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How to get the "Portrait Mode" depth effect on any iPhone. How to get the "Portrait Mode" Depth Effect on Any iPhone Face ID, New Gestures, Portrait Mode, Animoji

Augmented reality (AR)

In fact, all AR chips have long been used in Sony smartphones, but Apple, as always, has managed to make "innovation" out of old-new technology.

The game The Machines was shown at the presentation. When launched, a camera opens, a flat surface nearby is scanned, onto which a virtual battlefield is projected. Robots walk around and butcher each other to look like a nut.

What is going on in the game, I don't even get close, but everything looks, of course, cool! Literally a minute later, like a child, I was crawling on the floor with a smartphone, looking behind virtual mountains, crawling under bridges and looking at robots from all sides. The entertainment is extremely entertaining, but for 10 minutes if you are over 16 years old.

The next application is IKEA Place (in Russian App Store not yet available). It scans the surface of the apartment and places virtual furniture on it. You can select items from the current catalog, move furniture back and forth, twist, twirl, and so on. It sounds cool, but in practice, the application is buggy and often objects are on the ceiling, then too large for your apartment, then they jump by themselves, as if by pike.

In general, AR is a cool and promising thing. But not now.

Oh yes! 20 minutes of playing The Machines consumed about 20 percent on my iPhone 8 Plus. One percent per minute is augmented reality, baby!


Most importantly, why people buy plus versions is double rear camera by 12 Megapixels. Now I'll tell you what's what.

Keep in mind, the plus's main camera with a wide-angle lens is exactly the same as in, so please go to iPhone review 8 where I tested the novelty in detail.

Here I will share a few more examples and make a short conclusion:

Apple iPhone 8 Plus shoots gorgeous! This is definitely one of the best camera phones on the market. Everything works simply and gracefully, according to the principle of "pointed, removed, got an excellent result."

By the way, there is an HDR function in the settings. It is enabled by default, and correct. Here are some examples:

If anything, we take all the examples in original quality.

Portrait mode

The main advantage of the plus over its younger brother is the portrait mode. Double iPhone camera 8 Plus can blur the background, unlike single in.

However, the background of the iPhone 8 Plus doesn't lather well. I didn't manage to remove anything worthwhile. Pay attention to the hair - you can see the rough work of the software algorithms.

There were also more successful situations, mostly not with people.

However, even here, the automation does not always work and this is what turns out ...

And now, just to expand horizons, here are a few frames with, who can do the same thing.

I hope that all the jambs will be corrected in the next iOS updates and the new super smart processor will finally start evaluating the frame more intelligently.

Portrait lighting

New feature exclusive for Apple iPhone 8 Plus. It's still the same portrait, only Apple has added some cool filters.

For clarity, let's look at what the company is proud of on its official website.

Now let's look at the examples that I got.

After a couple of dozen frames, I figured out how to shoot in order for something more or less worthwhile.

We turn on, for example, “Stage Light”, tap on the model's face, the smartphone focuses, but we don't click on the final button yet, immediately lower the exposure slider with our finger, the picture becomes darker, but the subject is still visible and only after that we can press the shutter release ...

However, only one frame out of ten is good. What can you say here? It's not for nothing that Apple has warned that the feature is in beta testing.

By the way, portrait lighting doesn't work with objects - the face must be in focus.

Optical zoom

I have not yet seen a smartphone that takes the same cool and high-quality picture with the second camera as with the main one. The iPhone 8 Plus is no exception.

On the screen of the device, the frames are bombastic. You drop it on your computer and it’s immediately clear that the notorious “ Optical zoom"Is just a feature, not a serious tool at all. They can only remove an ad at the entrance, if there is no desire to come closer.

As for the second camera, only the lens aperture is known - f / 2.8. This is a lot, less light falls on the matrix, the picture is of lower quality.

On the other hand, optical stabilization works on both modules. This is cool, of course. You can safely zoom in on the picture while recording a video and it will not shake.


Exactly the same as in the eight. Moreover! It is the same as in 7 and 7 Plus. It shoots well, there is no crime with exposure, in the dark the face turns into mush, but the flash of the Retina Flash screen saves the situation.

Video recording or a video blogger's dream

Both new iPhones shoot amazing 4K videos.

Of the innovations, we are able to shoot at a frequency of 60 frames per second. The end result looks amazing and this characteristic of the iPhone 8 Plus makes it the best smartphone on the roar. And the point!

