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Why doesn't half of the channels show on the tricolor. Error "0" on "Tricolor TV" - what to do, how to fix it? Why federal channels are not shown on Tricolor

If the TV does not show satellite TV channels or not sound signal, it is difficult to say unequivocally what exactly the problem could be. The antenna or its components may not work, the cable or its connection may be damaged, or there may be a problem in the receiver or TV.

Below we will analyze the main reasons why Tricolor may not work, and tell you how to return TV channels or sound.

But first of all, make sure that the subscription to the main channel package is paid. This can be done in the Personal Account on the "Services" page or on home page official website of the operator, in the section "Checking subscriptions".

If the subscription is active, then you should check the smart card - whether it is installed in the receiver by the correct side and whether the chip is damaged.

Tricolor writes "No access" or "Scrambled channel"

The inscription "No access" (or "Scrambled channel") may appear on the TV screen in the following cases, even if the subscription is paid:

  1. Voltage drop
    The receiver needs to be rebooted. To do this, turn off the receiver from the network for 5–10 minutes and turn it back on. Leave the TV on on a scrambled channel and wait a while. The image should appear.
  2. The receiver has been disconnected from the mains for a long time.
    For a long time, according to Tricolor, it is longer than 3 days. In this case, the activation keys are lost. To return the image to the TV, turn on the receiver in the network and leave it on on the scrambled channel. Everything should work within 8 hours. Or you can resend the keys through your Personal Account. To do this, on the main page of the Personal Account, click the "Repeat commands" button.
  3. Tricolor receiver does not see smart cards
    To make sure that this is the problem, press the "ID" button on the remote control. If the ID number of your equipment appears on the screen, then everything is in order with the smart card. If “no card” is written instead of a number, then either the card is inserted incorrectly, or the card chip is damaged, or the card reader is out of order.
  4. Outdated Software
    On the remote control, press the “ID No.” or “status” button, here you will see your software version. Now you need to know which version software relevant. To do this, go to the operator's website, in the "Help" - "Software Update" section. Enter the model of your receiving equipment here. If your version does not match the recommended version, then in this section you can find instructions for updating the software.
  5. Legacy receiver model
    Since April 2018, Tricolor has stopped supporting receiver models that receive a signal only in MPEG-2 format. If you have one of these models, then you should exchange equipment through one of the exchange programs, or purchase a new one.

Tricolor writes "No signal"

The inscription "No signal" may appear on one channel, several or all. Let's consider these cases separately.

All channels show "No Signal"

This means that the antenna signal strength is not sufficient.
To verify this, turn on the "Info channel", on the remote control from the receiver, double-click the red function button or "F1", "i" or "INFO". An information window will open, in which 2 scales will be displayed below - the strength and quality of the signal. For a stable signal level, both scales should be approximately 70% full.

If you have less, check the integrity of the cable from the antenna to the receiver and from the receiver to the TV, as well as the reliability of all connections.

If everything is in order here, then you should check the antenna itself - make manual setting. It is safer, of course, to contact an authorized dealer so that an engineer can be sent to you. But if you are confident in your abilities, then you can try to make the settings yourself. To do this, you need to slowly move the antenna by 1 cm, leaving it in this position for 5–10 seconds, until an image appears on the “Info channel” (It is usually the first in the list of channels).

"No signal" message only on one or more channels

In this case, the inscription "no signal" may be associated with a change in the broadcasting parameters of some TV channels. Refresh the channel list. To do this, on the remote control from the receiver, press the "Menu" button, in the "Main Menu" select "Search for Tricolor channels" and press "OK". After the channel search is completed, an information window should appear, which will indicate how many TV and radio channels were found.

If some TV channels are still not displayed, try unplugging the receiver for 2 minutes and plugging it back in. If after that the TV channels did not appear, you will have to reset the settings to the factory settings and reconfigure the receiver.

On the remote from the receiver, press "Menu", go to the item "Settings" (maybe "Settings" or "Applications"), select "Factory settings" in it and press "OK". The receiver settings will be reset. After that, restart the receiver again, repeat all the initial setup steps and check if the TV channels are showing.

