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We turn to smart mini from mts. How to switch to “Smart mini” tariff from MTS for free - how to connect or disconnect TP? Mts smart mini personal account

The tariff plan from MTS Smart mini was introduced as the last one in the Smart line. It includes the minimum number of minutes for calls, messages and traffic available to the subscriber. Thanks to this, a low fee is charged for it, so this TP has become one of the most popular with customers. Let's consider further what connection conditions are offered, what is the monthly payment, what additional services are already included in the package, and on what conditions the connection and access to the network is carried out after the limit is exhausted.

Smart Mini was developed by MTS for a specific category of consumers who do not want to spend money on advanced options, traffic packages and calls outside their region. The services included in the tariff are provided at competitive prices.

The cost and package of services of the tariff plan

The monthly subscription fee is up to 400 rubles. For this amount, the user gets:

  • Unlimited minutes when calling MTS numbers inside the home area.
  • 350 minutes for calls with subscribers throughout Russia (in some places the number of minutes may be lower).
  • 1 GB of Internet traffic with the ability to purchase another 500 MB (by the way, 2 GB was previously provided).
  • 250 SMS messages to be sent to subscribers in the home area (in other regions their number may be lower - up to 200 SMS per month).

Important! The cost of services may vary slightly:

  • RUB 400 - for consumers in Moscow and the Moscow region and a number of other territorial entities.
  • 200-300 p. - for most of the regions of the Russian Federation.

You can clarify the cost of Smart Mini in a specific region in the operator's salon or on the official website of MTS.


Incoming calls to numbers of subscribers who have connected Smart Mini are not charged. When the package of minutes is used up, outgoing calls are made on the following conditions:

  • You can call within the MTS network within the home area free of charge.
  • Calls to subscribers using communication services of other operators are made for 2 rubles. per minute.
  • Calls to customer numbers of other operators in other regions of the Russian Federation are charged at 14 rubles. per minute.

The remaining minutes in Smart Mini can be checked by typing the following command: ✶1001✶1 #

The allocated time is spent when making calls to subscribers of all telecommunication companies operating in the Russian Federation, including to MTS numbers. When the package is exhausted, outgoing calls to MTS clients within the region will be free.

By contacting the short service numbers of the operator itself, minutes are not spent from the subscriber. Even if a call to such a number is only paid, a fixed amount for the call will be withdrawn from the client's account, but the call package will not be spent.

SMS messages

SMS are spent only within the region where the tariff was connected. After exhausting a fixed amount, each new message is sent for:

  • 2 p. for SMS in your region.
  • 3.8 p. for sending a message to another area.
  • 8 p. for SMS to foreign numbers.


The client was given 1 GB of free traffic, after exhausting it, another 500 MB is automatically connected. In order for an additional package to be provided, the user must have 95 rubles in his account. This amount of additional traffic can be activated 15 times per month. You can also manually buy 2 GB of traffic for 200 rubles.

Remember! The Smart Mini user can check the rest of the traffic by dialing ussd-code ✶111✶217 #. You can buy additional traffic using the "Turbo button". And to disable the function of the additional Internet, you must enter the command ✶111✶936 #.

But keep in mind that such a price for such a volume is a significant overpayment, especially for a tariff with a 350-ruble payment. This option is imposed by the operator: the service is activated automatically, and if the subscriber does not monitor the amount of remaining traffic, the Internet fee may increase.

SIM card with Smart Mini tariff cannot be used in the modem. The system will detect this fact and automatically reduce the data transfer rate to a minimum. It will return to normal when the SIM card is reinserted into the smartphone.

Speed ​​limits of Smart Mini also exist for consumers living in the following regions:

  • Sakhalin region.
  • Norilsk.
  • Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
  • Kamchatka Krai.
  • Magadan Region.
  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

Here the data transfer is reduced to 128 Kbps, but the traffic (2 Gb) remains unchanged... Therefore, if you are a resident of one of the above regions, we advise you to consider other tariff plans of MTS or other operators.

