Computers Windows Internet

Correct ICQ installation using QIP as an example. QIP does not work and does not connect: why, what happened? Icq not connecting

Current growth rate information technologies truly amazing. A few years ago, people could not even imagine that they would be able to communicate through a computer or any other device, being in different parts of the world!

Today we will talk about one of the most common Internet services. instant messaging- ICQ. A feature of the system is that messages between users are delivered instantly, so you can conduct a full-fledged dialogue with the interlocutor, unlike Email... Tens of millions of people use this service every day.

The user sends messages to the interlocutor through a specialized messenger on a device connected to the Internet, then the messenger connects to the server and communicates with other clients through it.

How do you join the ICQ society?

The process of installing and configuring the messenger is quite simple. We will now look at the basic steps to accomplish this simple task.

First you need to choose which messenger you like best. Now there are a great variety of such programs:

  • there are ICQ messengers for Windows;
  • Miranda;
  • for Linux systems - Jabber, and many others.

Let's dwell on the QIP program in its new version QIP 2012, as on the messenger with the most attractive, in my opinion, / 2012 / qip2012_nosms_7102.exe

After loading installation file we see a window like this:

Then click "Run" and select the Russian language for installation. After that, we are asked to choose the type of installation:

We select the standard typical setting. Next, we open a login form:

In this version of QIP, we can log in through the social networks "Vkontakte", "Facebook" and "Twitter". Let's try to log in through the Vkontakte service, enter the e-mail and from the “contact”, if the data is correct, press the “Continue” button.

The updated QIP 2012 appears in the right corner of the screen by default. Since we used the login via the Vkontakte social network, only our VKontakte friends are displayed in the contact window. QIP 2012 will acquire a similar look with authorization via Facebook or Twitter.

To add your contacts from the ICQ service, you need to go to the main menu by clicking the button with the phone number at the bottom of the messenger, go to the "Add account" section and select ICQ:

In the form, enter our UIN and password.

After that we can contemplate all our ICQ contacts. This completes the ICQ installation process safely and we move on to another important aspect - setting up the messenger for our needs and convenience.

Configuring the QIP messenger for your needs

As we can see, there are standard options in the top QIP menu: "Show / hide offline contacts" (press this button if we do not want to see interlocutors who are not on the network), "Enable / disable the group display mode" (here, if desired and by availability these same groups, you can not touch the button), "Turn on / off sounds", "Private lists" (lists of those who see you in invisibility mode, never see you and are ignored), "History" for all users and dialogues, general "Settings", and a new option - "Selective Send", which allows you to select specific users and send them the same text. By the way, this is a very convenient option for sending invitations and any news to friends.

Section of the messenger QIP "Settings"

QIP messenger settings window

So, we begin to customize QIP for ourselves from the topmost section - "General". By default, several checkboxes are set here, we leave the checkboxes as desired, I recommend leaving the following options: "Launch QIP at system startup" - so as not to look for the messenger icon later, "Check daily for a new version of QIP", "Authorize on services in the browser", and "Store my account settings on the server."

The option "Save password" can be checked if the computer is used exclusively by you and no one has access to the correspondence. Otherwise, by choosing to save the password, anyone who logs in as your user will log in with your data and can read your message history or write messages to your friends on your behalf.

QIP section "Contact List"

Here we are most interested in the window settings: I recommend choosing the location "On top of all windows", "Normal window title" and closing the window by clicking the "Close" button.
In the same section, we can choose a suitable font and select various options - now you can leave them unchecked, but leave them selected by default.

Below the "Contact List" is the "Events" section.

Section "Events"

We select the position on the screen - by default, this is the lower right corner, which is quite convenient, and the style of the float. I advise you not to set status notifications, otherwise you risk being inundated with messages about who and when changed their status, entered the network, etc. Unless you can mark the display of information that one of your contacts is typing a message for you. I also highly recommend disabling pop-up messages - at first it seems convenient, and then it starts to get boring and, again, gives your guests the opportunity to peep what they write to you.

This version of QIP has a lot of settings for messages. Let's start by specifying the name in the message box - here you can write your nickname or name. Next, select the "Communication Style". In my opinion, the best option is the standard side tabs. In this version, the message window looks like this:

On the right, the window displays the logins of those with whom we corresponded, as well as the message history. By the way, another important option can be configured in the message window: sending messages by pressing the "enter" button. To do this, press the most extreme button above the text input field and press the fourth icon from the left.

Let's consider what other settings the message box offers us. So, let's get down to a detailed study. The first icon is emoticons, then there is the option of quotes - it is also quoting the last message of the interlocutor for the most convenient style of dialogue, templates for ready-made answers (you can add them yourself in the section "Settings" -> "Messages" -> "Ready answers"), history messages, sending files, then we observe the general settings, which we have already seen before, sending messages by pressing the "Enter" key, enabling / disabling sending notifications about typing (if the option is enabled, the interlocutor will see that you are typing a message to him), cleaning the dialog box, compact window mode (after clicking, the upper part of the window and part of the lower one disappear), and the option to switch the dialog to a separate window.

If we click on the second from the right button "T" with a brush, we will see the appeared tags of the form [b] - these are the so-called BB codes, a message markup language very similar to the language / wiki / BBCode.

Next to the tags, you can see the option to upload an image and the rest of the tags.

Also at the bottom of the message window there is a "Send" button, which allows you to send the same message different types contacts, the dialogue with which is reflected in the tab on the right - by online contacts, by all contacts and selective sending.

The attention of many users should also be attracted by the ability to check the spelling in the message box; As in Microsoft Word, misspelled words are underlined with wavy lines after writing. You can also add such a check in the "Messages" section in the "Spelling checker settings" by clicking the "Enable" button.

I am absolutely sure that this option will not leave indifferent any of the QIP 2012 users.

Now let's return to the main menu and move on to the "History" section.

Section "History"

Here you can configure the paths for storing the history (for example, you can select your own folder, avoiding the one that is installed by default - it usually looks like this: C: \ Users \ user \ AppData \ Roaming \ QIP \ Profiles \ profilename \ History \) , here you can specify a different path for storing files - I highly recommend choosing a folder, the location of which is most convenient for viewing files sent from friends. In this section, you can select the very need to save history and service messages, as well as the number of messages from the correspondence displayed when opening a new dialogue with the interlocutor.

All status settings are located in the “Settings” section of the same name, you can turn on the answering machine and set a timer to change the status. I also draw your attention to the status picture in the window of the messenger itself:

You can choose any icon you like and write a short message describing your condition or thoughts on this moment... Your interlocutors will see the picture in the list of their contacts, and the message will be read when they open a dialogue with you. In the same corner of the messenger, you can select standard general statuses: "Online", "Ready to chat", "Angry", "Invisible", "Offline" and others.

Section "Sounds"

Here you can turn off the sound (as you remember, it is also displayed on the top menu of the messenger), as well as a setting sound alerts- you can choose the sound you like in the .wav format and set it for a specific scenario. To do this, select a script, for example, "Launch QIP" and click the "Change" button, then select your file, click "Apply" and the next time you start QIP, enjoy the selected sound. You can listen to this sound and in the settings window click on the green triangle under the events.

Now let's move on to the interface settings.

Section "Interface"

The most interesting in this section is the menu "Colors" and "Interface language". When we click the Colors menu, we are prompted to select color schemes for the message box, contact list, chat box, general color settings, and background color. You can choose a color other than the preset color by clicking on the window with the set color and choosing the color you like in the palette.

Next, we can select hotkeys in the section below, then install various modules or select existing ones (Postcards 1.1, OGOROD social network, QIP Radio, Win-7 are already installed in QIP 2012). Let's leave the next section "Connections" without our attention - everything is already configured and works great.

If you have a webcam, then you can configure it in the "Video and Sound" section, as well as a microphone and speakers for voice and video communication with friends via QIP.

The bottom-most section of the main menu is “ Accounts". In this section you can add a new account and delete unnecessary ones. According to all our settings, you should now have two accounts - social network and ICQ.

That is where we will finish with the settings in the main menu and move on to a more detailed study of the messenger window.

Messenger panel QIP

We have already reviewed the status pictures earlier, now we will open the main menu. Let's try to dock the contact list to the right or left edge. After that, the list will move to the right (left) edge and stretch to the full height of the screen. In fact, in my experience, the location of the messenger on the right side is the most convenient.

We can also change the personal data of the accounts. To do this, you need to select an account in the item "Show / change my data". Now we can change general, personal and work information about ourselves.

The new QIP implements the ability to make calls, as we have already mentioned. You can make a call if you have funds on your QIP account in the bottom menu by clicking on the bell button. It is adjacent to the search button and add new contacts.

There we can also try to find a new interlocutor by user ID, e-mail address, and also try our luck in casual acquaintances on a global search.

No matter how legendary one of the most popular instant messengers in Russia is, this does not negate the fact that this is a program, and therefore it is prone to failures. Of course, problems need to be addressed, and preferably immediately and urgently.

Here you will need to enter the login used to log in (this can be a phone number, UIN code or email address), as well as pass the captcha check.

If a similar error appears for several people at once, then it is worth considering that work is being carried out on the service at the moment.

In such a situation, it remains only to wait for the service to work again, and everything will return to its place.

Connection error

There are also frequent situations when the login and password are accepted by the system, the connection process begins ... and that's it. The program persistently gives a connection failure, when you press the authorization button again, nothing happens.

Reason 1: Internet Problems

For any problem, you should first look for a solution to the problem on your device. In this situation, it is worth checking the performance of the network.

Another option would be to prevent the firewall from accessing the Internet for ICQ.

After that, the connection is usually restored if the problem lay in the user's computer itself.

Reason 2: System load

The reason that the program cannot connect to the servers may be a banal overload of the computer. A high load may not leave any resources for making a connection, and as a result, it is simply dropped.

So the only solution here is to clear the computer memory and reboot.

Reason 3: Technical work

Again, the reason for the failure of the system to work can be trivial technical work. They are especially often held recently, since the service is developing rapidly and updates arrive almost every week.

The solution remains the same - it remains to wait for the developers to turn everything on again. It is worth noting that this happens extremely rarely, usually access to servers is blocked already at the authorization level, so the program simply stops accepting login data. But the impossibility of connecting after logging in also happens.

Crashes on authorization

It can also happen that the program successfully accepts the login information, connects to the network ... and then completely shuts down. This is abnormal behavior and the program will need to be corrected or "repaired".

Reason 1: Program crash

Most often this is due to the breakdown of the protocols of the program itself. This can happen after an incorrect computer shutdown, due to fragmentation, the influence of third-party processes (including viruses), and so on.

First, you should try to restart the process itself. After the initial self-closing, the process could remain in operation. Should check in "Task Manager" whether it is executed or not.

If the process remains, you should close it through right button mouse, and then try to run the program again. Also, it will not be superfluous to restart your computer.

If this does not help, then you should reinstall the ICQ client, having previously uninstalled the previous version.

Reason 2: Virus activity

As mentioned earlier, the cause of the breakdown can be the banal activity of various malware. There are specialized virus programs that disrupt the performance of instant messengers, including ICQ.

First, you should carry out a complete cleaning of the computer from the virus environment. Further actions make no sense without this, because with any number of reinstallations of the program, the virus will still break it again and again.

All interlocutors are offline

A fairly common problem when, after authorizing and entering ICQ, the program demonstrates that absolutely all friends from the contact list are offline. Of course, this situation can happen in reality, but in certain cases this could be a mistake. For example, if there are interlocutors in the CL, who are online 24 hours a day, but now they are not, or if offline, the user profile itself, added to friends, is even shown offline.

Reason 1: Connection Failure

This may be due to a broken protocol for connecting to ICQ servers, when the program seems to have received a connection, but does not accept data from the server.

In such a situation, you should try to restart the program. If this does not help and the reasons below also do not confirm themselves, you should completely reinstall the messenger. This usually helps.