The inscription "Channel list is empty"

In this case, you also need to check the signal level. If it is less than 70%, then check the integrity of the cable and the reliability of the connections.

If the level is more than 70%, then everything is in order with the cable, you should refer to the receiver settings. Search for channels, to do this, on the remote control from the receiver, press the "Menu" button, select the "Search for channels" menu and press "OK". After a few minutes, an information window will appear with the number of TV and radio channels found. After that, you need to save the settings.

If after that the Tricolor TV channels are not shown, it is necessary to reset the settings to the factory settings and repeat the initial setup of the receiver.

Shows only "Info channel"

If the subscription to the main package of channels is paid, but shows only one "Info channel", then you need to check the relevance of the software version of your receiver.
To do this, press the "ID No." or "status" button on the receiver's remote control, here you can see which software version is currently on your equipment. You can find out which version should be on the Tricolor official website, in the "Help" - "Technical issues" - "Software update" section. Here are several instructions for updating the software, each name indicates the hardware model. Select the manual with your model and check the software version. If different, then update following the instructions on the page.

If the software version is up to date, try rebooting the receiver. To do this, turn off the receiver from the mains for a few minutes and turn it back on.

Error "0"

This error may occur if you have not turned on the TV for a long time.

If the TV was not turned on for more than 3 days, the activation keys could be lost. To resume watching paid TV channels, we recommend that you turn on the receiver in the network and leave the TV on on one of the non-working channels. Broadcasting will be restored within 8 hours.

To speed up this process, you can send activation keys yourself through your Personal Account. To do this, go to your Personal Account and on the main page click the "Repeat commands" button, while the TV must remain on.

In addition, sometimes the “0” error may appear after a software update or due to power surges in the network. In this case, the problem is easier to solve - disconnect the set-top box from the network and turn it on again after a few minutes. If the above fixes did not help, try removing the smart card and installing it again.

No sound on TV Tricolor

On all channels

First, make sure that the sound on the TV and on the set-top box is turned on. Try pressing the volume up and down buttons on the TV remote and on the receiver a few times.

Check if the cable connecting the receiver and TV is damaged and the connections are secure. If everything is in order, try rebooting the receiver by unplugging it for a few minutes and plugging it back in. If the sound does not appear, you must return to the factory settings. To do this, press the "Menu" button on the remote control from the receiver, go to the "Settings" section (there may also be a "Settings" or "Applications" section) and select the "Factory settings" item. After that, make all the initial settings of the receiver and check for sound on the channels.

On some channels
Depending on how the receiver is connected to the TV, you need to make different settings:

SCART cable - disconnect the cable from the receiver and TV and connect it back, but more tightly.
RCA cable - it is important that all 3 cables are correctly and securely connected to the TV. If your TV only has 2 inputs, set your receiver to Mono. To do this, go to the TV menu, go to the "Settings" section, then "AV output settings" and to the "Audio output" section.

Other cable - must be installed correctly audio track. To do this, press the green button or F2 on the remote control and select the sound mode "Russian ASZ" or "Russian".

If there is no sound, try restarting the receiver by unplugging and plugging it back in. If nothing has changed after that, try a factory reset.

Other reasons why Tricolor TV may not show

The above are the most common and easily fixable problems. If there is no cause and remedy that suits you, look at the list below.

Check the following:

  • The antenna cable has moved away from the F connector connected to the receiver - this can be corrected by applying a little effort and pushing the cable into the connector.
  • The Tricolor converter stopped working - this is an extremely rare, but still possible malfunction. The converter can work flawlessly for 3–5 years, after which failure is possible. Replacing the converter is easy. When buying, pay attention to the main specifications: Ku-band and circular polarization (Circular).
  • Physical interference between antenna and satellite - this could be a tree, new house or even heavy snow.

There are external and internal reasons for the lack of a Tricolor TV signal. The user can independently identify and eliminate them.

