants to buy it.

How to deal with this? Carefully study the market and consumer needs. Attend a similar course to take a look at the whole "kitchen" from the inside. Ask yourself the question "What unique information do I have?" - the answer to this question will become the basis for the idea. Before launching sales of courses, it is recommended to pre-test them - sell a cut-down version to someone for a minimal price, get feedback and draw conclusions.

Idea for "Instagram" 13. Print photos

All people are already accustomed to storing their photographs on electronic media. However, it is difficult to refuse the romance of printed photos. Therefore, services for printing photos from Instagram feel great on the market: they are in demand, they receive a stable income. Printing photos from Instagram is, on the one hand, an innovative business idea, and on the other, it takes us back to the past, the time when photo printing was relevant and in demand. A person can print out photos from Instagram one by one in special machines. Such devices are found in every shopping center.

Another format for this Instagram earnings is the creation of photo books and albums from photos posted on Instagram. The user receives a ready-made photobook - in a hard cover, with collages of photos that have been selected in advance, in an individual design. Producing custom-designed hardcover photo albums is a good way to make money. To provide such a service, you need to create your own website. A photobook constructor will be available there, allowing the customer to independently choose a design, number of pages, placement of photos. Thanks to this service, you can literally print your Instagram - with likes, dates, signatures. Website development will cost you about 30 thousand rubles. The same amount will be spent on active promotion on the Internet. Also, do not forget to create your Instagram account with which you will advertise your services and look for interested buyers.

The second important point in such Instagram earnings is the search for a printing house where photo books will be printed. To do this, check out the printing houses in your city, compose those. job, find out the prices. Choosing not only the cheapest printing services is necessary. Pay attention to the quality of printing, paper, colors ... The success of your business depends on the quality of execution. Before entering into an agreement with the printer, run a test print to ensure the quality.

The cost of the finished photobook is about 1300 rubles. In the first month, you can receive 15-30 orders and expect a revenue of about 40 thousand rubles. The average cost of a photobook for 5 spreads is 230 rubles. This means that the net profit from one sale will be equal to 1,070 rubles. Then, with 30 orders per month, the net profit will be about 30 thousand rubles.

Idea for "Instagram" 14. Affiliate programs

One of the simplest and most profitable ways to make money on Instagram is selling someone else's goods or services through affiliate programs. How it works?

Algorithm of work on the site:

  • registration of an Instagram account;
  • selection of an affiliate product or service;
  • in some cases, you will have to get approval for your Instagram account as an advertising platform;
  • getting an affiliate link;
  • placing an advertising post with an affiliate link in your account;
  • if a user clicks on your affiliate link and purchases a product or service, you will receive a reward.

Today there are many affiliate programs. You can easily find lists of the best partners on the Internet. These sites provide lists of partners:; Tlight; Adcombo; CPA. On average, the commission for the sale of one product through the CPA network is 200-600 rubles. You can earn about 20 thousand rubles on affiliate programs. monthly. By the way, you yourself can earn on the affiliate program on your own purchases. How? Find a product, register in an affiliate program, take a link and buy from it. This scheme works in online stores and products participating in CPA networks.

Finally, here are some tips for doing Instagram business with affiliate programs:

  1. Promote only one product. You will ask people to follow the link in the bio, where you can provide only one link.
  2. Do not use a product image. The result is important to people. Show them the product you are promoting in action and how it can positively impact their lives.

    Do not use hashtags, as the number of clicks on them is insignificant, and the visual component of the content deteriorates.

    Choose products for affiliate sales that are already selling well and receiving rave reviews from customers.

    Do not use text in the picture, as it will reduce the reach

    Use 15 second videos.

Idea for "Instagram" 15. Completing tasks

This method can hardly be called earning - rather, part-time work. It does not bring much profit, but it takes a little time and generates income.

How to make money on Instagram on likes

    Register on a special service

    Get an assignment, for example, to like certain pages. With the help of special services, you can make money on Instagram on three simple steps: likes, comments, subscriptions. For these actions, people are willing to pay from 1 to 5 rubles.

    Complete the task and get a reward.

