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Personal account of a contract soldier. How to view the payroll of a soldier? Login to the personal account of a soldier

Recently, the MIF of the country's defense has introduced its own single portal for the military. It contains all the important information. It is also worth paying attention to one important fact - the ongoing machinations by unauthorized persons, both in the Ministry of Defense and government departments, prompted the leadership to create a personal account. Here, each soldier will be able to find out all the actions for enrolling monthly allowances, payroll.

Login by code

Now it is not so easy to log into the LC, for this, the people to whom this service is intended must know their individual code. This is done so that all data about the service of a particular person is not leaked to third parties. By code it is very easy to enter Personal Area site of the Ministry of Defense, it can be done, perhaps even without registration.

Other ways to sign in

When taking action for the first time, it is necessary to keep in mind the post-Soviet registration, if any. The system can take from you all the personal information that needs to be collected. It is worth having military snills available here. You will also need to know the password, without which do not try to log in;

  • personal number.
  • Date of Birth.
  • unique number. Granted to all employees of the military army, where at the entrance you need to indicate who you are, a civil servant or liable for military service.

You can find out all the important information with registration. To complete all the steps, fill out the form provided without missing a single line. Do not forget to enter a special code that will be displayed at the bottom of the entire form, this is done in order for the system to understand whether you are a robot or a living person.

To activate your account, do not forget to follow the link in the letter by mail:

Login without password

Sometimes there are moments that you have lost or forgot your password. But this does not matter, since the registration form offers to enter the service even without it. To do this, know the special number assigned during military service to each employee of this department.

Serviceman's personal account

In the "forgot password" tab, you can restore it again. And yet, it will be better to know the password with all the data.

What the service is for

It is convenient and comfortable to have your personal account at hand. Here, every soldier who serves under a contract, or pays a military debt to the Motherland, will be able, if necessary, to download a payroll, after all the operations performed, according to available funds. The service also offers to calculate wages using the calculator tab. This can be done several months in advance.

Mil ru ( - the official website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Mil ru - official website of the Ministry of Defense

On the website of the Ministry, you can familiarize yourself with its leadership and structure, documents, contact and other information related to the activities of the Ministry of Defense.

There is also a personal account, a link to which can be found in the menu located on the left side of the site. Military personnel, as well as civil servants of the Ministry of Defense, can take advantage of the cabinet's capabilities. Both registered and unregistered users can enter the account.

In the first case, in order to gain access to your personal account, you will need to go through the registration procedure, which implies filling out a standard form in which you will need to indicate who you are registering as: a military man or a civil servant. Here you will also need to indicate the personal number of a soldier or SNILS of a civilian, date of birth, e-mail address and a password starting with a letter and containing at least six characters. You will also need to indicate the code from the proposed picture and click on "Register".


After the system detects the presence of the corresponding military or civil servant in the database, an inactive user account will be created, and a message will be displayed about the successful completion of the first part of registration for mil.

Next, you need to follow the link contained in email sent to your specified e-mail, which will complete the registration procedure and make your account active. After completing the registration procedure, you will be able to log into your personal account on the mil ru website. To do this, you will need to indicate your username and password.

Login to your personal account

If necessary, you can also recover your password by clicking on the corresponding link. In this case, you will need to indicate the personal number of the serviceman or SNILS, the date of birth and the code from the proposed picture. The data required for password recovery will be sent to the email address specified during registration.

In addition to recovering the password required to enter your personal account, you can also change it. You can do this by following the appropriate link available in the credentials window in your mil ru account. To change the password, you will need to specify the old one and new passwords(the latter will need to be entered twice) and click on the "Change password" button.

You can enter your personal account without registration. To do this, you need to select the appropriate link, indicate who YOU ​​want to log in, enter the personal number of the serviceman or SNILS, date of birth and code from the picture, and then click on the "Login" button. As a result, you will find yourself in the section "Payslips".

Login to your personal account without registration

Personal account mil ru allows its users to generate pay slips, which is available in the corresponding section of the cabinet. Here you can create and download a payroll containing information on the amount of monetary allowance, accruals and deductions made.

In order to form a payroll, you will need to indicate the required period. It can be one or several months.

Serviceman's payroll

In the first case, you will need to select the "for a month" tab, then indicate the desired month and year, in the second - "for a period" and indicate the required time period. Next, you should click on the "Generate" button. The payroll can be displayed in a regular and mobile versions... Formation of a payroll in your personal account on the mil ru website is possible in three formats: pdf, docx and xlsx.