The message "No signal" when using Tricolor equipment appears due to some reasons. They are of two types:

  • External - not connected with the Tricolor receiving equipment;
  • Internal - depend on the breakdown of individual parts, the occurrence of malfunctions in the operation of equipment or changes in settings.

External and internal problems are solved in various ways.

External causes

The group of external problems includes:

  1. Weather;
  2. preventive work;
  3. The appearance of obstacles in the path of the satellite signal to the dish.

You can define them yourself. And the solution depends on the situation.

Internal problems

Internal causes differ from external ones in that they are associated with the Tricolor equipment itself. This group includes:

  1. Incorrectly selected video signal source on the TV;
  2. Cable damage or separation;
  3. Failure of tuning functions;
  4. Receiver malfunctions;
  5. Converter failure;
  6. Antenna failure.

Internal problems are often solved without the help of specialists.

How to independently determine the cause of the absence of a signal

If a notification appears on the TV about the absence of a signal, then you should check the correct choice of the video signal source using the TV remote control. Many remote control models have an "Input" or "Source" button. After pressing the corresponding button, select the input where the antenna connector is connected.

If there are no changes, the user must ensure that power is supplied to the receiver. There are situations when the "on" indicator is on, but the device does not function. You need to unplug the power plug from the network and, after waiting a minute, turn it on again. It is also necessary to check the serviceability of the cable connected to the receiver.

Bad weather causes no signal or weak signal. They can also cause antenna failure when it is moved from its original position by wind, snow or rain. Re-adjusting and firmly securing the plate will cause the show to resume.

Check if the satellite dish is damaged.

Preventive work carried out by the Tricolor service affects the lack of a signal. If the user has not seen the notification of these works, then you can look at the official website of the company or call the customer service.

Possible Causes of No Signal and Troubleshooting

The resumption of the TV show Tricolor TV depends on the nature of the problem that contributes to the lack of a signal.

Lost antenna

The antenna gets knocked down in bad weather or poor fixing. Long-term use also leads to a change in position or deformation. To find out, check the rigidity of the fastening. If you detect a loose fastening, you need to adjust the position of the dish, while monitoring the signal level on the TV screen (Settings menu, where an information banner is displayed.)

It is necessary to change the position of the plate slowly in the horizontal and vertical plane in increments of 1 cm, observing the time range of 3-5 seconds.

When a signal is detected, fine-tune it so that the filling level of both scales (quality and signal) is more than 70-80%. Finally, firmly tighten all the bolts so that the plate takes a stable position.

Lost cable from receiver

The departure of the cable from the receiver is detected when inspecting the connection. You can eliminate the cause by checking the F-connector for damage and tightening the contacts tightly.

Receiver problem

The receiver is responsible for receiving the signal and transmitting it to the TV. To check its serviceability, you need to use a working antenna. Such an antenna can be found with neighbors, relatives, friends who use the services of Tricolor.

After connecting to a working dish, the resulting signal indicates that the equipment is in good condition. The absence of a signal confirms the fact that the receiver is broken.

The receiver is repaired in service center. If it is unrepairable, the device must be replaced.

Damage to the converter on the plate

The converter, located on the plate, receives a signal from the mirror. Being subjected to constant external influences, it can fail. If all other causes have been analyzed and excluded, then the lack of signal is caused by a broken converter. Visual inspection will not help identify the problem.

You can identify this by installing a working converter. The item is purchased from the sales center. Replacement process:

  • Remove the old converter;
  • Install new element without turning the plate;
  • Check the level and quality of the signal on the TV screen;
  • With a small filling of the scales, adjust the signal by rotating the plate in the horizontal and vertical planes.

If the user is unsure about the breakdown of the converter, then you can call a technical support specialist. After examining the device, he may offer to replace it. Usually experts bring new converters.