Roaming in RF

One of the disadvantages of this TP is that it does not work when leaving the home area. Payment for communication services outside their region changes:

  • Calls in both directions (even to MTS numbers) cost 10.90 rubles. in a minute.
  • Long distance calls - 14 rubles per minute.
  • Each SMS costs 3.95 rubles.
  • 1 Mb of the Internet becomes prohibitively expensive - 10, 90 rubles!

You can activate the initial conditions of the tariff plan by activating the “Everywhere at home” service.

Connecting and disconnecting TP MTS Smart mini

To switch to Smart Mini, the subscriber's account must have at least 300 rubles. At the moment of connection, this amount will be debited from it. On the MTS website, you can download a document describing the conditions for connecting this tariff in your region.

If you have carefully studied the terms of the TP Smart mini and want to switch to this MTS tariff, you can do the following for this:

  • Call the Customer Support Center at 0890. You will need to wait for a response from a specialist, which may take several minutes.
  • Visit the MTS office. There you can buy a new SIM card and connect to this tariff, or you can ask to switch to this plan from your existing SIM card.
  • The change of the current tariff for Smart mini or the connection of this TP to a new SIM card is carried out by MTS after dialing the command ✶111✶1023 #. Plus, you can go to it from the proprietary application "My MTS" or on the operator's website.

Please note that if the TP has already been changed in the last month, then you can switch to Smart mini for an additional fee (that is, in excess of the amount charged for connecting to this tariff).

You can remove the Smart Mini yourself by doing it in the following ways:

  • By opening your personal account on the MTS website, clicking on the "Tariffs" category and choosing a different TP.
  • By contacting the operator at 0890 and requesting a transfer to another plan.
  • By visiting the nearest office of the operator, and submitting there an application for termination of the contract for the provision of communication services.
  • After completing the operation in the "My MTS" application.

Let us remind you that it is not necessary to manually disable this tariff. The nuance is that by switching from Smartmini to any other TP from MTS, the old one will turn off automatically.

Important! By subscribing to the Smart Mini tariff, together with it, the user receives the MTS Music service. In the first month, it is provided free of charge, but then you have to pay for it. If you do not need it, you can turn it off by calling the operator or visiting the nearest communication salon.

How customers respond to TP Smart mini

Consumers, seeing the size of the monthly subscription fee, can consider this tariff the most profitable. But it has some nuances: the package includes all the necessary services, but they are strictly limited, and are not suitable for everyone.

Consumers do not have a predominant opinion about the Smart Mini. Among the disadvantages are:

  • Consumption of a package of minutes for communication within the network. The provided number of minutes for calls to other networks (250 min.) is spent not only when communicating with subscribers of other telecommunication companies, but also when making calls with subscribers of the MTS itself who are outside the home region.
  • Paid auto-renewal of the Internet, which is carried out without the notice and consent of the subscriber.
  • High prices when a service is depleted.

Prices for exceeding the established limits on Smart mini are not cheap:

  • Having exhausted the number of minutes, within the region, subscribers of other operators can be contacted for 2 rubles per minute.
  • One minute of communication with a client of another operator outside the region costs 14 rubles.
  • Calls to the CIS countries cost 35 rubles per minute.
  • You can contact a subscriber from Europe for 49 rubles / min.
  • A conversation with people from other countries costs 70 rubles / min.
  • Each SMS sent to the numbers of international operators costs 5.25 rubles.
  • MMS messages to the phone of a domestic operator cost 6.5 rubles. each one.

There are also pluses:

  • Small monthly fee.
  • Reasonable price for outgoing calls after spending the minutes included in the basic package.
  • Unlimited calls within the home region to MTS numbers.

As a result, the Smart Mini has no special options or advantages. This is the cheapest tariff plan in the Smart line from MTS, in which there is a little bit of everything. As a replacement, you can consider other tariffs that do not include a monthly fee:

  • Super MTS.
  • Guest.
  • Secondary.

However, they do not have a package with several services, so they are suitable for narrow categories of people. There are much more lucrative plans. For example, the same MTS has other tariff lines providing for a larger size of service packages - Smart MTS (500 rubles for more traffic and minutes) or Smart +.