Here are some of these sites: here you can get 1 ruble just for the fact that you like a photo or subscribe. The minimum withdrawal amount is only 25 rubles. on average, one action here costs 3-5 rubles. If you work hard, you can get 500 rubles a day. payment for actions - from 50 kopecks to 5 rubles (for more serious tasks, such as leaving a comment).

    Cashbox- for 1 like you can get from 0.65 rubles.

The amount of money earned directly depends on the generosity of the customer. Average prices are as follows:

    per like: 0.6-2 rubles;

    for subscription and repost: 1-5 rubles;

    per comment: 3-15 rubles.

Using this method, you can earn 100-500 rubles a day on Instagram. And for a month the amount will be 2-10 thousand rubles. But it should be borne in mind that not very many tasks are laid out. Therefore, it is advisable to register on several such resources at once in order to increase daily earnings.

Business on Instagram. Summing up the results.

Instagram today is not just a social network for communication, but a real trading platform where you can expand your business and earn good money. In fact, there are much more than eight ideas for making money on Instagram. You can provide photo processing services, be a giveaway organizer, analyze profiles, release author's presets for photo processing, provide designer services for registering an account, write custom texts, etc. Therefore, the main thing is to find that business idea with which it will be easy and interesting for you to work. In this case, business on Instagram will bring pleasure.

Unfortunately, you can make money on Instagram, but not right away. In most cases, an investment on Instagram pays off over time. You will definitely not get a momentary profit.

11,078 people are studying this business today.

For 30 days this business was interested 613639 times.

The development of modern technologies provides ample opportunities for doing business. One of them is making money on Instagram, but finding a way to earn and withdraw money is not as easy as it seems at first glance.

For the first time, a social network was considered as an alternative source of income in 2015. Within three years, new opportunities and ways of their implementation appeared, which made it possible to develop a business on the social network. You can advertise anything - someone else's products, cafes, restaurants, bars, festivals, clubs, cities, etc.

How much can you earn on Instagram?

The advantage of doing business on Insta is the lack of investment of your own funds. Passive profit is the most cost-effective investment of time and energy, as modern bloggers point out. The payback in this case will not be instant, because it manifests itself faster in the case of investment of the initial capital.

Basically, earnings are based on:

  • blogging (30,000 subscribers - 500 rubles / post);
  • subscribers (there is no exact information);
  • advertising (50,000 subscribers - 1,500 rubles / post);
  • photographs (similar to blogging);
  • likes (less than 500 rubles per day);
  • comments (as for likes).

The most common way to make a profit is through advertising. You can earn in your account with it in different ways, it is impossible to find a definite answer. The amount is made up of individual items:

  • specific requirements of the advertiser;
  • profile popularity and number of subscribers;
  • the purchasing power of users subscribed to the installer;
  • advertising effectiveness;
  • quality and quantity of publications.

The amount varies from 5,000 rubles a month to several hundred thousand rubles for one post.

Earning in Instagram on subscribers and likes

With a large number of subscribers, the income from the installer increases. It is impossible to determine the exact amount, because it all depends on the target audience, activity and other factors.

This method does not bring a lot of income to the user if he himself is engaged in putting down likes, subscribing to users and commenting on photos. On the other hand, the low cost of the service allows you to promote your own page in the same way without incurring large material costs.

Who pays money for likes and why?

People and companies are ready to pay for hearts. This is due to the fact that the post becomes more popular as the number of likes and comments to it increases. It rises up the feed of friends and unsubscribed users on the page.

On average, a company is able to offer 1-5 rubles per action, so the daily earnings will amount to 100-200 rubles. The minimum cost of a like is 20 kopecks, on average it fluctuates around 50 kopecks.

A commentary costs more - from 1 to 5 rubles, and a subscription - about 1 ruble.

Where to begin?

First you need to register on one of the services:


You can register for them without investing money and make a profit on the very first day. In addition to tasks for insta, there are ways to make money on other social networks.

After registration, the user takes the task and completes it. This can be like putting like, commenting on posts, or subscribing. As soon as the task is completed, money is credited to the account.