Even at night, the videos are of quite decent quality.

Separately, I was pleased with the work of optical stabilization. It is not what you expect here - the picture is alive, it is clear that it was shot with hands, and not with a tripod. But at the same time, the "stub" neutralizes the smallest tremors of the hands - the most important thing. In addition, there is no "jelly" when all the images are twisted every second, as is the case on almost all Android flagships, including on.

Not without its drawbacks. The stream speed in these videos is so high (109 Mbit / s) that they can be played safely only on powerful computers. For example, on a 2011 iMac 27 with an SSD from Samsung, my video slows down, it's impossible to watch. Last year's MacBook 12 does the job with ease.

We continue to praise Apple, there is good reason for it. Eight shoots excellent Slow Motion video: 1920 x 1080 resolution, 240 frames per second. No smartphone can do that, and many flagships still saw miserable 720p at 120 FPS.

A tale of glitches in iOS 11

iOS 11 is awesome! Finally, I really like the look operating system... I don't know why, but for the first time since the release of iOS 7, the new operating system looks and works like a complete, complete system.

Should the owners of the sevens update to it? Of course yes! Those using the 6S and 6S Plus should do this too. Nothing bad will happen.

Sixes owners, just sell your smartphones and buy yourself a seven or something on Android. For example, .

However, like any other OS release from Apple, there were some glitches. Here's what I managed to catch.

Skype doesn't work at all. It does not start, crashes, and therefore we are waiting new version... If anything, kosyachnoy assembly - 8.6.

Next, I decided to measure the volume of the speakers on both eights, almost at the same time the Music application picked up and closed itself. I had to start over. If anything, the Music took off at the moment when I decided to turn on airplane mode - I just didn't want to be distracted by notifications from the outside.

I did not notice any more problems and this is a victory!

This is the first time we have such an optimized system right out of the box.


Nothing new in terms of timing autonomous work no. A freshly baked "apple +" works the same as the previous one. Even though the battery capacity has dropped. The new A11 Bionic chipset is built on a 10nm process technology, which means it consumes less power than its predecessor (16nm).

If you do not use AR applications, then the new product will last one day from dawn to dusk.

The huge advantage of the Plus version over the fact that you don't need to take a portable battery with you when you leave the house. "Powerbank" for the younger brother is the first accessory to buy, after the cover, of course.

Almost the main feature of the new device is support for wireless charging. Thank you Apple for adopting the industry standard - Qi technology. Thanks to this, you can charge your iPhone using any compatible docking station, even from Samsung.

I specially bought a Belkin charger from the Apple Store and here are the results of my measurements.

The smartphone was charged from zero to one hundred percent in 3 hours 40 minutes.

This is strange enough. After all, it was charged only ten minutes less. And the difference in battery capacity is huge: 2675 mAh for the plus and 1821 "swings" for the 8.

Moreover! The new plus is charged from the complete charger for 3 hours 57 minutes. It turns out that wireless charging is faster than traditional charging.

A few more facts about wireless charging. Energy is also replenished in plastic cases of medium thickness, and the device itself heats up quite a bit. Not critical at all.


iPhone 8 Plus is very cool and powerful smartphone... However, if you go down to earth, then you can conclude the following:

"Everything is very cool, powerful, but there is no point in buying it at all."

Let me explain. He never copes with all, literally all tasks outdated iPhone 7 Plus. Yes, the predecessor shoots a little worse, but the difference is not so critical as to abandon everything and rush headlong into the store for a novelty.

If you compare the iPhone 8 Plus with its Android competitors, then in this moment he is better at almost everything than most of them. Of course, if you do not take into account the outdated and not very successful design. The hefty dimensions of the body, the wide frames - in the universe, the "green robot" can simply be laughed at.

Last but not least, cost.

In the US, a smartphone costs 699 bucks for a basic configuration of 64 GB (there are states where they do not charge VAT, so I don’t need to fill in about the tax) or 40 thousand rubles. In Russia, a smartphone costs $ 990 or 64,990 rubles in terms of US currency. AND buy iPhone 8 Plus we have an official price list ... sorry, but it borders on madness and lack of minimal respect for yourself and your money.

Okay, let's skip the question of money. In any case, you need to be very clear about why you need the iPhone 8 Plus, if an iPhone X comes out in a month, which is better than a plus in everything. Even I, a tech blogger, cannot imagine why I need an 8 Plus when I can take an iPhone ten. Thinking, thinking ...