Smart mini is suitable for those MTS clients who are not active users of communication services and the World Wide Web, and use them from time to time, so they do not want to overpay for more expensive service packages.

An illustrative example:

  • In the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, as well as in the Rostov Region, this the tariff costs 8-10 rubles per day.
  • In St. Petersburg, Moscow and the Moscow region - up to 15 rubles a day.

Another plus of Smart Mini is unlimited calls to other MTS subscribers. It is suitable for those who rarely call the numbers of other operators, and use the mobile Internet only to access social networks, instant messengers and to browse sites, that is, they do not spend traffic on expensive content (for example, watching a video).

This is a good solution for those people who spend most of their time on the Internet at home, connected to Wi-fi, and access the network from a smartphone only for a limited time. For active network users, 1 GB may not be enough even for several days, and it is better for them to consider tariffs with a focus on a large amount of traffic and options with unlimited services (social networks, messengers, video and audio hosting, etc.).

It is worth paying attention to this tariff, for example, for people who want to keep in touch with their children or relatives within their community for a small fee.

The disadvantages are that services are severely limited. This is another reason for the appearance of negative reviews about this tariff: people, having seen the amount of payment, switched to it, but did not first understand the terms of the TP. There is not so much traffic, the number of minutes and SMS, and if you spend them, then when you connect additional options, you can spend an amount several times higher than the monthly fee for the tariff.

Therefore, those MTS subscribers who are sure that such a limited package of services will be enough for them should switch to the Smart Mini TP. Carefully consider which services are priority, which packages can be spent even before the end of the month.

You don't have to worry about the number of SMS messages in Smart Mini: now they have been successfully replaced by other services - social networks and instant messengers. If much more traffic or minutes is spent, it is better to save money and consider other operator tariffs. The rates for options above the communication package are not as cheap as the cost of the tariff.

At the moment, the MTS company has organized a high-quality cellular signal throughout the state. Such a vast geography and favorable conditions have contributed to immense popularity among consumers. The provider can offer a significant number of interesting tariff plans that will suit subscribers with any requests and requirements. One of these contracts, which has already become a classic, is "Smart Mini from MTS".

Tariff description

This offer is perfect for users who have just switched to MTS services or started communicating via a mobile network. It has everything you need for high-quality communication. According to its characteristics, it can offer all the conditions for comfortable communication without additional costs. In addition, Smart Mini has many advantages and functionalities:

  1. Unlimited communication on the internal network not only in the region of registration, but also throughout the Russian Federation.
  2. All incoming calls are free.
  3. The calculation is made at a fixed monthly fee.
  4. For a low cost, the consumer receives 1000 minutes for negotiations with MTS subscribers, 200 SMS messages to all numbers within the registration area and network traffic of 1 gigabyte per month.
  5. The tariff allows the activation of many additional services to increase the economy and efficiency of the mobile device.
  6. It is available for installation to every citizen throughout the Russian Federation, but not in all regions it is available. Check with your local representative for details.
  7. Each consumer can participate in the bonus program, accumulate points and spend them on useful gifts and discounts on services.

This contract is an excellent choice for lovers of voice communication. The volume of the package is enough for unlimited negotiations during the billing period.

Service cost

For this tariff plan, a monthly payment is established, the amount of which is 200 rubles. These funds are debited from the balance of the consumer's personal account during the transition to service. If at the time of payment you cannot pay for the service in full, then the packages of free minutes and traffic become unavailable. The contract is suspended until the debt is paid off.

The subscription fee for "Smart Mini" will differ from the initial one due to the installed additional options. Next, we will consider in detail the features of calculating the main characteristics of cellular communications.


As soon as you have established a contract on your mobile device, you receive a package of free 1000 minutes, which are valid throughout Russia, but only for MTS subscribers. The consumer can travel and practically not spend money on mobile communications. Dialing conditions do not include negotiations with contacts of other providers. They also do not apply to short service and landline phone numbers. If you do not use up a full set of minutes within the estimated period, they will automatically burn out.