Damage to the cable or cable connections

Having visually detected damage to the cable, you can replace it or eliminate the gap. To work, you will need two F-connectors (if one is damaged), a connector, electrical tape, a knife, pliers. Gap recovery scheme:

If no obvious damage is found, then the cable should be checked with a tester. This will help you check for hidden problems. In case of secondary damage to the cable, it must be replaced.


In rainy, snowy weather or when thunder strikes, lightning strikes, the quality of signal reception deteriorates. Therefore, the appearance of the message "No signal" is possible. You can try to turn off the equipment and turn it on after a few minutes. If the problem persists, then you should wait for good weather conditions.

Clear your plate of snow and ice regularly.

Wet snow can cause frost to form on the dish, interfering with satellite signal reception. By carefully removing the ice, the signal quality improves.

If the weather has improved and the TV does not show, you need to check the fixing of the plate. Strong gusts of wind and heavy rainfall can loosen the side connections. As a result, a deviation of several degrees will occur, resulting in no signal. Then you need to re-adjust and tune the TV show.

What to do if the signal is weak and unstable

Weakness and instability of the signal appears due to factors:

  • Loose cable connection between antenna and receiver;
  • There are damaged cable sections;
  • The fastening of the plate has weakened;
  • Tree branches interfere;
  • Outdated receiver.

After visual inspection cable and plate mounting bolts, the problem can be eliminated. If overgrown tree branches interfere, then they must be cut down. The outdated receiver model is replaced with a new device.

What to do if the inscription no signal appeared only on some channels

The cause is fixed by updating the channel list:

The new channel list will be displayed on the information channel.

The appearance of the message "No signal" indicates a malfunction of the equipment. After finding out the cause of the failure, the user can make attempts to eliminate them. And you can also contact the Tricolor technical service, where a specialist will help in solving the problems that have arisen.

Real problem solving experience

The Tricolor TV provider develops reliable equipment necessary for broadcasting satellite channels. Today, the majority of Russians use the services of this company. However, even in the work of modern and proven technology, failures occur.

Colossal importance is given to the competent connection of equipment and software configuration. If certain violations occur, they are displayed on the TV screen. Now let's look at why error 0 appears on Tricolor, and try to determine why television broadcasting does not work. Let's analyze ways to treat a software failure.

Error value 0

A zero error is not an indication that the equipment has failed. Therefore, if you saw an error 0 Tricolor TV on your TV screen, then this indicates a general failure - there are certain problems with connecting the receiver to the satellite. Troubleshooting shouldn't be a problem. Often, a problem code appears if the user has not logged into Tricolor TV for a long time.

Thus, zero failure is a denial of access to channels due to incorrect work receiver. To solve a problem, you first need to determine the cause of its occurrence.

What does she look like on TV?

It is necessary to emphasize that on older TV models a slightly different error code “Encoded DRE channel” appears. However, the essence remains unchanged - the device does not show channels.

As for modern equipment models, the message will be somewhat different “No access to view. Unplug the receiver from the mains for a few seconds, and then turn the channel back on. The image will appear no later than 8 hours later. If the device writes such an alert when you turn on the channel, then you have encountered a zero failure.

Regardless of the hardware model, if there is no access to view due to error 0, the information channel should still work. If this is not the case, then be sure to contact customer support so that specialists can quickly resolve the problem.

Why does this error occur

Consider the main reasons for the lack of access to TV channels.

  • Subscription issues.

First, make sure that the subscription is paid, and there are no problems with this. It is possible that access to TV channels is not available due to the fact that the payment was overdue tariff plan. Go to the official website of the provider and log in personal account. Open the "Check Subscriptions" section. In addition, the subscription is checked through the receiver's menu.

  • The smart card is installed incorrectly.

If everything is paid, then why does the error text 0 appear? It is possible that the cause of the failure was the incorrect installation of the conditional access card. Perhaps the Smart-card just got dusty at all. To solve the problem, take it out and wipe it. Then diagnose whether the receiver reads the card, to do this, press the buttons corresponding to the ID number on the remote control, as a result, an information table will be displayed on the display. Pay attention to the DRE ID item, if the Smart-card number is displayed here, it means that it is working correctly.