Exclusively available portraits on iPhone X, 8 Plus, 7 Plus and SE 2. When using telephoto lens kit with 56mm (52mm on iPhone X). Your iPhone uses "bokeh" technology to capture images in portrait mode, a beautiful blurred background or foreground.

The iPhone also has portrait lighting as part of this feature. It uses machine learning and portrait orientation depth mapping to intelligently add special lighting to your photos in real time. Here's how to enable portrait photography on iPhone 7, 8, X!

Want to take a portrait photo of someone with an iPhone? Here's how you do it:

1. Open the Camera app.

2. Go to the "Portrait" setting.

3. Line up the image you want to photograph within 2-8 feet of the subject. The camera's face and body detection should automatically identify your subject.

4. Pay attention to the Camera app prompts (either “More light needed,” “Flash can help,” “Position subject within 8 feet”, or “Move further”).

5. When you meet the needs of the camera, you will see the banner below turn yellow.

Note. You can shoot with a telephoto lens in Portrait mode even if the banner doesn't turn yellow - it just means you won't get depth or lighting effects.

6. If you have an iPhone 8 Plus, X or SE 2, then click on the cube icon above the photo button to change your lighting effects.

7. Press the button to take the photo.

IOS 11 stores two versions of every photo you take in portrait mode on your iPhone, one with the depth effect applied and the other with the normal effects. But he does it secretly: you only see one image in the Photos app.

If you want to see the original image on your iPhone, you need to click Edit and then click the yellow portrait banner at the top.

How do I shoot other subjects and animals in portrait mode on my iPhone?

Shooting other non-human subjects is not officially supported for portrait photography on the iPhone, but you can still do it if you want; get ready for artificial depth of field that doesn't look perfect.

Once you've chosen the effect you want, you'll want to position your subject in the center of the camera and far enough away for you to take a photo. The photo will then appear in the Photos app with the effect applied.

If you want to change the effect after you've taken a photo, find your photo in the Photos app and click Change. You will then see the same selection as before, but at the bottom of the photo.

Just remember that you can only change or add an effect to the photos you've previously shot in Portrait Mode on your iPhone.

How to remove depth or light effects from photos in iPhone?

Stage lighting? Doesn't always look so good. But removing it is easy.

If you've taken a portrait shot and decided you don't want bokeh or Stage Lighting in your image, removing one of these options is easy enough. And since Apple function works without deletion, you can always restore the look later if you want.

Note. Despite capturing depth effects and lighting effects in portrait mode on an iPhone. They exist independently of each other: you can only remove the depth without removing the lighting effects, and vice versa.

How to remove the depth effect of a photo on your iPhone

3. Click Change.

4. Then click on the yellow "Portrait" button when it appears at the top of the screen.

Note. Users can only remove depth effects on images taken with iOS 11 or later. In portrait mode, photos taken on iOS 10 will not display the Remove Portrait button.

5. Click Finish.

How to remove or change the lighting effect of a photo on your iPhone

Note. This feature is only available for iPhone 8 Plus or iPhone X.

1. Open the Photos app on your iPhone.

2. Find the portrait mode photo you want to edit.

3. Click Change.

4. Click on the cube at the bottom of the screen to open the lighting menu.

5. Sweep your hand over the cubes to return to Natural Lighting or select an alternate lighting option.

6. Click Finish.

That's all, if you have any questions, write them in the comments.

As a rule, Apple does not disregard legacy iOS devices, giving users the opportunity to upgrade to latest version operating system. In the case of the company, the practice has not changed, except for the withdrawal of support for 32-bit devices. However, the owners of not all earlier iPhone models will benefit from some latest features in iOS 11.

In contact with

Which iPhone models will support the iOS 11 update?

Since Apple dropped 32-bit support in iOS 11, the new OS version will not be available for iPhone 5 and iPhone 5c devices.

iOS 11 is supported by: iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 5s. It should be noted that after iOS installations 11 on earlier models, device owners may not be able to access some of the new features.

ARKit - Augmented Reality

Since ARKit (augmented reality technology) requires significant energy and computing resources, support this technology there will only be certain iPhone and iPad models powered by the A9, A10, or A11 chipsets. These include: iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPad Pro(all three versions and models).