Exchanges for cheating likes and subscriptions: money for completing tasks

To work on the exchange, you will need to attach an insta account. The most popular services are:

  •, where there is an optimal task for each user;
  • is a similar service, but here you can complete tasks for Facebook and Twitter;
  • approaches the question in an original way - you need to accumulate points, which can then be converted into money;
  • Cashbox is engaged in the promotion of sites and applications through social networks.

It is important not to overdo it in order not to get banned. The administration carefully monitors the rules, so you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of use in advance if there is a need for artificial wrapping.

Often on exchanges it is suggested to write a comment under a certain post. It does not require a lot of time, therefore it can bring a small amount in a few minutes. The most popular exchanges are,, they have not only a link to the required post, but also the comment itself that needs to be published. Other sites offer tasks to like or subscribe to pages.

How to make money on Instagram from photos?

The popularity of the profile allows you to get the first money for uploading photos. For this you need:

  • find a client on the exchange or on your own;
  • determine the cost of advertising;
  • take a high-quality photo of the advertiser's product;
  • put a photo on your page.

Earnings from advertising

This type of earnings is more suitable not for beginners, but for advanced users. It assumes a large number of subscribers. Popular personalities can afford to set any amount they see fit. An ordinary blogger can also make money, the amount most often depends on the advertiser.

How much can you earn?

The first sufficiently significant money will begin to flow when the public gains 20 thousand subscribers. In this case, monthly earnings can be up to 5,000 rubles. If the number of users interested in the page exceeds 50 thousand people, at the end of the month you can get 5-10 thousand rubles.

  • 250,000 rubles - Ksenia Sobchak;
  • 200,000 rubles - Olga Buzova;
  • 100,000 - Katya Clap;
  • 70,000 - Alena Vodonaeva;
  • 50,000 - Anastasia Volkova.

To achieve these results, you need to invest time and energy in your profile.

Selling posts through ad exchanges

The most popular exchanges are:


Here you can see how much the advertiser is offering per post on the network. The advantages of such solutions are access to advertisers, with which you can subsequently switch to personal communication.

With the help of the exchange, you can get additional earnings, but by placing ads on your page, you need to remember that a large number of it can lead to massive unsubscriptions of users. Content marketing needs to be done carefully in order to maintain the quality and attractiveness of the public.

A guarantee of payments is also provided, so each party complies with its obligations after the conclusion of the transaction.

Working with advertisers directly

Most often, the advertiser himself contacts the user for the purpose of publishing an advertisement. If there are not many subscribers at this moment - about 1000, then it is more likely to be a question of bartering. Those. the user receives a service or product, after which he publishes a positive review about it, attaching a link to the advertiser. If there are many subscribers, then they often offer money for the post.

Earnings on giving giveaway contests

Giveaway allows you to receive gifts in exchange for a specific user action, most often a subscription. You can also like and repost the record, make and upload a photo. Small and valuable prizes are raffled off depending on the number of sponsors and their investment.

The income is determined depending on the conditions of the competition. For example, attracting 10 sponsors who pay 1,500 rubles each will make it possible to earn about 10,000 rubles per drawing.

Earnings on other people's accounts

One of the types of work from home that can bring decent wages. He is able to generate income when the user already knows how to attract an audience, promote pages and is ready to offer his services to companies or private users.

Maintaining and promoting other people's accounts for money

They earn money by promoting accounts, which is due to the opportunity to get a lot of subscribers. This requires proper page promotion, which is what SMM specialists do.

The main tasks of Instagram managers are:

  • advertising your account on the pages of other users and placing their advertisements on your own site;
  • promotion using new and proven methods;
  • planning and creating quality content that can keep the interest of existing subscribers and attract new ones;
  • registration of a company or person account.

Training in these duties will take 1-2 months, and the profit will be 5-20 thousand rubles per month. If you have experience and the ability to quickly promote the page, this amount can be assigned by the manager himself, and not by the employer.

Earnings from selling accounts

In this case, the ability to promote accounts is also important. At the same time, the creation of an instaprofile begins not from the moment the page is ordered for a specific audience, but the creation of a public for sale. Provided that the user has enough time to promote and recruit live subscribers.

