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How to make a youtube account on your phone. How to create your own YouTube channel - a simple guide for beginners. What can you do on youtube

Brief step-by-step instruction for those who intend to make money on their videos using YouTube.

The article is large and consists of two parts:

  1. How to create a YouTube channel to earn money
  2. How to make money on Youtube

But first, a warning that will open your eyes to making money on YouTube and will probably not be liked by many.

I will not repeat what YouTube is, how many hours of video are uploaded to it every minute and how many millions of dollars some channel owners earn on Youtube.

Let me just say that in any business that requires creativity, only those who have talent can earn money.

Why? because your YouTube channel is your personal Hollywood.

Dozens of films are created in Big Hollywood every year, but hardly one out of ten becomes famous. Most films barely make their budgets, and some don't even get big releases. But in Hollywood there are specialists, talented screenwriters, directors, actors.

You will have to create and publish more videos on your channel than all of Hollywood. You will have to be a screenwriter, and a director, and an actor, and an editor - in a word, a person with a multifaceted talent.

Because the videos on your channel should be interesting

If your videos are uninteresting, they simply will not be watched. They won’t watch, which means they won’t subscribe to the channel, they won’t put likes, write comments - they will simply leave the channel.

And with no tricks and cheats you can force people to watch what they are not interested in.

Therefore, before creating a channel and dreaming of making money on YouTube, you need to find talent in yourself and learn how to make interesting videos.

And you also need to be patient and persistent. Because a YouTube channel is a project for many years, perhaps for life. The first results will be noticeable in a few months. And if you abandon the channel in a year, is it worth it to start?

And further. Youtube has passed its peak of popularity. The outflow of users to more popular projects today has begun. The number of restrictions for channel authors and requirements for video quality is growing. Making money on YouTube is no longer as easy and fast as it was five years ago.

If you are still ready to create and grow your YouTube channel, then there are two big parts waiting for you:

  1. How to create a channel - it will take 10-15 minutes and
  2. How to make money on YouTube, the main ways.

How to create a YouTube channel to earn money

Registering a YouTube account

Access to all Google services happens through a single account. To get a Google account, just register mailbox on

Click To come in. That's it, the channel has been created, you can start designing and configuring it.

Channel design

Your channel should look professional. To do this, add a logo, a cap and a trailer to it.

If the channel is intended to promote yourself as an expert, use your professional photo as a logo. If it’s thematic, choose an image that reflects the essence of the channel and keep in mind that the logo will be round.

The logo can be added in the section Channel > Form style. Click the button Add channel logo and select a picture on your computer.

For the cap you need a high-quality picture in size 2560 x 1440 pixels, revealing the subject of the channel. Keep in mind that on computers and smartphones, only the middle part of the image with a size of 1546 x 423 pixels will be visible, and on different monitors in different ways.

A trailer is needed in order to briefly tell the viewer who first came to your channel what your video content is about and encourage them to subscribe. A channel trailer is like a movie trailer: it's there to keep viewers interested.

First you need to upload a video no longer than 2 minutes. Then in the section Channel > Featured Content press the button Select channel promotional video. Check the box in the pop-up window Allow my channels and videos to participate in the program and press the button Accept.

Then select a video shorter than 2 minutes and press the button Save.

The trailer will only be seen by users who have not yet subscribed to your channel. Subscribers are invited to view the recommended video.

Channel setting

Create playlists - these are sections or categories of your videos.

Go to section Video manager > playlists and press New playlist. Enter a title and description for the playlist, trying to use keywords. For a channel, 5 to 10 playlists are enough.

You can select channel settings that make it easier to download videos. Go to section Channel > Additionally > Account information, indicate the country and list, separated by spaces, keywords that reflect the topic of the channel. They will help to attract targeted visitors to the channel. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Specify the category to which the videos belong.

In field Name enter the part of the title common to all videos. You can use the channel name or keywords.

In field Description you can enter a general part of the description of the video. This may include, for example, a list of your playlists with links to them, links to your other channels, social media accounts, websites, etc.

In field tags list key phrases and words related to the topic of the channel. Phrases of two or more words must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Then check all boxes and click Save at the top of the page.

In general, the channel is ready to launch. Now you need to shoot and publish at least 2-3 times a week and no more than 2-3 times a day interesting, exciting videos and engage in promotion (not to be confused with cheating!) Channel.