A situation often happens when the user does not have enough of the allotted amount of gigabytes. After crossing the set limit, the following conditions apply:

  1. All incoming calls are free.
  2. Outgoing calls within your home region via the intranet are free of charge. The user can communicate with MTS clients without limit. Calls to numbers of other providers will cost 1.5 rubles per minute.
  3. Outside the registration area within the network - 2 rubles per minute, in other directions it costs 12 rubles.
  4. International calls cost 35 rubles for the CIS, 49 rubles for European countries and 70 rubles for the rest.

To improve the conditions, you can always activate additional options in roaming in Russia and the world.


As part of the provided tariff plan from MTS, each consumer receives in return for a monthly fee a package of free 200 SMS. The size is updated every month on the day the contract is connected, and the balances from the previous period are not carried over to a new period. They are valid only in the territory of the region where the contract is drawn up. Outside it, the cost of one shipment will be 2.80 rubles to any phone numbers. If you go beyond the established tariff limits, the cost of correspondence in the home area will be 1.50 rubles. Text communication with other states will cost 5.25 rubles apiece. If necessary, you can always extend or expand the standard set using special functions (SMS Package).

In addition to simple text correspondence, an MTS consumer can exchange photographs, pictures and postcards through the MMS service. The size of the attachment is 500 kilobytes. Without an access point and a configured Internet on the mobile device, the multimedia sending function does not work. The cost of one shipment is the same for all offers of the provider and amounts to 9.90 rubles.


Unfortunately, "Smart mini" cannot provide the consumer with a large amount of traffic. The package size is only 1 gigabyte, this volume is enough only for correspondence and viewing information in the network space. To watch videos and listen to music, as well as download large files, you will need to activate special Internet options, for example, "+ Internet" or "Turbo button". All unspent gigabytes are burned at the end of the term.

If you do not want to install any services, then after the traffic is over, you will be asked to receive an additional 500 megabytes for 75 rubles. If necessary, you can use it up to 15 times a month. After full consumption, access to network resources is terminated. If you do not need an extension, enter the encoding * 111 * 936 # and the cost of one downloaded megabyte will be 9.90 rubles. To always be aware of the available balance, check it using the combination * 100 * 1 #.

Starting contract services

If you buy a SIM card with the “Smart mini” tariff plan installed on it, you will get a certain set of functions in the kit. They are aimed at improving and simplifying mobile communications. You can check their availability in the consumer's personal account or request information from an official representative. The list contains the following items:

  1. Caller ID. With each incoming call, all contact information about the calling interlocutor will be displayed on the display of the mobile device, even if the number is hidden.
  2. After connecting, the consumer gets 60 days of free use of the "Beep" service, which allows installing any music compositions instead of the standard melody. After the end of the trial period, the option stops working.
  3. Call forwarding. All incoming calls will be redirected to another contact phone number that you specified in the settings when connecting this option.
  4. International access. This is a basic service that must be installed before traveling to another country on vacation. Without it, you will not be able to use it abroad.
  5. Bit overseas. For 450 rubles a day you get unlimited Internet access even abroad.
  6. Hold and wait. Allows you to communicate with several users at once, and one of them is waiting on the line, and with the other you are talking.
  7. Mobile assistant. A service that can replace a personal account. Just enter * 111 # and you will find yourself in the main menu of the service.

How to activate / deactivate a tariff

If you are satisfied with the terms of provision and the main features of the name, then it's time to switch to the tariff. To do this, you will need to use one of the following algorithms:

  1. Dial the USSD code - * 111 * 1023 * 1 #. After that, a notification from the cellular operator will be sent to your number.
  2. Contact the customer support center 0890. Stay on the line, listen to the offers of an automatic informant or wait for a response from a specialist. Explain the whole situation to him and ask to transfer you to a new contract.
  3. Contact a cellular salon. Ask sellers to make the transition to a tariff. You must have a passport with you.
  4. Log into your personal account under your account. In the main window of the service, you will see all the main controls and the current state of the balance and balances. Go to the section "number management", you will see a list of active names. Select the one you want and enable. To work in your personal account, you need to connect to the Internet space.
  5. All the same you can do with the help of the mobile application "My MTS", which you can easily find on any site with software for smartphones. After authorization, open the tariff plans tab and find "Smart Mini" in the list.
  6. Use your mobile assistant, dial * 111 # and follow all the tips and instructions that appear on your display.