The advantages are:

  • receipt by the buyer of a promoted account and a visible result;
  • the possibility of selling to a person who will be engaged in advertising;
  • the ability to earn money on your own account before the sale.

How to withdraw money from Instagram?

The principles of withdrawing funds from Instagram may differ depending on the method of earning.

The use of affiliate programs, services for cheating likes and subscriptions, advertising campaigns and other services involves the withdrawal of funds using standard and common payment systems, or electronic wallets. These include WebMoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi, etc.

Selling goods and services allows you to choose the optimal and convenient way for the owner of the page to receive funds. They can be transferred to a card, account, e-wallet, etc.

Greetings to the readers of the HeterBober business magazine! The founders of the project Vitaly and Alexander are with you again!

In today's issue we will talk again about making money on the Internet. Our topic is generating income on Instagram, a popular social network.

Make yourself comfortable, our fascinating story awaits you!

1. How and how much you can earn on Instagram and what are the features of this resource

Instagram (IG) is a functional application for filming, storing and distributing photo and video materials.

The service is compatible with iPhones, iPads, phones based on Android 2.2 and higher and other modern mobile devices. With it, you can edit pictures and turn an amateur photo into a professional one.

Since the acquisition of Instagram by Facebook in 2012, the application's capabilities have expanded significantly. Now the account can be integrated with your own profile on Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte and other social networks.

Important facts about the app:

  • since its inception, more than 300 million users have been registered on the site and several tens of billions of images have been uploaded;
  • the main application options are freely available for all project participants;
  • tens of millions of registered members use the portal every day;
  • several hundred new likes and comments appear on Instagram every second;
  • since 2014, you can upload short videos to the resource.

As soon as it became possible to download an advertising video, the commercial potential of the portal immediately increased, and the activity of Instagrammers increased: where there is advertising, there is always the possibility of earning additional profit.

At the same time, no initial investment is required to develop a business on the Instagram network. Only two conditions are needed - the desire to develop and the availability of free time.

The current state of Instagram and its commercial potential

In a few years, Instagram has transformed from a purely practical resource into a full-fledged social network through which you can find new friends and establish social contacts.

The commercial potential of the application was not revealed immediately. At first, the service was used strictly for its intended purpose - for editing and photographs right on the phone and uploading them to the Internet. Gradually, the application developed, new functions and capabilities appeared, the number of users grew.

The popularity of the community continues to increase: right now, thousands of people receive income using Instagram, and some do not even put any effort into it, having passive income from advertising.

We have already written in more detail about what passive income is and what types of it exist in the article "".

Want to join the lucky ones? Then read our material!

An interesting fact is that for a long time the Instagram service remained out of sight of domestic moneymakers - specialists in entrepreneurship on the Internet. Only a few used IG as a business tool, but such projects did not always allow them to achieve stable commercial success.

The situation changed dramatically quite recently - in 14-15 years, when it became possible to record and post short videos on Instagram. And one more fact that influenced the growth of commercial potential is integration with VKontakte, the most popular resource in the Russian Federation.

By linking the accounts, you can automatically post everything captured using IG to Contact: this radically simplifies the procedure for uploading files and improves the quality of photos and videos.

All these facts, coupled with the popularity of Instagram among some media people (athletes, TV presenters, musicians and socialites) have led to the current status of IG: the application has become a kind of cult for a whole generation.

Then a completely logical process began - the owners and administrators of public groups and VKontakte pages migrated to Instagram in order to develop their communities there and receive regular profit with their help.

Exchanges have appeared that have become intermediaries in the sale and purchase of advertising: now any user can publish their profile and take advantage of advertisers' offers.

How and how much can you earn in IG? We will answer the first part of the question in detail in the next section, as for specific numbers, it all depends on the way you make money and the amount of time you are willing to allocate for this.

The popularity of your Instagram page also matters. It's simple - the higher the rating, the more subscribers you have, the more money your potential partner and advertiser is willing to pay.

