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How to factory reset your Acer laptop. How to factory reset Acer Aspire V5 laptop Acer aspire v5 571g system recovery

I pounded for a long time, rummaged through a bunch of forums, but everything turned out to be simple

And so the initial parameters, given Acer Aspire V5-551 laptop, the native recovery partitions are corrupted. Aim to restore windows 8 on an Acer laptop to factory settings.

To restore the factory settings, we need several tools:

1. Recovery USB-flash image for Acer Aspire V5-551/ Windows 8 (x64) can be taken or weighs ~ 12 GB

2. Acronis True Image Home we also take (de jure this software product is paid, you can also download it from the official website and use the trial version within 30 days) weighs 216 MB

3. And the last thing we need is flash drive larger than 13 GB

Please note, if you have any files on this flash drive, copy them to your computer, because during the installation process, the flash drive will be formatted.

Your hard drive will also be formatted (ALL will be deleted from it too)

Stage 1 Preparing Recovery USB-flash for Acer Aspire V5-551

1. After installing True Image, launch it and on the second tab “Backup and recovery” click restore and use the “search for backup” button to find the downloaded file.

2. On the "Backup and Restore" tab, we have a field with the name "USB_Recovery_Acer_V5 ...", on the right of the field the "Restore" button, click it.

3. A new window opens, in it we check that “Switch to disk mode” is written on the top right, if “Switch to partition mode” is written, then click on this line. Then, at the bottom from the left, click “Show MBR”, put a checkmark everywhere and select a flash drive in each drop-down list (focus on the size of the disks).

4. Press the "Restore Now" button and wait about 15 minutes for the data to be written to the USB flash drive.

Step 2 Configuring BIOS for Windows 8 System Recovery on Acer

When restoring the system, I came across an error for the first time, when I selected the item “Return to original state” (restore to factory settings), an error occurred: “ The disk on which the windows system is installed is locked ...“. I tried to rewrite the USB flash drive, change the BIOS settings, browse the Internet, etc., in general, I arranged dances with a tambourine until I noticed one line in the acer BIOS

Secure boot: Enable

And to fix it in order to turn off this function, I had to look for information.

I am writing at once all the settings that need to be made in BIOS to successfully launch Windows 8 recovery from a USB flash drive

1. To enter the BIOS, immediately after pressing the power button, press the F2 key (for those who do this for the first time, advice: press and release it as quickly as you can until the BIOS window appears). Moving around the BIOS is done by arrows on the keyboard.

2. The first thing we do in BIOS is to check what operating system boot mode we have installed. On the Boot tab, the boot mode line must contain the UEFI value. If so, then everything is fine, if it says Legacy BIOS, change this value by pressing the Enter button on it, select UEFI.

If you changed the value of the parameters. then you need to save the changes see paragraph 6

Boot modes:

UEFI - for installing and working with Windows 8

Legacy BIOS - for installing and working with Windows 7 and earlier systems

4. In order to disable the Securety Boot parameter, you must first set a supervisor password. On the Securety tab, select the line Set supervisor password and press enter, enter any password twice.

5. Go to the boot tab again and set the disable value for the secure boot parameter

  1. How to factory reset your Acer laptop in case the Windows 7 operating system does not boot at all. In order to get into the program for restoring the factory settings of the Acer eRecovery Management laptop, in the initial phase of the laptop boot, when the Acer logo appears on the screen, I simultaneously press the Alt + F10 buttons, but then it just reboots and so on ad infinitum. The hidden partition with factory settings was not deleted.
  2. Hello Admin, I read your article "", but there is no information about the Acer laptop. Please tell me how to run the Acer eRecovery Management factory restore program in a running operating system? I want to return my laptop to perfect condition.

How to factory reset acer laptop

Friends, let's take a look at factory resetting an Acer laptop in two cases.
1) The laptop boots normally, which means we can run the Acer eRecovery Management factory restore program from a running Windows!

2) The laptop does not boot at all, giving us various errors and blue screens, at the same time shaking our nervous system.