Formation of a payroll

Registered users who want to receive notifications about updates or the addition of new pay slips by e-mail, just check the box next to "Receive notifications" in the user credentials window.

If you are a registered user, you can also take part in surveys available through your personal account. You can find out about the availability of an available poll using the red indicator, which is located to the right of the "Poll" link. To take a survey, you need to go to the credentials window and click on the "Poll" link. After that, a window with questions and answer options will open.

If you are also interested in the possibility of obtaining banking services at any time convenient for you, check out the possibilities of such a service as AK Bars Online Bank personal account.

Mil ru personal account -

More recently, for all military personnel contracted by the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation was developed new program, with the help of which each of them can view the amount of money to be paid. It was developed in connection with the emergence of frequent questions from the military about the calculation of the payment and its amount, and many others.

On the website of the Ministry of Defense each soldier is given the opportunity to enter his personal account, where he can view all information about the accruals of funds from 2012 to today. The resulting data can be printed or transferred to a removable disk.

The page for entering the Personal Account of a soldier

Registration in the personal account of a soldier

register on the site, and get access to the office, maybe any user in a few minutes. This requires entering a username and password, as well as filling out personal data. These are data such as:

  • Serviceman's personal number;
  • Date of birth in the format DD.MM.YYYY.
  • Password;
  • Password confirmation;
  • Specifying e-mail.

The user comes up with the password on his own. It must consist of at least six characters. For security, it's best to come up with a strong password.

To complete registration, the user will be sent an activation letter to the specified e-mail... After the serviceman follows the link, he will automatically enter his personal account, thereby confirming the registration.

Serviceman's personal account without registration

Non-registered users can also view the information on the site, just put a tick in the checkbox opposite the sign "enter without registration" and enter the required data, but nevertheless, to get all the services provided by the site, we recommend activating your personal account.

If the user forgets his username or password, it can be easily restored. To do this, you need to find the "forgot password" tab in the registration field, and perform all the actions requested by the site. If you have any difficulties, you can ask for help from specialists by writing a letter to the specified mailbox, or by calling one of the indicated numbers.

How does a soldier's personal account work?

Already after the first entrance, each soldier can find out how they are formed payroll, which includes all information about charges and deductions.

Formation requires the indication of the required dates and years.

For later viewing, a personal account provides each serviceman to save pay sheets on his computer or removable disk.

Ministry of Defense website: login
Login to the Personal Account of the Serviceman: login
Phones of the Main Human Resources Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:
Telephone hotline ERTS of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: 8-800-737-7-737

Personal cabinet ERTS of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was developed specifically for Russian military personnel working on a contract basis. The system's capabilities allow you to quickly obtain the necessary information. Each user is able to view the payroll, financial transactions and other information. Also, visitors to the portal have the right to determine the amount of payments or the amount of personal income tax. The development of the system made life much easier for army employees thanks to its capabilities.

You no longer need to visit real institutions - now it is enough to log in to the site to view the charges. A visit to the office is carried out by entering a password with a login.

To log in to your account, you will need to specify your personal identifiers. The use of the system is available only to registered visitors. To create an account, click the "Register" button and, following the interactive prompts, become the owner account... To do this, fill out the proposed form with personal information. It is necessary to accurately indicate personal data - they are checked by the service.

Also, the ERC of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation asks for confirmation. On the email address a link is received to complete the registration. An additional requirement is the input of characters from the image specified on the page. Such measures are taken to ensure the safety of users. The developers strive to prevent leakage of confidential information.

Personal account of a serviceman of the ERC of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The personal account of the Single Settlement Center has several options for use. Its main purpose is to ensure transparency of payments to servicemen. Here users look through pay slips with data on the amount of money allowance and deductions. Personal account is different simple control and wide functionality. Each visitor has the right to make selections, search for documents in the archive for a certain time period. The received pay slips are allowed to be saved to the computer. Also electronic documents can be printed on a home printer.

Registration in your personal account Erts.rf

To use all the features of the Single Settlement Center account, you will need to pre-register. To do this, a soldier should visit the appropriate section of the site to fill out the proposed questionnaire. You will need to enter personal information - serviceman number, user category, date of birth. All information must be correct - the system checks the incoming user data.