2. Ways to make money on Instagram - TOP-7 popular

If you don't have a profile and Instagram yet, get one. It's a matter of a few minutes - you can activate your account via Facebook. This can be done using any modern smartphone with an android platform, an iPhone or a stationary computer.

Earnings will increase many times over if your profile becomes popular with other users, and a large number of users visit it every day. You can promote your page on your own or with a little help (not disinterested, of course) from special services.

The greatest demand among Instagrammers is for thematic pages (niche) dedicated to a certain direction. You have probably visited and are visiting such profiles and you yourself know what a popular instagrammer's public looks like.

If you don't have a popular profile yet, don't despair. Patience, desire and following instructions will help you to promote a page from scratch and turn it into a stable source of income.

Method 1. Earnings from advertising

Option for the patient or those who have already achieved popularity within IG. The principle is simple - the advertiser places ads on your pages, you get a commission for this.

The level of earnings is comparable to the profit from advertising on VKontakte: for one post you can get from 500-1000 rubles and more. There is no upper limit - it all depends on the level of popularity of your public on the network. There are users who are paid five-digit amounts (sometimes even in dollars) to post a post. And about that, we have already written an article on our website.

Do not set yourself the goal of starting sales as quickly and at a higher price as possible. Short-term profits can negatively affect the long term. It is very easy to turn a page into a "content graveyard" with ghosts in the form of advertisements.

Always remember the following rules:

  • the Instagram application is created for communication between people, making money in this application is something like a useful side effect;
  • the stage of project promotion is the most important, be prepared for a long preparatory period;
  • first - interesting and unique content, then advertising.

You understand - the subscriber needs to be captivated. If he sees and feels the benefits of visiting your page, he will adequately perceive the advertisements posted on it.

Another important point is the competent design of the page. To attract users and advertisers, it is necessary that in your public images and text correspond to the thematic direction you have chosen. Also think about ways of connecting with partners.

How many subscribers (followers) do you need to get interested in advertisers? The optimal amount is several thousand. If you have a solid base of regular subscribers, partners will find you on their own.

But usually, at the initial stage, you have to look for customers on advertising exchanges or using tactics reminiscent of "cold calling" sales managers.

Method 2. Earnings on the sale of your own images

Do you know how to take good photos? Then this option is for you. To start making money, register on services that buy photos, and upload the pictures you want to sell there.

The intermediaries get a good percentage from the sale of pictures, the photographer himself has only a part of the income from sales. However, in the event that your name really becomes popular, it will be possible to get in direct contact with representatives of the companies.

Method 3. Earnings on the sale of goods

Trading on Instagram is becoming an increasingly profitable and popular business. Many sellers from other chains have migrated to IG, where the consumer market is wider and more diverse.

What can you sell on Instagram? Basically, everything that can be represented with the help of photographs. Selling through the popular application is suitable for both those who are engaged in the production of hand-made products and for the owners of online stores. The main thing is that the photos are taken clearly, and the goods have an adequate value.

How to attract buyers?

There are several methods:

  1. Promotion of your page.
  2. Placement of subject tags by which you will be found in the search.
  3. Image snapping to specific pages in the virtual online store.
  4. Special services.

One of these services is called Inselly and is specially designed for the Instagram application. This system will independently put your product up for sale, for this you just need to add a special tag to the photos #inselly and your photo will be added to the system.

The service allows you to transform your profile into a real Internet market. You can even set up cash settlements using the system PayPal... The personal profile is filled with information useful to buyers and hidden advertising.

Method 4. Earning on likes through special services

A bunch of services like VKTarget, Roboliker, Twite offer everyone to receive a reward for certain actions.

This capacity can be:

  • likes;
  • posts;

If earlier Instagram attracted only with beautiful photos, now it has expanded its functionality to incredible sizes. If you start listing what you can find on this social network, you will not have enough fingers on both hands: communication, information, courses, buying goods and services, watching a variety of content from all over the world and, of course, making money!

Instagram is the most convenient and cool platform for making a profit. Every day at least one person appears in whose head the thought rushes: "How to make money on Instagram without investing money for a beginner?" The answers can be found below in the article.