  • Long downtime of equipment.

If the receiver has not been connected to the network for a long period of time, then an error could occur due to this.

  • Problems with antenna tuning.

Sometimes the null glitch disappears intermittently and another "No Signal" alert pops up in its place. In this case, the problem lies in the incorrect installation of the antenna. Set up your satellite dish. You can do it yourself or contact specialists.

  • Outdated software version.

For the correct version of the receiver, it is necessary to install software updates in a timely manner, otherwise failures will occur periodically. To check the relevance of the software version used, go to the provider's website, and then go to the "Software" section.

How to fix error 0

Mostly subscribers in the event of all kinds of failures in the operation of television equipment sin on problems with paying for the subscription. However, the situation changes markedly after checking the balance. How to fix error 0 on Tricolor TV if all money is paid on time?

As noted earlier, problems with access to TV channels due to the appearance of a zero software failure are far from always related to payment, there are other reasons. Consider the main ways to solve the problem that has arisen.

Check Signal

First you need to make sure that the satellite signal is correctly received by the antenna and transmitted to the receiver. If there are any failures in this circuit, the activation commands will simply not reach the equipment. Therefore, be sure to test the quality of the connection:

  1. On the remote remote control press i button.
  2. Assess the parameters of the satellite signal quality and power scales.

The scale values ​​will be displayed on the TV screen, they must be at least 80%. If the indicators are lower, then you need to re-tune the antenna. What to do if the signal is normal, but the error does not disappear? Take advantage alternative way problem solving.

Activation codes

  1. Unplug the equipment (TV and receiver) from power for about 15 minutes.
  2. Plug in the appliance and wait for the receiver interface to load.
  3. Switch to a scrambled channel, leave the receiver on for about 8 hours.

During this period, television codes are updated. They are sent by satellite to automatic mode at the moment when it is in the same region as the subscriber. Therefore, there is no need to take additional actions, TV broadcasting will be restored automatically.

Please note that in no case should you turn off the receiver for 8 hours, but you can turn off the TV, since it does not participate in the process of updating activation keys in any way.

From time to time, satellite malfunctions occur, due to which the sending of activation codes is delayed. Each subscriber will be able to significantly speed up the process, for this you need to do the following:

  • Log in to your personal account on the official website of the provider.
  • Go to the "My Services" section and click on the "Sending activation commands" button.

And now you can activate broadcasting yourself, as described earlier.

If you don't have access to view

Perhaps the most radical way to solve the problem is to reset the receiver's user settings. Channel access will resume, but all data will be deleted. The user will have to reconfigure absolutely all TV channels. To reset the settings, follow the instructions:

  1. Open the receiver's menu and select the "Settings" section.

  1. Enter a 4-digit code.

  1. Select "Factory settings" or "Default settings".

  1. Confirm that you really want to delete the saved settings.

  1. When the receiver reboot is complete, turn it off for a short period of time, and then turn it back on.

Now you can start searching for channels.

If an error occurs after subscribing

In principle, there is no radically different solution to the problem, turn off the receiver and wait 8 hours. Basically, zero error occurs after paying for a tariff plan or after updating the software. If the situation does not improve after the above period of time, contact Tricolor TV specialists for help.

What are the consequences of an error

The steps described above mainly help to restore correct work equipment, however, sometimes only partially. No sound or picture, stuttering of the picture, malfunctions of devices connected to the receiver - all these are possible consequences of the appearance of a zero error. You can eliminate these negative consequences without contacting the support service. Provider Tricolor offers several ways to solve the problem.

This has already been discussed earlier, rebooting the receiver will help get rid of not only the error, but also its possible consequences. Simply unplug the receiver for a few minutes and then plug it back in again.


If the reboot did not give the desired result and the failures did not disappear anywhere, then you should try to return the receiver to the default settings. Instructions for rolling back parameters to base values ​​have already been given earlier. If the device continues to give errors after reconfiguration, request activation keys.