Thus ARKit support will not be available for iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

Apple Pay Cash money transfer function

IOS 11 will support Apple Pay Cash technology, which allows you to transfer funds in the Messages application. The money transferred will be stored in a virtual debit card provided by Apple. Owners of Apple devices will be able to use them to pay for purchases on any services that support Apple Pay. The following devices will receive support for the function: iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 6, iPhone 6s, iPhone 7, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s Plus and iPhone 7 Plus.

Service will be unavailable for iPhone 5s owners.

Face ID, new gestures, portrait mode, animoji

Some iOS 11 features, such as the new gestures in iOS and, will only be available to owners of the new flagship iPhone X.

It's design related flagship smartphone Apple and the fact that some functions use the TrueDepth camera system, located in a miniature module at the top of the smartphone display.

iPhone X has a bezel-less OLED screen, so interaction with iOS is done using gestures. These gestures will not be available to owners of iPhone models equipped with a physical Home button.

Portrait Mode is only available on iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X.

Wireless and fast charging function

iOS 11 includes support for wireless and fast charging (50% in 30 minutes), but this feature can only be used by iPhone X, iPhone 8, and iPhone 8 Plus owners with the appropriate hardware.

Apple focuses even more on its big screen iPad, but at the same time for the iPhone, the changes are almost imperceptible. While there weren't significant changes in iOS 10 last year, the iPhone has a ton of useful features. Various functions and Snapchat-like elements were added to messages, and the developers got access to 3D Touch. This time iPhone users it will be difficult to notice that something has been updated. On the other hand, iOS 11 is great news for iPad fans who want more features for their tablet.

How to upgrade to iOS 11

As usual, we recommend doing backup your device before updating any OS. Despite the fact that Apple did the process iOS updates smoother than before, there is still the possibility that things could go wrong. In this case, it is worth making a local backup iTunes rather than using iCloud as it is much easier to restore.

Most likely, an update is already available for your device and you received an invitation to install iOS 11. If not and you are in a hurry, you can go to the "General" section in "Settings" to check if the update has been downloaded. Connect to a power source and do not turn off Wi-Fi during the entire installation process. iOS 11 weighs over 2GB and the setup process takes about five minutes longer than it did in iOS 10.

Once the installation is complete, you will find that the iOS 11 lock screen looks slightly different. There is no slider to unlock, you need to press the Home button again. After you finish customizing, you will see that the design has not changed much and this is essentially the same iOS as last year.

New Control Center in iOS 11

In iOS 11, you'll find an updated Control Center (swipe from the bottom). This is a two-screen format that has been around since last year. But this time, Apple has put all the Control Center shortcuts on one screen. To be honest, it looks like chaos at first. The icons are easy to distinguish, but on iPhone they are very close together, so you don't know where to press right away. In addition to buttons, the new Control Center has sliders to quickly adjust brightness and volume. And as before, you can use 3D Touch to activate additional options.

Media controls now have their own dedicated space in the Control Center, and they also have extras. functions that are activated with 3D Touch or long press on previous iPhones. This opens up the possibility of scrolling through the track, as well as switching between different multimedia devices... This is useful if you need to choose between several wireless headsets or AirPlay devices.

Luckily, you can customize the crowded Control Center to your liking by removing and adding shortcuts. Never use a flashlight? Just delete it and replace it with a note or voice note shortcut. You can also change the position of the Control Center icons so that the buttons you use most are at the top. However, don't be surprised if the Control Center starts filling up most of the screen if you add icons.

While this will not be helpful to everyone, the ability to quick recording screen and editing will come in handy for many. By the way, despite the fact that on Android phones in the curtain with the settings it is impossible to change something much, the updated Control Center offers iOS 11 users a small tweak even on Apple's limited operating system.

Improved camera performance

In iOS 11, the work with photos has changed significantly. Apple has updated the in-camera portrait mode to support flash and image stabilization, which should make photos much brighter and clearer. Developers will also be able to use the Depth API to create new filters using data from portrait mode. And good news for everyone: Apple continues to evolve its file formats (HEIF and HEVC) on iPhone 7 and later to reduce the size of your gallery.

In the Photos app, you can transform Live Photos with three new effects: loop, bounce and long exposure. The first two are straightforward - they will repeat Live Photo and move it back and forth, while the latter mimics the dream effect you get from long exposure on a professional DSLR camera. These are fun effects, but not particularly revolutionary at the moment.

In keeping with the trend of AI in iOS, Apple says Memories — automatically generated photo and video albums — will be significantly smarter in iOS 11. They will experience new types of events, including weddings and anniversaries. They will also be wiser about the type of media they include (especially when it comes to detecting blinks and smiles) and accompanying music. Memories will even be able to straighten slightly crooked photos on their own using machine intelligence.

