Computers Windows Internet

Place an ad. We collect an up-to-date list of message boards in Ukraine or any other country! Add board php job ad

In order to sell or buy necessary goods, lack of hassle, auto service, you can add a blank space to our website. Everyday this side of the street is looking at thousands of koristuvachіv, as it is necessary to know, buy or sell. Mustache, what you need is simple give your nudity and check the reactions of mischievous people.

If you want to give special respect to your food proposition - to put the nakedness in such a way that you have seen a lot of similar things and won the respect for yourself. Also, if you have violated the rozmistiti bezkoshtovne razdoshennya, talk about those who are very literate and addicted.

We don’t ask you to provide false information, because it was too much or too much for you. Radshe navpaki, we are napolyagamo on the absolute reliability of the presentation in the publicized information. Do not go to school, vaguely describe the power of the product that you are selling. You have more than a few hundred symbols to give you without a hat. Don’t spoil їkh marno.

Would you be completely naked?

Perche, uvagu on scho, is the headline. If you want to do the nudity bezkoshtovno, zoseredite yourself on the heading. It is necessary to make it so that it will be intriguing and water-hour as vivid and laconic as possible. It is essential for the benefit of your nakedness in the beginning of the audit.

Yaksho vi virishili development of nudity about car sales, be specific. The title of such a stripped-down in the edge bazano indicate all important parameters, tsіkavі for the buyer. As well as, for example, the subject is odyagu chi іnter "ru, try to intrigue, but also drive the buyer to your horny pigs, and not to a dozen similar ones.

Bezkoshtovno dodati nudity in our hour is not a problem, so such a great rizik to lose is incomprehensible. If you need a quick result, be careful not to be naked, and, importantly, short. At such a time, we will have all the chances and we will read it until the end of the day.

Do not forget: there are more information, then there are more chances for success. Be honest and informative. Importantly tribute nudity, in which there will be such principles of the moment, such as the price, power of the product, its transition and shortage, and also the date of the release of the term of accessibility, such as є.

Another important (and only one) factor is the cost of photography. Having given potential buyers (sellers) the possibility of visual knowledge about the "text", you can take +1 up to the rating of your nudity. Зір - one of the most important organs of the chutty, the first of them sounding virishuvati, spiraling on their tribute.

Nareshti, think about contacts. Try to kill everything you can, so that we will call the criminals by hand, they will call you. Vip drops, if Lyudin is ignorant of being naked only because of the fact that the author wants to use the phone number of mobile phones, please, fill in your coordinates in the Internet, in the Internet, in the Internet, in the Internet, in the Internet, in the mail, in the future skype, id in social netting - smut, so you could contact us and get a quick message on your own power supply.

Now you know that when you publish it, it’s not koshtovno so, you’ve remembered it and read it. Warehouse and publish them on our dosage, and we accept the success of your operations.

One of the useful functions provided by the PHP language is the ability to file input / output, which allows you to save and display the data entered by visitors on the site later on the site, which cannot be done with standard HTML tools. This allows PHP to be used to create dynamic structures such as message boards and WEB forums. In addition to supporting standard I / O operations in a text file, PHP also supports SQL queries, for this purpose the MySQL DBMS ( is usually used, but the description of the interaction between PHP and SQL is beyond the scope of this article.

To illustrate the power of PHP, let's create a simple message board for a website. The following files will support the work of our message board:

  • File for displaying messages in the bulletin board and a form for entering a new announcement. (board.php)
  • Form input processing file ( submit.php)
  • A text file containing the entered messages. ( data.txt)
  • The file for administering our bulletin board ( admin.php)
  • Means of protection against unauthorized access to conference data

Users will be given the opportunity to enter data into the form, which will subsequently be displayed on the HTML page. Forms are a standard HTML element, and are defined using the following directive:

action- defines the script that will be processed.

method- defines the method of transferring data to this script. There are only two methods: post - all form data is passed in the request body, and get - data is passed at the end of the URL. We will be using the post method.

Inside the form tag are its elements - text fields, text areas, buttons to confirm or reset data, etc. Text fields and buttons are defined using the INPUT tag, for a text field it has the following format:

name- defines the name of the variable to which the entered data is saved

size- the length of the text field in the browser

maxlength- the maximum number of characters entered in the field

value- the value displayed in the text box by default.

For buttons to confirm and cancel data entry, the Input tag has the following format:

button type- submit for the button for submitting the form input and reset for the button for resetting the form data Example of buttons:

To enter multi-line text, a text area is used, which is defined using the Textarea tag:

name- defines the name of the variable to which the entered data is saved.

rows- the number of lines in the text area.

cols- the number of columns in the text area.