Software Update

Some receivers lose access to channels due to an outdated software version. If the failure appears on a regular basis, be sure to update the firmware. Go to channel 333 and follow the instructions.

If none of the suggested ways to solve the problem did not help, then just contact customer support. Tricolor's experienced specialists will help you set up the operation of the equipment, thereby restoring correct television broadcasting.


Interruptions in satellite broadcasting are always an unpleasant thing. But if small noises in the image or sound stuttering can still be somehow endured, then it is difficult to come to terms with the complete lack of access to TV. What to do if the Tricolor subscriber lost the signal on all channels? Is it worth it to call the masters, or can you handle it on your own? Let's try to figure it out.

Primary diagnosis

If you find a message about the absence of a signal when you turn on the TV, do not panic. The first step is to assess the extent of the problem. To do this, they scroll through a couple of dozen connected channels, including the Tricolor TV Info Channel. If there is no broadcast on any frequency, including the information channel, there are obvious problems with the equipment. To find out their causes, you should check the signal quality at the receiver.

Signal Quality Check

To find out if information from the antenna reaches the TV, you must press one of the following keys on the remote control:

  • INFO.

Button selection depends on the remote control model. In some cases, to confirm the transition to the information section, you will additionally need to press the green key on the remote control.

After that, an information window will appear on the screen with two scales showing the level of the incoming signal and its quality. The subscriber's troubleshooting steps will depend on the readings of these scales. For normal broadcasting, their readings must be at least 80% each.

Procedure for insufficient signal

If at least one of the scales is 70% or less filled, and at the same time Tricolor writes “no signal” on all channels, the reasons may be as follows:

  • physical damage to equipment;
  • poor quality antenna tuning;
  • change in weather conditions.

However, the last reason correct installation and antenna tuning, should not have a significant impact on the quality of the broadcast. Although, in the northern regions, there are cases when, after a strong snowstorm, the antenna dish is filled with snow, as a result of which it cannot receive data. But before you go outside or climb on the roof, it is worth checking the equipment in the apartment.

Checking the physical connection

The satellite signal arriving at the antenna may be lost on the way to the TV receiver. This can be caused by damaged wires or connectors, a loose or cracked cable plug, a loose connector on a set-top box, etc. Therefore, first of all, you should inspect all the equipment in the apartment and reconnect all the wires. It is better to turn off the receiver itself for this time.

If defects are found, damaged parts are replaced. To do this, you may need to refer to technical support Tricolor. If everything is in order with the physical connection, you will have to reconfigure the antenna.

Antenna tuning

It is most convenient to set up a satellite dish with an assistant. One person rises to the antenna and turns it towards the satellite, the other monitors the position of the signal indicators on the TV screen.

Turn the plate carefully, at a time by about 6-10 degrees. There should be a pause of 10-20 seconds between changes in position. Naturally, before setting up, you should clean the surface of the plate from snow, leaves and other debris, if any. Extra items can significantly affect the quality of work.

Adjustment should be carried out until both scales reach their maximum values. 100%, of course, will not be, but at least up to 90 it is worth holding out. In this case, the operation of the receiver will not deteriorate when the weather changes.

Procedure for normal signal

If the Tricolor TV does not have a signal on all channels, but its level and quality indicators are at a decent level (more than 80%), the cause of the problem lies in the receiver itself. To normalize the broadcast, you should try to roll back its settings to the factory settings.

Reset settings on the TV box

To, you need to go to its menu. In it, select the "Applications" item, or, on earlier models of equipment, the "Settings" or "Settings" item. In the menu that appears, select the line "Factory settings" and click OK. Some models of set-top boxes may require a pin code to perform the rollback operation. If the subscriber did not set his own code, enter 0000 in the request field.

After all these operations, the set-top box will be rebooted. During the reboot, the settings will be reset to the factory level. Then the receiver will need to be configured in the same way as after the first power-up. Signs will appear on the TV screen, where it will be necessary to set the current date, the subscriber's region and other parameters. At the end of the setup, the prefix should automatically hold. The subscriber will only need to save the found using the OK button on the remote control. After that, broadcasting should resume.