How to make money on Youtube

1. Earnings in the Youtube affiliate program

This is how the Youtube affiliate program works. This is the easiest but least profitable way to make money on YouTube.

Becoming a partner Youtube programs, you can earn without even thinking about monetizing your videos. Youtube has it all built in.

However, not every channel owner can connect to the YouTube affiliate program. After a recent scandal, YouTube employees manually check channels for compliance with YouTube rules, copyright compliance and the absence of “bad” content.

And in order to save yourself from unnecessary work, newbie channels are no longer accepted as affiliates. And rightly so. About 90% of channels on YouTube are unfinished and abandoned channels that the authors have not visited for years, as well as empty or with fake subscribers.

In order not to delve into this garbage, YouTube only accepts channels that have at least 1000 subscribers and have at least 4000 hours of video views in the affiliate program.

This is how channels that are twisted and uninteresting to viewers are cut off, on which there is simply no one to watch advertisements.

How to join the Youtube affiliate program

First you need to confirm that the channel belongs to you. Go to page creative studio > Channel > Status and functions and press the button Confirm.

On the next page, enter the code that will come in SMS.

When the channel is confirmed, in the section Status and functions a tick will appear under the channel name Confirmed.

Then you need to link your YouTube channel to your Adsense account. If there were no violations of YouTube rules on your channel, it already has at least 1000 subscribers and at least 4000 hours of watching your videos, then on the plate Monetization will be written Maybe.

Click the button there Turn on. Now there are three steps to enable monetization.

Step 1. Accept the terms of the affiliate program - click the button Begin. On the pop-up window Apply for monetization check all boxes and click I accept.

Step 2. Link an Adsense account to the channel - click the button Begin. On the next page Monetization press the button below Further. On the Adsense program page, click the button To come in. Then indicate what language your channel is in and click the button Save and Continue. On the next page, enter your details - first and last name, your mailing address, phone number and time zone. Check which notifications you want to receive from Adsense and click the button Submit an application. On the pop-up window with the Adsense General Terms and Conditions, check the box I accept the agreement and press the button Accept.

It remains only to wait for your channel to pass manual verification and be approved. This may take several days.

On the email you will receive a notification with your Adsense account ID. You can use this account to earn money on other channels, as well as your sites.

According to the rules Google account in Adsense individual there can be only one.

How much can you earn with youtube affiliate program

Earnings in the Youtube affiliate program is defined as the product of the number of clicks on ads by the cost per click.

The more viewers on the channel, the more videos are watched and clicked. This is clear.

On frivolous, entertaining channels, viewers react sluggishly to ads, so there are few people who want to place ads there, there is no competition, and advertisers set a minimum bid per click.

On channels where a solvent audience "dwells", for example, automotive, about real estate or business, who want to show ads much more. There is high competition and advertisers are forced to charge hundreds of rubles per click, just to beat the competition and show their ads.

So, if for comparison we use income per thousand impressions (views) of video, then on entertainment channels it can be fractions of a ruble, and on business channels hundreds of rubles for each average thousand views.

Do you want to know how much YouTube bloggers really earn? See this rating.

More recent information on the earnings of bloggers in Russia and abroad is located.

2. Earnings on the sale of partner goods and services

Another way to make money from your videos, often more lucrative than making money with Youtube affiliate programs, is to participate in other affiliate programs.

For example, commodity - these are numerous online stores, CPA - networks. Or info - affiliate programs that sell all sorts of courses and trainings. Or in affiliate programs of services, for example, providing services for setting up contextual advertising.

Such affiliates pay either a percentage of the cost of the order, or a fixed amount for each order. You just need to make your viewer want to go to the site using your affiliate link.

Your viewers will certainly want to see a detailed analysis of the product, up to its opening, comparison with analogues and, most importantly, why this product is more profitable than others and why it is worth placing an order right now.

Only members can do this. affiliate program Youtube. To do this, you need to add and confirm your site in the section creative studio > Channel > Additionally > Related website.

After that, you can create tooltips and end screens with a link to your site. It remains only to create individual pages— redirects to redirect visitors to their affiliate links.

In fact, redirection is prohibited by YouTube rules. However, there is still no information that YouTube punished for this. To reduce the risk, you can open partner sites on your site using a frame.

To do this, make pages like product1.htm

And put the following code in them: