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How to protect pdf from printing. How to protect a PDF document, file from copying, editing and printing? How to make a secure PDF file? ways to remove protection from a pdf file

Protect file with password

After downloading the PDF, you can add a password to it by selecting the "Protect PDF" option.

To do this, drag the file to the box above, or upload from your device or from the cloud, and then enter New Password to protect the document.

Password Protect PDF

Password protect PDFs to prevent third parties from copying and printing your documents.

We offer an easy way to protect PDFs with your chosen password.

Why protect PDFs?

Protecting PDFs with a password is useful for a number of reasons. First, the file can be opened and viewed only by those people to whom you have given the password.

Secondly, you can set limits on copying and printing a PDF document.

File security and protection

Setting a password on a PDF document is a delicate task. Of course, I want to know for sure that the files are not in danger.

PDF2Go guarantees the safety of all uploaded, edited and converted files. See the Privacy Policy for details.

What files can be protected

You can add a password only to Adobe PDF documents. However, the number of pages in a PDF file, as well as the presence of text, images, tables, and other objects, does not matter. Any task is within our power.

You can upload other files as well, text or graphic. We will automatically convert them to PDF format and add passwords for protection.

Complete PDF security

Convenient online studio PDF2Go allows you to password protect PDF files absolutely free. But that's not all!

You are not attached to home computer... You can add a password to a PDF file from any available device... It is possible with us.

Perhaps you have ever had the need to create your own PDF document with some information, from where nothing could be copied?

In this article, I will tell you how you can use a simple free program to create a PDF file from a Word document and enable protection against performing various actions, for example: copying any information from a document, making changes to a document, the ability to print a document, editing and adding comments.

Just in case, I'll explain right away for beginners. PDF is universal format, designed for the most convenient display of text and graphic information. For example, PDF is very easy to read electronic books even on smartphones and tablets.

I have a need for PDF creation the document has already appeared several times. When I was teaching at a technical school, it was necessary to do good practical assignments for students ("manuals", as we called them) to teach programming. And in this case, it is best if the student cannot just take and copy whole examples. program code, but will type it manually. In this case, a better understanding of the material comes, and not just mindless copying. And then they began to convert documents from Word to PDF with protection.

It was also necessary to create a book for its subsequent distribution on the Internet, which I also protected from copying and editing.

You will probably say: “Yes, but what's the point of that? Whoever needs it will find a way to break the defense and that's it! " The fact of the matter is that only those who really really want to do this will do this, and most of them will work with the document in the form in which they received it ...

Many different programs, both paid and free, allow you to create a copy-protected PDF document. I even met online service s where you can convert the finished Word document in PDF. But such sites do not allow you to protect the document in the way we would like. As a rule, they do not provide such an opportunity at all. I also tried several programs, and in many it was impossible to flexibly configure protection, or the protection function was completely absent.

I settled on the PDF24 Creator program, which completely satisfied me with its functionality and at the same time is free! It is on the example of this program in conjunction with MicrosoftWord that I want to show you how you can create and protect a PDF document!

The program is very simple, intuitive and you can protect a document without any problems at all in 5 minutes :)

Let's start with the installation ...

Installing a program for creating and protecting PDF documents - PDF24 Creator.

On the page that opens, select the option for private use by clicking "PDF24 Creator - Private":

Download will start installation file programs. The file is about 16 MB in size, so it loads quickly. We launch it and start the installation:

The installation is painfully simple, but let's take a quick look at it.

In the next window, we accept the license agreement by marking the appropriate item and click "Next":

Now we are given the opportunity to change the folder in the "Start" menu, where the shortcuts for launching the program will be stored. The default name for PDF24 is understandable in my opinion, so you don't need to change anything. Click "Next" again:

Now click "Install" and the process of copying files to the installation folder will start:

And finally, in the last window, click "Finish":

That's it, the installation of the program is completely completed and you can get to work!

Create PDF from Word and enable copy and edit protection!

After installing the program, 2 shortcuts will appear on the desktop: PDF24 Creator and PDF24 Fax:

We do not need the “PDF24 Fax” shortcut, it serves to send a fax, so you can remove it immediately so that it does not get in the way. And the second shortcut ("PDF24 Creator"), we will just run the program.