  • Note: The article you are currently reading is written for Windows 7, if you have a new laptop with Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, then read our new article.
  • Before you roll back to factory defaults, you can copy all data from the C: drive and the desktop with.
  • If the hidden partitions with factory settings have not been deleted, but the factory restore program does not work, then read on.
If your laptop is malfunctioning but boots, you can restore factory settings of Acer laptop directly from a running operating system? Start -> Acer eRecovery Management. Restore .

You can select the option " Restore the operating system and save user data". But you need to know that with such a recovery, not all data will be saved, besides, viruses and software glitches, in fact, because of which most of the users start a rollback to the factory settings, will remain. Therefore, copy all the files you need to a USB flash drive or portable USB hard drive and select “ Restoring the operating system to factory settings". The system will reboot and restore.

Proceed? Yes. Start.

The laptop will reboot and the factory reset process will begin.

How to Factory Reset Acer Laptop If Laptop Won't Boot

If your operating system does not boot at all, then you can

This article is about factory resetting Acer, eMachines and Packard Bell laptops. Initially, I planned to write separate articles on them, but later I decided to do with one.

The fact is that eMachines and Packard Bell are the same Acer and the recovery procedure is only slightly different visually, and all recovery steps for laptops released under these trademarks are almost identical, so I will just point out one single caveat along the way. ...

So, if you have not read it before, please read this article before starting the factory reset procedure for your Acer, Packard Bell or eMachines laptop, as it describes the preparations you need to make before restoring your laptop from the system recovery partition. Further actions are described on the assumption that you have followed all the recommendations I have given in this article.

Well, do not rush to start recovery until you have read this article to the end.

Use the Alt + F10 key combination to launch the Factory Restore Utility for Acer, Packard Bell and eMachines Notebooks. It is necessary to clamp this combination at the moment the computer is turned on, before the operating system starts loading.

In order not to miss this moment, I recommend holding the Alt key and making quick short clicks on the F10 button.

However, for the recovery utility to run in this way, the D2D Recovery option must be enabled in the BIOS settings. The desired setting is located here:

If you have never worked with BIOS settings before and have a vague idea of ​​what it is, I strongly recommend that you run the system recovery environment in a slightly longer, but more secure way, which is standard for many manufacturers of mobile computers.

To do this, immediately after turning on the laptop power, start quickly clicking on the F8 key. This is usually done when they want to choose a special boot mode for the operating system. We need the following menu to appear on the screen:

As you can see, at the very top is the item "Troubleshooting computer problems". We select it (if for some reason it is not selected by default) and press the Enter key. The download of the files will start.

Now you will need to specify the user on whose behalf the recovery will be performed and enter the password for the selected user, if it has been set. Enter the required information and click OK.

In the next menu that appears, click Recovery Management.

This will launch the Packard Bell, Acer or eMachines laptop repair utility. As I said, the differences in their interface are purely cosmetic.

If you are going to use the recovery option using the Alt + F10 key combination, then all the previous steps are not relevant for you. The process of reanimating the system from the recovery partition will start immediately from this step.

So, since we assume that all our important data was previously saved, we select the option "Restore factory settings of the operating system."

We will be warned about the necessary precautions that you already know about if you read the introductory article. Click "Next" to proceed with the recovery of the laptop operating system.

After that, we will be shown information about the hard drive of our laptop. Just click Next.

We agree with another warning that all data will be lost.

After that, it will take a little time for the computer to complete the preparations ...

... after which the process of restoring to the factory state will begin. We are just waiting.

How do I reset my Acer Aspire V5 laptop to factory settings? The laptop does not boot to the end, a black screen appears during boot. Important data is available only on disk (D :), it would be nice if nothing happened to them and only disk (C :) returned to its original state. For all the instructions, you need to press Alt + F10 when loading and we should get into the program to roll back to the factory settings, but in my case the laptop simply reboots. Maybe the fact is that the hidden partition with the factory configuration is damaged, but we didn't seem to do anything with it. What can you advise? Recovery discs were not created, and this is impossible, since the laptop does not have a floppy drive.