In fact, it is impossible to turn off the tariff plan, you can only switch to another offer, thereby interrupting the service of the old one. And to activate a new contract, you can use the standard installation methods.

Compatible options

Each consumer can assemble their ideal Smart Mini contract by adding additional services for the Internet, voice communication or text messaging. By default, these options represent data packets of a certain size.

Minutes package

For a fixed monthly fee, the user gets 1000 minutes on MTS throughout the country. If you did not have enough volume, then it is impossible to activate the renewal, because the provider does not implement such services.

Message package

200 letters, which are provided under the terms of the contract, are not enough for everyone for a month. Therefore, it becomes necessary to expand the standard set. For such purposes, you can use special functions from your phone. Currently, there are two types:

  1. With monthly payment:
  1. With one-time payment:

Internet package

According to the original terms of the contract, the traffic size is quite small and allows only correspondence. To download larger files, you will need to install the "+ Internet" service. After connecting, every month, the selected volume of traffic will be attached to the main one, the cost will also be total. There are several dimensions within this option:

  1. 3 gigabytes for 300 rubles. The connection command is * 111 * 1417 * 1 #.
  2. 5 GB, 400 rubles. * 111 * 1517 * 1 #.
  3. 10 GB, 500 rubles * 111 * 1617 * 1 #.
  4. 20 GB, 600 rub. * 111 * 1817 * 1 #.

Or you can extend the internet by clicking on the "Turbo button". It is divided into three areas - for a smartphone, tablet or modem. We'll look at the first category.

Are you looking for an inexpensive tariff with a good package of minutes, SMS, as well as the ability to use a landline number? Then the “Smart Mini” is for you, specially designed for profitable communication in the home region. You can connect via SMS, call your provider or account. In this article, we will analyze in detail the features of the TP and compare it with "Smart Unlimited".

As the name suggests, the tariff includes a minimum set of services at a low price. According to the terms of service, you make a monthly payment of 400 rubles for a mobile number, 900 rubles. for the city. Then the provider provides:

  • 350 minutes for communication with operators house. region and MTS in all regions of the Russian Federation;
  • 350 SMS to any subscribers in the territory of residence;
  • 1 GB of traffic at maximum speed.

Note! If you use the function "Everywhere at home", then the listed options will be valid throughout Russia.

You can activate the service by dialing the combination * 111 * 1021 #. The cost of the service is 100 rubles / month. Disabled by the same command.

By using Smart Mini, you will receive the following bonuses:

  • Video call;
  • “They called you!”;
  • Music Smart;
  • Banning content.

If you have not used MTS services before, the purchase of a SIM card will cost 350 rubles. Switching to "Smart mini" is free of charge.

What and how to do if the package runs out?

After exhaustion of traffic to access the network, you can use additional 500 MB for 95 rubles... The package is activated automatically, you do not need to type commands.

Important! The option can be used no more than 15 times per month.

If you do not need to use the World Wide Web often, you can disable additional packages. Dial the combination * 111 * 936 #.

When you spend minutes, the option of unlimited calls for local subscribers will turn on, while other operators will be charged 2 rubles / min.

Assistants for service management:

  1. To find out how many minutes are left for communication and sms dial * 100 * 1 #;
  2. For information on the remaining megabytes, use the link

For convenience, you can order the "Autopayment" service in your personal account, which allows you to make timely payment for the connection.


Description Cost, rub.)
Home region
Inbox 0
-On MTS after the end of 350 min.
-Other numbers after 350 min. 2
Inbox 0
Outgoing up to 350 pcs. 0
Over 350 pcs. 2
1 Mb 0
500 MB (add.package) 95
With the option "Everywhere at home"
-on MTS after spending 350 minutes.
- other subscribers after spending 350 minutes. 2
Inbox 0
Outgoing up to 350 pcs. 0
Over 350 pcs. 2
1 Mb 0
500 MB (add.package) 95
Without the option "Everywhere at home"
-other operators 14
SMS to MTS 3,80
Other providers 3,80
In international roaming (prices for each country are individual, consider the price for Germany)
Incoming SMS 0
Outgoing messages 19
Incoming calls 85
Outgoing to Russia 85
Other countries 135

For a landline telephone, the monthly subscription fee is 900 rubles. The rates for communication services are the same when using a SIM card for a mobile phone.