When you start the program, we will see a window like this:

Suppose we have a ready-made Word document that we need to convert to an easy-to-read PDF format and prohibit the ability to change and copy information.

First of all, we need to open our finished Word document in the program and this can be done in 3 ways: just drag it to the right (highlighted in yellow not in the screenshot below) part of the screen; in the explorer window in the center of the program (highlighted in blue) and through the menu "File"> "Open" (highlighted in red):

The fastest, of course, is to grab and drag desired file Word in right side window.

After a few seconds, the document will be loaded into the program and displayed on the right side of the window:

If the document is very large (for example, pages 100 or more), then it can be loaded for about a minute or more.

Now, to convert the document to PDF, press the button with the image of one floppy disk:

A similar button on the right (the icon of two floppy disks) converts all documents that you transferred to the program at once.

A window with the settings for the created PDF file a:

To achieve our goals, it is enough to set parameters in just a few sections.

Let's start with the "Main" section.

It is very important here to set the overall quality of the PDF document being generated. The lower the quality, the smaller the resulting file size. But I believe that because of an extra couple of tens of megabytes, you can't save on the quality of the document! Reading should always be as pleasant as possible! Well, the choice is, of course, yours :) For myself, I always put the best quality.

Also in the same section it is better to change the PDF standard to the value "PDF1.5". Then your document will be supported by all versions of the reader - AcrobatReader. For some reason, other, more recent formats offered by PDF24Creator are not created. Perhaps the problem does not occur at all operating systems and will get better in the future.

The next section is "Info"... You might find these settings useful. Here we can set the author of the document, its title, keywords... All this data will be protected in the created file without the possibility of anyone editing it.

But in order for this data to be seen in the file, do not forget to include the item "List of sources".

Section "Security"... So we got to the most important section for us. This is where document protection is configured.

In order to enable protection, first of all, you need to check the item "Use security. settings".

The program offers only one type of encryption.

Next, specific rights are configured for those who receive your PDF document. You need to uncheck those actions that the user who has access to your document will not be allowed to do. For example, in my example (see the image above), I only allowed the document to be printed.

And the last function in this section, which may be useful for someone, is “Require a password to open”. If you enable this function, then in order to read the contents of the document, you will need to enter the password that you specified.

Section "Watermarks"... Here you can enable the display of a text watermark in the generated document.

The text you specified will be located below the text, or above the text (depending on what you select in the "Mode" line) in one of eight parts of each page (item "Location"):

Please note that the text itself can only be written in Latin letters. Cyrillic characters will eventually be displayed as hieroglyphs!

Also in the same section you can adjust the font, color, slant angle and indentation of the watermark.

With that, we've covered the basic settings, and it's time to save the document in PDF format. To do this, at the very bottom of the settings window, click the "Continue" button:

A window will open Windows explorer where you need to select a folder to save the document. Also specify the name of the saved document, and then click "Save":

In a few seconds the file will be saved and you can check the result!

Checking the generated PDF document.

Find our created document on your computer and open it:

Beginners should be aware that to open PDF files, you need to have one of the following special programs... For example, you will not open a PDF file as needed through regular Word, notepad and other editors. The best free PDF document viewer is the well-known Adobe program Acrobat Reader. It is free and you can download it from the official site here.

After opening the document, scroll through it, see if everything is displayed as you would like:

Try to select text and images, and then try to copy them using the Ctrl + C keys. If you have configured everything correctly, then nothing will be copied, and when you click right click mouse over the content, there will be no "Copy" item at all. So everything is all right :)

You can also open the document properties and check the blame information if you entered it in the settings. To do this, open the "File" and the item "Properties":

If everything is in order everywhere, then great, you have created a document protected from copying and editing!

What to do if links become unclickable in the generated PDF document?

It happens that links and navigation become unclickable in the created PDF document, i.e. - the content of the document. I faced such a problem, but it is very easy to solve and here is what needs to be done.

To solve the problem, we first need Microsoft Word itself. latest versions(I'm using 2013). Our task is to export to PDF format directly from Word, and then complete everything that is needed through the PDF24 Creator.