Hello friends! In this article I will show you how to roll back an Acer Aspire V5 laptop to factory settings from a normally working Windows 8.1, and if it does not boot at all, you will also learn how to create a recovery flash drive on an Acer Aspire V5 laptop, you will need a drive with a volume of 16 GB, since disks cannot be created, the laptop does not have a floppy drive.

My advice to all readers! It does not matter which manufacturer you bought the laptop, first of all, find out in detail how the factory restore program works, because anything can happen in the process, even if the operating system stops loading on the laptop. In this case, if, of course, you cannot restore the boot Windows 8.1, 10, you can simply roll back the laptop to the factory configuration, yes, all your installed programs will be removed and you will have to reinstall them, but then you will have clean operating system as it was at the time of purchase of the laptop.

But the real nightmare, even for an experienced user, is the situation when the program to roll back to the factory settings is inoperable, then what to do? In such a case, recovery discs or a flash drive will come in handy, but you need to create them in advance, preferably immediately after purchasing a laptop. Read our separate article

All ways to restore factory settings toAcer Aspire V5 laptop

Let's consider the three most common situations:

1. The laptop boots normally, but it is unstable, cleaning the system and checking for viruses did not bring any results, in this case, you can start a rollback directly in the operating system.

2. Windows 8.1, 10 does not boot, hidden partitions on the laptop are not deleted, a program to roll back to the original factory configuration Acer Recovery Management functions normally.

3. Acer Recovery Management.

If your laptop is Acer boots normally, but the operating system is unstable, then you can copy all important data to disk (D :) and roll back the laptop to factory settings. How to do it!

Moving to the Metro Windows 8.1 interface

and click on the arrow

Choosing a program Acer Recovery Management

In the main window of the program, click on the Restore factory settings button.

All your personal files and applications will be removed. Further.

Do you want to delete files from all drives?

Click on the button Only the drive where Windows is installed.

All information on disk (D :) will remain intact.

Click on the buttonJust delete my files

All personal files and applications will be removed from your computer.


The process of restoring factory settings begins, lasting from 15 to 30 minutes

The default regional settings are correct. Further

We accept the terms of the license.


Enter the computer name, for example Andrey-PK and click Next.

Use standard parameters.

Enter your username and click Finish.

Recovered and clean Windows 8.1 boots.

As agreed, the information on disk (D :) remained intact.

Windows 8.1, 10 does not boot, but hidden partitions on the laptop are not removed and the Acer Recovery Management rollback program functions normally

We press when loading the laptop F2 and enter the BIOS, go to the Main tab, look at the parameter corresponding for enabling or disabling the factory reset feature of your Acer laptop - D2D Recovery, it must be enabled, that is, set to the Enabled position.

Option F12 Boot Menu, which is responsible for the appearance of the boot menu when you press the F12 key, must also be enabled (Enabled).

click on F10, with this we save our changes to BIOS and reboot

After rebooting, press simultaneously on two keys Alt + F10 and enter the program to roll back to factory settings.


Return to original state

All of your personal files will be removed.

Disk only. on which Windows is installed

Just delete my files

The laptop is reset to its original state

Windows 8.1, 10 does not boot, hidden partitions on the laptop are deleted or inoperable and you cannot start the program Acer Recovery Management

We connect the recovery flash drive to the laptop,

Reboot and immediately press the F12 key, enter the laptop boot menu, use the arrows on the keyboard to select our USB flash drive and press Enter, it boots from the USB flash drive.

Your computer has multiple drives. Do you want to delete all files on all drives?

Only the drive where Windows is installed.

Just delete my files

Rollback to factory configuration begins

That's basically it!

Friends, if you do not understand something, do not hesitate, ask your questions in the comments, I will definitely answer.

How to reset your Acer Aspire laptop to factory settings if the manufacturer's built-in Acer Recovery Management does not work

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