How do they make money on Instagram?

If you gained subscribers (real people, not winding ones) and the figure exceeded the 10 thousand mark, then the chance of earning on Instagram for you has increased significantly. The unspoken rule of this social network is that accounts with less than 10 thousand subscribers are not allowed into the business world, as it were, many privileges are not available to them.

How and how to make money on Instagram without investing money for a beginner? There are several options:

  1. Sell ​​products through partner programs. It looks like this: you register on a special platform, choose the product you like, and if you were able to sell it in your profile, you will receive a certain percentage of the transaction.
  2. Sell ​​your goods. This item is suitable for you if:
  • You have your own online store.
  • You do something with your own hands: you sew, cook, plane, draw, paint. The handmade niche on Instagram is very popular, people like to buy things, which they approached with soul to create.
  • You know something: how to lose weight, pose, apply makeup, take pictures, create a website, draw, process photos. The pages of psychologists, nutritionists, athletes who run marathons and webinars are very popular.
  1. Place advertisements on your page or in Stories (see ““). The most relevant and common way to make money. It brings great benefits to well-known bloggers, since one advertising post from them can cost unrealistic money - 100, 200, 300 thousand rubles. But even at the initial stage, having about 10-15 thousand followers on advertising, you can make good money - from 5-25 thousand rubles. For your ad to be effective, you need to properly approach it. Write interesting text, take unusual photos, shoot funny videos, like, for example, Evgeny Kulik (@evgeny_kulik). Be creative in one word. An unusual presentation of a product reaches the audience more than a dull enumeration of its merits.

If you do not know where to start, and the number of subscribers is suitable for starting earning money from advertising, visit special platforms that help advertisers and customers to meet. The main advantages of the services are the security of the transaction. Neither you nor the customer risk anything, since the administration acts as the guarantor of the fulfillment of the terms of the contract. The very best in their field -, Epicstar,.

  1. Maintain and promote your profile. This type of income is very common. Managers to run the page are hired by online stores, popular groups and bloggers. Even show business stars have their assistants. Great demand appears due to lack of time. Not everyone has an hour or two to upload photos, scroll through the feed, rake Direct and respond to comments.

The salary in this case depends on the popularity of the page and your knowledge. The cooler the page, the more work and your savvy in it, the greater the reward. Provided that you get to a generous employer. Maintaining one account costs about 15-20 thousand rubles. But if you have the skill and free time, then you can lead several projects, therefore, and earn more.

What do we have to do?

  • create, select, plan content for the feed;
  • promote the page: attract new subscribers;
  • keep the interest of the previous audience;
  • create a profile image.

How to start making money for a beginner?

If you are starting your path to fame and money from scratch, then you need to know what your first steps should be:

  • registering a page and creating a username;
  • filling out the profile header (read the article ““).

  • transferring an account to a business profile;
  • quality content creation and page design.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make money on Instagram without investment

Let's take the sale of goods through affiliate programs as an example.

How does this happen:

  • Choose a site. For example,,
  • Go through registration.
  • After that, you will be assigned your personal partner ID. You will add it to a link to a particular product.
  • Choose a product or service and advertise in any way you want.
  • If the user who came from you fulfilled all the conditions (registered, made a purchase), then you will receive a negotiated percentage of the amount.

The advantages of this type of earnings:

  • Your hut is on the edge. All responsibility for the quality of the goods and so on lies with the owner.
  • You don't need to invent anything, organize storage, delivery.
  • You do not need to develop and invest in a project;
  • You do not bear any losses.


  • The main disadvantage of this earnings is that it will not be large. Most often, for one or another action performed by your customer, you get about 5% of the value of the goods.
  • Some partner sites cheat - they reduce the readings of clicks on your link so as not to pay. Tracking down whether the testimony is true is very difficult. To avoid this, do business only with the sites of the CPA networks. On them, the administration will monitor the honest fulfillment of all conditions.


If you want to profit from Instagram, you must first invest in it. It's not about money, it's about strength. Promoting your page does not happen on a click, it is a difficult and constant job that brings income only to those who truly believe in themselves and in their business.