It is recommended to specify a reliable combination of symbols to protect your account from intruders. The developers advise to use different case characters in the access key to ensure security. After the performed actions, the user specifies the control word. Next, he enters a valid email address where the activation link goes. After all the performed actions, it remains to log in to the personal section.

Personal account of the JRC of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for civilian personnel

The Unified Settlement Center provides for the possibility of creating a personal account for civilian personnel. Registration is carried out in a similar way. You will need to get a login with a password. Open the registration form and fill in the fields provided. Be sure to select the type of user "Civil servant", indicate your SNILS number, exact date of birth.

Also, come up with a strong password to keep your personal area safe. Additionally, you will need to specify the email address used to activate the account. Reprint the symbols from the image and click the "Register" button. After the completed steps follow the link sent to your e-mail to log in.

Login by personal number to the personal account of the JRC of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Users can log in by number without specifying a login. This opportunity is provided only for military personnel. To display the page, click the "Login without registration" button and fill out the proposed form. Here the service will ask you to print your personal number and date of birth. The last step is to enter characters from the image.

After the performed actions, the visitor gains access to the personal account and can view the necessary information. This authorization option is completely safe. To prevent the dissemination of confidential information or unauthorized receipt of personal information, the developers of the system provided for the input of a digital code from the image.

Cabinet use cases

The personal account of Erts.rf has several options for use. Through it, military personnel are able to independently view the amount of monthly charges in a few minutes. It is enough to log in to the system to obtain the necessary information. This procedure usually takes a few minutes. Using the account helps to save time - now you do not need to visit the accounting department every month.

Additional features provided for civilian personnel. Employees of the department are able to log in to the account to track the amount of funds transferred. The main requirement for the operation of the service is the availability of a personal computer and a stable network connection because the access is online.

Since the summer of 2012, all amounts transferred to servicemen are displayed in a special section of the official website of the Ministry of Defense. After entering in address bar the serviceman's personal account becomes available. Next steps are individual.

Serviceman's personal account: instructions

Access to your personal account is carried out through the official portal of the Ministry of Defense, respectively, registration is required on the website itself. It is impossible to log in for the first time without the administrator's knowledge, you need to request a password (in the future it is recommended to change it yourself), which will be sent to the specified mobile number... If you lose your login or password, you can always get it again or restore it through the administrator. After answering the security question, the login data will be sent in the form of SMS to the phone.

It is recommended to create your personal account after reading the information in the "Help" section. Next, a tab opens where, after filling out a special form, you can familiarize yourself with your personal information. You can view the payroll of a soldier without registration, but only for information purposes.

It should be noted that the funds that the JRC transfers every month to all employees (from a simple private to a general) are called monetary allowances, and not the wages of the military.

Government agencies recently launched special program for military personnel on the Internet, providing access to The serviceman's personal account gives access to pay sheets, which previously could only be obtained through a system of closed channels. The program was launched in response to ongoing complaints from the military regarding inconsistencies in payroll, bonuses and other allowances. Providing the employee with information about charges is mandatory.

The document must be issued along with the monetary allowance and contain the following information:

  • Components of the salary due to the employee for a certain period of time.
  • Other cash accruals, including vacation pay, sick leave, etc.
  • The total amount of charges.
  • Amounts withheld from
  • The total amount to be handed out.

The personal account of a soldier without registration or registered persons is available not only for the military, but also for other employees of the institution. Thanks to the functionality of the service, each employee can order the necessary extracts and certificates online, without wasting time visiting structural divisions. All requested documentation is provided free of charge and is available for printing.

The functionality of the personal office of a soldier is very extensive, but the section for the formation of pay sheets is especially popular. You can use this function and create a document for any period starting from 2012. On the main page of the website of the Ministry of Defense, you need to go to the appropriate section and indicate the period that interests you. A sheet will be generated automatically with all the information available. The document can be saved in Excel, Word and PDF formats.

Login to the personal account of a soldier without registration

It is not always necessary to enter a login to enter the site. Also, for users of the website of the Ministry of Defense, a personal number is provided. This opportunity allows you to get a payroll of a soldier without registration. To view personal information necessary:

  • Press the button "Login without registration".
  • In the window that appears, indicate your personal number and date of birth.
  • Enter the digital code.

After all the manipulations, the user will be able to enter the inner part of the portal and view the information he is interested in. The simplified system for entering the site is completely safe, since manual entry of the code, as well as the indication of individual information, make it impossible for a stranger to visit the account.