Important! If the rollback of the receiver settings did not help, you still have to re-tune the antenna to the satellite. This can be done both independently and with the involvement of specialists from Tricolor TV.

If the info channel works

There are situations in which the message about the absence of a signal does not appear on all channels. At least the Tricolor information channel continues to work. Here, of course, the first thing they do is also check the signal level on the TV receiver. If the values ​​of both or at least one of the scales are below the recommended ones, the antenna is tuned.

If everything is in order with the signal level, the channel list settings may be the cause of the problem. Tricolor periodically updates the broadcasting parameters of its programs in order to optimize the load on the equipment. At the same time, in the set-top boxes, the channels remain with the old parameters.

This is where updating the channel list will help. To do this, select the item "Search Tricolor channels" in the set-top box menu. The search procedure takes about a minute, after which a list of updated channels appears on the screen. They need to save and check the broadcast on them.

It may take some time to restore viewing of channels broadcast via satellite.

Now You can continue viewing paid subscriptions*. There are several options for this:

1. Connect your receiver to the internet. .

2. Install the application "Tricolor Cinema and TV" on or. Use the data from the Personal Account as a login and password.

Error description:

View message "Error 0. No access to view" when watching TV from Tricolor, it may mean that the equipment is having difficulty receiving a satellite signal.

To resolve error message 0 and restore access to viewing channels from Tricolor, try the following steps in sequence:

1. Check the antenna cable for external damage. Make sure the cable is firmly connected to the receiver and the antenna itself.

2. Reboot the receiving equipment. Unplug the receiver from the mains for 5 seconds and turn on the channel again.

3. Check the signal strength and quality scale*. If its values ​​are lower than recommended, use the instructions for.

6. Submit your activation keys to . Leave the receiver on. To access the view faster, connect the receiver to the Internet, the image will appear within 10 minutes. If the receiver is connected only to satellite dish access will be restored no later than 8 hours*.

7. If the above steps did not help and the error message 0 persists, contact , at , or at .

Links and notes:

* To check the strength and quality of the satellite signal on the Info channel (No.0 in the general list of channels) press:

For receiver models GS U210, GS B210, GS U210CI, GS E212, GS U510, GS E501, GS C591, GS E502, GS C5911, GS B212, GS B211, GS B520, GS B521, GS B522, GS A230, GS B532M , GS B531M, GS E521L, GS C592, GS B533M, GS B521H, GS B521HL, GS B531N, GS B534M, GS B5310, GS B5311, GS B527 and GS B528 red, then blue buttons on the receiver's remote control;

For receiver models GS 8305, GS 8306, GS 8307, GS 8308, DRS 8305, DRS 8308, GS 6301 red button twice and green button once;

For receiver models GS-8300/M/N, DRS-8300, GS 8302, GS 8304, HD 9303, HD 9305, DTS-54, DTS-53 double red button.

Detailed instructions for your model of receiving equipment can be found in the User's Manual or on the manufacturer's website.

At the bottom of the window that appears, two scales will be displayed: signal strength and signal quality. For stable signal reception from the satellite, the scales must be filled to at least 70%**.

** For receiving equipment of models GS B210, GS U210, GS U210CI, GS B211, GS B212, GS E212 - at least 40% on software version 3.8.98.

For receiving equipment models GS B520, GS B522, GS B521, GS B531M, GS B531N, GS B532M, GS B533M, GS E521L, GS B521H, GS B521HL, GS C592, GS B534M, GS B5310, GS B5311, GS C591,GS C5911, GS U510, GS E501, GS E502 - at least 30% on software versions 4.2.1103, 4.3.366, 4.6.310.

For receiving equipment model GS A230 - at least 50% on software version 4.5.1194.

For receiving equipment of models GS B527 and GS B528 - at least 40% on software version 4.4.266.

Display of scales during module operation CI + may vary depending on the TV used.