Other improvements in iPhone

Aside from the new Control Center, most of the iPhone changes in iOS 11 are minor. The App Store and Messages have been redesigned to remind Apple Music; there is a lot of emphasis on large texts and images. The appearance has become better, although it is very similar old style Microsoft Zune. The messaging redesign also greatly improves controls, making it easy to scroll through your apps at the bottom of the screen. This is a big improvement over last year's interface.

The App Store now has a little more than editorial apps: there are curated lists as well as short articles for popular apps. Apple also divides games and apps into different sections to help people who never play games to avoid clutter. Overall, it's become much easier to find useful new apps in iOS 11. This is especially important because consumers only use about 26 apps a month on average, according to a 2015 Nielsen survey.

As usual, Siri has gotten a little smarter this year. She sounds more natural and can translate sentences into Spanish, French, German and even Mandarin. Of course, there are apps out there that already do this, but Siri is pretty good at it. Developers will also be able to use Siri hardware in their apps. As a first example, she can play music personalized for you in Apple Music. And Siri is also working as a DJ now - you can ask her to play "something sad" and she will compose a list of tracks.

Apple Music is also more social in iOS 11. You can now follow other users and share your playlists. Yes, that's all Spotify has been around for a long time, but it's good to see Apple finally join in the fun.

You can also send and receive money using Apple Pay in the Messages app later this fall. Apple Support ARKit says we're going to see a whole new batch of augmented reality apps that surpass Pokémon Go by several years. For example, Ikea has already announced an app that will let you see exactly how furniture fits into your home. He did an excellent job of providing furniture in physical spaces with using iPhone 8.

On the navigation side, Apple has also added indoor maps to the Maps app, as well as driving assistance while navigating. Of course, these are the same features that Google Maps has offered over the years on iPhone and Android. iOS 11 can automatically turn on Do Not Disturb mode when it detects you are driving, which is useful for keeping you focused on the road.

Rebirth of the iPad

If we talk about the iPad, then iOS 11 delivers significant changes (but not for my iPad mini 3, alas). Apple has now made the Dock, which debuted for the first time in OS X. It replaces the bottom row of shortcuts that you used on your home screen. The dock can be opened not only on the home screen, but also in any application. This makes it easy to switch between shortcuts and application launches.

Longer scrolling brings up windows showing all of your apps, as well as the Control Center on the right side of the screen. The new Control Center looks less confusing on the large display than it does on the iPhone.

The Dock opens up completely new multitasking techniques in iOS. You can now drag the app and display it in a tiny window on the side of your screen. Better yet, you can drag text and images between them. This is especially useful in the new Files app because you can easily save pictures and other files from the Internet. If you prefer the old split-screen multitasking code from iOS 9, you just have to scroll down the little window.

Speaking of the Files app, this is a particularly notable update from Apple. The company was previously opposed to any kind of file management in iOS. But with files (which also work on iPhones), you'll have an experience similar to what you'd find on Windows or macOS. The app helps to connect to third party storage services such as Google drive, Box and Dropbox. Finally, you will have an easy way to store documents downloaded from the Internet, as well as share files via e-mail and messages.

Apple also redesigned iPad keyboard to make it more comfortable. Instead of pressing shift key to print numbers and symbols, you can simply scroll through the existing keys to display the specials. sympols. If you have an Apple Pencil, you can also start taking notes right away by simply tapping on the lock screen. Plus, it's easier than ever to post web pages and documents with the stylus - no need to go into dedicated editing mode.

Clearly, iOS 11 is Apple's biggest effort to transform a mobile OS into a large part of the desktop platform. The dock enables seamless multitasking, and finally adds decent data management with the Files app. It's hard not to think you're looking at a Mac when you have an iPad with iOS 11 with a keyboard. Only improvements to iOS 11 have made the iPad Pro more bearable to use, although it's still far from what you can do with a full-fledged PC. However, the new OS shows that Apple is slowly getting closer to where we need it.


9.5 Fine

While it's great to see Apple take huge strides on the iPad, it's a shame that iOS 11 doesn't bring more to the table on the iPhone. I'm looking forward to the growth of ARKit apps and the wider user of machine intelligence, but I also want to see a truly fresh redesign from Apple. It's also a shame that we won't see new features like Apple Peer-to-Peer payments until late fall.