Example text area

To enter data into our bulletin board, we will use three text fields: the name and e-mail of the person who wants to post a message, as well as the subject of the message, one text area (message text) and two buttons: confirm data entry and reset. Below is the original text of the form:

Your name:

Your e-mail:

Suggestion:> br>


So, the user entered the data and clicked on the confirm button. Form processing control passed to file submit.php... Let's consider it in more detail. First of all, we need to make sure that the user has entered the correct data into the form, namely, filled in all the required fields and the "@" symbol is included in the "e-mail" column:

// Check for empty fields if ($ FIO == ""): print "

The field "Your name" is not filled

"; else: if ($ tema ==" "): print"

"Subject" field is empty

"; else: // Check for the" @ "character in e-mail $ eml = stristr ($ email," @ "); if ($ eml == false): print"

Incorrect e-mail address entered

"; else:

If the data was entered in compliance with the rules established by us, we will write them down to a text file, observing the following conditions:

  1. each message occupies one line in a text file and is separated by a newline character "/ n",
  2. sections of the message are separated using the "|" character,
  3. The data entered by the user should not contain the characters "", "%", which should protect our message board from hacking and spam.
// open the file for addition $ fd = fopen ("data.txt", "a"); // Check if the user has entered forbidden characters "|", "", "%" and "\ n" inside the // message and delete them. $ FIO = str_replace ("|", "", $ FIO); $ FIO = str_replace ("", "", $ FIO); $ FIO = str_replace ("%", "", $ FIO); $ email = str_replace ("|", "", $ email); $ email = str_replace ("", "", $ email); $ email = str_replace ("%", "", $ email); $ tema = str_replace ("|", "", $ tema); $ tema = str_replace ("", "", $ tema); $ tema = str_replace ("%", "", $ tema); $ zakaz = str_replace ("|", "", $ zakaz); $ zakaz = str_replace ("", "", $ zakaz); $ zakaz = str_replace ("%", "", $ zakaz); $ zakaz = str_replace ("\ n", "", $ zakaz); // formation of a line for writing to the file $ user_row = $ FIO. "|". $ email. "|". $ tema. "|". $ zakaz. "\ n"; // write line to file fwrite ($ fd, $ user_row); // close the file fclose ($ fd);

After processing the data entered by the user, either the processed data is displayed in the form in which it will be displayed in the bulletin board, or the reason why the data has not been entered into it.

// display correctly entered data


"> Close

end_input1 ($ write_file1); endif; endif; endif;

In file board.php before the form, we will introduce the operation of extracting data from the data.txt file and displaying them in a readable form:

// read all messages from the file into an array, where each element of the array is one // line $ work_file = file ("data.txt"); // start processing data if the file is not empty. if ($ work_file! = ""): // calculating the number of lines $ numbers = count ($ work_file); if ($ numbers! = "0"): // sequentially process all lines and display them on the screen for ($ numbers; $ numbers> 0; $ numbers - = 1): $ work_str = array_shift ($ work_file); $ FIO = strtok ($ work_str, "|"); $ email = strtok ("|"); $ tema = strtok ("|"); $ zakaz = strtok ("|");


endfor; endif; endif;

The pictures below show the view of the pages board.php and submit.php after entering the data.

Visitors can, of course, enter any messages into the message board, but this of course does not mean that all of them will suit us. Of course, we can simply delete unwanted lines from the file. data.txt directly by going to the server via FTP, but this is naturally inconvenient. Better to do this with a dedicated admin HTML page. Let's see how to do this in more detail.

First, let's define that the admin password is stored in a separate file named password.txt. Let's extract the password from this file:

$ pass_file = file ("password.txt"); $ password = array_shift ($ pass_file); The figure shows a form for entering a password:

In the administration file, we will use a sequential call of several forms; to ensure this, we will apply the processing of the form by one script, i.e. assign the password form to the string variable:

$ form = "

Enter admin password

"; The list of messages is displayed only if the password is entered correctly: if ($ password == $ entpass): // Read the file with messages $ work_file = file (" data.txt "); // If the file is not empty, then display messages if ($ work_file! = ""): $ numbers = count ($ work_file); if ($ numbers! = 0): for ($ numbers; $ numbers> 0; $ numbers - = 1): $ work_str = array_shift ($ work_file); $ FIO = strtok ($ work_str, "|"); $ email = strtok ("|"); $ tema = strtok ("|"); $ zakaz = strtok ("|");? >


The output of messages is similar to that used in board.php with one difference - after each message a form with a Submit button is displayed. Pressing this button entails storing in the del_msg variable the number of the page that we want to delete.

Back"; endif; endif; else: // Here a link to the conference start page is displayed, which will allow // exit the mode of deleting records without performing deletion. print"


"; endif;

Deleting a record is as follows - we completely read all lines from the file into an array, where each element of the array is one line, then open the file for rewriting, and write it completely without the line marked for deletion.