In addition, there are additional opportunities to reduce the cost of communication by activating the option of profitable calls to other countries. A minute of connection with Armenia - 1 p., With Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan - 3.50 rubles. For China and South Korea - 1.5 rubles.

What is the difference from other tariffs

We will compare Smart Mini with Unlimited, since the latter is also designed for communication with subscribers of the home region and all over Russia.

What common:

  1. Both tariffs can be connected to a mobile number and a landline;
  2. A competitor has a package of sms 350 and 350 minutes to any Russian numbers;
  3. When the packages are exhausted, the same prices are provided, provided that Smart Mini includes the option “Like at home everywhere”.

The mobile operator mts regularly releases new tariff plans, and recently they have a narrow focus. This trend is developing because many subscribers are interested in certain products, and large packages with various services are becoming less and less interesting.

At one time, the smart tariff specially developed for smartphones was very popular among subscribers, but it did not take into account absolutely all the needs of the user. Therefore, a new offer has entered the market, to which you can change the old tariff plan, this is smart mini. This offer is used by those subscribers who do not use the Internet too actively, they only need a limited amount of traffic, and there is no need to pay large amounts for it. This tariff plan can be connected by all subscribers who use the prepaid form of service.

According to the terms of the tariff plan, the smart mini subscriber is provided with free calls in the network, the Internet and SMS for communication. Payment for the package is 200 rubles for thirty days.

Package data in smart mini tariff plan:

  • unlimited on-net calls in your region;
  • one thousand minutes for conversations with MTS subscribers in Russia;
  • fifty messages in the home zone;
  • five hundred meters of traffic.

The new tariff plan has many advantages, and among them it is worth noting also 1 gigabyte of traffic, as well as full unlimited calls within the MTS network in the home zone. However, in order for the package data for the smart mini tariff to be provided, you need to have sweets on the balance of at least 200 rubles every month. They will be charged as payment for services. Replenishment is a prerequisite, since if the account has money from the last month, but there was no new receipt, then the conditions of the smart mini tariff plan are considered unfulfilled and services are not provided.

Before connecting the tariff, it is worth considering that a package with 1 gigabyte of Internet is provided only for the first sixty days. If all packet traffic is used, then access to the network is completely blocked. To continue using the Internet, you must additionally activate the "Turbo Button" service. At the request of the subscriber, he can choose 500 megabytes or 2 gigabytes, and, if necessary, change the amount of traffic. Of course, the Internet is provided using GPRS \ EDGE technology, which cannot be called high-speed, but this speed is quite enough for use on a mobile phone.

To check the rest of the Internet traffic, you can use a simple combination. To do this, just dial * 111 * 217 # on the phone keypad.

If, while on the smart mini tariff, it becomes necessary to call the number of another operator, then in one minute of such a conversation, one and a half rubles will be deducted from the balance. These conditions apply if the called subscriber is in the home zone. When making calls to another city, 14 rubles per minute will be debited from the account. If the package data is not charged, then according to the terms of the tariff, a smart mini call to an mts number outside its region will cost 5 rubles.

It should be noted that the transition to this tariff also gives the subscriber quite convenient conditions for calls to the CIS countries - only 29 rubles per minute.

To find out the balance of minutes, messages and traffic under the terms of the package, which can still be used until the end of the month, you need to dial a short request * 110 * 1 # on the phone keypad. All necessary information will be displayed on the screen.

How convenient is it to connect a smart mini?

It will not be difficult for new and existing subscribers to connect to the smart mini tariff plan. This can be done in three ways.

Methods for switching to a tariff:

  • USSD request;
  • personal account on the company's website;
  • service center;
  • purchase of a new starter package with the smart mini tariff.