And you ask: "Why, then, is it impossible to immediately use Word and protect the PDF file at the same time, since you can convert it into it?" The fact is that Word does not allow you to configure the protection of a PDF document, so we resort to the help of third-party programs :)

Here's what exactly needs to be done (I show it using Word 2013 as an example):

Ready! After these manipulations, if the links and the table of contents did not work in the document, everything will now work! Don't forget to check the generated document again :)

That's all. Hope this information will benefit someone :)
All the best to you, good mood! Until next time;)

We all use PDF documents quite often. This is due to its functionality and usability. However, each of us may be faced with the need to remove protection from a PDF file. This may be needed for various reasons, for example, in order to print text, edit a file, open it in a non-standard way through Photoshop, convert from this format in another to be able to read the file by another device, and so on.

The reason for this need is absolutely irrelevant. The main thing is that if the PDF file is protected, you will not be able to do all of the above. Therefore, our task today is to find out and understand how not to become hostage to this situation. So how do you remove protection from a PDF file? Below I will discuss several ways that allow you to do this. However, all of them can only remove the password from these documents. You won't be able to find out exactly what it was, but after that you can do whatever you want with the file.

If you search for programs that remove protection from PDF files through search engines, then the vast majority of them will be paid. But I still managed to find several working methods that cost me nothing. It is them that I will now share with you, which will save you from the dreary search for a solution.

Online services

Let's start with online services, thanks to which the protection of PDF files can be easily removed. Advantage this method is that you will not have to download the software to your HDD and then install the software with all the ensuing consequences. After all, I'm absolutely sure that you don't often ask yourself the question of how to remove protection from a PDF file? As a rule, such a need in life arises a couple of times.

How to do it?

Using your browser, visit This resource is quite old, but for all its time of existence it has proved itself quite well. It not only allows you to remove the password, but also removes restrictions such as protecting PDF files from copying, from printing, and the like. However, if your file initially asks for a password even to open it alone, then this service will not be able to help you.

So, here's how to remove protection from a PDF file using this online service. We go to the site, then click on the file selection button. Next, you need to specify the path to the file that you want to unblock. Remember that the size of such a document should not exceed one hundred and fifty megabytes. Otherwise, this method will not be able to help you. When the file is listed, click on the button called "Do it!" We are waiting for a while. After that, you can download the required document without a password and in decrypted form.

Second way

The second way to get rid of the password is It works on the same principle as the one described above. Drag and drop your password protected document directly into the window of this site. If the file was on your hard drive, click the "My Computer" button. If you find it in, click on the "Google Drive" or "Drop Box" button. Next, you need to click on the "Unblock" button and wait until the process of removing protection is completed.

Free software

Now it's time to learn how to remove protection from a PDF file using free software. Let's start with the first program called "PDF Password Remower Tool". Download it from the developer's site. Just don't confuse this software with a similar one called "PDF Password Remover". Latest program does all the same as the first, only costs twenty-nine US dollars.

How to use?

How to use this miracle? And everything is very simple. Even a schoolboy can figure out the interface of this software. We find the field called "Open PDF-file", and in it we indicate the document that needs to be "neutralized". Next, go to the field called "Save PDF file", where you must specify the name under which it will be saved new document already without protection. Find the "Convert" button and wait for the process to complete. This software is able to cope with many passwords, therefore, as a rule, there is no need to look for any other solutions to this problem.

Moving on. I present to your attention the following program that will allow you to unlock a protected document. It is called "Free PDF Unlocker", and you can also download it from the developer's site. It is quite simple and allows you not only to get rid of the password, but also to remove any restrictions and restrictions on PDF files. This is both print protection and copy protection. The ban on opening files is not difficult for her either. She easily overcomes this obstacle. However, it is not always able to cope with some new documents that have enhanced security.

Paid software

All of the above is usually sufficient to remove a password. These methods are quite simple and do not require any material investment. But if for some reason none of the above methods solved your problem and the PDF document still has a password, try using another program called "Very PDF Password Remover". You can download it, like all the previous ones, on the developer's website.