But with the iPhone X coming soon - a device that fundamentally reinvents what the iPhone might look like - there's a good chance we'll finally see some big iOS changes next year.

iOS 11 is the next annual update to Apple's operating system. The OS offers many useful features for iPad - especially if you want to use it as a laptop replacement, but you will hardly notice the update on iPhone.

    Dock and multitasking 10

Today in the iOS 11 review, we will look at what the new version has prepared for us, how the design has changed and what new features have appeared. Devices starting with the iPhone 5S received support for this version. Unfortunately, we did not see completely revolutionary things, but many small changes appeared that pleasantly surprised.

Appearance design

Cellular indicator

Changes affected appearance signal indicator cellular... The indicator in the form of dots has been replaced by a ladder that was in older versions of iOS.

Application design

The design of some applications in iOS 11 has changed, such applications are Apps Store, Podcasts. The design of the applications has become similar to the design of the Music application, it is becoming clear that Apple is moving towards a unified design for applications on its OS.

The calculator has also been transformed in the new version, the shapes of the buttons have acquired a rounded shape and have become more minimalistic.

"Dark theme" in iOS 11

In iOS 11, the so-called "dark theme" appeared, of course, this cannot be called a full-fledged theme. To activate it, you need to go to "Settings" → "General" → "Accessibility" → "Display adaptation" → "Color inversion" and activate Smart inversion.

New features in iOS 11

Control point

The first thing worth mentioning is probably a completely redesigned control center, it has changed a little more than completely. Firstly, what many have been waiting for has appeared. Now, in order to create your own control center with the widgets you only need, you need to go to the "Control Center" and configure it the way you want.

In all iPhones that support 3D Touch, it will be a nice bonus that when you long press on the widget in the "Control Center", various additional options appear. So when you click on the Flashlight widget, you will be able to adjust the brightness of the flashlight. Depending on the version of your device, certain options will appear.

Let's take an example of the iPhone 7, if in the "Control Center" we click on "Camera" using 3D Touch, then options such as "Selfie Snapshot", "Video Recording", "Slow Motion", "Take a Snapshot" appear, but if we had an iPhone 7 Plus in our hands, then there would be another option "Portrait mode", but we did not have one, since the iPhone 7 does not support photography in portrait mode.

Recall that the iPhone 5S, 6 lacks 3D Touch, so additional options are displayed with the usual long press.

After 10 versions of their operating system, they finally made a separate icon for the cellular network in the Control Center. Earlier, to disable exactly cellular network I had to turn on "Airplane mode", because only its icon was in the "Control Center", thereby turning off both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, then I had to go to "Settings" and turn them on again, and this was very inconvenient, but in iOS 11 everything changed.


The standard Camera application has learned to recognize QR codes. To do this, you should aim the camera at the QR code, after which the decrypted notification will float. Now you don't need to download third party applications that will still take up memory on the device.

Screenshot editing

The screenshot can now be opened, edited and sent to anyone immediately after you made it.

Document scanner

The standard iOS camera is now also able to scan a document in notes. It works so far damp, but even now it can be used.

Files app

The Files application appeared in the main menu, information about which was leaked a few hours before the presentation of the new OS version. While the application is a similar replacement for iCloud Drive, we are waiting from the developers further development of this application.

Screen Recording

IOS users now have access to the ability to record the screen of their device. To do this, hold down the special Screen Recorder icon in the Control Center. Now you do not need to look for auxiliary applications for recording, because now everything is done in a couple of taps.


The next update will delight the owners of AirPods, but those who do not have them will give them a reason to buy such a headset. In general, in addition to Play, Pause and Siri, by double tap, you can now reassign the function of switching the track forward or backward. The main advantage is that for each headphone the command can be set separately, tap on the left headphone - the previous track, tap on the right - the next one.


The changes also affected the keyboard, just hold down the language change icon, and you will be able to type text with your right or left hand. The keyboard is shifted to the right or left, depending on the selected mode. Initially, you can be skeptical about this, but we have to admit that there is a certain convenience in this.

Notification shade

Also, the notification curtain has changed slightly, when you swap it down, the latest notifications are displayed, with another swap down it disappears, but if we want to view older notifications, then we need to swap from the bottom up, after which they will be displayed.

Additional functions

IMessage now has the ability to send money via Apple Pay. Also, in a dialogue with your interlocutor, you can send him an audio recording, an application from the App Store that you would like to recommend for installation.