Many subscribers prefer to switch to a new tariff plan using a simple combination of numbers. To do this, just dial * 111 * 1023 # on your phone. After a while, the migration will be carried out. For those who prefer to use the Internet for such cases, there is a personal account on the mts website. In the sections with services and tariffs, you just need to select the required section and make the transition yourself.

Many subscribers prefer personal communication with company representatives. Therefore, you can always contact the support service number and ask the operator to change the tariff plan. In addition, each city has service centers and service points for mts subscribers. In each of them, specialists will be happy to help you connect any necessary service.

Connecting new subscribers to the smart mini tariff plan will cost 195 rubles, and replacement for existing users is free of charge. But in order for the Internet and other services to be credited, you must top up your account with at least 200 rubles.

From September 4, 2018, the "Smart Mini" tariff is closed for connecting new subscribers. For new subscribers, MTS offers the Smart tariff for connection. Subscribers who have previously connected Smart Mini can use it on the old terms.

Let's pay attention to the “Smart Mini” tariff from MTS, which is quite popular on the territory of Moscow and many other regions of the country.

Who is the MTS Smart Mini tariff for?

In short, “Smart Mini” is the optimal offer for secondary school students, students of colleges, institutes and universities, as well as people who cannot or do not want to spend too much money on communication services every month. This package has a very affordable monthly fee, and a fairly wide package of services offered for a monthly fee.

In addition, the tariff is also noted for the fact that in its conditions, even in the case of using the provided quotas, the cost of calls and the use of other services cannot be called too expensive.

However, if you are a very active user of cellular communications, it is better to look at another package, since quotas within the "Smart Mini" may not be enough for you.

Detailed description of the tariff "Smart Mini" from MTS

The monthly subscription fee for the MTS Smart Mini tariff is 400 rubles for federal numbers or 900 rubles for city numbers;

For this money, MTS clients receive the following service packages for use within a month:

  • Internet traffic at high access speeds in the amount of 2 gigabytes, which operates throughout Russia;
  • The ability to make calls to MTS in unlimited mode (for the region of connection);
  • Quota for calls to other numbers in the connection area and to MTS numbers throughout Russia: 350 free minutes;
  • Quota for sending SMS: 350 messages in the region of connection.

The service packages provided cannot be called large-scale, but this is quite a generous offer from the operator, taking into account the monthly fee of 400/900 rubles / month.

If during the month all the provided free minutes for calls are used, then all calls, with the exception of calls to MTS at home, will be charged. And the tariffication conditions in this case will look like this:

  • Calls to other numbers at home / in Russia: 2/14 rubles per minute;
  • Calls to MTS numbers in the country: 2 rubles.

Messages can be sent at 2 / 2.80 / 8 rubles to numbers in the home region / within the country / abroad.

If you suddenly need to contact subscribers outside the Russian Federation, calls to the CIS countries, Europe and the rest of the world are charged at 35, 49 and 70 rubles per minute, respectively.

Sending MMS-messages is offered to subscribers for 9.90 rubles. for 1 message.

Be careful: on the tariff when connected by default, the option "Basic tariffication of the Internet" is activated with, to put it mildly, a rather large cost of Internet access of 20 MB. for 25 ₽. We recommend changing this option to something cheaper.

On May 23, 2018, MTS met its subscribers halfway and canceled the auto-connection of this option. Now the package is 2 GB. in the tariff can be used throughout Russia, including in Crimea and Sevastopol (restrictions are not spelled out in the footnotes to the tariff). After the traffic limit is exhausted in the tariff, "Additional Internet packages" of 500 MB are activated. for 95 ₽. Compared to the “Basic Internet Tariffication”, this is more than humane.

Other available options for Internet options on the "Smart Mini" tariff: "BIT" series, "Internet" series or "Turbo buttons".

How to connect the tariff MTS "Smart Mini" [connection closed, tariff in the archive]

  • You can connect the "Smart Mini" tariff using USSD - a request for newer offers from the operator, then you shouldn't worry about this issue. All you need is to select a new tariff and switch to it. The "Smart Mini" tariff will turn off automatically and without your intervention.