In very rare cases, this may be due to a problem with the ICQ server. As a rule, such problems are solved rather quickly by the employees of the organization.

Reason 2: Internet Problems

Sometimes the reason for such strange behavior on the computer can be wrong job the Internet. In such a situation, it is worth trying to reconnect the connection. Restarting your computer will not be superfluous.

If this does not help, it is worth trying to check the Internet functionality through a browser or other programs that use the connection. If you find problems, you should contact the provider and report your problem.

Mobile app

With the official mobile application ICQ also has its own problems. As a rule, most of them are approximately similar to malfunctions in the operation of a computer analogue - incorrect login and password entry, connection error, and so on. This is resolved accordingly. Of the individual problems, the following can be noted:

  1. If the user at the first start-up did not allow the application to access various services and components of the device, the functionality of the application may be impaired. There may be no network connectivity, the ability to use third-party files, and so on.
    • To solve the problem, go to "Settings" phone.
    • The following example is given for ASUS phone Zenfone. You need to go to "Applications".
    • Here, at the top, you should click the gear icon - the settings sign.
    • Now you need to choose Application Permissions.
    • This will open a list of the various systems, as well as which applications have access to them. You should check everything and enable ICQ where this program is listed.

    After that, everything should work as it should.

  2. An incompatibility problem can be extremely rare operating system and phone model with ICQ application. The program may either not work at all on such a device, or work with violations.

    It is best to install the application from Play Market, because this service automatically detects and reports on the incompatibility of the program with the phone model.

    If such a problem manifests itself, there is only one thing left - to look for analogues that can work on this device.

    Most often, this situation is typical for tablets and phones of little-known Chinese companies. The use of official devices from well-known international brands minimizes this possibility.


There are also other problems that may arise with the performance of the ICQ application, but in most cases these are individual problems and they are extremely rare. The bulk of common problems are stated above and can be completely solved.

This messenger, along with ICQ, has been with us for many years, but due to changes in the legislation regarding user identification, in 2018 a series of temporary outages and failures occurred on its portal. Now Qip does not work at all, and in ICQ from December 20, 2018 only the official client is supported, latest version... Read more about why it all happened and what to do now for the users of the program - in this article.

Reasons why Qip stopped working

So why is Qip not working in 2019? The previous owners of QIP decided to sell the project instead of bringing it in line with the new legislation. It was assumed that the new buyer would carry out the required reorganization, update the server hardware, and after a while the messenger would become operational again. Actually, in the fall of 2018, the following announcement even hung on the Qip portal for some time:

The project was sold to Prestige Media LLC. We are updating server hardware. From October 1, 2018, the project will continue its full-fledged work and development. Everything will be fine 🙂 Peace to everyone! 🙂

In fact Qip (and with ICQ as well) does not work in 2019... The official portal seems to be functioning - home page loading, internal links are active; the “Download Qip” button is active - you can select a version to download and install it. However, you won't be able to log into your Qip profile or register a new one - the system gives an error. Therefore, while we wait and get out in the available ways.

What can be done

The options are as follows:

How to change connection settings in QIP2012

You will need the latest version of the messenger -. Download it from the link under the title or go to the QIP portal yourself, click on the green Download button and select the 2012 version.

  1. Download and install the program.
  2. We launch. In its original form, Qip does not connect to ICQ. To fix this, changes are needed in the settings.
  3. After starting, automatic authorization will occur, but your status will be “Offline”. Click on “Settings”.
  4. Go to section "Accounts" and select “ICQ”.
  5. Click on “Customize”.
  6. Check the box next to the line "Use new authorization scheme".
  7. In the “Connection” menu, replace the server address with “” and the port with “443”.
  8. Click on "Ok". Everything should work now.

Important! This method works provided that QIP was previously installed on this device, you were authorized in the program, and auto login was enabled in the settings (automatic login, without asking for a login and password every time). In this case, a configuration file is created that remains on the device even after the QIP is removed. It is he who provides access to the program interface after reinstalling it.

Clarification for our readers: we need exactly the 2012 version, because Qip 2005 cannot be connected in the way described above, even if you have previously used this program on the same device.