The full version of this software costs 1,000 Russian rubles, but the trial version will cost you nothing. You can easily figure out its interface, and for sure it will do everything that you need. The program copes with any difficulties that relate to the PDF format.

There is also a sea of ​​similar software, usually paid, which I do not see the need to use, because, as you can see, there is enough free software solving the problem. If, nevertheless, you decide to use the paid software then the best of possible options I also suggested to you.

On this I will end, because I told you everything I wanted. All of the above methods work for sure, since they have been checked by me personally and more than once. I hope saved you the unnecessary waste of time looking for a solution to this actual problem on Internet resources, as well as thematic forums.


Server God May 27, 2014 at 07:11 PM

Bypassing copy protection in a pdf file

Since January of this year, I have finally switched to Linux, and specifically to Ubuntu. I am a third year student with a degree in Computer Science and Technology. In the third year there is such an interesting subject - circuitry. And there are also laboratory works on them that we can perform at home and send to the teacher by e-mail. Since the instructor can use old version Microsoft Office, and I work in LibreOffice, there may be errors when opening odt on Microsoft Office, or when saving doc \ docx in LibreOffice. I decided to save the work as a pdf file and send it to the teacher. In addition, he uploads ready-made laboratory works on his website so that any student can get acquainted with other works. Unfortunately, I have a negative trait - I do not like it when I copy the text. I decided to protect the document from copying, more precisely, I set a prohibition on copying and set a password.

In order to make sure that the document is properly created and protected from copying, I tried to open it in the standard pdf viewer that is installed in Ubuntu - namely Evince. What my surprise was when I found that the text can be easily copied. “Well, I saved it wrong,” I thought, and did the same again. Opened a second time - again the text is easily copied.

Well, here I was surprised a lot and decided to send this pdf file to one friend. He said that he could not copy the text in any Foxit Reader nor in Adobe Reader.

Well, the next logical step on my part - I asked him to download Evince. Fortunately, the product is open source code and cross-platform. There were no problems with the installation on Windows OS. My friend opened the secure pdf with freshly installed Evince and was able to copy the text without any problems.

Conclusion: to bypass pdf copy protection, you can use the Evince program. This option is the most optimal and does not require any additional steps and is the most convenient option. In my opinion, of course.

I didn't stop there, because perhaps the problem is in LibreOffice itself, you might think. I downloaded the trial Adobe Acrobat Pro and created a pdf file there and protected it with a password.

I got similar results, Evince handled it without issue.

Tags: pdf, Evince

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This time we have a small overview of an interesting online service, use it at your own discretion and only for good purposes. The service will help you deal with PDF protection files, which is sometimes needed in the following cases:

We consider Pirate, this online service allows you to remove any (according to them) protection from PDF files. In fact, we did not check the operation of this service since we do not have secure PDF files, but we did not find viruses, spam or other negative phenomena.

This is the main page - it's pretty down-to-earth, with a headline, logo, and an input field with a browse button.

Using the "browse" button, download the file you need, wait for the service to process it and then get a link to the processed material.

UPD dated 12/18/2010 About FreeMyPDF service

Some readers were unable to open the file in desired mode with the help of Pirate, so we decided to expand the review and add another service working in this direction.

The operation of the second service is also quite simple - download the file and press the DoIT button!

The file size limit is 150 megabytes. You do not need special skills to use.

UPD from 05/26/2011 About the PDFUnlock service

Another powerful service has appeared on the market for removing protection from PDF files, but, alas, it only works with files up to 5 megabytes inclusive, but can remove protection from PDF in some cases when nothing helps.

Working with the service is as simple as in the two previous services. Download the file, wait and get a link to the unlocked version. If the protection is set not to edit the file, but just to open it - this service will not help you.

UPD dated 09/12/2011 About the PDF Pirate service

Service "Pirate" has updated its appearance, and also added a converter HTML (sites) to PDF. You can start both services with home page as shown in the picture below:

PS: Remember We are only reviewing the service - since it is rather unusual, you can use this service to remove protection at your own peril and risk and only on your documents, otherwise you will have to answer for copyright infringement.