If the citizen is a civil servant and not a military man, he will need to enter the mandatory pension insurance number and date of birth. It should be borne in mind that a serviceman's payroll without registration provides the user with only a limited amount of information. For full access, registration is required.

How to enter the personal account of a soldier

Any soldier can use the Department of Defense portal to view payroll information. In order for this information not to be available to unauthorized persons, the site user needs to go through a simple registration process. Having performed this action, the soldier will create his own personal account, in which he can easily control his own allowance. The personal account provides for the possibility of forming a payroll for a military in electronic format.

How is registration carried out in the personal account of a soldier? When visiting the site for the first time, there may be some difficulties, for example,

  • You will see a message stating that it is impossible to enter your personal account, because the system is being tested, or the certificate is invalid. This should not stop, you need to agree with the system and continue to the next section.

  • To be in the user's personal account, you need to go to the registration section.

You can enter a serviceman's personal account without registration. To do this, you need to indicate the personal number of the military and the date of birth in a special line.


For constant control over monetary allowance, it is recommended to register on the site. The process is very simple. The soldier will need to enter some personal information:

  • The number assigned to it.
  • Date of birth in
  • Come up with a password for authorization. The password for access should not be easy and simple; for its formation it is recommended to use a combination of Latin letters and numbers. You will need to re-enter this set of letters and numbers for verification and confirmation.
  • Enter email. In addition to specifying personal information and creating a password, you need to provide an email address for further activation of the account and password recovery in case of loss.

After observing all the formalities, the user can re-enter the serviceman's personal account in order to check the correctness of all the actions taken.

Personal account of a serviceman of the Russian Federation

When the login is successful, you can try to create the first payroll with the display of complete information about the movement of military allowances, details of charges, deductions, bonuses, and more. To do this, you need to enter the year and month of interest in a special form.

For convenience and control of payments, all generated pay sheets can be saved on the desktop in a separate folder. The system stores data for the entire current year. If errors and other dissatisfaction are revealed on the part of a soldier, he has the right to apply with a statement to the military unit in which he is serving for explanations. You can also figure out the problem with incorrectly specified user initials by phone numbers"Hot line" of the Central Personnel Regulation of the Ministry of Defense. For problems related to the payment of funds, you should contact the Unified Clearinghouse of the Ministry of Defense. A serviceman's payroll is the main document confirming that his service is being appreciated.

What actions can be carried out in your personal account

On the this moment the personal account of a serviceman of the Ministry of Defense is completely ready for work. Then you can do the following:

  • Form a payroll, which will indicate all detailed information on charges, receipts and other actions with the military's money.
  • Save payroll electronically on Personal Computer, which will make it possible to view documents at any time.
  • Continuously monitor payments.

How to form a payment sheet

It is possible to generate a payroll for a serviceman without registration, and registered users can also do this. Process steps:

  • Go to the main page of the site or to the section "Payroll".
  • Designate the period of interest for which the report will be generated.
  • Press the "Generate" button.
  • Next, a window will appear in which the report sheet for the specified period of time will be displayed.


Thus, it is clear that the personal account of a serviceman of the Ministry of Defense is presented in a fairly understandable and simple form for the user. He has the opportunity at any time to enter his page and verify all the information.

For contractors, the Ministry of Defense has created a service on its website that allows you to find out the amount of allowances and other payments online. Entering without registering a serviceman completely eliminates the need to go to the accounting department to find out the amount of charges. After creating an account, you can issue a 2-NDFL certificate.

If you receive funds from the ERTS MO and you know your personal number, enter into your browser. The page will open:

Click on the "Login without registration" button and fill out the form suggested by the system:

After clicking on "Login", the system will redirect you to the section " Payslips", Which displays all payments from 2012.

To be able to use all the features of the service, you need to create a full-fledged account. On the page, mark "Register now". You will be offered another form, in which, in addition to the date of birth and personal number, you must enter your own password and E-mail address twice. After clicking on "Register", go to your e-mail box and follow the link indicated in the letter sent from the website of the Ministry of Defense.

Benefits of access to your personal account

Entering the personal account of a soldier using a personal number does not make it possible to order a 2-NDFL certificate via the Internet. After registration of the account, the table of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of all military districts with addresses and phone numbers is available. You can download the form, fill it out and send it by e-mail or fax. To receive a paper form to be mailed or delivered in person, print the form on paper and fill it out.