$ work_file = file ("data.txt"); $ numbers = count ($ work_file); $ fd = fopen ("data.txt", "w"); for ($ numbers; $ numbers> 0; $ numbers - = 1): $ work_str = array_shift ($ work_file); if ($ del_msg! = $ numbers): fwrite ($ fd, $ work_str); else: print "

The selected message has been deleted!

"; endif; endfor; fclose ($ fd);

After clicking on the "Delete" button, a message is displayed about the successful deletion of the message and a link is offered to return to the start page of the message board.

The presence of a password file in the bulletin board directory forces us to organize protection from viewing it by visitors directly via http. To do this, place a file in the bulletin board directory containing directives for Apache that would prohibit direct viewing of files with the .txt extension. The file will be named .htacces and will contain the following directives:

order allow, deny deny from all

The bulletin board described in the article is the simplest example of such structures, among the possible directions of its complication can be noted the introduction of a form for entering a password, breaking messages into topics by which users can group their messages, indicating the date and time of posting, etc.

In contact with

Hello everyone, today I want to tell you about one quick way by which you will learn how to collect high-quality message boards in your country or the desired region.

A day ago, I received an offer to sell the product that remained with the owners after the business was closed, of course, creating a website and draining traffic through the context is out of the question, and message boards are very suitable for this business and give a quick result.

And if there are few views of ads, you can use / Yandex.Direct or paid services of message boards (raise to the top, highlight, etc.), since you can pay for them in any convenient way WebMoney, Privat24 or.

By the way, since I started talking about paid services, I want to share with you my experience of placement right away. paid ads on the website + offline newspaper in the desired region:

Can you imagine? And so 3 times in a row, I created ads, filled in a cloud of fields and after moderation, I can't edit the ad, as they fucking delete them. However, the situation with boards in Ukraine is very sad, there is only one decent and user-friendly, everything is thought out to the smallest detail ...

But, since we need a large coverage of the target audience, we will not do with one board. And there is no point in being posted to everyone, because many are spammed to the very end, or do not have any traffic at all. This is what I want to talk to you about today and show you how to quickly and effectively cut off such illiquid shit for any region or even country.

I think every person when looking for boards sucks in the query "list of bulletin boards + region / country" and finds some shit catalogs with dead sites with zero exhaust. But, we will be smarter and put together the list ourselves, just in case I will publish the list for Ukraine at the bottom of the post, though not the fact that it will be relevant in a couple of months. And so let's get started:

How to build a list of traffic ad boards?

Yes, no how!

I'm kidding, of course)

1. The first thing to do is to collect a list of existing boards in the desired region, for this I used the FastTrust software, which has already grown into an online version, using it you need to check the quality of links, but we will use it to parse boards and sort them by quality.

2. Go to FastTrust and open the tool "Search results" and select first for example Google:

- We indicate the region or domain zone, etc.
- Select the required number of results in the SERP
- We write a request "Notice board"

We get a list of sites!

3. We repeat step 2 for the Yandex search engine, according to the same principle.

4. In steps 2 and 3, we change the queries, for example "publish an ad for free", "bulletin board + region", "auto bulletin board", etc. For whatever your imagination is enough, if you don't have it, use the selection of Wordstat queries

As a result, you should get a solid list of boards:

Naturally, there are duplicates here and we must clean them up using the magic button in FastTrust:

381 sites, you will not find so many in more than one list. If you need this list, you can download it:

6. Now you need to remove important parameters for the next site analysis to exclude low-traffic sites. Although you can not do this, but place ads on all sites.

If you rely on the Pareto law (80/20 principle) of the wiki, then 20% of sites from the list will give 80% of traffic / views, and the remaining 80% of sites will give only 20%. Now we will try to find this gold 20%.

To do this, select the following parameters in the program:

- Attendance on

In my case, the statistics are very few where, in the ua segment they use statues from BigMir,, Mail, or the stat is simply completely closed. In Runet, LiveInternet is more popular, but still we will not exclude it, because even if not everywhere, it is worth it, which means that we can draw conclusions about site traffic.

7. Clean up the list with the Alexa Global Rank "-1":

Sorting the column " Day attendance"and mark in it data more than 10K of traffic per day, then sort by" Alexa"(the less the better), I chose a value up to 100,000, everything that is more than 100,000 I removed from the list (except for those who have more than 10K traffic):

8. Now you need to clean the database of non-thematic and narrow-profile sites:

In my case, these are auto boards, job sites and other junk that I don't need now.

In total, I got 17 high-quality and visited message boards out of 381, I am sharing the list with you, as I promised at the beginning of the post:

Main mirrorTCIDaily traffic by 79794 2140
http://prom.ua20 -1 4238 9 4400 44069 4856
http://olx.ua1400 28743 5232 -1 19081 -1 19757